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While naked, Cadwarra ends up with a large fine and a new roommate.
Cadwarra made sure she arrived at Marshall Vishra’s office as early as possible. She was dressed in her best dress, which wasn’t much given her limited financial resources.

She was so early she sat waiting for an hour in the outer office for Vishra to arrive while his clerk alternated between doing paperwork and ogling her big tits. Her nipples grew hard under his leer and thus he leered even more.

Captain Penley walked in shortly thereafter accompanied by that young cum licking guard. She ordered him to sit and he took a seat opposite Cadwarra. She gave that floozy Cadwarra a hard look and was about to ask why she had not reported to Vishra last night as ordered. Luckily for Cadwarra the clerk interrupted to advise Penley “Captain, I have those arrest papers for that Gnome, Sprockfuddle. We can pick him up as soon as we have your signature.”

“Ah, yes. Sprockfuddle’s arrest.” She scribbled her name on the writ’s last page and added “Don’t be too gentle.” And with that, she left, having forgotten about that girl of loose morals, Cadwarra.

Both Cadwarra and the guard sat quietly and tried to pretend he had not licked a gallon of cum off her face yesterday in a ‘career limiting move’. Both privately remembered the yummy taste of the Barbarians’ jizz.

When Vishra finally arrived he ignored the guard and looked at Cadwarra’s chest. “Are you Cadwarra?” he asked her breasts.

“Yes” her mouth answered. She wished her nipples would go back to sleep but what can a horny Feir’Dal girl do when men overtly betrayed their base thoughts and wake her body up by that attention? Tunare wished her to attract males to celebrate and she was now used to getting lots of opportunities to do so. A night in a lonely bed had left her wishing for some manly attention today.

“I will need to speak with you in my private office.” Vishra motioned her to the door which presumably lead there. As he followed Cadwarra in he turned to his clerk and added “I will need you to take minutes of our discussion.”

The three of them left the guard sitting in the front office to ponder his lustful stupidity of last afternoon and the benefits of not being a queer cum-gobbler in front of your superior officer.

Vishra had an office the size of a banquet hall. His desk and chairs were in one corner. The rest was empty. Divers weapons and shields hung on the walls. Padding carpetted most of the floor. Cadwarra guessed correctly it doubled as a training room.

Cadwarra was motioned to sit in a hard chair. The Marshall loomed over her not speaking.

Rather than waiting for Vishra to begin she instead spoke up to end the painful silence. “I vow I won’t ever allow myself to be unavailable to join an adventuring group again. I cannot apologize enough for letting those Dwarves down yesterday.” Her voice quavered in shame and apprehension.

“What Dwarves are you talking about?” asked Vishra, confused.

“The Dwarves going to Blackburrow...” she tried to explain more but her voice trailed off nervously.

“Well, I am sure they are fine.” Vishra had no idea about any Dwarves. “I am here to interview you regarding an alleged rape you suffered yesterday morning.”

Taken aback Cadwarra could only reply puzzled “Rape? I...I was never raped.”

“Then what were you doing yesterday morning if it wasn’t rape?” Vishra demanded. The clerk jotted something down.

“Training with my trainer, Trandall.”

“Training? In your room?”


This started the clerk to commence frantic scribbling. How long does it take to write ‘Yes’ Cadwarra wondered.

Vishra did not seem satisfied. “We have an anonymous informant that insists heard him penetrate your body. They identified both you and Trandall by voice. Did you two indeed fuck?” He reviewed some written notes he had. “It was reported the bed posts actually left the floor.”

“Well, he did penetrate me but it wasn’t really fucking. We were training what to do when...if...I ever really do get raped. It was a very realistic exercise but it was all professional.”

Cadwarra thought of Trandall’s urgent kisses and his tongue licking the inside of her mouth while she came. The memory made her anxious for that future advanced training he had promised. She felt slightly guilty asserting the event was completely professional but she decided it was close enough to the truth under the circumstances.

Vishra turned to his clerk who was sitting imagining how Cadwarra might look naked. “Write that down.” Vishra instructed him and he snapped back to performing his duties.

As the sound of scribbling resumed, Vishra asked “So how did you end up with him thus penetrating you?”

“Well, he was teaching me to wrestle so, naturally, we were nude and I guess it just slipped in. I assumed he therefore took the opportunity to teach me about rapists.”

Naturally you were nude?” Vishra raised a brow. “How did you get nude?”

“Well, I was sleeping nude because I had celebrated Tunare that previous night with two Humans and I wrapped a blanket around me to answer the door to find Trandall there. He removed my blanket while we discussed helping the Dwarves in Blackburrow.” She paused and added earnestly “I really was willing to go help them. I just suggested I have a bath first was all.”

“Forget the Dwarves. They are fine...whoever they are. Why did he remove your blanket? Was this to have a nice luxurious bath with him? Perhaps a seductive bubble bath only partially covering your exquisite mammaries?”

Cadwarra watched as an obvious bulge began to grow in Vishra’s trousers. It was fun to watch as it took its full, proper size over on the left side. How hot it must be against his muscular thigh right now. How hot it would feel if she allowed him to put it in the place it was meant to be.

She put those thoughts aside. “No. I suggested I bathe before going to help the Dwarves. But he wanted to discuss the size of my breasts in regard to whether their weight was adversely affecting my fighting skills. So he took my blanket off to feel them. It was before my bath” The clerk stopped scribbling and looked hungrily at her chest. He tore his eyes away when Vishra turned to him. “Make a note that the Paladin-in-training here allowed her trainer to remove the only covering that hid her modesty.” The clerk did so.

“So YOU suggested that you should have a bath?”

“Yes. Though it was Trandall’s idea to help.”

“But you first suggested being naked in a bath, right?”

“Well, yes, I guess.”

“How did he help?”

“He washed everything for me. It was so we could finish quickly and commence the training sooner.”

There was a pause as Vishra stood there. “So am I correct, Miss Cadwarra, that you were then unclad in front of your trainer and did not make any effort to cover yourself decently; specifically, that he could see your full breasts, firm backside and inviting vulva? Further, you allowed him to touch your soapy smooth body in the most intimate of places?”

“Well, yes...” It almost seemed sordid the way he put it.

Vishra stared at her chest while he spoke over his shoulder to the clerk. “Make a note of that.” The clerk scribbled.

To Cadwarra he suddenly stated. “I think we will need to see your exposed breasts to record whether they can in fact be considered big and possibly a detriment to your fighting skills.”

Cadwarra stood there a moment and blinked. Seeing her confusion he clarified “Please flop out your jugs for my inspection. In fact, now that I think about it, strip naked, please. Let’s see the goods.”

Cadwarra stood and dropped her dress to the floor. In the buff, she started to tingle between her legs. She saw how the two men looked at her body with deep wide-eyed interest. Their breathing became odd. She liked the way they studied her.

Finally, Vishra instructed the clerk. “Make a note that the Interviewee Cadwarra did in fact have large breasts. Also note they are taut, round and mesmerizing.” He reached up and squeezed her left breast while running his thumb over her hard pink nipple. “Also add they feel nice. They are very soft.” He cupped it in his hand and juggled it a little while before releasing it to fall back to perch perfectly on her chest. A sculptor could not have carved a more beautiful rack.

He looked up at Cadwarra’s lovely eyes and explained “these summations of your body are facts we need to record for a complete investigation.”

“I see.” Cadwarra really did not see.

“ let him see your boobs? Despite the knowledge that men cannot resist a beautiful female with big firm jigglers, you made no attempt to cover your shame from his sexually agitated male gaze?”

“Well...I guess not.” Cadwarra wondered why Vishra was going over the same ground again and why he seemed to be so enjoying hearing all these facts repeated. And that was one big erection his trousers were failing to conceal.

All these facts the clerk recorded with his frantically scratching quill.

Vishra resumed the investigation. “Where were you two when you began screwing?”

“We were wrestling on my bed. He was on top so I guess he was winning.”

“And you were naked? And were your legs apart?”

“Ummm...yes and yes, I guess they were mostly apart.”

“So, when he moved to insert his penis in you, did you indicate he should not do such a thing, Miss Cadwarra? You did not close your legs the way I have taught my daughters to close theirs to resist men?”

Cadwarra had never met Vishra’s daughters. “ I saw no reason to.”

“One final question. Our witness claims heard you cum. Did your enjoy an orgasm?”

“Enjoy an orgasm? Of course I enjoyed an orgasm. It was hard not to when his body was so rippling with muscles and he was thrusting so enthusiastically and really going at it on top of me. He really knew how a girl likes it, you know?”

Vishra seemed uninterested in Trandall’s woman-pleasing ability. “I take it you allowed him to shoot mounds and mounds of steaming spunk into your depths? And that you liked him doing that?“

Puzzled why this was pertinent Cadwarra nodded.

Vishra took in a deep breath as he stared at the lovely female. Why did Trandall never tell him he had this lusty cutie in his group of pupils? “I bet you were incredibly wet down there. Tell me...” his words came out a little choked “how wet were you?”

“Well...” Cadwarra paused to think “I had my two Humans celebrating all the previous night and mostly they pumped their loads inside me, plus Trandall was really getting me all cranked up by his kisses and beautiful body and by how he was pinning me down and having his way so...well...I guess I was pretty wet.”

“Write down that she had a massively wet orgasm instead of helping those Gnomes.”

“Dwarves.” corrected the clerk.

“Yes...Dwarves, whichever.”

This seemed to end the series of questions. The clerk finished a bit more scribbling and waited patiently for Vishra to say something.

“So," Vishra resumed "to recap the situation yesterday in your room, let’s get this clear for the record...”

“One: you were in fact standing naked in front of the trainer, Trandall...with that body only a Goddess could have given you. Standing exactly as you are now standing in front of my clerk and I?”


“Two: to be clear...he was able to see how beautiful those love pillows of yours are?”

She looked down at what she assumed were her love pillows, standing firm and glorious in front of Vishra and his clerk. “Yes.” She was somewhat proud to acknowledge that.

“Three: his arousal was solely due to your actions, your licentious nature and your obviously irresistible nakedness.”

Cadwarra made a note to find out what ‘licentious’ meant.

Vishra drew himself up formally and looked solemnly at Cadwarra. “This is not good.” The clerk sat ready to record Vishra’s words.

Vishra assumed an official, formal tone. “It is the determination of this investigation that you used your feminine ways and unbelievable body to tempt a hard working official of the Queen, specifically the Trainer Trandall, to indulge in sexual activities to fulfill your base needs. In doing so, you coerced him away from the completion of his primary duties to Qeynos and Queen Antonia.”

That sounded ominous to Cadwarra.

Vishra turned to the clerk. His official tone changed to that which one would use when explaining something to a subordinate. “And write down what a harlot she is.”

A final note was thus scratched into the record.

“What will the fine be?” The clerk prompted, his quill hovering over the page.

“Oh....yes...a monetary penalty. Let’s say....” Vishra looked out the window and saw the Clock of Ak’Anon over in the courtyard. It was 10 am.

“...Ten plat!” He announced.

Ten plat? That was a years’ wages even if she had a job. Cadwarra did not even have one gold!

“This can be paid in full by the end of day, Miss Cadwarra.” Vishra stated. “Or, you may immediately perform a small service to my office to be considered to have paid the fine in full.”

Before Cadwarra could reply or protest the injustice of a ten platinum fine just for celebrating Tunare with enthusiasm, Vishra turned to the clerk. “Take a memo:

Trandall, it is the finding of this investigation that the alleged rape victim in fact deliberately tempted you with her womanly devices. In view of her outstanding physical attributes the impropriety of your copulation with her is completely understandable but not acceptable. You are therefore relieved immediately of further training assignments with said Harlot Cadwarra and are directed to resume your regular training duties notwithstanding.

Cadwarra was a little puzzled. It was almost like the Marshall was implying that fucking handsome men was wrong somehow. “Go send that memo, file that investigation report and then send in Penley’s guard. Oh, and release Trandall from jail.”

The clerk stood and bowed to Vishra. He gave Cadwarra’s nude body one good long appreciative leer as he walked past her and exited into the antechamber. “She can tempt me anytime” he muttered as he sat at his desk.

Vishra, too, gave Cadwarra’s body the once over. He had been late this morning because he had dropped by his mistress’s house for a quickie. He should have come straight here and helped himself to this promiscuous little Wood Elf instead. Sadly, the press of different administrative duties today would not allow him to shoehorn in any second dalliance that morning.

“I need you to stay, Miss Cadwarra and discharge your fine by that small service I mentioned.” Cadwarra incorrectly assumed she was about to have his big Human meat thrust into her. Celebrating with an important high ranking servant of Queen Antonia would surely please the goddess.

Penley’s rookie guard entered the room. Vishra got straight to business. “So, I have it on Penley’s authority that this Wood Elf here had you licking cum off her face in public. Do you both confess to this degenerate behaviour?”

Cadwarra simply nodded but the guard spoke to defend himself in that embarrassingly pedantic tone amateurs use when they try to be their own lawyer. “Uncle Vishra, by decree of Queen Antonia, it is perfectly legal in Qeynos to indulge in gay recreation as per statute 23.3...”

“Shut up, Diamander! First, while on duty you address me as “Marshall”; second, if we were at your parents house then you could call me uncle and then I would need to break your parents’ hearts by telling them you like sucking on pretty boys’ cocks; third, what on Norrath gave you the idea you could embarrass me by licking up some Barbarians’ wad off of this Elven slut in public?”

Diamander wisely said nothing further about legal statutes. Cadwarra pondered whether she really was a slut, and was that bad?

Vishra gestured to Cadwarra’s nakedness. “Do you see how perfect this Feir’Dal’s body is, Nephew?” Diamander briefly looked at Cadwarra’s nude form a little puzzled as to how to answer. He had never seen a naked female before.

“Well REALLY EXAMINE her, you ass!!!! I bring you in to see such a magnificent body as hers and you aren’t even enjoying the view!”

Impatient with his nephew he turned to Cadwarra. “Shimmy” he ordered her.

Cadwarra looked puzzled as to what a shimmy was. Vishra sighed at how tedious this was getting. “Shake your big boobs at him, girl!”

Cadwarra did so. They freely swung about in unison for a few moments while Vishra at least had a good look. When she was done they settled down quickly to sit there as beautifully as any Tunare had created.

She was pleased to see Vishra enjoy the show, but the boy looked unimpressed by Cadwarra’s endowments flying around in his face. Cadwarra was a bit insulted by Diamander's tepid reaction. Tunare had given her those boobs for a reason.

“Reach out and feel those big tits, Boy.” Diamander did as ordered but it was quite perfunctory. He seemed unmoved by his first feel.

“All right” Vishra expelled a frustrated breath “this is going to be harder than I thought. We’ll do it this way: Cadwarra, Diamander is going to be your roommate. He’ll move in today. That means you sleep with him. Your assignment is to make him fuck you. If you have to, pin him down like Trandall taught you. It’s not rape if you force a man so just do it.”

“You have him for one week during which time I want you to convert him into a properly functioning young male. I want him getting an instant boner every time he looks at you. Clear, Paladin-in-Training?”

“Clear, Marshall.” This sounded easy. The ten plat fine was as good as cancelled.

He turned to Diamander “You got that, kid? Stop humiliating your parents with all this disgusting cocksucking and twink chasing. I am not tolerating any pansies in my family. This girl has the kind of tight quim you want. Understood?”

Diamander looked like he had just been sentenced to unbearable torture. “I understand, Unc...Marshall.”

“Good. You two seem to get what your assignment is. Now, one last thing, Cadwarra. You now have no trainer...” Vishra turned and strode to the far wall where an assortment of weaponry hung. He took down two pikes and tossed one to each.

“Let’s see how well you fight a trained Guard, Paladin-in-Training!” And without further ado he shouted “Fighters, Attack!”

Due to his training, Diamander reacted to the sudden command a lot faster than Cadwarra. The wood shaft of his weapon knocked her sideways. Her breasts swayed provocatively as she staggered. They bounced as she lifted her feet just in time to avoid the hook of the pike catching her ankles and pulling her down. She countered his next blow to her shoulder a little inexpertly but managed to stave it off, nonetheless. She had no training in the use of a two-handed pike but she seemed to have a natural aptitude in its use.

Vishra had three purposes to this combat challenge; he wanted to see how well Cadwarra would respond to pressure; he wanted to get his jollies off seeing a naked girl with big bouncy tits fight and last; he hoped this would arouse his nephew.

And if Diamander did not become aroused, then maybe this Wood Elf would get in a lucky blow and knock some sense into his faggot brain.

Cadwarra managed to keep her feet but Diamander was constantly pushing her back. At the art of pike fighting, Diamander was extremely well trained. He constantly had Cadwarra back on her heels in the fight.

“Move, Cadwarra!” Vishra coached, especially impressed by her determined defense. “Fall back, then charge in! Get your pike pushing him back!”

As quickly he added “I think she’s making it tough on you, Diamander. You should have been training instead of gobbling all those knobs! Watch out for her counter-stroke, Boy!”

Despite fending off most of his hits, Cadwarra just kept backing up; always on the defensive. She was running out of room when Diamander’s pike fell across her chest in a stunning crosscheck blow. Her breasts bulged around the pike’s shaft just as they would have bulged around a penis pressed against it and pushing deep into the meat.

The blow left her barely keeping her feet. “Whoa, Boy! Don’t bruise those rib balloons. Keep them looking good for later tonight!” Vishra laughed but seemed happy with the abilities of both sparrers.

Winded by that blow to her chest the fight soon ended when the exhausted Cadwarra went down under a low sweep of Diamander’s pike. She landed painfully on her round ass. Out of breath, she stayed down with her flushed breasts heaving as her lungs desperately sucked in oxygen.

“Not bad, you two.” Vishra genuinely applauded. “Cadwarra, impressive...lasting that long against a trained guard and a good one at that. Not ignoring his faggotry, of course.”

“Umm...thank you, Marshall.” She got up, checking to see if her breasts were in fact bruised. She was relieved to see they were red where she had been struck, but remained looking in good shape for Diamander’s lustful use later. She made a deep bow to Diamander. Her breasts hung down and swung forward so attractively. “Your victory, Sir.”

Diamander graciously bowed back.

Vishra looked pleased. “Cadwarra. As of now, I think I will take over your training. I want to keep an eye on you. Meantime, you two roomies go get a late breakfast and get to know each other. Cadwarra, help him move his stuff to your quarters. Don’t let him take any butt plugs or kinky leather items with him.”

Vishra then looked severely at his nephew while still addressing Cadwarra “If he isn’t soon screwing you repeatedly, don’t even report back to me. Take him up to Thundering Steppes and dump him on the first guard tower you reach. Now get out of here, you two, and get screwing.”

“Oh, and get dressed, Cadwarra.” he added
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