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Mordin Solus comes up with a solution to allow Miranda Lawson to have children, but things don't go as planned...
Commander Shepard, Miranda, Jacob, and the rest of the crew are in the process of hunting down the Collectors to stop them from releasing the Reapers on the galaxy. Shepard and Miranda have made their feelings about each other known and once they take care of the Collectors, they plan to settle down together and have a family. However, Miranda is unable to have children, so they would likely have to adopt. Miranda's dream is to have children of her own though, so she turned to Mordin for help. She hopes that Mordin can create a "cure" for her issue. It has been about 3 weeks since she first went to Mordin and he finally brought her a vial of liquid today. He gave her a speech about being careful using it unless she is only sleeping with one man, but Miranda payed no attention since the only man she wants to sleep with is Shepard. She has 2 doses of the liquid, the first she is to drink immediately so one more test can be ran before drinking the second and actually attempting to have children.

Admittedly, she is a bit nervous about drinking an unknown liquid and the possible side effects it could have on her, but knows this may be her only chance at one day having a true family of her own. So she swigs the liquid. While working on a mission report, she experiences no side effects. Almost an hour later, she is alerted that her and Shepard will be taken down to land on an uncharted world to investigate potential Collector presence. She grabs her weapons and heads for the door.

Another 30 minutes later, her and Shepard are on the ground. This planet is covered in a haze, thankfully just fog so no breathing masks or extra precautions are required. They are investigating on foot, following a path that has been made. They don't know if this was made by Collectors, or another alien species, or just animals native to this planet. They then come to a fork in the path, there are two directions to go, and only two of them, so they decide it's best to split up, hoping the paths may meet again further down, and if they don't they can just backtrack to where they split up. So Shepard goes one way, Miranda goes the other, and they go on.

45 minutes later, Miranda is still walking, weapon in hand, ready for anything, but is getting real tired of the nonstop walking and not actually finding anything. She then hears a growl to the right. Quickly, she points her weapon in that direction, but cannot see anything through the extreme fog. A growl then came from the left, again she can't see anything. She hears footsteps, but they sound very similar to some she's heard before. She stops and thinks...varren. There is varren on this planet. She is actually slightly relieved knowing this, as she has fought probably hundreds or thousands of varren in her life. Finally, they make themselves known. Multiple varren from different directions run at her. She begins unloading into the varren with her pistol, but there are actually way more of them than she was anticipating, so it looks like it's time for some biotic help. She uses her Slam biotic power on a varren running at her, but...nothing! She can't use her biotics! She stands there for just a moment, quickly trying to figure out what is going on, but that one moment of standing there is a mistake.

One of the varren jump at her back, knocking the shotgun and assault rifle to the ground that she was carrying, also tearing a bit of a hole in her outfit. Thankfully, it doesn't look like the claws made it to her skin. She quickly turned around and shot the varren dead with the pistol, the only weapon she now has. She continues shooting varren left and right, but in the chaos, moves too far away from the other weapons she dropped, so now she only has the pistol and her non-functioning biotic powers. She survived though. The varren onslaught ended. She thinks about looking for the weapons to retrieve them, but has no idea where they could be in this fog. She decides it's best to head back at this point, but realizes she has no idea which direction she came from now. She is lost. She looks at her hands, still trying to figure out what happened to her biotic powers. She has never had an issue with them until now.

"The mysterious liquid!" she thought. That had to be it. Losing her biotics must be a side effect! Now she was really worried that she would never get them back. She prayed that it was just a temporary issue. "No point on dwelling on this right now." she thought to herself, and began walking in the direction she thought she may have come from.

Not 10 minutes later, she heard more growls. "Damn it!" she thought. And sure enough more varren were coming at her. As in the first fight, it started quite easy, but she was becoming to be overwhelmed. One caught her in the bottom of her back, slicing her outfit to the skin, slightly cutting her in the process, but not nearly bad enough to be worried. Another, then another, then another. They were occasionally slicing her, but miraculously she was not suffering any significant injuries. Her outfit on the other hand, was really being torn up. She wasn't fully aware how bad at the time, but her ass was basically out in the open now. Her black thong was visible. It was a tough fight, but was actually going ok, until a varren hit her hand, knocking the pistol out of it. She could now only rely on her hand to hand combat and the knife she had. Two more varren fall dead, and they seem to have ended their onslaught again, but she lost the pistol and now only had her knife.

Seconds later, a deeper growl came from behind her. She turned around and an alpha varren was standing, glaring directly at her. "This might be an issue" she said to herself. The alpha varren ran at her, she was able to sidestep it, but was clipped and lost balance. She lands on her hands and knees and dropped the knife, but it's right in front of her. She reaches for it and nearly has it when the alpha varren jumps on her back! She's knocked flat onto her stomach, knocking the breath out of her a bit. She thinks that this is it...she'll die here on this planet. And she'll be lucky if anyone finds her body in the dense fog. But nothing happens. The varren is on her back, but he's not tearing her apart. He's...sniffing her neck? She then feels the varren's nose go down her back and touch her exposed ass! "What the hell?!" she thinks, but when he licks up her ass crack, it becomes clear what he wants. "No no no no!" she starts screaming, trying to get up. But with her biotics not working, and the weight of the alpha varren, she's stuck.

She has no idea about the mating rituals with varren, but has heard in studies in the past they are similar to dogs from Earth. She is not interested in finding out. She keeps struggling, but to no avail. Finally, the alpha varren seems to have had enough and growls at her. This causes her to pause. He lifts his weight off of her and grabs her black thong and rips it right off of her body! Her womanhood is now exposed to the elements, there is no longer a barrier! She regularly completely shaves so she has no hair down there and the varren's breath is extremely noticable. He licks her. Her eyes go wide when she feels the tongue of the alpha varren glide over her pussy. Another lick, then another. His tongue is now ravaging her. She feels her nipples hardening. She kept thinking there is no way this was feeling in any way decent, but her body said something else. She makes another attempt and pulls forward. The only thing that happened in doing that was ripping the front of her outfit that was already torn up by the other varren and now her naked chest falls out. She didn't normally wear a bra under her outfit for missions like this.

She was back up on her hands and knees, when the alpha varren pounced on her back again. This time though, it didn't shove her to her stomach. It was doing something else. Humping?! "No no no!" She felt the varren's penis stab into her ass cheeks multiple times. Maybe she could catch some luck. Maybe it will be unsuccessful and eventually give up. It felt like an eternity was passing, when it was really only a few brief minutes. Another lunge later, and the varren struck gold! The tip of it's penis entered her! Miranda's eyes shot open and was now filling with tears. The varren, realizing it has finally hit it's mark, resituated itself, then pushed deeper. The cock was entering her, inch by inch. Shockingly, it was not immediately going as hard as possible. She felt her vagina being filled further and further. She had no idea how long this alpha varren's dick is, but it was not meant to be in a human. She could swear it was nearly pressing against her cervix when it finally stopped going. The alpha varren pulled back, and thrust forward. Then again and again. It was picking up speed bit by bit.

Now it was smacking wildly against her ass. Her ass jiggled with every clap against it and her tits were swaying back and forth as she was now being pounded by the varren repeatedly. Tears were streaming down her face. She never thought she would ever be in a situation where she would be raped by anyone, or anything. But here she was, being taken against her will by a freaking varren. She had no way of escape either. "This is it" she thought "This varren is going to rape me, then kill me."

The assault went on, seemingly forever. It was never ending. The varren was plowing her like she was his mate. In the alpha varren's mind, there was only one thing it wanted to do. Impregnate it's bitch! Thankfully, varren and humans weren't compatible. No baby making could occur here......

The alpha varren was now grunting as it was thrusting. He felt the end coming. It was somehow jackhammering quicker and quicker into her. The varren's balls were beginning to heat up. Miranda knew what was coming as well. She pushed as hard as she could, struggled as much as she could. But there was no escape! She was trapped! The varren semen exploded from his balls, up his shaft and into Miranda. It coated her insides, another shot, then another! It was shooting into her again and again, filling her womb with its seed. She felt like she was going to explode, when it finally ended. The varren lay on her back, still lodged into his bitch. The varren pulls back, then pushes forward a few more times, almost as if it was emptying itself into her to make sure she had it's children. Finally, it pulls out.

The sperm is pushed so far up in her, not much of it drips out. It lays in her womb, attempting to fertilize an egg, attempting to make a child. Miranda is dazed and just lays on the ground. The varren, appearantly not wanting to kill it's mate, leaves her side, and disappears into the dense fog again. Minutes pass and Miranda finally finds it in her to stumble back to her feet. She finds her torn thong and puts it back on as good as she can, and limps away.

Luckily, she finds her way back to the Normandy, probably the first good thing that has happened to her today. There is a long coat hanging once she enters the ship, so she slips that on and walks to her room. Thankfully, almost nobody even noticed her. The ones that did, didn't think too much of it, maybe she was just cold or something. She drops the coat in her room and falls onto her bed and cries. She looks down at her battered womanhood and notices only a trickle of seamen left her, rest of it is still up in her. She needs a long hot shower.

After another day, her biotics fully returned. She never suffered any other side effects of the baby-making medicine. Time passed on and on, and eventually Miranda started feeling sick. She asked Mordin if it was another unknown side effect of the formula. After running tests, Mordin discovered the cause.

"Interesting" he said. "Miranda, you are pregnant."

She burst into tears. The formula Mordin gave her had another side effect. It seems she was able to be bred by an animal. She now had a baby varren growing inside of her. The day on that uncharted world would now forever be tied to her.
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