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Bad sexual education can lead to deplorable blockage in relations
It All Started With A Massage

By Jeymar

The difference between the sexes

In the spring of 1958, my father hit an electric post as we went to the weekend summer house. Only my mother was hurt. The post was on the right side of the road, the same side she was sitting in the car.

The back of the front fender got crushed in, pushing the interior wall against my mother’s ankle. She suffered a sprained ankle. The doctor prescribed much rest, abstaining from walking as much as possible, and resting in bed if possible.

My father got her some crutches and took care of the cooking for the weekend.

Back in our city house, my father asked me to stay home and care for her. I was only 16 years old and knew nothing about cooking. So, Mom got out of bed and instructed me on how to prepare lunch, and thankfully, she kept things simple. Once we had eaten, she went back to bed.

That had me locked in the house for the whole week. I was doing whatever I could to distract myself, not being used to cooping up like this.

One day, in the middle of the week, she asked me to check the ankle bandage to see if it was still ok. After a brief examination, I told her that, yes, it was just perfect.

I was surprised when she asked me to stay with her for a while. She had always been an active woman, and having to be in bed was depressing for her.

I was fidgeting, standing up in her bedroom. She told me I could sit on the bed or lay beside her if I didn’t mind.

I did and finally laid down, but just on the edge of the bed after a moment. I finally dozed off. I woke up cuddled in Mom’s arms. She was rubbing my back, and our faces were almost embracing. I felt this wasn’t normal and pulled myself up and went into the kitchen.

My mind was telling me that her actions were not typical. But deep inside, even to this day, I thought she wanted something from me, but what?

I was a shy boy, not attractive, so I had never been with a girl, and my acne face was not enticing the girls ever to consider me a potential close friend, not even one at all.

When my mother finally recovered, she offered me a book on sexuality one day. A doctor had written that he was professing retarded sexuality between a man and a woman. But mind you, these concepts were well-lived by the population, at least by my mother.

She told me she had read the book and that it would help me to read it. The doctor was teaching notions that were archaic and would be frowned upon by most people today.

The book thought that women did not get pleasure from sexual relations. Their satisfaction would come when they got pregnant and gave birth. Feeding the baby would bring the woman even more fun. Many in those years accepted that notion.

I’ll spare you all the details, but let’s say that was the basis of my sexual education. My father would have never talked to me about this subject, and I wasn’t inclined to inquire about it either.

So, I had a lot to learn. The first time I had sex with a woman, she had to stop me from squeezing her too hard or pinching her nipples. Finally, she guided my cock to her vagina. Now, we were listening on the radio to the Stanley Cup finals between the Canadiens and the Bruins, and she screamed with joy when Béliveau scored the cup-winning goal. I thought I had made her cum, before I realized it was because of the game.

You can see how inadequately educated I was. I had much to learn and would with my first girlfriend, who became my wife. She had to teach me everything, and I mean everything. I told her what I had learned from the book. She looked at me wide-eyed and asked what century I was from.

Following her instructions, my sex life became much more fun than playing hockey. I became insatiable, and four children issued from our sex-making. The first three were girls, as if nature wanted to teach me to be gentle and affectionate with the female species. The last one was a boy.

I was now addicted to sexual activity. We both ended up cheating on each other until we divorced. Finally, I was free to play the field. My eldest best friend, the same age, commented that she was attracted to me. Thank God nothing came out of it. Not from a lack of interest in experimenting.

After I was released from my job at the end of the contract, I was working in. I met a woman in a bar, and we hit it off quickly. It lasted five years. That’s when my life started to take a turn for the worse. I began driving girls for an escort agency.

I made perfect money. The agency charged $125 for each call: $75 went to the escort, $25 to me, the driver, and $25 to the agency. If you add that, we were three drivers plus an extra on weekends. The agency was making a killing. But, like all business people, the boss got hungry, and seeing that some agencies had cut their prices, he did the same, cutting the escort to $70.

When the girls started complaining, I made my move. I picked the most attractive girls and placed an ad for $250 an hour in the newspaper. Many customers were complaining that the other agencies were much cheaper. So, I told them to go there if they weren’t looking for stand-up models and the best quality escorts.

Within a month, I had four cars on the road with four escorts in each vehicle, and we always rushed for every call. I paid the girls $100 and the drivers $50 per call. Which left me with $100 per call, plus the additional $50 I made with the four girls I was driving myself.

Now, I ask you. Do you think I had the respect of the girls working for me?

Where did I fail? You are probably asking yourself.

There was much competition within my staff regarding my favorite. I could have any of the 16 girls in my agency at the lift of a finger.

One day, one of my competitors approached me to see if we could join. At the time, the newspaper would always list the agencies alphabetically. Her agency’s name started with the letters AAA… I can’t remember the rest of it. She was 21. She told me why she was in this business when I asked her. She told me a morality Sargent had raped her at the age of 16 in a popular park in our city. So, she decided to exploit her body and save all the money she earned from the trade; her name was Sonia. So, we joined forces. At that time, she only had three girls working for her; after I interviewed them and told them the money they’d make, they joined my team. It wasn’t easy for them to have to strip before the two of us. No agency did that. Hence the poor quality of some of them. We asked all the girls if they had a friend who would qualify for our business. It didn’t take long before Sonia’s car was complete, and she didn’t have to work anymore, except for driving the girls around.

One morning, as we were calculating the revenues for the night, she felt stiff between the shoulders. I asked her if she often had these kinds of pains.

“No,” she replied. “They started a short while after I started only driving. I don’t get to lay down anymore during work hours.”

“No, ill intent, but would you like me to rub your back?” I asked.

“Would the back and the neck be too much?” she asked

“I’ll do your complete skull if you get my drift.”

She just nodded. We went to the bedroom, and I sat at the head of the bed, motioning her back onto me. I started on the top of her head. From the front to the temples, around her ears, then to the lower part, finishing at the neck.

The message that changed my sexuality.

Sonia just nodded. Still fully clothed, we went to the bedroom, and I sat at the head of the bed, motioning her to sit between my legs, resting her back on me. I started on the top of her head, rubbing her skull from front to back, from her temples, around her ears, and then to the lower part, finishing at her neck.

I worked slowly, and as I did, I could feel my obsession rising. Now, I’m a very sexual person. My obsession with sex started when I was eight and is still strong today. Surprisingly, I only intended to relieve her tension when I began the massage. So, when my sex drive kicked in, I knew I had to fight it. She had once confessed to being raped by a police detective when she was underage, and since we were in a friendly interaction, being business partners and all, I didn’t want her to feel I was doing this to have sex with her. For the first time, I pushed aside my dark nature. I was proud of myself.

Despite our age difference, we considered ourselves friends, and I was pacing myself to the point that I drifted back to memories of things that were and things that could have been. I didn’t want to wreck our friendship and our business along with it.

I was navigating between the past and the present when I saw in my mind’s eye my ex-wife, Michelle, going down on me. I remember being dumbfounded when she turned around to present her crotch to my face. She told me to lick her clit and her vagina with my tongue. At that time, the thought of eating a woman’s pussy was repulsive. I was sickened at the idea. But she insisted, and I finally relented, deciding to try it since she was giving me so much pleasure.

I tentatively stuck out my tongue and licked the clit protruding from the top of her slit, risking entering between the lips of her cunt. To my surprise, it tasted good, so much so I couldn’t stop swiping it up and down, drinking the juices that my dexterous tongue produced. My dick had never been so hard. I learned fast about what to do. Not because I was bright but more because I loved the flavor. I was shaking, my stomach was churning, and my sperm exploded in her mouth as her hips rose and dropped. She spat it out, laughing, apologizing for not swallowing it all because of the size of my load, although it tasted good. From that moment, I rarely had sex without practicing the exhilarating sixty-nine.

I noticed Sonia’s eyes were closed. I thought she was sleeping. I softly pushed my finger into her ear. She practically jumped out of her skin, jerking her head away. I asked if she had fallen asleep. She said she was relaxing, enjoying what I was doing to her. I offered to do her back and arms if she wanted. I was dumbfounded that, somehow, my selfishness had disappeared. My satisfaction was no longer as important as my need to concentrate on relieving Sonia’s stress.

Suddenly, getting my rocks off was not as important as using a girl to satisfy my needs. At that moment, I realized I had been off track for so long.

To my surprise, she stripped off all her clothes, telling me I could massage her whole body if I desired and if it wasn’t too much for me. Looking at her, I realized that she was in perfect shape. Beautiful face, eyes the bluest I had ever seen, lips begging to be kissed. Perky breasts adorned with puffy nipples, flat and firm stomach. I was admiring her pussy, when she surprised me by opening her legs to give me a better look. Her labia parted to expose the entrance to her pink love tunnel slightly.

“What are you doing?” I asked. “Are you trying to induce me?”

“I sure am,” she replied. “I’ve been wanting to do this for some time. I thought you would never come around. Do you know I haven’t had sex since we joined our services?” she exclaimed.

“What? I’m an old man to you. You could find a younger lad more attractive than this old snook.”

“Maybe,” she replied, “but not as gentlemanly as you.”

On that, she turned on her stomach, offering me her backside to massage to relieve the day's stress.

With my wang as hard as I had ever experienced, I started at her shoulder, working my way down. When I reached her ass, I asked: “Do you mind if I also do your butt?”

“Do what pleases you; I’m sure I’ll enjoy it; in fact, I need more than you,” she replied.

“So, you want me to let loose on my desires with your body? Be careful; I might steal your soul.”

“Please do. I never had sex with a man going this far. Maybe you didn’t realize it, but you’ve had it since we joined forces.”

I mauled those tantalizing globes to my heart's content. I was sometimes running my middle finger between the cheeks, grazing her butthole.

“Umm, yes, do that again and again. That feels good. Not only my soul but my whole being is yours to enjoy. Please do what you want to me. I’m yours to use as you please. I know you will never hurt me. After all, I see you as the perfect gentleman and lover. We were meant to be together for a long time. Today is only the first of many to follow.”

I kept going down, doing her legs and feet. “Turn around; I won't stop until I massage and admire every part of you.”

Starting with her shoulders, where I lingered for a short while, looking at her tits and giggling as I did. I couldn’t resist letting my hands go down to envelop the firm and soft spheres, not touching the nipples, allowing her to yearn for my fingers and tongue to caress them.

After a long while teasing her nipples and erogenous aureolas, I sucked them in my mouth, twirling my tongue alternatively on one, then the other, back and forth.

After a while, I took care of her stomach, slightly touching her mound of venus, running my finger in the hair on top of her pussy, not yet slipping further down. I wanted her to beg me to take care of her clit, and the walls of her vagina. I knew she would not last long when I would. Secretions were leaking profusely. When I finally did, she jumped, and her hips kept rising and dropping. I didn’t even have to move my finger. She was rubbing herself on it. Everyone in life is looking for a way of getting the libido satisfied, to experience the pleasure of coming. And that she did in a scream that could have awakened the dead. I mean, after all, sex is an end to the means.

Kneeling beside her, I moved to her upper thighs, down her knees and ankles, making sure to work every part of her legs. When I reached her feet, I lingered around her ankle. I knew what to massage next. Just in front of the heel, a spot exists that, when appropriately rubbed, relaxes the whole body. It doesn’t do anything for the person caressing that spot, but it awakens the person receiving that special rubbing to revive her entire body’s need to be touched. After having said this, here is a challenge for the reader.

I chuckled softly as a thought hit me. How many major erogenous zones are there? The answer is one. Yes, only one, the whole body. Some parts may seem more excitable and can differ from one person to the other, but it remains that any part can lead to excitement if caressed with love and tenderness. The objective is not to concentrate solely on one zone but to vary the position, exploring every area.

I smiled as I wrapped each foot in my hands, just holding on with the palm of each hand. I asked her if her feet were ticklish. She said that yes, they were. So, I offered to let her experience something she could enjoy.

“What do you mean,” she asked. I explained that the effect of surprise provokes the foot to react violently. If done slowly and firmly, giving the nerves time to relax, I could eventually scratch the bottom of her feet with my nails, and she would not react repulsively, even enjoying the new feeling.

“Ew! Are you sure about that? I can’t even touch myself there unless using a washcloth.” Grimacing as she said that.

“Would you be ready to try it? Do you trust me?” I asked.

“Well, so far, you haven’t deceived me, so yes, but please be gentle.”

The Foot Massage

Still softly holding her feet in my hand, I slowly moved back and forth, barely grazing the skin. Seeing no nervous reaction, I began to squeeze lightly. Not realistically rubbing yet, but rather let her get used to our skin to get in contact with a slight movement.

“That feels good; I can’t believe my feet don’t react. I couldn’t do that to myself without jumping out of the bathtub. How can you manage to have me so relaxed? I am so happy having you as my friend.”

“There’s more to come, Sonia; this is just the beginning,” I replied.

Pursuing, I let the palm of my hand slip and introduced my fingers, rubbing, still very lightly, along her soles. Eventually, I could caress her with the tip of my fingers and add more pressure.

“How does that feel?” I asked, seeing she did not react, with only a hum of satisfaction coming from her mouth.

“I’m astounded that you can do that, and I’m not jerking my feet from your hand. It feels so good that I’m looking forward to where this will lead.” She whispered.

I slowly and very lightly started to fold my fingers to let my nails brush her skin, afraid to see her jerk her feet from my hand. She didn’t react, as if I hadn’t changed anything.

Emboldened, I applied more pressure from my nails, except with an initial twitch, she immediately relaxed, allowing me to scratch her feet with my fingernails only. I went back and forth, trying hard to get her to jump, but she never did.

“Are you a magician in disguise,” she asked me. “That feels so good. I’m astounded that you accomplished that and that I enjoyed it so much. You’ll have to teach me to do it to myself. I’ll want to try it when pleasuring myself,” she added.

I continued before slipping my finger between and around her toes, rubbing up and down along their length. I was tempted at this point to suck each one in my mouth, but my resilience to ignore my needs took over instantly.

I could smell and see that she was wet between her legs, accompanied by the distinctive smell of female secretions, signifying that she had had an orgasm.

The time came for me to progress to her legs and back. I told her to turn so I could work these areas similarly.

The Delicate Zone

The inner thighs are very sensitive, nearly as much as the soul of the feet. I was aiming to tease them moderately. I administered the same method with a slight change. After I worked up to using my nails, I decided to tickle that sensitive area.

She didn’t even jump when I did. I could tickle her, and the only reaction I could observe was seeing the secretions coming out between the folds of her vulva and her moaning loudly as they seeped out. I couldn’t resist licking them off.

“What are you doing to me?” she asked.

“Just letting you enjoy pleasure, sweetie.”

“I keep getting the actual toe curler, sometimes brutal, other times quietly, but I know I’m not dreaming. These ejaculations I’m experiencing are so enjoyable. I never spurted so much juice in so short a time.” Then she just burst out laughing.

“I love you, Theo!” she exclaimed.

“Ok! Time to progress to your back, Sonia. Are you ready to multi-orgasm again? You know I won’t resist cleaning your secretion with my tongue, which will generate more excitement in your body. Do you have the energy to endure the experience of more discharge?”

My mind was made up to tickle her rib cage, which would be an extenuating experience.

“Babe, after today, I can’t see the day I will let anyone use me as you do today. You’re the man every woman should find in their life, but not you. You are mine, as I am yours. Use me as you wish. If you want me, you are the only man I will ever submit to.”

“I do, Sonia, I do. I’m yours to keep for as long as you want.”

“Well, go on. I can’t wait to feel your next move. I know it will be a new experience for me. I’m just wondering if I can produce as much pussy juice as I have already.”

“You just tell me when you’ve had enough sweetheart.”

“I thought I had my limits but exceeded them all today. You’re the boss, use this slutty partner of yours. One thing I would like you to do before finishing this experience is to fuck me hard in both my cunt and my poop chute.”

“Your wish is my desire, love.”

This time, I didn’t gradually proceed. I went straight in, tickling her rib cage. I was surprised to hear her excitedly laugh her heart out, then stop. Moaning, she started to do what I thought was pissing when in reality, she was squirting gallons. Screaming words I couldn’t understand with a broad smile on her face.

“I’m coming, don’t stop, please don’t stop. Hooooo! Yessss! Ccuuum…cuuuummmm. Cuuummminggggg. Yes, yes, yessss….Fuck my mouth, piss in it and on me. Fuck my gullet, fuck my brains out. Ooooh, yes. Fuck this body that’s cumming so hard. Use my mouth, my ass, and my coochy. Fuck me, please fuck me.”

I did all that she asked. I know I was hurting her, but she kept asking for more. I was afraid of damaging her at that point. I never saw so much liquid coming out of a body. She was shaking her head in all directions when I started to alternately fuck her ass and cunt in an alternate. Then it was me emptying my sperm as I came like I never thought possible. Not satisfied with spewing in her twat and butthole, I splashed spunk in her mouth and all over her face.

Once it was over, she was crying. Not because she was hurt, on the contrary. It was because she was happy. I thought to myself: “Where does this liquid for tears come from? Didn’t she spend it all in vaginal secretions when I fucked both her butthole and cooze?”

We just smiled at each other when we finally came down to earth. Not saying a word, we enlaced ourselves and fell asleep, contented and satisfied.

When we woke up, we both ran to the washroom for a well-deserved shower, not saying a word.

Then the phone rang. It was a customer who wanted service. Reality was back. We went back to work. In no time, we and our other drivers picked up the girls.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

We always remembered that first time. We celebrate our union yearly on the same date by repeating our unofficial marriage. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Except, on that date, we trust our eldest and most reliable driver, Tom, to take charge and take care of business.

We hired two more drivers to replace us on the road. This is a very fluctuating business. So, new personnel has to be hired all the time. Sonia is in charge of recruiting the girls, while I recruit and supervise our drivers.

As much as we respect our personnel, they recognize our devotion to giving our customers good service and ensuring they don’t get troubled.

In the early days, Sonia told me we had to discuss a problem she had with one of the girls.

“Celena complains that her lover has split because of her work. He wanted her to quit, but she wasn’t ready. Although her work is in the sex industry, it remains just that: work. She’s missing the warm contact of a lover to satisfy her needs. I don’t know what to do.”

“Well, what do you want me to do about it? I can’t supply her with a lover. Does she need some time off to fill her empty situation? We could allow that to happen, you know.”

“No, that’s not it. She needs to work and has no qualifications other than what she’s been doing for the past years. You do know that she’s one of our best girls. She would be hard to replace. But, maybe, just maybe, I have a temporary solution.”

“What do you suggest we could do?”

“Please don’t get mad, but I was thinking if we both invited her over after work, we could… You know…”

“What are you aiming at? Should I take care of her needs in place of her lover? Is that it?”

“Yes and no. I was thinking we both could help her. After all, she’s bi. So we could make her happy until she finds her way. That way, we keep her satisfied and benefit from it. She keeps providing the customers with her excellent attitude, and we both experience something new. You know, like when we came together on our anniversary day?”

“Honey, do you know what you are asking about? Do you want me to let her experience how we came about to be together, in more than the business we are exploiting? Do you want me to give her a massage like I give you every day?”

“Yes, I do, Theo, my love. Anything we do together keeps us welded as an entity. A sexual undivided combination.”

“Sonia, did you consider that this would bring you to having sex with another woman? Do you have bi-sexual desires that I don’t know about?”

“Not now; just remember how you transformed me with a massage. How you got me to cherish the sex we have together. It was what you did to me that brought me to develop the yearning I have for our sexual voracity. So, I am not into girls right now, but who can tell where this adventure will take us? If we don’t like it, we don’t have to repeat the experience, but if we do, who knows where it will take us.”

“I must admit you got me right now. I can’t refute your suggestion. Ok! We will travel that path once and see where it will lead us. I leave the task of fixing things with Selena.”

“I know she admires me. So it won’t be too hard to convince her.”

“This resembles the pupil teaching the professor.”

We both laughed our hearts out.

The following day, Selena showed up at our door. When she saw me, she had a surprise look in her eyes.

“Hello, Selena, welcome to our humble home.” That is all I could say.

“Thank you, sir, is Sonia here?” she replied

“Yes, she is impatiently waiting for you.”

Please come in and make yourself comfortable.

I guided her to our living room, telling her that Sonia would come to greet her shortly.

“Would you like something to drink? We have coffee, juice, beer, or liquor. Whatever you prefer.”

“Coffee would be nice after a hard day and night.” She murmured.

“Coffee is coming up. We just brewed it, so it is fresh.”

That was awkward, I realized.

I went to the kitchen to get it. Sonia had heard everything and had already poured a cup. We brought it to Selena with milk and sugar if she needed any.

“Thank you, it smells good.” She dropped a cube of sugar and added a trace of milk.

Sonia and I sat together. Sonia was eager to start the conversation.

“I’m happy you came over Selena. Our thoughts were with you and the situation you’re in. I know how hard it can be to see the person we love walk away for a lack of acceptance of a person’s way of earning her living. Please feel assured that we are not judging you or him. To each his own, as they say.”

“Yes, you are right, Sonia, that’s why I overcame my grief so quickly; plus, you opened your heart to me and invited me here today. I don’t feel so alone right now.”

“Have you figured out how to overcome your solitude?”

“No, not yet, but I know there must be a way to overcome my distress.”

“We have a short solution for you, but it depends on your feelings. We are both willing to fill in your void. Theo helped me in the past to conquer my reservations about sex. We became a thing. He could fill in your emptiness like he helped defeat mine. Would you be willing to try? You’ll see how he is not pushy and very patient. He has a method to help a person realize their full potential.”

“Is that so? How can a man understand a woman’s feelings and thoughts?”

“In my case, he took the time to lowly, very slowly exploit the sensitive spots, gradually exploring the hidden barriers I had built or were socially looked upon by the not-so-wise general teachings I had received. I suspect you are in the same situation I was then. Today, thanks to his teaching, we could smash the walls, and I became a new person in command of what I wanted from a relationship with another. To make you feel at ease, I can either stay here while he explains his views and try different methods or retire to our room. Whatever you decide, we will respect your choice.”

“I would appreciate it if you stayed, Sonia. The way you explain that I now understand where you come from. You are respected by all the girls/women in the agency.”

Theo called Ralph to ask him to take over for the day. He, Sonia, and Selena had to settle a little problem and wouldn’t be available.

Theo engaged in a conversation similar to his with Sonia on their first day. He proceeded with patience as he had with her. Selena slowly but surely followed his instructions. Everything was similar up to the point where Selena asked if Sonia could join.

“You two know I’m bi-sexual. Would it be possible for Sonia to join us? I know you are uni-sexual, Sonia, but it would help me to try this method with a person of my gender.”

“I certainly won’t refuse. That can be another barrier I can destroy today.”

Theo moved aside to let the two girls practice his teachings. “I can stay with you two or leave you alone. It’s as you wish. I want you to be comfortable.”

“Your offer is so nice, Theo, but I want you to stay with Sonia and me if she doesn’t object. Maybe we could use your knowledge at some point.”

“I feel the same way, Honey. Please stay.”

“Very well then. Thank you for your trust in me.”

Sonia walked up to Selena, and they hugged. They kissed on the lips at first, but Selena, having been through Theo’s teaching, was soon liberated from many taboos and licked Sonia’s lips. Sonia immediately let her tongue out and slipped it into Selena’s mouth. A tongue duel engaged the passion of both girls.

They rubbed their bodies, hands slipping down to grab their buttocks. Sonia was the first to keep one hand on her friend while the other hand moved to the front to grab her friend’s pussy.

At that point, Selena undressed her friend, and the lesbianism desires exploded in Sonia’s mind.

Soon after their session, with Theo's consent, Sonia invited Selena to move in permanently.

A new threeway was created.
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