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Lilly sat in the passenger seat, the plug in her ass shifting and moving around every time the car hit a bump in the road. She kept thinking about the way everyone at school will look at her like she is a piece of meat. She wondered how they would react if they knew she was naked under her skirt. Her small tiny asshole squeezing and straining around her plug. The thoughts making her soaking wet, her juices causing a huge moist spot in the fabric of the passenger seat. It doesn't help that her father is furiously rubbing her clit as they drive. This is now the only way they ride together.

"My, my, Lilly, your so excited to get to school, aren't you dear?" The succubus asks, as it watches Lilly struggle in the front seat. "Are you excited to show the world your body? How you will be a new Lilly, one who has embraced the darkness. Lilly, you have never felt this good before. It's amazing isn't it."

Lilly is speechless, the feeling of her fathers hand on her wet cunt and the plug moving inside her. The soft gentle tingling of her nipples, her fathers eyes on her. The way he watches her body, the way he stares at her, all these things are intoxicating.

Lilly's father pulls the car up front, and puts it in park. Other cars with parents dropping off their kids fill the shoulder of the circular roundabout that makes up the front of the school. Students walking by, every one of them, girls and boys, stares at Lilly. She looks out of the window, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and excitement. "Dad, I am not sure about this." Lilly says.

"Don't worry, you will be fine." Her father says.

"But I'm naked under this skirt." She says, with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry sweetie, you're not naked, I mean you are, but only a little. It's ok." Her father says. "I will come get you when you're done for the day." He gives her a soft kiss and she opens the door, and gets out. Lilly looks down and see's the wet spot in the passenger seat.

As Lilly steps away from the car and proceeds to walk to the entrance, she can see everyone staring at her. Some give her a smile, some are clearly staring at her ass, legs and erect poking nipples. However most are whispering to each other, giggling and snickering. Talking about the events from yesterday, and the rumors seeded by two individuals. James and Emily great Lilly just inside the lobby of the school.

"Lilly, we're glad to have you back, we missed you." James says, with a smug grin on his face.

Lilly turns bright red and looks down at her feet. "Uh thanks." She says, as she walks past them. Emily moves to get in her face, blocking Lilly from moving any further into the school. Lilly looks up at Emily.

Emily smiles at her. "So Lilly, why didn't you come to school yesterday?" She asks.

"I uh." Lilly stammers, her voice trailing off.

James smirks. "Oh, I think you know why. Fucking whore." He says, as he grabs Lilly's hand and pulls her behind the stairwell, and pushes her up against the wall.

"Succubus, stop this. I know your controlling them." Lilly cries out in her thoughts.

"Lilly my dear, I just motivate them and heighten their restraint wickedness. What they actually do is beyond my control." The succubus appearing standing arms crossed and leaning against the wall. "I don't tell anyone to hurt you. They do that on their own, if they have it in them."

James moves in close to Lilly, raising her arms over her head, now holding them with one hand. Still pinning her against the wall, He places his other hand on her throat and squeezes lightly. Emily comes in close besides them, her face inches away from Lilly's ear. She places her hand under Lilly's skirt, rubbing her fingers against the wet crotch. "Your cunt is soaking wet you know that? You're just a dirty little slut aren't you." Emily whispers sadistically in Lilly's ear.

"Yeah, your just a fucking whore." James growls. "I bet you love it, don't you slut. I bet you just love all this attention." He squeezes her throat a little harder.

Emily takes her hand away from Lilly's cunt, and opens James's belt and pants. She reaches in and pulls out James's erection. She begins to stroke it.

Lilly can't believe what's happening. Her throat is being choked by James, and the situation is overwhelming. However the most over stimulating thing is, the rubbing of James's tip against her wet cunt over her skirt. It is intoxicating. The way she is using his head as a toy on her clit, and the sensation of the plug in her ass moving around. Lilly moans softly as Emily strokes faster, with each pump, ramming it harder and harder, into her, trying to get Lilly to orgasm.

"Do you like that Lilly? You like being humiliated like a whore don't you?" Emily asks as she rubs James's shaft against her, making small streaks with James's precum on the front of her skirt.

Lilly can feel the pressure building up inside her, the warmth from the rubbing starting to bring her to orgasm. Lilly doesn't want them to be the ones that will make her climax, she is struggling to not let it flood over. She knows that once she orgasms in front of them, she'll never be able to live it down. She is determined to not give in.

"Succubus, please, help me! Stop them from making me orgasm." Lilly cries out in her mind.

The succubus chuckles and watches the events unfold before her eyes. "Oh, my sweet Lilly, I wouldn't do that if I could." She says. "I want you to enjoy this. I want you to embrace the dark side. I want you to enjoy yourself. The best way to do that, is to just let go."

"Stop this." Lilly tries to voice threw James's squeezing grip. But he continues to hold her throat tightly. Lilly can feel his penis against her, she can feel the pressure growing as Emily's rubbing grows faster.

"Yeah, cum for us slut." James growls in her ear. "I know you want to. I know you want to be humiliated." He squeezes her throat a little harder.

Lilly starts a long orgasm, as she begins to black out. She can feel herself losing control. Her body starts to convulse, as she begins to pee, soaking her skirt and the head of James's penis. Lilly's juices run down James's shaft and soak Emily's fingers.

"Oh, yeah, slut! Squirt all over us." Emily laughs. "You fucking whore! Look at you. You're such a dirty little whore!"

"Ahh, Emily," James tries to pull his throbbing head away from Lilly's perfect warm crotch, but as he does Emily squeezes him.

"No, don't you cum." Emily scolds James. She squeezes him hard as she feels him pulse with orgasm. So hard and tightly that his seed is mostly blocked. However some managers to squeak past leaving thin strips on Lilly's skirt.

Lilly's eyes roll back and she loses control of herself. She slumps against the wall as Emily releases James. Lilly's urine is now flowing freely, wetting the front of her skirt and the floor around her.

James releases Lilly, letting her fall to the floor in her own puddle. He stands, his erection throbbing and pulsing. Small beads of seamen drip onto Lilly's head and hair.

"Lets go James, if your good I might let you rub yourself while staring at me." Emily says as she buttons James up, and the two of them walk away.

"Ohh, how so wickedly delightful that Emily is. She could easy be one of my kind, if she wasn't... pft, mortal." The succubus says.

"I'm so happy you like her so much" Lilly says out loud threw her sobbing. She is defeated once again, this time in a puddle of her own urine.

The succubus kneels beside her. "Don't worry Lilly. I'm going to take care of you. I will make sure you are taken care of. You are not alone. Now get up."

"But, why did they do that?" She asks out loud, her voice so weak from her choking.

"Because they were jealous, and needed an outlet. But you are going to be fine. I will make sure of that." Janelle says as she walks around the corner into the stairwell. She bends down and helps Lilly to her feet. Lilly can barely walk. Her legs are wobbly and she can barely stand. Her wet skirt is clinging to her thighs, as she tries to regain control of her legs.

"Wha..What are you doing here?" Lilly stammers. "Did you see?"

"No, I seen Emily and James come out from back here, than I herd crying, and your voice." Janelle says, her voice sounding kind and compassionate. "What happened?"

Lilly shakes her head, as she tries to walk out from the stairwell. She feels the plug shift inside her and she stops in her tracks. Her face is bright red, as she tries to hold back the tears. She is so embarrassed and ashamed.

"Here, let me help you." Janelle says as she takes off her long hand crochet jacket and wraps it around Lilly. "Lets go get you cleaned up."

Lilly nervous, recalling when Emily and James, so-called helped her yesterday. "Uhh, I'm ok." Lilly says as she tries to back away from Janelle.

"No, you aren't. Come on." Janelle says as she pulls Lilly away from the stairwell and up the stairs.

Lilly reluctantly follows Janelle to the bathroom. Janelle turns and locks the bathroom door. "It's ok your safe now, we are alone."

"But you're friends with them." Lilly says, as she stands in the middle of the bathroom, shaking and pulling Janelle's crochet jacket tightly around her.

"So?" Janelle asks, with a smug grin. "It doesn't mean anything."

Lilly looks down at the floor, embarrassed by how she is acting. "I'm sorry. It's just that.."

"It's just what Lilly? Tell me what happened?" Janelle says, walking in front of Lilly and taking her hands. "Tell me what happened?"

"Oh, well it was um. It was James and Emily. They got me alone.." Lilly starts to say.

"Well, what did they do? Did they touch you?" Janelle asks.

"Yes, they uh, they." Lilly can't bring herself to say what they did.

"They what? What did they do?" Janelle asks.

"They, they, they made me cum. In front of them. I, I was in a puddle of my own piss. I. I.. I just couldn't take it. I. I. I tried to not." Lilly says, as the tears flow freely down her cheeks.

"Lilly, it's ok." Janelle says. " You have me now. I'm here to help you, no matter what happens."

"What is going to happen?" Lilly asks, with a puzzled expression.

"Nothing. I'm here to protect you. Lilly, I know what your doing. I know you're trying to stand out, I just hope you can come back from it. Showing everyone your kink yesterday in front of the school and trying to seduce James. Was a lot all at once to take in." Janelle says as she brushes Lilly's matted hair out of her face.

Lilly pulls back in shock. "No.. I did not. That's not what happened. They did that to me." She says, wiping the tears away from her eyes.

"It's ok Lilly, I know what they're like. I just want to help you." Janelle says, pulling Lilly in for a hug.

The feeling of Janelle's warmth and compassion is reassuring to Lilly. Janelle doesn't seem to judge Lilly or make fun of her. Janelle doesn't seem to care that Lilly peed herself, or that she got humiliated in front of the whole school. She's so supportive and loving. It's so comforting. Lilly melts into Janelle's arms, resting her head against Janelle's shoulder crying.

"Lets get you out of these clothes." Janelle whispers into Lilly's ear.

"Ok." Lilly says as she sniffles.

Janelle takes the jacket and folds it putting it on the bathroom counter. She than slides her hands on Lilly's small tender waist, sliding her hands under her shirt. "Lift your arms for me?" Janelle asks softly, as she pulls the shirt off of Lilly. Lilly does what she is told and lets the shirt slip off over her head. She stands before Janelle her small pink nipples hard and poking out from her developing breasts. Janelle closes in and brings both her hands to Lilly's face pulling her forward to her. She hesitantly kisses Lilly, softly, judging Lilly's reaction.

"Ohhh, this one is sweet." The succubus whispers. "You don't need me to tell you she is aroused."

Lilly is so stunned by the kiss that she can't think straight. Her mind is still on her previous experience with James and Emily. She lets her mouth open and her tongue dart into Janelle's mouth. Her body wanting this kiss to go on forever. Her hands rest on Janelle's waist as they kiss. Janelle pushes her tongue deeper into Lilly's mouth, teasing and playing with hers. Lilly pulls Janelle away. holding her at arms length. She takes in Jenelle's sight.

Jenelle is gorgeous. Being the same age as Lilly, has gone threw puberty early. Her amazing baseball size breasts fill her tight, alabaster alpaca sweater. It is short, showing off her mid-drift. Lilly is captivated, she looks down to her flat smooth belly and waist where her hands still rest. Janelle's hips hold the waistband of a black skirt that is riding high on her thighs, showing off her smooth shapely legs. Lilly is stunned by Janelle's beauty. She is so different than Lilly.

"You are dressed so differently than you where last night at the restaurant." Lilly says, her voice trailing off as she tries to get words out.

Janelle gives Lilly a smile and than blushes. "You inspired me last night with the way you dressed, and how open you were. You where so.. so.. I don't know, brave and alive."

Lilly can't help but blush. "Thank you." She says.

"No, thank, you." Janelle says, her eyes locked with Lilly's.

The two of them stare at each other for a few moments, before Janelle reaches out to Lilly. "Lets get you cleaned up now." She says, pulling Lilly in, and hugging her tightly. Her hard nipples brushing up against Janelle's chest. The fluffy sweater and warmth of her breasts makes Lilly want to fall into a never ending slumber. Lilly can feel Janelle slide her hands down her back to the waistband of her skirt. She pulls it down, before letting go, her skirt falling to the floor. Still holding each other Lilly steps out of them. Janelle grabs Lilly's ass cheek's, one in each hand, and begins to kiss her. Lilly feels so safe in her embrace, like no one can harm her. Lilly opens her mouth and accepts Janelle's tongue inside, the two of them moving their bodies together. Lilly's cunt begins to grow wetter as she stands naked, all but her thigh high boots.

"Lilly, your so beautiful." Janelle whispers into Lilly's ear. "Your so brave." Janelle says, as she steps back and pulls her sweater over her head.

Lilly can't believe what is happening. She can't believe how beautiful Janelle looks standing wearing no bra under her sweater. "You inspired me to stop wearing bra's and panties." Janelle blushes. Her breasts are firm and full. Her nipples are small, pink, hard nubs. Her areola are the size of small dollar coins.

Lilly can't control herself as she gently grabs them in each hand. Kissing them and sucking on her nipples. She hears a soft moan escape Janelle's mouth. "Oh, my, god Lilly."

Lilly can't take it anymore, she has to touch Janelle. She drops one hand from her breast and slides it between Janelle's thighs, pushing her skirt up, running her fingers up and down her moist lips. She slips a finger inside. It's warm, soft, and wet. Janelle is small and tight like Lilly. Short soft sparse hairs dots her mound. Janelle moans as Lilly's finger penetrates her. Janelle's breath becomes short and rapid. Lilly feels Janelle's body begin to tense.

"Oh, Lilly, you make me feel so good. So safe. So, fuck, so good." Janelle cries out, as her orgasm erupts. "Oh, Lilly." She pulls Lilly's head into her cleavage and kisses her. "That was so hot." She says, as she pushes Lilly away. "It's your turn."

Lilly looks at Janelle in awe. She has never known anyone so warm and welcoming. Janelle kisses Lilly's neck, and starts to kiss down to her nipple. She wraps her mouth around the nipple and Lilly gasps as the sensation over takes her. She feels Janelle's hand slide down her back and between her ass cheeks. She feels Janelle's hand stop when she finds the plug.

"What is this?" Janelle asks as she pulls her mouth away from Lilly's nipple.

Lilly looks at Janelle with a puzzled expression. "Oh, umm.. My dad did that this morning while he dressed me."

Janelle stands up and looks Lilly in the eye. "Well, it seems like your dad really loves you. You where meant to wear it all day, weren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess. I just didn't realize it when he did it this morning. It was like a normal thing to him." She says.

"Oh, that is so fucking hot." Janelle says, kissing Lilly's cheek and then her lips. "I need to see it."

"See what?" Lilly asks.

"I need to see it. See you with the plug in you." Janelle says as she spins Lilly around and bends her over the bathroom counter.

"What are you doing?" Lilly cries.

"I'm sorry but I just have to see it." Janelle says as she slides her hand up and down Lilly's ass. Her finger stopping when it finds the base of the plug. Lilly tenses when Janelle's finger touches it. Janelle squats down, and suddenly buries her face in Lilly's ass. Her warm tongue running below the plug to Lilly's warm moist cunt.

"Ohh!" Lilly cries out, as her legs begin to tremble. The feeling of Janelle's tongue lick her pussy lips is so hot. Her hands rest against the bathroom counter as Janelle works her magic on Lilly. Lilly feels the warmth spread through her body. She moans softly as Janelle sucks her clit into her mouth. Lilly can't hold on any longer. She begins to climax. She feels the heat of her juices flow over Janelle's tongue and into her mouth. Janelle is so good, she doesn't stop licking and sucking on Lilly's clit as her orgasm erupts. Her ass spasms around the plug, as she pushes against Janelle's face. Lilly can feel Janelle's tongue move to her asshole, the soft sensation sending jolts threw Lilly's body. "Oh, Janelle, that is so good." Lilly cries, as she can feel her body begin to relax and settle down. Lilly's orgasmed so fast, It was almost instantly the second Janelle got hold of her clit.

"Ohh Lilly, that was amazing." Janelle says, standing up, and hugging Lilly lovingly.

"Oh, give me a break." The succubus sucks her teeth. "So Lovey dovey. Ugg. So mundane."

Lilly returns Janelle's hug and kisses her. The two of them stand embrace each other lovingly, until the first bell rings.
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