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The power of big peen is proportional to family member fetishes.
A normal family life? Whoever thinks that's a thing, doesn't have an eight and three quarters inch prick!

Dicks, however, do have a normal. Their Gaussian distribution lines up closely with the statistical mean or average of erections world-wide. Normal dicks are around 5.17 inches (13.12 centimeters) with a standard deviation of 0.65 inches (1.66 cm).

But I don't want to write sex nerd shit! I'm here to write about enslaving my mother and sister. Because there are billions of people who think that dick size is a form of currency, I need to cut through 'size matters' bullshit at the start of my tale.

Size only matters in the mind. Which is totally fine, if you realize that what you believe has nothing to do with functionality. There's nothing wrong about a two inch erection, and there's nothing especially right about eight and three quarters (which puts me in the longest 1% of dicks worldwide). It's all about what others think.

My mother and sister are size queens. They're quite foolish about it too, believing that big cocks are superior cocks. They should know better. They've had plenty of sex with normal cocks, and they enjoyed them! I know this because I commanded them to tell me their complete sexual histories.

My morality was quite naive before the inciting incident of this story. I believed in right and wrong and in an individual's ability to make a difference in the world. I wanted to make a positive difference.

Then puberty came along, and I wanted to rape every vagina on the planet. Testosterone - fuck! (okay, it's more complex than that, but I said I'm done with sex nerd shit)

At twelve, I had a four inch erection, nothing too exciting. By fifteen it was six plus inches. In my senior year, I had a couple girlfriends (sequentially). Both thought my eight inches was super cool, but neither leaped to work it with their pussies.

I was a young lad of 18 years, raised by loving parents, and my sister and I didn't totally hate each other.

I remember being particularly pissed after the girl I really liked dumped me. I skipped school the next day, telling Mom that I was a wreck. She left for work shaking her head. I moped around the house. I was in the den when my sister, Nell, returned from her morning university classes in microbiology. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she didn't have afternoon classes.

She passed by the open door, squawking into her phone. "I'm telling you, Ailene, that dick wasn't more than ten inches. In the porno, ShirleyThreeCunt said TowerDom had twelve, but that was the ***********'s line. Yeah, yeah, I know his website say's he's got a footlong cock, but ShirleyThreeCunt wrote on her Titter account that he's only ten inches. Nell went into her bedroom and shut the door.

Fuck. Now I was horny. I'd seen pornos with ShirleyThreeCunt, and she was a smoking hot, big titted bitch who could jerk off dicks with her toes. She once did a seven-way with the largest dicks in the business, all larger than mine.

I paused the game I was playing on the den's old widescreen, and went to a video site. DogStar Productions had a new ShirleyThreeCunt flick, and I used a stolen account password to watch it. Shirley was telling her limp-dick husband that she had a date with a real man, who turned out to be his son! I hate 'step' incest porn, but Shirley was worth it. I wished I was watching her on the 4k screen in the main room!

Shirley's tits weren't the biggest, but they were all natural, and that worked for me. I was jacking off to the scene where Shirley sees her step-son's nine inch dick for the first time. She licks her lips but leaves him to his privacy. I paused, wondering what would happen next.

"Damn, Gary, do it in your room!" Nell snorted. My head whipped around to see her butt wagging swiftly as she returned to her room.

Fuck. I was embarrassed and not the hot kind. My dick wilted. I decided to watch the rest later that night. I grabbed a controller, finished the game I'd been playing, went to my room, and took a crack at homework. I'm good at school, usually get A's, but I kept wondering how long Nell had been watching me. I'd been jerking for several minutes, and she would have had a great view from the hall.

Fuck it. I went back to the den and started a new game.

Mom arrived. Dad worked swing shift as a manager at the local Cramzon warehouse. "Don't just buy online, CRAM-it!" Dad's shift ended at nine but he usually didn't get home until well after ten.

Mom came into the den and shucked off her shoes. She slouched on the office chair, grunting, "Don't mind me, Craig." She opened the top of her blouse, having shucked her jacket at the front door, and fanned the two baby walruses attached to her chest.

Sorry, I'm rambling, but your brains would turn to jelly at the sight of Mom's plunging cleavage. I assume, if you're asexual, you're not reading this.

To avoid spooging my jeans, I told her I was done, and I would make dinner. I'm pretty handy with tortillas, cheese, shredded chicken, and green chiles. Nell joined me when the smell of sautéing chicken penetrated her room. She fixed a mixed green salad. We decided to put salsa on the salad instead of the tostadas.

"Mom!" Nell called from the kitchen table. "Bring your tits to the feeding trough."

Seconds later our mother trudged out of the hallway, blouse re-buttoned. "Have more respect for my tits, Nell. Someday yours might be worth half of what mine are."

"Ha. Hah." Nell forked pico de gallo drenched salad into a bowl for herself. The size of Nell's milkless bags were half of Mom's plus. They traded tit-jibes regularly. "When the next earthquake devastates this town, you'll be stuck in the rubble, and I'll squeeze my way clear."

I used a spatula to add a tostada to each plate. Big Sis scrutinized me. "Craig will die with you, hung up on his dick." She snickered.

Mom blinked. "Nell, what do you know about your brother and why bring it up at dinner?"

I took my bowl of salad and pulled it to my chest, so I could lean out of the line of fire.

"I'd say it was no big deal, Mom. He was just jerking off when he thought I was busy in my room. Except, his was enough of a deal that I went back to my room, and I got busy with myself."

"Craig," Mom shook her head. "If you want privacy in our house, that's your responsibility." She warned Nell, "You know the difference between a glance and felony peeping."

"Seriously, Mom. It was difficult not to peep, not until he stopped." Nell snorted at me. "Sorry, Craig. You surprised me."

I was turning red enough that lowering my face couldn't hide it. "I'll be more careful." I bit into my tostada and chewed in shame.

Mom would have taken the cue and added to my sister's smart comments, but there was only silence. I looked up and around. It was never quiet during feeding times at the Gibson home. Nell was giving Mom a puzzled look. Mom's eyes swung between us. "What?"

Silence returned to the room. The three of us picked up our forks and continued eating. This was new. We had nothing to talk shit about.

I finished a tostada and started on my second. Nell had consumed her salad and was nibbling her first tostada.

Mom tapped her fork soundlessly against her food. "How big is it?"

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

Nell's guts had screwed up in knots, waiting for that moment. "He'll never be a superstar in porn, but mostly because he can't act his way out of grade school plays."

"Nell, don't you tell-" I begged.

"I watched for a least a minute, and I'm guessing seven maybe eight inches, but remember how you wanted him to take piano lessons because of his hand size? Little bro's thumb was barely touching his index finger!"

Heat flared up my neck and burned my ears. I was seconds away from bolting, but anger rooted me in my chair. "Don't listen to her, Mom."

"I'm sure she's exaggerating - always trying to provoke drama."

"You didn't see it." Nell took the remaining half of her tostada, to her room, shutting the door.

Mom stood up. "Sorry, Craig, I want to catch the next episode of Spooks and 'Stutes." She took her plate and bowl to the living room. I sighed, having survived another night without Dad around to quash silly bullshit.

Dad was a good guy. Worked hard and loved Mom, but Dad didn't like foolishness. His parents were Mennonites, whom he escaped physically if not mentally. He wasn't shy about sex. He gave me a detailed series of lectures about the birds and the bees when I was ten. Dad's job done, sex was no longer worthy of conversation with him.

I finished my dinner, cleared the table, and added plates and such to the dishwasher.

Dad arrived right after I beat Bloodborne's Nightmare Frontier in the den. Mom poured him half a tumbler of scotch, no ice, and ushered him, the tumbler, and bowl of trail mix, to their room.

I wanted to watch the rest of ShirleyThreeCunt's new video, but I decided to check my homework. Nell's homework made mine feel like housework. She would be at her books for hours and crash around midnight. Mom and Dad didn't like me staying up past ten. After this afternoon's embarrassment I didn't dare risk a repeat. Damn, I wanted to get off!

Around nine-thirty, Nell came out of her room. She stopped in the open doorway. "Can I see it again?"

Suspicion assailed me. Her voice entirely lacked snark. Was she pretending seriousness?

"I just want to verify what I remember. It's no big deal, right?"

I felt oddly empowered, a rare thing in the presence our family's extroverted women. I quoted her from earlier. "Big enough to stare at for at least a minute."

"Yeah, well, I said you surprised me." She puffed up, but I saw through her bluster. The sight of my dick was worth something to her.

"You want to see it hard, specifically, my cock?"

"Fuck you." She would have stamped her foot if she'd been a true bimbo. Instead she growled and turned from the door, mumbling. "Gods, I need to see a shrink."

I chuckled. "You want to see it grow?"

Nell looked over her shoulder, eyes cranked at me. "Enough already, my mistake."

I unbuttoned the top of my jeans with a grin flourish. I'd never had my big sister over a barrel of eros before. I was loving the thrill of it. Hell, I would have shown her my dick if she hadn't acted so tsundere. "Do you want to see it or not?"

She fumed, shifting her wide butt from one leg to another, turning slowly back to me. My penis had been in rest mode, but her smoldering eyes opened the valves to my erectile tissue. Blood flowed.

I tugged down the zipper. As my dick grew, the flaps of my jeans spread apart. The pineapple pattern of my boxers peeked out. "I want something too, Nell." I reached my hand into my underwear and paused.

She sneered. "I'm not going to show you my tits."

"I've seen your tits half a dozen times since you started college. It's not like you're shy about them at home." I scoffed. "But you have to admit, 'showing' your tits to me would be worth me showing my dick to you."

"I don't know. Maybe this afternoon was a mirage. Maybe I mistook the cock on the screen to be yours."

I kept my hand paused within my boxers. I mustered courage to call her bluff, locking my eyes hers.

Her foot tapped from frustration. "What do you want?"

"Nothing much. I want you to get on your knees. That's all."

"That's bullshit." She blurted. Shaking her head, she left the room.

Sitting, I snarled at my homework and closed my homework's web page. Fuck! I kept seeing Nell bowing before my big cock. I put on headphones and logged into the DogStar video site.

ShirleyThreeCunt was sucking on her step-son's nine inches, and I was wanking good feelings into my prick when something moved into my right peripheral vision. Nell stood frowning. She drew her hand across her neck. I paused the video and took off the headphones. My sister closed the door behind her.

"You want to stand for this, right?" Nell slowly sank to her knees. Kneeling on the carpet, she felt free to stare at the fat, eight and three quarters inches that my hand couldn't hide no matter how fast I wanked. Her eyes sparkled. She blushed, but she was paying more than a little humiliation for the view.

I staggered up and released my throbbing, hard dick. I shifted between profile and straight-on angles. Saying anything would have ruined it for her.

She whispered. "You can jerk it if you want." She wanted to see that.

"I'll do it if you do it to yourself."

"Fuck no, Craig."

"You've seen me doing it, all of it." I hedged. "You can do it with your clothes on." I grabbed my big manhood and waited.

Nell stalled. I gave it a fifty-fifty chance.

"I-I'll rub it for you." My buxom sister blasted my expectations. Then she shocked me by turning beet red. It was as if all of her sex-positive snark had met the enemy, my dick, and had surrendered.

Shit, I never imagined I was so big, a woman would compromise her dignity. Nell knows that dick sizes don't matter, except when an engorged, top one percentile, pussy pounder was available in relatively safe circumstances.

As brother and sister, we conflicted often, fought tooth and nail occasionally, but we trusted each other. I was safe. It was late. Mom and Dad only roused for SWAT team home invasions.

I took my hand off of my rampant organ and let it throb naked before her.

She bent her waist and leaned forward. "I - just - have to." She breathed staring at my flaring, sanctimonious shaft. Out of the corner of her mouth she hissed. "Tell anyone, dear brother, and I'll cut this thing off and taxidermy it for when I get a motorcycle. It'll dangle in the wind behind me." Nell reached out and grasped my amazing prick.

I swooned. "Galaxy stars, Nell, yeah!"

"Hush." Nell squeezed, exploring my stalk's shape and density. Her red face slowly lightened as her shame drowned under curiosity's satisfaction.

"Dang, Nell," I whispered. My loss of breath must be what Sampson felt when Delilah sucked his cock. My big sister had weakened me with just a little groping.

Her inching fingers were building great tension in the natural bulb that collected semen behind my dick. I was gonna cum from just being felt up a little! It was too easy to imagine my sister was enslaved and begging to touch me. I wouldn't be able to handle the fantasy for long. "Nell, I need- I mean I'm gon-

"Hush, Nerd." She whispered. "Just be glad your big sister is rubbing your big cock. Don't spoil it by talking."

Without comment, my sister's exploring fingers gripped me tighter and started pumping the skin of my cock over it's internal core of erectile tissue.

She was the first one to moan. Her body shuddered. I was witnessing a deep fetish being satisfied.

I groaned, and nearly exploded. It was the hottest thing that ever happened to me. I mentally apologized to ShirleyThreeCunt. It's over between you and I. Nell will come to her senses at any second and leave me dry, but because of this moment, I'll never watch porn again.

"Are you about to cum?" Nell didn't say it in the excited way that porn stars talked. She was transfixed with hope. Her voice trembled. Her hand pumped faster.

"FUCK YEAH!" I exclaimed. Years of training had toned the muscles around my epididymis. When the inevitable orgasm shattered my senses, a huge length of cum rope ejected upward, arcing higher than my sister's eyebrows. It crashed down along her arm, her hand, and my young junk.

Suddenly, Nell jerked forward and crammed the head of my prick into her mouth, sucking me instantly as if she could not allow her brother's next blast of sperm to be wasted.

My orgasm was shattered by an incredible second, massive orgasm! "GODS, NELL!" I howled. The bulb at the base of my prick fired an even larger mass of hot cum into my sister's gullet, triggering her throat to gulp successive gushes of her brother's virile machine gun. I grabbed her head and thrust my dick as far as I could into her face. It was sheer instinct.

I instantly felt sorry and released her right away.

She ripped her head off of my dripping tip and snarled. "Fuck, Craig, I was just about to cum big-time when you grabbed me!"

"I'm sorry!" I dropped my voice. We had shouted too much already. I strained to hear beyond the door to my room. "I didn't mean to."

"No, you idiot, I missed out because you let go!"

"You wanted me to stab your throat and choke you?"

"It's not like that-"

Footfalls, in the hall.

Abruptly, Nell and I panicked to clean my cum and pack my junk back into my pants. She licked her arm frantically. I nearly cut my dick zipping up too fast.

Then a knock. "Is everything all right in there?"

Nell took charge. "Go away, Dad. Your baby girl and idiot son are fucking on the floor."

"Well, crud, you don't have to get testy about it. Your mother and I heard you two yelling."

"We're just arguing, Dad. We'll try to keep it down."

"Go to bed and fight in the morning. You'll be more rested and less testy."

I guessed 'testy' was our father's word of the day.

"Sure. Whatever." Nell stood up dissatisfied. After we heard Dad close their door, she went into the hall, neither of us uttering a word until then.

"That was - weird." I tried.

"Don't think you can control me with that thing." She grimaced and marched away.

During the night, I dreamed of grabbing my mother's hair and cramming my fat, spurting cock down her throat! I woke up in the morning, shamed by a creamed crotch. After racing to the shower, I returned and changed the bedclothes, hiding the cum soaked sheets far under the laundry in the utility room's giant hamper.

Mom greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. "Aren't you the bad boy?" She grinned.

"Huh?" Had my mother suddenly become psychic?

"Nell told me about last night."

"Oh." Roll with it, Craig. You don't know what Nell said. "She did." I tried to sound contrite.

"Next time," Mom chastised. "Send me a copy of the picture."

Picture? I almost asked aloud. Fuck, what picture? "Uh, can I help?" I pointed at the bowl of eggs she was scrambling, but I wanted to run to Nell and shake the story out of her.

"I'm fine, Craig, but you can set the table."

I took my time while attempting to not look bewildered. When the last fork was placed according to random etiquette, I slunk away and slipped into Nell's room without knocking.

Just my luck, she was standing naked before a wall mounted mirror, brushing her hair. Without blinking, she sneered at me. "The next words out of your mouth better not be 'Damn, you have big tits.'"

"Sorry, Sis." I closed the door behind me. "Mom said something about a picture. Are you framing me for last night?"

"Don't be paranoid." She grabbed her phone from the desk. "Take down your pants, so I can take the shot."

"You told her I sent you a dick pic?!" I almost yelled.

"I had to tell her something." She frowned, disappointed that I hadn't shoved my pants down and got hard for the camera. "Mom's smart. She knew we were fucking around last night. I needed an alibi that she could believe."

"What? What did you tell her?"

"I told her you sent me the picture, so I wouldn't spy on your jerk off sessions again."

It was very believable. Big Sis is a smart bear. "What else?"

"I told Mom that I confronted you about it and we fought. Keep lies simple, you know."

Dang. Nell had probably saved us from whatever suffering Mom would have exacted upon us for fooling around like incest caricatures.

"So are you gonna open your pants?" She raised her phone. "Even though you barged in, I'm not hiding my tits from you. Ipso-facto, I'm showing them to you."

"I'm not letting you shoot my dick." That would be inviting blackmail, and a picture in her control would weaken future potential of luring my sister into sucking me again. Not that she had given a proper blowjob.

"Then fuck off." Her right hand traded the phone for her brush. "I'm still trying to get cum out of my hair."

"I'm surprised you're not sucking it clean." I withdrew, promising myself that Big Sis would have to strip out of her top and bra, while on her knees before me, to see my prick again. I went to my room to wank, but Mom called us to breakfast, and the rest of my regularly scheduled day postponed my sex life.

Although Mom enjoyed being a housewife, she had a side job that didn't fit the house mom image. You know, like realtor or cashier. Mom worked four hours a day as a construction site consultant. In college, had started her masters in civil engineering but decided to marry and raise kids. She used her Bachelor of Science degree to get work from time to time.

Mom wasn't a feminist who told men they shouldn't get excited over women. She liked unrequested attention ... until it got personal. Men had to be responsible for their actions. She wouldn't hesitate to mace anyone who thought she was available simply because they were horny.

Mom wore construction clothes at work: boots, heavy loose jeans, and armor plated shirts. (kidding about the armor, but even armor plating couldn't have hidden the swell of her chest) Maybe mom fucked around on Dad, but I suspected she would tell him, and I was confident it didn't happen more often than every few years.

I hoped Dad was getting occasional, strange pussy, but my heart knew better. Poor dude.

I returned home that day thinking about pussy. I considered finishing ShirlyThreeCunt's latest video, but I knocked on Nell's door. She was usually studying in the afternoon.

"Yeah?" She called.

"I could use a wank, Sis."

"Use your own hands, and stare at your own tits. I've got a math interim tomorrow." Sure, she shot me down, but you know, if you don't ask... The huge orgasm she gave the previous night compelled me. How's a guy not going to want that again? I had to be patient. Clearly she wasn't in the mood. Time and not a lot of it would reignite her fervor for big dicks.

To underscore my patience, I went to the den and watched an episode of The Crown.

Margaret Thatcher was figuratively wanking on about her beloved son, when dull thumps sounded from beyond our door to the garage. I hadn't heard Mom's car enter the garage, but each time she knocked cement dust from her boots made me cringe. Probably because I often got into trouble while she was at work back when Nell was barely old enough to watch over me. Of course, my sister was just as guilty. I remember once, she dressed me up-

"Fuck! What a day." Mom trod in, pulling at her heavy shirt. She must have sweat gallons while working. Every inch was soaked and clung like paper mache to her industrial strength brassiere. "Ah, Craig. Go chop some veggies. I'll meet you in the kitchen after I shower. I'm thinking stir-fry tonight."

"Sure, Mom." I clicked off the Roku and went to the kitchen.

I had diced a yellow onion and trimmed three broccoli crowns by the time she had freshened up. I was slicing sweet peppers.

She surprised me by wearing a house robe, bra uncommonly in abstentia. I turned away from the soft mounds filling the top of her robe. "You must be tired." I deduced.

Before answering, Mom opened the refrigerator and took out two raw chicken tits. Blame my lizard brain for the synonym.

She said, "I had to give a lot of shit today. It was like stupid juice had been served to the site supervisors. The workers were ready to form a union over the idiot directions they'd been given."

"I bet you raked the idiots over beds of nails."

Mom grabbed a serial killer knife from the wooden rack and pulled out a cutting board. "If only. I have to compromise as much as politicians who actually give a damn about their charges." Standing beside me, having staked out enough room on the counter to work her magic between sharp steel and soft meat, her hips shifted overtly in my direction, crashing into mine, causing me to stumble.

I was lucky not to cut my fingers. "Hey!"

"Did Nell send you a picture of her tits today?" She hummed and sliced chicken into thumb sized cubes.

Oh crap. Nell must have texted her about this morning. That, or they shared a telepathic link but one that only transmitted dirty thoughts.

"Mom, I'm gonna tell you truth. I never sent a dick pic to Nell. She made that up."

"Oh." Mom did the math. "So you were doing what together last night..?" Her flashing knife stilled. "...that made you two cry out passionately?"

"Not as much as I would have liked, but more than I expected." I stuck to the truth.

"Sometimes a young brother needs to protect the older sister, Craig." Mom had already converted one breast into pink building blocks. "You probably figured out, if my guess is close to what you two were doing, that your sister has a-" Mom's lips clamped tight as her thoughts fought to find the right word. "Weakness." That her voice trembled upon saying it was a clue for the future.

I only had time to file the clue away for future fantasies. I had to finish confessing. "Yeah, well sometimes a brother is stupid and thinks only of himself." It was an apology, and Mom took it as one.

"Next time, you better be wearing a condom." She forgave me.

"MOM! We were NOT fucking!"

Mom snickered. "I didn't say you were. Condoms have many uses. They're especially good at keeping sheets dry.

Fuck, she had found my night spend and had put two and three together.

"Who's not having sexual congress?" Dad crossed the entrance to the kitchen, on his way to change his clothes. That day had been a short, work day for him.

"Not tonight we aren't, Husband." Mom used her best teasing voice. I sensed something goading it. She was horny.

Dad froze, confused. "Does that mean we are or we aren't?" Multiple negatives were like math puzzles to him. He talked to warehouse laborers mostly.

"We're not discussing this in front of the children, Dear."

I whispered, "Mom, I'm eighteen, not some muggle who can't handle their parents' sex life."

Nell's voice preceded her unexpected appearance. "You know how delicate my ears are, Daddy." She stepped out the hallway our father was heading for.

"Fine." Dad walked on, crossing the path of his college aged daughter who stuck her tongue out at him. He entered his room and shut the door.

Nell flounced into the kitchen. "I'm hungry."

"Didn't you get a private snack tonight?" Mom cleared her throat.

It was the second time I'd seen my big sister turn red. "What has the brat been telling you? It's all lies."

"Nothing." Mom almost giggled.

"Nothing!" I almost panicked, thinking don't give her any more clues, Sis! Mom is a demon at sussing out truth.

Nell composed herself. "Then the answer is, yes, Mother. We did everything. I even ate shit out of Craig's ass."

Mother and I dropped our knives simultaneously and cringed. They rattled on the counter. "Eewww."

"You finish making dinner, Nell." Mom stepped back from the counter, clutched the top of her robe and squeezed past her daughter. "I'm not sure I'll be hungry tonight."

"You went there." I accused. Poop was a dirty subject in our household.

"I had nothing left to protect us with, except the nuclear option." She shuffled over to me and picked up Mom's knife.

"I think you could have just admitted to sucking down my spunk."

"And give her the joy of holding incest over our heads for the REST OF OUR LIVES? Idiot."

"Just think of how freeing that would be. She'd know, and we wouldn't have to sneak around."

"It happened once, Jerkwad. Ow!" She'd cut her finger. Immediately, she pushed the wound into her mouth and sucked. "nvr gn."

I dashed to the bathroom and fetched a bandage. "Here."

"Never again." She promised, after rinsing her finger under the kitchen faucet and winding the padded strip around the little wound.
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