“I was having coffee with three of my girlfriends this morning when they piqued my interest. All three of them told me their men were intent on making their sex lives more erotic. They took great delight in telling me the erotic is a source of power for them.
"The erotic comes from the sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual. Sexual pleasure without fucking, one of them surmised succinctly," my lady Sarah told me.
“Would you like to explore and create some eroticism, high-class pornography with me? Though we have had lots of erotic sex together, with other women and men, and both at the same time. Compared to some of the erotic sex they recounted to me, we could blow them out of the water.”
Five minutes later Sarah was naked apart from her heels, standing with her back to a wall, watching in the mirror opposite as I had her magnificent ass cheeks in my hands as I licked, sucked and kissed her cunt lips while working, teasing and edging, to bring her to orgasm, a regular and exciting, challenge for me.
The previous night she had attended a hen’s party for one of her younger girlfriends. When she arrived home she was excited to tell me, “There was a male stripper for entertainment. He was an absolute spunk, mid-twenties, light brown skin, six-feet tall, with a toned, taut body. When he was down to his g-string the women went wild, his ass was to die for. When he dropped his g-string he took great delight in flaunting his cock for us. He was huge and a real exhibitionist. One of the women leapt onto the stage with a bottle of oil. You can guess what happened then?. Or shall I tell you? She oiled his cock until he had a very thick erection. He must be almost twelve-inches, one of the women told me.”
“Pleased you enjoyed your night out. Did you get the strippers details?”
“Even better, guess what, I won a prize. A voucher for a night with Bryan the stripper in a private room at the Hyatt. I was going to give it to one of my girlfriends, but she was too embarrassed to accept it.
“Would you like to join the dots with me, explore and create some eroticism, high-class pornography with me? Something I can boast to my girlfriends about?”
Sarah, is of French descent, in her mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. Her body is still good, both sexes love her legs and ass and the way I trim her pubic hair - the look Helmut Newton’s models prefer. Or was it his preference? Good hips, flat stomach, modest tits with long hard nipples when aroused.
She has a high sex drive, very high. She loves reminding me. “I am to please and be pleased sexually, I love being licked and teased by both sexes,” She lost all her inhibitions between her second and third husbands and she loves having sex with an audience. And she really does enjoy some racy commentary during sex, an extra dimension.
She has a tacit agreement with me that she can pleasure and be pleasured sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, no intercourse, outer sex only - safe sex, ‘you can watch and masturbate’ she told me. If the second man wants to blow me, she loves to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply.
We quickly moved beyond those rules and now have a third or fourth person on an irregular basis: Sunday afternoon is our preferred time, what better way to spend an afternoon?
One of the biggest keys to commanding presence in a room is to embrace my feminine nature she likes to tell me.
“Can you tell me again what you have organised Sarah? Is the voucher for you or us?,” I asked a week later at eight on the Friday night, while we were waiting in the foyer of the local Hyatt. She had warned me, or was it promised me, she wanted her and I to explore and create some eroticism, high-class pornography that night.
“Our erotic night starts here, now,” she told me an hour earlier in her dressing room as I admired her wonderful naked body as she dressed. Black, cup-less bra first. “Does my ass look big?,” she teased as I admired it, while she strutted to one of her shelves of lingerie. “Will my ass look big in this tiny, black, g-string? I hope so? Do my heels tone with my g-string? Is this skirt too short? Do I look like a woman in her forties who would attend a hen’s night to admire the stripper?”
“Do you want to fuck him? Is he expecting to fuck you? Is that part of the voucher prize you won?,” I asked already aroused as I tried to second guess her.
“I am not sure yet. Do I have your permission to fuck him? It could be very exciting for all of us. A man with a twelve-inch erection, you know size is important for me. And you.”
“You know our rules, if you fuck another man, you can expect a spanking from me. And I expect to fuck another woman, an eye for an eye, just as we have done in the past.”
“Oh wow, that could be very exciting for all of us,” she replied as she kissed me with the tip of her tongue.
“Your arrangements are in place madam, suite 3333 on level thirty-three,” the bellhop told Sarah with a knowing smile as he admired her wonderful thighs showcased by her short skirt as she crossed her legs for him.
“Sorry I’m late Sarah, so hard to get a cab on a Friday night,” Anya, one of her girlfriends whispered breathlessly as she caught up with us. “Do I look alright? I dressed just as you asked me to Sarah.” I had met Anya a few times, but never looking as glamorous and sexy as this in heels and a short skirt similar to Sarah’s.
“Hello Bryan, these are my friends Anya and Roger, remember me? I was your prize, tonight I am your prize,” Sarah told him, overflowing with self confidence as we entered.
“I am here for your sexual pleasure Sarah. Are your friends expecting sexual pleasure with me also? I hope so, a bonus for me another woman and a man, all sexually appealing and all older than me, one of my fetishes,” he told us as the sexual tension sky rocketed.
He was wearing a hotel issue short, white, terry towel robe over his freshly showered body. just as Sarah had told me, he was spot on: A male stripper, mid-twenties. an absolute spunk, light brown skin, six-feet tall, wide shoulders, slim waist with a toned, taut body, super confident in what he had to offer, sexual pleasure for the three of us.
Bryan led us into another room, mirrors on all the walls and ceiling, ‘a private room’ for us, before Sarah sat on a sofa and crossed her legs, intent on teasing Bryan with her wonderful thighs as she deliberately allowed her very short skirt to ride up. “You have a number of options for our sexual pleasure Bryan. All of them erotic, let’s make them very erotic. I would like to fuck you, while my friends watch, I am very tempted, but my man would be very disappointed with me.
“Another option, I could give you a blow job while my friends watch. Or Anya and I could watch my man give you a blow job. Or Anya could have her way with you while we watch. Perhaps a menage? Even better my man could tongue fuck me while I watch Anya fucking you. Have I overlooked any options?”
“Tell us what you have in mind Bryan?,” Sarah teased as Bryan let his gown fall open. I was instantly reminded of what Sarah had told me days before. “When he dropped his g-string he took great delight in flaunting his cock for us. He was huge and a real exhibitionist.”
That night he wasn’t wearing a g-string and he did take great delight in flaunting his cock for the three of us. He was huge and a real exhibitionist as he enjoyed teasing the two women - and me with his oversize, flaccid cock. I was still recalling snippets of Sarah’s version of him as we watched his gown fall to the floor. “His ass was to die for.”
“Is that a turn on for you baby? Would you like to share him with me? One of you? Both of you?,” she teased while she ran her hands over his, naked, well developed and toned ass.
“Would you?,” she teased as she scratched his ass cheeks while running a hand along his erection. Or would like to watch Anya have him? Take your skirt off for us Anya. Now show us your erection Roger.”
“Oh wow, you warned me Sarah. Even flaccid Bryan must be seven or eight inches, and so thick,” Anya whispered loud enough for Bryan to hear as she compared my erection to his.
“This could be a very erotic night for all of us,” Sarah told him as Anya and I watched her tease his nipples with a fingertip. “We are all around twenty-years older than you. So exciting and erotic for all three of us.”
“Your girlfriends told me you have a magnificent big ass. And you love being licked and teased Sarah. Can we commence with those two. One of my fetishes, pleasuring a glamorous cougar while her friends watch. And they told me you relish libertine excess, both you and your man, and I hope your lady friend.”
So erotic watching Bryan slowly lift my lady’s short skirt to her waist before she turned to show Bryan her magnificent ass framed by her tiny black g-string.
“Worship my ass, lick and kiss my ass cheeks, I love it with a male and a female watching. Do you like that Anya and Roger,” she asked looking over her shoulder as she clenched her ass cheeks for Bryan while he knelt and licked and kissed her ass cheeks.
“Your ass is magnificent Sarah, just fucking magnificent, Nobody wears a g-string better than you Sarah,” Bryan told her as he undid the clips and expertly removed it. “Your girlfriends were correct Sarah, you do have a magnificent big ass. You are in a league of your own,” he told her while running his hands over her naked ass.
“You are a libertine’s delight Sarah, just fucking magnificent, beautiful creamy skin, thighs to die for, wonderful hips, flat stomach, sexy nipples in a cup-less bra. And the clincher, your incredibly sexy, beautifully trimmed cunt,” told her after he stood and removed her skirt while running a fingertip over his now very erect cock.
“Incredibly exciting,” he told her as she stood, legs spread and arched her body forward to soak up the pleasure of his tongue on her cunt lips.
“My girlfriends told me your erection must be twelve-inches. Right now, is it that big now for me and my friends?,” Sarah teased as he commenced licking and sucking Sarah’s cunt lips just before Anya walked up to her and commenced tongue kissing her.
“Not quite yet, though it will be if I fuck you with it.”
“I am envious Sarah, he has a twelve-inch erection for you,” Anya told her as they tongue kissed while Bryan was licking her cunt lips. “Are you going to fuck him?”
I had long fantasized about Sarah standing with her back to a wall, legs spread, wearing nothing more than heels, a cup-less bra and some perfume while a talented, younger male with a twelve-inch erection gave her a tremendous tongue fuck, while I was sitting opposite watching.
“I don’t think I will embarrass any of you if tell you what I would like. May I continue?,” Bryan asked.
“Please do continue, I don’t think you will embarrass any of us,” Sarah replied, second guessing him as Anya held her hand.
“I want to fuck you doggy style with your magnificent big ass in my hands Sarah. While I watch your man fucking Anya doggy style with her big ass in his hands. Before I do I want to feel Anya’s hand sliding along my erection. Now your man’s hand on my erection. And my hand on his erection. So good, so erotic. Now let’s fuck.”
The two women were holding hands as they leant over a padded table resting on their elbows as Bryan and I watched each other slide our erections into our new partners. Bryan and were two classic type-A personalities, achievement-oriented and ultra competitive with the need to win at everything, including fucking.
We were both determined to out fuck and outlast each other, to show dominance, without disregarding the wishes and needs of our women in favor of our own as we grasped their ass cheeks and emulated each other’s strokes. Twenty-minutes later Sarah was masturbating Bryan to orgasm while I continued fucking Anya while we watched.
“He really is a stud, a wonderful fuck,” Sarah told Bryan with his no longer erect, though still formidable cock, in her hand as they watched Anya and me for another ten-minutes.
The next afternoon Sarah and I were having a bath together, when I reminded her, “You know our rules, if you fuck another man, you can expect a spanking from me. And I expect to fuck another woman, an eye for an eye, just as we have done in the past.
“Though that really was an exciting night Sarah, watching a much younger stripper with a twelve-inch erection fucking you with your magnificent ass in his hands, after he gave you a shopping list of sexual pleasure. While I fucked Anya alongside you. New levels of libertine excess for both of us, sexual-positivity, the suppression of monogamous mores and sexual propriety, an explosion of wild hedonism. Did you know he received $2,000 for that gig? You were a $2,000 fuck. He also rigged the prize draw so you won.”
“Wow, what a buzz for me, can’t wait to tell my women friends and blow them out of the water.”
“Did Bryan tell you he gave me the contact details of a forty-year year old woman we could share?,” I asked her as I reached for my phone. “Would you like to share her with me? Perhaps new levels of libertine excess for both of us?”
“You know I always enjoy you spanking my big ass. Doe’s that mean you expect a spanking from me also? Or did we break even?”
“We did break even, let’s postpone your spanking until tomorrow, though I do expect a spanking from you also. Please?”