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It's just a story. Enjoy it for what it is. Constructive feedback is appritiated.
Honey cousin

It was that time of year.

My parents ran a restaurant in a very busy summer village. So they always sent me away to stay with my aunt and cousin in the country during these busiest months.

It used to be great fun and I loved those summer months. My cousin Amy was a real rascal. A wild girl with sandy blonde hair, always standing on end and always way too long for her. Her mom (aunt Lilly) often gave her a big fat braid in the mornings, but already by lunchtime it was just a big tangled ponytail at best. She was totally wild and always got us into exciting and crazy adventures. And since I was a couple of years younger than her I always followed along on her impulsive ideas.

It got us in trouble a few times. Got us scraped knees and bruises also. Climbing fences and jumping off outhouse roofs etc.

And I loved aunt Lilly too! She was the epiphany of a wholesome country mother! Always had her light brown hair in a large loose knot with strands of hair forever needing to be blown from her face with her classic side blow she’d learned to master over the years.

She had huge breasts and was very curvy and it was a great feeling to be hugged by her, and she was generous with hugs. Partly because me and Amy often came in crying because we hurt ourselves on some fence or stubbed our toes on a rock or something.

I particularly remember one time, when I was very much younger and had scrubbed my knee or something and aunt Lilly sat me in her lap and tried to console me to quench my crying. But I just cried and cried. Suddenly I felt her nipple in my mouth and she pressed my head to her ample breast!

My crying stopped and all I could muster was a muffled surprise. As I recall, moments later I felt a squirt of very sweet milk! By pure reflex I swallowed and that mouth movement gave just the right suction to send me another squirt of her milk!

It was a bit weird but so soothing. I don’t remember how long this continued but I fell asleep there in her lap latched onto auntie's breast.

It never happened again and we never talked about it. I just kept it in the back of my mind, as a nice, comforting memory.

But this summer I wasn’t as keen to go stay with Amy and Lilly over the summer. Last summer I was there, several years ago, Amy was different. I guess she had grown or something. Apart from the obvious - her boobs growing and getting curvier hips and legs and such - she was very stand-offish towards me. She tried, a little, to be fun and welcoming… but it was clear that I was not of interest and mostly just in the way.

One time I ran into the bathroom and, by mistake, surprised her in there half naked. She got really aggressive and yelled me out of there at some volume.

So the greater part of summer was spent watching TV and hanging around aunt Lilly. She of course did her best to make me have a good time, playing cards or making me snacks. But I felt kind of alone all summer while my cousin Amy just was ‘out’ or up in her room all day.

So it was with a heavy heart I made the train trip out to the countryside this summer. I was 18 and shouldn’t have to stay with aunt Lilly and my cousin over the summer. I felt like I was too old to be watched after. Why couldn’t my parents just leave me to tend for myself at home instead? Hopefully Amy had grown out of that mood she was in years ago. We were both more mature now, I hoped.

But already as I got off the train I was pleasantly surprised. As I stepped onto the platform I saw aunt Lilly over there by the station house. I couldn’t see Amy anywhere but was suddenly attacked by her giving me a strong hug and a wet kiss on the lips!

-”So great to see you again Liston! We’ll have a great summer!”, she exclaimed, and gave me another wet kiss on the lips!

Amy had grown even more since the last few summers, so she was taller than me, and bigger in every way. I had already felt her firm breasts against my chest and now that she was hanging on to me with an arm around my neck I also felt the weight of her curvy body. She was wearing a pair of very short jeans shorts, red sneakers and a tight tank top that showed the sides of her boobs as well as some cleavage. She looked much younger than her 20 years of age. But she looked so hot!

Aunt Lilly had probably fixed Amy’s hair just before they came to pick me up, so she still had a thick sandy blonde braid in functioning order.

Together we finally made it to aunt Lilly who had been standing over by the station house and I got one of those beautiful auntie hugs from her. It feels like being enveloped by the ultimate mother. A long, deep hug. My face pressed against her abundant bosom was exactly what I needed to feel as welcome as I hoped to be. Her thin, yellow summer dress was the only thing that covered those lovely mounds under there.

More kisses and they both were telling me how great it was to see me again before we scuttled into the front seat of aunt Lilly’s truck and headed off to their house in the country.

During the ride it was hard to keep my eyes off of both Lilly’s and Amy’s cleavages.Every time I saw an upcoming bump in the road my eyes involuntarily moved to Lilly’s cleavage. Amy was also busty, but nowhere near as top-heavy as aunt Lilly.

I think Amy might have noticed, because many times just as my eyes were turning to auntie’s mounds, she would say something to grab my attention. Also she was often adjusting her seatbelt so her boobs were extra accentuated under her tight t-shirt.

Towards the last third of the trip she had already been holding my hand for a long while and had it clasped with mine. Holding it, the back of my hand was pressed against her crotch, which gave me something else to focus on than auntie’s bouncing boobs. With every bump it kind of pressed against her jeans shorts. I couldn’t tell if it was her pushing my hand down or if it was just the motion of the bumps.

Finally at the farmhouse Lilly prepared dinner and me and Amy chatted it up. She was very cheery and happy it seemed. Totally different from the last summer years ago.

Whilst auntie was making dinner Amy pranced around the kitchen, bringing out plates and cutlery. Seemed to me that she was spending a lot of time looking in the lower cupboards for stuff, and those very short jeans shorts made it hard to look away as she was bending over all the time and wiggling her butt towards me.

During dinner Amy was looking very intently at me all the time. The meal was great and I made sure to give aunt Lilly a hug afterwards. Again I got to feel the skin of her huge breasts against my cheek.

Amy wanted attention again and proclaimed that we should take a bath before bedtime, like we used to do all the time when we were youngsters.

Lilly let go of the warm embrace and said that she would go upstairs and draw a bath for us.

I got a bit nervous about the ‘us’ part…

Although we had used to take baths together, Amy and I, even auntie had joined in sometimes, things had changed. We were kids then. It didn’t really feel the same now. It felt different. Somehow it didn’t feel as innocent now.

Amy was quick to grab my hand and show me upstairs to my room. It was the same room that I had always slept in while I was here in summer time. As I well knew, but Amy reminded me, my room was just next to hers.

Sometimes, in earlier summers, we used to sneak into eachothers bedrooms and just hang out. Tickle fights sometimes, giggling and always hushing each other to not wake auntie.

Of course she would sometimes hear us and come in and send us to our separate beds.

The bed was made, there was a towel on the foot end. We could hear aunt Lilly pouring the bathtub from across the hallway.

-”Get undressed and let’s get in the tub.”, Amy said and left the room.

Now I was getting really nervous. All those hugs, having both Amy’s and aunt Lilly’s breasts pressed against me. Amy holding my hand down to her crotch through the better part of the truck ride and seeing Amy in her short shorts prancing around in the kitchen had stirred something in me.

I had matured and of course gotten some kind of interest in girls and stuff during the years, but I had never gotten closer than to have some fleeting fantasies in my mind about what it would entail… or even what I actually thought about it.

Now I was all of a sudden about to be in a very real situation that I had no experience in.

Best not to think too much about it. I had bathed with Amy and aunt so many times before. So I just went with it, undressed and wrapped the towel around my hips and made my way towards the bathroom.

Coming into the bathroom the sight of aunt Lilly met me. Rather, the sight of her behind.

She was stirring around in the bath tub, in her summer dress. While stirring the bubbly water her hips were swaying from side to side. That thin summer dress did nothing to hide her bum cheeks and the width of her womanly hips.

Mind and body stirring…

I seized the moment and took my chance. Dropped my towel and quickly stepped into the bath, turned away from aunt so I would not be too exposed.

-”Oh, there you are my dear!”, Lilly said as I slid into the tub with my back to her.

In the back of my mind I already had some kind of fear of what might be to come.

I slid towards the end of the tub, it was pretty big, but I still sat in a semi fetal position with my back turned towards aunt Lilly. The water was steaming hot, but not burning. Luckily Lilly had stirred up a fair amount of bubbles, so I didn’t feel too exposed.

Just as I started warming up to the idea of sitting nude in a bathtub with my voluptuous aunt right behind me - Amy walks in!

She had a big smile and was holding her towel around her hips. Now I could finally see her boobs in plain view. They were beautiful! Not very large, of course, but looked soft and had pinkish areolas with small button sized nipples.

-”Hey Liston, make some room for me.”, she said as she dropped her towel and exposed her bare pussy which now was just at eye level from me sitting in the tub. Trying not to look straight at Amy’s crotch I could still make out a few blonde whiskers of hair on her mound. Very light and probably very soft I would think. I felt a twitch down in my nether regions. Amy had decided to sit in front of me, so I had to slide back towards the middle of the tub. I tried very hard not to let my eyes give me away as she spread her legs and got into the tub.

Maybe she felt my gaze and got self conscious, because she then squatted down quickly facing me and I think I could see her face blush a little when she realized she had shown herself to me in all her naked glory. Or maybe it was just the hot bath water…

Our feet were now touching under water and we were both sitting with our knees up towards our chests.

-”The water is really nice mom.”, Amy said to aunt Lilly.

-”Is it? Yeah, maybe I’ll get in with you guys also.”, Lilly responded and rose up, her summer dress slipping off in the same move! She was of course not wearing anything underneath!

As she spoke and stood up my head automatically turned to her, but as her wonderfully curved nakedness revealed itself my head quickly jerked back towards Amy. Now I could feel MY cheeks blushing and that tingling feeling down in my nethers rose sharply!

I was too surprised to take it all in, but I could clearly make out Lillys wide hips, strong, round thighs and huge heavy breasts as she stood up from her falling dress and reached to the back of her head to steady her hair knot before climbing in behind me.

-”Mom! I think Liston got a bit embarrassed now!”, Amy snickered as she tried to catch my eye. Aunt Lilly was sitting down behind me. I tried to play it off like it was nothing…

-”Nah, it’s alright.”, although I think the tremble in my voice gave me away a bit.

Lilly grabbed me across the chest from behind and pulled me towards her. I could feel her huge breasts pressing against my back!

-”Oh no! My little nephew is not embarrassed! We’ve taken plenty of baths together over the years! Right Liston?”, she said as she gave me a wet, foamy hug, pressing her firm heavy breasts against my back even more.

-”Now, scoot back towards me so I can get my legs straightened out.”, she said and leant back pulling me along by my shoulders. She pushed her legs forwards so she got one leg on each side of me, her thick thighs pressing against my sides and laid them over my now outstretched legs. My butt was in effect pressed down against the bottom of the tub and her boobs were like two fleshy pillows against the back of my head. I could feel her pubes against the lower part of my back and any tingling feelings had now passed on to a pulsating horniness.

Amy took her chance, as aunt Lilly pulled me back towards her, to also straighten her legs out and place them on each side of me, over auntie's legs so only her knees were a little above water and I was even more pressed down in place. We still had about 12 inches between each other underwater luckily, otherwise I fear she’d have been poked by my growing member down there.

-”Let me do your back.”, Lilly said and pushed my upper body to a forward leaning position. I was sad to not have her breasts as my soft pillows anymore, but glad that I could now reach in front of me and collect some more bath foam to try to cover the surface just in front of me instead. Auntie started to rub my back with soap and hands.

-”While mom does your back, you can do my front!”, Amy said and poured some shampoo over her tits!

-”But I don’t have a sponge…”, I stammered.

-”Just use your hands silly!”, she replied and leant forward… the slimy shampoo slowly running down her round breasts.

I cleared my throat for unknown reasons and gingerly tried to spread out the shampoo over her top chest and shoulders.

-”Comon’, you have to make it lather up!”, she said with a jokingly annoyed voice and grabbed the back of my hands and put them over her breasts! I could feel her hardened nipples under my palms as she started moving my hands around and around over her chest.

I don’t know for how long this went on but long enough for me to get a full hard on under the water. I don’t think I had a specially big penis or anything. But I could probably compare with the best in terms of hardness at this moment. It was almost painful, but at the same time I was in a wet and warm heaven, wedged in place by my aunts and my cousins legs!

I was jolted back to reality (or to a new form of heaven actually) when aunt Lilly exclaimed: -”There! Your back is done now, lean back towards me and I’ll do your hair.”, and pulled me back to her and made me lean back on her again. But this time my back, and aunt Lilly, were covered in soap and very slippery.

So I slid down a ways. Lilly lifted her thighs back and caught my slip by her thighs under my armpits.So I was now slid down, just my head and shoulders above the water and I was stuck in a meaty vise, my head pressed in between auntie’s generous breasts that were now also touching my cheeks from behind!

To my terror-mixed enjoyment, my sliding down in the tub also had resulted in mine and Amy’s groins bumping together! I could feel the bottom of my shaft pressing against her pussy down there under the foamy water surface!

I was stuck in place and had no chance to move! Above and around my head were aunt Lilly’s huge boobs, my arms were wedged in place between by her thighs and lower body somehow and my legs were firmly held down by both Lilly’s and Amy’s legs on top of them.

For a short moment I prayed for the slim chance that Amy maybe didn’t notice that something (or what) was pressing against her pussy lips.

No chance of that though. Amy had gone very silent all of a sudden. Aunt Lilly was shampooing my head and hair between her breasts I could feel Amy moving her pelvis, slowly… up and down the underside of my now pulsating shaft.

As auntie was thoroughly soaping up my head I got some soap in my eyes and had to press them shut.

But without my vision, all my other senses got much more intense! I could feel the firm embrace I was in by aunt Lilly, I could even feel her slippery mound pressing against the middle of my back. It felt like my spine was embedded in between her labias! Maybe auntie was enjoying this also?!

And I could feel the weight of Amy’s legs pressing down on mine and her pussy sliding slowly up and down along my shaft. Longer and longer strokes… until I could feel her so high up my shaft that the head of my rock hard dick was sometimes touching her slippery pussy lips!

Since my eyes were hard closed I could not see, but from the sounds I heard it seemed like Amy was washing her hair above the surface whilst she was rubbing against my pole under it. I guess she was pretending like nothing so auntie wouldn’t notice.

But I surely noticed. I was pressed in between two hot ladies pussies! One against my dick and the other pressed against my spine. My head enveloped by aunt Lilly’s large, hot, slippery tits!

We were all suspiciously quiet for a long time, I had never had anyone wash my hair for that long. But I guess auntie finally got a hold of herself and showered off the suds in my hair and eyes at last.

Then she propped me up to a more stable position and that pulled mine and Amy’s flirting groins apart. Which in turn got Amy back to earth also and she then showered her head off.

There were still some suds and bubbles in the tub, but dangerously few now. I got worried that my stone hard boner was going to be seen by any of my two tub-mates.

Amy was first to declare herself washed and finished. As she stood up in front of me I got a good view of her smooth and glistening pussy, rests of water from her body ran down and formed a little stream that ran from her outer pussy lips down into the tub.

She probably stood there a little longer than necessary, to tease me with what had been rubbing against me for the last 15 minutes underwater. Out of the tub she bent over, legs straight (of course), to pick up her towel and I got a good eye of her bulbous pussy from behind. I could not see any inner pussy lips hanging out like one can sometimes see on women in dirty magazines. Here was only a wet, smooth slit going up to the crack of her butt.

She wrapped the towel around her waist and in a hurried voice said, -”I’ll be in my room…”, and left tippy toeing out the bathroom door.

I saw that my towel was lying on the floor next to the tub, very close. So I took my chance and grabbed my towel as I maneuvered out of the bath - careful to keep my back towards aunty so she would see my rock hard dick which was standing at full attention.

Wrapping the towel around my waist and not turning around I said: -”I’ll go and dry off too.”, to auntie and was quickly out of there going to my room.

-”Ok, I’ll just stay in the tub for a while longer.”, I heard Lilly say as I darted out.

Back in my room I shut the door and quickly dried off. Every time I even grazed my boner with the towel I almost came! I had of course masturbated a few times before, but that feeling was nothing like the pent up energy I had stored in there now! But I didn’t dare to rub one off now! As I was feeling there could be huge amounts of cum to squirt and I had nowhere to hide that in here. No paper towels, no trash can…

I had to just get my mind out of it. Thinking of baseball. Thinking of rocks, ehm… thinking of coloring crayons…

I still had a pretty stiff boner after a while, but at least it was not pulsating and aching anymore. As I was sitting on my bed I heard a faint scratching from the wall.

Amy's bedroom was just on the other side from my headboard and the scratching was a familiar sign we’d always used earlier summers to call the other one to one’s bedroom at night.

Shit. How was I going to handle this now? Just pretend to be asleep? Nah, then she would just come sneaking in here instead.

Ok, think fast now… I tried to put on my underwear. But they were of the modern kind and very tight even without a boner. Damn! I do have a long t-shirt though! If I keep it pulled down, and if I sit on the bed I could pull up my knees into it and that way not reveal my hardness.

Quickly going through my bag I rip out my long t-shirt and wrangle it on. Just standing up it goes all the way down just below my balls… right now my boner was more than 90 degrees upward… it was very visible pushing at the shirt's bottom part. But if I hunched a little it showed nothing… that’ll have to do!

I open my bedroom door, the hallway is dark but I can hear that aunt Lilly is still sloshing around in the bathtub. The bathroom door is a little ajar and the light spills out from there to the beige hallway rug.

Carefully closing my door as silently as I could, I then snuck down the hall towards Amy’s bedroom. As I was passing the bathroom I had noticed that the sloshing sound was very rhythmic. I couldn’t NOT sneak a peek…

The slightly cracked door I could see that aunt Lilly was lying down in the tub, her head on the same end she had it in when we were all in there. But now she was sunken down into the tub, so only her head was visible. It was leaned back, eyes closed and mouth slightly opened. The sloshing sound came from her rubbing something just under water level… I knew what was happening here.

Aunt had gotten aroused from her clitoris rubbing against my spine as we were bathing before, and now she needed to finish the job herself!

My throbbing hard on reminded me not to stay here and watch this erotic happening too long, otherwise I would surely not be able to hide it from Amy!

Moving along, Amy’s door was cracked. Only a faint light was visible from inside her room. I snuck in and left the door cracked as it had been. I made a thing out of putting my finger to my lips in a motion of silence, also exaggerating my ‘sneaking’ movements and staying hunched so my shirt would cover my hard on that was still there.

Amy was in her bed. It was a very girly bed. Huge fluffy cover with white lacing around the edges. She was propped up on her elbow, her wild hair on end from rubbing it dry. She had a lovely, warm smile and only her shoulder and half of her right breast was showing.

-”Come here!”, she whispered and waved me towards her. The waving made the bedcover slip down a bit and show more of her lovely breast and giving it an alluring bounce.

Hunched down I snuck over to the side of her bed and kneeled there, effectively hiding everything below my chest against the bedside.

‘Safe!’, I thought to myself.

From nowhere she just asked right out: -”Have you ever been with any girls?”

I wished that I hadn’t gone silent for too many seconds. I was surprised at the blunt question, of course. And my several seconds of saying nothing was answer enough… so I had to go with, -”No…”

Amy smiled…

-”Would you like to?”

I nodded, a bit too eagerly.

-”Do you like honey?”, she asked with bright, hopeful eyes.

-”Of course.”, I said, not really understanding the relevance of the question. Until I saw her reach towards her bed table. There was a half full bottle of honey. The kind that is in a small plastic container, shaped like a bear.

She carefully dripped some of the flowing honey onto her right nipple…

-”Have some…”, she said with that enticing smile.

I could suddenly see nothing else than her nipple and the honey slowly running down around and from it. I leaned forward, stuck out my tongue and just let the tip touch her breast where the honey had run the farthest. It was awesomely sweet and made even sweeter by Amys quick inhalation. She liked that, obviously.

I went in again, took a longer lick. Again, she gasped a bit and shivered.

I got bolder (as my dick also got harder), licking again and again. Throwing a glance at Amy in between licks. She was leaning her head back and her eyes were closed with mouth half open, in the same fashion as I had just seen aunt Lilly in the bathtub. Finally I just planted my mouth over her breast and licked and sucked until all the honey was gone. Then I leaned back and took a few breaths.

Amy pulled down her blanket, revealing her other breast. -”Now this one!”, she said excitedly.

She laid down on her back and dripped some honey on her other breast and looked at me expectantly.

To reach her other breast I had to raise myself up and lay my torso over her belly. As I started licking I took a gamble and put my other hand over the breast I had just licked clean. Amy moaned and didn’t seem to mind. Her nipples were now very erect and I sucked and licked with long strokes for all that I was worth!

Amy was moaning and turning her head from side to side. Eyes closed and breathing heavily.

She dripped some more honey on the small pit just below the neck and above the chest. I eagerly licked my way up there and sipped in the honey. She was still having her eyes closed, applying some honey to her lips… I followed. Started licking her lips. She stuck her tongue out. I licked that also. We naturally engaged in a long deep kiss. Our tongues wrestling each other and exploring every crevice of each other's mouths.

We broke off the kiss, and I leaned up a little. I was now sitting on the side of Amy’s bed, my pulsating boner still covered by my long t-shirt though. I realized that I still had both my hands on her breasts. I pulled them away.

Amy looked me straight in the eye, she was obviously very excited.

-”Do you REALLY like honey?”, she asked with her infectious smile. She slowly pulled down her blanket with her feet…

I nodded and let out a feeble: -”Uhu…”

She drizzled some honey from the top of her belly and down to her bellybutton. Her blanket pulled down and only exposed her down to the start of her hips.

I had zero experience in this sort of thing, but I felt I knew where this was going.

I slid down the bed length, one knee on the bed and one on the floor and bent in over her belly and started licking down towards her bellybutton. My dick was now throbbing intensely.

As I was getting closer to Amy's belly button I could perceive she was tugging down her blanket more and more with her feet. As I sucked up the last honey from her cute belly, she raised herself up on one elbow and reached down with the little bear shaped honey flask.

-”Are you ready Liston?”, she asked and dripped a hefty amount of honey on top of her venus mound. I was transfixed to see this. Her lovely, soft pussylips, the mound above with a few fairy soft hairs on top and the golden honey slowly running down into the slit below…

I dove in. Not knowing what to do, I trusted my instinct and horniness. My only goal was to let my tongue explore everything it could reach.

I heard Amy moan loudly and then I heard her put a hand over her mouth to make less noise. This just egged me on to lick harder and faster… and deeper! Between the sweet taste of honey I could also smell and taste her fresh pussy juices flowing. Soon they became more tempting than the honey. When my tongue hit the right spots within Amy’s labia lips a gush of her bodily juices came gushing again and again. I lapped everything up like a dog in heat. Amy was moaning and moaning under her hand. Her other hand was grabbing my hair and pushing my mouth deeper into her opening! Her hips were squirming and finally she pulled my head away from her lovely lower lips.

Panting and with a wide smile she said: -”Phew! I need a break! Your tongue is too good!”

Amy grabbed another bottle from her night stand, quickly gave it to me, turned around on her stomach and kicked off the rest of her blanket.

I now sat on her bedside with a bottle of baby oil in my hand and Amy’s beautiful back and ass up towards me. I thought my hardon was hard before… it was explosive now!

-”Can you please give me a back massage, to calm me down?”, she said, her voice half muffled in the pillow.

I switched positions. Not having to worry about Amy seeing my excited rod now I could position myself more freely. So I sat myself upon her legs, straddling her thighs and applied some baby oil on Amy’s back. Started rubbing it in as she let out pleasurable moans. As I massaged her upper shoulders and tried to slide down to catch some of her side boobs Amy said: -”You can put your thingy between my bumcheeks if you want. I can feel that you are hard already.”

I was surprised and embarrassed at the same time. But I wanted nothing more than to let my throbbing dick touch her skin! So I moved up her legs where I could sink down and place my dick along her buttcrack. It felt SO good!

-”Put some of the oil on there.”, Amy said.

I poured a generous amount of the baby oil on my shaft that was firmly placed between her buttocks and immediately felt how well it slid now.

The back rub/massage became very secondary to me now, and probably for Amy too. The main focus was to slide my, harder than ever, cock between her cheeks. It was the greatest feeling ever. I could’ve died then and there and it had all been worth it, just for that!

I used the ‘back rubbing’ of her shoulders just as an excuse to press down even harder on her butt. The baby oil made it totally frictionless. My dick was like in a gravity free zone. Skin against skin.

I moved my hips in longer and longer strokes. By mistake I moved down too far and my dick slipped down from her butt crack. As I moved my hips forward again my tipped pressed in between Amy’s wet and slippery pussy lips!

Amy let out a little squeak and tensed up. I froze in my tracks! Had I gone too far? My tip was pressing against her hole of entry…

-”Mmm… you wanna push it in?”, she asked in a flirtatious voice.

-”Uhu…”, I mumbled.

-”Ok, go for it. But… slowly…”, she whispered.

Amazing! I was going to lose my virginity in the most sexy girl I had ever seen! From behind no less. My cock was throbbing and I could feel Amy’s lower lips slightly and slowly letting my tip in. I went as slow as I possibly could. As my head burrowed deeper and deeper I could feel her tightness. There was a slight resistance, her opening was slowly opening and I could hear her whimper with lust with her face in the pillow! Suddenly she relaxed her hole muscles and my head sank in! I could feel her entrance immediately tense up again and close behind my glans! I was IN! Amy was quivering and breathing heavily!

I looked down. Most Of her back was covered by her tangled and moist hair, her bum was shining in the light of the lamp on her bedside. Between her ass cheeks I could see my dick, but the top of it was just inside her lovely folds!

Suddenly - a knock on the door!!

-”Amy, are you still awake?” Aunt Lilly’s voice could be heard as she slowly started opening the door!

Amy sprung into action and all of the following happened in less than 1½ second and with what felt like one superfast swooping move!

Amy turned to her side with such force that I fell over towards the side of the bed that was against the wall. She spread her legs and bent her body down to grab the big blanket that she had kicked off earlier. As she bent her body to reach the blanket she pushed me into the wall and my dick sunk in her a good deal deeper than just the tip! She threw the blanket over us and pushed hard back with her hips, sinking me ALL the way in!

I thought I fainted and everything went dark!

Amy became still. -”Yes mommy.”, she answered Lilly.

She had thrown the blanket over us, but her head was still above the covers and she had pressed her body back against mine so I sat in a thigh squeeze between her pussy and the bedroom wall. I was trying to lie dead still and make myself as small as possible under the covers behind Amy! I could feel her inner walls clamping around my pulsating hardon inside her. I was on the brink of cumming…

I could hear aunt Lilly entering the room, -”Hey honey. I was afraid that you might have dozed off before you got your evening milk.”. As she sat down on Amy’s bedside the bed rocked and swayed a bit. That little motion was all that was needed to push me over the edge! I clenched my teeth and was totally still in all limbs, apart from one! I was, in all silence, squirting and squirting all of my pent up seed deep into Amy’s body! I know that Amy could feel it, because she was clenching full force to try to stop the gushing flow, but that only made it feel even more!

-”Oh sweetie. You’re looking all flustered! What’s wrong?”, auntie asked as she put up her legs (I presumed) and made herself more comfortable in the bed beside Amy.

-”No, no. I’m fine mommy.”, Amy answered. I could hear the strain in her voice since I knew she was now feeling my pumping dick squirting load after load into her as she was trying to pretend like nothing.

-”Well, give me some room, it’s time for your evening milk,”, auntie said.

As aunty Lilly made herself comfortable beside Amy I was pushed even more to the wall and Amy to me. I thought I couldn’t penetrate Amy any deeper than I already had… but with aunties shoving I must’ve pressed in almost another inch into Amy! I nearly fainted. And I could hear Amy also giving out a slight gasp!

-”Now then, open wide love…”, aunt Lilly said in a soft voice. I could hear Amy latch on to Lilly’s huge breast and let out a satisfied, -”Mmm…”

I just lay there, still as a mouse, trying not to breathe even. I was embedded into Amy from behind, to the hilt, as she was suckling milk from aunt Lilly’s beautiful big breast.

This was the hottest thing I could ever have imagined! Although I had just cum loads, I could feel myself starting to throb again!

Amy was feeling it too and was timing her pussy contractions to my dick’s throbbing. By the sound of it she was also keeping the same pace with her milk sucking.

-”Oh, you’re hungry tonight Amy.”, Lilly whispered in a pleased voice.

Since we couldn’t move without aunt noticing, this was the best we could do. Amy’s inside muscles were milking my cock at a soft and steady pace and it felt glorious!

-”I’ll rock you to sleep baby.”, Lilly said and starting humming on some lullaby. Suddenly I could feel Amy’s hips start rocking back and forth! Aunt Lilly was humming and rocking Amy unaware that this just gave us the in and out motion that we very much sought.

To my horror this movement, combined with all our fluids involved in my penetration, started making a smacking kind of sound! Amy must’ve noticed too and started making similar sucking sounds to cancel out the sound of my rod being pulled out and then pushed in again by auntie’s rocking motion.

This only made it even more vivid for me to imagine the image of her sucking on Lilly’s breast! I very soon came again into Amy. It was excruciatingly pleasurable this time, since the movement just continued although I could only wish for a pause.

But aunt Lilly didn’t know what was going on down there under the covers and that her lovely daughter was impaled by me, pumping her full… again.

This continued until I finally passed out, or fell asleep, with my hard, young dick inside her without the possibility of escape.
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