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A cowboy’s tryst with two Mexican damsels goes awry.
Captive Cowboy – Part 1

In the Wild West a fierce outlaw and occasional do-gooder named Cade McDell wanders the desolate landscape. His latest exploits take him near the hacienda of a young senorita whom he saved weeks ago from the attentions of a brutal Mexican magistrate. Now, tired from his travels and returning the way he came, Cade finds that Adelita is not alone. And what he discovers is that Adelita and her sister Juliana have more than just simple hospitality in mind…


“You thought you would come and have Adelita keep her promise, eh Senor?” Adelita smiled seductively. Her face was still bruised, but much of the swelling had gone down. It was now possible to see just how pretty she was. Dressed just in a silky chemise that took a pink hue from the tinted lamp, her more-than-ample figure was clearly outlined by the clinging cloth. Firm breasts, their erect nipples prominent against the soft silk, their aureoles like shadows on the silk, made him more than a little horny, even after the long ride.

He turned around to discover Juliana dressed in the same sort of filmy cloth. Her figure was less full, but no less appealing. Younger than Adelita, and leaner, she possessed an athletic grace as she crossed the room, her long legs pulling the cloth tight against her thighs and derriere as she walked to a table and set down the pistol.

“Maybe we should put out the light,” Adelita suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” Cade agreed.

Adelita lifted the chimney of the lamp, bent over, and paused long enough to give him a good look down the front of her nightgown. He noticed, and she smiled, then pursed her lips to blow him a kiss before extinguishing the flickering flame.

One of the women, he wasn’t sure which, went to the door and locked it. He smelled her perfume as she glided by him in the darkness, and he tried to guess which of them she was.

In a husky voice, the woman said, “We have much to tell you, Senior McDell. But first we have more important things to do.”

On her way back, she stopped at his side, took him by the arm, and tugged him toward the back of the room where, he knew, the beds were. Hands worked at his gunbelt, and he quickly realized there were more than two. The gunbelt came away, then busy fingers started on the butons of his shirt and his fly. Peeling off his shirt, the hands fluttered over his chest and back, their touch delicate as the wings of butterflies.

Lips caressed his cheek, then dropped lower, tickled his chest, found a nipple, and sucked it gently until teeth nipped it once, then again. His jeans were tugged down around his ankles, then a firm push toppled him backward onto the bed. Immediately he felt his boots grasped firmly and jerked free. Then his jeans were removed and tossed aside. He heard them land against the opposite wall with a series of dull thuds.

“Ladies, ladies,” Cade said. “Wait, I have some important things to do…”

But they ignored him, one of the women stopping his protest with a wet kiss. In the darkness he couldn’t see who was who. He only knew that he was hungry for a woman, and since they seemed to be just as hungry as he, his question would have to wait. He opened his mouth, letting the woman slide her tongue in, and returned the favor. Whoever it was sucked greedily on his tongue, and he felt hands stroking him, his chest, his thighs, his arms – they seemed to be everywhere at once.

He was already hard, but when a hand closed over his cock he grew harder still. As the fingers began to stroke him, another hand cupped his balls, squeezing gently. The woman atop him shifted her position, straddling him now, her hands braced on the bed on either side of his head. Poised over him, her legs wide, she lowered herself slowly while the disembodied hands held him rigid, guiding him toward the center of her. The head of his rigid erection was gently positioned, and he felt the tickle of a damp bush, then the fleshy wetness of thick lips as her heat enveloped him with a single downward thrust of her hips.

He groaned, and she leaned back, tossing her hair back until it brushed his thighs. Then she rose up slowly, until he thought he would be set loose again, but at the very height she stopped, then slowly lowered herself again, the slickness making a sucking sound as he was buried in her once more. She ground her hips, turning from side to side, rising slowly, then descending more slowly still. Her head was still thrown back, and he rested his hands on her hips for a long moment, trying to guess – Juliana, Adelita, he didn’t know. And at the moment it didn’t really matter.

His hands slid along her rib cage and as she rose again, her breasts eluded his greedy hands until she reversed her motion, lowering herself down to his hips again, her breasts moving into his waiting hands. They were full, the soft heaviness of them, the hardness of the nipples no clue to her identity. He knew only that she was moving faster now. Her skin was glazed with sweat, and her perfume mingled with the sharp tang of musk as she worked him harder and harder.

She was moaning now, her voice husky, an animal sound coming from deep in her throat that disguised it. He squeezed the full breasts gently, his thumbs working against the stiff resistance of her nipples. Rising and falling, now rapid, now impossibly slow, she teased him again and again to the edge of that explosion which he knew could not be denied but which seemed to be suspended now somewhere just beyond reach.

He traced the curve of her throat with his trembling fingers, felt the hollows beneath her chin, the rigid bows of her collarbones, then grabbed her by the hips and held on as she started to move faster still. He was rising to meet her now, eager for release, but she withheld it, taking control and keeping it. He felt the ripple of her muscles against him as she withdrew, felt their hungry clutch as she returned.

Then a breast, not hers, appeared before him, and he opened his mouth to take it in. Full, full as the others, and still he had no ideas whose as he sucked like a hungry child, tasting the saltiness of sweat, his tongue fluttering against the pebbled aureole. The breast was taken away, and he felt almost angry until its twin took its place, and again he tried to satisfy the nameless hunger in his gut.

It grew darker and he found his head clamped between damp thighs as the other woman straddled him, lowering herself, and his tongue found the damp jungle between her thighs, tasted drop after drop suspended there in the trembling tangle. He probed deeper, his lips brushing darker, thicker lips, his tongue sliding between them, tracing them, tasting their musky flesh, then sliding in still deeper, fluttering, looking for the hard center of her, finding it, and teasing her now, clamping gently with his teeth as she swiveled her hips and moaned in her own husky voice.

He stroked her back, brought his hands down to enfold the firmness of her ass, to feel the steady throb of her muscular thighs as she worked with him, following his tongue wherever it led her. Reaching around her broad back, he found her breasts, cupping them, tried to remember whether the first were larger – Adelita or Juliana, who was who?

He was moaning now as the women cried out, and their mingled scents swirled in a hurricane around him. The bed creaked beneath them, threatening to collapse under the weight of their passion, the violence of their motion, but he did not want to stop, could not even if he wanted. He was taunted by twin sirens, pushing higher and higher, until he thought he could see himself as if from a mountain, miles below, spread out beneath them, the tangle of limbs and trembling flesh one indistinguishable being as he merged with them so totally he thought he would lose himself forever in the fevered flesh they had all become, melting, surrendering their identities in pursuit of only one thing.

And then, the moment he thought would never come came rushing at him like a hawk dropping from the sky. He trembled, once, twice, then, urged on by the clamp of sweaty thighs at waist and mouth, he let go completely, feeling himself quiver and shake, and he thought that this moment too would never end. The woman impaled at his waist trembled and her throaty moan became a shriek, her body shaking as she joined him, and the woman above his greedy tongue gave her hips one last quivering thrust, grinding herself against him and raking her nails across his belly as she dug her hands into him and began to growl like a catamount, her fists beating against him then, the painless violence of her surrender hammering and hammering until she was drained and she collapsed on the bed beside him, her identity still a mystery.

He lay there, surrounded by the musk and the sweating flesh, drenched in their juices and his own, his eyes closed, his strength sapped. He felt them leave him then, one at a time, the bed groaning once more as they got up. There was a whispered conversation deep in the shadows, but he was too exhausted to pay any attention to it. Even the giggling failed to tantalize him. He draped a trembling forearm across his face and tried to sleep.

They were back now, whispering to each other, one crawling onto the bed, the other kneeling beside it. He started to get up, but strong hands pressed him back against the mattress. A moment later, he felt the soothing caress of a damp cloth wiping away the sweat and cooling his fevered skin. Then another, as they washed him from head to foot, playful fingers teasing his wilted member back to attention as the cloth dabbed at his thighs and mopped the sticky residue from his stomach and hips.

His face too came in for their attention, the musk wiped away from his lips and chin, the sweat from his neck and chest. He felt so sleepy, so helpless, and half wondered if this was what it was like to be a baby about to be wrapped in swaddling clothes, or a corpse in its shroud.

At the moment, he didn’t care which. He knew only that he belonged somewhere else, his tired brain and lifeless body longing to drift away. Once more, he closed his eyes and started to float off.

But as he was drifting off once more, he felt the bed sag again, and the women crawled in beside him, one on either side, their breasts pressed against his rib cage, their arms around his neck, their lips against his ears.

“We have to switch places, Senor McDell,” one whispered. And the other added, “Fair is fair, after all.”

Cade groaned, half in surrender and half in hungry anticipation. “Not now, ladies,” he said. “Please, not yet.”

“All right,” one whispered. “But soon, before the sun comes up and it is too hot in here.”

“It’s already too hot in here,” he whispered.

They laughed, and as he drifted off to sleep, he felt their hands exploring him, every muscle of his aching, exhausted body caressed with gentle fingertips.

He tried hard to remember why he had come here in the first place, what had been so important that he had had to ride all night, but his body refused to let him concentrate on so mundane a matter. It told him that Cartwright and Rosales could wait. They would have to. He was too tired to do anything about them at the moment. And the thought of a rematch with the women was far too appealing.


Captive Cowboy – Part 2

Cade McDell awoke to fiery tendrils of sunlight piercing the windows of the adobe. A pleasant aching oozed from head to groin. He turned to glance at the two Mexican maidens clinging to his chest. Their naked bodies warmed him, and the tang of their female musk still hung heavy in the room and on the bed. Slowly, though, as Cade’s blinking eyes adjusted to the brightness, he became aware of another presence. Like a cactus which feels the writhing skin of a snake against its prickly edge, Cade was suddenly alerted to danger.

Across from the bed a figure sat, slouching and with a gun pointed calmly in one hand.

“Ain’t this a mite bit awkward, Cade McDell, that of all the ways to meet your Maker, you’ll end up doing it in a bed with naked sweethearts like these.” Dallas Peck let the silence stretch into a long abyss, maintaining a level stare at the man who had become his sworn enemy.

Seeing that Cade was still in shock, the scar-faced gunslinger continued. “I bet you’re wishing you hadn’t gunned down my brother in that gambling brawl back in Dodge City. I told you that one day I’d find you on the trail, and here we are.”

Cade risked a glance toward the wall, where his gunbelt lay in a heap that might as well have been sitting at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for all the good it would do him. Dallas grinned, tracking the path of his opponent’s eyes.

Dallas shouted suddenly, “Wakey, wakey ladies!” and Adelita and Juliana came to with a start. Cade considered trying to make a fast move for his guns, using the women as human shields in the confusion. But Dallas’s gun was trained on him at such close range it would have been suicidal, and he wasn’t enough of a scoundrel to put two innocent girls in danger.

“Hello ladies. I think it’s my turn to sample your sweet wares, if you please.” Dallas threw Juliana a few lengths of rope. “Tie your boyfriend’s wrists and ankles, spread nice and tight to the bed. Your life depends on it.” With wide-eyed shock and fear Juliana obeyed, binding Cade roughly, apologies on her face.

After Juliana had finished her task, Dallas ordered her to bind Adelita’s wrists in front of her. Then Dallas himself tied a knotted coil of rope so that Juliana’s wrists were bound in front of her also. The menacing cowboy had brown, yellow-tinted eyes that made him look not quite human. Now, as he threw down his gunbelt and stripped out of his cowboy boots and rawhide leggings, both senoritas gasped at the manhood revealed in all its girth and glory.

“Yes, putas. I’ve brought you a special treat. Now which of you wants the first honors?”

Dallas motioned at the larger-breasted Adelita. “Come here, sweetie. Come, you taste.” Reluctantly the Mexican beauty shuffled forward on her hands and knees as Dallas threw off his shirt and lay his hat aside, standing in his own naked and masculine glory. Adelita had to wonder at the size of the gringo’s cock, nearly two inches longer than Cade’s. She took him willingly, her mouth suckling on his massive length of flesh. Her skillful fingers gently massaged his balls, stroking his pubic hair as she licked and pumped her jaw up and down Peck’s length. The gunslinger let out a primal moan, but his dominant hand kept his ivory-handled pistol aimed at Adelita’s chest in case any unwise notions overtook her.

The Mexican beauty felt Dallas’s cock growing in her mouth. She licked and sucked harder. Dallas ordered Juliana to kneel behind her sister and squeeze those precious melon-breasts. Juliana obeyed, her sister’s moans stifled by the cock down her throat. Dallas gathered the gorgeous woman’s hair back from her face, thrusting his cock deep into her throat as the teeth grazed his shaft, sending electrical sparks up through his loins. Her sister’s hands gently massaged those overripe breasts, squeezing those nipples to hardened buds.

“This is good, putas. You are being so well-behaved. Keep this up, and I may let you both live!” The abrupt fear in their eyes quickly surrendered to devotion. Juliana risked taking the initiative, sucking on his ball sac, rubbing the skin gently between her teeth as Peck groaned.

Now he was ready to take things to the next level. He gently pushed against Adelita’s chin, letting his cock slide free. Strings of pre-cum hung loosely from her lower lip.

“Good puta! Kiss your sister now, before I fuck you.”

Adelita turned, her lips joining to beautiful Juliana’s. Dallas watched with satisfaction as the girls sucked each other’s faces, hardening his cock all the more. He told the big-breasted one to bend over, her pink pussy pouting at him beneath a star-shaped hole that vied in his mind’s eye, begging him for penetration. Dallas stroked the Mexican damsel’s thighs, spreading her ass cheeks and admiring her star-shaped hole for another moment. He slipped his index finger and middle finger into her already dripping sex, and she let out a sigh.

“Does puta want a big, gringo cock deep in her pussy?” Dallas teased. He flicked his gaze over to that helpless bastard, Cade, seeing with satisfaction that his enemy’s cock was as tense and eager as a thirsty buffalo at a watering hole. He nodded at Juliana.

“Why don’t you give our friend over there a little relief while he enjoys the show? Give him a hand,” Dallas prodded with a grin. Juliana knelt next to her former lover, her smooth fingers slowly, agonizingly, pumping the captured cowboy’s revitalized shaft.

Meanwhile Dallas pressed his bulbous-shaped cock-head between Adelita’s welcoming lips, sighing happily as she squeezed him like a rope tightening around the neck of a wild horse. He pumped into her gingerly, letting the girl acclimate to his girth. She moaned gratefully, even going so far as to push back a little with her hips.

“Oh puta – you feel so tight and good encasing my dick! Push those hips back to meet my thrusts as I fuck you!” Dallas encouraged. Adelita complied, her hips slamming back into him, hastening each impalement until she was helping pulverize her own pussy.

This rhythm established, Dallas tried to ignore the haze of pleasure long enough to check on his captive’s progress. Juliana’s hands were now vigorously pumping up and down a cock that was glistening from base to tip with pre-cum. Cade’s helpless face shone with frustration, agony, and pent-up need. The bastard deserved every torturous moment.

As Dallas felt his cock bury to the hilt in Adelita’s jungle warmth, he stroked her flanks. His hands slid underneath her ribs, clutching and cupping the Mexican beauty’s supple breasts. Adelita’s moans quickened, her hips slamming against him with insistent need. Dallas could smell her juices now copiously coating his cock each time it vanished inside her.

“So tell me, McDell – how does it feel knowing you’re going to die while in the throes of ecstasy?” Dallas jeered, aiming his pistol deliberately as he told Juliana to straddle the stricken cowboy.

“Please Senor! Do not hurt him!” she begged. Instead Dallas pressed the barrel of the gun into Adelita’s star-shaped hole.

“Maybe you prefer this goes into your sister’s ass?”

That shut her up, and Juliana grasped Cade’s slimy cock, gently positioning it in the midst of her thatch. Slowly she sank down on him, nestling his manhood deep in her heat as he moaned. Her hips began to move and she established a firm, sexy rhythm, almost lifting herself completely off of him before slurping up his cock with the snatch between her legs.

Bound and helpless, Cade McDell could only plead for the girls’ lives as Juliana rode his manhood.

“Peck, don’t take out our quarrel on these girls. Uhhh…please just let them go!”

Dallas harrumphed. “McDell, I’m not making them do anything they don’t secretly want to already. Am I, girls?”

Adelita looked back at Dallas with eyes half-lidded with desire. She felt his huge cock filling her up. Her juices were about to become a gushing torrent, and her staccato moans screamed of pleasure. “No, Senor. Fuck me with that monster between your legs. I am yours,” she purred, thrusting her hips back again and again.

Juliana’s momentary expression of shock was replaced by her own pleasure-induced fog. Her grinding stoked a fire within her. Cade’s cock penetrated for the second time since last night, only now was more exquisite than before with the heightened adrenaline and fear making every sensation and tingle ricochet through her pussy. She pushed her palms against Cade’s chest, riding him like a desperate cowgirl. Her moans and the musk of male and female sweat filled the tiny bedroom even as the now bright sunlight bathed the coupling duo in golden warmth.

Dallas felt his loins rushing toward climax, and he grabbed the disheveled strands of Adelita’s dark hair, commanding her to cum. The order was superfluous, for already her musk was flooding his nostrils. Her pussy clenched feverishly around his dick, milking his balls toward release. Dallas’s long, drawn-out growl erupted with shooting sprays of cum, hot and sticky rivulets which oozed in excess from Adelita’s pink lips. Dallas held her to him for long, precious seconds until he felt their combined spasms at last subside. Her scent and fluid coated every inch of his cock and much of his wrinkled scrotum as he withdrew.

Meanwhile Juliana was impaling her delicate sex onto McDell’s unworthy dick, and Dallas thought about blowing the bastard’s head off then and there. But something stopped him. Maybe a shred of honor clung to the jaded gunslinger’s psyche. He wanted Cade McDell dead, vengeance for his brother satisfied – but not like this. He would kill McDell in a fair showdown, some epic gunfight that would forever linger in the lore and annals of the West.

Juliana’s moaning had reached a fevered crescendo. She felt every exquisite inch of Cade’s cock writhing and poking deeply toward her womb. Dallas strode up to the couple, pinching Juliana’s nipples into painfully hardened and sensitive points. “Cum in this puta. I’ve had a change of heart, McDell. I’m going to let you live…for now.” McDell swore, but he couldn’t stop the eruption blossoming from his loins. Juliana encased him like a velvet glove, slurping up his manhood into her humid depths. He swore more loudly now, his ball sac tightly constricting, all control forgotten. He thrust his pelvis up into her to complete the penetration even as the Mexican lass cooed and came…hard on his cock.

The Mexican sweetie shuddered atop the grizzled gunslinger uncontrollably until his groin was awash in her fluids. Dark raiment shook down Juliana’s naked back, her smooth buttocks feeling like silk to Dallas Peck’s patting hand. “Nicely done sweetie. Let’s give this poor overused cock a rest, shall we?” Grabbing Juliana by the nape of the neck, Dallas urged her off the bed and had her kneel so that she could lick off the mixture of Adelita’s and his own cum still glistening all along his dick.

Juliana took him in without protest. As she slurped and cleaned the scar-faced gunslinger’s dong, new warmth spread through his loins, and before long he was nearly as rigid as before. “Mmm, puta…you want to experience a wild ride on my monster too, just like your sister, yes?” He saw the conflicted emotion in her eyes. He sensed that the Mexican beauty felt something more for Cade McDell than sheer lust, and that she regretted the idea of being passed between the two men. But she nodded.

“You spare Senor McDell’s life, I do anything you want,” she crooned. Dallas instructed her to lie down on her back, lying on top of McDell. Spreading her thighs, Dallas relished the anticipation as he poised his regenerated cock at the entry to her sensitive depths. “Oh please, Senor, gentle!” she gasped as he plunged with sudden swiftness, his significantly larger cock stretching her to the max.

The Mexican girl bit her lip, moaning at the intensity of the penetration. He threw his whole weight into her, pounding her delicate sex like a wild boar in heat. Her moans turned to high-pitched wails, and Dallas couldn’t tell if her babbled Spanish was peppered with pleas for mercy or for deeper thrusts. The squelching sounds of suction and mingling juices soon answered that mystery, and the fearless gunslinger felt his veins rush with molten lava. The sunlight engulfing his body made the sheen of perspiration all over his body and hers gleam like oil. As he plunged into Juliana more brutally with each thrust a wicked idea emerged through the haze of his lust.

He spit copiously on his fingers, inserting them without warning into Juliana’s tighter hole. The girl’s moans became anxious and through her frantic babbles he heard, “No Senor! What are you doing?” But the gunslinger had already made up his mind, and so he lubed up the Mexican sweetie’s anus with slickened fingers. Then, grasping McDell’s slimy cock, he positioned it at her virgin entrance and ordered McDell to push.

“You twisted son of a bitch! I won’t do that!” McDell growled defiantly. But as Dallas placed the gun barrel against Juliana’s temple, the captive cowboy became suddenly cooperative. “Juliana, forgive me!” he groaned plaintively.

“Yes, sweetie, forgive your lover’s cock as he embeds it in your ass,” Dallas grunted, slamming between her legs as his balls slapped against her thighs. Juliana clenched her bound hands, trying to ride out the agony underneath the intermingling pleasure as Dallas reached down, stroking the Mexican beauty’s clit with a perfectly inserted finger. He had to pull his manhood out part-way to get the best angle, and as he did so her groans turned to pleasing coos that made his dick grow hard as diamond. She shuddered on the head of his cock, which was still inside her.

The sensation of fullness speared upward into her anus, creating tingles that ripped through her core. Adelita leaned over her overwhelmed sister, her tongue flicking against the cock that was vanishing into her tight pussy like lightning. Adelita’s breasts rubbed against McDell’s thighs, sending shocks of warmth that surged up into his groin.

“Such a smart puta. Yes, lick this cock while I pound your sister’s pussy. See how deep it goes!” Dallas growled. His hands flattened palm outward against Juliana’s hips, spreading her wider as he stabbed into her dripping cunt.

“Oh Senor!” Juliana squealed, her body thrashing in the midst of orgasm while McDell’s cock was still embedded snugly in her sexy bottom. McDell’s deeper-than-usual grunt signaled his own surrender, hot stickiness spurting into the Mexican damsel’s bowels. With a groan of disbelief, Juliana felt McDell’s flaccid manhood slip free of her, but cum continued to seep onto the sheets, testifying to McDell’s anal lovemaking.

Dallas Peck had reached his own pinnacle, his manhood piercing into Juliana like a singing arrow. Juliana’s panting chest heaved like a stricken deer’s, her breasts cupped by Dallas’s rough hands as he prepared to finish her. “Oh, yes, puta, you ready for me to warm up your insides? Here, sweetie, take my cum!” With a primal hiss Dallas shot forward, his cock-head spasms releasing a flood of scalding seed. The excess oozed from Juliana’s raw-rubbed glory hole, pooling on the sheets where Adelita slurped at it with a hungry tongue at Peck’s command.

“Don’t waste a drop, puta! Lick it all. Yes, all of it.” Dallas watched with satisfaction as Juliana’s hands rested gently on her sister’s head, caressing Adelita’s scalp as the big-breasted beauty’s greedy slurps cleaned out her younger sister’s plundered pussy.


Captive Cowboy – Part 3

Sometime later, full sunlight lanced through bedroom windows smeared with dust. The adobe house was already starting to bake beneath the fiery orb of the sun, the coolness of night forgotten.

Now, completely satisfied, Dallas Peck leaned back in the chair along the bedroom wall and looked down at the two Mexican damsels he’d untied. He was spent, happily so, but he liked the look of the two naked Mexican girls kneeling between his legs. One sucked gently on his testicles while the other sensuously slurped on the tip of his cock. The big-breasted one was the cock-sucker. Adelita’s disheveled coal-black hair framed her beautiful face and lips. She looked up at him as she sucked, his wordless stare telling her to keep going. He closed his eyes for a moment. The gentle sounds of her slurping and sucking soothed him and made him forget the gathering of the day’s heat. But after a while he could not help himself from imagining the unrelenting sun outside and the long journey ahead of him to Fort Laramie. He had valuable animal skins to trade, but first vengeance had to be honored. He would get justice for his brother.

“Senoritas, it’s been lovely, but Mr. McDell and I have business to settle.” His tone acquired an edge. He would settle things with Cade, all right… once and for all.

“Please don’t hurt us, Senor!” Juliana implored. The outlaw’s rock-hard manhood bobbed as he surged upright. He tied the younger damsel’s wrists to a rope which he lassoed over a beam in the ceiling, hoisting it and securing it so that she stood on her tiptoes with her arms above her head.

For now, he left Adelita cowering on the floor. The smell of sweaty bodies and feminine musk filled the bedroom. He fondled Juliana’s breasts one more time, licking the firm nipples as if saying his final farewells to them.

“Ay, mios dio,” the girl groaned. Then, taking up his pistol, he approached the bed where Cade lay tied face-up and helpless. Cade looked at him with a mixture of disgust and pure rage.

“Do it. Get it over with.”

Dallas Peck replied with a feral grin. “You’re right, Cade. I changed my mind. Seeing you die helpless on that bed is sounding better and better. But like a doomed prisoner, I think I’ll let you have one last ‘meal.’ Don’t say I’m not merciful. I’m about to show you more mercy than you showed my brother,” he spat.

Next he grabbed Adelita by the hair and dragged her over to the bed.

“OW! Senor, please, you’re hurting me!”

“Kneel and suck his cock. Do it, puta.” He pointed the gun at her head. The beautiful Mexican maiden took hold of Cade’s flaccid cock. He was still spent from earlier. Pumping her hand up and down along the length of his shaft, the girl bent over and flicked her tongue along his glans. It took some time, but finally the cowboy’s cock twitched and began to stir in her grasp. She kept flicking her tongue along the bulbous crown of his manhood until it had grown semi-firm. Then the skillful girl started sucking on the tip.

Cade’s breathing ticked upward. His bound hands were clenched. He sent a hateful glare at Peck despite his heavy-lidded gaze.

“I’ll haunt you from beyond the grave, you son of a bitch,” he growled.

Dallas gave him a thin smile in return.

“You’ll get your chance soon enough, McDell.” Meanwhile, staring at Adelita’s inviting pink pussy and the rosebud of her perfectly curved ass was proving too much for the outlaw cowboy to resist. Dallas spit on his hand with copious saliva and proceeded to rub it up and down his shaft. Then he leaned over, letting a big glob of spit ooze from his lips to Adelita’s puckered hole.

When Adelita looked over her shoulder at him in alarm, he replied, “It’s your turn to take anal, senorita. Try to relax your ass.”

“Please Senor, not my ass. I have never known a man there!” she squealed.

But Peck just landed another gob of spit on his fingers and began to rub them along the rim of her anus. “You will, soon, puta. Try to relax. Your sister had a good time, didn’t she? Now it’s your turn. You just focus on what matters and suck that cock.” When she still gaped at him uncertainly, he snapped his fingers angrily. “Face forward, girl. I said SUCK.”

Adelita reluctantly turned forward. Her one hand was pumping the base of Cade’s cock while her other hand gently fondled his testicles, and now she was slurping daintily on the tip. Meanwhile, Dallas slowly positioned his cock-head at her tight little opening. He felt just the tip press between her anal walls and the girl shivered.

“Oh please, Senor. Please it’s going to hurt!” she whined. He ignored her protest though. He was patient. He slowly eased another quarter inch into her bottom. Her breathing had reached a rapid staccato rhythm now. She was sucking and slurping on Cade’s cock even as tears gathered in her eyes. Now Dallas eased another quarter inch. The strange sensation curdled Adelita’s blood, but she managed to stay focused on her task. Her hand was now pumping furiously up and down Cade’s shaft, his pre-cum coating her shiny fingers.

Cade was groaning now.

“Please Adelita, don’t do this.” Her sad eyes replied back to him though. ‘You know I have to do this, Senor’ was what her eyes were telling him now.

Meanwhile, the moment of truth came. Dallas finally felt himself sink a full inch, then a second full inch, into Adelita’s ass. The Mexican beauty groaned.

“Oh god! Ay, dios mio! No!”

“It’s not even close to all the way in, puta. Relax,” he ordered her. After several more long minutes, he finally had eased his entire cock into her once-virgin asshole. Dallas relished the snug feeling of that buttocks gripping his cock. He’d never felt a squeeze so tight. At the same time, he savored the sight of Adelita’s dedication working on Cade’s manhood. Her lips formed an impressive seal around the cowboy’s cock-head. She sucked obediently, her cheeks hollowed out. Her sticky hand fisted around the base of his cock, urging him toward the finish line.

‘I can’t believe I have a cock fully in my ass,’ Adelita thought bitterly. ‘How did Juliana withstand it?’ The fullness and pain seemed unbearable. As Dallas began a rhythm thrusting into her ass, tears flowed freely down the girl’s face. And yet the pain did dull after a time. Eventually it seemed to even recede, replaced by other sensations as the friction along her nerve endings with that cock slamming into her body finally bore fruit.

Peck let out a euphoric groan as he pounded her ass. “Mmmm. Puta, you have a glorious ass. It was meant to take cock. I think I’ll keep you and your sister as mine. Would you like that, puta?”

Knowing what he would probably want to hear, Adelita lifted her lips from Cade’s cock. Even while she still pumped Cade’s elongated shaft with one hand, she replied obediently, “Yes, Senor. I would love to belong to you.” She exchanged a terrified look with Juliana hanging in the background. What would become of them if this man had his way?

“Get back to work,” the outlaw growled, his hand giving her smooth ass cheek a rough smack. She flinched, then smothered Cade’s cock once more. She could taste his pre-cum leaking from the tip. He was getting close. Some of the pre-cum had slid all the way down to his balls, which were now shiny just like Adelita’s fingers. The massive shaft in her anus kept plunging forward, jarring the Mexican damsel as she tried to complete her task. The smell of cum and sex filled the bedroom as the forced threesome galloped toward a climax.

Peck stared at Adelita’s smooth ass cheeks split by his invading shaft. The tight squeeze of her butthole made it almost impossible to think. Who knew that heaven could be found deep in a Mexican slut’s asshole? he thought with a thrill of savage glee.

“AHH!!! Ok, puta, make him come.”

It was time to end this.

Adelita’s sucking reached a loud crescendo. Her big, supple breasts brushed against Cade’s thighs as she bottomed out on his shaft, her nose close enough to sniff his pubic hair as she gurgled and slurped. She smelled the strong male odor of her fellow captive. ‘I am sorry, Senor, please forgive me,’ she thought. Cade McDell was a good man. He did not deserve this. But good men did not always get what they deserved and Adelita had to cooperate with the fierce outlaw in her ass. It was not just her own life at stake; it was her sister’s too. Blood was thicker than water. To save her baby sister, there was much that Adelita would do.

Dallas’ shaft was slamming hard into Adelita’s ass. A thin trickle of red-tinged pre-cum now coated his cock. Had he torn her? He was too lost in the throes of his own pleasure to care at the moment.

“Make him come, puta. You heard me!” he bellowed. He pressed his pistol to the back of Adelita’s head.

“You bastard, you’ll pay for this,” Cade hissed through gritted teeth.

“Not in this life,” Dallas jeered back. “Enjoy your last ‘meal’, McDell.”

Now Adelita had both of her hands gripping the base of Cade’s penis. She was furiously pumping his cock with both hands and flicking her tongue along his glans. She could see his shiny pre-cum-coated testicles, imagined the churning seed within them. Cade’s ankles thrashed. His wrists fought the ropes.

“No! Stop!” he groaned.

‘I am sorry, Senor, I cannot stop,’ Adelita thought sadly.

His slick cock was putty in her slickened fingers as they were pumping madly up and down, up and down, the squelchy sound of wetness and suction joining the furious action of her hands. Her hands did one final downward pump and her tongue licked at a glistening jewel of pre-cum at Cade’s tip – and then he exploded. With a plaintive cry the tied-up cowboy’s cock jerked and spasmed in Adelita’s grasp. It sent a geyser of cum against Adelita’s forehead and face. Cum lashed her eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks – everywhere, it seemed, until even her raven-black hair now sported a glistening tiara of seed.

A thunderclap roared in the bedroom, the sound of gunfire. Peck’s pistol jerked. Cade McDell lay very still.

Adelita gaped.

Dallas pulled his cock out of the Mexican damsel’s ass and told her to turn around. The big-breasted maiden turned, her eyes still wide and haunted. But Dallas gave her no time to recover from what had just happened. Instead, he just pointed at his cock - the cock which had just been embedded in her ass and was now smeared with traces of fluid. It was huge and ready for her with two sperm-churning testicles hanging underneath.

“What are you waiting for, puta? You and your sister are mine now. You may as well start embracing your new life.” He waved the pistol in front of her face, then pointed at his raging erection again. “This gun in my hand isn’t the only one loaded, if get you get my meaning. Now get your mouth on it, puta. You have more work to do before I take you and your sister with me to Fort Laramie.”

Her ass still ached, but with fear and resignation Adelita looked up at her captor with pleading eyes and engulfed his shaft with her mouth.

The End
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