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Sara explored her filthy desires on her own for the first time, after becoming fascinated by witnessing a dirty threesome. She's invited to a wedding, and hopes this might present a chance to live some of her fantasies.
“I’m home!” Announced Marjorie.

“Fuck!” Sara spat. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she rushed to dress up and tidy things up.

She threw the closet door open, grabbed the first thing she found and put it on as quickly as she could. She wanted to clear the mess she’d left in the bathroom before Marjorie could give her any shit about it.

There was an urgent knock on Sara’s door, followed by Marjorie’s voice calling, “Sara? Are you home?”

Sara opened her door, already resigned to what would follow.

“Hey Marjorie.”

“Are those your clothes on the bathroom floor? We’ve talked about this many times. We all share the same bathroom, Sara, I don’t think it’s too much to ask to keep it tidy for everyone’s sake, is it?”

“I was just about to go and—”

“And not only are your clothes littering a common space, but you left a giant puddle in the bathroom and wet footprints everywhere! I swear to god it sometimes seems I’m the only decent person living here. Would it kill you to clean up after yourself?”

“I’m telling you I’m going to clean it up,” replied Sara, exasperated. “Something urgent came up, so I couldn’t do it before.”

Marjorie tilted her head sideways to get a better look at Sara’s bed.

“Are those my veggies you have there?!” Marjorie invited herself into Sara’s room and angrily grabbed both carrots. “I’ve told you and Vivian a thousand times to please not go through my food, haven’t I? If you want a snack, I’d appreciate it if you got it from your side of the refrigerator, thank you.” And with that she stormed out of Sara’s room and into hers.

“That bitch,” Sara muttered under her breath. “I hope she eats those carrots.” She smiled at the thought.

She picked up her clothes and dried the floor. While cleaning up, she couldn’t stop thinking about the amazing masturbation session she’d just had. These were not compulsive thoughts like the ones from earlier. These were exciting thoughts. What she’d experienced was exhilarating. Intoxicating. This was the first time she felt like she’d really experienced sex in all its glory. And it hadn’t been just the mind-shattering orgasm (or orgasms? She still wasn’t sure if she’d had a three-minute orgasm or a long series of shorter ones), it had been the whole experience. She loved the way she’d built up her arousal for hours. She loved the desperation that had made her feel like an animal in heat. She loved the way she had thoroughly enjoyed fantasizing about something just hours before she’d found unacceptable and offensive. The feeling of pushing through the taboo had been absolutely exquisite. Playing with her own ass, thinking about being used by two strangers, fantasizing about being spied on by her friends while being ravaged. She loved it, all of it. She wanted more.

Not knowing when Viv would be back, she decided to go to bed. She needed the rest after such a day.

Sara woke up feeling slightly disoriented. She had a strange sensation of not quite knowing if the previous day had been a dream or not. It all felt so surreal, but her ass felt sore enough to know it had all happened.

Viv was waiting for her in the kitchen with breakfast ready for the two of them. They finished it quickly to catch the bus to campus. The ride was short and uneventful, after 5 minutes they’d reached their destination and descended with the rest of the students.

They headed to the cafeteria for a quick cup of coffee before starting their classes. As they made their way there, Viv was telling Sara about the lab work she’d done the previous day, but Sara’s mind was elsewhere. She kept thinking about the previous night and the things she wanted to try next. How serious was she about it? Would she really be capable of having casual sex with a stranger? Up until now she’d only had sex with boys she’d dated. The idea of having someone she didn’t know inside of her made her incredibly horny. She pulled out her phone and started distractedly browsing through her Instagram.

Before she knew what happened, Sara found herself laying on her back on the floor, confused. When she looked up she was horrified to see an equally confused Felicity laying on her butt in front of her. It took her a few seconds to piece together the fact that while she’d been distracted looking at her phone, she’d slammed right into an unsuspecting Felicity.

Fuck. My. Life. Sara thought to herself, feeling a jolt of panic. Why Felicity? She was terrified of Felicity confronting her about yesterday. Felicity’s eyes met Sara’s and she experienced a painful deja vu of Felicity’s gaze locking on her while Sara secretly watched Felicity have a raunchy threesome where she got double penetrated. Sara’s mouth opened, but no words came out, she was paralyzed.

“I’m so sorry, are you ok?” asked Felicity in a sweet tone, as she stood up and offered a helping hand to Sara. Sara hesitated for a few seconds and then took Felicity’s hand and stood up with her help.

“Are you hurt?” Felicity insisted, with a genuine look of concern in her face.

“I’m-I’m fine, thank you,” replied Sara, “I’m sorry, I was walking without looking, I’m so stupid.”

“I guess we’re both stupid, then. I was doing the exact same thing,” replied Felicity with a little wink. “What’s your name?”


“I’m Felicity,” she said with a smile. “Well Sara, I’m glad you’re ok. See you around.” And with that she walked away confidently. Her walk had a charming, sexy sway of her hips, and every step made her beautiful long black hair swing from side to side.

“Well, look at that!” Viv teased with an amused expression.

“Oh shut up!” Sara hid her face between her hands, embarrassed. “Why do these things happen to me?”

“She asked for your name, too,” Viv continued to tease, “which means she’ll probably have you assassinated for spying on her like a creeper.”


“Or you know, could also mean that she never even saw you to begin with.”

They kept walking to the cafeteria. Viv seemed to be in a great mood because of how amusing she found the situation. Sara was still very embarrassed, but feeling relieved at the thought that maybe Felicity really hadn’t seen her back at the storage room. She was also surprised at how nice Felicity had been to her. She thought being so rich, beautiful and popular she might’ve been more entitled or arrogant, but she seemed sweet and kind.

As they were waiting for their coffees to be delivered, Viv’s phone rang and she read through a text, then her expression grew more serious, then she started typing on her screen with lightning fast fingers.

“Agh. Remember Dave?” Viv asked.

“Yeah. He’s boring. I don’t like him.” Sara replied, remembering the senior med student Viv went out with a few times.

“Well, he just told me he can’t come to my cousin’s wedding with me, two days before the thing.”

“What an asshole!”

“Yeah, well… that’s that.” Viv thought for a moment, then looked at Sara with excitement and asked, “Do you wanna be my plus one?”

“Oh! Wow, that sounds really fun. I’ve never been to a wedding.”

“It’s gonna be awesome! We can get there with my parents. The hotel room’s already paid for. The only thing we need to do is find you a dress and we’re all set!”

After classes, Viv took Sara to a dress rental place to help her pick a dress. After trying on a few different ones, Sara came out of the dressing room with a red dress that made Viv raise her eyebrows in approval.

“You got to go with this one!” said Viv as Sara modeled the dress for her. “The HFC looks amazing on you!”

“HFC?” asked Sara confused.

“Huge fucking cleavage”, replied Viv and they both laughed. Sara blushed and checked herself out in the mirror. The dress did look amazing on her. It complimented her figure beautifully, she looked very sexy in it. It didn’t squish or lift her breasts, allowing them to show their natural shape through the fabric. They also showed about half of each of Sara’s huge breasts in a very flattering way. Sara loved the way this dress made her feel. On the other hand, the dissonance between her self-perception of being an innocent-looking, cute, nerdy girl and the sensual vixen staring back at her from the mirror, was unsettling and made her uncomfortable.

“What about your parents?” asked Sara.

“What about them?”

“Won’t they think this dress is too.. I don’t know. Too slutty?”

“It’s not slutty, it’s sexy. Everyone wears stuff like this to weddings.”

Sara would’ve usually sunk into overthinking, too afraid of people’s opinion, and too afraid to display even the slightest hint of sexuality. But then she remembered the previous night. She remembered the ecstasy she’d felt at the full liberation of her sexual self. The memory alone made her light-headed with pleasure, and so she decided to go for it. So what if someone thought she looked a bit slutty? Maybe she liked the idea of it.

Friday came, and right after Viv and Sara were done with classes they got ready for the short road trip that awaited them. Viv’s parents picked them up and they had a nice two hour drive that took them to a beautiful boutique hotel.

“Wow! This room is gorgeous!” said Sara as she dropped her bags on top of the king-size bed she’d be sharing with Viv.

“Yeah! Not bad, huh?”

“Hey, were your parents ok with you and Dave staying in the same room?”

“Ha! No way! Dave was gonna get his own room. But he was planning to sneak over at night,” Viv said with a little smirk. “So much for that plan.”

Viv and Sara changed into their PJs, watched a movie and fell asleep, excited about the next day.

They woke up late, around noon. They chit-chatted for a while before getting dressed and grabbing some breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Then they went back to their room to get ready for the wedding. After each took a shower, they did each other’s hair, spent a long time doing their makeup, and a couple of hours later they were all set and ready to go.

Sara couldn’t believe her reflection, not only did the dress look as amazing as she remembered, but the hair and makeup made her look better than she ever remembered looking. She looked and felt stunning.

And then there was Viv, who was wearing a tight green dress that looked great with her reddish-auburn hair and perfectly delineated her body. Sara had always been jealous of Viv’s body. She was taller than Sara, and very slim. The dress accentuated her big, firm ass, and showed her amazing legs. Sara had never noticed Viv has such wide hips, which looked even wider in comparison to her tiny waist. Even though Viv’s breasts were small, her ass and legs more than made up for it.

They arrived at the ceremony, which according to Viv was filled with hundreds of people she didn’t even know. Apparently Viv’s cousin was a distant one, and she was not acquainted with anyone there. The ceremony was long and would’ve been pretty boring without Viv’s snarky commentary.

Once the happy couple was finally married, everyone got into vans that took the guests to the reception. During the ride there, Sara noticed there were a couple of handsome young men checking her and Viv out. When one of them caught Sara’s eye, he gave her a warm smile before looking away. This made Sara feel incredibly flattered, she was never very popular with the boys. She let Viv know about what had just happened and they giggled excitedly.

They arrived at the reception and looked for their table and found Viv’s parents sitting there already. They waved at them and invited them to sit right next to them. This made Sara feel a bit disappointed. If there was any chance to flirt with the boy from the van, it would make her feel very self-conscious to do so in front of Viv’s parents.

The rest of the guests arrived and soon Sara’s table was full. Again, Sara was disappointed when it became clear the boys from the van would not be sitting at their table. She scanned the room for them but couldn’t find them. Oh well, she thought, let’s just enjoy dinner, then.

Dinner was delicious, and Sara really enjoyed chatting with Viv and her parents. After dessert the married couple made their grand entrance to have their first dance and the party officially started.

“C’mon,” Viv told Sara as she stood up, “let’s get drunk and go dance.”

On their way to the bar Sara could feel every man they passed (and even some of the women) checking her out, and this made her feel sensual and powerful. As she walked, she could feel her big breasts bounce with every step, which made her instantly aroused. At the bar Viv got each of them a shot of tequila and a cosmopolitan. They downed the tequila shot and took a sip of the cosmo as a chaser, and then went to the dance floor with their drink in their hands.

Sara had a blast dancing and being silly with Viv. They danced for what felt like hours and then decided they needed a refill for their drinks, so Sara volunteered to go get them. She asked for two fresh cosmos and waited for them.

“Hey,” she heard someone say next to her. When she turned around she saw the boy from the van smiling at her. She felt herself blushing hard.

“Oh! H-hey!” she managed to say.

“What are you having?” he asked casually.

“Ehm, some cosmos,” she replied shyly. “What about you?”

“Rum and coke. I’m Noah, by the way.” He extended his hand.

“I’m Sara,” she replied while gently shaking his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Sara. Are you here with the groom or the bride?”

“Ehm… Fuck, I don’t know,” replied Sara, realizing she still didn’t know which one of them Viv’s cousin was. “I’m with my friend Viv, but I don’t really know anyone here.”

Noah laughed in response and said, “Yeah, same for me. My friend went to highschool with the groom, which makes me a complete stranger.” Sara’s insides reacted to the word “stranger” in a funny way, and she felt herself blushing again.

“Noaaah! Where’s my rum, Noah?!” shouted a man as he squeezed his way through the crowd, and Sara recognized him as the other handsome boy from the van. When he got close enough he looked at Noah, then at Sara. “Well, look at that, you dog! Way to go!” he said while offering his hand to Sara. “I’m Ethan, Noah’s better-looking friend,” he said as his eyes quickly darted to Sara’s ample cleavage. This would’ve usually made Sara uncomfortable, but this time it made her feel elated. Two handsome young men were pouring all their attention on her, and she liked it.

“Nice to meet you Ethan, I’m Sara.”

Suddenly Viv appeared next to Sara and said, “What the hell, girl, you’re distilling the gin yourself or what’s taking you this long?”

“You’ll have to excuse her, it appears my friend here was keeping her hostage, delaying both your and my drinks.”

“Oh my,” replied Viv with a seductive smile, as she realized who these guys were, “that’s so terribly rude of your friend. And what will you do to make it up to us?”

“What about we take you for a dance?” said Ethan, smoothly.

“That’s a start, I guess,” Viv said while grabbing her drink and locking arms with him. As she went off to dance with Ethan, she looked back and smiled at Sara.

“Shall we?” asked Noah while offering his arm. Sara happily accepted it and they headed off to the dance floor.

The four of them danced for hours. Both Viv and Sara had an amazing time with Noah and Ethan. They were clearly very much into them and making every effort to impress them.

“I need to sit down for a bit,” said Sara, feeling tired after so much dancing. Everyone in their party agreed that was a good idea and headed into the gardens around the dinner chamber. They found a quiet spot where they could sit and rest for a while.

Sara and Noah sat down, and when they looked up they saw Viv and Ethan making out passionately next to them. There was clearly tongue action going on. Viv had Ethan’s face between her hands, and Ethan was running his over Viv’s back and ass.

“Damn! Look at them go!” whispered Sara, playfully.

“They’ve obviously been wanting to jump at each other this whole time,” Noah said, amused.

“Well, if I’m being honest I’ve kind of wanted to jump at you this whole time, too,” Sara whispered back to him, her big eyes looking for his.

“Oh yeah?” he said smiling, leaning a bit closer.

“Yeah,” she replied, smiling back, and with that their smiles merged into a delicious kiss. Sara felt elated. For the whole night she had fantasized about this, and having it finally happen felt amazing. She enjoyed Noah’s lips playing with hers. She felt his hand grab her by the nape of the neck as he continued the soft and gentle kiss. She responded by placing a hand on his shoulder and another on his cheek. Sara opened her mouth and without warning licked Noah’s lips, seductively. The thrill of it aroused Sara, and when Noah opened his mouth to tease Sara’s tongue with his own she felt a familiar wave of electricity going through her body.

Sara became more aggressive, using her tongue to caress Noah’s lips from the inside, finding his tongue and dancing around it, sucking on his tongue when he ventured inside her mouth. She felt a delicious fire in her gut.

She felt Noah’s hand grab her by the waist, right under her left breast. As they continued their intense kiss. Sara got the feeling that Noah wanted to touch her body, but was too much of a nice guy to go for it. But Sara wanted to be touched. She wanted to be touched very badly, so she grabbed his hand and guided it to her left tit, and squeezed hard. She heard a groan of pleasure escape Noah’s mouth, and was happy to find that Noah followed her cue without protest. He was soon fondling both her big breasts while he licked her ear and bit her earlobe. Sara moaned, encouraging Noah to continue. Before long, Noah’s hand was inside Sara’s dress, groping her tits and playing with her thick, hard nipples. Her breasts were so sensitive that Noah’s attentions made her squirm. How could breast stimulation alone feel this good?

Sara felt high with arousal. She felt similar to the way she’d felt the night she masturbated herself unconscious. She wanted more, so much more. She pulled her dress aside to reveal one big tit in all its glory. Noah looked at her in disbelief, eyes big and eyebrows so high they looked like they were about to escape his forehead. He kissed her with redoubled passion while his hand worked hard on her exposed tit.

“Kiss it,” she whispered.

He didn’t need to be told twice. He left a trail of kisses from her neck all the way to her firm breast. Then he grabbed it with one hand and brought the trail of kisses closer and closer to the beautiful perky nipple that lay there waiting. Noah’s mouth on her nipple made her tremble with pleasure. She moaned openly, and thought she could surely orgasm from this alone. She wanted to lose control, just like she did that night.

While Sara’s body was being worshiped, she looked to her side to find Viv and Ethan in the middle of their own passionate fun. Ethan was kissing Viv’s neck, and one of his hands disappeared underneath Viv’s dress. He was moving his hand up and down between her legs and making her moan delightedly. While this happened, Viv’s hand was inside Ethan’s pants and was also moving up and down.

“Viv?” a voice came calling from the direction of the dance hall. “Vivian?”

“Fuck!” Viv muttered, “That’s my dad!”

Everyone arranged themselves in a panic, hoping it was dark enough for their little mischief to go unnoticed.

“Viv, it’s late, we’re leaving.” said her dad with a pleasant smile. “Say goodbye to your friends and come meet us at the front.” With that he excused himself and went back to the hall.

“Well, that’s anticlimactic,” joked Viv.

“It sure is,” said Ethan. “Can’t you girls stay longer? We’ll give you a ride back.”

“We’d love to, but we really can’t,” Viv replied.

“Can we exchange numbers, then?” insisted Ethan, handing Viv his phone so she could put her number in. “Are you girls from around here?”

“We’re visiting from Fairmont,” said Viv as she handed the phone back. “Give us a call if you’re ever there.”

“I just sent you a text,” said Ethan. “You too give us a call if you come visit again.”

The girls kissed their couples goodbye and left, feeling disappointed. Disappointed was an understatement, Sara was disgruntled. She was left extremely horny and in desperate need of release.

On their ride back to the hotel Viv’s parents engaged them in small talk. Viv’s mom had clearly had a lot to drink and was making some very funny jokes and comments. Viv’s dad seemed to be in a very good mood, which further confirmed to the girls he didn’t see what they were doing at the garden. They arrived at the hotel, said good night and everyone went to their rooms.

“My dad’s such a party pooper,” sighed Viv.

“I know,” agreed Sara, “I was having such a good time. That was so hot.” Sara said that last part mostly to herself. Her mind was still racing with the realization that she had almost fulfilled her fantasy of having sex with a stranger. Her body was still aching from the built up arousal trapped inside of her.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” said Viv with a smile. “To be honest I was surprised to see you let go like that. It’s great to see you have fun like that!”

Sara was at the same time suffering in the frustration of her sexual desperation, and delighted at the feeling of sexual energy building up within her, just like the other day. She decided she would wait for Viv to fall asleep and then masturbate herself furiously, to a spectacular orgasm. Yes, it would be so delicious to abuse herself like that. Unless…

“Call them,” Sara suddenly told Viv.

“What?” replied Viv, a little confused.

“We should call them, Noah and Ethan. You have his number, right? You said you were planning on Dave sneaking over? Why don’t we have them sneak in instead?”

Viv laughed in delight. “You’re full of surprises tonight! Why didn’t I think of tha?” And with that Viv started ringing Ethan’s phone.

“Ethan?” Viv said through the phone, “Are you guys still at the wedding?”

Sara could hear a muffled response.

“You guys should come over. I have a feeling you’ll have more fun over here.” said Viv, and she winked at Sara. “Be quiet when you get here, ok? My parents' room is next to ours. Make sure you knock on the 301, not the 303, ok? Yeah, see you soon.” She hung up and gave Sara an excited look. “They should be here in about fifteen minutes.”

They squealed in excitement. Then they hurried to the bathroom to make themselves ready. They played some low music, freshened up their makeup, tidied their hair, reapplied their perfume, and brushed their teeth. Sara could feel the anticipation inside her reach critical levels.

Suddenly they heard a quiet knock on the door. Sara felt an excited flutter in her stomach; she didn’t know exactly what was going to happen, but she was eager for it. Viv went to the door and bringing herself close to it, and said, “who’s there?”

“Viv? It’s us,” replied a nervous Ethan.

Viv carefully opened the door. She definitely didn’t want to risk either of her parents ruining their fun.

“Hey!” Viv said quietly, but enthusiastically. She greeted Ethan with a peck on the lips. “Quick, come in.”

The boys came in with an eager look on their faces, and Viv locked the door behind them, making sure it was properly secured.

“So you guys missed us,” teased Ethan.

“I don’t like leaving things half-done,” said Viv as she seductively closed in on Ethan. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a slow, hungry kiss.

Noah seemed shy and a bit unsure of what to do. He awkwardly approached Sara.

“Hey,” he said, not knowing what to do.

Sara didn’t bother responding, she just jumped at Noah, wrapped her legs around him and kissed him good. Sara was totally confident this had to be the best kiss Noah had ever had. She let all of her bottled up passion come through the kiss, and it was spectacular. Slow and soft, but intense. Filled with anticipation.

Noah turned around to lay Sara down on the bed, but their mouths never stopped touching. He was set aflame by Sara’s kiss, and retaliated hard. His kiss seamlessly went from her mouth to her neck, making her moan. Without warning, her hand started to massage his crotch. Noah responded by nearly tearing Sara’s dress as he opened her cleavage open, putting her large breast in full display. They bounced invitingly as they were freed from their prison. Noah wasted no time and grabbed one imposing tit in each hand, diving in between them with a flurry of kisses. He practically motorboated Sara, kissing and licking her sternum. Then he turned his attention to one breast, kissing and sucking Sara’s soft flesh, then he switched to the other one and gave it the same treatment. Sara couldn’t believe how horny this made her, she was already overflowing after the couple of hours she was forced to wait, but this made her hyperventilate as she moaned.

As her breasts were being sucked on, Sara looked around to see Viv and Ethan going at each other with similar passion. Viv’s dress had been pulled down, revealing a small pair of freckled tits. Viv felt Sara’s intense stare on her, and she turned around to smile at Sara.

“Have fun,” she said with a wink as she turned the lights off. Somehow this made the atmosphere that much sensual, and made Sara feel like she could let loose.

“Eat my pussy,” Sara heard Viv say as she completely removed her dress.

“Yes ma’am,” she heard Ethan reply. Even though the lights were now off, Sara’s eyes quickly got used to the darkness and could perfectly see Viv as she opened her legs wide, ready for Ethan to dive in. Ethan fell on top of Viv, kissing her hard and slowly making his way through her torso, seductively kissing her navel and eventually kissing her right on the pussy.

“Ah, yes,” Viv moaned, and Sara could see her playing with her own tits. “That’s a good boy.”

Noah was still busy with Sara’s mounds, sucking and kissing and licking. Sara’s body was convulsing with pleasure. She couldn’t believe having her breasts played with could feel this delicious. She ran her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to continue. She progressively increased the strength of her grip, until she was practically abusing his face with her tits, and loving it.

Viv was now wrapping a condom around Ethan’s dick, looking up at him with a big smile on her face. She then laid on her back again and opened her legs wide. She then wrapped them around Ethan’s waist and pulled him onto her. As they kissed, Sara could tell the exact moment he penetrated her through the change in her facial expression. Then they started kissing again, and Ethan started moving back and forth. Sara couldn’t believe she was watching her best friend get fucked right in front of her. She looked beautiful.

Sara decided to have some fun of her own. She thought it wasn’t fair for her to be the only one half naked, with her tits hanging out, so she pushed Noah back and started to undo his pants. The belt was tricky, but she managed to open it, then she unbuttoned his pants, pulled them down, and stuck her hand inside his briefs. She fished around until she managed to pull out his hard dick.

Holding it in her tiny hand, she looked up to meet his gaze with her big brown eyes and started rubbing it. He groaned and smiled at her. She kept moving her hand up and down, and without breaking eye contact she kissed the tip. He let out a long sigh. She kept looking deep into his eyes as she kept giving little kisses to his dickhead, then she licked it all the way from the base of the shaft to the tip, and he closed his eyes tight from the pleasure. She enjoyed the feeling of being in control, so she kept masturbating him while kissing and licking him. While she was doing this, her free hand started playing with her tits, and that sent waves of pleasure through her body.

Viv was clearly enjoying herself while getting pounded by Ethan. She was holding him tight while she moaned right into his ear, which seemed to turn him on. With every moan, he thrust harder.

Sara was trying to contain herself and go slowly, but her body was burning with arousal. She put Noah’s glans inside her mouth and felt a strange sensation of fulfillment. She really wanted him inside her body. Noah opened her eyes to see Sara looking straight at him, her mouth wrapped around his dick. She went deeper and deeper, until she felt Noah’s penis touch the back of her throat, then she took it out with a smacking sound, kissed it and swallowed it again.

Noah had never been deepthroated before. It felt amazing. He could feel the tightness of Sara’s throat wrapping around him, and he had to focus really hard in not cumming from this fantastic stimulation.

Sara was surprised at how much she was enjoying it. She’d always thought deepthroating would be unpleasant, but she loved it. She felt full of purpose and power as she pushed her limits, going deeper each time. She loved Noah’s dick. She wanted as much of it as she could get. She pulled it out of her mouth and kissed it with abandon. She kissed its head and its shaft, and kept going down until she found his balls. She sucked on his scrotum while jerking him off, and Noah was breathing hard and grabbing a handful of bedsheets. Sara wanted more! She rubbed his dick all over her face, moaning while doing so, then put the whole length of it in her mouth, massaging his balls as she did so. Noah couldn’t hold it for much longer. She took his dick out of her mouth and started slapping her own face with it.

Sara quickly turned to look at Viv and saw both her and Ethan staring intently at what she was doing, their faces filled with lust. Ethan was fucking Viv hard, and they seemed to be enjoying the show. Sara loved being watched, and started going harder, sucking Noah’s balls, slapping her face with his dick, jerking him off and then deepthroating him.

“Fuck…” Noah groaned, and long strings of cum shot from his dick. Sara was sure to point it right at her, covering her tits (and a bit of her face) in cum. She was surprised at the large amount of semen splashing on her face. The idea of being showered with love fluids made her groan with overflowing arousal. She needed release. But first she wanted to enjoy this tribute. She spread the cum covering her tits all over herself, massaging it on her bosom.

“Wow,” she heard Viv moan while watching her.

Sara then tasted some of the cum left on her hands and while she didn’t particularly like the taste, she loved the depravity of what she’d just done.

“I hope you’re not done,” she told Noah as she laid next to him and gave him a sweet little kiss on the cheek.

“No fucking way,” said Noah, “Just give me a couple of minutes to catch my breath and I’ll show you what I’ve got!” He reached for the water bottle on the nightstand and took a long drink from it.

Apparently, Viv had been inspired by Sara’s lewd display, and was now sitting on top of Ethan, riding cowgirl hard. Her hands were locked tightly with his, and she was bucking her hips wildly as she straddled him. The way she was whimpering and moaning made Sara think she was very close to a climax. Sara started touching herself as she watched her friend ride. Viv looked beautiful and sexy as all hell as she moved her hips with the desperation of someone at the threshold of orgasm. Sara could clearly see Ethan’s dick disappearing deep inside Viv’s pussy, his shaft coated in her friend’s fluids. Viv’s butt caught the light coming from the window just right, and looked amazing as it bounced. Sara felt a shock she’d felt before when she realized Viv’s cheeks were spread open, and she could clearly see her asshole. For some reason this aroused her. Was she really lusting at the sight of her friend’s asshole?

As Sara laid on her side, fingering herself and watching her friend have sex, Noah wrapped his arm around her waist. He gently tucked her hair behind her ear before kissing her neck. Sara smiled and continued to masturbate. Noah kept kissing her neck, and started fondling her breasts with the hand he had wrapped around her.

“Mmmm,” Sara hummed. She could feel Noah’s penis growing against her butt. She started gyrating her hips, rubbing ass against his dick. Noah responded by grinding against her, and by intensifying the kissing of her neck and the fondling of her breasts. Sara wanted more. She needed to satisfy her urges. She used her hand to guide Noah’s penis between her legs, so that their grinding would make him rub his dick up and down her pussy. She was so thoroughly soaked with her own juices that Noah’s penis rubbing against her beefy labia made a loud squishy noise. Sara’s ears were thumping with every one of her heartbeats. She was doing it. She was about to have sex with a stranger.

After a minute of grinding like this, Noah’s dick slid between her pussy lips, and after a couple more thrusts, it effortlessly slid right into Sara’s vagina. Sara could feel Noah’s dick opening its way inside her, slowly pushing in, slowly going further and further in. She couldn’t believe the pleasure that came from it. Her body convulsed in a mini-orgasm as Noah’s tip touched her cervix, then retreated. Sara wanted to savor every second of this, she wasn’t sure if she could keep going if she orgasmed now, so she stopped touching herself and allowed Noah to do all the work while she relaxed and enjoyed. She let out a small moan with every thrust, and Noah took this as encouragement to increase the speed and strength of each thrust, little by little. As he progressively increased the intensity of his thrusting, Sara could feel her heavy tits start to bounce. Soon he was fucking her in full force, and her tits were aggressively slapping around.

“Ah! Yes! Harder!” Sara moaned. This made Viv and Ethan turn around to watch. Sara was facing them directly, big tits flying around, her face crimson red. Viv and Ethan continued to fuck, but did not stop watching the fantastic show Sara was giving them.

“Ugh!” Sara groaned as her vision blurred. Even with her eyes clouded by the extreme pleasure she was feeling, she could tell Viv and Ethan were watching her get fucked. This was everything she wanted. Her pussy fully stuffed, tight around a stranger’s hard dick. Her tits proudly on display. Her best friend and her lover watching, feeding on the image of her body for their own sexual pleasure. Yes, she loved it.

Her body shook again with a mini-orgasm. The waves of pleasure were subtle, but delicious. She enjoyed it as a sustained sensation that washed over her body for what seemed like ages. But she didn’t want to fully orgasm just yet. There was still more she wanted to do.

Sara rearranged herself, turning 180° so she was on her side, facing Noah. She gave him a long kiss, charged with lust. Their tongues danced around as Noah’s penis found its way back inside Sara.

Viv was now on all fours with Ethan kneeling behind her, a slapping sound echoing with every thrust as his pelvis made contact with her ass.

It took Sara a minute to build the courage to do it, but her urge to fulfill her desires was so strong that the courage came easily. Sara stuck her ring finger in Noah’s mouth, and he sucked it with greed. Once her finger was completely covered in Noah’s saliva, she brought her hand behind her, and slid her ring finger between her butt cheeks. She ran her finger up and down her asshole, enjoying the sensation of it. Then, she carefully started to push her finger tip against her anus. Her finger slowly slid inside her ass, while Noah’s dick kept pounding her pussy.

She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She couldn’t believe she was fingering her ass while getting fucked. Both her holes were getting penetrated, and it felt like a dream come true. She kept pushing until her whole finger was inside her ass, then she started going in and out, in and out. The feeling was overwhelming, she felt the pleasure was so strong that it numbed her other senses, her vision was blurry and her hearing was weak, but her body felt on fire. Every little movement of her finger, and every movement of Noah’s dick inside her, felt heightened. Every nerve ending in her pussy and asshole sent strong electric waves through her body.

More! She wanted more! She wanted all she could get. She pulled her finger out, and decided to slide two fingers in this time. Her ring and index fingers pushed against her asshole, and slowly slid in. The tightness she felt around her fingers was incredibly satisfying. In and out they went, and she could feel Noah’s dick against her fingertips, through her own skin. This sent her head spinning.

How far could she go? She wanted to explore every single depravity her mind could conjure, so she pulled her fingers out and bundled a third finger along with the first two. She smiled at her own lewdness, and pushed against her asshole one more time. It was a bit harder this time, but she focused on relaxing her ass, and her fingers slid in, filling her ass.

At this point Sara was positively shaking with pleasure, panting and groaning with no control. She felt her whole body tense up very hard. She went stiff. She could feel her vagina and ass contracting with great force, trapping Noah’s dick and her fingers inside her body. They contracted so hard it hurt, but the waves of pleasure crashing through her body blended with the pain, sending her to nirvana. Her body then started to shake aggressively, tensing and relaxing, over and over. She clung to Noah’s neck so hard she thought she was surely hurting him. Her orgasmic convulsions lasted for one, two, three minutes. With every convulsion she felt pleasure so great, so delightful, that she thought she might pass out. Then, at long last, it subsided, and when she came back to her senses she saw an exhausted Noah staring at her with a huge smile on his face, but more surprising than that, she saw Viv and Ethan with an amazed look on their faces looking intently at her. She was still on all fours, and he was still behind her, but for that moment, they did not move. It seemed Sara’s orgasm had been so spectacular that they had paused their lovemaking to enjoy the show.

Even though Sara felt drained and exhausted, the idea of being the center of attention reignited her lust. She wanted to give Viv and Ethan an even hotter show. She wanted to crown herself as Noah’s best fuck ever. And most of all, she wanted to satisfy all perverse desires as thoroughly as possible. Even though she was exhausted, the long buildup she’d had to endure was still not fully satiated. She wanted even more, and she was going to get it.

She kneeled in front of Noah, her ass against his pelvis, and turned around to kiss him. Once again the kiss was pure lust, pure undoctored sexual passion. He groped her tits as they kissed, kneading hard and pinching her nipples, which brought a high pitched moan from her lips. Viv and Ethan had resumed their fucking.

Sara went down on all fours, ready for the final round. Noah instinctively positioned his penis against Sara’s pussy, and prepared to slide inside her once more, but Sara stopped him by holding his shaft with her hand.

“No,” she said, “not there.”

Noah was very confused. He felt lighting through his stomach… could it be?

Sara guided Noah’s dick up, and seconds later, she was rubbing his dick against her asshole. She rubbed him against herself, savoring every little sensation. Every time the tip of his penis went over her asshole, she felt a shock of pleasure so strong it felt almost like a stomach-cramp. She was going to do it, she was going to have anal sex with a guy she met hours ago.

Sara ran her hand through her pussy, coating it in her thick juices, then she spread them over her asshole. Noah’s dick was already soaked in her fluids, so there was no need to apply any more. She finally placed the tip of his penis on her asshole, pointing right towards the entrance.

“Slowly,” she warned, remembering when Felicity had done it.

Viv and Ethan kept fucking, but they were watching without blinking. Neither one had ever had anal sex, and watching it happen right in front of them was intriguing and exciting.

Noah started slowly pushing, feeling some resistance against his penis. He would’ve stopped, not wanting to hurt Sara, but she pushed her ass against him, slowly but decisively. Noah felt the resistance very slowly start to recede, as the resistance turned into a delicious sliding sensation. His dick was being enveloped and began to disappear, so very slowly that he wasn’t sure if it was really happening.

Sara could also feel the resistance disappear. She did her best to relax her sphincter, and she was rewarded with a delicious sliding sensation as Noah made his way inside her. She felt so full, so deliciously full. It felt amazing, she was being fucked in the ass. She couldn’t believe what she’d just done, it felt like she’d lost her virginity all over again. It was exciting. It felt forbidden and wrong, but so very right.

“Does it hurt?” Noah asked, concerned.

“Not at all,” replied Sara in a soft and seductive voice, “I love it.”

This encouraged Noah to relax a little more and enjoy himself. He kept sliding inside Sara’s eager ass until he was completely inside. Noah’s view was marvelous, he could see his dick had completely disappeared inside this beautiful girl’s asshole.

Viv and Ethan were also amazed by the sight, since they too could see Noah’s dick being swallowed whole. Both of them seemed to be extremely turned on by this, and Sara couldn’t help but notice. Yes! She thought, watch me!

Noah started gaining more and more confidence, and his thrusting became faster and deeper. Sara helped him by moving back and forth, meeting his thrust with one of her own. Soon they were going at it hard. Noah was grabbing Sara’s hips, pulling her towards him. Sara was facing Viv as she got her ass fucked hard. This is amazing, she thought as she looked deep into Viv’s eyes.

Viv had a look of immense desire as she too enjoyed her lover’s thrusting. Sara could see Viv’s tiny freckled tits bounce back and forth with each thrust. Her pale puffy nipples flying around. Ethan was giving it his all, going as fast as he could while keeping a steady rhythm. Suddenly, Ethan slapped Viv’s ass hard.

“Ethan!” moaned Viv. “Yes!”

She slapped her ass again, and the look on Viv’s face told Sara she was delighted at the rough love. She probably wouldn’t last much longer.

Ethan’s slapping brought Noah’s animal instinct afloat, and powered by an intense passion he pulled Sara’s hair, making her arch her back.

“Ugh! Yes!” Sara groaned.

The sight of Sara getting ass-fucked and having her hair pulled pushed Viv over the edge. Seeing Sara’s amazing tits jumping around, completely out of control, was enough to make her cum. She bit the bed covers in an attempt to quiet her orgasmic moans. Ethan’s thrusting became erratic and more energetic, it seemed they were both cumming. They thrashed around and then let themselves fall down on the bed, satisfied and exhausted. Viv was smiling and Ethan was breathing hard, trying to catch his breath.

Sara was losing her mind from the feeling of her ass getting fucked while Noah kept a firm hold of her hair. She felt dominated in the best of ways. She loved the feeling of losing control. Still, for some reason she wasn’t cumming. She felt her whole body ready to burst with pleasure, the feeling was so overwhelming it became painful. She wanted release. She brought one of her hands between her legs and started to frantically rub her hairy pussy.

Yes, that was it. This is the extra stimulation she needed to allow herself to explode. She knew she was headed in the right direction, but it still wasn’t enough to make the massive energy inside her go boom. She started rubbing harder, while Noah pounded her ass with abandon. Sara’s body was so full of erotic energy it felt like a perpetual mini-orgasm, her whole body was throbbing with pleasure, but she wanted the release she deserved. In despair, she slapped her pussy, and that made her whole body quiver. That was it. She slapped her pussy again, harder this time, and her body shook violently. Viv’s and Ethan’s eyes were wide, fixed on Sara. She rubbed herself like a maniac, and when the moment felt right she slapped her pussy once more.

This broke the dam, and Sara started convulsing uncontrollably. She couldn’t help herself and started moaning, hard. Viv, terrified at the idea of being caught, put her hand on top of Sara’s mouth, muffling her moans. This turned Sara on, she found it extremely erotic to have her mouth covered by her friend while Noah pulled her hair. She thrashed around wildly, and almost screamed into Viv’s hand. Her contractions were so hard, they ejected Noah’s dick from inside her. He was almost at the edge when this happened, so he quickly took off the condom and jerked himself off furiously to the sight of Viv holding Sara’s head with both hands while her orgasm continued. It took him only a minute to reach orgasm and he came all over Sara’s butt and lower back, then collapsed next to her.

Sara had now run out of fuel. Her desires had been satisfied, and she collapsed too. IloveitIloveitIloveit, she kept repeating to herself in her mind. Am I a pervert? She asked herself. I think I am, she thought with a smile, and fell asleep cuddling between Noah and Viv.

To be continued
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