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Mom has a plan for her son but the son also has a wicked plan for his mom!
“Mom, I’m home,” I yelled, entering our house after a three-month stay at business school. My hands were full, laden down with my laptop bag and my knapsack full of clothes. Mom ran from the kitchen, looking as lovely as ever, and embraced me, hugging me tightly. I dropped my bags and reciprocated her hug. Her warm cheek pressed against mine while her scented hair draped over my reddening face. As usual, Mom’s close presence woke up my prick. Her soft breasts pressed into me along with her natural scent reminded me of how much I missed being with Mom, the woman I was in love with. Her hair smelled of Plumeria blossoms and wasn’t lost on me. She purchased a bottle of expensive shampoo in Hawaii during a vacation we had taken years before. I knew she only used it sparingly, saving it for special occasions. It warmed my heart that she thought enough of my homecoming to warrant using it. I backed my pelvis off so my raging hard-on wouldn’t disrupt our moment. Her hands held the sides of my face, while her beautiful brown eyes penetrated my soul. “Billy, I’ve missed you so much,” she gushed, displaying the smile that always sent a chill down my spine. “We have so much to get caught up on. Unpack your bags and let’s talk before we sit down for dinner.”“Sure, Mom. It’ll just take a sec. I’ve missed you, too. Dinner smells like you’re cooking up my favorite meal.” She leaned in, gave me a sweet peck on the cheek, and whispered, “I planned a special night for your homecoming, including dinner. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for weeks.” She turned and left for the kitchen while I headed to my room.

While I unpacked, I reminisced as to how much Mom had gone through, since Dad died a few years ago. He worked himself into an early grave, starting up a business and spending all of his time building it up, not allowing anyone to help him manage it. Long hours, bad lunches, and non-stop stress took their toll, which left Mom to take over the business along with the burden of raising me. She’s smart and had no problem assuming control and promoting trustworthy people to key management positions. Eventually, she distanced herself from the business, allowing her to devote her time to raising me. Our bonding grew closer through those years, doing everything together, including taking vacations to scenic attractions. We dedicated the weekends to dining out at different restaurants or visiting the local attractions.

Before graduating from high school, Mom asked me whether I wanted to start at her business right away or if I wanted to pursue a career of my own. My personal preference would have been to stay at home and work with her, but I feared that my lustful cravings for my mother might surface and if Mom didn’t share my feelings, it could end up jeopardizing our relationship. I also hated to see my mom tied down to the business, while caring for me. She hadn’t dated since Dad’s passing and her only relationship since then was with me. I decided that if I took a year-long course at a business school, it would provide her a chance to pursue a relationship and at the same time, open up an opportunity for me to find someone. When I informed her of my decision, she appeared to be a little upset but told me she understood that I needed to explore other options. She helped me pick out a curriculum that would be useful in any business, including hers. She assisted me in filling out the applications and even went with me to the campus to finalize the paperwork and inspect my dormitory room. She paid for everything and offered to spring for a more expensive private room, but I told her a roommate would be fine, enabling me to fit in better.

After high school graduation, I started immediately at the business school and remained there for several months before returning home. Mom and I video chatted on our computers, but seeing her in person again was always better. We spent the whole weekend together, relating the events of the past few months. It surprised me to learn that she still hadn’t dated, but devoted her free time at work and spending her free time with her sister, Aunt Kathy. I reluctantly returned to school Sunday night for the next week’s classes. I repeated this several more times until Mom suggested I come home each weekend. I could do my homework in her office as she didn’t spend a lot of time on business anymore. Her cheerful eyes plus the thought of spending more with her persuaded me to abide by her wishes. This didn’t solve my initial problem — hoping Mom would pursue a relationship plus I might find someone to take my mind off my hot Mom. I dated a few girls at school but none of them compared with Mom and I soon broke up with them. I couldn’t talk with any of them the same way I connected with Mom or have as much fun. My daydream abruptly ended when Mom yelled, “What’s taking so long, Billy? I’m getting lonely out here.” Her cheerful giggling followed and I dropped everything to join her on the couch. Once I settled beside her, my eyes traveled to her exposed long, shapely legs. Previously, she had preferred wearing longer skirts, due to her height of almost six feet. When my gaze shifted to her face, her warm smile had its usual effect on me, a combination of calming and excitement. She’s thirty-six but looks like she’s in her late twenties. “Only two months to go, Billy,” Mom exclaimed. “I can’t wait until you’re back home permanently.” She had always talked with her hands, waving them while she described things. It was a little out of ordinary when she touched my shoulders several times while conversing. I reasoned that it was due from the excitement of the moment, but I also hoped she intentionally flirted. “So, tell me. Have you met up with an attractive coed yet?” she asked. I smiled, expecting her question, as it was traditional for her to ask me each time I returned home. “No,” I replied. “No one serious. I’ve been a little busy, preparing to conclude my studies.” Her expression saddened, but turned cheerful when she changed topics. After another twenty minutes, she announced, “Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat.” Sitting across from each other allowed me to appreciate her exquisite beauty. Her shiny, shoulder-length black hair, reflecting the light, perfectly framed her heart-shaped face. My eyes lingered on her full lips that I had often dreamed of kissing. My leering stares were more frequent than usual, making up for the time I’d been away. She looked up, catching me a couple of times, and smiled without saying anything. We fell back to our routine of going out for a fun activity before coming home to watch a show or do some housework. I worked on my studies in the office, and when finished she would work on her business or video chat with her sister. I only needed a couple of hours to finish my work as I was pretty far ahead in all of my classes.

The next weekend Mom picked a restaurant featuring a dance floor. Canned slow music played for the patrons. I’d never danced and Mom knew it. We ate and while we waited for the check, Mom urged, “Billy, you should learn to dance. Girls like it and it might help you meet them.” “Mom, that might have been the case years ago, but girls don’t slow dance anymore,” I argued. “Guys my age don’t dance with their mothers either. Anyway, I’d probably hurt you. I’m sure I’d be a horrible dancer.”“Nonsense, sweetie. Ladies love to dance and enjoy being held by their man. I’ll teach you. There are only a few couples here and no one is going to know you’re my son. Don’t worry, we’ll take it slow and before you know it, you’ll have the hang of it,” she seductively pleaded. She stood and walked to my side of the table. I loved the thought of holding Mom close to me, but I didn’t want to appear too eager. When we moved to the floor, she wrapped her right arm around me and with her other hand, she gripped my right hand. I held her as you would when slow dancing. “Watch my feet and I’ll take you through a few basic steps,” she instructed. Glancing down, my eyes lingered on her tight blouse. The outline of her bra pressed against the material and I felt the familiar tingle in my groin, gazing upon her good-sized tits. The gap at the top, exposing the deep valley between her mounds, added fuel to my horny condition. “Ouch, pay attention, Billy,” she exclaimed. Shifting my eyes from her top to the floor, I followed her instructions. “Sorry, Mom,” I apologized. “I warned you I wasn’t very good.” She slowed her pace, which didn’t help much as I continued to misstep. When we laughed at how bad I was, my eyes drifted back up to her jiggling blouse. Eventually, I became better and even took the lead for a song. “Billy, you picked it up fast,” Mom praised my progress. “Now, look at my face while we dance. A girl likes to be appreciated while her date leads her around the floor.” I gladly locked eyes with her and wondered what she was thinking about as we stared at each other. If I had my way, we’d be there all night with my mother. Holding me closer, she rested her head against mine. It was hard to see through the hair that had fallen in my face but I didn’t attempt to push it aside. The scent of her shampoo excited me. Whispering in her ear I asked, “Mom, did you use the Plumeria shampoo from our Hawaii vacation? It smells good. You know it’s one of my favorites, don’t you? It brings back memories from our vacation.” I felt her hot breath when she whispered, “Yes it is, I’m glad you noticed. I use it on special occasions. That was our first trip together after your dad died. You were very supportive and helped me through a tough time. I always think of you when I shampoo with it and save it for when I’m with you.” She pressed her head closer to mine and held me tightly. We had transitioned from dancing to swaying back and forth, enjoying the close contact. When the song finished, we stopped and held each other for a moment before Mom pulled back and kissed me on the cheek. “Thanks, Billy. You were really good. Any girl would be thrilled to dance with you,” she sincerely said. “I only care about one girl being elated and that’s you, Mom,” I professed as my eyes locked onto hers. I couldn’t interpret her blushing expression. “Was it excitement or was it fear?” I asked myself. “Had I gone too far?” I didn’t have much time to contemplate it as she led me back to the table. We returned home, took our showers and began our nightly routine. I wore my robe in the evenings and Mom usually wore comfortable sweats and on occasion a robe that ended at her knees. It was thick enough I couldn’t tell if a bra was underneath.

Finishing my homework one night, Mom snuck up behind me. When I felt her hands massaging my shoulders, goosebumps immediately popped up on my arms. I enjoyed her gentle caressing for a few minutes before saying, “Mom, that feels really good, I was tenser than I thought.” She replied, “You were concentrating on your work so hard you hardly noticed me coming in. You looked like you could relax. I don’t want you to work yourself to death like your father did. I want you to enjoy life to the fullest.” When I completed my homework, her fingers ceased movement. Thinking we were done, I said, “I’m finished for tonight, Mom. I think I’ll watch some TV before hitting the sack.” She ran her hands up my neck and through my hair, massaging my scalp with her long, strong fingers. It felt wonderful and I shivered from her contact. When I involuntarily moaned, Mom noted, “Boy, someone really enjoys a head rub.” “Yeah, that feels wonderful Mom,” I professed. “Your fingers are so talented. You’re spoiling me more than usual.” “That’s my devious plan. Bribing you to get free labor,” she laughingly disclosed. Leaning down, she kissed me on my neck and left the room. I went to the living room and watched a show. After a few moments, Mom excused herself to video chat with her sister in her office. Their close-knit relationship was evident from their spirited talks, always filling the room with laughter. Watching them closely interact, I often wondered if they had sexually experimented when they were younger. They seemed closer than most sisters and adding to my suspicion, she’d close the door during some of their chats. After their call ended, Mom joined me in the living room, settling beside me on the couch. She appeared tired and I felt her weight against me as she rested her head on my shoulder. Her breathing turned slow and deep as she dozed off and on. This gave me a chance to admire her exposed legs. Her robe had risen up far enough to expose her firm and lean thighs. I found it difficult to resist reaching down to caress them or better yet, lean down and suck a chunk of her firm thigh flesh. She woke up, kissed me on the cheek, bid me goodnight, and headed off to her bedroom. I retired to my room and was finally able to sleep after stroking off a big load, envisioning her luscious legs. After that night, she repeated massaging my shoulders and head each night I studied. The weekends flew by and all week at school, my thoughts filled with returning home to Mom.

One weekend, she insisted on dancing again. I enjoyed the romantic evening and my dancing skills slowly improved with greater confidence. Later in the evening, when Mom chatted with my aunt, I walked up behind her and massaged her shoulders as she had done to me. She jumped and yelped from my contact. Aunt Kathy asked, “What’s wrong, Sis? Are you feeling okay?” Only Mom’s face appeared on my aunt’s screen, so she didn’t know I was the cause of Mom’s shriek. Mom replied, “It’s nothing. I’ve been a little tense today, but I’m already feeling better.” That was the only encouragement I needed to continue caressing her. Both of us wore robes and although the thick cotton prevented me from touching her bare skin, it still felt great. I continued to caress her, looking over her shoulder to see her robe part as my hands shifted her fabric. The tops of her breasts became visible as I worked on her shoulders. After my fingers dug in deeper, the material slid to the sides. Her bra peeked out, surprising me as I had always fantasized she was braless under her robe. It wasn’t upsetting enough to keep my prick from becoming stiff. While I leaned over, admiring her cleavage, I noticed Mom glancing past the monitor a few times. I continued kneading when I saw her look up again, so I looked up to see what she was looking at. It was a mirror. I forgot she had one hanging on the wall in her office. Its reflection showed Mom in front of the monitor, talking to her sister like nothing had happened. It appeared Mom didn’t mind me leering at her attributes. When she finished her call, my fingers traveled up the back of her head as she had done to me ... I marveled at how well it felt to run my fingers through her silky hair across her sensitive scalp. Goosebumps appeared on her arms and I knew exactly how she felt. I concluded my massage by kissing her on the nape of her neck. My lips lingered on her smooth skin while I inhaled deeply, drinking in her clean scent. She didn’t object and didn’t reprimand me for overtly staring at her tits, before moving to the living room. After an hour watching TV, we retired to our bedrooms where I frantically beat my prick to a pulp as I did every night after being with Mom.

The next weekend we continued our routine of going out together, ending the day by relaxing in our robes. Mom didn’t further advance our discreet flirting, seemingly content to continue our mutual massaging and the romantic snuggling on the couch afterward. Saturday evening arrived, and while Mom video chatted with my aunt, I massaged her, and as usual, tried to sneak a glimpse of her front. Her light blue bra was by far my favorite and after leering for longer than usual, I looked up at the mirror and saw Mom staring at me, still talking to Kathy. She didn’t react, lowering her eyes to the monitor. A wide smile appeared as she continued her conversation with Aunt Kathy. She either approved of my leering or she didn’t want to embarrass me — I hoped for the former. Sunday wouldn’t proceed fast enough for me, anxious for our office time. I showered earlier than normal and immediately worked on the office computer. After finishing, I blankly stared at the monitor waiting for Mom’s arrival. When she appeared, I acted as if I was studying. After a few minutes, Mom shifted the fabric aside and massaged my bare shoulders and neck with her hot, petite hands. Fortunately, she couldn’t observe the sudden jerk of my prick in response to her sensuous stroking. Her hands felt so comforting, I fell into a trance, unable to comprehend anything displayed on the monitor. After she finished and I moved out of the chair, she sat down immediately and called her sister. After they conversed for a bit, I decided to replicate her actions. I pushed the soft material to the side and kneaded her bare shoulders. She didn’t jump this time, continuing to talk and laugh with her sister. At one point in the conversation, Aunt Kathy stated, “Bev, I sense something has improved in your life. You seem much happier than normal for the last few times we’ve talked. Tell me some lucky guy has become your boyfriend.” Mom replied, “No, nothing like that. I’m just in a good place with my life and have really been enjoying the weekends with my son.” My aunt didn’t pursue the conversation, changing topics. While I caressed Mom’s smooth skin, I coyly shifted the material outward, so her robe would part. I wondered about the color of her bra, hoping it would be the blue one. As I continued to caress her shoulders, she laughed over a story her sister related to her. She leaned closer to the monitor, resulting in her robe opening without my help. I leaned over and was shocked, yet excited to see she was braless. The material pulled out far enough, where I could see the insides of her meaty globes, her nipples barely hidden. She remained hunched over and my gaze remained on her display, knowing she couldn’t see me in the mirror. My prick turned to stone, my lust increasing. When the call ended, she straightened up and I quickly backed off so she wouldn’t notice my inappropriate behavior. After massaging her scalp, I bent down to kiss her neck and inhaled the sweet scent of Plumeria blossoms. I knew immediately why she used it. It was for special occasions and flashing your bare tits to your son fit the bill perfectly.

Our time on the couch after the office ritual went as usual with Mom resting against me. After a few minutes, she brought her arm around me to be more comfortable and I reciprocated, holding her while she relaxed. My eyes traveled from her legs, up to her robe opening which was split far enough apart to again show the inside edges of her bare breasts. Too quickly, she woke up and reached over to kiss my cheek. I turned to face her and our lips met. Surprisingly, she didn’t withdraw, her moist, soft lips lingering for several seconds before releasing me. After telling me goodnight, we retired to our bedrooms without acknowledging our first kiss on the lips. It took several beatings to tame the lizard that night.

The end of the school year rapidly approached, ending in a few weeks. My roommate, Jeff, struggled with his coursework. I discovered early on that he was gay, but he had no interest in me, so I was cool with it. In fact, I could talk to him more easily. He routinely asked me what Mom and I did on our weekends, describing how envious he was of our close relationship. I carefully withheld the fact that I lusted after my mother. He lived with his mother Sarah when not attending school. Their house was located close to the campus, so we went there quite a few times during the first several months of classes. Their house contained a nice spare bedroom with an attached bathroom, which I used when I stayed there. Their large house was a welcome break from our small campus room. Sarah divorced several years earlier and in my mind was far more attractive than the girls I had dated at school. Her intelligence and witty sense of humor added to her delightful personality. Like her son, she would question me about my relationship with my mother, asking what kind of activities we did on the weekends. I chalked it up to her being a little jealous, not having the same experience with her son. She was Mom’s age, her body just as hot. Unlike Mom, she had no problem wearing tight blouses while braless. Her pointy nipples pushed out the confining material of her blouse on many occasions. She dressed more provocatively in the evenings when relaxing in the living room, wearing short nighties or thin robes. I wasn’t sure if she did this to try to turn Jeff around, but I didn’t care as I reaped the rewards. She caught me more than once gazing at her beautiful body but returned only a sexy smile.

One weekend, while we watched TV, she asked, “Billy, I think it’s great how you and your mother video chat with each other. Could you set my computer up so I can use it with Jeff?” “Of course,” I replied. “It’ll only take a few minutes.” Sarah and I adjourned to her office while Jeff remained on the couch. She scooted a chair near mine and sat next to me, her body nudging against mine. After I showed her how to navigate around the menus, she turned to hold the mouse with her right hand, pressing her soft tit into my arm. When she scrolled and moved around, her tit rubbed up and down my arm causing her stiff nipple to poke out the sheer material. The hard nub scraped across my arm resulting in my prick filling with blood. I slowly moved my arm outward, increasing contact with her engorged nipple. When she felt comfortable enough with the software, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, thanking me for setting it up. The scent of her perfume was intoxicating, along with her left breast, which was molded around my arm. It took a great deal of willpower not to reach up and maul it with my hands. She leaned back and sexily smirked, probably due to my blushing face. Her confident look displayed how well aware she was of her hotness. My attraction to her increased, not only because she was sexy, but also her delightful company. The fact that she reminded me of Mom increased my infatuation. I pleasured myself with thoughts of plowing into her pussy on more than one occasion while I slept at their house. Needing help to finish his courses, Jeff asked if I would spend the weekend with him to finish some of his assigned work. I hated to lose the time with Mom but I felt sorry for him, so I explained to Mom during our video chat why I wouldn’t be home. She looked disappointed. but understood that I needed to help my roommate. While I rode with him to his house, my thoughts played a slideshow of images I had memorized of his sexy mom. His mother greeted us at the door, giving each of us a hug. Her fat, meaty breasts pressing into my chest persuaded me that my time away from Mom wasn’t altogether bad. We worked in Jeff’s room, methodically toiling through his projects. We broke for dinner and I struggled to concentrate on my plate with his sexy, alluring mother sitting across from me. A pleasant, lively conversation through the meal wasn’t enough to distract me from leering at her tight blouse and pretty face. We worked for a couple of hours before we decided to hit the sack. After my shower, I walked back into my bedroom wrapped in a towel. Much to my delight, Sarah sat in the middle of my bed cloaked in a see-through nightie, clearly nude underneath. My prick sprung up and the towel fell off, revealing my stiff pole. Needless to say, while Jeff crammed for finals, I crammed his mother full of my stiff prick. She fucked me voraciously, her buried passionate cravings surfacing. She confided to me afterward that she had been horny for me for months and finally seized the opportunity. While recovering from our joining, I asked, “The way you dress drives me crazy every time I’m here. Do you do it in an attempt to turn Jeff straight?” “No,” she replied, giggling. “I’m perfectly fine with Jeff being gay and wouldn’t do anything to try to change him. I dressed that way for one person - you.” She poked her finger in my chest, emphasizing her point before smiling. Running her soft hands over my body, she continued, “I talked Jeff into inviting you over this weekend. Seducing you is the first step in something I’ve been working on.” She smirked, kissed me and made love to me before I could ask her anything else. We repeated our coupling the next night after helping Jeff finish his work. We returned to school the next day and I was more than a little tired, from taking care of Jeff during the day and his mother all night. It didn’t deter me from making daily trips to his house to further my sex education with his mother. Staying longer than normal for a few days, I missed my regular video chat with Mom. She became suspicious and asked if I had picked up a girlfriend. She seemed happy and sad at the same time when I told her I might have found someone.

On Friday, my final day at school, I stopped by Sarah’s house to satisfy my sexual needs before the weekend flirting with Mom. After feeding me, we ended up in her bedroom and quickly undressed each other. After our clothes were shed, she hugged me tightly, mashing our nude hot bodies together. We kissed, filling each other’s mouths with our hot tongues. We fell to the bed and I immediately stroked her lean legs, thinking back to when I’d stare at Mom’s legs. My hands explored upward to her clean-shaven mound and gently caressed her engorged pussy lips. Her labored breathing displayed her aroused state from my foreplay. I inserted two fingers in her slippery slot and twisted them around, increasing her excitement. I leaned down and kissed her thighs working up to her quivering slot. Replacing my fingers with my tongue resulted in her hands gripping my head, pulling me into her juicy box. My raspy tongue slid up her labia ending on the thin flap covering her clit. She shuddered and experienced a mini-orgasm. I didn’t allow her to recover as I licked up and down her slit, slurping up her juices. While feasting on her pussy, I reached up and squeezed her full breasts. Her excited pink areolas puffed up, as my fingers searched and found her stick-like nipples. Finding them fully erect, I twisted them as my hungry mouth assaulted her aroused pussy. Needing more than a mouth, she pushed my mouth off and guided me upward. Kissing my way up her smooth body, my lips latched onto one of her hard nipples, arousing her even more. She struggled to breathe and bucked her hips in an attempt to capture my cock. I reached down and placed my prick at her entrance and started to slowly shove in my iron-hard prick. Her juicy, slippery slot didn’t resist the hot ram sliding through her folds. Once I hit bottom, I withdrew and ran my mushroom-shaped head up and down her engorged labia. Her voice, barely audible, pleaded, “Dammit, Billy. Quit teasing me. I need a good hard fucking.” I rammed it back in, no longer wanting to prolong her pleasure. I rapidly thrust in and out as I sucked and nibbled on her nipple. I released my mouth from her tit and replaced it with my hand as I moved forward to kiss her wide-open mouth. Our tongues danced together while continuing our frenzied fucking. We ground and humped for ten glorious minutes, humping like animals in heat. She sensed my orgasm approaching and croaked, “Billy, please talk to me while we’re fucking. Call me Mommy or Mom. Act like I’m your mother and you’re fucking her. Fuck your mother, Beverly. Fuck your hot mom!”

Wow, she had the same mother-son thoughts I had. She had probably been fantasizing I was Jeff in the same manner as I thought of her as Mom during our couplings. I didn’t argue or hesitate, as my mind was already there. I pounded my shaft deep into her hot cunt telling her, “Damn, Mom. Your hot pussy feels so good. Do you like your son filling you with his big prick?” “Yes, Billy. Stuff your mother’s cunt with your prick. Fuck your mother good and fill her full of your sperm. Billy, I’m cumming on my son’s hard cock.” “Here it comes, Mom! I’m going to fill my mother’s pussy with hot cum. I’m cumming, Mommy!” Her pussy collapsed onto my prick, causing my cock-head to swell and spurt out a blob of sticky sperm. We kissed while our orgasms continued. I stroked in and out of her drenched pussy, continuing to passionately kiss her demanding mouth while depositing several loads of baby-batter. I had never cum so much or had such an intense orgasm and I’m sure her experience was identical. I slowed my pace when we were finished climaxing and gently fucked her, enjoying the close contact. We hugged each other tightly as I softened and slipped out of her hairless, cum-soaked snatch. I relaxed my body on top of hers, feeling her heartbeat race as our bodies melded together. She sighed out a long breath of post-coital bliss. We both took our time to catch our breath. She was the first to speak, “Your conversations describing your mother and you intrigued me and I suspected it was more than a normal mother and son relationship. I wanted to show us both how intense it was, before I spoke to you.” Exposing my inner feelings, I confessed the flirting Mom and I had done and how my lust had grown along with my love for my mother. Sarah listened and soothingly stroked my back while I disclosed everything. We had confided with each other over the last week but I had previously withheld my feelings concerning Mom. After I finished, she asked, “Do you remember when I told you I was working on a plan and seducing you was the first step?” “Yeah,” I replied, anxious to hear the rest. “You wouldn’t let me ask you about it, fucking me everytime I thought about bringing it up.” We both giggled, replaying that night of sex. She continued, “When Jeff described the relationship with your mother, I suspected you were deeply in love with her. I confirmed it when you visited me and I asked in detail the things you did together. The love you have for her is unmistakable and I knew that I had to do something to bring you two together, romantically.” “Wow, really?” I asked incredulously. “You only fucked me to see if I truly loved my mother?” She smiled and replied, “Of course not, silly. I fucked you because I’m horny and you’re a hunk. I knew you wouldn’t pass up a chance to fuck a woman who resembled your mother. Pairing you up with your mom will be icing on the cake.” She paused, sighed and expressed, “Billy, I’m determined to help you seduce your mother — something both of you will cherish forever.” “I wish it was that easy,” I replied. “When I missed a couple of our chats, I explained it to meeting someone here. Her saddened look broke my heart.” “Actually, that’s perfect,” Sarah chirped. “I’d love to meet the woman that has captured your heart. You have to introduce me to her.” “Whoa!” I exclaimed. “Don’t you think it might be a little strange when I bring home a woman her age. It might freak her out.” “No,” she refuted my assumption. “I think it’ll be perfect. Don’t initiate it but try to convince her to invite me to visit you two for the weekend.”

When I returned to my dorm room, a displayed message on my monitor notified me that Mom had attempted to contact me. I sent a connect request to her and she immediately answered. We discussed my move back home, since this was the last week of school. I suggested, “Mom, I’ll leave early today and return tomorrow to pack my stuff up. That way we can have a nice evening together.” “Sure, Billy,” she responded. “It’d be nice to see you tonight and tomorrow you can spend time with your new girlfriend,” she giggled, thinking she’d caught me in a scheme to set up a date for the next day. “Actually. Mom. I don’t think it’s working out,” I lamented, following Sarah’s advice. I could see the look of concern on Mom’s face as she said, “That’s too bad, Billy. I really hoped you had found someone. What happened?” Following Sarah’s plan, I explained, “Her name is Sarah, Mom and I like her a lot. We love our time together, but it hasn’t evolved further than a friendly relationship. Truthfully, I don’t think Sarah thinks I’m attractive enough as she’s beautiful and way out of my league. She seems content with not pursuing a physical connection.” Mom listened, and asked a few more questions before suggesting, “Why don’t you invite her to come here for the weekend? I might be able to convince her what a catch you are.” “That sounds a little creepy to me, Mom, and I’m sure she’ll think the same, bringing her home to Mommy. She might already be leery of me being a Momma’s boy, by the way I talk about you.” Her brow furrowed and she asked, “Really? What have you said?” Fear gripped me as I wondered if Mom thought I was bragging about seeing her tits. I answered, “I describe the activities and places we engage in on the weekend, and maybe I sound a little too exuberant about going out with my mother.” “That sounds harmless and once she meets me, maybe she’ll be convinced that you’re not tied down to me,” Mom responded, her expression turning cheerful again. “I’ll make up the spare bedroom in case you can convince her to come down. I promise I won’t scare her off.” “I concede, Mom,” I acquiesced. “I’ll invite her but don’t set your hopes too high.”

After our conversation ended, I called Sarah and gave her the news. “Perfect!” she exclaimed. “I knew she’d want to meet the woman who dared to shun her boy. She’d do anything for you because she’s in love with you. She could have easily suggested that you dump me, keeping you for herself, but she’s only interested in making your life better, even if it means sacrificing her desires. I was so confident she’d agree, that I’m already packed.” After picking her up, we headed home, my mind shifting through the various scenarios of how Mom would react upon meeting Sarah. Lugging Sarah’s two suitcases to the front door, I wondered if she thought we were staying for weeks, instead of a couple of days. Mom heard my car park and greeted us at the door. She refrained from our usual greeting hug, only smiling. After a quick glance at Sarah, she looked behind us, maybe to see if she could see my girlfriend. The woman with me had to be Sarah’s mother. “Hi, Mom. This is Sarah.” I introduced her. Turning to Sarah, I said, “This is my mom, Beverly. Her friends call her Bev.” Sarah smiled at Mom and exclaimed, “Hi, Bev! I’m so glad to finally meet you. Billy has told me so much about you that I feel like we’re friends already.” Mom hesitated before uncomfortably responding, “Hi, Sarah. It’s nice to meet you, too. I can’t wait to get to know you better. Dinner’s almost ready. Billy. Show Sarah her room so she can unpack.” She turned to finish dinner while I led Sarah to her room. Mom’s master suite, situated at the end of the hall, was next to Sarah’s smaller bedroom. Mine was next to Sarah’s room, sharing a Jack and Jill bathroom. After Sarah coached me on how to act with her and Mom, I joined Mom in the kitchen. After we talked for a bit, while she finalized dinner, she addressed her thoughts. “Billy, you didn’t tell me there was an age difference, although she is beautiful and has a great figure. It’s easy to see why you’re attracted to her. It’s hard to believe you two haven’t been physical.” “I don’t know, Mom. I think maybe the age thing might be the cause. Maybe she thinks all I desire is a non-physical relationship. I’m a little shy and unsure of how to convince her that I want more.” “Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll figure it out,” Mom comforted me. “I won’t be too obvious and ruin it for you. I only want to help you.” Before we could continue, Sarah walked in and sat down to eat. Sarah and Mom hit it off right away, conversing and laughing together. They shared the same tastes and experienced the same things growing up as they were close in age. Sarah’s charming personality won Mom over and I think she forgot Sarah was supposed to be my girlfriend. I wasn’t surprised they hit it off, both of them smart, witty and fun to be around. After dinner, they instructed me to relax in the living room while they cleaned up. I sat in the middle of the couch not knowing where they would want to sit. I heard them chatting in the kitchen, giggling at times. I thought to myself that Mom was really working to figure out her son’s new girl. When they finished, Sarah emerged first and settled beside me. When Mom entered, Sarah patted the couch opposite me and told her to sit so they could talk some more. We watched a few sitcoms while Mom and Sarah connected closer. It appeared Mom’s attraction to Sarah was as strong as Mom and her sister. Both wore skirts exposing their lower thighs, enabling me to covertly admire their beautiful legs while they talked.

When it was time to retire for the evening, I rose off the couch and bid them goodnight. Mom stopped me, scolding me, “Billy, it’s not nice to leave your date without a hug and a goodnight kiss. Be the considerate gentlemen I raised.” I held my hand out, helped Sarah up, hugged her, and gave her a light peck on the cheek. When I backed off, I saw a mischievous look in Sarah’s eyes. I turned to walk away when she ordered, “Billy, aren’t you forgetting something? A good son hugs and kisses his mother goodnight, too.” “Sorry, I forgot my manners,” I agreed, pulling Mom up from the couch. I embraced her and kissed her on the cheek before traipsing off to bed. I thought about sneaking into Sarah’s room through the connecting bathroom in the night, but the walls were pretty thin and I was sure that Mom would hear us. The only option left was to furiously beat my neglected prick, once again thinking of Mom and Sarah.
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