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Here's a story I have in my arsonal involving some crude topics. If you enjoy and want more, head on over to for early/exclusive content. Y'know, if ya want to.
I love hanging with the guys. It’s such a nice change of pace. Girls are always bringing drama wherever they go. It’s kinda sad that I have to affiliate with them. Everything’s always the men’s fault. Can’t get a nice job? Men. Can’t afford to buy food? Men. Dropped out of college? Men. Can’t seem to make a relationship work? Men. Girls just can’t take accountability. Which is why I’m glad I’m nothing like them. I’m just another one of the guys.

What’s even better is guys don’t treat me any different from their other guy friends. They won’t go easy on me in games, they’ll rag on me, they won’t open the door when we walk into a building, they’ll burp around me, and they even talk about how hot other girls are when I’m around. It’s so refreshing seeing the insight of guys being guys. Especially when I know for a fact that they aren’t just trying to get in my pants.

I don’t even know what’s so bad about being with guys. They aren’t that good at the games they play and they’re so supportive if you mess up, it’s so easy to make them laugh, they’re so modern that they pick places with automatic doors, they’ll give you cute nicknames like “little sis” and “baby girl”, and if you’re lucky, their preferred type could share some qualities with you. I just don’t get it. It’s like girls only look for things to complain about. They’re so hard on guys for no reason.

It’s a shame how much boys have to tolerate these days. Don’t girls realize how much worse things were back in the day? I bet they don’t really care since it doesn’t directly effect them. Selfish. This world is just sad. All hate. Not enough love. And that’s why a rare caregiving girl like me is around to provide that love that the world’s lacking.

Like now, Chandler’s girlfriend apparently just dumped him out of the blue and he hasn’t been the same ever since. So I’m visiting him to cheer him up. Literally. His face always lights up when I wear my old cheerleader uniform from senior year. But I don’t know if it’ll have the same effect, though. High school was five years ago and the last time I was able to comfortably wear it was Luke’s birthday a few years ago when he asked me to give him the lap dance experience. But I can power through it. I'll do anything for my friends. Plus, it only slightly hugs me. No big deal.

After reaching his apartment complex and finding his door, I knock on it, waiting for his response. Moments after knocking, I hear footsteps approaching the door. I then hear the sound of the door unlocking before it opens, revealing Chandler. Poor guy. He must’ve been crying up a storm and just needed a moment to fix himself. Guys can be such soldiers.

“Oh, hey, Charlie,” he says,

“Hey, Chandler,” I wave before bringing my hands behind my back, “How you holdin’ up?”

“Uhh…fine. Why? And what’s with the cute uniform?”

Eee! He called me cute!

“Well, I heard about your breakup and I know how much it can hurt.”

“Well, I mean, that was like two months ago. Plus, it didn’t really effect me that much.”

“Well, it’s easy to say that, but just to be sure, I just wanted to come over and make you feel better. Anything you need me to do, you’ve got it.”

And just as I expected, his eyes light up at my willingness to be there for him.

“Anything?” he asks, stargazed as he looks at the logo of my uniform, no doubt reminiscing the good ol’ days of high school,

“Yup. Anything. You name it, I do it.”

His face then takes a noticeable change. His demeanor just drops before he says,

“Well, now that you mention it, I do have moments where all I can think about is her. It gets hard sometimes.”

Damn, now I just feel bad. I just completely reminded him of his sorrows. But that’s why he needs a friend like me. To help him forget them.

“Aww,” I reply, “Poor thing. Is there anything I can do to help you get your mind off it?”

“I mean,” he starts as he looks me up and down, thinking of what I could possibly do for him,

“There’s a few things that come to mind. If you’re up for it, of course.”


He invites me in and I step inside, walking to his living room.

He shuts the door and follows me. We both sit on his couch and he lets out an audible sigh. Jeez, I guess it hit him harder than he expected. I’m just glad I can get him out of this funk.

“So,” I start, “What can I do to cheer you up?”

He brings a hand to his chin, thinking about his answer, before saying,

“Well, there’s this one thing that…you know what? Never mind.

I couldn’t possibly ask you to do something like that. It’s too much.”

“No, tell me. Trust me. I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you want me to do.”

“Oh, alright. If you insist. It’s just that…there’s so many things about her that I miss. And one of them was how soft her tits were. And the thought of never being able to squeeze them ever again is just heart wrenching. But, you know, yours are really similar to hers. It would really mean a lot if you just let me touch them for a bit.”

Oh…well, then…this took a turn. I thought he’d wanna talk about it or go somewhere else for scenery or something, but this is...different. But whatever. My friend is hurting and he needs to heal. And if this is what it takes for that healing to take place, then I’m more than willing to accommodate.

“Alright, then,” I say, turning to him, “You made it seem like it was something terrible. Go ahead.”


“Sure. Have at them.”

He wastes zero time. He latches his hands onto my tits, grabbing and squeezing them with no remorse. See, this is what friends are for. Doing anything to get the mind out of dark places. No matter the cost. And he looks so happy. I mean, sure, it’s a bit of an odd request, but it’s all in the name of healing. So it’s fine.

But once again, he takes an unexpected turn. He brings his hands under my shirt, toying with my bare chest. Admittedly, it is kinda weird. I mean, this isn’t typically things friends would ask of each other. But once again, even though it’s unorthodox, it’s still helping him. So I’ll allow it.

“Wow, your tits are incredible,” he says,

“Uhh…thanks,” I reply, unsure on how to respond,

“This is really helping me out a ton. You’re the greatest friend anyone could ask for.”

Yes! I knew I could help him. He’ll forget all about her in no time.

“So what else do you need me to do?” I ask, remembering that he said there were a few things he wanted,

“You sure you’re up for it?” he replies, still massaging my chest,

“Of course. What are friends for?”

“Alright. Well, I really miss how she’d sit on my lap. It was so cute. I’d really appreciate if you could do that.”

I give him a grin, saying,

“No problem.”

I stand up from the couch as he positions himself. I then bring my legs on either side of him, straddling his lap. He then wraps his arms around my waist, prompting me to lean down on his chest as he rubs my lower back. This feels nice. I can practically feel his heart piecing itself together. It sure sounds like it. It’s beating a little quickly.

But as I’m lying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, I feel his hand maneuvering lower and lower down my back with each rub. He stops right on my butt, rubbing it instead. Ok, it’s weird again. Wait. No. It could be instinct. We are making him forget about his girlfriend, after all. His muscle memory is probably so used to doing it to her, he’s just subconsciously doing it to me. That sounds right. So I can’t really fault him for that. It’s just science.

He then brings his other hand to my butt, rubbing that side, too. Old habits die hard, I guess. So I try ignoring it again, just focusing on his heartbeat. But then, he starts slightly moving my hips back and forth. Now I’m curious.

“Uh…whatcha doin’ there, pal?” I ask,

“Oh, it’s just something we’d do with each other,” he responds, “She said it’d calm her down after a bad day. I’m sorry. I could stop if it’s making you uncomfortable.”

“No, no, it’s fine. Just do whatever feels right.”

I knew he wasn’t doing anything mischievous. It was all in my head. I really need to listen to my instincts more. I settle back on his chest and he continues his therapeutic methods, rubbing my butt and moving me back and forth. It’s so good to help those you care about. It just gives you a warm, fuzzy, delicious feeling inside. There’s nothing like it.

Now I’m feeling something in between us. Is that…no. It couldn’t be. He can’t be turned on by this. I’m his friend and this is just his way of coping. Why would he be hard from this? No, it’s just my imagination.

“Uh,” he starts, grabbing my attention, “Sorry. I got kinda… worked up. I was just thinking of all the fun we had and I must’ve gotten carried away.”

“It’s fine,” I reply, “It’s not your fault.”

“But you know…since I’m already like this…I’m gonna need some…you know…relief.”

“Oh, ok. Sure, I’ll just turn around for a bit.”

“Uh, I don’t think that’s gonna cut it. It just won’t be the same if I do it. I’m so used to her. I kinda need you to do it.”

I’m floored. Up to this point was another thing, but I couldn’t possibly do something like that with a friend. It would just make things awkward between us.

“Umm…I-I don’t know,” I answer, stuttering over my words, “We’re friends. Wouldn’t that be weird?”

“It won’t be if we don’t let it. Look, all I need is your hands and mouth and that’s it. We never speak of it again.”

“But Chandler-”

“Please. I can’t move on without it.”

But he’s like a brother to me. All of my male friends are like older brothers. Something like this could potentially ruin that. I don’t wanna be seen as that type of girl who takes advantage of a friend who’s this down in the dumps. I treat my friends with respect. I’m guessing he takes my silence as a “no” because he sighs before saying,

“It’s fine. It’s not fair to make you do anything you don’t wanna do. Even if it means helping me. Just forget I asked. I’ll just find another way to heal.”

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Now he’s gonna hate me. Then this’ll get to the other boys and they’ll think I’m a selfish bitch and none of them will wanna be my friends anymore. And that’ll probably ruin any chance of me having any more male friends ever again. I can’t let that happen.

“Ok, ok, ok,” I say, getting onto my knees in front of him, “I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever it takes. Just sit there and let me do everything, ok?”

He gives me a smile, saying,

“Thanks, Charlie. I knew you were a great reliable friend.”

Yay, I’m reliable. Ok, so I just need to push my feelings aside. Easy enough. I’ll just pretend he’s someone else. I grab the hem of his shorts, pulling them down his thighs, along with his boxers, fully exposing his awaiting erection. He’s so hard. He must’ve been envisioning some really vivid memories about her.

I hesitantly bring a hand to it, trying to get my mind off of the fact that this is Chandler I’m doing this to. I wrap my hand around his shaft, gently stroking it up and down. He lets out a light gasp from my touch and movements, not helping me at all. How am I supposed to think about someone else if he’s making noise? I guess I'll just have to deal with it and get it over with as soon as possible.

I continue my strokes, enticing more moans from him. Please, just let this be done quickly. I don’t wanna do this for too long. It’s so weird and gross. How is he so comfortable with this? He’s the one who started calling me “little sis”. Why is he so nonchalant about this? Maybe he pushed those thoughts aside. Maybe I should try harder.

“You’re doing amazing, little sis,” he says, tossing my theory out the window, “Maybe you should start using your mouth now. That’s what she used to do.”

God, this is so gross. I really don’t wanna do this. But it’s for a good cause, so I guess I have to. I reluctantly lean down, getting closer to his growing member. I then wrap my lips around his head, gently sucking on it, making him groan louder. I hate everything about this. The taste of him is so awkward, there’s pre-cum leaking from him, making it taste worse, and this is someone I consider my brother. Everything about this is so wrong.

But as I’m recoiling at everything about this, I feel his hand on my head, gently stroking my hair. For some reason, him touching my head like this is kinda making me feel better. Only a little, though. But it’s helping, nonetheless. So, in a sense, we’re helping each other out right now.

“Yeah, keep going,” he groans out, “Take it deeper in that pretty little mouth of yours. Yeah, just like that. Fuck, you’re so good at this. You’re such a good girl. I’m so happy to have a friend like you.”

Now I’m conflicted. His touch was helping at first, but after hearing that, I just feel so dirty. He’s making me feel like a slut. How could a girl be comfortable hearing any of that? It’s so degrading. Now he’s pushing me further down his dick. I move my hand, taking more of him inside of my mouth. He then grabs onto my hair and starts thrusting in and out of my mouth.

He’s so far inside of my mouth. I can barely breathe and my jaw is killing me. But at least he looks happy. He’s groaning more and more, tightening his grip on my head and speeding up his pace. I feel a tear roll down my face, due to his overwhelming size and how far he is inside of my mouth. I just want this to be over.

As if my silent pleas were answered, he pulls me off of his dick, causing me to cough as air enters my lungs again.

“This isn’t enough,” he says, “I need you to take off your underwear.”

“W-wai-” I object before he interrupts with,

“Thanks. I knew you’d understand.”

He lifts me up from under my arms, leading me to the arm rest on the couch before bending me over it. He then lifts my skirt and practically rips off my underwear. What’s gotten into him? Why isn’t he listening to me? He then palms my butt, saying,

“Fuck, you’ve got such a nice ass. It’s way better than hers. I’m gonna love this so much.”

I’m starting to get scared. The things he’s saying are so inhumane. This isn’t the Chandler I know. He brings a hand to my back, scaring me even more.

“Ch-Chandler,” I plead, “Stop it. Please. I’ve never even done this before. I don’t want to do this. Please, let’s just talk about this and deal with this in a he-”

He interrupts me by shoving his dick inside of my butt, making me cry out in pain. It’s so big and it’s stretching me so much. It hurts.

“Chandler, stop!” I plead again, “I can’t take it. It’s too much. Take it out. Take it out. Take it out.”

He ignores my begging, shoving deeper and deeper inside of my butt. I cry more and more. The pain is unbearable and he doesn’t seem to care. Who is he? Chandler would never do anything like this. He would never hurt me. Why is he doing it now?

The pain is worsened as he starts thrusting in and out of me, grabbing my waist with his other hand. All I can do is grip onto the cushion and cry. Talking to him is pointless. So I have no choice, but to just let him do this. I wish I never came over here. If I knew he’d react like this, I would’ve never considered coming over.

He maneuvers his hand from my back to my underside, sliding it under the front of my skirt and bringing two fingers to my slit. He then starts rubbing my pussy as he speeds up his pace. But he’s being so rough with both my ass and pussy, it’s just torture. Why is this happening to me? What did I do? I thought I did everything right. It makes no sense. He’s supposed to be my friend.

I’m then pulled upright before being forced against a nearby wall. He lifts my leg and starts thrusting harder and faster, pushing deeper inside of me. I cry even more from the increased pain I’m enduring. He’s just using me like a worthless ragdoll. How could he do this to me?

As he continues violating me, he starts groaning louder and louder. He then lets out a loud groan, squeezing my butt and shooting his load inside of me. I didn’t know it was possible, but I now feel even worse. This is so disgusting. I hate how it feels. It’s so warm and sticky and there’s so much. He thrusts in and out of me a few more times before pulling out and leaning in my ear, saying,

“You’re such a good friend, Charlie.”

He then walks off and I hear a door shut. All I can do is slide down the wall and cry. I’ll never be able to look at him the same way ever again. Did he ever even see me as a friend? Was this all he wanted all along? Why would he do this?





And there ya have it. The end of this story. Do ya want more? Well, there's more at Head on over there for your fix if you want to or whatever.
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