I wasn't able to wait until Jason's birthday before I showed him the pics. Rodney sent me the pics once they were ready, I went through which ones I wanted to show Jason... I was a bit worried he might have second thoughts or jealousy, so I decided to just show the topless ones, and certainly not the ones showing Joshua penetrating me. Based on all the things he had told me in the past, he should love them... but I worried that he might not feel the same when actually faced with his fantasies becoming a reality... so I decided I'd keep what happened a secret, and gauge his reaction to see if things might go further in the future. I told myself it wasn't cheating since I did it for him, but deep down I don't know if I really did it for him... I wasn't willing to do it for him before, but as soon as I got horny enough I allowed two guys to fuck me... so maybe it was time to come to terms that I only did it because I wanted it, but the idea of doing more was now constantly on my mind, so I was hoping that Jason would be excited about the pics I was going to show him. His birthday was a week away, but there was no way I was going to wait that long... I waited until later that night and called him into the room after the boys were in their room for the night.
It wasn't long after he saw the pictures that we were having sex, and he was asking me questions while fucking me. "Who took the photos?", I replied "I found him online... he was very professional"... I said that while remembering how he had licked and fucked my pussy... it had only been a few days, and I thought about both of them constantly. Jason asked "how did it make you feel... having your tits out in front of other guys?"... I felt a rush in my pussy as he fucked me, and I answered "at first I was a bit scared and uncomfortable... but eventually it just made me horny... I didn't expect to like it, but I did". I could tell he liked that answer as he grunted, and then followed up with "do you wish you would have shown them more". I looked him in the eyes and said "yes... I wasn't sure at the time, but now I wish I would have went further... it was all really hot, I didn't expect it to turn me on". Everything I said was true, but I didn't tell him that I had shown more, and did more as well... It was my turn to ask him a question, "would it have made you happy if I had shown them my pussy?... or let them fuck me?". Jason couldn't hold back anymore, and he started cumming inside of me as he grunted loudly.
We laid in bed together, cuddling and giggling, when I told him "you know, I wasn't just talking dirty because we were fucking... I really meant what I said, it did turn me on a lot doing those photos". Jason smiled and gave me a kiss before saying "I was wondering... you seemed to be serious, but you've always seemed so against it in the past. This is like a fantasy coming true, and I honestly gave up on the idea". I smiled and said "well I'm not sure just how far I'll go... but I will tell you that after doing that photo shoot, I'm starting to come around to things... as long as it makes you happy." Jason looked a bit surprised when he asked "really? Like, what kind of things?". I sheepishly answered "you know, things you tell me during sex... would you really want to do those things?". Jason slowly nodded, so I continued "well maybe I'll be more open to doing more, if that's what would make you happy... let's take it a step at a time though, ok?". I knew he had a lot of fantasies I wasn't quite ready for yet... but I was warming up to the ideas.
"If you were to do another photo shoot, would you go full nude?", Jason asked, as I noticed he was starting to get an erection again... it had been a long time since his recovery time was that quick! I replied "yes... if I were to do it again, I'd show everything". He laid next to me again and asked "if the guy modeling with you wanted to fuck you for the camera... would you let him?". I was tempted to say "I already did", but I stuck to my story and asked "if he wanted to fuck me... would you want me to let him? Would you want me to give him full access to my body?... your wife's body?". Jason started kissing my neck and then answered "yes... I'd love to see photos of you getting fucked by him". Any guilt I had for fucking Rodney and Joshua without telling Jason was now gone... I felt vindicated, but I was glad I played it safe... just incase. "I could do another shoot before your birthday... if you're sure... I might even let him fuck me, but only if that's what you want", I told him, right before he climbed back on top of me and started fucking me again. I was happy that it turned him on so much, but I was also happy that I had an excuse to let Joshua fuck me again. Jason seemed so happy... so excited... and I knew that I was happy and excited as well. In the past, Jason had brought up things like swinger parties, dogging, adult theaters, multiple guys... a lot of things I wasn't quite ready for, but I was definitely more open to thinking about.
The next morning Jason woke me up by cuddling up against me and kissing my neck. I turned toward him and gave him a kiss before telling him "I'm really glad you liked the photos... I was a bit nervous how you would react". Jason smiled and said "I love them! I wish I could show them to everyone". I knew what he was thinking, and I wasn't comfortable with his friends seeing them... "those are for your eyes only" I stated, despite hating having to disappoint him after how excited he was the night before. Jason said "you know Sam could have taken the pics for you... he's pretty good with a camera, and has experience". "I don't need your friends seeing me naked, and I don't want them hitting on me or trying anything". I could see the disappointment on his face, as if he was feeling defeated... so I told him "but... you can pick one friend to show the pics to, but they can't be the topless ones... and I don't want them to know that I know you showed them... you have to act like I'm unaware, I don't want them to get the wrong idea". His eyes lit up, and I instantly worried I made a mistake... but how bad could it be, really?
Of course Jason picked Sam to show the pics to... he was his closest friend, and also his most perverted one. I've always thought Jason was a pervert, but he didn't hold a candle to Sam... I had caught him numerous times staring at my cleavage, looking down my shirt, and making inappropriate comments when no one else is around. He spends a lot of time matching up with girls online, and isn't shy to talk about his sex life... I think he fuels a lot of Jason's fantasies, so it was no surprise that he was the one that Jason picked to share the photos with... and it was no surprise that Sam was into nude photography, seeing as he spent so much time looking at it. Jason looked giddy as he started texting Sam and sent him a few pics... it was still early though, so he didn't respond right away, but you could tell Jason was excited to hear back from him. I didn't really understand what Jason got out of showing me off, but it did make me feel good about myself... he always made me feel sexy despite how I felt about myself.
I told Jason "make sure he knows not to talk about or share those pics with anyone else... and be sure they aren't left out in the open where the boys, or one of their friends would see them!". Despite being turned on by everything, I still worried that I'd end up having regrets, and my mind was trying to think of anything that could go wrong... the realization that I had two young teen boys that might stumble on nude pics of their mom certainly made me worry! Jason assured me that I had nothing to worry about, and suggested I set up the other photoshoot while he went to take a shower. I sent Rodney an email saying "I'd like to do another photo shoot with Joshua before this coming Friday... I've decided that I want to do full nude, and even some sex pics as well... I'm sorry that I was so hesitant before, but I now feel much more comfortable with everything. I hope to hear back from you soon!". I knew that Rodney would more than likely end up fucking me again too, and honestly I was OK with that... he had already anyway. I would probably be a bit disappointed if he didn't .
Jason and I decided we wanted to spend the day alone, so we asked my brother in law if he could watch the boys until tomorrow, which was no problem for him, and we spent the day lounging around naked and talking dirty to each other... I found a sense of pride that I was more on board with him now... that I wasn't so quick to say no. Even if he mentioned something I couldn't ever see myself doing, I'd tried to keep an open mind and usually respond with something like "I'm not ready for that just yet", or "hmmm, maybe someday"... I could see he was more turned on by me than usual, and seemed to be beaming with excitement of things that might happen in the future... and I didn't want to say anything that would spoil that. I stood up and told Jason "why don't you take a few pics of me... pose me like you'd like me to pose for the photographer". We started doing shots of tequila as I would pose for him as he requested, acting like he was someone new that was exploring my body for the first time. Jason would take pics on his phone and ask "are you really going to let him see you like that? Are you really going to let him look at your pussy?". I blushed a bit and said "that's what you want, right?". Jason smiled and simply said "yes... will you really let him fuck you?... you're not just playing along?".
I realized that despite everything that we had discussed, he still didn't really fully believe I would actually do it. I rubbed my pussy as he took pics, and said "you said you wanted me to let him fuck me... so yes, for you I'd let him fuck me... if you're having second thoughts, you better speak up before the photo shoot". Jason gripped his cock and said "I'm not having second thoughts... I want you to fuck everyone you want to fuck... god it turns me on so much!". Jason's phone started to blow up with messages, and I had no doubt it was Sam responding to the pics Jason had sent him. I got up and poured more shots while Jason responded to the texts, and after doing a couple shots my curiosity got the best of me... "So what did Sam say about the pics?". Jason seemed somewhat hesitant to respond, but eventually smirked and said "he really liked the pics a lot!". I wasn't surprised, Sam's the biggest pervert I know, so I knew he would perv out on those pics. I reminded Jason "make sure he knows to keep it to himself... and I don't know he's seen them, remember!".
Jason nodded, but said "I did tell him you were letting me take pics of you now... but you said no one else could see them". I chuckled and said "he's probably going to be bugging you to send those pics to him anyway". Jason smiled as he showed me the last text Sam sent him said "dude, I swear I won't tell a soul. I'm dying to see these pics!"... I giggled, but also noticed that one of his previous texts said "you told me you wanted to see me fuck her before, would she be cool with it now?". Jason had responded "not yet"... I didn't know that he had told Sam about his fantasies, although I'm not sure why that surprised me... it would certainly explain why Sam had spent so much time checking me out... I wondered how many times Sam had thought about me due to Jason's fantasy talks. I didn't say anything about it, I just poured more shots as we joked around, glad that he didn't send him any of the pictures that showed to much... although honestly the pics still showed more than I was comfortable with.
After a few hours had passed I checked my email, but I still hadn't received a response from Rodney yet... I wasn't needing an immediate response but I was anxious to have something set up... and honestly, I really wanted to get fucked by Joshua again... I had never had an experience like that before, and I was anxious to relive it. It was obvious that both Jason and I were feeling the effects of the tequila, as we were in a good mood and having a lot of fun... and the shots kept pouring. At some point Jason said "we should do something fun tonight... we have the house to ourselves, we're drinking... let's do something... naughty". I pointed out "you've already taken pictures of me naked... what else did you have in mind?". Jason shrugged, but then said "I've been dying to see you get fucked by someone else for years... what if we invited a guy over?... if you really think you could do it". I knew that I could do it, because I already had... but I almost wondered if he was testing me, and due to the dirty talk and the alcohol, I was not wanting to fail that test!... But I wasn't going to fuck one of his friends. I told him "we've had to much to drink to think about driving anywhere", but then remembered I had Joshua's number! I looked at Jason and said "I have the number of the guy who modeled with me... should I see if he wants to come over?". My pussy started heating up just at the thought of Joshua fucking me again.
Jason's eyes lit up, and he asked "do you think he'll come over? If you're serious, I would love that!". I winked at him and said "I can find out... just remember, I'm only doing this for you... so don't get upset with me if you have second thoughts while he's fucking me". Jason kissed me and said "I promise I won't get upset with you... thank you, you have no idea how hot I think this is". It felt weird to say it, but I told him "you're welcome... I love you" as I kissed him back. Jason poured some more shots as I found Joshua's card, and gave his number a call... but unfortunately got no answer. I sent a text explaining the situation (and told him not to mention things that happened previously on the set), and told him I would be his to use while my husband took pics... I was a little drunk, so I tried to proofread the text a few times before I finally hit send and waited for a reply. I decided to put on some lingerie and do my make up while I waited, and Jason came in and watched me as I fixed myself up for another guy. He handed me a shot as he told me "you look so sexy... I can't believe this is actually happening". I gave him a wink and said "well, I haven't heard anything from him yet... so he might be busy", as I swallowed the tequila. Jason followed suit, taking a shot as well, and then asked "you're not going to have regrets when you sober up, are you?". I giggled and responded "I'm a big girl, I know what I'm doing", which was true... the alcohol did help fuel things though!
I checked my email, and I finally had a response from Rodney! He said "I'd be happy to work with you again! Unfortunately I won't be available until Tuesday, but I'll see what we can get scheduled. Let me know if you'd be available, and we'll try to arrange a shoot ASAP". I had given up on the idea that he'd be available on that day anyway since it was getting late, so I'd have to try to set up a time to work with him Tuesday... even if I had to skip work for it. Jason was on his phone, no doubt messaging Sam, when Joshua finally replied back... he said "I'm out of town visiting my girlfriends family. We're staying until Sunday night, so I won't be free until then. I definitely want to meet up again!". I texted back "that's a shame, I was really looking forward to you fucking me again tonight! We'll plan something soon!"... so, what now? I was all worked up, and now everything was falling through... and I knew Jason was going to be disappointed, I was finally going to fulfill one of his biggest fantasies and it fell through! I was disappointed, but even more bothered that Jason was going to be disappointed. I was hesitant to tell him, but when I did I could see he looked upset.
I suggested "I'm all fixed up, you can take more pics of me". Jason smirked and said "Can I share them with Sam?"... I really didn't like the idea... but I didn't want to further disappoint him. I hesitated a second, and then said "maybe... we can just take some lingerie pics". Jason thought for a second and then asked "why don't we just have Sam take the pictures?... he's going to see them anyway, and he is a photographer". I really didn't like the idea... I get along with Sam ok, but the idea of being dressed like that around him made me feel uneasy. Jason poured a couple more shots and handed me one as I thought about how to reply. "What if someone comes over while he's taking pictures of me half naked?". Jason quickly replied "We can take the pictures at his place... he has a hot tub, so we could take pictures there too". I reminded him "we've both have had to much to drink to drive anywhere", but he quickly pointed out "we can take an Uber there and back... no need to stop the party". I took the shot, already feeling like I'd had more than enough to drink, and then said "but what if it becomes awkward later... or he tells others?" Jason came up and hugged me, and then pointed out "I've told him many things in the past, and he's never told anyone... and I already sent him some pics earlier. If you later regret it, you can blame it on the alcohol"... I had to hand it to him, he had an answer for anything I threw at him.
I realized I was constantly coming up with excuses not to go, and it must have become obvious to him... and I realized I was disappointing him again, and that he probably was starting to think I was all talk... so I said "fuck it... pour me another shot, and let's go... but he's not touching me, just pics". Jason's eyes lit up as he quickly poured the last of the tequila, and began looking for an Uber to pick us up. I asked him if he was sure Sam was available and ok with it, but he assured me that they had been texting, and was very much on board.. I guess that figures, of course he'd jump at the chance to leer at me in my underwear. I changed into normal clothes, and Jason let me know he had already grabbed some lingerie and my bikini for me and the Uber was on its way. Things were happening fast, but in my drunken state I didn't panic... I just went with it, and enjoyed seeing Jason so happy and excited! The ride there was a little awkward, as we didn't want to talk to much about what we were doing in front of the driver... but the next thing you know, we're at his house... and Sam was at the front door ready to greet us. I felt my stomach drop as we walked toward him while he grinned proudly... I'm sure Sam could tell how intoxicated we were just based on how we were walking alone, if he wasn't already aware.
Sam offered us some frozen margaritas that he had made, and he and Jason joked around as usual... no one was taking the initiative to start things, and I kind of started to hope that no one would. But before long Sam said he was going to get his camera, and suggested I should change into an outfit for the photos. Jason smiled toward me as I put on a brave face, and asked "Where should I change?". Sam said "you can change right here if you want, but if you need privacy my room is the second door on the right". I rolled my eyes as I smiled, and stumbled towards his room with my bag of outfits. I heard Jason say he was going to make more margaritas, and Sam said he was going outside for a smoke, as I closed the door to the room and collected myself. I wasn't that nervous really, I'm sure in large part because of the alcohol... it all just felt surreal. I pulled the outfits out of the bag, and noticed there were only 3 in there... two lingerie and one was my skimpy bathing suit. One of the outfits didn't cover my breasts at all, and the other one was very sheer, so it wouldn't be hiding anything. I could put on the skimpy bathing suit to play it safe, but I knew that would disappoint Jason... plus I'd likely fall out of it anyway. I decided on the sheer one... "fuck it" I said to myself as I removed my shirt. I looked at myself in the full length mirror on his wall, but quickly noticed I could see Sam outside the window via the reflection!
It actually scared me at first, and I froze for a second as I thought about how to react... I was standing there in my bra, about to fully undress, and Jason's pervert friend is outside the window! He wasn't looking my way, but I'd catch him occasionally glance... I guess he was pretending not to notice me if he were to get busted, but I knew what he was doing. I did my best to pretend I didn't know he was there as I continued to undress, but I'd catch myself taken glimpses toward the mirror... and he was full on staring now. I stopped for a second as I started to undo my bra, realizing he was finally going to be seeing my naked tits... and in that moment it didn't bother me... it was actually a bit of a turn on, teasing him without him knowing that I knew. I dropped the bra and then turned toward the window while I continued to look in the mirror behind me... I was trying to act like I was looking at my back, but what I was really doing was giving Sam a clear view of my tits as I watched his reaction via the mirror.
I stumbled a bit as I turned back to the mirror and removed my panties, allowing him to see my naked ass as well... I had been hesitant to pose for him, but now I was just enjoying showing off to the little pervert who always stared at me inappropriately. At that moment I decided I would put on the lingerie that didn't cover my breasts... this is what Jason wants, right? And it didn't matter now, he was already glaring at my naked nipples anyway. I slipped on the outfit, trying not to look like I was putting on a show, and checked myself out in the mirror... my bottom half was well covered, but the brassiere part basically just supported my bare breasts... holding them up for viewing. I covered my chest with my arm, and then took a deep breath as I opened the door and walked out toward Jason. He was by himself in the kitchen, so I dropped my arms to show off my outfit as he gave a drunk smile while handing me another margarita... he knew I was about to show Sam my tits, and he told me "this is awesome... I'm so fucking hard right now" just before Sam walked back into the room from outside. I covered my chest again with my arm and turned toward him with a smile, saying "I'm ready... where do we begin?". Sam took a picture of me right there and said "let's start with you walking around the living room a bit, and I'll follow with the camera".
I took a big drink and put my glass down, and started strutting around the living room while still covering my breasts with my arms. I know I wasn't very graceful due to my heavy level of intoxication, but I did my best to be sexy. Jason suggested "put your hands on your hips", and I knew what he was really saying was "show Sam your tits". I rolled my eyes with a smile and said "before I show more, I want to make sure it's understood that NO ONE else is told about this, or shown the pictures... this stays between us, ok?". They both estaticly agreed and assured me that they would never tell a soul... so I lowered my arms, baring my tits to them both as Sam acted like it was the first time he'd seen me topless. Maybe it was due to the alcohol, or maybe because Sam had already seen me naked... or maybe it was just because I felt safe and proud with Jason there... what ever it was, I felt pretty confident and was having fun modeling for them. They were both complimenting me on my tits and it was obvious they were both aroused. They tried to talk me into removing my bottoms, but I felt like things might get out of hand if I did... so I told them "maybe another night, if you guys behave!". After awhile we took a break to do more shots, which was completely unnecessary, but we were having fun!
Jason suggested I get in the hot tub for the next set of pics, but honestly we were WAY to drunk and laughing so much, I wasn't sure if we needed to do more pics. I was already hanging out with them with my tits exposed after all, but I could see he really liked the idea... I told them I was going to change into the bathing suit, and Jason said "don't bother with the top". I rolled my eyes, laughed and replied "I wasn't going to bother" as I stumbled while standing up. Sam added "just come out naked... We'd both be happy to take turns with you". I giggled "in your dreams boys" as I started to stumble down the hallway towards his room. Once I got inside I sat down on his computer chair as I pulled out my bikini bottoms and checked my phone. I undressed as I checked my messages, but had a hard time focusing on what I was reading. Joshua had messaged saying "I'm really looking forward to fucking you again... any chance we can hook up tomorrow night?". The text included a picture of his massive hard cock, and I immediately started getting extremely horny.
I looked over at the door, which I realized I hadn't even closed in my drunken stammer... and I'm sitting in the room, completely naked, and I'm staring at the door as I started rubbing my pussy... if someone walked up, I'd stop, but the idea of potentially getting caught completely naked as I fingered myself actually turned me on more. I looked at the pic of Joshua's huge cock, and wished he could fuck me right then... I thought about calling Jason to come back there and fuck me... at that moment, I didn't care if Sam watched. Then it hit me... what if Sam is watching me right now through the window again?! My heart jumped, but I didn't stop... I couldn't even see straight, but I managed to sneak a look, and there he was! Sam was watching as I rubbed my pussy, and I had no idea! It just turned me on more... I had been showing him my tits, and now he was sneaking a look at my pussy while I play with it. I realized I was literally spreading myself open for him to see, and I knew I needed to calm down before things got to out of hand out it was obvious i knew he was watching. I put the phone down and slowly stopped rubbing myself as I left my legs spread so he could feast his eyes on my horny pussy before I slid on my bikini bottoms... I stood up, but feel over on the bed before getting myself up again. I didn't feel sick, but I was having a real hard time getting around. I eventually got up and started making my way down the hall to Jason, and found him nearly passed out on the couch... he stood up when he saw me, and gave me a hug, and I whispered to him "I'm so fucking horny right now".
Sam came in from outside and said "the hot tub is ready... who wants another shot before we go out there?". He acted like he hadn't just seen me playing with my pussy, and for some reason the idea that he thought he got away with seeing me like that turned me on more. Jason was quick to speak up "pour me one!", as we stumbled into the kitchen. I knew we had drank way more than enough, but another shot always seems like a good idea when you're drunk... so I took one as well before we walked outside to the hot tub. Sam was taking pics of me as I got in, and I asked if they were getting in also. Jason said "Sure!" and started to undress... so Sam followed suit. I sat in the water as I watched them both strip nude, both already sporting erections as they climbed in... I had to admit, it was hot seeing their hard cocks while my tits were out for their view. Sam sat across from me and Jason slid next to me and started kissing me... I could feel his hand roaming around my crotch, and he pointed out "hey, we're both naked here, you should join us!". Sam didn't miss a beat as he chimed in "we're in the water anyway, no need to be shy... live a little!". Honestly, I didn't need to be talked into it at that point, so I just slid the bottoms off and pulled them out of the water to show I was now fully nude as well.
The guys both cheered, and Jason put his hand between my legs and started to play with my pussy. I looked at Sam, who was staring intensely at me, and then I started stroking Jason's cock. We had just got in the hot tub, and things had already escalated fast... Jason stood up and said "why don't you show Sam how well you can suck a cock?"... his cock was right in my face, and I saw Sam smiling as he waited to see what I'd do. It didn't take long for him to find out, I grabbed Jason's cock and started sucking on it... Jason held my head and slowly fucked my face in front of his friend... I knew Jason was wanting me to do stuff with Sam, but I just wanted Jason... but it was sexy to be performing in front of him. I stood up and told Jason "you should show Sam how hard you fuck me". Jason didn't say a word, he just turned me around so that I was facing Sam, and bent me over... by doing so I had to brace myself on Sam's shoulders as I felt Jason slide into me. Jason grabbed my waist as he started thrusting into me, and Sam helped hold me up by grabbing the side of my chest as I lunged toward him with every thrust. As drunk as I was, I wouldn't have been able to balance without them holding me up, and I didn't even care that my tits were literally swinging in Sam's face.
Jason was bragging about how good my pussy felt, and I noticed Sam was now holding me with one hand and openly stroking his cock in front of me... I ignored it as I thought about how hot it was that he was so turned on by me, and how he had spied on me while I masterbated. I felt a hand rubbing my clit, and started feeling an orgasm growing... and then realized it was Sam that was playing with my pussy as Jason fucked me. I acted like I didn't know, and I moaned loudly as I let the orgasm flood over my body. I collapsed in the water as I tried to catch my breath while hanging on the side of the tub. I was having trouble trying not to pass out as I felt hands groping my tits and ass... I didn't know who it was, and I was to out of it to even care at the time. The next thing I know I was being carried by Jason out of the hot tub in a towel, and then placed on Sam's bed... Jason gave me a kiss and said "get some rest, I'll call an Uber once I sober up a bit" and closed the door to go hang out with Sam.
I woke up to having my pussy being eaten, but could barely focus... I was still naked, the lights were on which confused me, and it took me a moment to even remember where I was. I was even more confused when I heard Sam's voice say "it looks like you've been a bad girl". I looked down to see him grinning and holding my phone... I slurred "What are you doing? Stop!", but Sam just said "shhh, you don't want Jason to know your little secret, do you?". My heart jumped as I realized he was showing me the pic of Joshua's cock in my phone! I had no idea how he got into my phone, but he continued "I was wondering what had you so turned on earlier... and I found pics of you getting fucked, messages to this guy saying you want to fuck him again, but not to tell Jason you already did... so it sounds like you've been a cheating little slut". I started to try to explain why I kept it a secret, but he interrupted me by saying "don't worry, I'll keep your little secret... but in return you're going to let me fuck you in front of Jason. That way we all win... let's plan it for his birthday, ok?". He smirked as he played with my tits, and I realized that what he was proposing was for the best... Jason gets what he wants, and the secret stays a secret. I didn't like the idea, but what other option did I have? "Where is Jason?" I asked, and Sam just scooted up to lay next to me as he said "he's passed out on the couch... I'd hate for him to lose trust in you when he finds out that you secretly let this guy fuck you". I reluctantly said "fine... we'll set something up for his birthday... but Jason can never know about this, ok? I should have told him".
Sam ran his hand down to my pussy and said "don't worry, I'm getting what I want, so it stays between us" as he climbed on top of me and started lifting my legs. I quickly realized he wasn't going to wait until Friday to fuck me, and I felt his cock pressing against my cunt and then sliding inside me. I didn't know what to do... what could I do? He grunted as he started fucking me, and told me "I've been wanting to fuck you for so long... fuck your pussy is so tight". I wasn't attracted to him... and I resented him for doing this to me... but why was it turning me on? Why was I getting off being blackmailed and taken advantage of? I've known this creepy pervert for years, and never had an interest... and now he had my knees pinned to my shoulders as he thrusted hard into me. I could hear how wet my pussy was as he continued to fuck me, and he noticed that I was getting off on it as well. "Wow, you really are a hot little slut, aren't you? Jason's going to love watching you take my cock". I felt myself starting to cum again, and he pointed out he could feel my cunt throbing. I reached between my legs and started rubbing my clit, and realized I was humping towards his thrusts... actively fucking him as my pussy felt like it was ready to explode. I couldn't believe I was about to cum due to Sam fucking me! He's been around so long that my kids refer to him as uncle Sam... and now I was cumming as "uncle Sam" used me.
He started making out with me as my orgasm screamed throughout my body, and he waited until after I came before he thrusted harder and faster and he shot his load inside of me. He rolled off of me, catching his breath, and told me "that was long overdue... I can't wait to fuck you again" with a chuckle. I didn't know what to think, or how to react... but Sam just got up, got dressed, and then turned off the light as he left the room. I laid there naked, trying to come to terms with things, and convince myself that things would be OK... maybe it was a good thing since now I could give Jason what he wants for his birthday. I just hated having so many secrets, and it made me feel nervous! I eventually feel back to sleep, and was woken by Jason telling me it was time to go home. I quickly got dressed and walked past Sam, who was passed out on the couch, and once the Uber was there Jason woke Sam up to let him know we were leaving and thanked him for a great night. On the ride home Jason cuddled with me and told me how much he loved me, and was grateful for doing everything I did... but of course he didn't know everything I did.
I took a shower as soon as we got home, I had no doubt Jason was going to want to fuck me while reliving the previous night... and as he did he told me about how Sam had rubbed my pussy while Jason fucked me, and how Sam took pics of me spread naked on the bed while I was passed out. I was surprised he allowed that to happen, but I guess in his drunken haze he assumed I was OK with it at that point... I did just have my tits swinging in Sam's face in the hot tub before passing out. Jason continued to slowly fuck me when he asked "would you have sucked his cock if he asked you to?". I don't think I would have, but I answered "probably... I was really horny". Jason hesitated a bit and then asked "do you think you'll let him fuck you?"... I knew the answer to that question, regardless if I wanted to or not... I answered "maybe I'll let him fuck me for your birthday, if you really want me to". He started breathing heavier as he said "I really want you to... I want to watch and take turns fucking you". I replied "ok then... I'll do it", and Jason pounded me hard before pulling out and cumming on me.
Jason let Sam know that I was finally ready, and Sam acted like he didn't already know and sent the pictures he took... the pictures weren't good quality, there were just normal pics of my drunk naked ass trying to look sexy... he obviously was far from a real photographer, and just uses it as an excuse to take pics... which was no surprise to me. Most of the pics weren't very flattering, especially the ones of me passed out on the bed... but it didn't matter. Jason was happy and excited for Friday, and I started to realize that I was beginning to look forward to it as well.
love the story i hope theres a follow up where the photographer n male model dupe her into doing porn vids trick her into anal n beastily more of hubbies friends find out including some of the wives one whos bisexual n is turned on by seeing her in her vids n wants to do porn with her