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Her statement froze my heart, I stopped breathing as I studied her eyes. I saw only the truth in them, she wasn't teasing, testing, or joking. Her desire was clear; she wanted to give me her virginity to me.
“Hi!” She shouted as she bounced up from the chair and leaped at me for a long, delightful hug. “Oh, I've missed you! I'm so glad you’re home!” She was pressed tight against me, her arms around my neck; my arms around her waist kept her feet several inches off the floor. Holding her was easy, she was a small girl, about 5 foot nothing, and all of 90 pounds. She kissed me repeatedly on the cheek and once on the lips, a quick happy peck while telling me how much she missed me and was so happy I was back.

The last time I'd seen her she was sixteen, now she was just days shy of eighteen. I'd joined the Navy and spent 19 months cruising the oceans of the world while she moved from the 9th to 11th grade. I timed my homecoming to coincide with her birthday because she begged me by email to be there. Her eighteenth birthday would be special for her and my attendance was requested; no, was required. She made it clear by telling me, “This is really important, you have to be here.”

She was born five and a half years after me but didn't become my sister until she was two. Her mother married my father so I became a stepson and stepbrother on the same day. From the day we became a family, she delighted me, kept me entertained, and adored me. We grew up close, happy, and loving.

I put her back on the floor and greeted my waiting parents. She hopped on both feet, back and forth, rocking with eagerness to get my attention again. I saw her but chose to ignore her, on purpose, to aggravate her, teasing her as I did when she was excited to show or tell me something. She swatted me on the back, “I'm right here!” she demanded, much as she always did when I snubbed her.

We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the sofa sipping sodas while she chattered. She sat on the end facing me, her legs curled under her butt, her face animated with enthusiasm as I heard about her life since I’d left.

I went out with friends that first night, catching up with the guys I'd grown up with. We raised hell in a bar and chased some flirtatious girls but I went home empty-handed. She was still up when I got in at 2 that morning, “What the hell are you still doing up?”

“Waiting for you.”


“To ask if you got laid.”

“Jesus girl, isn't that kind of personal?”

“I don't think so, sex may be a personal experience but everybody does it so why should the question be wrong?”

“Because you are not even an adult yet, you should be worried about graduating, not if I got laid.”

“Oh, come on, I don’t live in a bubble.”

I studied her carefully, “Do you have sex yet?”

She answered with no hesitation, no embarrassment, “Not yet but I think I'm almost ready.”

“Are you going to tell me when you do?” I asked teasingly, expecting her to decline.

She smiled, a small beguiling turn of her lips, “Of course, I'll let you know, so, did you?”

“No, just had a couple of beers with Greg and Dan.”

Her eyes sparked, “Good night.” She left, leaving me to wonder at the brashness of the short conversation.

In the days leading up to her birthday, I allowed her to fill my days but kept my nights for my friends. We talked about my fledgling naval career, the places I'd seen, and my job. She filled me in on the woes and adventures of being a teen girl suffering the twin agonies of puberty and high school. She then opened up about her blossoming interest in boys and their interest in her. The night before her birthday we were sitting in front of the TV when she started a new conversation by asking, “Do you think I'm sexy?”

Taken by surprise by the blunt question I hesitated, trying to think of something to say, not sure of what she wanted me to say. She caught my reluctance, “It's okay to say yes or no; tell me what you think of me, not as a sister, but as a girl.”

“How tall are you?”

“Five feet exactly, why?”

I plunged, “For your height, you should weigh maybe another few pounds, maybe ten. You have a really cute face but you’re a little thin. Your butt is nice and round, it looks like a charming handful but your thigh gap is kinda wide-ish. Let's hope your boobs are still growing; right now, they look like sunny-side-up eggs. If you fill out in the next year or two, you'll be the sexiest girl I know, but right now you’re only kinda sexy, sexy enough that I'm sure some horny schoolmate would want to screw you.”

She took my assessment with grace and ease, “Yeah, since I started puberty I think I’m too skinny. I’m eating junk that is supposed to make me grow and develop more. You think I will fill out?”

“Look at Mom, she's pretty hot, you’ll look like her in a year or two.”

She grinned impishly, “You are not supposed to think mom is hot! That's Dad's territory, you better be careful.”

“Come on, you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, she looks nice.”

She stopped talking, looked me directly in the eyes for five long seconds then asked, “Am I old enough to have sex yet?” Her eyes told me only one thing, she still wanted my unvarnished opinion.

“I suppose. I mean you aren't a voluptuous sex bomb, but you have all the right parts and pieces, and being just eighteen isn't some sort of biological barrier. Lots of girls give it up before turning eighteen. Old enough? Yes.” Anticipating her next question, I added, “Should you? That's up to you.”

She left the chaise she was sitting on and moved to the sofa and sat next to me. I put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, her head rested on my shoulder. We had spent many, many hours sitting like that over the years, her move did not startle me. What she said next did, “I've been thinking a lot about sex in the last few months and I want to do it but I don't know any boy in school who I would let.” She twisted her head to look up at me, “I want you to be my first.”

Her statement froze my heart, I stopped breathing as I studied her eyes. I saw only the truth in them, she wasn't teasing, testing, or joking. Her desire was clear; she wanted to give me her virginity to me. In a flash of understanding, I knew why she had insisted I come home for her birthday. This wasn't a spur-of-the-moment feeling for her, she'd thought this out long before this moment. Regardless of her intent and her desire, I had to object, “I can't do that, you're years younger than me, you're my sister!”

“I'm your sister only in name, don’t you remember the stories, we used to be neighbors before they got married. That makes me the girl next door.”

“But I could go to jail, you're too young, I'd be a molester, I'd ----'.

“Not tonight, on my birthday, you can't argue. This is my birthday wish, you don’t have to buy me anything tomorrow, you just have to make my wish come true. I'm not going to tell anyone; nobody will find out. I think I’m ready for sex but you are the only one I want to do it with.”

“I already bought you something.”

She squeaked happily, snuggled closer, and gave me a true feminine answer, “Even better, I get two presents from you.”

We sat quietly for a few moments, my mind was churning, what my step-sister proposed at first shocked me but I was quickly warming up to the idea, to her. The house was empty, our parents were out so I suggested, “You want to do this now?”

She lifted her head and kissed me on the cheek, “I'm still seventeen you perv.” She pushed up and kissed me once more, lightly on the lips, “I'm going to bed.”

I was left to ponder the unexpected path in our relationship my sister, my step-sister, and I were approaching. Not a full minute after she vanished, I had a full-grown erection cramped in my jeans.

Her birthday celebration was an all-day affair. First, it was family, our parents, and grandparents in the afternoon. The real party started at 6 at Mondulvo's Pizza Parlor with eleven of her closest friends, I was invited, but I assured her that spending two or three hours with that many capricious teens was not high on my thrill list. “Okay, maybe not with them, but I expect you to spend some time later with one eighteen-year-old.” She smiled coyly and then left for the party.

She came home around 10 that night and almost the first thing she did was to ask our parents if I could take her to the late movies to see the latest mega-hit superhero 3D movie, they consented so she and I left about 10:15 for the 11:00 showing. No sooner than we got to the car she bubbled happily, “Finally, we get to be alone,” then she put a hand on my cheek, pulled my face to her, and kissed me, a lingering but friendly kiss, no fire, no passion. She pulled back and said boldly, “Take me somewhere so we can do it.”

“In the car?” It wouldn't be the first time a girl gave up her virtue in a car.

She settled into her seat as I backed out of the drive and then started forward, “I guess, I was hoping in a bed but with Mom and Dad home we can't have sex there.”

“I can get a motel room if that is okay, but you would have to stay in the car until we were sure nobody saw you go in, you don't look old enough to be alone with a guy, and I don't want us to get in trouble.”

She put a hand on my shoulder as she said with a delighted smile, “Okay, let’s go to the Quick Dip on Evergreen Road.” I was still a little taken aback at her almost caviler attitude about arranging her first fuck.

The four minutes I was in the motel lobby registering for a room expecting some fucking vice cop to jump out of the shadows and nab my perverted ass. She fondled the keycard while smiling wistfully out the window when I moved the car to park near the room, again she appeared to be a lot less nervous than me. We didn't quite run to the room but we didn't take a sightseeing tour either. I slipped the keycard into the slot, opened the door then stood aside while the determined young woman went into the room ahead of me.

When the door clicked shut and she turned to face me I was hit in the gut with the reality that I was going to take my step-sister's virginity, that she had practically begged me to do it for her. My heart climbed into my throat and I couldn't breathe properly as she smiled and said “I can't believe we get to do this! I’ve been waiting so long.”

I reached for her to pull her close to make out with her but she resisted after the first kiss, “I don't need to neck and play around if that's what you think.” She stepped away from me to sit on the edge of the bed, “Take my shoes off,” she demanded.

I went to my knees in front of her and eased the low heels from her feet while she watched with big glittering eyes. I ran my hands up her legs from the ankles then squeezed her slender thighs under her skirt. My cock was bloated in my jeans, hurting in the confined space. She stood up and stayed still while I slipped a hand between her legs and rubbed the form of her pussy under her panties. My touch on her caused her to shiver and sip a quick breath, the first hint that she was feeling something, not that this was just something to do because she was bored. I got off my knees and directed her gaze to my bulging pants, “I have a gift for you.”

She chirped a big grin, pressed the palm of her hand on my erection then said, “Good, let's unwrap it!” and then laid back on the bed.

“Sit up,” I told her, and when she did, I grabbed her blouse by the hem and pulled it up. She raised her arms and let me take it off, she wasn't wearing a bra to hold her small breasts. When she fell back again, I reached under the short black skirt and pinched the sides of her panties in both hands and tugged them off her hips and down her thighs. She laughed easily as she raised her legs almost straight up for me. I pulled them off her ankles and then tossed them to the floor while she lowered her legs again.

She smiled up at me, “Are you going to take your clothes off too?” I didn't answer, I just started opening my pants. As she watched with wide sparkling eyes, I saw anticipation growing in them while she looked at an erection for the first time in her life. She tore her eyes from my groin back to my face then wordlessly unclasped her skirt and slipped it off. I looked at the charms she was offering, the body she posed and my cock thumped with desire and spit a bubble of pre-cum. For the first time since she propositioned me, I was thinking that she wasn’t too small or too young to get fucked.

She lay on her back on the bed, quiet, looking at me as I stood between her open legs. She didn't seem embarrassed to be nude, to let me see her from feet to face while I pumped my hard-on slowly. She was slender, her skin stretched across the prominent ridges of her pelvic bones, and her stomach was a flat expanse between her hips. Her breasts barely rose from her chest, smallish nipples puckered from light brown aureole. The collar bones rose in sharp relief across her thin shoulders. She reached her right hand between her legs and stroked herself with two fingers, I don't think she did it knowingly, it was an automatic reaction to the situation, she was preparing herself to receive me. As I watched her fingers smooth over the dark curls I asked, “Are you ready for this?”

It was a normal question, in a normal voice. I wasn't whispering to entice her, I wasn't teasing her as I seduced her, I simply asked if she was ready to fuck. Blue eyes flickered, not with lust, not with trepidation, but with curiosity, maybe determination. This would be the first time she let someone have her but she didn't hesitate, “Yes.” was her quiet reply.

I squeezed my hard cock for another bubble of lubrication and smeared it over the end of my cock then pressed the end to her slit. I rubbed it up and down feeling her wetness mix with mine. I wasn't in a hurry to penetrate the girl, this was her first time and I cared for her so I was going slow and easy, letting her get used to my erection. Each time I rubbed it on her pussy I would ease a little further between her lips so that after about four strokes the end of my shaft had worked into her tight entrance. I was getting slicker as our bodies seeped more fluids to ease the passage into her. I looked from between her legs to her face and saw only quiet acceptance. No passion, not just then, but I knew she would be getting more turned on the longer I stroked her cunt lips with my erection.

“This might hurt,” was the clue I was ready to push all the way into her.

“I don't think so, I hurt myself the first time I did the splits in gymnastics. I was bleeding so mom took me to the doctor and he told me that I ripped my hymen apart. I might be too small for that,” she glanced at my stiff cock, “but you won't hurt me that way.”

I smiled at her revelation then pressed deeper into my stepsister. I began to fuck her with slow short strokes, taking my time, enjoying the feeling of gradually taking the fresh young woman on her first sexual adventure. She was tight at first but her body yielded to what we were doing, she began to loosen and I felt her warming, more natural juices flowed as I penetrated deeper with each thrust. She was lying absolutely still looking up at me, with no emotion on her face, no hint of what she was feeling. My balls were cinching tight against the base of my cock and I could feel it packing with a load of semen. She still hadn't moved when I pulled my hard-on out of her and stepped back. Her eyes flew wide open, “Why did you stop!?

“I have to put on a rubber.”

She beamed up at me and gave me permission to cum in her by saying, “Not now, not this time, I want everything, I'll be okay, I got a Plan B pill just for this.” Her statement didn’t surprise me, she’d carefully planned everything else for that night. I didn’t argue, I grabbed her slim hips, put the head of my cock on her pussy then plunged into her until my balls smacked against the surprisingly tender pillows of her sex. She arched her back and moaned softly, the first sign that she felt what we were doing. She lifted her legs from the edge of the mattress and put her feet on the bed, her knees were high at my sides while I dipped and slipped in and out of her body. She rolled her head to the side, closed her eyes, and let the feelings between her legs take her over.

I hadn't gotten off since I paid for a blowjob in Barcelona two months earlier so I had almost zero endurance. As I fucked my stepsister, as she got looser and warmer and began to roll her hips, a flood of cum built up quickly in my balls. She wasn't expecting serenades and roses her first time so I didn't hesitate or try to hold off the inevitable, my cock started convulsing, my stomach cramped and I fired five long surges into her. She felt me cumming, opened her eyes then gave me the biggest, brightest smile she could put on her face.

I stepped back and my erection pulled out of her with a slight wet slurp. She put a hand between her legs and felt for my discharge which was seeping from her hole and down her butt crack. She put her fingers to her nose, sniffed the scent of a man then rubbed her fingers together, smearing the cum on them. She sat up and held a hand to me, when I took it, she pulled me to the bed and then shifted around until we were side by side, our heads on the pillows. Only then did she give me a very intimate kiss. She laid her head on my chest, reached for my cock, and began to finger it lightly as she said “That was fun, will the next time be better?”

“What makes you think there will be a next time?” I asked.

She pushed up on an elbow and looked into my eyes, a question in hers, “Won't there?”

“Come on girl, you got what you wanted. I got your cherry; your birthday is over and my job is done. Let's go home.”

She pulled her head back to focus on my face, an unknown emotion flashed in her eyes, and her cheeks blossomed red. She studied me for five long seconds with angry eyes then began to smile, “You bastard, you’re teasing me again aren’t you.”

I wrapped my arms around her and rolled up and over her and said, “The movie won’t be over for two more hours, you are going to be sore and exhausted by the time we get home.” She barked a delighted laugh then in moments she was tucked under my body as our lips bonded; she was about to get a long delightful birthday present accompanied by serenades and roses.
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