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Someone turn my stories into hentai
Amber: The law passed, all futas are now classified as cattle! We’re not given the rights normal humans are. We’ll be enslaved! I have to keep this a secret. But I’m always so horny! Keeping my giant cock a secret is gonna be challenging. But still, I have to make a living. I can’t go out with pants because the bulge is too large. I only have a few dresses that will keep me decent. Just to be safe, I’ll wear five pairs of panties.

Amber takes the light rail to the inner city. It is the women’s only section, and they felt comfortable wearing more exciting clothing.

Amber: God, maybe this was a bad idea. This cock is driving me insane! I can’t help it, it’s starting to grow!

Hot women avoiding the creeps in the other cars started to fill the train.

Amber: It’s hard not to stare. They’re everywhere! If it’s not short shorts, it’s a short skirt! My cock, it’s straining against my panties!

Amber squeezes her legs together, but her cock only grows larger.

Chloe: Crowded in here isn’t it!

Amber: Packed!

Chloe: You were lucky to find a seat!

Amber: Oh, are your legs tired?

Chloe: Oh, a little, but I don’t want you to get up.

Amber: Heh, maybe you could sit on my lap. Ha ha.

Amber’s cock is starting to think for her.

Chloe: Ha! You’re funny. What’s your name?

Amber: Amber.

Chloe: I’m Chloe.

The light rail takes a sharp turn, Chloe falls forward. Amber throws her arms up and accidentally grabs two handfuls of Chloe’s large titties.

Amber: Oh my god, are you ok?

Chloe: Ha! Nice catch! You can let go now.

Amber: Oh, sorry. Not bad though. I wish I had a pair like that. I wouldn’t have to worry when I fall down!

Chloe: Hahaha! Yeah, I guess they do have their perks.

Amber: Yeah, two of them!

Chloe: I bet you could use them as pillows.

Amber: Heh, maybe I should be sitting on your lap! It’s a long way to the city, I don’t want you to have to stand the whole way.

Amber gets up, Chloe sits down, holding onto Amber’s hips, they plop down in the seat together. Amber’s cock snaps through one layer of her panties. She has to be careful.

Chloe. Nice, isn’t it? You could nap here if you like.

Amber: It’s not too uncomfortable for you?

Chloe: Oh, you’re like a warm blanket!

Chloe gives her a hug around the waist, her forearms catching a brush of Ambers tits. Another layer snaps. Amber feels her balls churn. She braces her cock between her thighs and squeezes, but her ever hardening cock becomes increasingly difficult to control.

Chloe: If you’re not gonna sleep, I will. Can you wake me up when we get close?

Amber: Aww, but you’re so comfortable! That’s not fair!

Chloe: Ha! Ok, I will set an alarm on my phone. Hey, if you’re so tired, you could take a nap at my place. Where are you going anyway?

Amber: Just graduated high school, was gonna look for a job.

Chloe: Oh, so you have a little spare time. I bet you’re looking to move out, I have a room for rent, you should check it out!

Amber: A place next to the city sounds nice.

No reply. Chloe had already fallen asleep.

Amber: I guess sleeping doesn’t sound too bad.

Amber daydreams about lewd things; relaxing, and letting her imagination run wild. Suddenly, her cock breaks through the last three layers of her panties and springs upward. Throwing her dress up and presents itself to the world.

Grace: Ahhhh! A futa! There’s a wild futa in the train!

Amber: Noooo!

Chloe: What? Wait, you’re a futa?! Stay back everyone, she’s mine!

Grace: Why do you get to keep her?

Chloe: I said she’s mine! Not for sale!

Grace: Where is her leash? She’s not even supposed to be in this part of the train!

Chloe: I’m not staying back there with those creeps, just put up with it!

Grace: Well, you need to take care of that unsightly thing! This is why you futas got classified as cattle in the first place!

Chloe: Hey, you don’t get mad when a dog isn’t wearing pants! Go on, Amber take your clothes off.

Amber: Oh please, just let me try to hide it!

Grace: Oh please, we know your kind. Gonna be rubbing your thighs together, making the place reek of your fluids!

Emily: Hey, don’t treat that poor defenseless animal like that. That poor girl needs to be taken care of. Don’t you, little one?

Emily pets Amber’s cock like a dog.

Chloe: Go on Amber, take your clothes off. Your poor cock must be straining for relief!

Amber: It feels so weird! I don’t want to be cattle!

Chloe: This is a good thing! We know futas can’t function in society, they need constant care and attention.

Chloe starts stroking Amber’s cock.

Chloe: But it’s cute of you to try. But don’t worry, you can come and stay with me for free!

Amber: I don’t know, I just want a normal life.

Chloe: You want what you thought was a normal life, but you’ll feel much more satisfied if you come with me. Unless you want that mean old bitch to take you instead.

Amber: I’ll go with you!

Grace: What do you mean, mean old bitch?!

Chloe: Ha! Mean-mean.

Grace: You don’t even know what to do, she’s gonna expel all over the train! You need to catch it.

Chloe: Catch it?

Grace: Yeah, catch it in your mouth and swallow it. Here, I’ll show you.

Grace plants her mouth on Amber’s cock and strokes it.

Chloe: Don’t hold back Amber, go ahead and release whenever you feel like it. (Really choke that bitch up.)

Amber: Oh god, I can’t help it. It’s gonna, oh god! I’m sorry!

Chloe feels her hand widen. Amber’s urethra swells and fills with cum. Chloe grips even harder, increasing the force of Amber’s ejaculation. A blast hits directly against Grace’s throat. Her eyes bug as cum leaks out of her nostrils. Her throat working overtime, keeping that semen from spilling.

Chloe: (Good girl.)

Emily: Oh my god, are you ok? I can help if you like!

Grace reaches for her leg and pulls her closer, trying not to cough. Emily takes her place as Grace falls backwards. Grace cannot believe the insanity of Amber’s cock. She places a hand on her stomach and feels how bloated it is. She licks her lips, truly delicious. She watches Emily chug down the remainder and sees her eyes rolled far back in her head.

Grace: (Oh god, this is making me horny!)

Emily starts to feel it too, she might as well be drinking pure aphrodisiac. Her ambitions lifted, she slides a hand into her shorts.

Chloe: That famous futa milk. I bet you’ve got lots stored up in those giant balls of yours.

Amber: It’s so much, I can’t help it!

The other passengers all watch. The strong aroma of spunk drives them wild. Amber finishes, Chloe takes her last few gulps and falls backwards next to grace. They compare the size of their bellies.

Amber: My cock! Once it starts, I have to keep doing it.

Amber starts stroking her cock in front of everyone.

Chloe: You don’t have to do that any longer, let me ride you. I’ll take care of you, whatever it takes.

Chloe rips her panties off from under her skirt, gets on top and penetrates herself. Amber’s cock stiffens. Stretching Chloe’s pussy wide and deep, struggling to move her hips due to its thickness.

Amber: My cock! It’s so sensitive!

Chloe: Gonna cum so soon? Ha!

Amber: Don’t laugh at me! I’m sorry!

Chloe: Oh, come on. I love it! I want you to fill me like you did those two girls. Right in my pussy, let my womb catch it all. Futa sperm is too strong to impregnate me anyways, it just destroys the egg. Feels amazing. I hear.

Amber: I can really cum inside? Oh god! I can’t hold back! It’s a lot, I’m sorry!

Amber’s cock erupts. Throbbing and spewing its mess straight into Chloe’s womb. Chloe is forced into orgasm from the intense heat and pressure. Her thighs tremble and her pussy clamps down tight, letting her cervix convulse, drinking directly from the source.

Chloe: God, my belly! Your semen, it’s stretching my womb! Fuck, I’m cumming so hard!

Amber: Oh god, it feels good!

Grace: Hurry up, It’s my turn!

Emily: Ok, but I’m right after!

Suddenly the passengers started to speak up. They wanted some too. One hour and fifty satisfied customers later, Amber and Chloe disembark the train. Chloe has one shoelace tying Amber’s arms behind her back, and the other wrapped around her cock, and pulls it like a leash, parading Amber’s naked and erect body through the streets.

Amber: Please, this is so embarrassing! Why did we have to leave my clothes back on the train?

Chloe: So that people know I own you! You don’t want anyone else to try and take you, do you? You couldn’t keep it down in that dress anyways. Someone might have grabbed you.

Amber: Ok but, around my cock?

Chloe: I have to lead you by the cock. You have to make sure your cock feels good, so it’s a lot easier to guide you around with a little tug. And we can’t have you stroking yourself whenever you want.

People are staring. Witnessing the effects of the new law for the first time.

Amber: But it’s so tight!

Chloe: Can’t you hold it? We’re almost there!

Amber: Oh god, I’m sorry! The string! It just feels so good when you tug it! I can’t help it, I’m gonna-

Chloe: Right now? Ok, I’ll take care of you.

They stop on the sidewalk next to a building. The streets are crowded with people, shocked, but knew it was legal. Chloe puts the tip into her mouth just in time. Amber pours her thick load down Chloe’s throat and stares at the crowds of people and feels shame. Still, Chloe’s lips felt like heaven. Her orgasm slows as Chloe chugs down the cum she has stored in her cheeks.

Chloe: You know, I think we should go to a futa supply store.

Chloe yanks the shoelace. A few hours later they make it home.

Chloe: How’s that swollen cock of yours?

Amber: Oh god, I’m so horny!

Chloe: I guess now’s a good time to start your milking!

Amber: I need to cum so bad!

Chloe: Here, this machine will milk you dry!

Amber: Yes, please! Milk me! Milk my cock! It needs to come out!

Chloe assembles the machine, connecting the device to a hose, which fits into a plastic, four-foot-tall silo.

Chloe: There! I hope this silo is large enough. It’s the biggest one they had. Oh well, we can afford a bigger one after we sell this one. Better get to work!

Chloe smacks her on the ass.

Chloe: Oh yeah, since you’re a cow, I got you this super tiny cow pattern bikini top and loin cloth. And of course, I couldn’t resist the cute little horns! There! You look so cute!

Amber: Please! My cock!

Chloe: My! You’re ready to burst!

Chloe attaches the device and hits the on button.

Chloe: Well, I’m gonna go take that nap.

Amber: You’re leaving me?

Chloe: Just for a few hours, I’m really tired.

Amber: Oh god, that machine! It feels so good!

Chloe: Enjoy!

Chloe leaves Amber alone with the machine whirring. The machine feels so tight and hot, it doesn’t take long.

Amber: Fuck! This is making me cum! Oh god! Ayyeeee! Oh wow, that tube, it turned cloudy! I can see the silo filling! Wait, it keeps track of the volume and orgasms? Wow, maybe this new law isn’t that bad.

The machine strokes her cock relentlessly, prolonging her orgasm.

Amber: Oh fuck! It feels so good! Again. Again! Please!

The machine doesn’t let up. It maintains its fast pace, letting another orgasm build.

Amber: God, It’s making me cum again! So soon? This machine is amazing!

Amber convulses and throbs down the tube. Her load nearly broke the machine. She looks at the counter and sees it flip to two.

Amber: This thing is gonna milk me all day long!

Fear and excitement fill her head. The machine was made for futas. It keeps her cock in an excited state, hot, and moist.

Amber: I’m cumming so fucking hard! God this machine! How do I have this much cum?!

Her body performs alchemy with the air molecules, there is no end to her ejaculate. Every time she breathes, her balls churn. More sperm is produced. It would take a constant milking for her to feel relief. Her orgasm subsides, but the machine does not.

Amber: It’s gonna milk me all day long! Again? Oh god, please, yes! It feels so good!

The counter flips again. The container fills another inch. Amber struggles to stand.

Amber: Heh, at this rate, I’ll fill it before she wakes up. Wait, oh no! I can’t do that! Chloe will be mad at me! Oh god, well, maybe a little bit. I have to hold back.

The machine milks out another load. The counter reads four.

Amber: Four loads? I’m cumming every minute! Oh god, I hope she hurries back. Does she know? Is she gonna wake up in time?

Amber finishes her fourth load, but the machine is relentless.

Amber: Oh fuck! It’s gonna make me cum again!

The machine reads five.

Amber: Oh fuck, it’s so sensitive! My cock! Oh, why am I still so horny?! I should just let the machine do its work. It feels so good! I’m gonna fill that silo so fucking fast! Chloe, I hope you don’t get mad at me.

The machine whirrs, giving Ambers cock no respite.

Amber: Oh fuck, I can’t help it! Another load! Another fucking load! This feels amazing! Just getting constantly milked. Oh fuck! My cock, it won’t stop throbbing!

Amber watches as the silo gets filled to six inches.

Amber: That machine is gonna break! It’s gonna fill up and explode! Oh, I don’t care! It feels too good! I keep cumming! Ayyeeee!

Amber’s cock finishes another orgasm, but the intense pleasure causes her to breathe heavy.

Amber: My balls are churning! I can feel them fill! There’s no end to it! My cock is so hard, the machine is starting to smoke. It’s too big! Please hang in there, just let me cum one more time!

The machine does its job. Another load fires out of Amber. Loud splashes can be heard over the machines buzzing. The silo fills plus one inch as Amber continues to ejaculate.

Amber: The machine! It’s never ending! It’s really milking it all out of me! Keep going, I need relief! My orgasm! It’s not stopping! Oh god! Ok, finally, it’s slowing down.

Amber lets the machine milk her cock, letting another orgasm build.

Amber: Oh fuck, oh fuck! Thank you, Chloe! Now I know why we have to be cattle! It’s for our own good! This is what I was made to do, get milked all day long! Oh god, yes! I’m cumming again!

The machine struggles to handle her load, but powers through.

Amber: Heh, good thing she got the warranty. Oh fuck! It’s so sensitive! It just makes me want to cum again and again!

The silo gets filled another inch, but there’s room for more.

Amber: You just don’t quit, do you? Well, if you want to go again, I suppose I’ll allow it.

Her cock gets stroked without end.

Amber: Oh fuck, I can’t believe it. How many is that now?

She watches as the machine flips from eight to nine.

Amber: God, that tube is completely filled! I can see it gushing straight into the silo. It’s almost a foot filled, and I haven’t even been doing this for ten minutes! Oh god, why does it feel so good?! Come on, milk me again, milk me dry! Please! Let me cum! Oh god, my balls, this is gonna be a big one!

Amber shoots out with even more force and volume. The machine starts to smell funny, but it persists.

Amber: Again! Again!

Amber has no choice, the machine strokes her quickly to another orgasm. Ten.

Amber: It’s gonna make me cum all day long! I love it! That machine, it’s starting to fill up quickly.

The machine flips to eleven.

Amber: What? But it’s the same orgasm! Right? Oh fuck, I can’t stop cumming! Twelve? Is the machine broken? Why can’t I stop? Do I even want that? Oh fuck, it feels good! Thirteen? I’ve been thrown into a continuous string of orgasms!

Fourteen. The silo gets filled past the one-foot mark.

Amber: I can’t believe it! I’m cumming over and over! Without rest! Fifteen?! My cock won’t stop throbbing! There’s no way, there’s no way! Oh god, it feels good! Sixteen! Another orgasm, it feels unbelievable!

Amber is forced to stay there and take it. A continuous stream of cloudy spunk races down the tube. Filling it like a hose.

Amber: My cock! It’s throbbing without end! I’m stuck to this machine, getting milked relentlessly! Twenty! What the fuck?! It’s gonna fill up too fast! No! Please I don’t want to cum again. Stop! Oh fuck! It keeps cumming!

The machine whirrs quickly, nothing can stop it.

Amber: Fuck, what’s gonna happen?! This is crazy! Is this my life? Just getting milked over and over? It feels good though, not like I have to worry about anything, being cattle and all. I felt bad for cows before, but not now! I hope they love it as much as I do.


Amber: I give up. I surrender. Just milk me. I need it. Milk me like the futa cow I am. Fuck, that tube is constantly filling with my sperm. Holy shit! How does it feel this good?! Fuck!

Twenty-five, twenty-six.

Amber: It’s filled half-way. I don’t care what happens, just keep jerking me off! I wish I could untie this shoelace around my arms, I wouldn’t mind a finger or two in my pussy. So greedy. Oh god, what if I could have orgasms like this with my pussy at the same time?

Chloe: Ask and you shall receive.

Amber: Chloe! You’re back!

Chloe: I’ve been gone 20 minutes and you’ve filled it up halfway! You must really be backed up!

Amber: I’ve been cumming nonstop! Look!

Chloe looks at the sperm gushing through the tube and filling the silo.

Chloe: My god, you’re gonna make me rich! Thought I would surprise you. Instead of a nap, I went out and got this! Another machine! You are gonna cum so fucking hard!

Amber: Oh god, is that gonna go in my pussy?

Chloe pulls the machine out of the box and reveals it has two dicks.

Chloe: Pussy and ass.

Amber: Oh, I need it. I need it! Please, fill my holes, let me cum with my whole body!

Chloe: Hold it, let me plug it in first! Ok, ready? Ha! Just kidding.

Amber eagerly penetrates herself and Chloe turns the machine on. It kicks on at high speed. Amber’s eyes widen. Her pleasure triples.

Amber: Fuck! Hnnggg!!

The machine starts counting even faster, the silo reaches three quarters full.

Chloe: You’re like an endless money printing machine!

Amber: Anything to continue feeling this good.

Chloe: Good thing I got this extra-large silo, you’re gonna be doing this for a long time!

Amber breathes a sigh of relief.

Chloe: Better make a phone call, you’re gonna fill this one up in no time!

Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty.

Chloe: Oh shit! It’s gonna overflow!

Amber: No!

Chloe: You need to swallow your own cum while I get the new silo connected!

She unplugs the tube and Amber quickly latches on, chugging down her cum quickly, but her stomach is filling up quickly.

Amber: Hmmph!

Chloe: Quick, put it in my pussy!

Chloe turns off the machine around her cock and takes it off. Amber quickly shoves it in, but her orgasm only intensifies with the feeling of hot, tight pussy.

Chloe: Oh god, you are the best, futa cow, pet, thingy ever! Fuck, what am I gonna do with all that money anyway? This is all I want. Keep fucking me. After I sell the silo, I can afford rent for months! I’m gonna quit my job and lay here with you all day long!

Amber: You’ve seen what I can do to a silo in 20 minutes. Your womb would explode!

Chloe: Oh god, my womb! You’re right! I need to turn the machine off.

Amber: Aww, just a little longer? Let me try your stomach again.

Chloe dismounts and plants herself on Ambers still cumming cock. Relishing the flavor, letting the aphrodisiac take hold in her brain.

Chloe: Mm.

Amber: God yeah, drink my cum! Chug it down! God your belly is blowing up fast. Ok, I’ll get off the machine. Just help drink the last of it.

Chloe pulls back and tries not to vomit. Then she pulls down Amber’s head over her cock, forcing her to drink her own cum. The taste is euphoric. Amber just found her new favorite kink. She chugs down a few more gulps and finally finishes. They rub each other’s bellies and realize the night has just begun. Amber looks at the orgasm counter.

Amber: Heh, sixty-nine.

Chloe: Guess it’s a sign.

Amber: But your stomach!

Chloe: Just hold back for a little bit, I’ve got to take that cock deep in my throat.

Amber: Ok, I’ll try to hold back.

They bury their faces into each other’s privates, Chloe takes her nose to Ambers balls and watches as they slowly get bigger. She takes the cock out of her throat before Amber erupts.

Amber: Oh, come on!

Chloe: I’m gonna need some help. It’s gonna take an army.

Amber: Light rail?

Chloe: Light rail.
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