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Bord with his routine life and ho-hum marriage, a man takes a solo fishing trip to his favourite lake. He's annoyed by the arrival of kids who just want to party, but discovers one of them has taken a liking to him.

It’s hard to be cool when you’re 50 years old. Hell, it’s hard to be cool at any age. You either have it or not. The nice thing about being older is you don’t give a shit and don’t try, and then once in awhile you find yourself in a situation that works in your favor.

I was taking a Me weekend up at Black Pine Lake, with my camper backed into my favorite campsite. I left after work on Friday, and after arriving I set up a campfire and hit the lake with my fishing pole. Sitting out on the smooth-as-glass water, spin casting for evening bass, I warily watched the traffic jam of twenty-somethings arriving at the site near mine. Soon they were ya-hooing and blaring Deftones and Foo Fighters into the dusk.

I sighed and remembered back in the day. Testosterone and bourbon and Journey. Every once in awhile, a girlfriend. The memory of hurried fucks in the woods with pants down around our ankles had been a lot more exciting at the time. But now I didn’t envy the party developing on the shore. I was annoyed more than anything.

When it got dark I beached my skiff and set the kindling ablaze. I filleted six bass and laid them out in the ice box, keeping two thick steaks out for dinner. I sipped Jamieson and gazed into the flames, savoring the crisp taste of fresh bass fried in lemon and butter. If it wasn’t for the yammering idiots fifty yards off through the woods, I would have been in heaven. They were on a heady end-of-the-week drunk, the volume rising quickly. They might go all night. I thanked god for my camper, and called it a night.

The only bad part of being out alone in the woods is that time between climbing into the sleeping bag and falling asleep. The solitude of being in the dark with no one sharpens the libido into a roaring tornado. As I waited for sleep, vivid memories of past lovers wove seamlessly into vague fantasies of women I wanted to fuck. My cock stiffened into a rigid shaft in the quiet dark of my camper.

I stroked it distractedly, feeling its heated hardness, and fondled the loose fullness of my balls. Semen boiled like lava. I listened for awhile to the shrieks of drunken girls far away, and the bold arguments of idiot guys flexing their testosterone. My thoughts settled on Sandy, a willow-thin brunette with long straight hair down to her ass. She was the rebound after my marriage broke up, and after five years of being with the same woman it was an erotic delight hooking up with someone new. We met in motels, dodging her husband, and I was happy to go in debt on my charge card for that addiction.

Smooth, modest titties hung softly on her chest, curving outward enticingly. I was on some awful anti-depressants at the time that made it near impossible to cum, but I did get a pretty good hard-on going when we got naked. As I lay in my bunk now in the camper, remembering our torrid affair, I threw off the top of my sleeping bag and stroked more earnestly. The silhouette of my cock rose in the dark, straight and true, the distinct ridge where my head curved out from my shaft making an erotic bell shape in the night.

I was recalling one time with Sandy when we shared a joint and split a six-pack, and then spent twenty five sweaty minutes fucking, fucking, fucking. “Oh wow,” she kept murmuring, her flushed titties flying up and down on her chest. Finally, with both of us an exhausted mess, my body contorted and spasmed, and an orgasm ripped through my body like a rusty sword. My pent-up cum finally exploded, filling her tight little quim with a throbs of steamy heaven.

Then I fell to her side, panting and gasping, while she rose and went to the window for a smoke. She sat naked on a chair, one leg thrown casually over the arm, giving me a clear view of her tight little pussy adorned with short dark hair. As I watched, my pud leaked out of her and pooled on the chair. I stared at all that cum dripping out of her while she chatted distractedly about an Allman brothers concert she and her husband had gone to.

It was an epic visual memory for me, right up there with the first time I ejaculated on a girl’s tits, and the first time I watched my thick, veined cock disappear up into my ex-wife’s hairy pussy.

That put me over the edge. I gasped in the dark. Warm ribbons of cream slid down over my hand, throbbing in my shaft, slipping through my tight balls.

Then it was over. My mind and body calmed. I listened distractedly to the shouts and music in the night. Now sated, I didn’t feel as lonely. I slipped into a welcome sleep, aiming to get up with the dawn and try fishing from the shore before breakfast.

A heavy mist greeted me at 5 AM. It filtered through the trees in a mysterious silver light. The chill made me shiver as I kicked up the coals from the night before, but I soon had a roaring fire. I put on the coffee and tied on a trusty old spinner.

Hiking up the rutted road with my pole, I encountered a rusted-out Corolla tilted off into the ditch, driver door open, and a kid passed out in the grass beside his car. In the campsite, two of the tents had collapsed on the inhabitants inside. Amongst scattered beer cans and liquor bottles, the forms of passed-out kids lay twisted and lifeless in muddy jeans. Smoke rose in a wisp from the fire pit.

Down further, I found my spot and quickly had a handful of small-mouth on my stringer. The sun rose, steam lifting off the water, and it began to warm up. There was going to be some misery up in that campsite. I did not envy them.


I turned, startled by the voice behind me. A bleary-eyed girl looked down at me from the bank above. A head full of dark hair fell on broad shoulders. The first thing that would strike anyone about her was her short, sturdy body. She brought to mind the compact and powerful build of the mountain dwarves of fantasy novels: Thick, wide hips and chest, with very large and full breasts filling out a loose hoody. She couldn’t be more than five foot and her face, which would never be described as pretty, radiated a friendly and content spirit.

“I see someone survived last night,” I said. The morning’s first sun sparkled on my spinner as I cast it through the mist. It landed with a plop fifty feet out.

“Catching anything?” She scrambled down the bank to join me. “I usually bring my rod but not this time.”

“Doesn’t strike me as a fishing trip for you guys.”

She chuckled. “Nah. Drinking and loud music. Guys tried to get laid.”

Her name was Ruth. She stood a few feet off, watching me, and talked about fishing trips from the past. She pointed out a good place for trout across the lake, where a small stream entered the lake. I didn’t mind the company. It was hard not to be drawn to her friendly self-assurance. When she smiled, it totally lit up an otherwise plain, and forgettable, face. Strong, bold jaws. Large, flat nose. Everything about her was big, I realized. Her thick manly arms ended in strong, workman’s hands. Stocky thighs like tree trunks. Big round bottom that curved out behind her. Big thick hair like a storm cloud. And… those tits had to be huge.

I smiled and reeled in another bass. “Want some breakfast?” I asked.

She joined me at my campfire, and together we gutted and filleted my catch. Over coffee, bass fillets and eggs she told me that she worked construction, and painted apartments in the winter. Most everyone in her party worked at the pet food factory east of town, she said. She was just hanging out with them for the weekend.

“You don’t seem very affected by all the drinking that went on.”

She flashed me that smile that warmed up the whole campsite. “I have a strong constitution.”

“I guess.” I eyed her body, and thought she’d probably kill me in bed. All muscle and firmness in that stout body, with just the right amount of softness to round out those exaggerated curves into mouth-watering lust. I felt warmth surge through my groin, my dick loosening and growing with the flow.

The sun had risen to take the edge off the morning chill. I felt drowsy, yet attracted to her easy, unassuming presence. It was the perfect recipe for a spontaneous, consuming hard-on. Did I want to fuck her because I really liked her, or because I was out here alone and she was just any woman who happened along?

Who was I kidding, anyway? She was in her twenties, I had just turned fifty. She had a camp full of randy hard-bodies to choose from. I told her my usual plan was to take a swim, crash for a nap, and have a couple beers before hitting the lake again. Basically just hang loose. I invited her to stay if she wanted, expecting her to say no, and was surprised when she accepted. Already there were slow signs of life from down the way – a car door slamming, the long moan from a hung-over reveller.

I stoked up the fire before leading the way down to the lake. With a deep breath, I started stripping off my clothes. I felt that heady rush of exposing myself to a woman, but stopped short when I reached my boxer briefs.

“Nice,” she said admiringly. “You’re in good shape.”

“I try.” I waded into the water. Cool, but not uncomfortable. Refreshing. I backstroked out twenty yards so I wouldn’t stare at her undressing. I swam leisurely back in to shore, opening my eyes under water to see a school of shiners flashing through a deadhead. Then I was standing waist-deep in the clear water, looking up at Ruth on the shore. She had ditched the hoody sweatshirt, and it was hard not to notice two big pumpkins stretching out the thin fabric of a San Francisco Giants t-shirt.

“Come on in, the water’s great.”

“Isn’t it cold?”

“Nah. It’s like a bathtub.”

“Here goes,” she said, and started peeling off the t-shirt. Thick, heavy breasts, as round and firm as bowling balls, lifted up in the shirt as she struggled with it, and then fell heavily on her broad chest. A mouth-watering little paunch on her tummy contributed to the amazing vortex of curves and orbs that all melted through one another to light my desires.

“You’re nice to look at,” I said.

“Last night at the campfire they were getting the girls to flash their tits.”

“I bet you blew everyone away.”

“Like hell they’re getting a free look,” she said. Her thick legs and strong arms worked to shed her jeans. Her big tits, hanging from her chest, bounced together as she worked. Then she was upright, just the white cotton of her underwear keeping her from being totally naked. The panties stretched from hip to hip, barely concealing a dark expanse of satin-black hair. Holy shit. That girl’s body was exaggerated in every respect.

“You lied!” she exclaimed shrilly. “It’s freezing!” She crossed her arms across her boobs as she tip-toed into the water. Then with a whoosh and a heavy splash, she lunged forward into the deeper water. She came up spluttering next to me.

“Why do I get a free look?” I asked.

“Because I like you, you’re not drunk, and you’re not an asshole.”

“Well, thanks, I guess.” I tried hard not to stare at her breasts, or at the large, dark brown aureoles that capped the end of each one like lily pads. Big meaty nipples jutted outward toward me, wrinkling the flesh around them.

She continued. “And you have a nice package in those shorts. Very nice, by the way.”

“Like goldilocks. Not too big, not too small. Just right.”

She laughed and showed me that wonderful smile again. “I’d say you’re plenty big. But just right.”

We skimmed water at each other with the palms of our hands, and paddled around for a couple minutes. Then it was up to the blazing fire, where we shivered and toweled each other off. Handling those big, firm orbs on her chest accelerated me past the chill and right into a full blown hard-on. My balls were tight and firm from the swim, and I could feel a massive cum building inside them. My whole body numbed at the prospect. I felt like one huge, walking erection.

She shoved her wet panties down her creamy white legs and hung them on a nearby branch to dry. I watched her large, rounded ass move perfectly as I shed my own clinging undershorts. She was so nonchalant in displaying her body to me that it took me by surprise. Then she was back by the fire, her thick dark bush exploding out from her pudgy groin. She grinned at me. “Now that’s Papa Bear big.”

My cock, burning with the steady pump of lust, stood straight out. It angled up, the curving head swollen and eager.

“Nap?” I said.

“We aren’t going to nap.”

I was thankful for my double bunk, but we didn’t quite get there. Once the door to my camper closed behind us she wrapped a strong arm around my waist. “God, a hairy man turns me on,” she said.

“Not too hairy, not hairless…”

“Just right,” she said, running her fingers down the dark curls on my chest.

I tipped my head down to kiss her, and the wet warmth of her thick lips swallowed me up like a warm sea. Jaws working, lips sliding across and through one another… my tongue slid against hers to send me over the edge into no turning back.

At the bed she knelt before me. She took my cock in one hand and looked up at me. “Do you have more than one cum in you? Be honest.”

“For you? Definitely more than one.”

“Good.” She slid her soft mouth over the head of my cock and held it there. She started sucking. With one hand she stroked on my shaft and with the other she fondled my balls.

“Oh my god.” I groaned.

“I hope you’re not always nice,” she said between firm sucks.

“Down deep I’m just another dirty-minded jerk.”

“Good.” This time she took me almost all the way in, until she was gagging. I wondered how many guys she’d gotten off on the construction site. Then I was quickly whisked back to the moment as shivers of delight raced through my body. She looked up at me as she bobbed her head back and forth to fuck my cock with her mouth.

“Oh my god,” I moaned. “How did I get so lucky?”

“Right moment, right place.” She started sucking on me again.

The birds chirped outside. A soft wind swished through the pines. I closed my eyes and sighed. Oh fuck, this felt good. I flexed my coccyx muscles to quiver my cock inside her mouth. She sucked harder, then released.

She had my tight balls in her mouth when I started to cum. She quickly took my shaft between her lips again. My knees buckled but I held true. Semen throbbed in my cock. I felt it gush into her mouth in four strong spurts and she held it all in, sucking it all out of me, moaning and gurgling in appreciation.

When it was done she leaned away from me. My cock was still hard, and dripping cum, and I milked the last rope of jizz out of it and onto her big tits. She dropped her head and opened her mouth. My cum slid out of it to drip freely through the deep canyon of her cleavage. Milky and pure, mixed with her spit.

Fuck, that turned me on.

I left her to dig in the pile of tapes my nephew had left in my camper last time I took him fishing. I shoved a Blink-182 tape into the stereo and turned it on. When I turned back to her, she was perched on the edge of the bunk with her stocky legs spread wide. Through her bushy forest I spied the twin peaches of a huge pussy, the outer lips puffy and soft.

I had fucked a couple heavy women before, and their genitalia were all swallowed up by their excess flesh, discoverable only when turned on and ready. But this young gal was all out there. Fuck, she had a sexy pussy. Huge.

Her stocky legs parted further as I approached, and she laid back to make her big tits ride her chest like two basketballs. It was my turn to kneel before her. Her soft hair, musky with the scent of her pussy, caressed my face. I licked those fleshy external lips softly, then increased my attentions. One hand stroked her thigh lovingly, and the other went up to play with her tits and pull gently on her nipples. They were slippery with my cum.

She tasted tart and musky. Not unpleasant, but different than the sweet nectar I’d grown accustomed to. It was her voluptuous twat that was such a turn on, and soon my tongue tip was sliding up her gash to taste the fluids that seeped out of her.

That leak of sexual excitement gradually became a freshet of pure, 100 per cent turned-on woman. Her gash opened, revealing the tender folds of her inner lips. She soaked my face and neck, filled the camper with her scent, and I started tongue-fucking her tight smooth opening.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “You’ve done this before.”

I stood up then, my face soaking, and she pushed back on the bed so I could lay between her legs. I wasted no time clambering up and getting between those loving thighs. Her feet waved out to the side. I looked down as the pink curved head of my cock nestled between her swollen outer lips.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Dirty things. Filthy.”

She gave a deep chuckle and tipped her head back. “Oh yah. Tell me.”

“You have the most amazing pussy ever.”

“Thought you were gonna tell me you liked my big tits.”

“I do like them.” I pushed my cock in an inch or two until I felt the tight entrance to her vagina. I paused. “For such a big pussy you sure are tight.”

“That’s cuz you turn me on. The more I want that beautiful cock inside me, the tighter my cunt gets.”

“You said cunt.” I pushed in further, and she gasped. I flexed hard, my buttocks clenching, and made it almost all the way in. Juices coated my cock and dripped out of her. Desperately, I wriggled my hips and felt her open for me like a flower. I slid in neatly, balls deep, and gazed down at her cum-slicked tits.

“Do you like having such big tits?”

“People respect them. It gave me status growing up because I was instantly liked and I didn’t have to worry about being popular or fucking a guy so he’d like me, or… oomph!” Her eyes closed as I drew out and shoved back in.

My hands scooped up her tits and held them as I started fucking her. She thrust back with her hips, and told me to fuck her until I filled her cunt with another big load. With her tits wobbling in my grasp and the truck squeaking on its suspension, I lost myself in a heaven of erotic delight. I flexed to make my cock quiver and dance inside her. I twisted and churned to grind my hips against hers. With the heat of our bodies my balls loosened to drip down her wet crotch and slap against her ass when I stroked into her.

How long we fucked, I don’t know, but I was starting to sweat and grow weak. She signaled for a switch, and as she got out from under me the weight of her body made the camper creak.

She straddled my lap, the long strands of her pussy hair drifting down out of her crotch. She grabbed my shaft and aimed it up at her opening. With deliberate motions, she settled herself down on me and then lowered her weight to pin me against the bunk. I was unaccustomed to the sheer bulk of such a solid woman, and I diverted my initial discomfort by staring at all the wonderful curves above me – her heavily rolling tits and rounded tummy and arcing, wide-spread hips… fuck she was hot.

She smiled down at me. The coarse feel of her pussy grinding against me was new, but I quickly grew to like it. She was in complete control here. She started humping back and forth, making her tits lurch and bounce. Then she swiveled her hips, grinding down on me.

She closed her eyes and reached down to start playing with her clit. As she fucked me she increased her self-stimulation, and when she came it was loud and long. She pressed down fully on me. Her tits squeezed erotically between us. She bit my shoulder hard as she came, wailing a muffled orgasm into my neck.

When she was done it was my turn. Reaching around her to grab two big handfuls of her ass, squeezing her cheeks hard, I lifted her up off me so that I could thrust up into her with jack-hammer thrusts. “Oh my god, yes,” she moaned as I fucked her. “Oh my god.”

I spread her buttocks wide and let my fingers slide against her tight hole back there. One fingertip found the tight entrance and pushed inside.

“Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, straightening up on me. “Now you’re being dirty, oh yeah!”

With her body bearing down fully on me, my hand was pinned between us. I wiggled my finger up inside her ass while she pressed down with all her weight. I almost thought she was going to cum again when she pulled off, releasing me, and went on her hands and knees. That big ass pointed back at me, waiting like a cat in heat, and between her spread thighs her big pussy dripped like a silk purse. The gash between her puffy lips revealed the pinkish red of her deep cunt. I wasted no time getting up behind her. With my hands holding her broad hips, I aimed with my cock until I found her opening.

Then it was no holds barred fucking. I flexed with my pelvis to stroke into her madly. The slap of flesh against flesh was matched only by the grunts of pleasure. Her buttocks quivered and jiggled. I slapped one, and when she gasped “harder!” I slapped again, sending a resounding “WHACK!” through the camper. My thumb found the displayed oval around her anus, and I pressed in.

This only lit her on fire hotter than before, and soon I had my entire thumb in her ass while I fucked her silly. I was growing tired.

“Cum inside me,” she urged. “Come on, I want to feel you blasting that load into my cunt.”

Fuck, this was unreal.

I was almost there. I panted hard. I stroked desperately. Damn. My cock was swelling. Bigger. One more push. Fuck. Another.

Sucking wind and dripping sweat, I pulled my thumb out of her ass and pulled my cock out of her pussy. I turned her over to go into her from above. We were quickly fucking again, and while she slapped at her clit I held onto her shoulders to go into her harder, faster.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped. “Come on. Come on, baby.”

“Oh fuck you’re so hot,” I gasped. “Oh fuck. I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna… oh!”



My last strokes were tortured pleasure. One more, one more… oh yeah. Yeah. Semen started flowing through my cock, filling her up, while I remained motionless above her, gasping, dripping sweat onto her tits, my seed just flowing into her.

When it was over I stayed above her, panting desperately. My cock stayed hard inside her. Already I could feel my cum sliding out around our genitals. Finally my cock loosened and grew soft, and the tightening of her cunt pushed me out. I flopped to her side.

“I came again,” she said.

“Me too.”

She laughed. “Duh.”

We lay silently, listening to my nephew’s tape filling the camper with sounds foreign to me. I hoped she liked whoever this band was.

“You’re pretty cool for an older guy,” she said. She turned on her side to face me. Her tits slabbed together like hams.

I petted them tenderly. “I’d start my life all over again to be with you.”

At this she giggled and sat up to signal the end to our intimacy. “It was just the moment and the place,” she said. “If we did it again it would never be the same.”

I watched her sweat-and-cum-covered body as she opened the door to let in the blinding sunlight. Fuck. I closed my eyes.

When I finally emerged from the camper, she was already dressed and looking like she did when I first met her. “Thanks for breakfast,” she said. “I better get back and see what’s going on.” And with that she was gone. I watched her rounded ass bounce up and down the wooded lane until she turned a corner and was gone. Would I see her again? Did she want…

No. I wandered out naked into my camp, my cock delightfully filthy with the smell of cum and pussy juice. I bathed in the lake, and prepared myself for the rest of the weekend alone. I knew who I’d be thinking about when I jerked off tonight.

The next day I took time on the way home to stop at a laundromat to wash my camper bedding. And after I got home I backed my truck into the back yard before going inside to find Mary cleaning the kitchen.

“Hello honey!” she said cheerily, giving me a polite kiss on the cheek.

I quietly put the fillets in the freezer for future meals. My mind still spun with the whole experience with that amazing girl. Fuck, she hadn’t even been born yet when I lost my virginity. Avoiding my wife, I plopped on the couch to watch baseball. She found me there, and was all smiles and dimples. “Missed you,” she said in that way that was testing my response.

“I missed you.”


In the cool of our air-conditioned bedroom, we renewed our relationship in the routine way that had developed between us. She shed her blouse to reveal the floppy abundance of her breasts and the dainty pink nipples that stood up and said hello in the dusk of the drawn curtains. We kissed gently, and she chuckled when her hands reached down to stimulate my growing phallus. Later, as she lay on her back with her feet waving at the ceiling, I pumped casually and slowly into the puff of snow white hair between her thighs. Her eyes were closed, eyelashes on her pretty cheeks, and my hands grazed over the slender forms of her body.

With a flurry of thrusts at the end, I emptied myself into her. She patted my shoulder like she always did. “Okay. Things to do.”

I listened to her shower while I lay on my back, naked, staring at the ceiling. I was doing alright here. Definitely a move up from my first wife and all that went with it. But my thoughts kept going back to Ruth, and that voluptuous storm of explosive sex.

Damn, she just had to be wrong. I could be cool. It would be good between us…

My heart sank. Nope. She was right. It was the moment and place. It would never happen again.

Mary appeared in the doorway, a towel around her body. “You’re still in bed? My goodness, there’s still the lawn to mow. And don’t forget we’re going to Jerry and Elaine’s next week after church. You forgot that didn’t you? Let’s get going, dear.”

I sighed. Laid an arm over my eyes. Welcome back to my life.
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