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Finding Kirk
I could feel the weak leader of all the government's minds people gasp. How the hell are you so strong?

OH? Now you are interested. Here's a suggestion, leave me alone before I render all of you empty-minded.

You wouldn't dare! We are the first and last... the man started.

First line of defense? Shit you and they are nothing. I just took out all of your people. I am far above all of you. I AM THE FIRST AND LAST LINE OF DEFENSE. Now, leave me alone, allow me to finish before this world is destroyed.

I then pushed possibly a little harder than I wanted to. It was suddenly quiet, not even the weak minds were making noise. AH! I thought blessed silence!

"There that should help for a while. Perhaps we should leak a bit of the info to them. What do you think, Rommie?" I asked.

"Do you think that would help? I mean, can the scientists here really understand what you give them?" Rommie asked.

I thought about it for a few minutes, then sighed. She was right after all, they really didn't have enough knowledge to understand.

I started to look through the scientists within the mind group. I found the first easily, though the second was alluding me. Finally, I found one with all the qualities I needed, though he wasn't part of the group. Shit, I thought, they would make his life hell unless...

An hour later, I smiled, let them mess with him now. His mental defences were at the top. I laughed, let them try to control him.

It was about that time that I felt several of the agents start to wake up. I waited 'til I felt all the strongest, then I sent my message.

"So, I suggest that none of you try that again. I am a hell of a lot stronger than you. I have a world to save, so, just stay out of my way. Good glad you understand," I said, then shut them out.

A moment later, I was in orbit, then the messages started. Thankfully, Rommie blocked most of them.

A wave of my hand had a multi-colored portal open in front of the ship. There were suddenly a massive barrage of alarmed messages that were directed toward us.

I just shook my head as the ship shot forward, then we were moving through a tunnel of colored lights. Less than two minutes later, we departed, near what appeared to be a major battle.

"Stealth Rommie! I need information!" I shouted.

"It appears that two Federation ships, a constitution and a heavily armed freighter are under Klingon attack. I am counting at least five battle cruisers. All are K'Vort-class, light cruisers. I also have two cloaked K't'inga-class battlecruisers," Rommie reported.

I nodded my head as I flashed through the information. "How far into Federation space are we?" I asked.

"At least four parsecs. Shall I aid the Federation ships?? One is NCC 1701 the Enterprise," Rommie said.

"Fire a few shots between them, make them closer to the Kligon ships, let's see if they break off," I said.

"Firing now," Rommie said as several energy blasts hit near the Klingon ships. "It appears to have no effect."

I sighed then nodded, "Warn the ships. If they don't break off, destroy the first two. I am afraid that will get the two battlecruisers involved."

When the five ships didn't stop, Rommie hit the nearest two, both vanishing within seconds. This, of course, had them breaking off the attack momentarily.

"Unknown ship, you are interfering in Klingon Empire business," a voice suddenly said.

"Okay, they obviously aren't taking us seriously. Target both battlecrusiers, disable them only, you might have to use half power," I told Rommie.

Four energy beams left the ship striking unseen targets, then the battlecrusiers were visible.

"Now, unless you wish to be destroyed, I suggest you leave Federation space," I told them.

The three remaining light cruisers quickly moved to the disabled ships. Several tractor beams reached out, then they slowly, headed for klingon space.

I nodded, then turned to the Enterprise and the transport. My mouth dropped open as they suddenly warped out. I growled; this was starting to irritate the hell out of me.

"Damnit, follow..." I started, then the ship was rocked. "What the hell was that?!"

"It appears that the three light cruisers have returned," Rommie told me.

With a growl, I pulled up the position of the three, then the two disabled ships.

Suddenly, a gruff voice came over the com. "Mah mi' nagh for the quvmoh of the tlhingan wo'

!" (We die for the honor of the Kligon Empire)

I was pissed as I answered, "Tlhih mi' nagh for pagh! Pa' will qu' qo' quvmoh jajvam!" (You die for nothing! There will be no honor today!)

I grabbed my throat. When had I learned Klingon?

"Not bad, though your Klingon accent could use work," Rommie said.

I just shook my head, I reached in, seeing that I knew a hell of a lot more than I thought.

"Well," I said, "that's a surprise, I have far more knowledge than I thought."

"I could have told you that," Rommie said somewhat smuggly.

It was at that moment that the three light cruisers decided to open fire on us. "The three light cruisers have opened fire, full strength disruptors," Rommie said.

"Cripple the nearest," I ordered Rommie.

A single energy blast hit the first light cruiser, the Klingon ship shook, then went dark.

"batlh ghaHvaD pagh quv tu'lu'," (there is no honor dying like this) I said.

"jejHa'wI' HutlhwI' lughajbe'," (There is always honor to die in battle) The Klingon voice said.

I just sighed as I ordered the other two disabled. A moment later, we heard "P’takh qImQo'! (insult destroy us!)

"Qo'! QI'tu' jay'!" (NO! live with the shame!) I said as I disconnected.

"They should be able to make repairs in a day," Rommie said. "Well, three of them anyway."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say that you enjoyed that," I said.

"That did stimulate my sensors a great amount," Rommie said, then I could swear that I heard her giggle a bit.

I just shook my head as I started to look for the Enterprise. Moments later, Rommie was also involved. Unfortunately, the business with the Klingons had allowed it to get away.

"Check for any energy signature that matches the Enterprise," I told Rommie.

"I am already checking them all now. As of yet, I am not detecting anything," Rommie advised.

Onboard the Enterprise, the crew was doing all they could to rid the ship of evidence. Not many really knew what the mission was just, that what they were doing was very important.

Kirk was looking over the rest of the mission, "sir," his science officer said. "Before we warped out, I was detecting a strangely configured ship. I believe it was it that sent the high energy beams that destroyed the two Klingon ships."

"Strange configuration, let me see," Kirk said as he looked at all the information. He looked up, staring at the wall, now where in the hell had he seen it before. "Have you run it through the data base?"

"Yes sir, I started on it as soon as we warped out. As of yet, nothing has come up in the first half of it," the science officer said.

"Good," Kirk said, "what was your estimate of the firepower of the strange ship?"

"Sir, from the readings we got, I can only estimate that it was several hundred times the power of this starship. I would say to quote a saying from your planet, we were indeed lucky," the science said.

Kirk again thought over all this new information. "Keep sensors attuned to it, if it is as powerful as you said, we may have a big problem. A problem that I am afraid, even the full power of the federation might pale against."

"Another thing I noticed? When they cloaked it was nothing like the klingon or Romulan cloaks. Do you believe that this might have been a precursor to an invasion," the science officer asked.

Kirk was silent a moment then said, "If it is, we need to try and set a peace between us. As we saw, they obviously have no love for the Klingons. I am thinking the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Another ancient human saying sir?" The science officer asked.

"Something like that, let's just hope that its true this time," Kirk said. Still, Kirk had a nagging vision at the back of his mind.

Right now, they were too concerned with the life-saving mission that they had. They had barely gotten to the freighter in time, then they were seriously outgunned. Kirk was also sure that they had a couple of heavier ships cloaked.

Yeah, he thought, let's hope that this new threat? Was on their side though, Kirk thought, when had his or the federation's luck been that good?

It was at least an hour and a half before Rommie got anything. "Captain, I believe I have a trail on both ships. They have a good jump on us even with trans-warp, it will take a few minutes," Rommie said.

"I see," I said as I looked at what Rommie had. "Shit keep an eye on them, when they drop out of warp take us there."

As was always with my luck, the Klingons decided to show up with a major force. Damnit! I wasn't really in the mood for their or really anyone's shit right now.

"What do we have out there?" I asked Rommie.

"At least ten birds of prey, ten D-5's. I am reading at least four battle cruisers, I am also seeing five small raptors," Rommie reported.

We both watched as they started to tractor beam the five that were disabled.

A moment later I heard a Klingon voice come over the com. "maQmIghtaHvIS, tugh vay' wIqelchu'pu'," (to the ship that destroyed our ships, we wish an alliance)

"yab' chot'a'?" I said. (An Alliance?) "Qatlh would jih do 'e'? (Why would I do that?) Tlhih 'iv ghaj qo' quvmoh." (You who have no honor.)

"Perhaps it is better we speak your language. Your Klingon is good though, not that much," the Klingon voice said.

"Ah I see, you are still trying to find me. Your cloaks are nothing to pierce, shall I demonstrate?" I said as I nodded to Rommie. Immediately, two battle cruisers, three Raptors, five D-5's and five birds of prey vanished.

There were more than a few screams, then nothing. Almost immediately, the Klingon voice was calling back.

"You are making a mistake, you will make a true enemy of the Klingon Empire," the voice started.

"No, you have made an enemy of me. I have far more destructive power than your small fleet here. I only destroyed fifteen of the twenty-nine ships here. Take the damaged ones and leave before I leave none of you alive," I growled.

"We will be back," the voice started.

"Then I will destroy all that return. I do not like the Klingons, I am not allied with the earthers, the Andorians, nor the Vulcans," I told the voice.

"All have weaknesses, we..." the voice said.

"That is true though, it will be a very long time before you are advanced enough. They are discovered," I said. "Now, I suggest you leave while the rest of you can."

I smiled as I watched what was left of the small Klingon fleet warp out.

I turned to Rommie, "have they stopped?" I asked.

"They did for a few minutes, then they were back in warp," Rommie told me.

I sighed a moment, nodded, then said, "Okay, take us to where they were."

I listened to the engines wind up, then we were in the trans-warp conduit. A few minutes later, we exited not far from a yellowish grey planet. Even as we watched, the atmosphere went from the two colors to an olive-green color.

"Rommie? Just what in the hell are we seeing?" I asked, slightly astonished.

"From what I am reading, the planet was seeded with millions of tons of a sulphur-based plant life. The inhabitants are also Sulphur-based life-forms, it appears to be easing their suffering. Unfortunately, it will not be enough to save them," A saddened Rommie said.

"Is there anything that we can do? Surely, I could produce more, couldn't I?" I asked Rommie.

"Calculating now, It would take at least three or four of the freighter's payload to even make a difference," Rommie informed me.

"I can only try," I told Rommie.

I thought about it, then felt a cargo ship's payload appear above where the first load had dropped. I then thought of another on one side of the area, then a third on the opposite side.

I took a deep breath and tried to rest a moment. I just hoped that what I had done was actually helping.

"That's three Rommie, is that going to help?" I asked.

"Yes, Captain, the first has already made conditions normal in the few hundred miles. The two you dropped on the sides, stopped the two from spreading. Though another in the last area that isn't covered, will ensure their full recovery," Rommie informed me.

I nodded to Rommie as I felt the payload start to form over the area that was not covered. Rommie nodded to me, then I released it barely.

"I am detecting small probes that are transmitting, now gaining protective cover. I managed to alter almost all the transmissions. I don't think we were detected much, Rommie said.

I was already slumped on the deck, "whose probes were they," I barely managed to ask Rommie.

"I am detecting federation frequencies, though I am trying to keep all mention of us secret. Orders Captain?" Rommie asked.

Barely able to speak, I said, "keep us hidden. Keep tabs on Kirk and the Enterprise."

I could swear that not long after that, I felt myself lifted to my bed. Then I could swear that Rommie was over me tucking me into my bed, her skin was so soft.

I awoke not too long after that, thinking that all of that had been a dream.

I tried to raise off the bed, to no avail. Damnit, I thought, I was getting tired as hell, feeling so weak.

"Ah, it is good you are awake. I managed to keep tabs on the Enterprise. Unfortunately, they have left again after their next stop," Rommie informed me.

"How long was I out," I asked her. Feeling so thirsty, a cup of water appeared in my hand a moment later.

"Only a few hours," Rommie said.

"Did you figure out about the frequencies?" I asked.

"Yes Captain, it appears that the Enterprise was keeping tabs on the planet. I moved us further away to reduce us being detected, though their tech does seem antiquated to ours," Rommie informed me.

"Was there any mention of us," I asked, concerned. I mean there wasn't really any need to have the entire federation looking for us.

"No sir, I monitored all the messages that were sent," Rommie said.

"Rommie," I said, trying to keep my mind on what I had first thought when I awoke. "I swear that you were solid, lifting me into my bed. When did you develop these abilities?"

Rommie looked at me then started off on another tangent. "Sir, I am worried that I might have missed something. Could you check?

I started to reach for the console, then shook my head. She was trying to divert my attention again. No, I had to get to the bottom of this.

"I will after, I am through with this, so, when did you develop it?" I asked.

Rommie started to open her mouth when I held my hand up. "It was after the first time you passed out. You have a habit of talking in your sleep. I am afraid that I tried to influence you when you were out."

"OK, so just what did you try to do?" I asked.

"It took almost the whole time you were out. I managed to get you to say that you wished I was solid and real when you needed me the most. I have noticed that, each time I am solid, it lasts longer than the time before," Rommie said quietly, her head hung low.

"So, I need the time that each lasted. That way, I can analyze if this is going to continue," I said.

"Yes sir," Rommie responded. "The first time was only about twenty minutes. Barely enough to keep you alive. The next was about twenty-two minutes. The third time was twenty-five minutes. During that time I felt something I hadn't before."

I nodded as I looked at the area Rommie's circuits were in. I started to go through them, within a minute I was halfway through them. That's when I felt a wall slam down in front of me. A wall, I have to say, hurt like hell when I hit it full force.

"What in the hell was that?" I asked, surprised that I was kept out.

"That was a defence against anyone trying to destroy me from within. I am me, as you humans would say, I do not want to lose any of myself. I'm sure that you understand that fact," Rommie said almost in a whisper.

I hadn't moved as I intently listened to her every word. True, I had just started to get into her personality files when she shut me out.

"I'm sorry that you felt threatened by me Rommie, I was just..." I started.

"No, no, it wasn't that, as I said, it was actually me that you were getting into. To lose any of that data would to actually lose me. I... I have just started to feel new things. I was afraid that I would lose that. I cannot lose that nor you," Rommie said, so low I thought at first, I hadn't actually heard her correctly.

I nodded my head as I thought more about it, "I created you Rommie, at least this version of you. I don't think that I would try to get rid of you." I looked up into her eyes not really recognizing what I saw there. "Alright, may I?"

Rommie slowly nodded her head as I once again entered her program. If I was real, I would have whistled, her personality program was huge. I'd say that it was three times what I had originally created.

"I don't remember creating all this," I thought I was saying to myself.

"No, not consciously, I believe it was when all five Captains were in your home. I was here, existing, when you let a stray thought loose. It was just in passing, though you did think it. I believe the thought was, (I wish she was real, I so do not want to lose her.) I believe that at that moment, I felt that I started to think on my own," Rommie said.

I was really only half listening as I flashed through her files, so fast I was feeling and not really looking.

"This is incredible, the amount of detail. You said that you were creating all this?" I asked.

"No, I think that as I am ready and need it, the new part will appear. It takes a small amount of time to integrate it, though not impossible, it can be difficult," Rommie told me.

"I..." I started looking at her face. I swear that I could see pain there. "I never wished to cause you pain Rommie" I said, as I could actually feel the pain emanating from the program. I found it hard, terrible and deep. I started to feel tears slip down my face.

Rommie was suddenly beside me as the tears started to flow faster. "John, remember with growth, true growth there will always be pain."

"Pain, yes, not this, this is pure terror, torture. I did not mean for you to go through this. I never meant," I then felt a huge wave of pain wash over me, pain unlike anything I had ever felt. I felt as if my mind was being ripped out, each part seared with a red poker.

"NO John!" I heard Rommie scream as my body or what I thought of my body started to convulse. "John," I heard from far away, "you have to release it! Your mind can't take it!"

For a moment, I felt clarity pass over me. I rapidly adjusted all I could, the pain wave came again. This time it was only half as bad, though bad enough.

Again, I felt the convulsions start, though this time, I had a bit of control. That still didn't mean that it didn't hurt like hell. Then again, I noticed that the pain wasn't as bad as when this started.

"JOHN!" I heard nearby, "Why the hell did you do this? I am not human; pain is still something I know nothing of."

I slowly rolled toward her, no quick movements, "pain? No, this is rather tame compared to what I have felt before. I lied as her eyes were wide, then she shook her head.

"You really don't lie well, as we both rose toward the surface. Yeah, I thought I really needed to leave this place.


2023-12-29 10:24:07
How is the synopsis still "Universes collide several"? One would think that that would have been replaced with something more coherent by now.

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