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You are going to really like this little story of awesome sex!!
I got a story about my best friend Steve Moe and me Ken Lee. I was over Steve’s house a few months before he turned 16. His dad Charley Moe just bought him an old van that needed a lot of work. Steve and his dad were out in the grange working on the van. I stop by to help work on it. Steve hoping to get the car road ready before his 16th birthday.

Steve has been my best friend as far back as I can remember. If you see one of us, the other isn’t too far away. He lives just a few blocks from my house. Steve is a lot taller than me. He is around six feet four inches and I’m six feet. We both have an athletic build, but we’re no way any kind of jocks. We work on the van every night. Even my dad helps getting the van road ready. On weekdays we couldn’t work too late because we still had school.

On this day Saturday the four of us were working when two of Mr. Moe’s friends showed up. The four adult men started talking trash between them leaving just Steve and I doing what we could on the van. We mainly just listen to the four men talk.

One of Mr. Moe’s friends, I think his name is Rick: “You got your son a van. Looks like just two seats up front and nowhere to sit in the back. Going to be hard for the young man to pick up girls.”

Steve: “I’m going to add some seats. In the back I’m putting in a futon. Just got to figure out how to secure it. With a few other seats. I want to be able to fit 8 to 10 people in the van.”

Mr. Moe’s other friend, I believe his name is Joe: “I hope you make it work. With your dad I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to secure that futon.” He chuckled.

Mr. Moe: “First we need to make sure we get it street ready. So, we can get license plates for it.”

Mr. Moe friend, Rick: “Good luck. If you get it done the way you want it. You can then start picking up women. Maybe get yourself a few MILF.”

Mr. Moe: “He’s only 15. He’ll be 16 in a few months. Let’s not get ahead of our self.”

Rick: “I’m just saying he’s big kid with a van. You know if some female wants a ride charge her a price.”

Steve: “You mean, like pay me money.”

Rick: “Yes, or maybe have them show you their tits or give you a blowjob.”

Mr. Moe: “Okay Rick let’s not put dumb ideas into my sons head.”

Rick: “The kid knows what I’m talking about. He can get them to take their clothes off. Just have some fun kid.”

Joe: “They’ll either slap you, tell you to go to hell, or putout.”

Mr. Moe: “Okay that’s enough bullshit. Son you’ll just get into trouble and pick up a bad reputation. Don’t listen to these guys.”

My dad: “I remember we use to give the guy with the car a buck or two for gas. I don’t see that as a problem.”

Mr. Moe: “Yeah, that would be alright. Let’s get back on this van.”

Joe: “Talking about women, just remember you always need to be firm. Don’t ever back down after telling them what you want, or what to do.”

Rick: “Don’t ever let them be disrespectful to you. You might have to get forceful.”

Mr. Moe: “You two really need to stop give these two young men bad advice.”

Joe: “What the fuck Charley you know what we’re say is true. Hell, once they think they are in control they’ll nag the shit out of you. Expecting you to change and do whatever they want. I’m always a ruthless dog to them and they love being used by me.”

Mr. Moe: “Might explain why you’re still single.”

Joe: “Nope that’s not it.”

Rick: “For me the worst I treat a woman the more she wants me. I don’t get it but it’s true.”

Dad: “Yes, always be firm, but treat women fairly. With respect and they will return it.”

Joe: “You got it wrong. Rick is right.” The guys talk more trash while Steve and I listen in. Mr. Moe’s friends finally left as the four of us continue to work.

As we work Steve: “I think those guys were just talking trash. Trying to set me up for failure.”

Me: “I don’t know. Mom does walk all over dad. These two guys might know what they’re talking about. Guess we would have to give it a try some time, but most likely not a good idea. If they are right and it works, today might be the best lesson, we ever learned.” We both had a good laugh.

About a month before Steve turn 16, we got the van running. Now we just needed to get the inside set up. Steve and his dad did get a futon into the back of the van. It had room to fold down. Mr. Moe and my dad did get it secured to the floor and even had seat belts installed that worked, but only two could sit in it. There was enough room in the back to get five seats added. Three-line one side of the van. Another two up against the two front seats facing backwards. With one more on the same side as the sliding door. It was a very tight fit. Mr. Moe and my dad just shook their heads after we were done. Mr. Moe had the van inspected and got it license plates.

A few days before Steve’s birthday we were sitting in the van talking, Steve: “You know your dad is right I’ll need help paying for gas.”

Me: “I don’t mine helping out. How much.”

Steve: “Since you’re going to be with me all the time, you pay half.”

Me; “I’ll have to talk to my dad. I don’t have that kind of money. Hey, you can give Don, Bob, and Nick rides to school. You can charge them for riding.”

Steve: “Yeah, I’ll charge them 10 dollars a week. You add 10 dollars also. I might make money, depends on how much I ride around.”

Me: “I’m in. I still will have to ask my dad for the money.”

That evening I told my dad about the money. He told me no problem, but I’ll have to do some extra chores around the house. Now mom wants to check out the van before she will even let me ride in it. She didn’t care if dad said it was okay.

After Steve’s birthday he went with his dad to get his driver’s license. The first thing he did was come over to my house so mom could check out the van. I stood there as mom got the grand tour of the van.

Guess I should tell you about my mom. She is a teacher at the same High School I attend. I’ll most likely never have her as a teacher because she teaches accounting. The only bad thing about my mom being a teacher is that she teaches at the same high school that I attend. I knew most of the teachers not just as my teachers at school, but also as friends of my parents. Only my friends and a small handful of other kids knew my mom and I are related. She has an outgoing personally, she seems to run things around the house. I think it’s mainly because dad travels a lot for work.

Dad and she had me right out of High School, mom was 18 at the time. She went to college part time until she got her teaching degree. Mom just turned 34 which makes me 15 years old. My mom is 5’5’’, about 130 pounds, with long black hair with hazel eyes. She works out every day at the school gym which gives her toned legs and a slim waist. I might sound crazy, but I really can’t resist imagining the things I could do to her as I check out her fine bubble ass which I must admit I enjoy watching it sways as she walks, don’t forget those long tone legs. My friends tell me she is a MILF. With her great outgoing personality seems to make her a great teacher.

Mom: “Guess it is in good working condition. I want to see the inside.”

Steve opens the front door and the side door so mom could check it out. Mom looked in the front door pulling on the seat belt making sure it was working. When she looks in the side door: “Well, I see you got this set up to haul a few people around.”

Steve: “Oh, yes, It will be a little tight if I ever filled it up. I don’t think that will ever happen. It most likely be just Ken and me. I am hoping Don, Bob, and Nick will also be riding to school with us.”

Mom: “I’ve heard you’re going to be charging them 10 ten dollars a week.”

Steve: “Yes ma am.”

Mom: “So if I want a ride what would you charge me?”

Steve didn’t think as he said: “Mrs. Lee, I would charge you, well, let me put it this way. You’ll have to undress and give me and whoever else is in the van a blowjob.”

Mom Look back at me, I pretended I couldn’t hear them: “I don’t know if I should slap the shit right out of you for saying that. Or call your dad and tell him what you said.” Steve just stood there smiling. She just walks off.

Steve yells out: “Are you going to let Ken ride in the van?”

Mom: “Yes!” As she passes me, she gives me a dirty look as she mumbles: “Teenage male testosterone.” I don’t think she thought I could hear her.

After mom was out of sight: “Man are you crazy or what?”

Steve: “I know she didn’t slap me. Your dad is not running out here to kick my ass. Guess I’ll have to wait to see if she calls my dad.”

Me: “I still can’t believe you said that to her.”

Steve: “I remember what my dad friends were talking about. I just had to do it.” We both laugh.

At dinner that night Dad: “Well did the van pass your inspection hun?”

Mom; “Yes it did. I think with that futon it could get the boys in trouble.”

Dad chuckled: “Guess you forgot about being a teenager.”

Mom: “No I haven’t. Guess that is why I’m worried.”

Dad: “We all have to do dumb stuff. Better to do it while you’re young.”

Mom never did tell my dad or call Steve’s dad about what Steve said to her. Every time he stops by the house now, she is very friendly towards him. More than she used to be. Maybe what Mr. Moe friends said is true.

It was Saturday, Steve picked me up: “Hey, what do you think if I put some cameras inside of the van.”

Me: “Cool, let’s do it. You can keep an eye on the guys in the back in case they mess up your van.”

We found what Steve wanted, we got a dash cam and a rearview camera. He also got 9 small cameras. He also got two cameras that would be install on the outside of the van filming each side of it. It took us most of the day to install them. When we finished, he had a camera pointing at each seat in the back of the van. Then he installs two pointing at the futon. Steve made sure he was happy with the way the cameras were located and working.

After we were done Steve: “I heard of a party, let’s go.”

Me: “I’m in.” We took off. We pass the High School and was headed out of town. We drove about five miles down this country road. Nothing but farm fields on both sides of the road.

Steve: “I was told to look for white engineer tape hanging off a tree.”

We drove a little farther, Me: “I think I see it.” Yes it was white engineer tape. There was a small pathway thru some bushes. You couldn’t see anything from the road. We turn onto the pathway after we got thru all the bushes, we enter a large field. A few yards in there were a bunch of cars parked. We head for them as we found the party.

We walked up to some kids we knew from school. Most of them were upper classmates. We found out that once a month they always had a party at this location. The cops knew about it but left them alone. The farmer who own the land didn’t care if they were there as long as we didn’t cause any trouble. It was late when we finally left.

It was almost fall break, the High School was having it annual fund raiser. It is always a lot of fun. With a lot of games and made-up rides. Almost like a small fair. Since the school was involved, mom has to be there. Dad normally helps out but this year he has to be out of town on business. Steve and I were also going not to help out. but we were there to have fun. Don, Bob, Nick, plus for some reason Steve asked Tim to join us. All of us are 15 except Steve who is 16. I’m not a fan of Tim. I think of him as a jerk. he’s kind of a bully too. Always trying to show off his dominance. He thinks he is macho but really he’s just cocky and obnoxious.

The fund raiser was a one-day event which will be this Saturday. Mom was going to ride along with Mrs. Kim Smith and Mrs. Libby Hawk. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hawk picked mom up early Saturday morning. I was still in bed when they left. Steve stopped by around noon picking me up.

Me: “Why did you ask asshole Tim to come along?”

Steve: “I need him to do something for me. If he gets caught no big deal. He seems to always be in trouble anyways.”

Me: “What is he doing for you.”

Steve: “I’m not sure if it will work. Less you know the better for now. Did your mom drive today?”

Me: “No she rode with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hawk. Mrs. Smith drove. Why?”

Steve: “Just curious is all. Mrs. Smith drives the blue ford?”

Me: “Yep, she drives the blue ford.” We picked up the rest of the guys. After we got to the school, I notice Steve talking with Tim. Tim was all smiles. I’m not sure what Steve wanted Tim to do but I guess Tim was all in.

As we walk around the fund raiser at the school Tim was nowhere to be seen. About an hour after we were there Tim joins us.

Tim: “All done.”

Steve: “Thanks I owe you.”

Tim: “As long as I can join in the fun don’t worry about it.” I was wondering what they were talking about. I forgot about it after a few minutes as we were having fun.

A few minutes later mom walked up to us: “Hey, I was hoping you guys can stay until it’s over. I need some help to clean up a few things. It won’t take long most of the cleaning up will be done tomorrow.”

Steve: “Sure thing Mrs. Lee. We don’t have anything planned. We will be happy to help you out.” I didn’t say anything, mom smiles and walked away going back to whatever she was doing.

When the fund raiser was over all mom had us do was move some chairs and few tables back into the school. It took us about 20 minutes to finish everything up. By the time we were done everyone was gone. Mom thanked us.

We all went out to the van and piled in. We sat there for a few minutes trying to figure out what we were going to do next. By the time we got going we notice mom and the other two teachers standing by Mrs. Smith’s car.

Steve: “Let’s see what’s going on.” We all agreed. Tim chuckled.

As we pulled up, I notice all three of the women were just wearing jeans with a light conformable blouse. guess I should say a little about the two teachers who mom is with, Mrs. Smith is about the same age as mom. She is married also with two young kids. Her personality is a lot like moms. I should have her as a teacher next year. She is about the same height as mom and also in great shape. She has long blonde hair. Some days she wears it in a ponytail. She a MILF also.

Now for Mrs. Hawk she is younger than my mom and Mrs. Smith. She is also married with one very young kid. All of my friends think she is a hot teacher. She has long, wavy red hair that falls down her back just past her shoulders. She is shorter than the other two. With a very impressive figure. She’s a beautiful woman, not fat or even plump, just built like a brick house.

As we pulled by Mrs. Smith’s car, I rolled down my window: “Anything wrong?”

Mrs. Smith: “Looks like I have four flat tires.”

Me: “Wow!” Steve turned off the van and we all climbed out of the van.

Steve: “We would change the tire for you. But I don’t think you have four spares. I say your screwed, looks like you’re not going anywhere without a tow for sure.”

Mrs. Smith: “Aren’t you the smart one.”

Mom: “Steve can you be a good boy and give us a ride.”

Steve: “Mrs. Lee I’ve already told you the price for a ride in my van.”

Mom: “Steve this is kind of an emergency. You’re not going to leave us here.”

Steve: “It’s only about six miles to your house Mrs. Lee. Have a nice walk.”

Mrs. Smith: “Anne what is he talking about a cost for a ride?”

Mom: “Tell her Steve.”

Steve smile: “If you want to ride in my van, you three ladies will have to take all of your clothes off and give us guys a blowjob.” Mrs. Smith just stood there with her mouth slightly open.

Mrs. Hawk: “That’s not going to happen young man. We are teachers at this school and you all are students for one thing. For another, all three of us are married.”

Steve: “Like I said have a good walk.”

Mrs. Smith: “Even if we decide to take your rude offer there are cameras all around the school. I for one do not want to go to jail because you’re being an asshole.”

Steve: “Okay guys back into the van. Have a nice walk ladies.” We all pile back into the van. The three teachers stood there just looking at us.

As I got back into my seat: “Mom if you want, I’ll walk with you.” Mom just gave me a look like I was crazy. Steve started the van.

As he slowly pulled away, I head Mrs. Smith yelling: “Stop!!!” I raised my hand and Steve stops the van.

I notice all three of the women standing there talking. They got a smiles on their faces. Mrs. Smith walked to the driver’s side of the van. Steve rolled down his window: “Yes.”

Mrs. Smith: “Like I said we cannot do this here.”

Steve: “I know a place. Get in.”

As the women walked over to the side of the van with the sliding door, I looked at Steve: “They are bluffing.”

Steve: “I know. We going to go to the party place. Hopefully no one is there.” I just laugh.

The side door opens the women look inside. Mrs. Smith: “Not much room.”

Tim: “There’s enough seats for everyone.”

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hawk sat on the futon. Mom took the empty seat by the door. Tim stood up closing the door.

Steve took a left out of the parking lot which took us out of town towards the farmers field. Mrs. Smith: “This isn’t the way home.”

Steve: “I told you I knew a place where you three can pay up for the ride.”

Mom: “Steve I think your little joke has gone far enough.”

Steve didn’t answer her and kept on driving. It was the quietest ride I think I ever had. It took us about 15 minutes to get to the clearing.

As we turned off the road Mrs. Smith: “Where are we?”

Steve: “A nice little place. Looks like no one else is here.”

Mom: “There is no cell service out here”

Tim checking his phone: “You’re right.”

After pulling about halfway into the field Steve: “Everyone out”

I got out of the van opening the side door so everyone else could get out. I was surprised that the women also got out of the van. I thought they might try to stay inside as a protest.

We were all kind of just standing there not knowing what to say or do. Steve looking at the three MILF teachers: “It’s time to stop wasting our time. It’s time to pay up or start walking.”

Mom: “Steve, there is no way we are going to take off our clothes or even give you guys blowjobs.”

Steve: “Have a good walk then.” He started to walk back to his side of the van. The guys started getting back into the van.

Mrs. Smith: “Wait, maybe we can work something out?” Steve stops and turned around. The guy’s got out of the van again.

Mrs. Hawk whispering even though I could still hear her: “Look, there is no way we’re walking. We are now farther away than we were at the school.”

I walk over to Steve: “Remember be firm and don’t back down. Plus, we can’t let them be disrespectful to us now. We have already gone too far. You’re either all the way in or not. Call their bluff, they don’t want to walk.” Steve nodded his head.

Mrs. Smith: “There’s no way we can do what you want. First, we are married. Second, we are teachers, and you all are students and third that is Anne’s son, it wouldn’t be right.”

Mom looked at me. I whisper in her ear: “This is all Steve; I have nothing to do with this. I’ll walk home with you.” I lied; Mom just smiled at me.

Tim with a smirk: “I don’t think you three understand it’s cash, grass or ass, nobody rides for free. We don’t want your cash. I know you three don’t have grass on you. You either do what Steve wants or start walking.” Guess Tim was getting tired of not being in charge of what was going on.

Steve with a mean voice: “Tim I got this. Ok, ladies, I hope you’re not wasting any more of our time.”

Mom: “Look, Steve, we don’t know where we’re at. It’s too far to walk. Please give us a ride home.” Wow, I never heard my mom beg before but here she was begging my best friend to give her a ride.

Steve with a commanding voice: “Look bitch you’re wasting my time.” He stared at her, he abruptly continues: “Get those damn clothes off now, or we’re out of here.” My eyes open wide. I never heard Steve talk like this. Let alone he just called my mom a bitch.

Mom: “Excuse me, young man! I told you we were not going to do that. We just want a ride and never call me a bitch!” Mom was way passed angry now.

Steve: “I’m getting pissed. You’re wasting my time. You want a ride you three will take off all of your clothes. I don’t care if your son is here! If not, have a fucking good time walking out of here! I’ll call you whatever I want!”

Tim chuckling: “You heard him. Get those clothes off bitches!!”

Mrs. Smith: “You’re breaking the law!”

Steve: “What law are we breaking? That’s right, there is no goddamn law. I’m tired of your shit.” He turned and started walking back to the van with the guys following.

Mrs. Hawk: “No wait, please, let us talk some more”.

Steve turned looking real mean at Mrs. Hawk: “Ok, don’t take too long. We’re not going to wait here all day!”

Mrs. Hawk grabbed my mom and Mrs. Smith pulling them off to where we couldn’t hear them talk. Everyone was watching them at this point. Mrs. Smith was looking very upset waving her hands around like a crazy woman.

I knew the women didn’t want to walk, but I wondered if they were going to be willing to submit to Steve’s terms for a ride. My mom was talking now, the three MILF teachers were definitely arguing with each other. All three would look over at us every once in a while, as they argued then back at each other as they talked. Mom looked upset but defeated just shaking her head up and down.

Steve shouted: “Goddamn it, you three bitches make up your minds already! We aren’t going to wait all day!”

Mrs. Hawk looked at him: “Ok, we’ll do it.” Mom and Mrs. Smith gave her a nasty look. I don’t think they agreed with her.

Steve looks at me smirking as he talks to the three teachers: “Well, move your asses over to the van.”

I knew the three teachers were only doing this because they didn’t really have a choice. They did but they didn’t want to walk.

Mom: “You’re a fucking asshole.”

Tim yells out: “Don’t let that bitch disrespect you like that!!”

Me looking at Steve I whisper: “I know she’s my mom but he’s right.”

I didn’t know what Steve was going to do as he walks up to my mom reaching out grabbing her by the throat, he squeezes his hand around it. He wasn’t choking her, but he had a very firm grip around it: “What we have here is a failure to show respect! This bitch who needs a ride, believes she can call me names in front of my friends. You all heard her call me an asshole. Guess You three bitches are walking.”

Mrs. Hawk: “No, no, please let her apologize.”

Steve gave a hateful look into mom’s eyes which made mom try to look away: “Well, bitch, I’m waiting.”

Mom look at the other two teachers as best as she could with the grip Steve had on her throat: “I’m sorry. I know I was wrong.”

Tim: “I think they need to do whatever we want now. Plus, they need to call us sir whenever they talk to us from now on.”

Steve still with a firm grip around mom’s throat: “Tim you might have something there. You three need to respect us. From this point on you’ll call us sir. Mrs. Lee that includes your son Ken.” Steve tightens his grip on mom as he spoke.

Mom: “Sir I do so apologize for talking to you like that. I’m so sorry sir. Sir, I promise I’ll never do anything so stupid again.” Steve let go of his grip on mom and she fell to the ground.

Steve: “Of course you’re sorry. You just made the price of the ride higher.”

Watching what was going on I couldn’t help but feel my male hormones surge through my veins giving me a natural high. I don’t think I’m going to be able to control myself. mom stood back up. The three women were now standing in the middle of us guys as we surrounded them now.

In one hand I was thinking this predicament is hilarious but in the other hand it wasn’t, mainly because it was my mom who was being forced. Yes, all three of the teachers were being coerced. Even though they agreed to do what Steve wanted, but if they needed a ride, plus they had no idea where they were. It came down to that they had no other choice but do as Steve tells them.

Steve in a loud voice: “Time to get started. You will each walk over to the van one at a time. Then I want you three to tell us your full name and that you’re doing this on your own free will. You first Mrs. Lee.”

Thinking this was odd I remember Steve had cameras all around the van. I just notice Bob was also recording the action with a video camera. I know the three women didn’t know about the cameras on the van. I don’t think they noticed Bob was filming them. Steve: “If you still don’t want to do this then don’t. We don’t mind leaving you here but if you want a ride then Mrs. Lee you’re first! Stop wasting time.”

Mom walks over to the van: “Sir, my name is Anne Lee; I’m doing this on my own free will.”

Mrs. Smith: “Sir, my name is Kim Smith; I’m doing this on my own free will.”

Mrs. Hawk: “Sir, my name is Libby Hawk; I’m doing this on my own free will.”

Steve: “Now you will each disrobe one at a time. You’re first Anne.”

Mom didn’t say a word as she starts to unbutton her blouse. After she had her blouse unbutton, she removed it letting it fall to the ground. Don picks it up throwing it into the van. She didn’t have a sexy bra on. It was still sexy seeing her there in her jeans and white bra. Mom was looking around hoping Steve wouldn’t make her go any further.

Tim yells out, “Lose the bra you bitch!!” She looks at Steve and he nodded for her to continue. She slowly reached behind her unclasping her bra. That is when I got this feeling of uneasiness. I start to think this was all wrong. I was no longer cool with it, but I didn’t see any way to stop it.

Nick noticed my uneasiness as he whispered into my ear: “Relax Ken they’re just your mom’s tits, relax.” I took a deep breath even though I still wasn’t cool with the idea.

I watch her reached up to her left shoulder pulling down her bra strap and letting it slide down her arm. Now holding on to the front of her bra she reached up and pulled down the other strap. Removing her hand where she was holding the bra, letting it fall to the ground. The guys were cheering as they looked at her exposed boobs.

Wow I couldn’t believe it here is my mom in her jeans with her boobs just hanging there fully exposed in front of my friends and me. One thing for sure a topless woman in jeans is sexy as hell even if it is my mom.

Bending down Don picked up her bra, looking at it he yells out bra size 34 C. As he tossed it into the van all the guys were making some kind of rude comment about her tits or bra size.

Steve: “Ok, turn around so everyone gets a good look at them sexy titties.”

Mom started turning around as she faced Tim: “You have a great set there teach!”

Everyone laughed making sure they also had some kind of commented about her tits. As she turns her boobs would bounce and damn my cock was getting hard from watching my own mom’s tits bounce.

She was now finally facing me; she had a look of surprise on her face. I don’t think she thought I would be watching. She just smiled at me as I checked her boobs out. It was my first time ever seeing my mom’s tits. Her boobs sagged a little, but they looked great. Her nipples were hard and pointing straight out. Her areolas were a nice light color.

Before she turned to the next guy I know she noticed I had a hard cock. As she turned towards Bob that is when she saw the camera pointing at her. In a nervous voice she whispered: “What, you’re filming us sir?” She then quickly turned back facing Steve.

He was smiling while looking at her: “Don’t worry about it. We’re documenting this in case you want to call the police. Remember we’re not making you do this. It’s your payment for a ride.”

Mom was giving him a very evil eye. Mrs. Smith was about to say something but didn’t. She knew it was better not to argue with him now. He was right they were doing this for a ride.

Since none of the other teachers said anything else, Steve, smiling: “Now let’s finish taking off the rest.”

I couldn’t believe it mom started smiling. I watched fascinated while she undid her belt. As she slowly unzipped her jeans, she was looking around at all of us. I realized that I always wanted to see her naked and today it was happening.

Again, as she moved, her tits were bouncing and I just couldn’t take my eyes off them. Damn I wanted to drop my own jeans to play with my hard cock.

She pulled her pants down as I stared at her plain white panties. My eyes went to her crotch where the soft cloth covered her pussy. She kicked off her shoes to get out of her jeans. I couldn’t help myself I was getting even more excited. She slowly pulled her panties down. Everyone was silent for the moment.

From where I stood, I couldn’t really see her pussy. I felt strange that I wanted to. I tried to move to get a good look but couldn’t without being noticeable. So, I stayed where I was.

“Look at that ass, I told you all that her ass was fine!” Bob yelled out as he continued filming. Everyone laughed at his remark.

Steve: “You know what to do now.” With that mom slowly tuned around again. As she faced me, I got a great look at her pussy for the first time in my life. It was trim, the only hair she had around her pussy was a landing strip. You couldn’t help but see her large lips between her legs as she turned.

After she was done turning Steve looked over at Mrs. Smith: “Ok, it’s now your turn. Anne, you stand over here next to me. Put your arms behind your back. I don’t want you to cover your sexy body up.” Mom moves over standing next to Steve putting her arms behind her back. Mrs. Smith took center stage.

Mom’s slow strip was sort of reluctant. She looks like she is embarrassed for doing it. Now for Mrs. Smith, she looks like she’s into it and was going to put on a show. She pulled her top off whirling it around over her head, grinning at us guys. I was really getting hard watching her. She was really enjoying showing off. She grabbed the clasp on the front of her bra hesitating a little, suddenly dropping it as she shook her tits. She was a much bigger tease then my mom. She was driving us guys crazy.

When Don picked up her bra announcing: “36 D.”

Tim yells out, “Now there are some dam nice titties!!” We all shouted out “Yes!”.

Without being told Mrs. Smith slowly turn making sure all of us guys got to see her tits close up. I couldn’t take my eyes off this sexy woman as she bared her boobs in front of us. When she was finally facing me, I noticed she had a big smile on her face, she even winked at me.

I think she was enjoying herself. I look at her tits and they were much firmer than moms. Her dark areolas made her nipples look very long and they were still turned upward. She must have been very aroused as her nipples are hard as a rock.

After she finished her turn, she slowly pulled down her jeans as she wiggled her ass. She didn’t have a belt, so they came down easy with just a little tug to get them past her hips.

She had on white panties also as she took them off slowly. Making sure she removed one leg at a time from them. Her ass was much rounder than mom’s. Again, without being told she started to turn around. As her pussy came into view she was totally shaved.

To myself all I could say was, “Wow.” She looked even better to me without her clothes on. There were even more cheers from the guys as they watched her turn around completely naked. She even dances for a bit making sure we all got to see her ass and shave pussy. Her boobs bounce as she moves. We all simply watch taking in her beauty. Don made sure he picks up all of her clothes tossing them into the van with moms.

Steve smiling from ear to ear looks over at Mrs. Hawk: “Ok, it’s finally your turn. Kim, you stand over here next to Anne. Put your arms behind your back just like Anne.” Kim moves over standing next to mom putting her arms behind her back. Mrs. Hawk now took center stage.

Mrs. Hawk look as if she was ready to run. She looks at all of us, she smiles as she slowly pulls her top off dropping it to the ground. Don picks it up throwing it into the van. She didn’t have a sexy bra on. It was still sexy seeing her there in her jeans and white bra. Mrs. Hawk look very embarrassed.

I watch her just like mom she reaches up to her left shoulder pulling down her bra strap and letting it slide down her arm. Now holding on to the front of her bra she reached up and pulled down the other strap. Removing her hand where she was holding the bra, letting it fall to the ground. The guys again were cheering as they look at her exposed boobs.

When Don picked up her bra announcing: “34 D.” We all cheer.

Mrs. Hawk now smiling slowly turns letting us see her tits. I couldn’t believe I was looking at my third set of tits in one day. As she finally faces me, I noticed she looks like she was forcing her smile.

She was not enjoying herself. I look at her tits and they were much firmer than the other two teachers. Her reddish areolas were a sight to see. Her nipples look like erasers on the end of a pencil. Even though she was embarrassed her nipples are hard as a rock. After she finished her turn, she slowly pulled down her jeans she had to wiggle her ass to get them past her hips.

She had on white panties also as she took them off slowly. Making sure she removed one leg at a time from them. Her ass was much smaller than the other two women. Without being told she turns around. As her pussy came into view the hair around pussy look like it’s been a few days since she had shaved it. Don made sure to pick up all of her clothes throwing them into the van with all the others.

Steve: “Libby move over and stand next to your friends. This way we all can admire your beautifulness.” I was now looking at my mom and her two-coworkers standing nude in front of all of us.

All of a sudden, I was feeling sorry for them, at the same time I was also very excited about seeing these three MILFs being forced to strip and stand nude for a ride. My cock was so very hard right then from watching them.

With the three women now standing side by side outside of the van nude Steve: “Ok, you three, let’s see you wiggle your asses now.”

“What?” they replied altogether.

Smirking Steve: “I said start wiggling them fine asses.”

Libby: “This was not part of the agreement. Sir.”

Steve: “Okay, start walking. I’m sure someone will pick you three up in your birthday suits.”

The three MILF gave Steve a nasty look as they slowly started wiggling their butts. I was in heaven watching them shake their booty. This also made their boobs bounce around even more. All eyes were on them now.

I turned my head to see if Bob is still filming what’s going on. Then all of a sudden, I heard my mom shriek.

Steve was standing in front of her pushing down to her knees: “Time to start the blowjobs.”

I watched closely. I still wasn’t sure if this was what I wanted. I was about to step forward and stop it, regardless of if I might get my ass kicked, I saw my mom’s hand reach up and start to open Steve’s pants.

I stopped in my tracks and watched my mother, naked on her knees, pulling down Steve’s pants, grabbing his cock and start licking on it. I swear I almost exploded in my pants. Mom licked up and down his shaft, stopping only to suck each of his balls in her mouth for a few seconds.

I glanced over my shoulder in time to see Tim rush over to Libby pushing her down to her knees, and Nick doing the same to Kim. I turned back and continued watching mom bob up and down on my best friend’s cock when I heard a loud slap. We all look over to where the sound was coming from.

Steve: “What the fuck Tim!!”

Tim: “The bitch bit me.” He slaps her again.

Libby: “It was an accident. I didn’t mean too.”

Steve: “Anne no one told you to stop. Get back on my cock. She’s getting what she deserves, and you know it.” Mom returns to sucking on Steve cock as the rest of us watch Tim. He slaps Libby two more times hard.

Tim now had a hold of her hair: “That will teach you to bite a man’s cock. Open your mouth.”

Libby opens her mouth. Tim shoves his cock into her mouth. He starts face fucking her for all he is worth. At one point he shoves his cock all the way holding her head up against his belly. He grabs hold of her nose closing it so she couldn’t breathe. She tries to pull her head away, but his grip is so tight he kept her there for about a minute before letting her fall off his cock. She grasps for air, and he just laughs. He gave her a few seconds before he starts face fucking her again. A few minutes later he cums into her mouth shouting: “You better swallow all of it!!”

Don takes Tim’s place. Tim: “Watch out she might bite you.”

I stand there in shock. In front of me are three teachers from my high school, including my own mother. On their knees, sucking their students’ cocks. I know I should scream out and make my friends stop what they are doing, but I can’t take my eyes off mom. To say I never had fantasies about her would be a gross lie. My mom is one hot woman. Every guy at school has fantasies about her. Now she’s naked and sucking my best friend’s cock, has pushed me over the edge. I know that what I do next will change mine and her’s life forever.

I watch mom suck his cock, watching to see how she is taking it. I expect to see her resist in some way. Her face should be filled with anger, or her hands trying to push him away. But instead, her eyes are semi-closed. Her face not showing despair but seemingly showing a look of lust. I watch as she pulls off his cock and licks it like her favorite sucker. It appears that she is actually making love to it, savoring every second, before sucking it back down her throat.

It didn’t take long before Steve started moaning, then quivering, and soon shouting as his cock exploded filling my mom’s mouth. I guessed that mom would pull back and spit out his seed, but she didn’t she seemed to suck him even harder, swallowing everything he had. She even licked off the last couple drops from the head when Steve pulled his cock from her open mouth.

I stood there my mouth open. I take in the scene looking at my mom’s naked body kneeling in front of my best friend. That is when I notice mom’s hand was buried between her legs. She was masturbating as she sucked off Steve. By that time, I had made my decision. I no longer looked at her as my mom, but a horny slut that was getting off on being used by one of her students.

As soon as Steve finishes with my mom, I move in to take his place. Bob hands Steve the camera as he takes Nick place.

Mom looks up at me: “This isn’t right.”

I just smile: “Remember Steve said everyone gets a blowjob from each of you including me. So, get busy.”

I knew she didn’t want to give me a blowjob, but it felt so good when she took my cock into her mouth. She starts bobbing up and down on my shaft. It felt so good. I was so excited; I didn’t last long as I came into her mouth fast. It surprises her at first. She swallowed my load but chuckled a little guess because I didn’t last very long. I move away as the next person took my place. Being young it didn’t take us long to get hard again as we all received a blowjob from each MILF.

The three women stood up thinking it was over. I also thought it was done. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Tim grabbing my mom pushing her towards the open front door of the van. At that moment everything seemed to be in slow motion as I watched him shove her so that her hands were resting on the front seat. Then he moved behind her pushing his hard wood into her. The rest of us had our mouths open in surprise.

“Dam this bitch is wet as hell. Don’t worry Steve this slut wants a good fucking!” Tim yells out.

Next, I see Steve grabbing Kim moving her towards the side door of the van. He pushed her up into the van. He moves the futon, so it was laid out into a bed. He pushes Kim onto the futon getting her on her hands and knees. He gets behind her ramming his cock into her. “This one is also wet.”

Nick grabs Libby pusher to the side door of the van. resting her hands on the floor of the van. He moves in behind her shoving his cock into her. “This one is wet also.”

Steve: “Get in line guys we’re going to have some fun now.”

Here I’m pissed at what I just witnessed but excited at the same time. I don’t remember this as being part of the deal. The women were now being raped. I thought about stopping it. I realize the women were not protesting, not once. No one was complaining about what was now taking place.

I watch as Tim jack hammers his cock into my mom. She started moaning: “Ohh, yes fuck me!” As soon as Libby heard mom moaning, she also started to moan, “Yes, yes, oh yes.” Kim was next to start moaning. It sounded like they were in competition to see who could moan the loudness. Tim was pulling mom’s head up by her hair as she was moaning from the pounding she was receiving.

As Tim held her head up: “You like this bitch? You love being used like a slut!”

All she did was moan a little louder. Tim then slaps her ass hard: “I asked you a question BITCH NOW ANSWER ME!!”

In between moans. “Yes, sir ... I ... love being ... used like this.”

Tim then looked around to see who had the camera. Finding Bob who again had the camera, Tim smiling looking right at the camera he shouts, “Damn, this one has one tight pussy!” He was fucking her even harder now.

He held onto mom tightly as he pounded her hard with his cock for the next several minutes. This pushed her over the edge as she cried out into an intense orgasm while I watched.

I looked over to where Nick was pounding Libby just as hard, but he was shoving her face hard into the seat. I couldn’t see into the van to see what Steve and Kim were doing.

Bob was moving around, he even steps between Nick and Libby so he could get some video of Steve and Kim. He made sure he was getting good shots of these three MILF teachers being fucked. He moved around making sure he had a good view of their faces.

Mom and Libby’s boobs were bouncing all over the place as they were being fucked. As soon as Nick was done Don replaced him. He was just as rough as Nick. As he fucked mom, he grabbed hold of her tits twisting them hard. I’m not sure if she was yelling out with pain or pleasure, but she wasn’t fighting him.

When Steve was done Bob handed Steve the camera. He climbs into the van with Kim. I finally saw into the van as I watch Bob grabs hold of Kim’s nipples pulling her tits as hard as he could as he fucked her.

As Don fucks Libby he grabbed her hair pulling her head up: “You like being used like a cheap whore.”

She didn’t reply so Don slaps her ass hard. She gave a little yelp and tried to pull away, but Don held on to her slapping her again. Steve was smiling as he was enjoying the tough way Don was treating Libby.

She finally replied, “Yes, sir.”

As Don finishes with Libby, all of a sudden Steve grabbed me pushing me towards Libby. Laughing Steve: “It’s your turn Ken.”

I didn’t waste any time in getting out of my clothes. I moved over to Libby planting soft kisses on her finally kissing her on the mouth.

Me: “Since I first I saw you at school I wanted to fuck you. I’m now going to fuck this pussy hard!”

I made sure I lined up my cock with her pussy pushing my cock into her waiting dripping pussy. As I entered her pussy I felt her cunt muscles clamped around my cock. I started fucking her with long fast strokes.

I was fucking her hard and didn’t let up for one second. Libby was taking the pounding with ease. This made me drive my cock even deeper and harder into her swollen pussy.

Libby: “Oh God! Oh God please fuck me hard.”

Me: “I’m going to fucking cum!”

Several minutes later Libby cries out with an earth-shattering orgasm. This pushes me over the edge as I began to cum hard shooting my load deep into her. As I pulled out, I was pushed to the side to be replaced by Tim.

I went back to watching mom, Nick was fucking her now. After Nick finish with mom I said to myself: “What the hell. my cock is hard again.” Jumping in behind my mom pushing my hard cock into her. I slowly started fucking her.

I pick up the pace giving her all I had Bob was back with the camera: “Hey guys look at this, Ken is fucking his own mom.” Everyone turned their heads to watch me fucking her.

Tim laughing: “That’s it Ken, show your whore who is boss.”

I slow down my pace as I thought about what Tim just said while looking down at mom. That’s when I heard my mom yell out: “Don’t stop now!! Finish getting me off!”

Smiling I went back pounding her with no mercy until I shot my load deep into my own mom. I’m not sure if she had an orgasm or not, but then I didn’t care either. Before I got off of her I decided to play with her tits. I grab both of them squeezing them hard. I got hold of her nipples pulling on them until she yelps. I play roughly with them for a few minutes before I quit.

Each of us fuck the three MILF few times. When it was all done Steve: “OK, I think these three sluts have paid for their ride. Let’s head on out before anyone shows up.”

Us guys grabbed our clothes as we were dressing, mom: “Sir, where’s our clothes?”

Steve laughing “I’ll give them back to you when I drop you off at your homes.”

The three women started to protest but before they could get a word out Steve: “You will ride in the van nude or you can walk home nude. I don’t care. I’m not giving you your clothes back until I’m ready too.”

The three MILF teachers just looked at him, mom: “Sir, you’re an ass hole.”

This pisses Steve off. He walks over to her grabbing her by the throat. “You fucking bitch! You just had to go and disrespect me.”

Mom: “Sir, it just slipped out.”

Steve was squeezing her throat hard: “I don’t give a damn! You said it bitch.” He slaps her hard across the face. He pulls her over to the side door on the van. He sat down pulling her over his knee. Tim hands him his belt. Steve starts spanking her hard on the ass. I watched as mom’s ass turned a bright red.

Mom begging: “Please sir I’m sorry. It slipped, I’m so sorry sir.” Steve just kept spanking her. Mom was crying by the time Steve stop. He stood up making mom fall hard onto the ground.

Steve gave a hard look at the three teachers: “Get your slut asses in the van. Sit on the futon.” Kim and Libby help mom up and into the van sitting on the futon. The rest of us also piled into the van.

Tim was the first one Steve drop off. As Tim was getting ready to exit the van. He leans down kissing the three women. As he kisses them, he made sure he squeezes one of their tits before he exits the van.

Steve got out of the van also. He walks over to where Tim is holding out his hand: “Thanks Tim. Today wouldn’t have happen without you.”

Tim: “No problem. Let me know if you want to do something like this again.”

I don’t think the three Women heard them, but I did. Now I know who let out the air in Mrs. Smith’s car. It was Tim.

Next was Don, he did the same as Tim before he exited the van. At each stop the person getting off did the same thing as Tim. It was now just the three MILF teachers, Steve and I left. Steve pull into a box store parking lot. He parks in the back where there were no other cars.

Steve: “Listen up you three sluts. I got everything that happened today on film. If I miss anything it doesn’t matter, I have more than enough to ruin your lives as you know it. From this day on I own you. Before we leave this parking lot, I’ll have your phone numbers. You will call me or text me every night to find out how I want you to dress the following day. You will dress the way I want you to from now on. If you don’t own the clothes, you will buy it.”

Kim: “Sir, it might take a while to buy all of the clothes.”

Steve: “I understand that. You will get a list of what you need to have in your wardrobe. I’ll give you two weeks to buy it if you don’t already have it. Next you three will call Ken and me sir from now on.”

Mom: “Sir, Ken is my son.”

Steve: “Anne you have already been disrespectful. You’ll call him sir. Got it!”

Mom: “Yes sir.”

Steve: “Ken and I will continue fucking you. We know your married. We’ll work around it. If I tell you it’s your turn to be fuck, you better figure out how you’re going to get away from your husband. Don’t bullshit me. I’ll make sure your pictures get out. Don’t forget you all said on film you were doing this on your own free will.”

He waited to see if anyone wanted to say something. No one did so Steve: “Okay, give me your phone numbers and I’ll get you home.”

We pulled up at Kim’s house first. Steve handed her, her clothes. Kim: “Sir where’s my bra and panties?”

Steve: “I’m keeping them. Call me and let me know you got your car fix.” Kim got dressed and got out of the van. Libby was next one we drop off.

As we pull into my house driveway. Steve didn’t hand mom her clothes. Open the grange door. After it was open he drove the van into the grange. Closing the door after we enter.

Mom: “Sir you are going to give me my clothes?”

Steve: “Nope. Ken and I are going to fuck you some more. I know your husband is out of town until Monday.”

The look on mom’s face was surprising. I would have thought she would have started to cry or something. But she didn’t. In fact, she dropped her head and looked at the floor of the van. “Yes Sir.” She quietly said and moved towards the side door.

We all got out of the van and walked into the house. Mom was still naked, her red ass jiggling as she walked in front of us. I don’t know what I expected to happen. Today was already the strangest day in my life. Now only had I learned my mom was a slut that liked abuse, but it now seems the more we do to her, the more she wants.

As soon as we were in the living room Steve grabs mom from behind bending her over the arm of our couch. He quickly drops his pants, lines his cock up with her still dripping pussy and plunges it deep inside her. I stood there watching Steve begin to pound his cock in and out of her bright red ass.

Steve looked at me and smiled: “Go ahead put you cock into her mouth Ken. It’s time she get spit roasted.” I didn’t say a word, but stepped to the couch, slipped my pants off, dropped to my knees and pointed my once again hard cock at her face. I thought I might have to pull her head to my cock, but mom beat me to it. She slid her face to the edge of the couch and swallowed my cock whole. I don’t know who was moaning louder, Steve, mom, or me. It didn’t take long before Steve and I worked up a rhythm. Him pushing it and me pulling out, then me burying my cock down her throat and Steve pulling back.

I couldn’t help watching mom. My cock thrusting in and out of her mouth. Steve’s cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Mom’s eyes were almost closed and she looked like she was in another world. The moans escaping her throat were constant. I’m not sure who orgasmed first. I think it was mom as her body started trembling, then shaking. Her eyes rolled back in her head and I felt her throat clamp down on my cock.

That set me off as well as Steve. I don’t know how long we stayed in that position. I couldn’t concentrate as my entire body was experiencing something out of this world. When we both pulled our cocks from mom, I looked down at her as she didn’t seem to be quite awake. It took all of us several minutes to recover. Steve flopped down in out recliner. I sat on the other end of the couch. Mom didn’t move, her body still trembling.

When we were done with mom Steve stood up and put his pants on. He looked down a mom and barked, “Remember what I told you. Don’t disappoint me or you know what will happen. He then walked to the door and walked out of our house. Mom slowly got up off the couch. She stood there on shaky kegs then started to head for her room.

Me: “Where the fuck you think you’re going. Get in the kitchen and make me dinner.”

Mom: “Fuck you! I’m going to my room.”

I walk up behind her and grabbed her by the hair pulling back. I heard her grunt as she struggled to stop. I quickly turned and headed for the kitchen, pulling her behind me. Mom had her hands on mine trying to ease my grip, trying to keep up with me. I pulled her into the kitchen and shoved her to the counter. The look on her face was a mix of surprise, fear, and submission.

“Look I said make me dinner bitch. Plus, you forgot to call me sir. I’ll let you off for your disrespect this time. Next time I won’t.”

Mom just looks at me. I wonder if she would do as I ordered or fight me. We stood facing each other. Me glaring at her, and her looking shocked at me. We held each other’s eyes for a couple second, before she dropped her eyes and looked down at the floor. She then turned and headed for the refrigerator and opened it. I couldn’t believe it. Mom had just surrendered to me. Who would have believed it? Mom was now in my control. I turned and walked back to the living room and sat down in dad’s chair.

I sat naked in dad’s chair reliving everything that had happened today. Mom walked in a few minutes later carrying a plate. It was just a grill cheese sandwich and some chips. Which was okay with me. It wasn’t what she fixed, but that she did as I demanded. Mom stood there in front of me, still naked. I started to eat and a few minutes later she spoke.

Mom: “Can I go get clean up now sir?”

Me; “Go on.” I sat there eating my sandwich.

I didn’t see mom Sunday morning. Around noon I came out of my room. I was only wearing my boxers. I headed downstairs, wondering if mom would still be under my control. I really didn’t expect to see Kim or Libby over at the house, but here they were. I heard their voices coming from our dining room. I stayed out of sight and quietly slipped into the hall. I didn’t want them to know I was there. It looks like they had just arrived they were just sitting down at the table.

Mom: “Thanks for coming over. I figure we needed to talk about yesterday. Kim did you get your car fixed?”

Kim: “You’re right we do need to talk. Yes, the car was an easy fix. Nothing was wrong with the tires. Some assholes just let the air out.”

Libby: “Oh my. Wonder if those asshole boys did it.”

Kim: “I don’t think so. I saw them walking around the fair.”

Mom: “I don’t like the idea of Steve controlling us. Let alone my own son bossing me around.”

Kim: “Steve has those videos. I don’t think we have a choice.”

Libby: “Did you get Steve’s list of clothes.”

Mom: “Yes, I have a lot of them, but I’ll have to buy a few items.”

Kim: “Only giving us two weeks to get what we don’t have. The boy must think money grows on trees.”

Libby: “I’m not calling his bluff.”

Kim: “I have to admit I didn’t like being forced, but I have never experienced anything like that before. I love having sex with my husband, but yesterday was on an entirely different level. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I really did enjoy myself yesterday.”

Mom: “Yes, it was fucking intense. I don’t think I have ever climaxed like that before. I don’t know if it was the sex or surrendering to their control. But something clicked in me, and I don’t know if I can turn it off. It should have ended out there in the field. I don’t think this can continue.”

Kim: “Stop the whining. There’s nothing we can do about it right now.”

Mom: “When Steve dropped me off, he came inside, and the boys split roasted me.”

Libby: “You’re one lucky slut.”

Kim: “At least it wasn’t that asshole Tim. He was just too rough for me.”

Mom: “Guess I need to stop complaining. It was fun. But it’s also my son, how can I look him in the eyes again? I sucked his cock and let him fuck me. And to top it off, I got off on it.”

Libby: “Better him then Tim.” I went back to my room leaving the MILF’s alone. I don’t know what else was said, but a little while later, I heard the front door shut. I stayed in my room for another half hour or so before I walked back downstairs. I was still only wearing my boxers, and mom was still sitting in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen, not sure what to expect. I stopped a few feet from her and looked down at her. She looked up at me and started to say something, her mouth opens then closed. We looked at each other for only a couple seconds, before her eyes dropped and rested on my boxers. I never went around the house in only my boxers, but watching mom stare at my crotch, caused my cock to harden. I could see mom blush and turn her head. A second later, she spoke. Her voice barely above a whisper.

Mom: “Would you like something to eat Sir?”

I smiled and walked up to her. She kept her head lowered as I approached. I reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair and turned her head up towards mine: “Yes, I do, but first get out of those clothes. I’ll be in the living room.”

The rest of the day was actually pretty quiet. I did have her give me a blowjob, but that was it. I know she was obedient, but I wasn’t sure what else I should do. Plus, I knew dad would be home later and I didn’t want to be around when he arrived. I wasn’t sure what she would tell him. I pretty much stayed in my room the rest of the night.

On Monday I was in fear. I thought for sure my mom would have told my dad. I’m guessing she didn’t because he never got into my shit.

The next couple weeks we got into a routine. It was now fall break, The women were now dressing the way Steve wanted. They show off a lot more skin and cleavage then they use too. It was proving difficult to fine the time and place to have sex with our MILF teachers. We mainly met up with them in some parking lot, and they jumped into the van. We would drive to the field and have them suck us off before we fuck them.

It was the first day of break. Dad was at work and mom was in the kitchen. I walk up behind her slapping her hard on the ass.

Mom: “What the hell sir.”

Me: “Just felt like doing it.”

She turned around I had my cock out just hanging there. Mom gasped and said: “Go get dressed sir.”

I’m so bored and horny today. I needed to release some semen inside of my mom’s mouth.

Me: “I don’t think so. I think you’re going to get on your knees and blow me.”

Mom eyes went wide open. I haven’t messed with her since that Saturday. I usually have one of the other teachers suck me off. But today I was bored and horny, and she was going to take care of me. I put my hands on her shoulders pushing her down to her knees.

Mom: “Please sir, not here, not now, don’t make me.”

Me. “Shut the fuck up and get busy.” I even surprised myself at how dominate I sounded.

She slowly reaches out taking my cock into her hands. I look down at her face. Her eyes are clouded. Her expression was different than anything I had seen before. I watch as she slowly begins kissing the tip of my cock as it began twitching. She started kissing and licking all over the tip. It felt so good. She ran her hands along the entire length of my shaft.

Me: “Just like that my slut. kiss my cock with those sexy lips.”

I watch as she licks and kisses my cock all over. I smile as she lowers her face and begins to lick my balls. My cock is standing straight out covering her face from her chin up to between her eyes. It looked so erotic, my balls in her mouth, my cock resting on her nose and leaking my precum all over her face.

Her kissing my cock wasn’t enough for me. I needed to cum and cum right now. I lined her mouth up with my cock pushing it in. She devoured half of it with ease. She bobbed up and down on my cock, taking more and more of it each time. Finally, I felt her pull back and push forward, hard. I moaned as I watch my slut mom take my whole cock deep into her mouth and down her throat. She must have wanted this over quickly, as she was giving me a fast blowjob trying to get me off fast like what happen the first time.

Moving her head quickly back and forth, mom was starting to really get into sucking my cock now. Only sound in the kitchen now was of her gagging and moaning as she sucks my cock.

Me: “Let me help you.” I grabbed her by the hair pushing her down my shaft until she had her mouth all the way to the base of my cock.

Me: “That’s it, just like that. Suck me off just like that.”

Mom was now focused on sucking my cock. She’s lost in her own pleasure as she began sucking me even harder. Her mouth was now squeezing my cock so hard she almost sucked my cum out of my balls.

Me: “Oh my god! You are such a slut. You really want to make me cum. Get ready here it cums!”

I pull away just enough that only the tip of my cock was in her mouth. As I shot my load into her mouth watching it fill up with my hot cum. She couldn’t keep up with it. She couldn’t swallow my load fast enough. What a sight her mouth was full of my cum now. Some started leaking from her mouth, down to her chin and neck. After about a minute, I finally stopped climaxing and looked down at her. Her face and neck were covered with my cum. With the tip of my cock still in her mouth. I push her off of my cock. Mom was breathing heavily now.

Mom looking up at me: “Hope your happy now sir.” As she kissed my cock one more time.

Me: “I’m happy for now. I’ll fuck you later.”

I text Steve letting him know what happen. We start a schedule for the three MILF as to when we were going to fuck them.

Later in the day I had mom on her knees in the living room: “I don’t want you to wear a bra when your home from now on. When dads not here you’ll run around here nude. That way I can fuck you whenever I want. you understand!”

Mom: “Ken, sir, don’t you think this has gone far enough.”

I slap my own mom across the face: “I think your forgot about the videos. Guess you want me to get hold of Steve and let him post a few.”

Mom: “You wouldn’t do that to your mom sir.”

Me: “Calling my bluff are you bitch.” I slap her again. I pick up my phone to text Steve.

Mom: “Okay sir, I got it. I’ll do what you want.”

Me: “ Strip now!”

Mom took off her clothes and was now standing in front of me nude. I grab her tits playing with them: “I’ve been wanting to play with these for a while now. I’m going to make sure I have some fun every day with them now.”

A few days later Steve had the other two MILF teachers come over to my house. The women today were wearing jeans and a top. I was in the kitchen, as I walk into the living room Steve had the three MILF teacher on their knees talking to them. Steve was getting mad: “Look you three you’ll do what Ken and I want or those videos of you will go to your husbands. Maybe even the school. Ken and I will not tell anyone. We haven’t done it yet. As long as you three do as you’re told I don’t see a reason to start.”

The women must be trying to rebel again. I know the three women are humiliated because they are being control by a 16 year and a 15-year-old. Steve: “Now strip!!”

The three women looked at Steve they knew they were defeated. The three women sat down on the couch to take off their shoes, tossing them to the side. They stood up and moved away from the couch. Looking at each other they took a deep breath as they pulled down their pants, stepping out of them.

Next they slowly pulled off their tops. Since they weren’t wearing bras, their boobs popped into view as their tops came off. Even though I had seen them nude, watching their tits bounce free from their tops made my cock hard. Soon their tops were on the floor.

Here these three married mature women were standing in front of us wearing only their panties. My eyes were moving from one sexy woman to the next. They smiled at me as they hooked their thumbs in the waistband of their panties, pulling them off, balled them up, and tossed them at me. All three of them had their pussy completely shaved.

At this point there was some awkwardness. As women stood there fully nude, their nipples starting to stand out to their full length. No one seemed to quite know how we were to proceed from here.

Steve: “Okay sluts I want you three to put a show on for Ken and I.”

The women must of knew what he meant as they started kissing each other. It was a sight to watch them play with each other tits. The best part was watching them eat each other’s pussy.

We took off our clothes as fast as we could while watching the women. I walked over to Kim, pulling her away from the other two women: “Get on your knees. I want a blowjob.”

Kim dropped to her knees taking my cock into her mouth. I was in heaven I love it that I can order a married MILF teacher to comply to my wishes without question.

While Kim was now licking and sucking on my cock, I looked over to my right and saw Steve and Libby, she was also on her knees giving him a BJ. Mom was just sitting there. Steve told her to kneel next to Libby and help her out. He was one lucky guy having two hot women taking turns licking, sucking, and swallowing his cock. I looked at his face, he was staring down at the two sluts, competing to get him off. The smug look on his face said it all.

I turned my attention back to Kim, she was licking my shaft and massaging my balls. But after looking at Steve and his two sluts, I wanted to show my dominance. I wanted a face fuck, not some sensuous blowjob. I wanted to use her, make her understand I was in charge. I don’t know why I felt this way. Maybe it was simply because I could, but I started by roughly grabbing her head by the ears. I think it took her by surprise at how rough I was. I lined up her mouth with my ridged cock and shoved her face to my pubes. I felt her gag and choke some, but I didn’t care. Her comfort wasn’t my concern. I pulled her back and pushed forward again, and again. In seconds, I was pumping my cock in and out of her mouth. She moved her hands, grabbing the back of my legs as I fucked her mouth.

I wasn’t done however, I wanted more: “Play with that slutty pussy bitch! Make yourself cum like a cock hungry slut.” I barked.

Kim’s hands shot to her cunt. I smiled as she worked two then three fingers from her right hand deep inside her slut hole. Her left hand fingering her clit, attacking it. Seconds later, I could feel her moans vibrating my shaft as she worked her cunt to an orgasm.


Kim was now fucking her own face on my cock. Drool was pouring out of her mouth as my cock pumped in and out. I knew she was close, and I wanted to make her beg to cum.

“Don’t you dare stop, and you are not allowed to cum. If you cum, I’ll punish you until you can’t sit for a week!” I demanded.

Now it was my turn to keep from my orgasm. I wanted to push my slut to near insanity. I pushed thoughts of anything into my mind to stave off my climax. I watched Kim, fucking her cunt and abusing her clit. Her moans pouring out of her mouth around my cock. Her body was shaking, her eyes open but not seeing. After a few minutes, I couldn’t hold off any longer and shoved my cock all the way down her throat causing her to choke. I started shooting my load into the back of her mouth. She gagged a little as she swallowed my cum. I was in disbelief as I watch her swallow my load! Damn, I was in heaven.

I yanked her off my cock and growled: “Stop slut.”

Kim collapsed to the floor, her body trembling. She looked up at me and scrambled to her knees. She looked up at me and began to beg: “OOOHHH GGOODD PLEASE SIR!!! LET THIS SLUT CUM!!! I’M BEGGING YOU. TAKE ME! USE ME HOWEVER YOU WISH, JUST LET ME CUMMM!!!”

I smiled down at her. I loved what I had done to her. Here was my teacher, kneeling naked in front of me, begging to be used in any way I wanted, just to be allowed to cum. For a moment, I thought about granting her wish, but then I wanted to see how far I could push her. “NO SLUT, DO NOT CUM! YOU NEED TO PROVE YOUR OBEDIENCE.” I BARKED.

Kim lowered her head to my feet and began to kiss my toes. “Yes Sir, I will obey.” She groaned.

I notice Steve was holding the head of his cock just inside of Libby’s mouth as he groaned shooting his semen into her throat. She started gagging but was swallowing most of his cum, but some dribbled out and down her chin.

Steve let go of his grip on her hair as he withdrew. Without warning he moved his hand under her chin, turning her face up to his.

He started laughing at her upturned face: “You’re one hell of a little cock sucker.”

You could see in mom’s face how humiliated she was. She was still not used to submitting to us, and competing with Libby for Steve’s cum, was so degrading. Steve walked over to a chair and called mom over to him.

Steve now sat in a chair with mom straddling his hips. He was smiling as she rocked slowly back and forth on his cock. His hands were happily kneading her breasts. Grabbing one of her tits he started sucking on it, biting it hard every once in a while. It was clear mom was enjoying the rough treatment on her boobs. With each bite she would moan and rock faster on his cock.

Turning my attention to Libby now: “Move over to the couch, bitch!” Not sure what got into me, but I was feeling very much in control.

She slowly moved to the sofa. I grabbed her legs, pushing them up into the air. In one sudden movement I rammed my hard cock into her hairless cunt.

Me: “Damn you feel good!”

I looked over a Kim, still on her knees. Her face showing her need. I knew she wanted to be where Libby was, craving my cock, but I wanted to push her even deeper under my control.

I looked around the room. Mom was fucking Steve. I was fucking Libby, and Kim was desperate for both our cocks. I was getting use to these three MILF teachers becoming so submissive. I was fucking Libby as hard as I could, our bodies making slapping noises as we rammed together, my balls slapping against her bare ass as my fingers crept between her legs, finding the swollen button of her clit and beginning to rub in swift circles.

Libby: “I’m cumming!!” Her body twitching as her sexy pussy began to spasm and clench around me.

Steve looking over at us smiling as he egged me on. “That’s it, Ken. Fuck her! She’s cumming all over your cock. Do it to the slut, fuck her!”

Grinning, I yelled out, “It’s so damn good. This cunt is so fucking wet! This is so fucking hot!”

I continued my pounding without mercy, fucking Libby to another orgasm. Then I stopped, leaving her gasping in frustration, teasing her, bring her to the point of climax without letting her go over, my skilled fingers swirling figure eights and pressing circles onto her hard clit as my cock gently edged itself back into the hilt, then out again, a gentle fucking, a rocking motion, sending her into convulsions.

Libby: “Sir, please let me cum!!”

Me: “Beg for it.”

Libby: “Please sir.”

Me: “Please what?”

Libby: “Please, Sir, I need to cum. I want to cum all over your hard-young cock, I need to cum for you!”

I smiled slamming into her with everything I had, pounding her pussy with my cock. I bent low over her, twisting my fingers into her hair pulling her head to the side, whispering in her ear. “Cum for me, my little cum slut. I want to hear you scream my name.”

In that instant she was trembling and moaning, nearly screaming. Her legs tightened around me, her fingers clawing at my back as I continued punishing her pussy, my name coming from her delicate, parted lips in an orgasmic chant. I thrust in one more before I felt the orgasm building in my balls, and I pulled out of her cunt just in time to cum all over her bouncing tits.

Libby: “Oh god, please sir don’t let anyone find out about this, I’m enjoying it so much! I need your young hard cocks. I can’t resist submitting to you.” Her pussy spasm one last time from the pleasure of all the fucking.

Steve: “Out of the way, Ken. My turn to fuck Libby.”

Steve ordered Libby to get on her knees in front of him. He was much more demanding than I was. He grabbed a handful of hair then pulled hard and pushed his staff into her mouth with great force. He started to face fuck her hard, she was gagging on his cock. It seems like forever before he shot his semen into her mouth, she swallowed as quickly and as much as she could. After a while he pulled her head off his cock and got up.

We fucked all three MILF’s all day. We had a few more group fucks like that. But mostly it was just one on one. A few times Steve and I would fuck one slut split roasting her. By the time we sent the sluts home, Steve and I were completely sated. Our cocks sore and limp. There was no way we could cum again.

Kim and Libby walked out the front door, on wobbly legs. Their hair a mess and cum dripping out of their cunts. Mom knelt quietly in the middle of the room. I would have thought she would have disappeared into her room, but she didn’t move. I smiled as I knew she was waiting on our next order.

Steve: “You may go clean up slave. You hubby will be home soon, and you wouldn’t want him catching you naked and dripping cum.”

Mom slowly stood and staggered out of our living room. She slowly walked upstairs and to the bathroom. Steve and I sat on the couch, exhausted. A few minutes later, we both stood, dressed, bumped fists, and Steve walked out the front door. I walked upstairs and collapsed into my bed.


2024-01-11 13:26:06
This is great. I hope there is a sequel with more moms and some cheerleaders??

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