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My aunt's husband left, and she moved in with us. We were left alone for a week.
Summer was always something of a strange experience for me in between grades, but this summer was different because it was my last before college. I wanted study electronic, so fittingly, I got a summer job at Radio Shack.

After work one evening I came home and my mother was on the phone facing the sink; distress in her voice. My dad, sitting up in his recliner looked over at me and shrugged mouthing, "I have NO idea."

I set my bag down and reached in the fridge for a Pibb.

"Okay. Of course you can stay with us. When will you be here?"

I opened the Pibb and Mom spun around, waving with an uneasy smile. "Okay Brooke, see you then. Bye."

"Aunt Brooke okay?" I asked.

My mom sighed loudly and closed her phone, looking at me and then my father. Her short brown hair was a slight mess and a stressful look in her blue eyes.

"Dan left Brooke. She's flying here tomorrow morning."

"Whaaat?" exclaimed Dad, mouth agape.

I haven't seen Aunt Brooke in about ten years. My mom and her would talk relatively often, but Brooke was always traveling with her now ex-husband. They didn't have kids and pretty much took the road less traveled.

"What happened?" Dad asked, standing up and walking over to mom. Both were in their mid forties. Dad was showing quite a bit of grey in his formally brownish/black hair and his moustache. Mom looked really good for her age; she could pass for late thirties.

"I don't know all the details, but Dan pretty much came out of nowhere and wanted a divorce. I'm guessing some mid-life crisis bullshit." She responded, hands on her hips. Dad hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

"Wow. I did NOT see that coming," Dad said.

Ten years. I vaguely remember her at a family reunion. She was a tall brunette, and just... well, beautiful. I quickly formed a kiddie crush on her, but that obviously faded away as I got older and hadn't seen her since I was eight.

She was also fifteen years younger than my mom. I remember my grandmother talking about her "wonderful little surprise" while my Mom was in high school. Brooke was thirty-one.

"Wait, mid-life crisis? How much older was Dan than her?" I asked.

Mom responded, "Asshole is fifty-three."

"Damn, that's quite a gap." I responded.

"Well Ben, sometimes age is just a number between couples." Dad said, still holding mom.


I had a four hour shift the next day. We had received a large shipment of webcams and video cables, so I spent most of my time there taking inventory and other monotonous nonsense.

I pulled into the driveway from my journey home and walked into a vacant house. Well, almost vacant.

"Hello?" came an unfamiliar voice.

"Hello!" I responded, putting my bag down and walking into the kitchen.

My Aunt Brooke was sitting at the table, hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She wasn't wearing any makeup and looked very tired. She stood up and walked over, looking me over.

"Taller than me and everything." She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight.

I hugged back, "Great to see you."

"Thanks sweetie. Great to see you. I'm a total mess, sorry you have to see me like this, especially after ten years." she said, breaking the hug and caressing her hand on my face.

"You need a shave." she said, astonished.

"Yeah, I grew up a bit." I responded.

She giggled and went back to sit down. I grabbed a Pibb from the fridge and sat with her. I didn't know what to say but I felt my kiddie crush kicking back in.

She looked amazing, even in her non-make up state.

"Oh Benny, I don't know what I did." she said, looking as if she had nothing left to cry out.

I stammered. "I uhh... don't know what to say."

She smiled weakly.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad to be here with loved ones."

A small moment of awkward silence passed.

"So," she said, grabbing my hand, "what's new with you? Chasing any ladies around?"

"Heh, not really." I sighed loudly, "Just workin' at my summer job."

"Oh why not? You're a cutie. Ain't they beatin' down your door?" she said, softly laughing.

I shook my head.

"I'm not worried about it."

"Oh, that's not a bad thing. You're so young - plenty of time to worry later." She said, with a tone of envy in her voice.

"You're young too, you know." I mumbled with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks honey." she said, standing up. "This whole divorce thing though... kind of feels like a stain on my soul I won't be able to get rid of."

She walked out of the kitchen, "I'm going to lay down and try to sleep."


Throughout the next week Aunt Brooke slowly started to cheer up. Mom and her would be joking around in the kitchen; Dad picking on both of them. I'd hear them from upstairs and wonder if Brooke was ever actually sad.

She was staying in the room next to mine and at night I'd hear her crying herself to sleep.

One particular night I woke up sometime early in the A.M. I stammered awake and walked towards the bathroom. Aunt Brooke had taken over the upstairs bathroom with her girly stuff, so I had to adjust to that.

I wandered into the bathroom, emptied my bladder, and started back towards my room when something caught my eye.

I stopped.

Aunt Brooke's door was open and she was sound asleep. The side of the bed she was sleeping on was closest to the door, and the covers were draped over her midsection.

What caught my attention was the red silk nightie she was wearing; stretched from her tossing and turning. The pulled fabric had partially exposed her right boob.

I was suddenly very awake.

My heart began to pound with nervous excitement and blood rushed to my almost instant erection.

I softly rushed back to my room, grabbed my smartphone, snuck back over to her room, and took a moment to angle a picture. The moonlight gave me just enough lighting to get a clear picture. I double checked to make sure the flash and sound was OFF (that would've been hard to explain), and snapped a few photos, and snuck back to my room and locked the door.

I pulled up one of the photos on my phone, set it on my desk, dropped my pants, and stroked my erection away.

Once I laid back down, I suddenly felt incredibly guilty. That was my AUNT that I just jerked to.


I tried my best not to change my demeanor around my aunt, but I don't think I was very successful. I think she might have noticed but didn't act any differently.

I had a few long shifts sorting and organizing gadgets that came in at work the following week. My sneaky spying act kept running through my head on a constant loop. I wanted to see more, yet I felt terrible for wanting to see more.

The lust has overpowered the guilt and my mind kept racing.

I did try to sneak another peek, but she was usually completely covered up by her sheets or facing the other way while sleeping. Sometimes around the house I'd sneak a glance here and there when she'd lean over but mostly I was too afraid of getting called out.

I wanted to see more but had no idea how.

Then, it hit me.

My store had a nice sized shipment of different web cams come in, including some expensive wireless ones. Some of them were really tiny too; easy to hide. I cracked a package open and studied them on my early shift when business was slow.

Most of these odd webcams were small and magnetized. They could hide anywhere.

I then realized that I was plotting to mod wireless webcams to spy on my hot aunt.

Once again, lust overpowered logic.


I LOVE technology. I lusted for Aunt Brooke. Bad combination.

I got home and walked in on mom and Aunt Brooke talking about her starting up dating.

"Maybe you just need a little rebound somethin' somethin', huh?" my mom said, not realizing I was there.

"Maybe. It's been a while--" Aunt Brooke spoke, cutting herself off as I stepped into the living room.

"Bad timing on my part, eh?" I said, smiling.

Aunt Brooke smiled wryly. Mom blushed a little.

"Well, you're an adult now. Sex talk shouldn't phase you, right?" Brooke said, sipping on a glass of red wine.

"That may be so, but not with my son!" My mom said, raising her hand in defiance. Brooke and I laughed. They seemed a little drunk to me.

"Whatcha got there?" Mom said, gesturing at my hands while attempting to change the subject.

The Radio Shack bag containing my shiny new webcams. I almost forgot I had them.

"Oh, these?" I said, holding the bag up, "Just some nerdy electronic stuff. Gonna go geek out for a while."

Aunt Brooke raised an eyebrow. I almost felt as if she knew what I was up to for a second.

"Are you building a girlfriend or something up there? I thought guys your age just wanted to chase some tail around." she garishly spoke, sipping on her wine.

"I said no sex talk with my son, damnit!" Mom sarcastically said, mock glaring at Brooke.

"Alright, I'll leave you ladies to it... well, whatever 'it' is." I said, dramatically flinging my arms and exiting upstairs. They continued to talk about Brooke hitting the dating scene. I almost stuck around to hear more but I wanted to crack these puppies open and see what's ticking on the inside.

I rummaged through the bag, trying to pick out the most conspicuous camera. One was shaped like a knob on a ceiling fan. Perfect!! Another the base of my electronic toothbrush. These spy devices are amazing!!! I attached the knob to fan and replaced the base for my toothbrush. No way she would ever know. I’m a genius.

That night we had Chinese delivered. Our dinner was high spirited to keep Aunt Brooke in a positive mindset. She was definitely healing from her divorce, but I could tell she wasn't quite on her feet.

"I feel so bad for being here a month already," Brooke said before gnawing on an egg roll.

Dad perked up and rolled his eyes. "Would you stop it already. You can stay here for as long as you like. Having you around really breaks things up around here."

I nodded in aggressive agreement. I really didn't want her to leave...

"See? Ben agrees." mom said, smiling at me.

Aunt Brooke glanced down and half smiled. "Thank you. I'm so lucky to have you guys."

Dinner was delicious. Time seemed to drag for me though; I wanted to test this cam out and see Brooke in all her glory. She tends to shower at night before she goes to bed, and since Mom and Dad's master bedroom is downstairs with a bathroom, I don't have to worry about accidentally recording them. Yikes.

10:04 PM switched over. Dad had excused himself for bed, and Mom was yawning.

"I'm beat," mom said, stretching. "I'm going to pass out. G'night kids!"

"Night mom." I said, yawning in response.

"Night sis." Brooke said. Mom walked out.


Brooke continued to flip through channels.

Damnit. I fidgeted.

My apprehension caught her eye. Sometimes she's VERY observant, especially when you don't want her to be.

"Okay there kiddo?" she said.

"Yup. I'm pretty tired. Think that Chinese food is inducing a food coma." I cleverly responded.

"Uh huh." she spoke, almost as if she knew I was lying. Shit, I really need to watch myself around her.

"Hah, well anyway I think I'm gonna turn in. Gonna stay up?" I asked, hoping for a favorable response.

"Maybe. If don't find something I like on TV here."

Ugh. More waiting. I figured I could go to bed, flip the software on and put headphones on and wait. That way when she walked into the bathroom I could hear her and not have those sounds travel through the speaker.

"Okay, g'night Aunt Brooke. Love you." I said, stretching and standing.

"G'night sweetie. Love you more." Her soft voice spoke. Soothing.

I slowly walked upstairs to hide my anticipation. She's so good at reading people, so I have to act and pretend I didn't have a tremendous crush on her.



Click click.

I was surfing around online, waiting for Brooke to make her grand entrance. I had the cam on, but only a small bit of residual light was showing through the door.

One of my earbuds was in as I waited. My free ear was listening for any signs of her coming upstairs.


It was very quiet after the AC shut off.

Then I heard the TV sounds stop. I perked right up.

Erection already?

Wow, I am pathetic.

I heard some rummaging in the kitchen, and saw the light go off from underneath my door.

"Game time," I whispered.

The familiar soft creaks from the stairs sounded off.

I heard her walk down the hall and, for a second, I thought she stopped in front of my door. It was closed (and locked; I take NO chances), and then I wondered if she could see the light from my monitor.

"Damnit. Next time toss a towel or something by the door." I thought.

Then I heard sounds in my headphones.

I maximized the web cam.

Nothing yet. She was in her room gathering some stuff for her shower.

It felt like my heart was about to shatter my sternum. My level of excitement could not be measured, and my dick was straining against my pajama pants.

I freed the beast. I knew I'd be stroking like a madman in a minute.

Then more sounds and light from the bathroom came on.

Wow, this cam feed was very clear.

I watched as Brooke closed and locked the bathroom door. The sound made my ear wince. The gain in the mic was high.

She set her nightie down on the toilet and looked in the mirror. She stared for a minute and sighed unhappily. What on earth could she be unsatisfied with? She's gorgeous!

She started to reach and pull her shirt over her head. I hit record immediately.

Her bra was plain. Flesh colored.

She then reach behind and unclasped.

I almost came right then without even touching my hard cock.

Her breasts sexily wobbled free. The colors on the cam captured her in exquisite detail. She was moving pretty fast as her pants were unzipped and dropped, then she thumbed her plain white panties down.

I grasped my cock.

I caught a brief glimpse of her brown pubic hair. She kept it trim, even after her divorce. Even after she hasn't had sex in a while.

"Awesome." I said.

She turned to face the shower, showing her magnificent ass. She slightly bent over to turn the shower on. I didn't quite catch any of her pussy lips from her bending over. She then stepped in and closed the curtain.

I didn't cum yet.

I waited and kept recording.

The sounds of water splashing and her soft humming filled my earphones. She took her time, that's for sure. For a second there I thought I heard a moan, as if she was pleasuring herself, but it was so faint. I could be wrong.

The shower suddenly shut off. My eyes widened and I was at full attention.

The curtain opened and I started to stroke my unbelievably hard cock.

As she toweled off, I felt I was treated to a show. Her boobs playfully swayed (my guess is that she was a C cup), and her figure showing that forbidden patch of pubic hair sent me over the edge.

Within seconds, I came very hard. I tried to hide my grunt, but I couldn't hold back. It wasn't loud but it wasn't exactly quiet.

I looked at the cam to see if she noticed. I wasn't sure if she did. I thought I saw a small smile on her face though as she dried off her midsection.

She then wrapped the towel around her hair, put on her nightie and left the bathroom, shutting off the light. I stopped the recording.

Holy fuck. It works.

I watched the recording closely. I listened to see if she moaned. I think she did.

I also studied the end of it. I was able to slow the footage down. You could barely hear my grunt, and I'm still uncertain if she heard me. Her smile might've been a coincidence.

But why would she smile? If she suspected me at all, wouldn't she be furious?


I came home after work the next day to a dolled-up Brooke and Mom.

"Woah, aren't you two dressed to kill?" I commented, trying not to stare at Brooke.

"Yes we are," responded Mom. Dad walked in wearing a sport coat.

"I'm the lucky designated driver," Dad grunted.

"Brooke needs a night on the town honey," responded Mom. Brooke seemed impartial to the whole idea. She seemed... distant.

"How long are you three gonna be out?" I said, trying to conceal my excitement.

"As late as we can drink," Mom said, making the drinking gesture with her hand. Brooke looked over at me.

"What about you? Wanna come with us? I'll find you a pretty lady!"

Mom immediately interjected, "Absolutely not. Those cougars out there will eat him alive."

Brooke raised her eyebrow and looked at me. It was almost seductive.

"Yeah, he looks really scared of something like that."

Jesus. When she looks at me like that, I feel that she knows what I'm up to.

Dad looked at his watch, "Reservations are for three people anyway. Sorry Benny." He patted my shoulder. "We need to get going."

"Okay, we're off! See you tomorrow morning!" Mom said, with a kiss on my cheek.

Brooke kept looking at me in that strange fashion.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

What the hell does that mean?

The three of them piled into my Dad's truck and drove off.


At about 2:30 AM, they returned home. Mom, Brooke, and Dad's voices were all quipping. Dad was trying to shush them, but Mom and Brooke were both drunk.

"Oh shut up," I heard Brooke say, "He's probably wiped out from all that porn he was looking at." Mom retorted, "Shut the fuck up, Brooke!" And they both laughed.

Dad said, "Wish I had porn like that when I was a kid."

I covered my face with my hands. I felt embarrassed, even though I wasn't in the room.

"I think your kid has a thing for me too," Brooke slurred and giggled.

My heart sank into my stomach. She's way to damn observant.

"Well, you're a stone-cold hot piece of ass," my mom blurted, "Can't say I blame him."

I heard Dad laugh. "Stone cold hot piece of ass? Cold AND hot? How does that work?"

"Fuck you, I'm drunk." Mom blundered. "Now... YOU... take me to bed and nail me to the wall."

I heard my Dad laugh again. "Yes ma'am."

Brooke scoffed. "Well you SUCK. Guess I'll have to go fuck myself. Good NIGHT."

Mom's voice trailed, "Just as long as you stay off of my son, fuck yourself all you want!"

Brooke, coming up the stairs towards my closed door, retorted, "Yeah yeah yeah..." and I heard her say under her breath, "... maybe."

That "maybe" sent my mind into a frenzy. I made sure my door was locked.

Aunt Brooke is hot and all, but... I'm so uncertain and nervous about where that could lead...

I listened as she stumbled upstairs in her high-heels.

"God damnit," she murmured, pulling her heels off.

As I heard her footsteps get close, she stopped in front of my door. My pulse started to really quicken.

She stood there for a minute and, I think, she put her ear on the door.

I then heard the door handle move slightly. She attempted to turn it, but it was locked.


I heard her sigh loudly.

"Little shit, I'm onto you." she said, not knowing I was awake and right next to her.

She stepped away and walked to her bedroom. I made a silent dash for my computer and flipped on the cams and software. She was looking around her room, opening and closing drawers, looking for something.

"Didn't go through my crap," she said, "maybe I'm wrong."

Wow, she was looking for evidence of me digging through her belongings.

Am I that opaque?

"Here's something you won't find even if you tried." she said, talking to herself. Well at least she thought.

She reached behind her dresser and pulled out a box. Her drunken hands fumbled with the combination on the front, and with a metallic pop the box flew open. She reached in a pulled out a small purple penis shaped device.

Holy fuck. She was going to get herself off.

I hit record.

She giggled and placed the device on the bed she was sitting on. I heard rummaging sounds as she dug through the box some more.

She closed it and set it aside.

I quickly dropped my boxer briefs to the ground.

She stood up, unzipped her skirt and pulled it off. Then she flung her blouse from around her head to the ground. Now she was in bra and panties - much sexier than the shower scene from a few days ago.

"I'm so fucking horny I can't stand it." she said. Hearing her talk dirty made my dick twitch.

She laid on her bed and flicked on her toy. I heard a slight buzzing sound as she rubbed it up and down her body. Then she concentrated on her pussy, still with underwear on.


The moan was almost too much. I stopped stroking. I really wanted to try and enjoy this.

"Dan..." she mumbled.

Dan is a moron. An idiot. How could he actually leave someone so gorgeous?

She then pulled the front of her panties aside and started to rub the toy on her now exposed pussy.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

The cam didn't quite capture the detail of her pussy that I would've liked to see. I suddenly wished for a zoom feature.

"Uhhh... fuck." Brooke groaned.

Her free hand reached up and pulled the cups of her bra up, exposing her breasts.

They looked so inviting and soft.

She rubbed her breasts and started pushing her vibrating friend into her pussy.


I grunted and came. Hard.


I couldn't sleep.

I watched that footage over and over.

When she said my name, she became more aggressive with her vibrator, pushing and pulling it in and out of her pussy. She came, moaned very loudly, and sighed.

"Fuck me." she slurred.

The recording stopped as she put it away, threw on a nightie, and crept under her covers.

She actually said my name during her masturbation. I didn't know what to do. What COULD I do? Confront her?

"Gee Auntie Brooke, I noticed you were fucking yourself and said your nephew's name. Care to comment?"

The next night I caught some wonderful footage of her in the bathroom, spreading her beautiful pussy lips, slowly rubbing her clit watching in the mirror. She didn't say my name that time, but it was glorious footage.

I paid extra heed to how I behaved around her. Even though she fantasized about me, I wasn't about to suddenly become bold and make a move. This was my AUNT.

That fact became more and more diluted as I kept recording her adventures.


One night I was talking with Dad about Mom and Dad's twentieth anniversary. I figured that Dad hadn't planned ahead; he's very busy with work.

"You know Dad, you and Mom should go on a second honeymoon or something. I'll keep an eye on things here."

Dad smiled, "Not a bad idea. Besides you're probably more than capable of watching Brooke. She's still a bit unstable."

Dad took my suggestion and booked a week on a cruise in the Caribbean. Mom about exploded when Dad told her.

Brooke was happy for them, but I could tell she was envious.

"Don't worry Aunt Brooke," I said, "We'll hang out and watch some movies or something."

She looked at me like I was an idiot. "Great." she said.

Her attitude was still on the bad side, and I think she might've given up on me having a crush. Thank goodness.

After dropping Mom and Dad off at the airport, I went home. This was going to be weird, Brooke and I alone for a week.

As I walked into the kitchen, Brooke was working on a crossword puzzle book. I walked to the fridge and pulled out ingredients for sandwiches.

"Hungry?" I asked?

"Very." she said.

I made a couple very crude club sandwiches and passed one to her. She thanked me. But before taking her first bite, she said, "Ben, I need to ask you something."

My mouth was full. "Mmm?"

She sighed.

"I hate liars. My ex-husband lied to me and left me."

I looked at her, puzzled. I swallowed my food.

She continued.

"If I asked you something, ANYTHING, would you promise never to lie about it?"

"Uhh, why? What's going on?"

"Just answer me." she snapped.

I haven't seen her this angry before.

"Okay, I promise." I bit into my sandwich again, unable to taste it.

She smiled. "Good."

I suddenly felt her eyes pierce my own.

She asked, "Are you a virgin?"

"Uhh, what?" I said, almost choking on my second bite.

"Are you a VIRGIN?" she said again, sternly.

I was taken aback. Where on earth was this coming from? She continued to pierce my gaze. I stumbled a bit over my choice of words.

"Well, if you must know, yes I am." I was getting irritated.

"Okay." She said and took a bite of her sandwich.

The air was tense for a moment.

"Next question," she declared after swallowing her third bite.

I felt cornered, but what could I do? I'm stuck here for an entire week with Aunt Brooke.

"Have you been spying on me?" she asked, serious as ever.

I felt caught. Vulnerable. Helpless. My eyes darted around the room.

"You do realize that even if you don't answer, you're already telling me the answer with your reaction, right?" she said, almost proud of her pouncing.

"Come clean." she said softly.


"... yes." I sheepishly replied.

"Okay." she casually took another bite of her sandwich.

"Are we done? Because I'd like to leap off of a bridge now." I angrily snorted, pushing my sandwich aside.

"Relax. I'm not mad." she responded, chewing her bite.

"Hmmf." I grunted.

"Next question." she said again.

"OH COME ON!" I spat, standing up.

"Work with me kiddo. I don't think your parents would be too happy with your spying." she calmly said.

I sat back down, face red with frustration. "Okay, ask away. I suppose it couldn't get any more embarrassing."

She calmly asked, "How and when exactly have you been spying?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Just answer me."

"Jesus Brooke, I'm really sorry alright? Can we drop it?"

Brooke shook her head, "Afraid not kiddo. I'm fed up with men and their manipulation. I want to know how. Right now."

I gave up. My fun little project is over.

"Cameras." I said, defeated.

"Cameras? Where?" she said, surprised.

"One in your room and one in the bathroom."

She looked shocked. "How... wait, where would you put them? And how did I not notice?"

I quipped back, "Well I am an electronics guy, remember? I figured it out."

She sat for a second and her eyes grew big.

"Just how long have you been... spying with those cameras?"

I felt like lying at this point. Maybe I could tell her "Only for a week!" But I didn't care anymore.

"Remember when you and Mom were drinking wine and talking the day I came home from work with a Radio Shack bag?”


"I installed them when I went upstairs."

The blood seemed to drain from her face.

"Oh my God. You've seen me..." she was flustered, confused, and angry. She stood up, hand over her mouth, in complete shock.

I felt terrible.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just--"

"Shut up." she spat.

I sat there, hands folded, waiting to be spoken to. She's my aunt, after all. She paced back and forth, fumbling words around for a few minutes.

"Okay, okay." she said, breathing deeply and sitting down.

"Next question." she wryly spoke.

I nodded.

"Did you... record anything?"


"What do you do with them... exactly?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know, when you watch them? The recordings?"

"Oh. Well, you know..."

She laughed out loud with a mix of anger and shock.

"So you're telling me that you installed cameras to watch your AUNT, your flesh and blood, take showers, get dressed, and... and..." she couldn't muster the words.

"Yes." I said, completely defenseless.


"This was far more than I was expecting." she said, face buried in her hands.

"I know, and I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. I love you and my stupid... I don't know, hormones, lust, whatever, just took over." I pleaded.

"Enough." she said, "There's no excuse. The damage is done."


"Show me where the cameras are." she demanded.

"Fair enough."

We both awkwardly walked up the stairs with me going first. We stepped into her bedroom, and I pointed up towards the ceiling fan.

"Right there, that knob on the ceiling fan."

Aunt Brooke looked up. "That knob is a camera?"

"Jesus." she said.

We walked to the bathroom. I pointed to my electric toothbrush.

"The toothbrush is a camera? Wow!!”, she blurted out.

“No, the base is. I switched it out, hoping you wouldn’t notice. It worked!”

She looked at me again, gazing through my soul.

"Show me the videos." she sighed.

"What? You want to see them?"


I took her into my room and pulled up a guest chair. I opened the hidden folder with all the recordings and played one at random. She gasped.

"Nice view huh?" she jokingly said. I wasn't amused.

From all this torment, I decided to show her the first one where she said my name during her masturbation session.

I fast forwarded to that scene and played it.

"Oh, this is when I was drunk?" she said, suddenly intrigued.

Then, on my speaker, we both heard very clearly with a moan of pleasure, "... Ben."

She jerked her head back.

"Aunt Brooke," I asked, pausing the recording, and trying not to enjoy my retort "why did you say my name?"

She glared at me.

"I was DRUNK."

"That makes a difference?"

She fumbled for a second.

"Look, don't get any ideas. I was drunk, horny, and almost came in here to..." she caught herself.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "To WHAT, exactly?"

She shook her head.

"To be a stupid, drunken idiot."

I closed the recording and faced her. She had a very confused and shameful expression.

"Listen, this has all completely backfired on me," I said, doing my best to reassure her, "and I never, ever once intended to hurt you or take advantage of your situation. All of this was never meant to be discovered."

She sighed, frustrated.

Then she looked at me with more sympathy.

"Well, I'll say this," she said, "the fact that you found me attractive enough to plant cameras and record them is somewhat of a confidence booster."

I cocked my head. "Are you serious? You think you're ugly or something?"

She flailed her arms, "Well, Dan left me for a reason, didn't he? I thought I was just ugly!"

I scoffed as if she just insulted me.

"Dan is a colossal idiot. I think his brain dribbled out of his skull or his wang fell off and abandoned his body."

For the first time since I've seen Aunt Brooke come live with us, she let back a huge, throaty laugh that she seemingly was bottling up.

It was nice to see her laugh.

"Oh Benny," she said, wiping a tear from her eye, "I needed that."

There was a sudden uncomfortable silence as if we were both thinking, "Now what?"

I broke the ice.

"Aunt Brooke," I said, "I've been completely honest with you. Can you be honest with me now?"

She sighed again, but without the frustration.

"Fair enough." She responded.

I did my best to return her steely gaze.

"Are you attracted to me?"

"Uh," she stammered, "You're my nephew. That doesn't matter."

"So... no?" I responded.

"I didn't say that."

"So... yes?"

"I didn't say THAT either!" Brooke said, slightly frustrated.

"But in your inebriated state of mind, with all your inhibitions gone, you are attracted to me." I pointed at the monitor.

"I have proof."

She laughed again, "Okay, yes, I am attracted to you. You're smart and you've got a charm about you."

I nodded. She continued.

"What does it matter anyway? You're my nephew. We can't act on it. That's wrong in so many ways."

More uncomfortable silence.

I broke the silence again.

"You're right. It is wrong. But what are we going to do? We're both attracted to each other. We can't deny that. It's going to be looming over us now."

She shook her head, "Okay, there's an elephant in the room now. You're right, but... I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going."

"Hear me out," I said, suddenly feeling very nervous, "what if we... just kissed? Or something. I dunno."

Man I was getting bold.

I studied her reaction. She was weighing the pros and cons. She was also fidgeting with her legs.

"Um..." she spoke.

Her eyes darted around the room. Holy shit, this might actually happen.

"Are you thirsty? I'm thirsty. Would you like some wine?" she said, standing up.

I don't normally enjoy the flavor of wine, but I nodded. "Sure, but you're gonna have to answer me sooner or later."

"Yeah yeah yeah..."

I followed her downstairs as she rummaged through the wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of dry red wine. Ugh, my least favorite.

"This okay?"

I didn't care.


She pulled a drawer open, snagged a corkscrew, and with a loud 'pop' she opened the wine and poured two glasses.

"Don't tell your mom I'm giving you wine." she said.

"Just as long as you don't tell my mom that I was recording you masturbating."

She laughed nervously. God damn, I was getting really bold.

The lust was taking over again. This time, it was more focused and felt... healthier.

She downed her first glass and poured another. I sipped on mine. Blech.

"Trying to get yourself drunk?" I asked, referring to our previous conversation.

She stopped in the middle of her pour.

"No... just loosening up."

I raised an eyebrow. She realized what she said.

"Uhh anyway," she said, "You wanna make out with your aunt huh?"


She smiled, "Kinda? That's it? Just 'kinda?'"

She knew I really wanted to. But she liked the flirty response.

"I have a problem though," she said, circling her wine in her glass, "I tend to... get very loose if I'm enjoying the kiss."

I nodded. "No problem. Look, we'll just kiss, high five, and move on with our lives. Cool?"

She shook her head, "You make that sound so easy."

Another uncomfortable silence.

"I'll stop you if you get.. too loose." I said.

She looked at me as if I was completely stupid.

"You really are a virgin." she smirked.

My face went red.

"So where do you wanna do this? Right here?" she said, taking a large gulp of wine.

"Here is fine."


We both stood there for a moment, unable to move. I was incredibly nervous. I've made out with chicks before, but this was different.

Not only was this my aunt, but it was the most stunning person I've ever known. And I loved her.

Those facts made this infinitely more complicated.

She looked at me, impatient.

"You gonna make the move or am I?" she declared.

"Uh..." was all I could respond with.

A sympathetic smile drew across her face. "That's right. You're not... experienced."

She placed her glass of wine on the table and walked around towards me, standing a foot away from me. We faced each other, standing.

"Okay, I'm gonna spill some good info for you." she said, confidently.

"Women like it when a man takes the lead. Simply put, the lady knows from his actions whether or not he's interested."

She folded her arms, looking at me with a faux impatience.

"Are you interested?" she sarcastically jabbed.

My nerves were getting the best of me. I was about to cross a line. I didn't know if I wanted it to go further than a kiss. My heart and loins did, obviously, but the rest of me was far too hesitant.

I drank her in. Her brunette hair was loose and draped over her shoulders. Her simple jeans-and-t-shirt outfit had a mysterious allure. Here she was, in all her glory, waiting for me to man up.

I reached out with my hands and placed them behind her head, gently placing my fingers in her hair. My thumb caressed her upper cheek.

The cocky look on her face disappeared, and her eyes darted back and forth from my eyes to my mouth.

"Oh my," she softly spoke.

I gently placed my kiss on her lips.


It was a long, tongue-free kiss. My hands remained behind her head, and she pulled me closer.

I broke the kiss and opened my eyes. Hers were still closed for a second, then she opened them.

"That all you got, kiddo?" she teased.

I laughed and kissed her again, this time with a passionate aggression I have never felt. Our mouths opened; tongues intersected. Deep, wet, soft, hot.


Her breath was perfect. Gentle, muffled moans and loud breaths escaped both our noses. This was, simply put, the most passionate moment I had ever felt.

And it was just a kiss.

Her arms wrapped around my back, pulling me closer. I reached around her petite waist and pulled her against me, against my immediate erection which I'm certain she felt.

I didn't care. I wanted her to know.

She broke the kiss, breathing heavily. I could feel her heart pounding along with mine.

"That... was very nice." she said seductively.

She then smiled and glanced downward.

"I feel that." she giggled.

"Sorry." I responded.

"Don't be." she said. "I like it."

"Answer me honestly," she then asked, "do you want more?"

"Yes and no... " I responded, our foreheads touching.

"I know what you mean," she said, licking her lips. That alone almost sent me over the edge.

"This is what I was afraid of. If I enjoy the kiss, and I haven't been kissed like that in about 5 years, I'm hard pressed to stop."

I showed surprising restraint. "Then let's stop. This was all we said we'd do."

"No." she said, immediately. "Kiss me again."

"Aunt Broo--" I tried to say, but I was cut off by her mouth touching mine. Her tongue invaded my mouth and I felt her hand reach down on my ass, pulling my hips into hers.

My erection was becoming painful, smashing up against my jeans. I winced.

She stopped kissing me and pulled back.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" she said, smiling confidently again.

"Uh, a little. Not entirely your fault." I responded.

"Your pants a little restraining?"

"Honestly, yeah."

She sighed and hesitated for a moment. Then she looked up at me.

"Take them off."

"Y... you serious?" I said, shocked.

She nodded. "Yes. It's hard to enjoy this if you're in pain, you know."

I hesitated. About to cross another line.

Fuck it.

I undid my belt, unsnapped by button, lowered the zipper, and kicked off my jeans. My erection was very obvious now, pushing the fabric upward towards the ceiling. She looked down at it, smiled, and looked back up.

"I still got it, apparently." she spoke, softly.

I have experienced mild sexual tension before, but the intensity of this situation about shoved my beating heart out of my chest. My erection was throbbing and leaking fluids; absorbing into the fabric of my boxer briefs.

"Hmmm." she said, contemplating.

"So you're a virgin," she said again, matter-of-factly, "but that doesn't mean you haven't fooled around. What have you done, exactly?"

I cleared my throat. Something is going to happen here.

"Uh... my girlfriend from sophomore year played with my..."

"You can say it." she said, comforting me.

"... dick." I finished.

"Okay. And?" she continued.

"I've felt her up and put my finger in her, uh..."

She look at me, waiting for me to say it.


"And?" she asked.

"That's it."

A very wry smile escaped her face. "Wow. No blow jobs?"


"Did she ever actually make you cum?"

"... no."

"And here I thought kids just fucked like rabbits in high school." she said, laughing.

"Some do. I just didn't." I responded.

"Nothing wrong with that," she said.

I stood there, unsure of what to do next. She looked behind her and pulled a chair out from the table, spun it around.


I obediently complied. My erection was even more obvious now.

She looked at it and smiled. She then pulled her t-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Her black bra holding her breasts was extremely sexy.

"You look like you're about to cum right now." she said.

I raised my hand and smiled, "Uh... virgin."

Aunt Brooke laughed.

"Try not to cum." she said, and unclasped her bra, setting her gorgeous tits free. My mouth was dry and I felt overwhelmed. She was standing in front of me, making no contact, and it took every ounce of willpower I had not to prematurely cum.

"Good." she spoke, reassuring me.

She reached next to me, grabbed her glass of wine and took another gulp. "Want any more wine?" she said.

"No thanks." I responded. I wanted to be as sober as possible.

"I'll drink yours then," and she downed my glass.

"Now. Your hot Aunt is standing in front of you, topless, staring at your bulge. What do you do?" she said, smiling seductively.

"Well, right now I'm trying not to jizz in my underpants." I responded honestly.

She nodded. "Well, you've been teasing yourself for weeks now with those videos. Now that the real deal is in front of you, it's quite different, isn't it?"

"Uhh, yeah." I said. "A little."

She grinned and looked at her boobs. "You like?"

"Uh yeah." I responded, copying my previous retort. "A little."

"Want to touch?" she asked.

"Uhh, yeah," I said again, this time with more aggression. She completed my response.

"A little?"

I nervously laughed.

"Relax." she said. "You're doing great. Don't cum yet."


She stepped forward and straddled, sitting on my lap facing me without making contact of any kind with my bulge. If she did, I would have lost it.

"Help yourself." she said, smiling.

My shaking hand slowly reached up and gently cupped her breast.




"Oh man," I said as I gently grabbed her other boob with my free hand, "these are... so nice."

"Thank you kiddo." Aunt Brooke responded. She had a look of enjoyment on her face as I massaged and kneaded her unbelievably soft breasts.

"Mmm," she said, making sure she didn't touch my throbbing encased erection, "I likey."

A moment or two passed. She cocked her head and looked at me again. "Kiss them. Please."

"Yes ma'am." I said, placing her left nipple on my lips. She moaned slightly.

My mouth opened and I took her nipple and areola into my mouth. My tongue flickered against it, then slow caresses around her areola.

"Ohhh..." she sighed, "good boy."

I switched to her other breast and enjoyed. Her skin was so soft and velvet-like, and she continued to make affirmative noises as I explored her sensitive spots.

I stopped for a moment to drink in what was happening, and she surprisingly stood up. "Stand." she demanded.

I did and slightly winced as my throbbing cock brushed up against the fabric. She pointed at it and said, to my delight:

"Lose the boxers and sit back down."

"You're the boss." I said, smiling. I thumbed down my boxer briefs, carefully pulling it around my dick. I pulled them down past my ankles, tossed them near her shirt on the floor and sat back down. The sudden feeling of naked air around my balls was surprising.

My shirt was still on so I was just bottomless at this point.

"Mind if I get rid of the shirt too?" I asked. She nodded, eyeing my privates.

I pulled my shirt and threw it aside. I was completely nude and she was still wearing her jeans. I wasn't about to ask her to take them off.

She smiled.

"How close are you to cumming?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

"Well... if I started stroking it I-I'd probably cum in a couple of minutes." I lied. Seconds was more like it.

Her eyes darted back at me.


"Hands at your side please." she said. I complied.

"Keep them there. Do not force anything." she added.

"What do you mean?" I feigned.

"Well, I'm going to suck you off." she tied her hair back and leaned downward onto her knees. Her breasts slightly swayed. She pushed my knees apart and leaned in closer.

"Uhh..." I said, more nervous than I've ever been in my life, "okay..."

Brooke laughed. "Tell me when you're about to cum." She looked down and then back up.

"That's the nice thing to do when a lady blows you."

"O-o-okay," I stammered.

She sighed, looked back down, opened her mouth wide, and placed my throbbing member into her mouth.

My entire body shuddered with pleasure. This sensation was far greater than any I've ever experienced. Her head slowly bobbed up and down, taking me deeply, stopping to kiss and lick the sides, making my dick throb and jerk with enjoyment.

I lasted a minute or two before I felt a familiar sensation boiling up in my balls.

"I'm... about to cum..." I said, moving my legs in response.

Aunt Brooke muttered, "Mmmm hmmm" and started bobbing faster, sucking harder.

"Jesus--- fuck!" I grunted, feeling my cum erupt from my cock. Brooke kept sucking, making the most seductive slurping noises as she milked every drop from my dick.

"Ohhhh my fucking..." I said as she stopped, leaning back with her hand gently holding my satisfied member.

"That was amazing," she said, wiping her mouth with her hands.

"You're telling me!" I responded.

"You came a lot," she said, "I almost gagged."


"Don't be, sweetie." she said, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss my still-hard cock.

She stood up and went to the sink. Her topless presence was mind blowing to me, as I watched her elegantly reach over to get a glass from the cupboard. She filled the cup with water, swished it around, and spit into the sink.

"Cum is very salty," she said, rinsing her mouth out.

After she finished, she refilled her glass of wine and took a liberal sip. Her eyes glanced at my cock again.

"Still hard, huh?"

"Yeah," I said, "But I feel very relieved. Thank you."

"My pleasure. And yours, obviously." she jabbed. I smiled.

"Well," she said, "I'd like to cum too. Would you like to help?"

"Seems only fair, Aunt Brooke." I said.

She looked at me quizzically. "Strange. You’re calling me 'Aunt' is kind of fun. Almost naughty."

"I'll keep that in mind." I responded.

Brooke walked back around the table and planted a wet, tonguey kiss on me. The taste of wine entered my mouth again. She then reached down and undid her pants, thumbing them down along with her panties at the same time.

The now nude Aunt Brook was standing in front of me.

She then hopped on the kitchen table, sitting with her legs crossed. Her delicious looking thighs covered her lady parts.

"You're an excellent kisser." She said. Before I could thank her, she continued:

"That trait goes very well with eating pussy. Want to try?" she said, smiling and beckoning me.

"Sure." I said, happily.

She scooted back slightly on the table and spread her legs apart. The tiny bit of pubic hair I saw in the videos where I wished I had a zoom feature was finally a reality. I was standing, watching her position herself to receive oral pleasure.

"When aroused, I’m cum easily. And I’m aroused, so please take it slow for me.” she said almost begging.

She spread her pussy lips and pointed to a certain place.

"The clit, right?" I said, proudly.

“Yes, pay extra attention to it. I guess watching porn has its advantages.” she quipped.

I kneeled down. Her ass and pussy were near the edge of the table, so my face and arms were in a perfect position to fully indulge her once I was on my knees.

The moist musky scent permeated my nostrils. I started sucking and licking her pussy lips, exploring and trying different things. I didn't really know what I was doing, but her affirmative noises and her hand clenching my head convinced me that I was doing good.

"Uhhhh..." she moaned, "Love it...nice and slow.”

I continued my assault on her lips, before moving to her clit. I gave it a couple long, slow licks, just as I do when eating an ice cream cone. Her body tensed, and her moaning was getting louder. I became bolder, making circles on her love button. Her breathing became shallow, and her legs became rigid points straight up.

All of sudden she said, "Benny, do you want to watch your aunt cum? Lick faster now!!”

She started grinding her cunt into my face and her breathing started to quicken. Her back arched, and from my view, her beautiful breasts jiggled and swayed as her body contorted.

I felt more precum dribble down my cock. I was just as turned on as before.

"Ohh... oh... oohh... FUCK! I'm cumming!" She screamed. Her voice echoed through the house, and I felt her juices cover my mouth and chin.

She continued to squirm for a moment, then stopped, catching her breath.

"Well done, Benny." She said, stroking my hair, "Well fucking done."

I leaned back, stood up (cock at full attention and inches away from her wet opening).

She smiled at me. "You know, you have a nice cock." she said, gazing hungrily.

I looked down. It wasn't a massive, porn-star piece but I was always proud.

"Thanks, Aunt Brooke." I said, swinging my hips causing my erection to bob back and forth. She laughed and stood up.

"Oh my legs, they are wobbly." She stretched a bit, getting her footing and balance back.

"Grab your clothes and follow me," she said, picking hers up.

I obeyed.

I watched as Brooke's dainty ass swayed back and forth, juices from her pussy glistening as she walked up stairs. She stopped in front of my room and saw my computer monitor still on, screen saver dancing.

"I think you should tape this." she said, smiling.

"Tape what, exactly?" I responded.

She shook her head with mock disappointment. "Still a virgin, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes, walked into my room and unlocked my computer. I pulled up the cam software and started recording.

"It's recording."

"Okay, let's go." I stood up and followed her into her room. She tossed her clothes by her hamper and turned to face me.

"Had fun so far, kiddo?" she asked, head slightly cocked to the side.

"More than I've ever had." I responded.

"Okay, I need more of your honesty. Promise not to lie?" She asked, staring deep into my eyes.

"Promise." I said back.

"Do you regret anything we've done today?" she asked.

I took a moment to sort my feelings. Did I? Was I feeling guilty for spying on my aunt? Was I feeling regret for our activities today?

"No, actually. I thought I was going to when we kissed, but... I feel really good." I said, completely honestly.

"Good." she said. "Now..."

Another sigh came out.

"I was furious with you. I wanted to smack you upside the head once I saw those cameras. I wanted to call your mother up and tell her everything, but..."

She hesitated.

"I'm more interested in being happy than dramatic. I just came out of the most stupid, dramatic divorce. I thought I failed at everything. Then you came along and, well..."

She gestured her arm towards me. Her boobs slightly moved.

"Here we are, naked and horny."

I chucked.

"Look kiddo, I love you as my nephew. That will never change. We shouldn't be sucking and licking and cumming all over each other, but we are. We feel that, and it doesn't feel wrong."

"If it felt wrong, we wouldn't be doing this," she added, "THAT much I can promise you."

I nodded in complete agreement.

"I don't want our relationship to change. We can never be a couple. I love your mom and dad so much that I couldn't embarrass them like this. So, you've GOT to promise me that all of THIS," she gestured again, "stays between us."

"I promise."

"You can't say ANYTHING to ANYONE!!" She glared at me, hands on her hips. "EVER. No bragging to friends."

"Remember, I can't tolerate men who lie. Promise me again." she said.

I took a step closer. She took one back and held up her finger. "Promise me again!" she repeated, her eyebrows raised with intent.

"I promise! I swear!" I said with conviction.

She pointed up at the ceiling fan, "I've got you on tape saying that. I'm going to hold you to it."

"Got it." I responded.

"Good." Aunt Brooke seductively sat down on the bed, then laid down, her legs slowly parting and her eyes inviting me over. She licked her lips and cupped one of her breasts. I don't think she could've done anything more seductive than that.

"It’s time to stop being a virgin Benny. Climb aboard your hot, horny aunt and fuck my brains out."

Without any hesitation, I crawled onto the bed, and laid on top of her. My cock was pressing against her stomach. I kissed her with a lust I've never felt, and her hands traced my back down to my ass, gently nuzzling my balls with her fingers.

"I know your first will be quick. That's okay."

She reached between us and grasped my oozing, throbbing cock. She fumbled it around, pointing it at her moist entrance.

"Push that hard cock into me.” she said with lust in her voice and eyes.

I nodded, my heart pounding.

"Ready?" she asked, smiling.

"Oh god yes." I responded.

"Do it."

I pushed with my hips. My cock slid in with a little resistance. Like a hot knife going through butter. She responded with a quick intake of air. The warm, fleshy grip on my hard cock was unbelievable.

"Ohhh I've missed that...." she cooed.

"No more virgin jokes, okay?" I said, smiling.

"Maybe." she smiled, adjusting to my presence inside her. "That all depends on you now, kiddo."

"Fuck me. NOW." she demanded, "Just thrust. Nature will take over."

I complied. I started with a few long thrusts, then I found my rhythm. Each thrust was harder and faster, and I started fucking as hard as I could.

"Oh, ohhh, fuck, yes, fuck, me, oh, Ben, fuck, fuck, fuck," she grunted, each word following every massive thrust.

"Harder" she ordered.

I repositioned myself from laying on top to a stance; my feet on the floor and her still laying on the bed. I was able to grab her thighs and thrust harder.

"That's the spirit," she moaned as I was able to fuck her even harder, "OH OH OH FUCK! Benny I’m going to cum hard.. NOW!!!!

Her pussy was squeezing my cock like a vice grip. But I kept fucking her. I wasn’t going to last much longer, and she could sense it.

"I'm about to cum, Aunt Brooke!"

"Pull out baby," she responded. I really didn't want to, but I did, and she quickly reached down and started jerking my cock furiously.

"Cum baby, all over Aunt Brooke's tits!"

"Uhhhh!" I yelled. She cupped my balls and tickled my scrotum, and I came. The first hit landed on her neck, and the next several in between her boobs. They glistened with sweat and cum. She smiled and milked my cock as much as she could.

"That's my nephew," she said, smiling up at me, "You did wonderfully."

"Thank," I said, breathing heavily, "you!"

"You're welcome, sweetie." She reached over and pulled a stray towel off of her bed post and wiped herself down.

"Want to try again?" she asked with a devilish grin.

That was a dumb question.

I was able to get hard again rather quickly. She then introduced me to "doggy style," which ended up being my favorite position because I could grab her hips and fuck her without restraint.

We spent the next week kissing, sucking, licking, fucking, and cumming. I'm pretty sure there were a few days where we didn't even think about wearing clothes.

I recorded every single session until my secondary hard drive was full.

Eventually Aunt Brooke found a job and moved out into her own place. I was sad to see her go, but happy that I would be able to visit her and it would just be the two of us.

Our "sessions" together eventually ended as she found someone who wasn't a douche bag. I told her I had to approve of him. The dude was an electrical engineer with an interest in making portable electronics, including cameras.

Go figure.

Trib FanReport 

2023-11-05 19:19:21
I found this story very arousing to read.
I wish that I had an aunt that liked to keep secrets!
This story should rate higher.
I realize that it was predictable but most sex stories ARE.
I suppose more detail of how it felt sliding his cock into her hot female flesh might rate higher but my own imagination worked just fine.

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