Wednesday morning was another typical day. My boss came in for a meeting to nitpick and micromanage every decision of a job, I do far better than he ever did. We met at my main store and the numbers were better than they had been in the eighteen months that he managed it. Not sure if that is what set him off, but things took a big step back with us.
I transferred from Baltimore to Dallas when my husband got promoted to Senior Captain with American Airlines. It was a lateral move for me, but it was best for the family, so we moved. It had been two months, and my new boss previously managed the region I manage now. He was of the mindset that his way of doing everything was the right way. I had gradually been making headway toward getting him out of that mentality.
I thought the review this morning would open the reins even more, but better numbers seemed to push him back into the, his-way-is-the-only-way mentality. We finished the meeting, and I was trying to get him out of the store and back on the road. I would breathe and think of how to deal with it later. I told myself, 'We made progress before, be patient and we'll get it back.'
A text dinged in as I was walking him to the door, trying to keep a happy face. It was a picture of Mark's hard-on. I put my phone in my suit jacket pocket and continued.
"Thanks for stopping by, Phil, I appreciate the feedback. See you next Wednesday?" I asked, as the pic seemed to be floating in the air, front and center of my mental vision. As I finished the question, I knew it was a mistake.
"No, I'll be back to check on things Friday. We'll keep it three days a week. Thanks for the work. The numbers are up, but given the state of the economy, I think you can do better. We'll keep working it."
When he left, I pulled up the pic and the events of the last two days came crashing back into my mind. I looked at the caption that read, "Swelling's back, Nurse Stilson. Going to need more P.T."
Mark was a guy my husband tried to help out by getting him to do some heavy yard work for us at the new house. He happened to be hung like a horse, good looking and liked to flirt. After months of stress and frustration due to the move, he showed up Monday, unexpectedly, at the house when Wayne was away.
After Mom took the kids for the afternoon, the flirting escalated quickly, and a moment of weakness got the better of me, andGuil I let him bend me over the kitchen table and fuck me like I needed it.
Guilt immediately took hold, and I told him, it was a mistake and a one-time event that could never happen again. Wayne did not deserve that. We mutually agreed on the move, and I let my frustration about the upheaval of our lives turn into resentment towards Wayne. Because of that frustration, I gave in to temptation, with the person my husband was genuinely trying to help.
The situation got much worse when Mark brought me a gift later that evening, to remind me of our one day together. It turned out to be a dildo of like size to his nine-plus-inch cock.
When I told him I couldn't accept it, he revealed that he had made a video of my 'moment of weakness', and it made clear I was a very willing participant. In the video, I was yelling out that I needed to be fucked hard, and at his encouragement, professed to being his 'cock-slut'.
He used that leverage and the logic that it was still our one day of weakness, to make me finish the day demonstrating his gift over FaceTime. In exchange for the show, he promised he would bring his phone and computer to the house the next day and let me delete all of it while he finished the work we paid him for. I convinced myself, I had no choice.
But that night, as he controlled the device remotely and told me how sexy I was, I found myself caught up in the danger and attention from this good-looking stranger. I came three times with that dildo, professing to be his 'cock-slut'.
Tuesday, he kept his promise. I went through his computer, cell phone history, Google and e-mail accounts, and deleted everything after keeping a copy for myself. Another moment of weakness.
It should have been a clean break. We had had a memorable day to remember and could go our separate ways. But for reasons I still don't fully understand; Well well, maybe I do-- it was the best sex I had ever had. But I digress. The reality of living with the memory of an unforgettable day, but never experiencing it again proved too much.
I flirted and teased, wanting him to miss me more than he appeared to. I needed to know that he would suffer, knowing he could never have me again. I played with fire, and the flame was too enticing. Like the moth, I flew into the flame oblivious to the consequences.
To be honest, it was no longer a moment of weakness. It was a willing surrender. After round two on Tuesday, I left him that day with the understanding, I looked forward to more.
Should I have been shocked Wednesday, to receive a dick pic? The answer was no. Nonetheless, it was the wake-up call I needed.
I told my store manager I was taking lunch and visiting the other stores. Once I got into the car, I called Mark at eleven-fifteen.
"Well, hello, Nurse Stilson. I really hope you make house calls. You can tell by the pic; the condition is quite substantial."
"Listen, Mark. This is my work phone; the company can access everything. You could get me fired!"
"Whoa, whoa, calm down. You're right, I didn't think that. That is easily resolved. Hold on one second."
"Mark, wait, we need to talk...Mark?" He put me on hold or something.
"There, I deleted the text chain from my phone. You do the same and go get a prepaid, then we'll have a direct line that no one else has access to. Problem solved. Now when can we schedule-"
"Wait, Mark. This is too much. I can't do this, please," I said, cutting him off.
There was silence.
"Are you there?" I asked, distressed.
"I'm listening, Mrs. Stilson."
"Mark, please, I'm sorry, it's all too crazy, I can't do this to Wayne. I have a family." I stopped at a loss on how to continue. We had fucked like animals for two days. There's no heartbreak or great love lost. I didn't feel the need to let him down easily. "Okay? It was fun, and we have some interesting memories. Now we can just go on with our lives. I'll block your number and you can block mine. No moments of weakness for either of us."
"To clarify, Mrs. Stilson. I'm not asking you to marry me. I don't want to break up your family. We meet each other's needs, and no one needs to know. You are so very predictable, Mrs. Stilson. You get your libido fucked down and it's a one-time cock-slut-for-a-day. Then you get horny, and it's fuck me again, Mark, cock slut cock-slut for two days?
"As that need builds back up, you'll come back begging for more. I'm not making you do anything you don't want to do. You know I can give you what you need, so I'm going to make this clear and simple. Either you're in or you're out.
"You've got two hours to decide. Send me a pic of you in your slut-nurse gear from a safe cell phone, or you get your wish, and we are done. If I don't hear from you, thanks, Nurse Stilson, it was fun."
He hung up. I drove on, not sure where to go. This was my chance for a clean slate. Could I trust him, though, I wondered.
I decided to go to the Pita Pit for lunch. It was close and could give me a chance to think. As I pulled up, I told myself, 'I really didn't remember the lingerie shop was two doors down.' I ordered and took a seat by the window as I waited.
I pulled up the text chain. It was his resume he forwarded before our flirt session. Then the videos I forwarded to myself before deleting them from his phone, and the pic he just sent. I looked at his boner and recalled when I first felt it in my hand, warm and heavy. 'Delete it and think of something else,' said my inner voice.
My thumb reached for the delete button, as I recalled... how little of it, I could fit in my mouth, and how full my pussy was when I took all of him.
In my mind, I developed a plan. 'You have his present, pics, and videos. Use them to knock down the urge. The session with the dildo was amazing. Get the urge, use the toy and urge squelched. But this is the company phone, you've got to get rid of them.' I saw a dollar store down the block. He had the right idea. 'Transfer them to a prepaid phone and no one else will have access.'
It was eleven-twenty, my lunch came, I ate it quickly and headed to the store. The phone and first month only cost sixty-five dollars and by twelve noon, it was hooked up and I transferred the files. As I walked to the car, I deleted his text chain from my phone and saved the texts to my prepaid.
My work phone was clean, and in less than an hour, I would be free, if he could be trusted. I recalled our role play as Nurse Stilson and Mr. Thomas with the cock cock-swelling problem. When I looked at the lingerie store, more thoughts came to mind.
'You know, you never did anything like that with Wayne. It would be ironic to get the naughty nurse outfit and use Mark's idea to surprise Wayne. They probably won't have one anyway. Just take a look, if they don't, it's not meant to be.'
Before I knew it, I was in the store, where a nice-looking woman in her thirties asked if I needed help.
"No thanks, just browsing," I said, as I saw a mannequin in back with a white rectangular hat trimmed in red ribbon lace on top of her head. There was a red circle with a white plus symbol in the center of the hat.
As I approached, it was clear that it was a naughty-nurse costume. It was a two-piece costume made up of a white, crop tube-tank top with red trim across the top and red string ties that went up around the neck. It had the same red circle with white plus sign on the left breast. The lower hem of the top was scalloped and reached mid-belly.
The bottom was a white tight miniskirt, cut straight at the waist and bottom, with a triangular slit on each hip. It had a bright-red elastic belt about an inch below the waist, with wide, white belt loops that held it to the skirt.
The outfit was made complete by white, fishnet thigh-highs with red ribbon bows on the front top of each. The bows also had the white plus sign in the middle.
I would never have picked something like this for myself. But once I saw it, I knew I had to have it. "Wayne will come in his pants," I whispered.
"You better buy it then," said a female voice.
I jumped, startled.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I think you would look... well, you already know it. Wayne's gonna come in his pants." The sales lady smiled.
I turned as red as the highlights on the costume.
"Would you like to try it on?"
"Yes, please," I said without thought.
"What size?"
"Six, please."
I put it on and stared at myself. I let my hair down and was shocked. I had really toned up since the move. My workouts had been more intense with all the frustrations of the move. I loved how my tummy looked, not to mention my ass.
I put on the stockings and bit my lower lip for a naughty look. It occurred to me; Mom should still be here when Wayne returned. I would have to arrange for her to take the kids to have the opportunity to surprise him.
I had a wicked thought. I wished I'd brought my present; I felt the urge to come in the outfit right then and there. I shook myself out of it, but that wicked voice had another thought. 'Take a pic for Wayne. You can send it to him and not say anything, just to see what he does.'
I held the prepaid up and took the pic in the mirror. Then the really twisted thought 'Take one touching yourself, April. Wayne would love it.'
I couldn't believe how Mark had affected my thoughts. But I knew Wayne wouldn't believe his eyes.
I sat, spread my legs, and touched myself through my panties, still sensitive from the day before. I pushed the panties aside and snapped the photo of my fingers spreading my lips. I was soaking wet already. My fingers lingered and I began to rub myself slowly. Then I heard some laughing outside and came to my senses.
I left the store, outfit in the bag, back in my skirt and sport coat, a professional woman out for a business lunch. I got into the car and looked at the pics again. Twelve-forty-nine. 'Eleven minutes and he's just a happy memory. Dare I text this to Wayne?'
My mind went numb. I thought it might be too much for Wayne. He might think something was up. I pulled up the cock pic. "It felt so good inside me," I whispered to myself. "You have his number memorized." I brought up the standing pic of me in the uniform. "Be strong, April," I pleaded with myself. But the throbbing wet heat between my legs took me as it had done for the past two days. I entered Mark's number and hit send!
A text reply came back almost immediately.
Mark: There's my cock slut Nurse Stilson. I need a house call.
I didn't reply.
Another cock pic came through. This one a closeup of his head oozing pre-cum. I didn't really like the taste of cum, but I had devoured all of his, happily, and wanted it again. Under the pic it said hurry.
I could not get away without serious trouble at work so texted a response.
Me: I can't today, sorry, I want to - believe me.
Mark: I don't believe you.
I pulled up the pic with my pussy spread.
Me: Please believe me I want it bad.
Mark: Very convincing. Tonight?
Me: Tomorrow
Mark: When?
Me: 7:00AM?
Mark: OK, you know my address.
Me: See you then.
Mark: You've been too fickle. You know what you have to do when you get here.
He had told me I had to come in uniform and beg to suck his cock. But I feared from his message, he was going to demand more. Since I could not think what else he may have had in mind, I confirmed the thing I knew.
Me: Beg for your Man-Cock.
Mark: Good answer Mrs. Stilson. Knock three times.
I was panting and soaking wet. It was pathetic how weak I was. I was doing and saying things to him I was afraid to say to my own husband.
For the rest of the day, it was the mind roller coaster, visions of giant cock, guilt, and shame, wet and horny, anger toward Mark, wet and horny, anger toward Wayne, guilt, and shame. Anger at myself, thoughts of playing with my toys wearing the new outfit.
It was exhausting. I finally found some peace at dinner with Mom and the kids. She had taken them on a hike in the state park behind the house. They were out nearly the whole day. Gramma spoiled them with ice cream and pretzels. But they ate surprisingly well at dinner. Gramma made spaghetti, a favorite of mine as a child, too.
When we put the kids down, Mom and I watched a Lifetime chick flick and talked after.
"Thank you so much for coming out to help, Mom. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."
"Getting to meet your yard guy, made the whole trip worth it," she joked. "But seriously, April. I have had such a good time with the kids, I wish I could stay longer, but your father would probably starve, or die of an early heart attack from eating junk."
"I'm gonna hate to see you go."
Mom looked concerned.
"Don't you dare worry about it. You said Betsy did good again today with the kids. Thanks for helping with the transition to her. That will take so much pressure off. Please don't worry. I'll be fine."
"Betsy, is great. No substitute for Gramma, but very good with them, and for them from what I've seen."
"I'm going to have to go in early tomorrow. Do you think you can handle the kids..."
"Absolutely, we'll be fine. That's exactly why I'm here."
"Thank you so much. Love you, Mom."
"Love you, too. I do have to say you've had a little extra happy aura about you the past couple days. The time off has seemed to help." Her grin implied the appearance of Mark on the days off was a pleasant distraction.
"The tension has really been reduced, that's for sure," I replied, with a hint of humor and shame at the thought.
"Are you sure you can't come up with some more yard jobs, while I'm here?" joked Erika.
"Mom, you are an insatiable little slut. I wouldn't dare. I couldn't be the cause of you leaving Dad for a younger model," I joked, but in the back of my mind, I thought 'It's more of a worry for me trading in Wayne.' I added, "I have never seen you flirt so openly before. You were scaring me."
She grinned mischievously. "You're never too old to dream. What happens in Dallas, stays in Dallas."
"Goodnight, mother!" I said, in my best grossed-out teen voice.
There was little sleep that night. I was grateful, I did not hear from Wayne. Guilt is a powerful thing. My mind raced with the barrage of thoughts again. Guilt, lust, guilt, lust.
I finally dozed off to be rudely awakened by the alarm. I showered and shaved my body with meticulous detail. My pussy tingled, in anticipation, as I loaded the outfit and toys into an old purse that could pass as a medical bag, for our role play. I brought my trench coat to cover myself, despite the summer Dallas heat.
My first stop was Panera. Not for breakfast, but to use their restroom as a changing room. The transformation to Slutty Nurse Stilson went off without a hitch. The outfit did not allow for a bra, the string straps of the tank top would not cover the bra straps. In an effort to speed things along, I decided no panties were needed either. I put my clothes into a shopping bag, cinched up my trench coat over the slut gear, with the nurse's cap in the pocket.
No one was the wiser as I strolled through the restaurant. I looked like a businesswoman with white stockings and black heels off to work. If fishnets can be considered professional.
I arrived almost a full thirty minutes early and parked across the street from his house. This was only after, circling the block once when I noticed a police SUV parked a house down across the street.
I sat there in that familiar situation. The voice of reason telling me, 'Go home, go to work, take a day off for yourself, just leave. Don't push this any further. It was fun. Just live with the memory. Use the toy if you feel the urge. Don't get out of this car...'
I stared at the latest cock pic as the voice faded into the background. I switched to the pics of me in the uniform. I really wanted to see the look on his face. I untied the trench coat, took it off my shoulders and turned it into a seat cover as I put the hat on my head in the rearview and scanned for activity from the police car behind me.
Then I turned my phone to selfie mode to use as a mirror. I loved the way my tits looked in the outfit. I hadn't felt that sexy in years. The neighborhood seemed remarkably quiet for six-thirty-three on a workday morning. Looking at myself, I wondered if I had the guts to walk to his front door without the coat.
Next, I brought up the videos and watched the masturbation one first. I felt like that wasn't really my ass facing the camera, as the toy worked its magic inside me. I thought about pulling out my little plastic buddy and rubbing one off before going in. I actually picked it up, but thought I saw movement in my peripheral vision and laid it on the seat.
I did think better of public masturbation, but continued to watch the videos, pussy already soaked. I hoped maybe my condition would encourage him to repeat his oral CCSS (chronic cock slut syndrome) treatments. To have a cock like that and use his tongue as he did... "Wow!" I said to myself.
I put my phone in the dashboard holder and played the kitchen table video again.
I watched as he made me come, bent over the table, just rubbing his cock against me. No one ever had me that revved up, and he never even penetrated me. It was so big and hard. When he forced it down between my legs, the force of his boner pressed it so firmly against me. His hot hardness rubbing its length against my clit...
There were still seventeen minutes to go. I had a hand gripping each knee, fighting the urge to make a video, masturbating for him. He would love it, but how could I watch the video of me being fucked and record myself at the same time? I squeezed my knees tighter and fought the urge.
Then it advanced to him fucking me for real. My pussy dripped as I heard myself screaming in the video.
"Fuck, Mark, fill me with that fucking cock."
"Damn, Mrs. Stilson, you should see those pretty pink lips gripping my cock." I groaned in response. "Mrs. Stilson likes a real cock?"
"Yes, please give it to me hard, Mark," I pleaded.
Suddenly the car door opened, and I nearly hit my head on the roof of the car, jumping in fear.
"I'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle ma'am," said the police officer.
"What's th--"
My video voice cut me off, "It's so fucking hard, please pound me with it."
I reached for the phone as he went to the gun belt. "Put your hands where I can see them," he barked, and I held them up in front of me.
"Tell me what you need, Mrs. Stilson," Mark's voice commanded on the video.
"Step out now, ma'am and put your hands on the trunk!" He grabbed my elbow and pulled me out.
I did as commanded, as my video voice screamed.
"Ah! I need! Hah! You to. Hah! fuck me hard. Please!" I could actually hear his pelvis slamming my ass in the video.
The officer slapped a cuff on my left wrist, pulled my arm behind me and pushed my chest to the trunk. "You're being detained on suspicion of solicitation..." As he brought the second arm back, he stuttered and took a step back. "Shit! We might be adding indecent exposure..."
I asked myself, 'Why did you not put panties on?' As the second cuff clicked Mark's voice blared from the phone.
"What are you, Mrs. Stilson?"
"Cock! Hah! Slut!" The video me replied.
"This is not right. Do not move, understood?" barked the officer.
"Yes, officer." I complied, tearing up as the video continued.
"Fuck, I love, that ass, jiggling, Mrs. Stilson."
"Love that! Ah! Fuck-ing cock!"
"Gonna spunk on that hot little ass, Mrs. Stilson."
"Oh yes, fuck meeeee, Mark."
"What do you need, Mrs. Stil--"
The phone clicked off. He turned the engine off and closed the door.
"Come with me to the back of my car. We need to get you off the street. This is a family neighborhood, Mrs.-- ah, Stilson, is it?"
I was in a panic as he marched me to the car. "Yes, but I'm not soliciting, I was just visiting my boyfriend..." I shut up trying not to make it worse and he put me in the car.
"Is that who is in the video with you Mrs. Stilson? Your boyfriend?" he talked down to me, standing in the open door.
Still feeling exposed, I tried to calm it down. "Look, officer, I'm sorry but I am not soliciting, and you have no reason to hold me..."
"You were watching porn on a neighborhood street and exposed yourself when I pulled you out. At the very least, this is disturbing the peace, and public indecency."
"I didn't expose myself, you bent me over the car to stare at my ass!"
"We'd better take this to the station. I need to call for back-up, we'll continue this with another officer witnessing before I take you in." He reached for the radio mic on his shoulder.
"No, no, no please, I'm sorry! I just wanted to surprise my girlfriend..."
"Girlfriend?" He looked confused.
"Boyfriend, boyfriend! Check me out. I have no prior anything and he can confirm..."
"Was that him in the video?"
"Yes, yes..."
"Mark Thomas?"
"He's got all kinds of stalker issues," he said, under his breath.
I was confused and looked at him pathetically.
"Do I have permission to go search your vehicle for license, registration? I can call for back-up if you'd like a witness. You know what, a Black male officer and white female making allegations, I'm gonna call, hold on. "
"No, please, no need for back-up. I will cooperate fully. I have nothing to hide. You have my permission, sir."
He looked at me with his hand on the mic, and then released it. Then he went to my car, got in and sat down for several minutes. I was in full panic mode. What the fuck had I done. There would be no explaining this to Wayne, or Mom! Mom might help keep it from Wayne. But how the fuck would he not find out if they charge me with something.
Fuck, the toys are in my purse! I tried to see what he was doing, but it was two cars up and I could not tell. I told myself, 'Whatever you do, don't lie! It will bite you in the ass. Tell the truth, just no more than you absolutely have to.'
Finally, he returned carrying my purse, phone, and registration. Then he got in the front seat and set my license on his laptop and typed in.
"You're out of state, so this might take a little longer to check out. Mrs. Stilson. He left the license leaning against the laptop screen and opened the purse. I cringed and rightly so when he set the Mark-sized dildo on the dashboard, then my little plastic buddy.
"Good-looking family, Mrs. Stilson. How old are your kids?"
"Caleb is six and Ashley is five, officer." I said, only answering the minimum.
"And your husband is Ste... Wayne Stilson?"
I felt sick to my stomach. He knew Wayne! "Yes, sir."
"I know he's helped out Mark. Is this a throuple thing?"
"That's personal, officer," I replied, meekly.
He did not respond and continued to go through my purse. "You have a second cell phone?"
"That's my work phone, officer."
He looked at his laptop and put things back in my purse. Then he got out and walked to the passenger side, with my purse in hand. I was surprised when he removed his gun belt and put it on the front passenger seat before getting into the back seat with me.
He turned his back to the door and put a knee against the seat back and set my purse between us.
"It looks like it might take a little time for the background check to come back. So while we wait, I'm going to need you to unlock this phone for me."
He handed the prepaid to me.
"Is that really necess--"
"Mrs. Stilson, you said you would cooperate fully. I am trying to understand the situation here, but you clearly aren't cooperating fully as you said you would..."
"Please, the code is 02131122." It was the kids' birthdays.
Suddenly, the guilt came rushing back. I used that for the code on the phone to cheat on my husband!
He punched it in and began looking through the history. After a moment, he held it up.
"There are two numbers in your history. This one looks like Mark's, so whose is this?"
He held it up.
"That's my work phone, officer."
"So, definitely not a throuple thing. Got it."
He held up a dick pic.
"Yes, sir."
He began to play the kitchen table video with the volume uncomfortably high and after a moment, he looked at me.
"Oh sorry, do you want to see?"
I gave him a disgusted look, but did not respond, as he turned the screen so we could both see.
I watched as his uniform got tighter in the crotch, while he watched Mark rub fuck me. Seeing him getting excited by it made me tingle. He appeared to be in his forties. He was African American with a wedding ring. I wondered if he lived close by. The car was definitely empty when I first went by.
As his pants continued to tighten, it was apparent he was similar in size to Mark. As I screamed out in the video, he would nod, and vocalize a hum or grunt.
When the video Amy screamed out that she needed a real cock to fuck, her, he commented.
"Mark certainly has a 'real cock', Mrs. Stilson."
I took that as confirmation, he was going to ask for something in return for leniency. When it finished, he looked at me.
"I guess you could call that a boyfriend situation." He smiled deviously.
Then, he looked up at the laptop in the front seat. "Nothing yet."
Next, he brought up the dildo video. It's hard to imagine it being more awkward than the first video, but, it did seem a little more understandable for a screaming orgasm while being fucked by a man with a huge dick, than a screaming orgasm with a flailing rubber cock in you cunt and your ass facing a camera.
He watched the whole thing, his cock pushing relentlessly to escape his pants. Watching myself scream out for Mark to turn off the dildo, and seeing Officer 'Reeves's' reaction had me wet again. I saw his name on his name tag for the first time.
After the video Amy professed herself as Mark's cock-slut, while she came, I was reminded that that was not the end. We went into the Nurse Stinson-treating-Mark's-cock-swelling portion of the video.
Ironically, that also ended with my ass center camera, coming with the giant dildo thumping and buzzing inside of me. The video Amy screamed that she was his cock-slut and that she was coming for his cock.
Officer Reeves was breathing heavily with a fully hard, buldging cock. It was clear what he wanted, so I decided to try another approach.
When Mark commented about my ass on the video, he nodded and looked at me.
"Well I understand the outfit now, Nurse Stilson."
I gave him a hungry-slut look and nodded toward his cock. "I can help you with that, Officer Reeves."
"Can you now? And what sort of treatment plan might you suggest, Nurse Stilson?"
"As I told Mr. Thomas, we find the best treatment for acute cock-swelling remains treatment from the juices of the female of the species." I could feel my pussy oozing said juices between my thighs and onto my ass cheeks. It appeared Mark had really turned me into a cock-slut.
"If you can uncuff me, I could help free your swollen cock from your trousers and ride the inflamed member until it releases the built-up pressure."
"Mrs. Stilson, we do have protocols, to remove the cuffs in the back of the vehicle with an active suspect could be dangerous."
"But officer, I will need to feel the affected area to properly assess the extent of swelling, before administering treatments."
He pulled the key from his shirt pocket. "I'm going to go out on a limb here, Nurse Stilson. Please don't make me regret this. Turn around please."
I twisted in the seat and felt my wetness spread.
"Get your wrists up higher, please and turn so I can reach you." He remained leaning back against the corner of the seat.
I guessed what he was wanting, and did as he commanded. It brought a couple naughty thoughts to mind. I shifted and placed my left knee on the seat, with my ass toward him, struggling to keep my balance.
"Yeah, that's good, both knees please."
I had to lean forward to prevent hitting my head on the ceiling. To maintain balance, I pushed my head against the grid over the side window and brought my second knee onto the seat. That gave him a full view. The cool air washed over the wetness coating my haunches reminding me just how exposed I was.
"Oh, Mrs. Stilson, I think Mark was right, this may be the worst case of Chronic Cock Slut Syndrome, ever. You are just oozing everywhere."
"Please help me, Officer Reeves. I need my pussy reamed hard, it's the best treatment for my condition. Please give me that big, black cock." It felt like an out-of-body experience, but I wanted that cock inside me.
"I need a better look. Mrs. Stilson, this looks serious." He flipped up my skirt and slid his hand between my legs, causing me to moan.
"Shit, ma'am, I think you might be running a fever. I'm gonna need to check you."
He ran his fingers up and down my slit, from clit to the top of my ass crack, spreading my juices before slipping two fingers into my pussy.
"Damn, that's hot in there." He pulled out and rubbed my cunt juices up my ass crack. "How about here?" He pushed a thumb against my asshole as the fingers penetrated my pussy again.
"Fuck me, please, Officer Reeves. I need that big, fucking dick, please!"
"I don't know, Mrs. Stilson, Mark is expecting you. I think you need to stay nice and tight for him, don't you?"
"Please fingerfuck me 'til I come, Officer."
"This is a bad case, isn't it?" He pulled out.
"Please," I begged, my forehead against the steel grate.
"Hold on just a sec. I have an idea."
I heard my purse shuffling. Then the familiar buzz of my little plastic buddy. He began to slide it up and down my slit. I could feel my labia saddling the dildo as it vibrated my soaked lips.
I let out a loud, high-pitched moan. "Yes please, I need that so bad. Aaaahhhh!"
"Does this help, Mrs. Stilson? Your little pussy lips are wetting it all up."
"Yes, yes, yes. Thank-- Ah!"
He turned the focus to rubbing my clit. I shoved my ass high and yelled out, and he pulled it back.
"Mrs. Stilson, you're too loud, the whole neighborhood will hear, even with the closed windows."
"I'll be quiet, I'll be quiet, please," I panted. Then I rolled my lips tightly between my teeth, breathing through my nose.
"OK Okay, I'll try again," he said, as he pressed it against my clit again.
I whimpered, gasping and shoved my ass in the air. As the climax approached, I squeaked like a puppy crying for its momma.
My legs shook and my forehead ached from the steel grate. So, I wiggled myself toward him, lowered my head to the seat and pushed my ass high.
"Coming for y-your cock!" I whined and clinched my mouth back closed. Before he pulled it away.
"My problem is getting worse, Nurse Stilson. If I help you, are you going to help me?"
"Yes, sir," I said, balancing on my head. I turned it to the side trying to look toward him with no luck. "I'll suck the swelling out of your cock, Officer, please!"
"I'm gonna hold you to that, Mrs. Stilson," he said calmly, as he pressed the vibrator hard against my clit and rubbed it slowly.
I clenched my lips again, grunting, as the vibration fired my clit and I came hard and cum flowed down my trembling legs.
"I agree with Mark, I love that jiggling ass, Mrs. Stilson."
"Com-ming for, ah! Ah! Ah!"
My whole body trembled uncontrollably, as he continued relentlessly vibrating my clit. I could barely take it and my body jerked wildly, until my knee slipped off the seat and I rolled sideways onto the floor.
He reached for my arm and pulled me up. "You okay there, Mrs. Stilson?"
My nurse's cap was shifted sideways, and I was sure there was an indentation of the grate in my forehead. "Oh, fuck, Officer Reeves, thank you." My naked, cum cum-coated ass sat on the seat.
"We're here to serve, ma'am," he said.
He began to unhook his belt and open his pants.
"Uncuff me and I'll help, Officer Reeves."
I had played through servicing his cock in my mind as he watched my videos earlier, and I really wanted to cup his balls when he unloaded in my mouth.
"I'm kind of thinking of holding that head and keeping you cuffed for safety." He raised up and pushed his pants to his knees, as his boner pushed at his boxers for freedom.
I slid off the seat onto my knees. "If that's what you want, Officer Reeves, but I really thought of how much, I would like to cup those balls in my hand, and feel them emptying your seed in my mouth."
His eyes widened and he leaned forward, boner to my face, as he unlocked the cuffs. I opened my mouth and lipped his cock through the boxers and as the cuff came off my left wrist, I brought my arms around for him to get the last one off.
When it was off, I reached for his waistband, but he put the cum-coated dildo to my face.
"First thing's first, Mrs. Stilson." He pressed it to my lips, and I opened up and let him push it in. "Show me how a cock-slut sucks cock."
I looked him in the eye, bobbed my head onto it, and slowly pulled back to the tip. Then I grinned and thrusted it back in my mouth, bobbing my head, quickly sucking it clean. My hands rested on his thighs and slid higher, until they pressed against his shaft and pushed up his length.
With that, he removed the vibrator, tossed it aside and leaned back as I gripped the front of his waistband. I pulled it up and over his eight-inch pole. He raised his ass, and let me pull them down to his ankles, before gripping him with two hands.
"Officer Reeves, you feel a bit feverish, too. You are so damned hard and hot. But your skin is like silk." I stroked his length with both hands, I leaned in and took a big slow lick up his ball sack pushing between them.
Stroking him, it was apparent his shaft was smooth and appeared almost veinless, compared with Mark's that had several visible bulging veins.
"That's very hot. I'm going to have to get the whole thing good and wet to cool it down." As I slowly licked the underside of his balls, I noticed the dark color of the skin on his sack and shaft contrasted with his cockhead which was lighter with a pinker hue. It was rounder than Mark's, which was somewhat elongated.
His ball sack was nearly hairless with the exception of a few curled, black hairs scattered around. He did feel amazingly warm, and as I licked the
"Is it feeling better, Officer Reeves?" I teased.
"Fuck yes, Nurse St-Stilson," he groaned.
Next, I licked firmly up his length, all the way to his sensitive tip, that I call the man-clit. If you focus your tongue on that part of the cleft side of the head, you can make a man come without even sucking his cock. But that was not what I planned for him. A big, stiff, black cock like that needed to be worshipped, I wanted to feel it in my mouth, and see how much of him I could take.
I wanted to feel him empty those balls into my mouth and feel him spasm with pleasure, while he emptied his seed into my mouth. The sense of urgency to do that grew and after just a few licks up and down his smooth shaft, I plunged him into my mouth.
I got him about halfway when he pulled me off by the hair. "You like this black cock?"
"Oh, yes Officer Reeves, please come in my mouth," I begged, and when he released me, I plunged back onto him, moaning my excitement as I took nearly two-thirds of him before I could not take anymore.
One hand gripped his shaft and followed my lips up and down his length, while the other cupped his balls. His eyes widened and mouth opened, when I looked at him, hungrily suctioned onto his cockhead. Then, I wiggled my tongue on his man-clit, while I stroked him and caressed his balls.
"Fuuuuuck," he sighed, and his eyes closed.
I nodded and hummed, " Muh-huh, muh-huh," tasting his pre-cum as it began to coat my tongue.
Sensing he was close, my tongue waggled wildly, and head moved in quick, controlled bobs, while my right hand stroked him faster and faster.
"Y-You, black cock-hungry little-- Ah! Fu-uh-uh..."
"Muh-huh, muh-huh, muh-huh," I chanted onto his cock, as he lost control and released jet after jet of jizz into my mouth.
My chant continued, as I sucked every drop of cum from him, nodding to show my approval.
"Oh shit, suck it dry, Nurse Stilson. You really like your work." He panted as he spoke.
"Muh-huh, muh-huh, muh-huh," I replied, not releasing him from my mouth.
"Gonna need more treatments..." he sighed heavily, and spasmed one last time.
"Muh-huh, muh-huh, muh-huh."
Finally, I pulled off and lapped up the escaped cum that ran down his cock and onto my hand. I spoke a word between each lick.
When I finished, he ordered me back into the seat as he pulled up his pants.
"Mrs. Stilson, I think you are telling me the truth, and this is just a misguided attempt at some fun with your boyfriend. Please be more careful in the future and watch your videos somewhere less public. Now, I am late for patrol. So I am going to escort you to Mr. Thomas' house and verify your story. He has already had some stalker issues and I need to make sure you are not another."
"Thank you, Officer Reeves," I said, wiping my mouth.
He got out and put on his gun belt, while I straightened my hat as best I could. I tried to pull myself together before he opened my door and let me out.
I walked toward Mark's door, not even sure what time it was. Officer Reeves gave a little grunt of pleasure as he walked behind me. It was hard to believe what I just did, and worse, how much I loved doing it. After his moan, I swayed my hips a little extra with each step.
I rang the bell and Mark greeted me quickly. He opened the door and started to speak, "Mrs. Stilson you're late..." He did a double-take and smiled, "I mean Nurse Stilson, wow even better in person." Another double-take. "Officer Reeves, is everything okay?"
Mark was wearing a white terry cloth robe that looked like he had his boner held against his belly and cinched in place by the tie strings.
"So you know Mrs. Stilson?" asked Officer Reeves.
"Yes sir, officer. I did some work at her house yesterday."
"Apparently some hard work, she was watching videos of it in the car this morning, and I was forced to detain her. This is a family neighborhood and watching porn in public can have serious consequences. And in light of your recent stalker issues, I wanted to be sure this was not more of that."
"Would you like to come inside so we can talk in private?" Mark looked at a neighbor walking her dog staring at us.
"So, I know Ste-- Wayne hired you to take care of some things at his home. Was Mrs. Stilson one of them?"
I was starting to panic again. Why was the man who just made me suck his cock being 'judgmental' of Mark? Then my inner voice let me have it. 'Why do you care if he's judgmental of Mark. You sucked and swallowed two complete strangers, and you are wet in anticipation of what Mark has in mind... Married!'
"Officer Reeves, please take a breath. Mrs. Stilson is a grown woman with needs. I am unemployed and recently ended a serious relationship. We may have gotten carried away. But made a temporary arrangement to help each other out. This was harmless role playing gone a little over the line, but surely you can see your way clear of..."
"I understand what you're saying, but I watched the videos and Mrs. Stilson got so excited she begged me to fuck her in the back of my car. I told her I would not do something like that to you, if you have some kind of relationship..."
"Mrs. Stilson, you cock-hungry little slut," said Mark, looking at me. "Did you beg him to fuck you?"
I wanted to protest but knew pissing off the cop was not going to be productive, so I gave the only viable answer, as I looked at the floor. "Yes, sir." Technically, I did after being coerced.
"You really do have a terrible case of CCSS. Can you think of anything else?" taunted Mark.
"Not really, Mr. Thomas. I can't stop thinking about your cock," I said, trying to recover a little.
"Or Officer Reeves'," he replied.
"Yes, sir," I replied, trying not to argue with either of them.
"Can't say you're not honest," replied Mark. He stepped forward and slid a hand between my thighs and touched my wet, swollen pussy lips.
"You are soaked, Mrs. Stilson. You liked showing Officer Reeves what a cock-slut you are, didn't you?
"Yes, Mr. Thomas. You made me this way, when you let me touch that big, fucking dick." I said as his fingers slid inside me.
"Why are you here, Mrs. Stilson?"
"I'm here to service your cock, Mr. Thomas and perform PT on the engorged member."
"And what do you need to do to get that?"
"I need to beg you to please let me service your cock." I gripped it through the robe.
"You haven't earned that yet, Mrs. Stilson. How does a cock-slut beg?" He pulled out and pushed my hand away.
I dropped to my knees. "Please let me suck your cock, Mr. Thomas. I want you to come in my mouth."
Looking at his cock, I pulled the sash on his robe, and his boner thumped me in the face as it burst through the opening. I opened my mouth and reached for it, but he pushed me away again.
"Oh, no, you fickle, little bitch; you're gonna have to earn it. Turn around and put your slutty little hands on the counter."
As I did, Officer Reeves stared, a little confused. I looked at him as Mark flopped my skirt up, then reached between my legs and touched me from behind, rubbing up and down my oozing slit.
"Oh fuck," I groaned, staring at Officer Reeves.
"Look at you, Mrs. Stilson. You like him watching you beg for dick, don't you?" said Mark, sounding shocked.
"Yes, Mr. Thomas!" I yelled. partly out of frustration, but more so, telling the truth.
"You want him to fuck you, don't you?"
"Yes, Mr. Thomas."
He reached out, opened a drawer, and pulled out a large stainless-steel spatula with a long, wooden handle.
Next, he pushed two fingers into my pussy again, and when I moaned, he whacked me on the ass, hard enough to sting but kept fingering me.
"Yesterday you went from 'Oh, I'm sorry Mark, can't do this anymore, it's wrong' to 'Please fuck me, I need it.'" He gave me another whack, but kept his fingers moving.
"The day before you went from, 'I can't accept your gift, I am happy with what I've got,' to 'I'm coming for your cock,' with the dildo in your cunt, shaking your ass for the camera." Another whack.
I rocked my hips fucking his fingers.
"Today, you're sucking random cock and show up begging me to fuck you." Whack.
"Please, Mr. Thomas, I need your cock," I begged, and he whacked again.
"Then you're gonna have to show me you are committed, Mrs. Stilson." He gave another whack for added measure. "You like your pretty ass to be spanked, don't you?"
His fingers slid in and out and I groaned.
"Are you a horny little cock-slut, Mrs. Stilson?" he asked, and I waited for the whack.
"Yes sir, Mr. Thomas," I replied, with my pussy tingling toward another orgasm.
"Officer Reeves, can you get Mrs. Stilson's cock-slut phone and video this, so she can watch it later, and see how red her fickle little ass looks right now?"
"Yes sir," he said, and stepped around the kitchen island.
I was a little disturbed when he remembered the phone security code, as he unlocked it.
"What are you, Mrs. Stilson?" Whack.
"Your cock-slut, Mr. Thomas."
"Are you sure?" Whack.
"Yes sir, Mr. Thomas."
"Are you going to do whatever it takes to prove it, Mrs. Stilson?" Whack!
"Yes!" Please let me suck your cock! Ah!" I begged, rocking hard on his fingers.
"Show me how much you want it!" Whack.
"Please, Mr. Thomas! I'll do anything."
"Are you going to show us how much you like the present you tried to give back?" Whack!
"Yes, yes, yes! Please put it in me!"
"That's your job, cock-slut." Whack. "Officer Reeves, can you please get her the big-cock dildo, sir?"
He reached for it, keeping the camera on me, and handed it to Mark.
"Give it to Mrs. Stilson please," he said calmly, and laid the spatula on the counter, still fingerfucking me.
"Here it is, Mrs. Stilson." Officer Reeves reached it out toward my hand.
"Thank you, Officer Reeves."
Mark pulled out, then quickly gripped my skirt and yanked it down. I stepped out of it and reached back between my legs with the rubber cock, while he picked up the spatula. Whack.
"Not yet, Mrs. Stilson. Top off please. I want to see those tits bouncing when you come," he commanded.
I did as ordered. "Can I please put your present in my pussy, Mr. Thomas?"
"Are you, my slut, Mrs. Stilson?" Whack.
"Yes sir, Mr. Thomas. Please let me put it in," I begged.
"Do you want me to drive, Mrs. Stilson?" He pushed two fingers back into me.
"Yes, please. I love it when you drive," I whimpered. "Oh!"
"Your little slut hole is soaked, Mrs. Stilson."
I was on the verge of orgasm. My ass stung, and he was right. I wanted to see what it looked like. I actually liked the sting of the spatula and being bent over, naked in front of both cocks. That's what they were, two big hard dicks to fuck me and I needed it more than anything.
"You make me that way, Mr. Thomas. Please let me put your cock inside me and make me come!" I was rocking faster, as I felt the rubber dick warming up in my hand. "Please it's getting warm, I want it inside me so bad! I love your present, Mr. Thomas. It reminds me of your hot cock. Please let me put it in."
"You say this all now, but as soon as you come..."
"Please, let me prove it to you."
"What do you think, Officer Reeves?" asked Mark.
"I'd like to see it myself," he replied.
"Okay then, you may proceed, Mrs. Stilson. Thanks for asking nicely."
I reached between my legs and positioned the tip against my labia. "Can I please put in, Mr. Thomas?"
"Are you going to obey and end your little back and forth, Mrs. Stilson?"
"Yes. Please, Mr. Thomas."
"Okay, then. Are you gonna watch this video later and see how pink your punished little ass looks."
"Yes, sir." I rubbed the cockhead against me.
"What do you need, Mrs. Stilson?"
"I need your big hot cock inside me, Mr. Thomas. You make me so wet. It feels so good." I continued rubbing.
"Push it in, Mrs. Stilson," said Mark, in a mesmerized tone.
"Damn," sighed Officer Reeves. "Never seen such a hungry bitch in my life."
"Oh yes, I love your cock, Mr. Thomas!" I squealed, as I pushed it in.
I slid it in about a third of the way, until the ribbed section that allowed the dildo to extend and contract, then I slid it in and out from there.
"It's so warm and hard, I've missed this. Please turn it on, Mr. Thomas."
"I think you can come without that, don't you?" he replied, taunting me again.
"Yes. Please, can I come now?"
"You are being such a good little slut; I could just bite that ass." I felt his teeth nibble my ass cheek. "What do you think, Officer Reeves? Should we let her come?"
"Your call, man. You trained her. Shit I'm in awe, man."
Mark stepped closer and rocked his hips side to side, making his boner swing side to side until it thumped my thigh. "How bad do you want this, Mrs. Stilson."
I was in a frenzied state. My pussy throbbed and butterflies rumbled in my stomach, as I degraded myself for them. I loved the sound of their heavy breathing and the tension in the air, as they stared at my most intimate parts like dogs in heat. I had gotten the taste of big cock and wanted more. The danger, the loss of control, the power I felt from making their cocks hard, all had me revved up to the point of no return.
"Please I need it. I'll do whatever you want," I begged, slowing down, so I wouldn't come without permission.
"Do you wanna take her for a spin, Officer Reeves?" asked Mark.
"Hell, yes," he replied eagerly.
"I'll take the video. This controls the vibration, the heat, the thrust..."
I groaned at the thought of how it thrusted in and out.
"Do you like that feature, Mrs. Stilson?" asked Officer Reeves.
"Yes, please turn it on, Officer-- Huh!" I gasped, as it began to vibrate. "Oh thank you, Officer..." I whined in a high-pitched voice.
I had to slow down my thrusts a little more, as I felt an orgasm building.
"Please, Officer Reeves, make me come."
"Not quite yet, Mrs. Stilson. I wanna try something else." He replied.
I heard shuffling in my purse and kept my slow, methodical pace with the cock. Looking back, I saw him lubing my little plastic buddy and turned forward again in fear. I had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind, and I had never taken anything like that in my ass. But as I heard the hum, and the tip touched my asshole, I squeaked loudly at the tingling sensation.
"Do you like that, Mrs. Stilson?" asked Officer Reeves, in a sensual whisper.
"Yes!" I gasped, in disbelief. Having the owner of that beautiful, black cock touch me there with the vibrator, firing the sensitive nerve endings in my ass and taint, was a strange-but-oh-so-good new sensation.
When he rubbed it up and down my ass crack, I had to drop my hand off the dildo to stop from coming and leaned with both hands on the counter. The buzz in my cunt and on my asshole had me on the edge.
"Please let me come, Officer Reeves."
"How 'bout this, Mrs. Stilson?" he teased and turned the dildo to thrust mode. As it began to thrust, it sucked itself all the way in. "Holy shit, it slid itself in!"
"Oh God, please, I can't stop! I'm gonna come! Please!"
"I think you almost earned it, Mrs. Stilson," Said officer said the officer, as he turned it back to buzz only. "Just tell me where you want this?" He pushed the tip of the little dildo firmly against my asshole.
I pressed hard against it, and he pulled back. "Tell me where you need this one, Mrs. Stilson."
"In my ass, please, Officer Reeves. It feels so good on my asshole!"
With that, he pushed it against me and this time, he held it as I pushed myself onto it. At first, I thought I had made a 'huge' mistake. The little plastic buddy never felt so 'huge', and the pain was intense. I whimpered in response, and he pulled back, rotated it as he pushed it back in slowly. The pain quickly turned to an intense tingle, as he pumped the vibrator slowly in and out.
"Oh yes, fill me up with your cocks," I hummed.
"Are you gonna come for us now, Mrs. Stilson?"
"Yes, please turn it up..." The big cock kicked into pulse, and wiggle. "Oh! Fuck me!" I squeaked.
"Are you a proud cock-slut, Mrs. Stilson?" taunted Mark, bringing the camera around toward my head. I rocked my body forward and back.
"Oh God. Yes, I'm your fucking cock-slut, Mr. Thomas."
"You're rocking those tits like a slut. You like that in your ass, cock-slut?"
"Oh God, yes!"
"Ever had your ass fucked, Mrs. Stilson?" asked Mark, and the image of both of them inside me hit home.
"No, sir. Fuck!" I was on the verge and there was no stopping it.
"I think Officer Reeves wants that ass cherry."
"Fuck yeah!" he groaned and sped up the dildo in my ass.
"Yes! I want that cock in my ass! Please!" I screamed, "Please let me come!" as the orgasm hit.
"I think you already are coming, Mrs. Stilson," teased Mark.
"Fuck! Coming! For! Your! Cocks!
I dropped down onto the counter, smashing my tits against the cold surface, as my legs spread, and mouth hung open. My body spasmed and I grunted like an animal, as the vibrators stimulated nerves, I never knew I had. The intensity was overwhelming, and I soon reached my limit as my moans grew higher and louder.
"Please turn it off!" I gasped.
They complied, and Officer Reeves removed the dildo from my ass. I reached back and pulled the giant dildo from my pussy as I caught my breath.
Before I could stand back up, I felt Mark step up and insert his semi-hard cock between my thighs, rolling his hips, rubbing himself against my thighs and crotch. His stiffness pushed upward against me.
"Please fuck me, Mr. Thomas," I sighed. "Please give me what I came for."
"Shit, she's a hungry little thang, ain't she?" teased Officer Reeves.
"Yes, she is," said Mark, as he pulled back and let his boner rest on my ass, rubbing it against my ass crack.
"You ready for this, Officer Reeves?" asked Mark.
"Hell yes, um," he grunted for good measure.
Mark gripped my cheeks and spread them apart. "Her cute little asshole has tightened right back up. You are a lucky man, Officer Reeves."
"Are you ready to make his day, Mrs. Stilson."
The reality of having his big cock in my ass, made me nervous, to say the least.
"Yes, but please go slow, your cock is so fucking big. I want both of you inside me please!"
The words came out of my mouth, and I could hardly believe it. But the sensation of the two dildos was like nothing I'd ever felt. And the events of the last two days had me in a state of constant arousal, venting every ounce of frustration that I had been carrying inside me.
"Come with me, Nurse Stilson," he said, as he backed up and held out his hand. "You can leave your hat on."
It reminded me that I was totally naked before two near-strangers, about to perform acts that two days ago would have gotten any man slapped for even suggesting them. Including Wayne. Somehow, in that moment, standing there naked in front of their ogling eyes was suddenly awkward. I asked myself 'No awkwardness being bent over the counter and double dildoed?' I could not explain it.
I took his hand, and the grin on his face somehow put me at ease, as he led me through a door to the basement steps. The room we entered had a round, green felt-covered card table and five chairs, a large TV mounted on the wall to the left of the stairs, and a bed with a nightstand and lamp next to it. There was really nothing else on the walls. It was a classic bachelor man-cave.
Officer Reeves followed with my 'nurse's bag' and was kind enough to bring my clothes. He placed them on the corner of the bed, phone in hand.
Mark led me to the bed and pushed the robe off his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Seeing him naked, flat stomach with abs and nine inches of hot meat, had me flushed with heat again. I touched his chest, slid my hands down his stomach, and gripped his cock with both hands.
"I love your fucking cock, Mr. Thomas, and I want to help you with your swelling problem any way I can." I felt him stiffening in my hands and found myself panting as It did. "It's so fucking hot and hard. Please, Mr. Thomas, put it inside me."
He backed slowly up and when his legs touched the bed, he spread them and lay back on the bed with his feet on the floor. I followed him down and dropped to my knees, not wanting to release his cock. Once there, I saw his balls poised before me, and licked them hungrily, stroking his pole with my right hand and pushing his knees wide with my left. I lapped at his balls and up his shaft, worshiping the cock that started the frenzied obsession that brought me there that morning.
From the corner of my eye, I saw the round, pink head of Officer Reeves' big, black cock at full stiffness, as he pushed his boner down to point his head toward me. I turned and looked at him continuing to stroke Mark. Officer Reeve stared hungrily down at me, and I extended my tongue gently teasing his man-clit below the cleft of his cockhead. As he moaned, I smiled and pushed his head into my mouth, swirling my tongue on his sensitive spot. Then I pulled off, looking up at him and stroking both cocks.
"Officer Reeves, I want to show my appreciation for your leniency today. I intend to fully cooperate with you in every way. I know that justice can be hard to take, but I intend to take it, wherever and however you see fit to deliver it, Officer." I smiled and he looked like a virgin getting his first handjob.
Mark gripped my arm and pulled me up on top of him. I released Officer Reeves' cock with a sigh, as Mark led me up to straddle him.
I pressed my hands onto his chest and sat my pussy onto his cock. "It's so fucking warm, Mr. Thomas," I sighed, rubbing myself against his length. "Oh fuck, I need a real cock so much."
As I rubbed myself against him, I heard Officer Reeves opening my bag and soon felt lube hit my ass, then run down my crack over my asshole.
"Yes, yes, yes!" I groaned, as my wetness coated Mark's cock.
Then Officer Reeves slid two fingers up and down my ass crack spreading the lube, before inserting a finger slowly in.
"Oh yes, Officer. It's all for you."
I rocked faster, and a second finger slipped in, with very little pain.
"Search me, Officer Reeves. Let me show you I have nothing to hide."
As he went for the third, I squeaked, and he slowed down, working them in more slowly.
"Thank you, Officer Reeves. I can take it now." I pushed myself against him, taking three fingers knuckles deep.
"Mr. Thomas, I think the only therapy that will work for your problem this morning is burying it deep in a hot, wet cunt and pounding the cunt until those balls empty." I slid forward and lined up his cockhead. "Are you ready, Mr. Thomas?"
"Ready, Nurse Stilson!"
I pushed him slowly in, wiggling myself against the giant cock to let my labia spread for it.
"I think your fever might be back, Mr. Thomas. Oh that's so hot. This may take a minute to stuff this monster in."
I began to rock forward and back, taking a little more each time.
"No one's ever filled my pussy so full, Mr. Thomas: I think it's best we continue these treatments at least once a week." When I took him to the hilt, I pressed against him hard, "Maybe fucking more!"
I pushed hard on his chest as I rocked feeling my pussy cling to his manhood with each thrust.
"Officer Reeves, I think you're going to need the big probe to be sure there's nothing I'm hiding."
Almost instantly, his fingers withdrew, and his cock laid in my ass crack.
"Officer Reeves, That's not a probe! I think you have a fever also. I'm afraid, I only have one hole left to check your temp, oh fuck!" I groaned, as Mark's cock was bringing me to the edge already.
"I'm gonna need you to confirm you consent to the complete cavity search, Mrs. Stilson." He pressed his cockhead against me.
"Please, Officer Reeves, I wanna come with your cock in my ass. Take my ass cherry now, please!"
As his head pushed harder against my sphincter, it seemed impossible to fit, even after three fingers. The pressure and thought of pain, brought me back from the edge as I rode Mark's cock slowly. Officer Reeves had a hand on my hip as he rocked with me, wriggling his cock and slowly pushing in. I could feel myself starting to open and held still to help him finally push through.
"That's it, Officer Reeves, go slow, but give me that beautiful, black cock, Huh!" I gasped, as his head popped in with a twinge of pain.
But thanks to the lube and his patience, the pain quickly faded. I pushed myself slowly onto his hardness rocking back and forth to ease him in. Mark was not as patient and began pumping himself in and out with greater urgency. When Officer Reeves was up to the hilt, I groaned with a sense of pride for taking them both.
"Oh fuck, fill me up," I whimpered, as I rocked forward and back, sliding up and down their lengths. "Oh my God, That so...Ah!"
I rocked faster as I measured how far I could rock without losing either of them. I groaned louder and louder, as the sensation was like nothing I'd ever felt "Yes. Thank you!" I panted. "So full of cock!"
I could feel them deep inside, sliding in and out in unison, almost as if they were one. The tingle on the nerves in my ass, along with the stimulation of my pussy, added a level of intensity that had me quickly moving toward another climax.
My hands pressed hard on Mark's chest as I rocked faster and harder, tits swinging and bouncing agains my shoulders and ribs as they swung. I could feel my holes clinging to the hot, stiff poles as I rode them.
"I love your fucking cocks! Ah! Fuck! Me! So! Hard! Aaahhh!"
Officer Reeves grunted louder, as he began thrusting his hips, slapping his pelvis on my ass with a hand on each of my hips for balance. "Oh fuck, Mrs. Stilson, so ah!"
"Come in my ass!" I screamed, as my orgasm hit. "Coming! For! Your! Cocks!"
His grunts intensified, as his hips spasmed against me, and I quickly felt his seed oozing from my asshole.
Mark took the cue and thrusted his hips up and down, like a crazed dog in heat. "Take my cock, you little slut!"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed, as he hammered me. Then my mouth locked open as the orgasm took me completely. My lower body trembled uncontrollably, and the only sound coming from me were guttural groans. My legs felt like jelly, they trembled so much, and my abs spasmed with each thrust of his cock.
Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, he pulled out and fell back to the bed as I collapsed on top of him, losing Officer Reeves from my ass. As my tummy pressed against his cock, he released jet after jet of jizz that smeared between us, while I rubbed myself against him.
We lay there, catching our breath, with my chin on his shoulder as I slowly rubbed against him, fascinated by the amount of cum he released. After a moment, he whispered, "Are you going to clean up your mess, Mrs. Stilson?"
I knew what he meant and should have been offended, but the Amy that would have been offended, had been replaced by the Amy that had just been fucked by two huge, hard cocks that she loved to serve. An Amy that would gladly devour every drop of cum they could produce if it meant she could have them again.
This Amy rose up, and Mark pulled himself further onto the bed, as She knelt between his legs and crawled up closer. This Amy knew Officer Reeves was still behind her and pushed her ass high for his benefit as she leaned in and lapped up the spunk. This Amy started with his belly and chest, before moving to his cock to make him wait for it. This Amy looked at him hungrily, taunting him as she licked his body clean. This Amy loved the taste of man-cum.
"Well, Mrs. Stilson, your story checks out. I am late for patrol; so, I will let you off with a warning this time, and leave you with your 'boyfriend'. Your cooperation was appreciated, and I'm sure I will see you again, soon. I will leave your phone right here, ma'am."
Mark put a hand on my head, holding me in place. "Thank you for your understanding this morning, Officer Reeves. As usual you were firm, but fair. Have a great day," said Mark, arrogantly.
Then I began to lick his shaft clean, slowly, and deliberately, up his entire length, then lapped his balls sack clean of my own cum before returning to his shaft. He was stiffening nicely again.
I was late for work, but knowing I was making him hard again, I could not stop. I licked him thoroughly, looking into his eyes, measuring the length of his manhood over and over. Sometimes kissing my way up, sometimes licking. I have no idea how long I spent touching, tasting, smelling the sex in the air, while I worshipped his cock. Nothing else mattered but pleasing him. Watching his eyes as I pointed him toward the ceiling and took his cockhead into my mouth, was such a feeling of power. I had to have him one more time, to feel his cum flood my mouth, knowing I was responsible for his pleasure.
"I'm not sure I've ever meant anyone as cock hungry as you-- Ah! Mrs.-- Ah!"
I nodded and hummed. "Muh-huh, muh-huh!"
I plunged him in as deep as I could go, tasting the sweetness of his pre-cum again. I bobbed hard and fast, continuing to hum, "Muh-huh, muh-huh!"
"Oh fuck, Mrs. Stilson." His head rolled back and his hips spasmed, as he released another load of cum in my mouth.
This time, I could manage it all and sucked and swallowed it all until he lay there, spent and panting. I sucked him clean and laid his limp cock on his belly as I stood up and grabbed my clothes. What little clothes I had, that is.
As I pulled my skirt up. I returned to Nurse Stilson. "Well, Mr. Thomas, it appears the swelling problem has been alleviated for the time being. If the condition returns, please contact me to schedule some more Physical Therapy."
"Thank you, Nurse Stilson. I feel one-hundred percent better. I look forward to our next appointment."
I straightened my top, collected my things, and blew him a kiss. "If I hope to be employed long enough for our next session, I need to go."
As I walked up the steps, he said, "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you walk away."