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The tribulation a couple is put through.
Travis and Iris

Driving a taxi was very demanding; worst, the company took forty percent of the revenues. Every driver's goal was to one day be able to be the owner of their cab.

Travis had driven cabs for wealthy corporations for many years but was finally breaking free today. He took the bus to the car dealership to get his car. The employee was responsible for demonstrating the finished product, including the sign on the plexiglass separating the rear passenger seat from the front, posting his name: 'Welcome aboard, your driver Travis Bickle.' He shook his hand and wished him good luck and many enjoyable days and fares.

Satisfied that everything was working well, he drove off the lot. Three traffic lights later, he picked up a fare. The customer was a young girl. She was wearing light garments that enhanced all of her forms. She asked him to take her to a cheap tourist room that he recognized as a chronic sex workers' destination. Usually, cab drivers don't converse, but this girl looked so young that he couldn't resist looking at her through the rearview mirror. He broke the silence by asking her if she knew about the reputation of this place.

"Yes," replied the girl, "I rent a room there. It is my place of residence."

"Do you know sex workers bring their customers there?" Travis asked. "Mind you, it's none of my business; you do as you want, but this is the last place I'd bring a beautiful young girl like you. Would it be too indiscreet to ask how old you are?"

"Yes, it's not your business and too indiscreet to ask about my age."

Before it was too late, he hadn't noticed the car following him. As he stopped at the door of the 'Tourists Rooms,' the vehicle following him bumped his rear bumper.

He rushed out to check if there were damages to his brand-new cab. The other driver got out of his car, shouting: "Are you fucking stupid, stopping so abruptly, you fucking asshole?"

As they argued, Travis didn't notice the lad who opened the rear door of his car and emptied the girl's purse of money.

Since there was no damage, both drivers rescinded in their cars.

When Travis returned to his cab, he noticed the girl was crying. Trying to reassure her, he told her everything was okay, that everything would be well.

"No, it won't be. While you were fighting with the other driver, a guy opened my door, grabbed my purse, and took all my money. Now, I can't pay the fare for the ride."

Astounded, Travis realized the distraction had been a set-up to rob the girl.

"Well, I'll remember my first fare in my brand-new cab for a long time. I sympathize with your loss. But I don't think there's much we can do about it. Unless you have money in your room, I'll consider this a charity case."

"No, no, no, I'll give you my identification, and if you give me your phone number, I'll pay you as soon as possible. You'll have to come to my room because I never carry my ID when working. I always leave it in my room to service a client, which is safer."

Travis parked the car properly and locked his doors to follow her to her room.

Entering the gloomy building, they first encountered the security bouncer who blocked Travis' path, asking him where he thought he was going.

"It's ok, Bruno; I got rubbed and had no money to pay for my taxi fare. We'll exchange info in my room, and he'll be out of here in no time."

"Are you sure he doesn't want to pimp you, Iris?"

Laughing, "No, I tell you, he's a gentleman." Iris responded.

Bruno nodded his head at both of them.

Once in the room, Iris opened the drawer in the only desk, retrieved her ID, and presented it to Travis, "Here you are, sir, and here is a paper and pencil to take note of my info. Please write your phone number and first name on this pad. I'll call you when I get the money to pay you."

"Thank you, Iris; deep down, you are an honest person worthy of being known."

He copied her info: Iris Steensma, Social Security Number: XXX-XXXX-XX, Date of birth: XX-XXX-XXXX.

"Hey, are you eighteen years old? You sure don't look it."

"How old did you think I was?" asked Iris.

"No more than fifteen, sixteen at the most," he replied.

"Can you hold on a minute? I'll be right back," she asked.

She left the room, and he could hear her talk to Bruno. "Hey Bruno, please don't worry; I want to chat with this guy for a while. I like him, and he's ok. Ok?"

"No sweat, Iris; I know you well enough to trust you've always been a good judge of character. Enjoy this respite."

She walked back into the room to find Travis sitting on the bed. Travis got up immediately, apologizing for his demeanor.

Iris walked up to him and hugged him, unnatural for two individuals who had just met.

He held on to her, hoping she would stay there a little longer.

When she lifted her head, bringing her lips closer to his. Their tongues started dancing while their hands explored each other's back contours.

Once they separated, he apologized, to which she replied: "You don't have to excuse yourself; I wanted it and more. Did you hear Bruno say that I've always shown good judgment of character?"

Pulling back, she started to strip. Travis admired the beauty revealed for his eyes only.

Once naked, she walked to him and started unbuttoning his shirt to slide it off him.

"What are you doing, Iris? You don't have to do this."

"If I had to do it, it would become a service of my trade, which it isn't. I want you because I judge you as a friend, an honorable man that deserves my admiration. If I didn't take the first step, you'd already be gone, and the desire I saw in your eyes would extinguish itself with time. The need to become closer would disappear eternally, and I don't want to lose you, ever. My guts tell me to hang on to you."

With Iris' help, he shed the rest of his clothes off, "I do feel the same way you do, Iris. I never imagined becoming attached to someone in so short a time was possible. I want you as much as you want me; somehow, I trust in the sincerity of your feelings. The ‘I’ and ‘You’ have become an ‘Us’. Like now, I'm just half of a whole. We’ll Pack your things. I'm taking us home, and you'll never have to sell your body to survive."

He moved forward, holding her by the shoulders, and kissed her neck. She tilted her head to give him better access. He gently caressed her back, kissing from neck to mouth to the other side of her neck.

She was tightly holding on to him, squeezing his muscular chest to her breasts, rubbing her nipples against the hair of his chest.

He lowered his head to suck in her left nipple and then the right one, alternating at a slow pace. Descending on his knees, he licked her abdomen, stopping briefly at her belly button to shove his tongue in, licking it, languishing there with a push in and out, mimicking a fucking motion. As he was simultaneously caressing the inside of her thighs, slowly moving closer to her garden, he made his way down to her slit. First, licking between her vaginal lips and leg, he waited for her clit to protrude from its hood. Licking and sucking on it, he kept lashing between her clit and vagina entrance until her lower body rose to meet his ministrations. She finally grabbed his head, pressing it hard against herself to experience a trashing orgasm. She fainted for a brief moment. When she finally opened her eyes, she was crying.

Travis looked at her, asking if he had hurt her.

"No, I have never experienced an orgasm. I did experience pleasure previously with a former boyfriend, but it was never as intense as the one you gave me. Now, it's my turn to take care of you. Get on your back and let this artist play a symphony on your instrument."

That is how their loving relationship started.

They would have to face life as always, but now they would never be alone doing it.

Once they were ready to leave, Travis looked at her and asked: "Iris, would you be offended if I asked Bruno to be my best man whenever we get married? I know that is where I want life to lead us."

"Not at all, Travis, on the contrary. Bruno has been excellent at protecting me all the time. He is a good man. Let's ask him together. I love you so much. I had given up on leading an honest life, but I know I'll be ok with you in my life. It is sudden, but we will be ok. I'm sure people will judge our decision, but I have no doubts we will last."

"Who will you ask to give you away?" asked Travis. "Do you have close family, like a father or brother, that could do it?"

"No, I've been an orphan for many years and a lone daughter to whoever my parents were. I lived in an orphanage that threw me out on my 18th birthday. That is why I had to start working the street to survive."

"So, you don't have anybody close?" asked Travis.

"No, besides you, the only person who has cared for me is Bruno. You two are the only people my guts tell me to trust."

"Well, never mind me. We'll ask Bruno to be a witness to both of us. I'm in the same boat as you, except for my mother; I have no close relatives.

They walked downstairs to Bruno. Iris gave him the key to her room, explaining that she was moving in with Travis and would not need the room anymore.

"You paid for the room till the end of the month, so I'll keep your key with me till then. If things don't work out between you, which I doubt, you won't find yourself in the street." Bruno said.

"Hum, we both have a favor to ask of you, Bruno?" Travis added. "Since we are alone in the world, we appreciate that you were a good protector for Iris. You would do us a great favor if you accepted to witness our marriage."

Bruno let a teardrop run from his eye: "I'll be honored; just let me know the date." They shook hands, and the couple made their way to the door.

As Travis opened the door, he closed it quickly, pushing Iris back. "Go back to the room, babe, and lock the door. Bruno, I'll need your help. We have unwanted visitors across the street. The same guy that robbed Iris is across the street, with the two guys who bumped into my car, setting up the robbery."

Bruno gave Iris the key, telling her to lock herself in the room.

Travis and Bruno walked out, inviting the three rascals to come over or never to show their faces again." Iris added. "My heart is overjoyed. Now I know what my eyes allowed me to see in you, Travis.

"OK, I don't think you'll ever have any problem with them again. They know who I am and who is behind me. You got a good head, kid. Now, I know Iris will be in good hands."

She hugged them, kissing Bruno's cheek and tongue-kissing Travis.

"Thank you, both of you. Bruno, do you think they will try this again when you aren't there?"

"Eyes and Balls," Bruno added.

"What did you just say?" Travis asked.

"What do you know about Eyes and Balls, son?"

"My father explained his involvement with a special squad in Nam. Every time they went on dangerous missions, their rally cry was that. Eyes would allow them to judge the situation and scan the enemy's soul and Balls to go into combat with courage despite the danger."

"I introduced it to my fellow warriors in the Middle East. We were called the Eyes and Balls squad."

"Hold on, just a minute. Was your father's name George?"

"It was why?"

"Travis, I was your dad's partner in Nam. We did the whole war side by side. That makes me almost an uncle to you. Do you know he taught your mother the secrets of the Eyes, cry, and the value of courage¸ Balls, when in trouble?"

"Yes, I know, and she's very good at it too. I want to see her again before we get married."

“I’ll be thrilled meeting her again, and I know she’ll be just as much.”

"Finally, we are just one family reunited again."

Eyes and Balls

Eyes and Balls were developed as interrogation techniques for very small, ***********ed groups of soldiers during the Nam War to extract the maximum of information from enemy prisoners. Although very effective, it was pushed further with new incentives.

Eyes can dig deeper than skin deep. How does it work?

Human nature wants to present the image of who they want to be. So, they’ll dress, put on makeup, or show a picture of the person they dream of being.

If you meet someone on the street dressed as a dignitary, you get the image that this person occupies some vital function in society, and the same applies to any trade or function of anyone. Some people are experts at hiding their true selves. Therefore, the Eye's ability will allow an expert to detect lies or pretenses when well used.

So, if well trained, an Eyes expert will shred every false appearance the subject is trying to project.

You look at a well-dressed woman, and you see something beautiful. If you could imagine that same person without clothes, you’d either discover that they are as beautiful as they appear or that they are far away from the image they want you to see.

Let’s take it a step further. You might discover their true nature if you could see past the skin and body and strip that person's outer layer. Be it good or bad. This technique allows you to see their soul. They can’t hide it anymore. You look at all the defaults and qualities this person tries to hide.

That is what Eyes allows the few who have mastered the technique to know, without a doubt, who they are dealing with. You’ll see how this works later in the story.

Balls go a step further. Bravery can be a front, just as well. The person projecting the most brutal, meanest bravado, while the subject is none but the most insecure bastard to roam the streets, scaring its surroundings into submission.

On the day that this technique was used, Iris was kidnapped by her former pimp. He was determined to regain her submission to be able to make her work for his gain and rip her away from Travis.

Little did he know that Travis's mom had witnessed what was happening and immediately called her son and Bruno to say that Iris was in trouble and ask about her whereabouts.

They gathered the rest of the squad and rushed to the location to be confronted by the pimp’s friends.

Iris saw them come in, and the only thing she was able to shout was: “Eyes and Balls” as the pimp was torturing her.

She noticed he had four spikes filled with drugs that he was about to inject her with.

One last cry before falling victim was to inform her team about the situation.

As the pimp was about to inject her with a first dose, she deflected his aim, resulting in him plunging the syringe into his right eye. She pushed the plunger in; he cried in pain and tried to get away from her, crawling on his knees.

“Balls,” she shouted, unknowingly stepping on one of his balls with her stiletto. He lost consciousness.

“God, Travis, I didn’t know stilettos could pierce a man’s balls so easily.”

The pimp’s support teams, realizing that their boss was done for, froze.

Bruno told them they had two choices. Back off and go home, or pay the price.

They all folded and ran away, leaving the coward to his demise.

Travis ran to Iris and hugged her tightly. “It’s ok, sweetheart. It’s ok. You did well, as I knew you could. You’ve got balls, my love.”

He picked up the remaining syringes and punctured the remaining eyeball, and squashed the pimp’s remaining ball, leaving him there with no pity, knowing that his reign of terror was over.

Iris told her team that the goal was for all the pimp’s support teams to have their way with her and to have her work the streets. She would have none of it. Therefore, she summoned all her courage and went into action.

Travis called 911 to have the blind eunuch picked up to be sent to the hospital. He didn’t want him to die but rather to see him roam the streets, handicapped and powerless for the rest of his life. He had been discovered as a coward, a low life, and all his former friends would laugh at him.

To this day, many working girls find they can practice the trade without partaking in the money they earn with anyone in this city, under the protection of The Eyes and Balls squad.

Some tried, thinking they’d be wiser, but were soon discovered and brought back to the futile reality of respecting the freedom of choice this country allowed them under the amendments of the Constitution.

Before the proposal of marriage

Travis offered Iris to relax and let him take care of things.

“Honey, just stay at home for the moment. Let me take care of you. It would help if you didn’t feel you had to work for a bit. I have a plan for you, but I must make some arrangements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised if my plan is feasible. I can’t discuss it with you at the moment. Just be patient. I’m close to reaching the goal I set out to obtain. If you trust me, you’ll sit and wait for the surprise.”

“What are you talking about, Travis? You know I can’t just sit and do nothing. From the day I left the orphanage, I’ve earned my living. Now you want me to depend on you? That’s not me. I’m an independent person who can take care of myself. I need to contribute to the cost of our couple’s expenditures.

“Babe, give me two more days, and I hope I’ll be able to make you an offer you won’t allow yourself to refuse. I know you need your independence, and I respect you. What I have in view will allow you to attain your objectives.”

“Okay, two days, no more. I’m not a dependent stay-at-home spouse. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, darling, I know. I’m trying to help you get a better legal income. That’s what I’m working on.”

“Well, you better hope I like your plan in two days. I would hate to disappoint you.”

“No, you wouldn’t. I respect that you have your mind set up to reach the targets you aim for yourself.”

“I trust you, Travis. You do have the Eyes to see through me. So, I’m sure you’ve considered that.

Two days later, Travis came home early.

“Travis, what are you doing home this early? Not that I mind. I’m thrilled. But what’s the reason you’re here at this time?”

“Because, my love, I have two propositions to offer you today. I hope you’ll accept both.”

“Oh? Are you about to reveal your plan for me?”

“Yes, I am ready. Did you catch that I said two?”

“Two? No, I just heard propositions. What’s the second one?”

“First, let’s talk about the first. I’ve been saving hard these days, and I managed to accumulate a reasonable stack that would allow you to complete your education and get a diploma in the field of your choice. Your new job would be to return to school or the college of your choice and reach for the sky. What do you think?”

Iris did not answer. She froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to say. But that didn’t last long. Without a word, she walked up to him, taking off a piece of clothing with each step. When she finally reached him, she worked on stripping him. She then kneeled at his feet. She didn’t have to work on getting his cock hard. It just sprung up when he realized what she had in mind. She opened her mouth wide and engulfed it to her gullet, choking on it relentlessly. He filled her stomach with the tremendous amount of cum that spilled out.

“Mmm, so tasty. What do you make of my action, lover?”

“I take that you like it and approve. But wait, there’s more. Maybe more that will urge you to open your legs for me to take care of you with all the energy I’ve stored in the hope that you will accept the second proposition.”

“Okay, what’s the second one then? I’m urging you to tell me. I can’t wait. How could it be better than the first one?”

“Because, sweety, because…”

“Well, come on, blurt it out. What is it?”

Travis looked at her eyes to eyes. “Iris, the woman of my life, my sole reason to breathe, will you marry me?”

She was stunned. Tears were flowing from her eyes. She was frozen in place, trembling from all parts of her body. Moisture was glowing between her legs, running down her thighs, with saliva seeping out from the corners of her mouth. She fell on her knees, her legs refusing to hold her. First, she started sobbing, then cried her heart out.

“I will, Travis, my wonderful man, my eternal friend. I was hoping you would take that final step to weld our love to the end of time.”

She didn’t get up. Instead, she sprawled on her back, legs spread, stretching her vagina lips to accommodate the penis she desired like never before.

Travis didn’t need a better invitation. He kneeled between her legs and penetrated her hole to the hilt, bumping her cervix in his frenzy. He kept at it, but not for long since they almost orgasmed at the same time.

“I came so hard, babe; you’re the best. Now, I want more. Are you able to give me more? I want to offer you a gift that few women are willing to offer their spouse.”

“What is your desire, goddess? I’m here to fulfill your every need.”

“I want you to be as rough as you fucked me, but this time, I want you to violate my pucker hole. Fuck me like a whore. I want to be your sexual slave today, all day and all night long. I know you have the stamina, as I do. Plus, how about you take a day off tomorrow and spend the time with me.”

“Yes, pumpkin, I’ll do that for us. We’ll spend the day naked, except when we go out to eat. This will be our special day. We will have two anniversaries: our Marriage and our Proposition day. Do you approve?”

“What a wonderful thought. Of course, I do. Now, turn me around and fuck my ass stud, fuck it hard and long. Fucking abuse me, superstud.”

They spent these two days in euphoria.

The marriage preparation

During the two days they spent together, they discussed the incoming official union of their lives. Preparing for a marriage is not an easy task. There are so many things to think about and put in place.

They worked hard at it. Find a date, and draw a list of people to invite. Bruno had already accepted to be their witness, and Travis's mother was happy to accompany Bruno; she even asked that we give him her phone number. He was overjoyed; in return, he asked them to provide her with his own. They suggested he call her and give it to her since they had met when Travis's dad was alive.

“Now, why didn’t I think of that?”

“Probably because you are too overjoyed that we’ve finally decided to tie the knot, Bruno.”

After a few weeks of working at the preparation, they got a call from Bruno and his mom, asking if they could use the facilities the day of their marriage to get married themselves. Iris and Travis could be their witnesses. It would be a double marriage. Mom could be Travis's witness, Bruno would be Iris’s, while Iris would serve Bruno, and Travis would be his mother’s.

“That's a great idea, Bruno. Sure, Iris is listening, and she’s overjoyed. You are killing two birds with one stone. Can you imagine our fun celebrating our marriage anniversaries on the same day? Becoming a full-fledged family again.”

“Yes, Travis, you get it right. Your mother tells me she feels ten years younger since we started going out together.”

They decided the marriage would occur on the 22nd day of June, the first day of summer, and Iris’s birthday. From this month, March, they had plenty of time to make the reservation for a hall and send invitations to their friends.

Once these two tasks were accomplished, all that was left to do was wait for what they decided would be the happiest of their lives.

Bruno moved in with Isabel, Travis's mother. The new families were in constant communication. Not officially, but Iris and Bruno decided to become father and daughter. Bruno went so far as to offer Anis to adopt her officially, and she accepted joyfully.

The adoption papers were official on the 11th day of June, just in time for the marriage.

The marriage

Isabel and Iris were dressed impeccably, wearing the same wedding dress style. Bruno and Travis had rented the same type of tuxedo.

The orchestra were acquaintances of Bruno.

Understandably, the list of invitees was small since the number of trusted friends was restricted to the closest ones they had. The Eyes and Balls squad was the bulk, the ones closest to the two couples.

That day, the sun was shining, and everything was going smoothly until five stupid pimps and their followers showed up, along with Jake Morrow, the eunuch pimp. Travis, Bruno, and the squad met them at the door.

“If you are here to disturb, I suggest you return to where you belong. Otherwise, we are ready to fix every one of you the way we fixed Robin the eunuch. Is that what you want? Eyes and Balls, get ready. Iris, since you have stilettos on, be ready to smash some balls.”

They turned around, heads hanging low, defeated in their attempt to exercise revenge.

“Bunch of cowards,” shouted Iris. “I was ready to have some fun.”

The squad offered Iris a membership, as Bruno and Travis agreed.

Of course, the squad members were all accompanied by their wives or girlfriends; one was with his fiancée. The rest of the celebration went on smoothly, and everyone had fun.

It was decided that the squad, accompanied by their spouse or girlfriends, would be invited once a month to this venue for an evening of reminiscence, meal, dance, and fun.

Once the party was over, they parted with the promise that they would keep in touch between the monthly reunions.

Iris, Travis, Isabel, and Bruno would never feel alone anymore. Life had reconstituted a family. Bruno is the adopted father of Iris and stepfather to Travis, and Isabel is the mother of Travis and stepmother of Iris. So, does this mean that Travis is married to his stepsister? We’ll let the readers decide if they judge this situation as incest. In the author's opinion, it is not.

Once every two weeks, they alternately met in one house to mingle and exchange the happening in their lives.

After the marriage, life goes on.

Happiness is in the air. But will it last? All were hoping it would, but life is life in a world that has its queer moments.

Travis was implicated in an accident where his taxi was declared totaled.

Iris suggested that he follow the same path he had offered her. They had enough money saved for Travis to return to school to get a degree in a career of his choice. She was earning enough to support them so they wouldn’t suffer from the lost income.

After a few years, he had a veterinarian degree. He loved animals; therefore, it was his choice of career.

Iris loved animals; she was happy he had chosen this dream career. Now, they had two Abyssinian cats and a German Shepperd dog.

After buying a house, Travis built a dog house for King and an outside cat tree house in the backyard for Abernatee and Yarmouth.

One day, they saw someone running away from the house. Iris shouted to Travis to let him know what was going on. He jumped in

the car and soon caught up with the culprit. He stopped and asked what he intended to do on their lot.

“Nothing much. I just took revenge for my brother. You deserved it.”

“What did you do?”

“I destroyed that your cat tree house and pissed in the doghouse. You had it coming for making my brother an eunuch. And I’m not finished with you.”

“So you plan to do more damage?”

“Oh yes. I’ll be coming back over and over again.”

“I don’t think so. You’re coming back with me, and you’ll rebuild the cat tree house and clean the dog house with your tongue, bastard.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You’re coming back, like it or not. And if you don’t re-establish the things they were, my wife will fix you the same way she fixed your brother with her stilettos. I’ll get a syringe and fix your eyes in the same manner she did with your brother.”

“You can’t do that. I would sue you and report you to the police.”

“Go right ahead. I can always claim you did that to yourself when you destroyed our property. We’ll see what the cops or judge will say. Do you understand? Did you ever hear about the Eyes and Balls squad?”

“Okay, okay. I’ll fix everything back the way it was. Just don’t hurt me. I leave word with the others to leave you alone and stop planning any revenge.”

After that, they were never attacked by the squandrels. They lived a quiet life in happiness.
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