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Continuation of Allison's visit to the college where her son is attending. She meets him after his classes and things take a new turn. A
I did not do much the rest of the day as I waited for my son to let me know when he was free for dinner. Eventually, Bryce texted me.

“Hey Mom, I’m ready. All that cumming earlier made me starving.”

“Ok, I’ll be there soon, do you know where you want to go?”

“Yeah Mom, can my roomies join?”

“Sure, I had a feeling they would want to come along. Alright, I be there in a few.”

I decided to wear a white T-shirt, no bra as I figured my horny boys would enjoy this sight. I knew my nipples would be putting on a show and if the light hit my DD’s just right they would get teased by the outline of my areola. I stopped outside the dorm, suspecting they wanted me to come up to the room. After waiting for about 10 minutes, they came out and got in the car. All four of them checked me out, the lust was oozing out of their pores.

I heard from the backseat, ‘Nice to see those huge tits again, oh and you too slut Alison.’ I glanced up into the review mirror to see all of them snickering away. My son sat in the front with me and looked over at my tits. “Damn Mom, your nipples look very suckable through that t-shirt”.

“Hmmm, I may remember that if you play your cards right at dinner.” We drove off to the place they all agreed upon. It was a decent place for a college town. We sat at a booth away from everyone else. The four of them argued over who would get to sit across from me to stare at my breasts. I did have a sweat jacket I wore into the place but took it off once we sat down, I did not want to deprive them of a nice tit tease.

As we ate, one of my son's roommates asks if I was this slutty when Bryce was at home. He said no, he had no idea I had such lusty desires. I interrupted him.

“I always had these desires to be a bad, slut mom but you and your friends never noticed or had the balls to do anything.” I looked at my son as I heard, ‘Oh shit, what did you do?”

I looked around to check to make sure nobody was sitting too close to us. I leaned in a bit, making sure my tits were on the table.

“As I said earlier, I always wanted to be the hot mom, the milf for all of Bryce’s friends and him. All the other moms were super thin, rich, etc, but I was the one with huge, real tits and I always noticed the attention they received. I had thoughts of walking in on my son jerking off. I would think about how I would help him, would I stroke him or give him head? I always had a wild fantasy about finding one of his friends jerking off to me, maybe using a pair of my panties or bra.

“Damn, Mom! None of us had any idea.”

I turned to my son, “Oh I know, and all of you did not pick up on all my hints.”


“If you stopped interrupting me I would tell you. I think you boys were a bit dense. Why do you think I would come out to the pool wearing that bikini top? I knew all of you were gawking at my tits, and I could see all of your rock-hard cocks. I had such a wild fantasy, all of you standing around me, pulling out your cocks, jerking off, cumming all over my tits and face.

All of them let out gasps as their jaws dropped. My son uttered, oh fuck Mom.

“Hold on, I have more to share. Why did you all think I took showers when everyone was there? Did anyone ever check to see if the door was locked? I wanted you all to take turns spying on me in the shower. I left my panties and bra outside the door hoping I would find them soaked with hot spunk. Nope, nobody ever spied on me or used my underwear as their cum sponge. How many times would I lay down for a nap? Did you and your friends not notice what I wearing? I dreamed of waking up to find my tits exposed, wet from saliva, or maybe covered with cum. I wanted you boys to come in while I napped, and expose my tits. I wanted all of you to play with them, suck on them, shoot your cum all over them, and then leave me like that. And do you know what the dirtiest part would be? I would not say anything. I would act like nothing happened which would only encourage you all to do it over and over again.”

I glanced around the table, all the boys were glued to me, to my tits. As my eyes made contact with each roommate, the one sitting next to me said, “I am fucking rock hard right now just hearing this and thinking about it.” He grabbed my hand that was on my lap and moved it to his crotch so I could feel his hard cock in his pants.

I looked at his roomies, “I even shared my private email with them hoping someone would send me a cum tribute photo! I know quite a few were shy virgins and I gave them so many chances to lose that to me, giving them chances to drain their balls on me versus jerking off at their homes in private. I honestly began to feel like I was not as seductive or milfy as I thought I was to everyone.”

My son interrupted, “Damn Mom, I am sorry, if we had realized your massive tits would have been showered in cum every week, every day if we could have managed.” He gave me a dirty smile, “I could put the word out about your wishes, I am sure someone would be happy to send you a photo or two. Or when I come home on break, I could invite all my friends over for a party; if Dad is not around.”

“Interesting idea Bryce. Now you cannot tell anyone I said what I want, we would not want anyone saying something to the wrong person.”

We finished our dinner, the boys were staring at my tits the entire time as well as telling me how hard they were from my chat. There was no talk about what was going to happen after dinner but I suspected what the four of them wanted.

It was raining when we left the restaurant. We ran to my car and jumped in all of us a bit out of breath. I looked at all the boys, “So now what? Do you boys have plans?”

“We do mom, we plan to fuck you, and feed you more cum.”

“Yeah, well, we can’t go back to your dorm room and we are not going back to my hotel room, way too many people.”

I could tell they thought I was trying to get out of being fucked by the four of them, which was not on my mind. “and we not going to do anything in here, I am sure I would not get the sex smell out of the car.”

They looked a bit upset and then my son spoke up, “Hey, there is that motel that everyone speaks about.”

His buddies said, ‘Oh yeah, the off-campus party spot.’

“Um, what is the party spot motel?”

“It is a motel where under age drinking age college students go to where they can drink. Rooms are rented by the hour, no questions asked, etc. It would be the perfect place to fuck.”

“Um, I guess. I will have to see it first. I am not putting that on my card, so you boys better figure out how to pay.”

One of his buddies spoke up, “There is an ATM close to it, I will get money. You made me so fucking horny I need to fuck!”

“Fuck our slut, Allison, feed our slut mom.” Another roomie said from the back seat.

We drove to the motel, it was a bit out from the college town, which was nice. It did look a bit run down, looking like a sleazy hourly-rate motel. I pulled up, and the boys jumped out, rushing off to the ATM. I went inside to get a room. It was about what you would expect, dank, a bit rundown, sleezy and the man behind the desk fit in perfectly. He looked me up and down, his eyes immediately focusing on my chest, my hard nipples.

“Can I help you?” The tone in his voice was of surprise as if he had not seen a woman at the place in a while.”

“Um yes, I will need a room.”

His eyes quickly traced up and down my upper body and then went back to their main focus, my big tits. “How long? I rent by the hour.”

“Hmmm, maybe two hours I guess.”

At that moment my son rushed into the office, blurting out the one thing I did not want him to say. “Mom, Mom, here is the money.”

I snapped the money out of my son's hand, I snarled at him, “Thanks Bryce, now go outside while I take care of this.”

I looked back at the man, and his eyes widened a bit, “um, never mind that here is the money.”

He took the cash, grabbed a key, and put it on the countertop in front of me.

“Room 10, make a left it is at the end.”

Nervously I grabbed the key and said thanks.

When I turned around I heard him say, “Enjoy your time Mom”.

I did not turn to look at him, I left quickly. I found the boys waiting for me outside. I gave one of them the key and grabbed my son by the arm. “Do you ever think? Why did you call me mom? Do you know he now suspects?”

My son, who can be dumb at times, responded, “So what, he does not care. It looked like he was paying more attention to your massive tits.” He laughed and ran down to the room. I followed, walking slowly, a bit mad at them.

I got to the room, opened and then shut the door, and closed the blinds to the large window in the front of the room before I turned around and found all four boys already naked, their cocks standing at attention.

“Stop worrying about it, Mom. Just worry about how hard you are going to get fucked by the four of us.”

I step towards my horny boys, they met me near the skanky bed in the room. My clothes were nearly torn off by the four of them. As soon as they had my DD’s out all of them went for them. I moaned so loud, as loud as I wanted, under the lustful pleasure I got from having my milf tits fondled and sucked. My son sucked the hardest, and kept sucking his friends stripped off my pants. Bryce reached behind my head, grabbed a fistful of my hair he pulled my head back. He held it there as he and his friends went wild sucking on my big tits and finger fucking me.

“Omg..omg Bryce…that feels so good…don’t stop!”

They all laughed, “Oh don’t worry cum loving Allison, we have only begun.”

“That’s right slut mom, you are going to get the fucking a dirty, slut mom deserves.” Added my son.

I was standing up, legs spread, my tits were getting sucked, my hard nipples were getting bit, and I felt so many fingers fucking my soaking wet pussy. I know I was moaning loud, very loud.

“Oh yes, oh god yes, make me come, make slut mommy come!”

It was so wild, I never had my head held back like that while getting so much pleasure. I could not see anything aside from the dirty ceiling, and it only made the feeling of pleasure more intense.

“Oh god, boys, I am going to come. Don’t stop!”

My son said, “Tell us how big of a slut mom you are and we will.”

“I am a dirty mom, a slutty mom. I love making boys jerk off to me. I want to be bathed in hot, sticky cum. I want it all over my face, my tits, in my mouth, in my pussy. Oh god!”

They were fingering me faster and faster, sucking as hard as they could on my tits. I felt a tongue lapping at my dripping wet pussy, I assumed it was my son. I heard someone say, ‘Tell us more, tell us how big of slut you are Allison.’

“I want my big tits fucked by all you boys. I need you all to fuck me, make me scream. I am so hungry for your hot loads.”

“And do you want to be gangbanged by every one of our friends? Do you think about everyone stroking their cocks to you, imagining them shooting their wads all over you?

I was about to orgasm when I respond, “Oh yes, oh god yes, I want it, I think about it, I need it…don’t stop…make slut mom come.” I screamed out so loud as my orgasm shot through my body. I was writhing around as the boys kept licking, finger fucking me and sucking my DD’s. It was incredible, they kept hold of my hair, forcing me to look up as I orgasmed. It was wild, hot and it added to the intensity.

The four of them held me up until I stopped moaning. That was their signal to let go of my hair. The moment my head came level with their eyes, the four of them pushed me down onto my knees. I happily stared at four rock-hard cocks. Immediately I grabbed two and began sucking on my son’s first.

I looked up at them, they were all smiling. My son looked at me, his wicked smile on his face. “This is the best place for you Mom, on your knees with my dick in your mouth.”

I ran his swollen cock head over my lips, licked it, then went to sucking on one of his friends. I kept eye contact with all of them as I went from cock to cock, sucking on each one. I think they could tell I desperately wanted them to feed me their tasty loads of thick paste. My four boys were moaning, looking down at me, calling me a dirty mom, a slut milf, and Allison the cum slut. It was driving me wild. I was stroking two of the boys while my son was fucking my mouth with his huge meat stick when the door opened.

Bryce kept fucking my mouth as well as I looked over to see who just came in and it was as I feared, the guy from the front desk. He closed the door, locking it, and stood there for a moment surveying the sight before him. His eyes locked onto my DD’s and I heard him say, ‘fuck, nice tits.’

“Is she really your mom?”

Bryce grabbed his hard cock, and pulled it out of my mouth, he grabbed my blonde hair making a ponytail with his free hand, and then slapped my face with it. “Yes, yes she is, she is the best cock sucking mom there is.”

No, he looked at the other boys, ‘and who is Allision to you three?”

I glanced up at them while my son kept gently slapping my face with his cock. All three looked down at me and gave me an evil grin.

“Oh, this is Aunt Allison.”

My jaw dropped for a moment, then I looked at the guy with a very nervous voice I spoke. “Um…you are not going to do anything to us…call the police or something like that?”

He looked at me, more like looked at my tits, slowly taking a few steps forward. “Well Allison, I have seen a lot of things go on here, but I have never seen or known about any incest, especially with a mom with such huge tits.” He squatted down, grabbing and fondling my tits.

He looked directly at me. “I am not going to do anything of the sort. I want to watch your son fuck you, then use that mouth of yours as a big cum dump. Every hot mom should let her son unload in her mouth.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up. “How does that sound to you?” I heard Bryce respond that is what he intended all along, although he did want to fill my pussy with his jizz as well.

My son pulled me up, holding my arms behind my back, he offered my tits to the man. “Do you want to play with my mom’s tits for a bit? We have plenty of time to turn her into one big cum dumpster. The man stepped back, undoing his pants to reveal a cock almost as big as my son's.

“You boys don’t mind if I join in? As soon as I saw Allison come in the door I got hard. I wanted to bust a nut on her since then.”

My son pulled me close, speaking in my ear, ‘You don’t mind do you mom, I know how much you love making guys blow their loads for you.”

He then stepped forward, roughly grabbing my tits before sucking on them. I let out a loud moan. Then he invited the other boys to come suck on their aunt's big jugs. My son let my arms go, wrapping his arms around my body to hold up my DDs for the others to suck on.

“You see Mom, everyone loves those big fucking tits of yours. I want to fuck them as much as I want to fuck your wet pussy. You are going to get sperm splattered tonight.”

Then the hotel manager, I guess I would call him that, stepped back, undid his pants pulling out his large, erect cock. I watched him stroking his cock as he watched my son and his friends ravage my tits for a few minutes.

“Ok boys, get your slut mom…aunt down on her knees. I want to watch her go back to sucking on your cocks.”

Immediately I felt all four of them push me down onto my knees. They started to slap my face and head with their cocks yelling at me to suck them. I grabbed whatever cock was in front of me and began to suck on it, stroking another bobbing erect shaft. All I heard was moaning, and ‘suck it, suck it, Mom, suck it, Aunt Allison.’

I glanced over to the manager, he was naked, stroking his big shaft as he watched me. He caught me looking at him, ‘Yeah that’s it Allison, suck those family cocks.”

I rotated through the boy's hard cocks, sucking, licking, and stroking them. At one point I stopped to look up them. “Are you boys going to sperm splatter me? Will it turn you on to sperm splatter?”

“Oh fuck yes Aunt Allison. We want to see you covered in cum.”

“Yeah, fucking sperm all over your huge tits…”

“Your face…”

“Drooling out of your mouth..”

“And running down your legs from your mommy pussy.”

Bryce turned to the manager, “I think my mom needs to suck on your cock too.”

The boys stepped back, I looked up at him as I rubbed my DDs. “Come over here, I know you want me to suck your big dick as well.”

He walked over holding his hard prick. He grabbed a handful of my hair and guided his throbbing shaft into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around him, my tongue snaking around his hot, hard shaft, giving him the best feeling I could. God, he let out such a moan. ‘oh fuck! Allison! Fuck! Your mom…your aunt…is a fucking pro at sucking cock.’

He began to fuck my mouth as I worked my tongue all over his prick, sucking as hard as I could. My son was cheering him on, ‘Do it, that’s it, fuck my mom’s slut mouth.’ The other boys were yelling, ‘suck it Allison, suck him good.’

He glanced down and saw my wedding ring. ‘Your mom is married and sucking on a strange man’s cock?’ I heard Bryce say ‘Yep and my dad has no idea how big of cum slut she is.’

He looked down at me, “Grab my cock with your left hand. I want to see that wedding ring as you hold onto my cock and suck it.”

His cock popped out of my mouth, ‘Oh, does it make it dirtier for you?

“Yes. I want to see it so I know you are the hottest slut, the biggest cock sucking mom…as big as those tits.” I did as he asked, keeping eye contact with him, my left hand holding his cock as took him in and out of my mouth. My son grabbed my hair, ‘suck it Mom, suck his cock.’ The other boys told him I was the best cock sucker and cum swallower they ever met.

After a few minutes, I guess, he pulled his cock out of my mouth. Looking at my son, as he held his wet prick, “Ok, time to fuck your mom. I want to watch some hot incest.”

Bryce helped me up and motioned me to get on the bed. I lay down, spreading my legs. I started to massage my DDs, looking at Bryce, “It's time to fuck mommy.”

My son held onto his huge prick, the hotel manager moved to where he could watch my son penetrate me. I groaned so loud as my son pushed his prick into my wet pussy. The manager told him to fuck me hard, he wanted to hear me scream and not to worry, nobody was close by to hear us.

My son grabbed my legs, spread me wide, and began to hammer me hard and fast. Oh my god, it was so good. Fuck, I could not believe how turned on I was with my son fucking me, and fucking me four other guys watching. At first, I moaned, but soon my moans became screams of dirty pleasure. I glanced over at the manager, he was stroking his cock as he watched.

“Yeah, that’s it, fuck your mom, fuck her hard!” My son responded, ramming his huge cock in and out of my pussy.

“Do you like your mommy's pussy?”

“OH, shit mom! Your pussy is so tight, wet. Fuck I want to bust in it all the time!”

The manager spoke up again as he slowly jerked off, “Look at your aunt’s huge tits bounce! You boys better fuck her tits too.”

I heard one of them respond by saying, ‘Oh we are gonna fuck them, her mouth, pussy, every part of her slutty body.’

Then one of them got up on the bed, knelt beside me, and began to play with one of my bouncing tits, stroking his cock with his other hand. Then another one positioned himself over my head, slapping my head with his hard shaft.

“Oh god, are you boys going to feed me all your cum? I want it all over me, and inside me.”

I heard the last friend say, “Don’t worry Allison, we have plenty of cum for you.”

My son was fucking me harder, I have never seen such lust in anyone’s eyes as I saw in his. Even his father never fucked me like this, it was incredible. My body was covered in sweat, I was screaming at Bryce to fuck me, to fuck his mommy.

I tried to suck on his friend's cocks as he fucked me but I could not focus because of the deep, dark lust I was feeling watching my son fuck me. I could tell by his speed he was getting closer to releasing his salty cream load.

“Are you gonna feed mommy your cum? I want to swallow your load. I want you to feed me again, feed your cum slut Mommy.”

The manager spoke, “Do it Bryce, cum down your mom’s throat. I wanna see her swallow it all.”

My son was in fucking frenzy, ‘Oh fuck mom. I am gonna sperm splatter your dirty mouth.’ Then he yelled at his friends to get off of me. “Oh shit Mom, Im gonna cum!”

He pulled out of pussy, and his cock was covered in my sweet honey, I slid down off the bed, my mouth open as got down on my knees. Bryce was holding his cock for a moment, then he began to stroke his cock as slid between his legs.

“Open wide slut!”

My mouth opened wide, my tongue out. I saw the manager move to the side to get a better view of my son feeding me. He stroked his cock once or twice and then a huge stream of thick cum rocketed out of his swollen prick head. It splattered on my face and then into my mouth. I could feel several more spurts of his thick salty cream shoot across my tongue, splattering against the back of my throat. I tried not to swallow, I wanted to hold all his load in my mouth.

Bryce kept yelling, ‘Oh fuck mom, fuck’ as each spurt shot out of his thick shaft. The manager was yelling, ‘Yes, feed your mom, feed her!’

I started to wonder if Bryce was going to stop cumming! I kept my mouth wide open allowing him to milk every drop into it. When he was finally done he used his cock to push his salty load across my tongue. I closed my mouth, my lips wrapped around his cock as he pushed his tasty sperm down my throat. I swallowed, sucking on his cock. Then I grabbed his cock with my hand and milked out the last few drops as I kept sucking.

Then my son pulled his cock out of my mouth, I glanced over at the boys and they were all grinning ear to ear, stroking their hard pricks. Then I looked up at the manager.

“Did you enjoy that? Did it live up to your dirty expectations?”

“Yes, it did Allison. Fuck. Your son is so lucky to have a dirty, cum swallowing, hot mom.”

He glanced over at Bryce. ‘Do you mind if I fuck your mom?’

Bryce smiled, ‘Not at all, give her a good fuck. She will swallow your load if you want.’

The manager helped me up, immediately spinning me around and bending me over. I placed my hands on the bed, feeling him slam his cock into my wet pussy.’

I heard him groan, telling everyone how great my pussy felt. The boys all gathered around, three of them stroking their cocks as they watched the manager fuck the hell out of me. I did not hold back from expressing my pleasure, I was screaming to be fucked harder. It was making me wild watching the boys slowly jerking off of me, my son was watching as well with a huge grin on his face. I could tell he was watching my tits bouncing with every thrust from the motel manager.

“Do you like that Mom? We love it! We love seeing your huge tits bounce, and seeing you get fucked like a good slutty mom.”

The manager twisted me around, grabbing one of my DD’s, continuing to fuck me hard. He kept his lust-filled look on me, pounding me, and talking to the boys. “You are so lucky to have hot, big tit, incest-loving, cum swallowing mom & aunt to fuck.”

He looked straight into my eyes. “Your pussy is going to make me cum. Where do you want my cum?”

For a moment I could not believe how wild this trip had become. I was bracing myself up on the bed with one hand as I was twisted around. A strange man was wildly fucking me in front of my naked son and his naked friends and all I could think about was getting his hot spunk all over me.

“I want it all over me. I want it on my face, my tits, and in my mouth. Show my son and my nephews that I am a cum slut.” It made it hotter for me to think of them as my nephews.

“Oh yeah Allison, you want it all over you? Why?”

“I am a dirty cum slot mom. I need to be covered in cum. That is what big tit moms deserve.”

“Are you going to jerk me off with your left hand? I want to watch that nice big wedding ring on your hand stroking my cock, milking it dry.”

I was biting my lower lip as I was about to orgasm. I think he knew it as he increased his pace. I could not hold back, I screamed with pleasure as he kept hammering my pussy. He had great control, he was telling all the boys how I felt and how my pussy was trying to milk his cock.

As soon as my orgasm was over, he pulled out, letting go of me. I spun around, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He stepped forward, his glistening rock-hard cock in front of my face. I grabbed it with my left hand and began to stroke it. His prick was rock hard, slick from my orgasm. He had his hands on his hips, looking down at me, ‘That’s a good slut mom, now let's see your left hand go to work, Allison.”

I worked his cock as fast as I could with my left hand. He was watching me, watching the wedding ring going up and down on his prick. He kept moaning, ‘That’s it Alision, a little bit more, a little bit more.’

“Oh fuck, here it comes Alison!”

I leaned back a bit, opening my mouth just as his thick, long prick erupted. I kept stroking his cock, allowing his cum to spray all over my face and into my open mouth. He had such a wild look in his eyes, the boys were cheering ‘Feed her, feed her’. I milked his cock of all his tasty, salty goo. When he was done, I held his cock, took it into my mouth, and sucked out the remaining jizz; making sure to swallow it all.

I released his cock, he was grinning ear to ear. “Damn, your mom is the best cum slut ever.” I went to wipe up his cum ropes that were on my face but everyone told me to stop. My son looked at me and said I looked super hot and slutty with cum on my face. I asked him if it turned him on seeing his mom with a strange man’s cum on my face and he just said yes.

The manager got off the bed and began to dress. He called Bryce over to him. He was talking to him in a low voice, Bryce took out his phone. He stopped, and looked over at the other boys, “what are you waiting for, fuck your aunt.”

The other boys pretty much jumped on me. I had cock fucking my tits, one in my mouth and the third cock was fucking my wet pussy. I heard the door open and close. Bryce wandered over to watch his buddies getting pleasure from me.

“No need to rush guys. He said we can stay here as long as we want fucking my mom, no charge.” My son looked down at me. “And he gave me his number. He said to let him know when you come to visit again so he can arrange this room for us.” He laughed, ‘Now we have a place to fuck you as long as we want and can make as much noise as we want, fucking our hot, dirty slut mom.”

Now the three boys took turns fucking my pussy. They had me in every position, riding them, on my back, bent over. They took turns fucking me for a few minutes, then that person would pull out and the next one stepped in. Then the cock that was in my pussy was fucking my mouth, allowing me to savor the taste of myself and their salty precum. I was turned into a fuck toy and I loved it. My son sat in a chair, slowly stroking his cock watching his buddies fuck his mom. They started to discuss busting their nuts and where to do it on me.

“Let’s save her pussy for later. Besides, I want to be the first to nut in my mom. She told us about wanting to get cum blasted, so I think that is what you should do. Blow your loads all over her tits, face and feed her as well.”

His friend who was fucking me at the time, had me on my back. He was holding my legs spread apart as wide as they could go. The others loved how my DDs were bouncing all over. His pace picked up, he was thrusting hard and fast. The other two were telling him to fuck me harder, demanding he make my tits bounce all over. I was moaning, the boys said I sounded like a very good horny slut.

“Oh yeah, get ready Allison, I have a big load building for you.”

I leaned up, ‘Oh yes baby? Are you going to feed me that load? Are you going to shower me with your hot cum?” I could tell he loved it and the voice I used when I called him baby. “Come on baby, fuck me, fuck the dirty slut mom.”

I glanced at the other boys, “I want all your loads. I want to be covered in spunk. I am a bad mom, a dirty slut mom, treat me the way I deserve.” God, the look on their faces when I said that, was wild, just wild.

Then I heard a loud groan, it happened in a flash. I saw him pull his cock, holding it, scrambling to stand over me. I watched him stroke his cock one time and he exploded! I did my best to open my mouth as jizz exploded out of his cock landing all over my tits and face. My son was yelling, ‘Yeah come all over my slutty mom.’

As this boy was cumming all over me, another one started to fuck me at the same time! Oh my god, it was wild! I was getting fucked, I was coming, and Bryce’s roommate was pumping his load all over me. His second friend fucked me hard and fast, telling everyone how wet and tight I was and how it felt with my coming all over his cock.

He pulled out, mounted my body, slapping his cock between my tits. He pushed them together, not caring that they already had cum on them. Within a few strokes, his prick erupted. As he was fucking my tits, the last of my son’s friends did the same thing and fucked me while my tits were getting fucked.

My horny tit fucker pulled his cock out from between my tits, stroked, and exploded all over them. I leaned my head forward, tongue out allowing him to feed me as well, oh did he. He made sure that his mouth got a nice helping of his salty load. I was such a slut and I wanted more, a lot more.

As soon as he finished and moved out of the way, the final friend pulled me off the bed, my face right in front of his cock. He yelled at me to stroke it with my left hand. Oh my god, as soon as I gave it one stroke he erupted! My face was splattered with his cum load. I tried to aim it for my mouth, but I took most of his sticky jizz on my face and hair. I put his cock in my mouth to let him empty his balls down my throat. I swallowed every surge he cock fed me.

As I swallowed his load it hit me, these boys were at a new level of wild lust. The others, including my son, were standing around me, holding their cocks, smiling as their friend emptied his prick down my throat. I never thought that incest mixed in with teen boys would be this sexually energizing.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth, and the boys surrounded me, offering their pricks, my son said, ‘Go on mom, suck them dry.’ I grabbed two bouncing cocks while sucking on the third. I gave my son a side-eyed glance, watching him stroke his rock-hard cock. I savored each of the boy's cocks, sucking hard to get every tasty drop of their salty load out of them. I asked them if they were going to be able to fuck me. I said I was so horny for teenage cock. They smiled, and one said, ‘Give us a few minutes Allison.’ Another pointed out how my son looked ready to fuck his big titty mom.

I looked at my son, holding all his friend's pricks up to my lips. I ran their swollen prick heads over my lips. “Are you ready to fuck me? Are you ready to fuck your mom?” Bryce stroked his cock.

“Oh hell yes Mom.”

“Mmmmm, your bad, slut mom needs to get fucked. I hope your big cock makes your mommy’s big tits bounce around uncontrollably.”

His roommates reached down, and they grabbed under my arms, pulling me up to my feet. One of them looked at me, ‘Not yet slut, you need to eat the cum off of your big fucking tits.’

I gave them a dirty smile, I was loving the dirty talk, loved them calling me a slut, dirty, bad mom. I held my tits up, slowly running my tongue over each one, scooping up thick, salty cum ropes with it. My son got behind me, he told me to spread my legs. Then he dropped to his knee’s burying his face between my legs, he lapped at my wet pussy as I cleaned my tits off. I started to moan as I lapped up his friend's jizz. When I cleaned up all around my large, hard nipples, two of them grabbed my DD’s and started to suck on them. I kept licking up cum from between while I enjoy my son licking my pussy, and his friends sucking on my tits. I came very quickly, quivering and screaming. Bryce kept licking my pussy, tongue fucking me as well; my son was going to town eating me out.

I had no warning of my impending orgasm, it just hit me in waves. The boys held me up, as my son kept licking me while I screamed, moaned, and wiggled around while standing. Two of the boys started sucking on my tits the moment I began to scream when my orgasm hit. That drove me wild, intensifying the pleasure that was rocking my body.

As soon as I stopped moaning and wiggling around Bryce stood up. He gave his big, hard cock a few strokes looking at me. “Ok, Mom, now it's time for me to fuck your wet pussy.”

I rubbed my DD’s looking at him, then looking down at his erect cock. “Mmmm, you want to fuck your slut Mom? Are you going to fuck me good in front of your friends?”

My son spun me around, grabbing my blonde hair in his hand. He yanked my head back, pressing his cock against my ass. He leaned in close, ‘Mom, I’m going to fuck you so hard, fuck you the way a dirty, slut, incest-loving mother should be fucked.’

He led me over to the front window and told me to open the curtains. “I am going to fuck you so hard mom, I want to hear your huge tits banging against the window.” Then he pressed me up against the window. He held onto my hair, keeping my head pulled back, all I could see was the ceiling. He ordered me to spread my legs and then I felt him guide his massive, throbbing prick to my wet pussy. He pressed his swollen cock head against my pussy lips and then pushed his long shaft deep into me. I let out a loud, almost whoreish moan as my son buried his meat into me.

Then Bryce began to fuck me, and I mean fuck! He held onto my hair, slamming his prick into my pussy repeatedly, hard and fast. I had my hand braced on the window, my breasts pounded against it to the beat of my son fucking me.

‘Thud, ‘thud, thud’ my tits pounded on the window.

I was turned on, I never had been fucked like this, not even his father fucked me with pure lust as my son was doing. God did I moan and beg him to keep fucking me.

“Do you like that Mom? Huh? Are you a dirty slut mom?”

“Oh god yes Bryce, I love it. Fuck me, baby, fuck your slut mom.”

He pulled my head back a bit more and asked me again if I was a dirty slut mom. I responded, ‘Yes honey, I am a dirty, slut mom. I am cum loving slut mom. I need to be treated like a cum slut, a dirty cum slut Mom.’

His friends were on either side, encouraging him to fuck me harder. They expressed how much they were loving hearing my huge tits pound the window. They were calling me a slutty mom, cum slut, dirty mom, everything they could and I loved it! Omg, I loved being talked to in such a degrading manner.

My son would slow down for a bit, teasing me, asking me if I liked that and I would respond, ‘fuck mommy, fuck your slut mommy hard, I need your cum, I need to feel you cum for mommy.’

Bryce went back to fucking me hard and fast, he slowed down again. “You know mom, your huge tits make every guy jerk off when they see them.”

“Oh yes baby? Do all your friends jerk off thinking about your mom’s big tits? Does it turn you on knowing they want to fuck your mom’s huge tits and cum all over them?”

My son chuckled a bit, then he let go of my hair. “Oh Mom, it is not just my friends that jerk off to your big milf tits.”

Bryce had my blonde hair in a ponytail, wrapped around his hand, using it to keep my head tilted back. I felt him let my hair go. I needed to give my neck a bit of a rest, I was not used to having it held back for such a long time. My eyes were closed when I lowered my head, I was lost in the incestuous lust. My son kept fucking me hard and fast, my tits pounding on the window. Then I opened my eyes to a wild sight.

Standing in front of the motel room window were three older men. All three of them were jerking off with one hand and drinking beer with their free hand. They gave me the dirtiest smile raising their beer bottles. I did not know if they were saluting me or my son. Two of them made a motion with their beer hands mimicking my DDs, and then gave me a thumbs up.

My son stopped fucking me, leaning forward,” What do you think of that mom?”

I could not believe how horny I felt at that moment. I should have been embarrassed but I wasn’t, I was filled with wild lust.

“I think your mom is a cum slut. I think I need as much cum as I can get. What do you think Bryce?”

I watched my son’s reflection in the window as he started to slowly fuck me. He turned to one of his friends, “Hey, see if they want to join and bust all over my mom’s tits and face.”

His friend went to the door, opened it, stuck his head out and I heard him say, “Hey, you guys want to come on in and bust on Allison?”

They grabbed all the beer they had, grabbed their pants, and came into the room. As soon as they came in, the friend shut the door.

“Damn, that is one hot, huge titty milf you guys are fucking.”

Then they saw my wedding ring.

“Fuck! And she is married as well. Nice! So she is a slut.”

My son pulled his cock out of my pussy. He stood me up, spinning around to face the three older guys. “No, she is my cum slut mom.”

The three fell silent, looking at Bryce and then at me, then back to him. “Holy shit! You are fucking your mom?”

My son laughed, “Yes, we are all. She fucking loves it and can you blame us” he reached around grabbed my tits, and bounced them at the guys, ‘Look at her huge DD tits.”

They stood there in silence for a few moments, before Bryce spoke up again. “Well, do you want to bust a nut on my mom’s face and tits or not? She is swallower as well.”

They looked at each other, then back at me. Almost simultaneously they said, ‘hell yes’. One of them added, ‘I don’t blame you for wanting to fuck your mom.’

He pushed me towards them, and all three reached for my tits, pawing, fondling, and squeezing them, as well as pinching and flicking my hard nipples.

“Nice, your mom has real tits.” As he said that the other two began to suck on them, sucking very hard. I felt their tongues playing with my erect nipples. I could not hold in the moan of lust from them. They took turns sucking on my tits and fingering my wet pussy. Of course, each one wanted me to stroke their hard cock with my left hand, these older men were turned on for some reason by having a cheating, married mom stroke their cocks.

My son watched them taking pleasure with me, and then he moved over to the bed, laying down with his hard shaft standing up like a flag pole.

He was slowly stroking his cock, watching three strangers finger my pussy and suck on my tits. I was moaning, stroking their cocks as they continued to finger, lick and suck. I locked eyes with my son, he was smiling.

“Are you enjoying this Bryce? Do you like seeing these men suck on my tits and finger me?

He laughed, “What do you think Mom? I am loving seeing being a slutty mom.”

As two of the men squeezed and sucked on my tits the third guy looked at my son. “So, has your mom always been this horny?”

“I wish I had known she was back in high school. My friends and I would have made her our cum dumpster.”

The three of them stopped for a moment, looked at me, and one of the said, ‘You would make a great cum dumpster Allison.’ They juggled my DD’s for a few seconds before my son interrupted them.

“Ok Mom, get over here and ride my cock. I need to fill your pussy with my load.”

Then men spun me around, slapping my ass, and one of them said, ‘Do what he says, Allison.’ Another added, ‘Be a good slut mom and fuck your son, make him bust in your pussy.’

I climbed up on the bed straddling my son. Bryce’s friends were drinking and watching. I lowered myself down onto my son’s raging hard cock, sliding him into me. He groaned as he reached up, grabbing my tits. I moaned as well, the pleasure of his large cock sliding deep into me was fantastic.

I immediately began to ride my son, in front of everyone. I loved having his big cock in me and I let everyone in the room know via my screams and moans. My son was using his thumbs to play with my hard nipples, making me scream louder.

I was bouncing up and down yelling ‘Oh god yes, fuck your mom, fuck me.’ Everyone was watching, drinking and enjoying. The three guys were stroking their cocks, enjoying the show.

“Fuck, would you look at Allison’s huge tits bouncing!”

“I know, I hope her husband fucks her tits every day and busts his wad all over them.”

“And on her face, and down her throat.”

I glanced over at them, leaning back far enough that my son had to let go of my tits and hold onto my hips. As I slid up and down my son's prick, my bigs bounced all over, the three men watched intently, the lust in their eyes was amazing to me.

“Do you like watching me fuck my son?” I grabbed one of my DD’s, held it to my mouth, licked and sucked on it, watching the men the entire time. “Are you enjoying the mom and son show?”

The three nodded and simultaneously said ‘fuck yes.’

Bryce then said, ‘Hey guys, get over here and have fun with my mom’s tits and mouth. I am sure the three of you are close to busting and my cum loving mom needs more jizz.’

The three men rushed to the bed. Two of them knelt on either side of me. They grabbed my hands, placing them on their raging hard-ons. Then they began to ravage my DD’s, squeezing, fondling, licking, and sucking on them. I did not think it was even possible to moan even louder than I already was doing, but I managed, spurred on by the intense pleasure I was getting from my breasts being ravished. My son was groaning with delight as I bounced up and down on his big cock, he managed to moan encouragement to them as well, ‘Yeah that’s it, suck on my mom’s huge titties.’

The third guy stood next to my head. He was slapping my face and forehead with his cock. I tilted my head back a bit which allowed him to slap my lips with his drooling prick head. We kept this up for a bit, I know this cock teasing was driving him insane with lust, I could see it in his and sense it as well. Then I looked down at my son. He was grinning ear to ear.

“Are you enjoying mommy riding your big, thick cock? Or you do love seeing your mom’s big tits getting sucked by two strange men and mommy’s face being slapped with a stranger’s hard cock?” I let out a louder moan as the two men used the tips of their tongues to flick my nipples around. “Well honey, tell your slut mommy what you love.”

Then I glanced around at the three men, “Are you guys enjoying this? Are you enjoying your dirty fantasy of watching incest, a slut mom riding her son’s cock? I glanced down at my son to see how he responded.

“My mom is talking too much. She needs a cock in her mouth and a load of cum pumped down her throat.”

The man standing next to my head immediately grabbed a fistful of my blonde hair, turning my head towards him, pressing his swollen, drooling prick head to my lips. I opened my mouth like a good slut taking his cock into it. Then to my surprise, he began to fuck my mouth. Wow! My husband never did this to me. I loved it! I loved how they were treating me like a fuck toy. It was wild, I was riding my son's cock, jerking off two men who were sucking on my tits, while another man fucked my mouth. Not to mention the three roommates of my son who were drinking and enjoying the show. At this point I could barely moan, the only sounds coming out of my mouth were muffled gurgles as that guy fucked my mouth faster and faster.

I did not know how much longer I would last before my orgasm hit. I wondered who was going to unload their jizz first, my son, one of the men I was jerking off or the man fucking my mouth. I did not have to wait long for my answer. The man pounding my mouth and throat began moaning. ‘Oh fuck, I'm close to cumming in your mom’s mouth.’

“Do it! Feed my mom your salty load. My slut mom loves cum.”

He moaned louder and louder, ‘Oh fuck, yes, here it comes Allison, here it comes!’ He stopped fucking my mouth, keeping his cock in it, he stroked himself a few times before unleashing his thick load of cum. He kept grunting ‘Swallow it, Allison, swallow it.’ As I gulped down this salty jizz he made sure to tell my son. “Oh fuck, your mom is swallowing it all! She is not even gagging!” He kept one hand on the top of my hand, using his other hand to milk his load out of his stiff cock.

I barely heard my son over this man's grunting and my son’s moaning, I think he was saying ‘Do it Mom, swallow that cum.’

The other two men were sucking hard on my erect nipples and telling me to stroke their hard pricks faster and faster. I felt their pricks stiffen and swell in my hands. The two of them told the other guy to hurry up as they were ready to blow their loads. One of them began to moan, ‘Don’t stop Allison, I am going to cum all over you.’ The other one added, ‘All over your huge tits and slut mom face.’

At that moment the guy pulled his cock out of my mouth and jumped off the bed. The other two guys immediately stopped sucking my tits, they leaped up, standing over me wildly stroking their cocks. I was still doing my best to ride my son's cock.

“Do it! Come all over my mom! Cover her in hot spunk!”

I straightened up just a bit, leaned my head back, opening my mouth. The two of them exploded. The rained hot cum ropes down all over my tits, face, mouth, and hair. They were not even aiming, they just stroked their cocks, milking spurt after spurt all over.

“Here you go your slut. Here is your cum Allsion.”

“Yes! Come all over his mom. Cover his slut mom in spunk.”

“Fuck! Keep it up! Keeping cumming all over my slut mom.”

My son grabbed my hips, pulling me up and down his rock-hard shaft faster and faster. Now he was moaning, ‘Oh fuck mom, Im close, Im so close. Im going to fill your pussy.’

That seemed to be the signal for the other two men to get off the bed. They had finally run out of spunk for the moment, they were just standing over me trying to shake the remaining drops of sperm out of their pricks onto me.

Now everyone gathered around the bed, cheering my son on. “Do it man, do it. Come in your mom’s pussy. That’s it Allison, fuck your son, fuck him, make him cum, make him bust.’

I was outright screaming in pleasure now.

“Oh god, Bryce, do it, come, come for mommy. I want to feel it. Fill me, fill mommy’s pussy with your hot cream.”

“Oh fuck! Here it comes, Mom…I’m cumming!”

Both my son and I orgasmed at the same time. I felt his huge cock stiffen, then I could feel him unload in my wet pussy. Oh my god, it was so intense, incredible. I felt every spurt of my son’s spunk erupting out of him. I was screaming, ‘Yes, Yes, baby, yes, come in mommy, come in mommy!’

My son held me by my hips after we both finished our orgasms. I was covered in a mix of sweat and sticky seamen. I pulled myself off of my son's prick and stood up. My legs were a bit shaky from my orgasm. Everyone was looking at me, smiling with the most lustful, evil smiles I had ever seen. They were passing more beer, giving my son one for ‘busting in your mom’. My son stood up, chugging a beer. One of the men put his hands on my shoulders pushing me down in front of my son.

“You need to clean up your son's cock, then lick up all the come that is on your massive tits and face.”

I did just as he instructed. I grabbed Bryce’s still erect cock, licking it all over before taking him into my mouth. I savored the mix of flavors that was all over it. I sucked hard, drinking down my juice and the remaining spunk still in his shaft. The men patted me on my head, ‘That’s a good mom, a good slut mom.’

I took my time cleaning up my son while everyone watched and drank. After I had finished with my son I stood up and began to clean myself. I had a feeling they wanted to see that next. I raised my DD’s up to my mouth, licking off all the sticky jizz. The group watched me, enjoying the show. Of course, they took turns holding my tits up for me to clean them off, playing with my nipples at the same time. Then I cleaned off my face the best I could with my fingers, taking my time to lick them clean before proceeding to the next cum rope on my face.

Once I had finished, I glanced around at all the guys, looking at their semi-erect cocks. I decided this would be a good time to use the shower to quickly rinse off, and get some of the spunk out of my hair. I told them I was going to take a quick shower while they were drinking. They said ok, and slapped my ass when I turned to head to the shower.

I got in, standing under the hot water. I started to think about what I had done. Not only did have incestuous relations with my son numerous times, I allowed a group of strangers to get pleasure from me and my body. And the more I thought, the more I realized how much I loved it.
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