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Monica just wanted to recruit new memberd for her church. But her new Master Matt had other Plans for his slave.

Monika is a 18 years old Jehovah's Witness. In their religion, sex before marriage is forbidden. Anything that makes you horny is also forbidden. She is a good girl and follows all the rules. On this day she is out and about ringing doorbells to find new followers. For her age she is relatively small and petite. She is 155 cm tall and weighs less than 50 kilos. Her ass is firm and round, her breasts are perfect for her body, but also very small and firm. So she goes from door to door hoping to find someone who is joining her religion. It's slowly getting evening and she wants to finish this street. It is in a nice residential area, the houses are far apart and have large gardens. She gets to the last door, as she walks up the driveway she noticed the cameras. The path is lined with bushes and therefore it is difficult to see anything from the road. As she rings the bell, she hears a voice: “Hello, who is it?”

“Hi, I’m Monika and I’d like to talk to you about Jehovah’s Witnesses.” She said it very kindly, since many people don't even react.

“Yeah, come in, I’ll be right there.”

The door opens with a whirring sound. Monika is surprised by the friendliness and enters. The entrance area was large and spacious. Nobody was to be seen. “I’ll be right there, just a minute.” She walks to the mirror and looks at herself. Her shoulder-length brown hair was straight and neat. As she looks at herself, she suddenly sees a shadow behind her. She turns around in shock, but it's too late. A large man grabbed her, one hand pressed over her mouth and a syringe in the other. He sticks the syringe into her neck and squeezes. Less than 5 seconds go by and her vision becomes blurry and everything becomes black and numb.

Day 1

The first thing she noticed when she woke up was that she was comfortably warm. Her neck hurts and slowly the memory of the man in the mirror comes to her. She gets nervous and opens her eyes. Everything is dark around her. She grabs her neck and realizes her top is missing. Startled, she felt her body and noticed that she was completely naked! A monitor on the ceiling suddenly lights up. She realizes that it must be images from a camera on the ceiling, because she sees herself. It had to be a night camera, you can see her body in perfect quality even though it was dark.

"Hi girl. I have chosen you. You are perfect for me. A virgin, beautiful and a Jehovah's Witness. Everyone in your community will think that you want to see the big world and have run away. Nobody will look for you. You actually only have 2 options now.

You obey me, we will have fun together and live a happy life.

You defend yourself, I will have fun and then dispose of you.

It’s up to you, I would be happy to spend a lot of time with you.”

The blood in Monika's veins freezes. She can't believe what's happening to her. She falls to her knees and begins to cry.

“Oh God, I don’t want to die. Please don’t… why are you doing this….”

"This is a good start. I promise not to kill you. We will make it so that you will enjoy it too. Here, eat this and everything will be fine.”

A flap on the wall opens and there is a cup with a pill in it. Monika takes the cup and looks at it. Thoughts are rattling around in her head, but she can't quite grasp them. She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and swallows the pill. Everything around her goes dark again and she lies down on the ground. Less than 10 seconds later she is unconscious.

She wakes up again, but this time without any further pain. She wants to move her body, but realizes that she is fixed. Neither hands nor feet nor anything else is movable. She can only move her head. On the monitor on the wall she sees herself tied to a gynecologist's chair. Her legs are spread wide and her pussy is clearly visible. There is a needle in her arm that is connected to a bag full of fluid. Monika panics and starts crying again. On the monitor she sees a man coming up to her from behind and running his hands through her hair.

“Hi, I’m Matt. What's your name again?"

"I am Monika"


A blow hits her breasts and she screams.

"I don’t like it. I'll just call you bitch until I think of something better. And you address me as master. If I am happy with you, I will treat you better and you can gain a bit of freedom. But now we’ll see what you’re up to.” He grins evilly at her, but her breasts still hurt so much from the blow that she didn't want to risk it again.

"Yes Master."

He walks around and now stands between her legs.

“I have never had such beauty. You really are perfect for me.” He leans down and licks her pussy right away. Lightning flashes through her body. She has never had any sexual experiences in her life. Lust was a sin and after her first masturbation she felt so guilty that she never did it again. It felt so good and so wrong at the same time. She could feel the pleasure rising to her genitals and making her very wet.

"That's how I like it. That's the taste I want."

He licks her more and more and enjoys every second of it. Monika can't hold it any longer and an orgasm shakes her body. The liquid spurts out of her pussy and Matt slurps up as much as he can catch in his mouth.

“Oh you’re such a dirty slut!”

"I'm sorry!"

A slap with the palm of her hand smacks her face. So intense that she sees stars.

“I… I’m so sorry Master.” She says sobbing.

“Exactly like that bitch. I don’t tolerate any impudence.”

He walks around her again. Using a lever, he tilts the table with her upper body back and stands in front of her head. He pulls his pants down and takes out his cock. It wasn't completely stiff, but was a considerable length of about 22 centimeters.

“There won't be much for you if you behave like this. I advise you to drink as much as possible.”

He puts his cock in her mouth and she feels his urine flow into her. It tastes salty, but not as gross as she thought. Sip after sip flows down her throat and into her stomach. He needed to urgently, as much as he pissed into her.

“Not a single drop went wrong. I'm proud of you bitch! You can now decide, do you want to eat something or would you rather wait until tomorrow?”

She was almost a little proud that she had managed to swallow everything without anything going wrong.

“I’m hungry, Master.”

He laughs at her.

"Good. I’ll make you something good.”

He sets the table back up and walks to a dark corner of the room. She can't see where he is, but she sees him on the camera walking back between her legs. He carries a bowl with various tools in it. He places the bowl under her ass and takes out a tool. It looks like a duck's beak. Matt takes lube and smears the tool and her asshole with it. He slowly pushes it inside her. Pain shot through her body. But he simply pressed the tool further in until it was about 5 cm inside her. Next he turns a screw and the thing in her ass begins to spread. The pain becomes unbearable and she starts screaming. He leans over her body and punches her in the stomach. Her stomach clenches and a bit of shit squirts out of her through her open asshole and into the bowl. She falls silent immediately, but tears stream down her face. He opens the screw even more and her hole spreads until it is almost 3 cm wide.

“We can work with that.” Matt says happily and smiles evilly. He shifts his weight onto her stomach. She can't help it and she empties her bowel contents into the bowl below her.

“You dirty bitch, you were full to the brim with shit.”

He takes the bowl and walks to her head.

“You can eat now. I'll help you a little, but only while you're still tied up. Don’t worry, you’ll eat a lot more shit, you better get used to it.”

Monika feels panic rising within her. She had already thought so, but hoped it would change. He opens her mouth and puts a piece of her shit in her mouth. She doesn't dare close her mouth.

“Eat, bitch!”

She bites the piece in her mouth. The smell was disgusting. She immediately gags. He covers her mouth so she can't let anything out. She struggles with herself, but every time she swallows she has to regurgitate it. But he doesn't let up, and after the longest 5 minutes of her life, she managed to keep everything down.

“I feel like you need more help.” He says as he puts the table down. He puts the next piece of shit in her mouth, followed by his now hard 10 inch cock. He forces the shit straight down her throat, almost down to her stomach.

“That’s how it works bitch! How do you like your dinner?” He laughs as he says that.

“I… ah I love it master.” He laughs and continues the procedure. Little by little he presses into her until the bowl is empty.

“Good girl. I'll let you rest now. I'll put the bowl back in case you want to prepare your breakfast. You've been such a good bitch, I'm not spreading you any more today. But it stays that way. Your piss is also collected in the bowl. It’s all up to you.” He smiles and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "And if you puke, we will instill it in you until you stop doing it." He leaves the room and turns off the lights. She is in complete darkness, saturated with her own shit and his urine. The nightmare, which is now her life, is just beginning.

Day 2

There was no question of sleeping. Monika is in pain from her spread ass. She couldn't keep the shit she had to eat in her, she had to throw up twice and it all ran over her breasts onto her stomach. She knew it wouldn't get any easier, she didn't want this and her body fought against this waste in her stomach. She can't see the bowl beneath her, but she can tell that it wasn't empty. Her bladder emptied itself twice and she couldn't hold back her shit, her asshole was still spread. The monitor came on and she could see all the mess on her body and in the bowl. She immediately starts crying again because she knows that everything has to go back into her body. A door opens and Matt is able to get in. This time he is naked and looks at the mess with a smile.

“You were a bad bitch that night. But now you can eat more breakfast.” He laughed and ran his hand over her stomach. He pushes the vomit down over her pussy and drops it all into the bowl.

“Please Master, I can’t keep it in. I've tried everything. It just wasn't possible. Don’t force me again Master!”

She begs him, but also knows that it doesn't actually make any sense. He laughs and walks to a table that is in the dark. When he returns, he has a bag of fluid and a syringe with him. He connects the bag to the entrance in her arm.

“I have to make sure that you get enough nutrients so that your diet doesn't make you sick. This injection will paralyze certain muscles in your body. It suppresses your gag reflex, your sphincter and the pain becomes less. I'll give you something to start with, but you'll learn to do it without it."

He places the syringe at an opening at her entrance and empties it. After just a few seconds, Monika notices how a warm feeling arises in her and the pain in her asshole becomes less.

“Look at this, it takes effect so quickly.” Matt says laughing as he sees the spreading tool slowly slip out of her hole and fall onto the floor. He picks up the bowl and cleans all the vomit into it. It contained almost 2 liters.

“So my love, with your piss we can make you a nice smoothie. This will make you feel better too.”

He turns the lights in the room all the way on. Monika is shocked by the size of the room. It was about the size of a tennis court. It has several pieces of furniture that look like torture devices, large tables with all kinds of tools and sex toys. On the other side of the room was a large cage that was furnished like a normal room. She suddenly has the feeling that she may never leave this basement again. Matt walks to one of the tables and pours the contents of the bowl into a large blender. The shit, vomit and piss mix together to form a thick pulp. He looks over at Monika. “I'll make it a little easier for you, I don't want to be cruel.” He couldn't hide his sarcasm. He takes the mixer and lets his urine flow into the vessel. “The more liquid, the better for you.”

He mixes everything well again. Now he walks over to her with the smoothie. He puts the table in the correct position so that she can sit almost normally.

“If you promise to be nice, I'll loosen one hand. That way you could drink yourself and I don't have to force it into you. However, if you try to do something stupid, you'll regret it, bitch!”

Monica thought about it. It was disgusting what he did to her. But a certain freedom wouldn't be bad for them either.

"Thanks master. I will be good and obey you Master.”

Her voice was quiet and submissive. Matt grins and releases one hand from the bonds. He loosens a total of 4 shackles on one arm and Monika can move her arm. The first thing she does is wipe the tears from her eyes. He positions himself between her legs so that his huge cock lightly touches the entrance to her pussy. Her eyes get really big and she stammers : “I’m still untouched. Please don’t, I’m saving myself until marriage.” His hand slaps her cheek with full force. She immediately blushes and tears well up in her eyes.

“Sorry Master! I’m sorry Master!”

He smiles at her.

“Well if that’s the case, I’ll marry you. It’s hard for me to turn down a request like that.” He laughs and Monika feels very sick. She didn't mean it like that at all. But she wasn't allowed to talk back to him, otherwise there would be more beatings. Matt takes a ring from his little finger and puts it on Monika's ring finger.

"Fits like a glove. You are my wife from now on. You can prove yourself on our wedding night. Maybe you don't always have to live in here. As my wife, you should come upstairs and enjoy life more. But for that I have to trust you completely, and that won’t happen anytime soon.”

Monika slowly realizes what her role here is supposed to be. He wants a sex slave who should fulfill all his wishes without saying anything and without hesitation. She is shocked by his cruelty and at the same time she now has a man who she had to obey and serve. She was raised knowing that the man is the boss and the woman has to be subordinate. She didn't think it was possible that it would reach this extent.

“I want to serve you Master. I want to live a life without being strapped down. I will serve you and try to fulfill all your desires. You are my master and husband.”

She almost couldn't believe her own words. This man who has done the most horrible things to her in her life and who certainly won't stop is now her husband and master forever. Matt laughs and leans down to her.

“You may now kiss the bride.” He says jokingly and kisses her on the mouth. She could smell the taste of vomit and shit in her mouth, but apparently He doesn't mind because he shoves his tongue into her mouth and they start making out. She ran her hand through his hair on her own and stroked his head. For a brief moment she forgot what situation she was in.

“Hopefully the drugs will make things a little more pleasant for you too. You should be relaxed.” He says quietly and she feels his penis penetrate her. In fact, it almost felt good. After a few centimeters he hits her maiden skin. He kisses her and pushes his cock into her. A flash of pain runs through her body, causing her to let out a short scream. She feels so full of his cock and the scream is now followed by moans of pleasure.

“Oh girl, if you moan like that after 10 cm, what will the remaining 15 do to you?” He laughs and with one thrust he rams his cock into her as deep as it can go. Her abdomen feels like it's about to burst. Pain shoots through her body and she screams uncontrollably.

“A virgin is simply the best. Don't worry, your body will get used to it and it will be a joy for both of you. I'll get everything into you. There are still about 8 to 9 cm missing. You’re just too delicately built.” He says this with a cruel joy in their pain and torment. He slowly starts to fuck her. With long strokes, pull the cock completely out of the pussy and push it back in with force. As she notices that each thrust hurts a little less, she looks down at herself. Blood drips from her vagina down on his cock. It feels wet and slowly the pain gives way to the pleasurable feeling of an orgasm. She reaches her hand around his back. The moment the orgasm shoots through her body, she can't help herself and her fingernails dig into his muscular back. Fluid shoots out of her pussy, almost completely rinsing the blood from his cock. He makes a few more pleasurable, deep thrusts and she can feel his sperm spurting deep into her pussy. There must be a lot of sperm, his cock continues to pulsate for a long time and pumps more and more into you.

“Stand by bitch. Not a single drop of it should be wasted!” She places her hand over her pussy as he pulls his cock out. He quickly found a cup and held it under her pussy. The thick sperm slowly drips out of her and fills the cup. He scrapes everything out of her with one finger. The cup is almost filled to the brim.

“Look at this, your dessert.”

He laughs evilly as he says this.

“Now for the main course.” He holds out a pitcher of smoothie to her. She grabs the vessel and hesitates.

“You want to be a good housewife, don’t you? These are your tasks here. You are at my free disposal. You will follow all my wishes, no matter what it is and what you have to do for it!”

"Yes Master! I will fulfill your every wish Master!’

She puts the jug to her lips and begins to drink. The smell was beastly. But the drugs seem to be working; she didn't have to regurgitate anything once. She downed the entire 2 liter smoothie. He is still standing in front of her and watching everything. His cock becomes stiff again and he pushes it into her. An unfortunate moan comes out of her mouth. She puts the mug down and he takes it from her hands.

“Well done girl. Maybe you’re not as much of a bitch as I thought.”

A smile appears on her face. She likes that he compliments her.

“Thanks Master.”

She says, smiling at him.

“I'm sorry if I scratched you, Master. I will control myself better, Master.”

He smiles and gives her a kiss on the lips.

“No problem sweetie, it was out of passion, I like that.”

He slowly pulls his cock out of her pussy and points it at her asshole. With one thrust he drives into her. Her hole was nicely loosened from the drugs and spreading overnight and he has no problems penetrating her. She moans in pleasure and pain as he fucks her asshole. He pushes deeper and deeper into her.

“My whole cock fits in here, I hope I don’t do any damage.”

Her insides felt like they were being torn apart. The pain is almost unbearable and she notices how her eyes are going black. The moment she faints from the pain, his hand slaps her face.

“Stay here bitch. Enjoy it and beg for dessert instead!”

Her head was buzzing. With all her concentration she can stay awake. Suddenly he pulls his cock out of her ass. The table flips back and he runs to her head. His cock is right in front of her face. He's covered in shit.

“Open your mouth!”

He commands her and she obeys. He pushes his cock all the way into her mouth. Her throat expands and he leads it down almost to her stomach. With short but rough strokes he pumps his sperm directly into her stomach. There is no noticeable gag reflex. She lets it happen to her, but the air is running out. “Breathe through your nose bitch. You have to be able to do that, otherwise you will constantly faint.” He says it as if it were obvious. She focuses on breathing. Short and hectic breathing cycles are successful. Over time she becomes more relaxed and can breathe more and more.

“Good girl, we can work with that.” He massages her breasts and she notices how his cock becomes limp and smaller. He slowly withdraws from her throat and he pulls it out of her mouth. He places the table at a 45 degree angle. She's gasping for air and her stomach feels like it's about to burst. A thought flashes through her mind. “Please Master, may I have dessert. I was a good girl. Please Master!”

He was visibly pleased that his methods achieved such rapid results.

“I still have to work on you a bit. If you participate quickly, you really deserve it.”

The hope that it was over for today was suddenly gone. What else will he do to her? Matt walks over to the table and gets the bowl. Like before, he places it under her ass. Now he has a new tool with him. It looks like a pipe. He sticks it in her asshole without hesitation. With one move the tube spreads and fills her entire hole. He twists a little more and your ass stretches further apart. Her asshole was now open to about 5 cm in diameter. The shit that has become soft from the anal sex slowly flows out of her. Matt walks to the table again and gets a thin hose that is connected to a container. He places the container on the floor and inserts the tube into her urinary opening. The feeling is really unpleasant for her, but thanks to the drugs and the knowledge that she has to behave well, she can bear it. Suddenly her urine starts leaking out of the hose and into the container. He uses a few pieces of tape to secure the tube to her leg so that it can't slip out.

“Well, isn’t that wonderful. So nothing should stop you from getting rid of everything. That's enough for today. You did great and I will reward you. Here you have your dessert. Well done sweetie.” He smiles at her and gives her the cup.

"Thanks master. You take such good care of me Master.” She smiles at him and begins to pour the cum from the cup into her mouth. She devours every single drop and even licks the cup. She proudly presents the empty cup. He takes it and puts it away.

He cuffs her hand to the chair.

“This is just for your safety. Not that you hurt yourself or come up with other stupid ideas.” She nods at him and smiles.

"Thanks master. You are the best husband I could ask for.”

Matt had no idea that the combination of drugs and his brainwashing would take effect so quickly.

“If you're such a good girl tomorrow when the drugs have left your system, you'll get out of this chair quicker than expected. I like your style, my sweetheart. Now rest, tomorrow we'll see if the whole thing works with fewer drugs. Ah and just so you know, the liquid not only contains vitamins and everything you need to survive down here, but also contraception. We don't want you to get pregnant. Not yet."

The last sentence shocked Monika. Slowly but surely it dawns on her that she will never lead a normal life again. This was her life now, and she is slowly coming to terms with being a sex slave and subservient wife.

Day 3

That night Monika was so exhausted that she fell asleep and only woke up again when the room was brightly lit. She was no longer tied to the gyn chair. She was lying on a massage table and it was a lot more comfortable. She lies on her stomach and looks at the floor through the recess in the lounger. Her ass was still open with the tube-like tool. The tube was removed from her bladder, it still stung a bit but was more comfortable than before. The bowl lay beneath her. It has little pieces of shit in it, but not as much as last time. Matt was standing in front of her, she only sees his feet.

“Good morning bitch. I decided to test you. If you pass this test, we will be able to make big steps in our relationship. If I find you have failed, I will punish you and we will start again. Did you understand that?"

"Yes Master. I understand and will do my best to obey you.”

He walks around the lounger and without hesitation pulls the tool out of her ass. The pain was almost unbearable and Monika let out a short but loud scream. Her asshole feels sore and bruised.

“Sit up, but don’t mess up the lounger on me!”

She obeyed and slowly sat up. She has to squeeze her asshole really hard and hopes that nothing falls out of her or otherwise makes the lounger dirty. He helps her get up from the lounger and takes a close look at her. “Well done sweetie.” He gives her a kiss.

“Now get on your knees and drink my piss. You know the conditions.”

She gets on her knees and opens her mouth. He puts his penis in her mouth and lets his urine flow freely. She swallows every drop again and slowly she almost enjoys it. It was a lot of piss that she had to drink, so much that her stomach started to hurt and bloat.

“Good girl. You can now make a decision.

You can throw it up and you don't have to eat it again.

You can take care of yourself. So take a shower, brush your teeth and go to the toilet normally.

How do you decide?”

Monika isn't so sure what to choose. Her stomach hurts, but she didn't really want to vomit anymore. So she decided on the second option. Matt was amazed, she would rather keep his piss inside her and take care of herself.

"I like it when my wife grooms herself."

He smiles and leads her to the cage.

“Here you have a shower and toiletries. We don't have a toilet, but this bucket will be enough for you. You’re actually our toilet.”

He laughs and lets go of her hand. She turns to him and kisses him.

"Thanks master."

She turns on the warm water and takes a shower. Matt was a bit perplexed, but pleased with her affection. He stands in front of her and watches her shower. She likes the attention and knows that the better she is with him, the better off she will be.

“Master, do you want to have some fun with me in the shower?”

He doesn't need to be asked twice and steps under the warm water. They kiss and hug each other deeply. She gets on her knees and starts blowing him. She notices that her asshole isn't completely closed and a bit of shit has fallen out of her. She reaches down and takes it in her hand.

“I’m sorry Master, I couldn’t keep it in.”

“No problem sweetie, you can go to the toilet. As long as you put everything in the bucket and it’s clean afterwards, I have no problem with it.”

She smiles at him and puts the piece back on the floor. Now she takes his cock deep into her mouth and every time he touches her throat she gags. Her asshole twitches every time and more and more pieces of shit fall out of her ass and land on the floor. She is not allowed to vomit, that would have been the first option. She stands up, turns around and bends over. He now has the choice of which hole he wants to fuck. He puts his cock in her pussy and fucks her deep. It hurts a lot more without the drugs, but she doesn't let it show. Under the warm water he simply slides into her and hits her uterus. Since it was her decision, he didn't want to torture her any further and slowed down his pace. He starts massaging her clitoris with his hand and massaging her breasts with the other. She has 3 orgasms before he finally cums inside her. Matt steps back and grabs a towel and dries himself off. She showers, takes shampoo and cleanses herself thoroughly. Before she turns off the water, she picks up all the pieces of shit from the floor and puts them in the bucket. Now she sits over the bucket and empties her bowels into it. It feels good to let it all out. Her bladder also empties into the bucket. Lastly, she cleans her ass under the water again before turning it off. After brushing her teeth, she feels almost back to normal, and for a short while she was satisfied. Matt looks at her and asks:

"Are you ready? I would like to continue.

“Yes Master, I am ready for you.”

She smiles at him and he smiles back.

He leads her to one of the torture instruments. Her head and hands were clamped, her body was stretched backwards. So he fixed her and placed a large bowl under her head and under her ass. He walks to one of the tables and comes back with various sex toys. First he holds out a huge butt plug to her.

“Your spit will be your only lubricant today. Oh, before I forget, there are still about half the drugs available today, we want you to get used to it.”

He sticks a syringe into her arm and empties it. The warm feeling shoots through her body and she feels good.

“Thank you Master, I’ll try to enjoy it.”

She spits on the plug, not much comes out.

“Master, if you fuck my mouth I can produce more spit. Please fuck me in the mouth. Please Master.”

He thinks for a while, nods and takes out his cock. The begging and the helpless woman in front of him made him hard again. Without hesitation, he presses his cock as far into her as possible. This time the resistance is a little greater, but he pushes a full 10 inches into her mouth.

“You have exactly one try. As soon as I pull out you can collect the spit for the lubricant.”

When he finishes the sentence, he pulls out his cock. Monika tries her best to let as much saliva drip onto the plug as possible. A lot came and she was happy.

“Thank you very much Master. I'm ready."

He walks around her and presses the plug onto her asshole. He pushes the plug into her with full force. Monika screams and tears flow down her cheeks. With a relieving pop, the plug slides into her and secures itself. Relieved, she lets a moan escape her mouth. Next he places a strong vibrator on her clitoris and attaches it to her leg so that it cannot move. He switches it on and proudly looks at his construction.

“Now we’ll see how long you last. The longer the better for you.”

He walks around her and stands in her face. She is already starting to shake from the first orgasm that shoots through her body. Her mouth is open from moaning and he thrusts his cock into her. She feels so used. All of her holes are used or being violated. Her pussy is so wet that her legs are dripping and there is already fluid collecting in the bowl beneath her. Her asshole is on fire and every time his cock touches the back of her throat, her sphincter twitches and pain shoots through her body. He doesn't let up and fucks her mouth with his entire length. After the 30th time, the piss from before slowly starts to come back up from her stomach. Sometimes just drops, sometimes a whole gush of vomit comes up with every thrust and lands in the bowl below her. He fucks her until nothing comes out of her throat and her stomach is completely empty. When he feels another orgasm ripping through her body, he pushes his cock as deep into her as possible. She breathes excitedly through her nose and he just stays inside her. With small movements he gets his cum into her stomach. He takes all the time in the world and slowly lets his cock go limp, but doesn't pull it out. He stays like that and waits to see how long she can hold out.

Monika gives everything and stays on her feet. All pain in her. Her throat, her jaw, her asshole and also her pussy. But she wants to prove to him that she can endure it. After what felt like the 15th orgasm in the next 3 hours, her legs collapsed.

“Very good honey. You really exceeded my expectations.”

He turns off the vibrator and removes it from her leg. He comes around her and loosens the bonds on her neck and arms. She falls to the floor and lies curled up. Both bowls are filled almost to the brim. One full of vomit and his piss, the other full of her pussy juice and her urine that has collected over the last few hours.

“We’ll still need all of that, look forward to it. If you want, you can quench your thirst.”

She lifts her head and looks at the bowls. One was full of liquid, the other still had pieces of vomited shit in it. She decides on the one with just liquids and starts drinking. When she has quenched her thirst, she lowers her head again and lays it on the ground. Matt really takes pity on her and picks her up. In his arms he carries her to the bed and lays her down.

“Sleep my little one. You did a lot today and I’m proud of you.”

He restrains her legs and hands so that she can move but cannot get up or run away. She smiles at him, he gives her a kiss and tucks her in. He leaves the room and turns off the light. She thinks about his strong arms and his cock before she slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Day 4

She had never slept as well as she did tonight. When she opens her eyes, the room is still pitch black. Her asshole is burning and very tense because the butt plug was still inside her. The drugs have worn off again and so the pain has become worse than it was yesterday. She automatically grabs the plug and moves it. It feels uncomfortable and terrible to have something so big in her ass. When the light comes on, Monika is startled and turns around to look at the door. But this still remains closed.

“Good morning bitch. I hope you slept well and are ready for today. Unfortunately I don't have time today and won't be here for a long time. But I have something for you. Afterwards a door opens next to you. You'll find your food for today in there. Enjoy your “day off” and I will get back to you tomorrow. Remember, I see everything and if I am forced to come here you will receive a severe punishment. See you soon my bitch.”

“See you soon master.” She says, looking up at the monitor. She doesn't see Matt, but rather the camera pointed at her. She was finally able to recover from the strain. However, she is afraid that the food could be cruel. The flap in the wall next to her opens with a whirring sound. There is a large bowl with porige, toast with jam, orange juice and a mug of coffee on it.

“Oh thank you Master! You are the very best husband a woman could ask for.”

The joy over his gift was not faked. She is really happy about the affection he gave her with the nice breakfast. Since she hadn't had anything in her stomach since yesterday except his sperm, she was really hungry. She wolfs down the food as if it were the last thing she would ever eat. Full and satisfied, she lies back on the bed and has no choice but to wait. The light switches off automatically after a while and the room is only illuminated by the monitor on the wall. She secretly wonders what will happen tomorrow and falls asleep peacefully.

Day 5

Severe stomach pain wakes her from her sleep. Jer stomach feels like it's going to burst. The food was too much for her at once and now she had cramps. Moaning, she lies on the bed and turns back and forth.

“Please Master help. My stomach hurts incredibly!”

She whimpers to herself. The light illuminates the room and the door opens. Matt comes in and opens the cage.

“Were you too greedy, bitch? I let you enjoy something for once and you manage to inflict pain on yourself!”

His voice sounds a bit annoyed and angry. He runs over to her and grabs her by the neck. With a jerk he pulls her out of bed and puts her on her feet.

“Please Master. I didn't want this, but my stomach is about to burst. Sorry Master.”

He takes the bowl and puts it on the floor. He pushes her down and she kneels over the bowl.

"I'm warning you. Anything wrong will result in a penalty!"

Without hesitation he rips the plug out of her asshole. The pain shoots through her body and she screams loudly. The plug is full of shit and everything that was inside her falls out at once. There's a huge mess. A lot of her shit falls into the bowl, but a lot of it also splashes onto the floor around it. Her bladder also empties and makes the mess perfect.

“Look at that bitch. I'll let you sleep in a comfortable bed, let you eat something normal and that's how you thank me?!”

He gives her a hard slap in the face and she falls to the ground from the blow. Tears stream down her face and she sobs and cries. Matt angrily picks up the bowl and walks to the table. There are the other bowls from yesterday and the container with her urine.

“You clean the floor with your tongue! I don't want to see a single dirty spot anymore! And woe betide you if you puke or shit any more!”

“Yes Master, I’m so sorry Master.” She sobs and begins to lick up the shit from the floor and swallow it. He stands there and looks at her closely. Monika doesn't dare look at him. She licks the floor clean inch by inch and swallows it all. Almost an hour goes by and she finally did it.

“I’m done master. Please punish me, I was ungrateful and will reform.”

Matt walks to her and stops in front of her. She kneels on the ground and looks up at him, like a dog waiting for a command. With one hand on her neck he lifts her up and with the other he repeatedly slaps her breasts. She wants to scream, but she stays silent, tears streaming down her face. At this moment she realizes that she is far inferior to him physically and that any resistance will not be worth it. He bends her down and starts spanking her. Her breasts burn and are blood red. He doesn't stop hitting her and her ass starts to hurt so much that she almost can't take it anymore.

“I will teach you to appreciate my generosity!”

He says as he lets go of her. He goes to one of the other tables and gets a large hose. An anal plug is mounted on one side. She doesn't dare move. He pushes the plug into her ass with full force. It's as big as the one she had inside her that night. The pain was severe at first, but she quickly got used to the familiar feeling. Next he unties her and drags her along to one of the torture devices. He puts her there, her legs bent and her body almost horizontal, and he straps her in place. He had never treated her so roughly before and it scared her. This pain and the resentment towards her worried her. Deep within her, the desire to become the perfect wife and slave for him grew ever greater. As long as she didn't disappoint him, he treated her relatively well and she liked that. Matt goes back to the table and gets the small tube that he had already pushed into her bladder. This time it does the same thing, but much rougher and with more violence. Her pain became so great that she couldn't stay still. She moans painfully and he glares at her.

“You can’t expect any mercy from me today bitch. If you make me angry, you will have to face the consequences.”

“Yes, my master. I’m so sorry I upset you.”

She pulls herself together and no longer makes a sound. Matt now puts the two tubes into another plug that looks a bit like a pacifier. He now attaches this to a leather strap that looks like a face mask. Now he gets everyone the bowls and containers from before. First he pours the bowl with her vomit and his piss into the larger tube. She feels how the liquid runs into her ass and fills her up. Now he stuffs her own shit into her mouth. She diligently swallows everything. She got used to the smell a bit, but she still gagged every now and then. When this bowl was also empty, he started pouring urine and pussy juice into her. This mixture tastes the best so far. Monika thinks the taste is almost good. Your stomach feels really full already. This bowl would also be done. Next, Matt stuffs his cock in her mouth and starts peeing. Like a good girl, she swallows every drop, even though she really has a stomach ache from eating and drinking so much. Lastly, he gets the container that is full of urine. He also took a small bottle and opened it. He carefully drips a few drops into her urine. Next she has to drink this container empty too. Done!

“I'm going to teach you a lesson now! I will stay here today and enjoy this show. I will continue to watch you and see how far you are in your development into my slave and wife. Do not disappoint me!".

Before she could say anything, he put the plug in her mouth and secured it with the leather strap. He straps it so tightly that it can't move an inch. The liquid in the tube runs into her mouth and she tries to swallow it.

As a piece of shit got into her throat, she gagged and vomited. Her vomit shoots through the tubes into her ass and into her bladder. Luckily one tube was so thin that only liquid could fit through it. She feels her bladder filling up. It was a terrible feeling, but there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

“This will be fun… for me.” Matt says and for the first time today she sees a smile on his face.

“The medicine I gave you is laxatives. I hope you’ve had enough to drink, otherwise it might be a hard thing for you.”

He laughs and looks into her eyes. Her eyes are wide with the shock of the news she just received. Her stomach rumbles and she can feel it clenching. The liquid shit shoots out of her body at one speed. She can see it rapidly approaching and disappearing into her mouth. She tries to stop it from going down her throat, but it has such force that it just forces itself into her. Her eyes get even bigger and slowly turn back. The urge to throw up increases and so the diarrhea comes back up as vomit. She feels the pressure in her bladder and the pain increases immeasurably. Tears are streaming down her face and you can see how tormented she is in this helpless situation. As soon as she stops vomiting, she notices the next cramps starting in her stomach and forcing more shit into the tube. She now has to experience this cruel cycle again and again, and Matt sits there, grinning evilly and rubbing his stiff penis. After what seems like an eternity to Monika, he gets up and walks over to her. He puts his cock in her pussy and fucks her deeply and without care. She hadn't had any drugs yet today, so the pain was worse than ever. But he didn't care at all and treated her more roughly than ever before. Monika could feel his balls on her ass during the deep thrusts. That means he's deeper inside her than ever before. She could feel his cock against her uterus and she was sure that he would penetrate her. With long, firm strokes he penetrates her cervix. The feeling that she is being torn inside overshadows all other pain. His glans pushes through the narrow entrance and he is finally inside her all the way. As he injects his sperm deep into her uterus, her eyes go black and she faints.

Day 6

Monika wakes up. She screams and cries uncontrollably. She wanted it all to be just a bad dream, but it was her bitter reality. She notices with shock that she is being hugged. The feeling of human closeness calms her down a bit. She is no longer tied to the torture device, but is back in bed and covered up. The entrances in her ass and bladder are still there, she still feels the pain. But her mouth is free and she takes a deep breath.

“Well bitch, have you learned your lesson? I really don't want to do that. I would enjoy it more if you could enjoy it too. But you challenged me and I showed you what can happen when you are not grateful and devoted.”

He strokes her hair.

“I’m sorry Master. I didn't do it on purpose. I deserve your punishment. Forgive me Master.”

She says as she wipes away her tears and snuggles into him. Matt slowly stands up and Monika turns to him. He looks down at her and she smiles at him.

"Master, I'm thirsty. I let out everything that was inside me and I really need your juice."

She crawls over to him and takes his cock in her mouth. He continues to look down at her and a smile crosses his face.

“I can’t refuse a request like that. I feel like the punishment was good for positively changing your behavior. As you have experienced, you have a say in how you are treated.”

He lets his urine flow and she swallows it all with pleasure. Before he's even finished, she starts giving him head. He becomes stiff and the penis grows to its full size in her mouth.

“You surprise me more and more. Slowly but surely I have to think of a real name for you. If this continues, Bitch will just be the name you hear during punishments.”

This makes her happy and she smiles with his cock in her mouth. She gives everything to please her master. He is visibly satisfied with her performance and after almost 10 minutes he cums on her face. She collects his sperm with her finger and shoves it all into her mouth and swallows it.

“Hmm, I’m thinking…you can come upstairs with me today. I'll show you what could be yours. But first I have to hurt you again. Believe me, at this moment I would like not to, but I have to.”

His expression becomes a little more serious. She looks into his face and her smile disappears too. What could come now? Will it be very painful?

He goes to a closet at the other end of the room. He opens the door with a key and she sees him take out a long, large syringe. She gets scared and cowers.

“Come on, if you cooperate well it will be easier for both of us.”

She gets up and goes to him. He points to the gynecological chair and she sits on it with her legs apart. He shows her the end of the syringe. It has a small pill on the tip, only about 5mm in size.

“This is my insurance. I'm going to inject it into the top of your uterus. This means I can always see where you are. It sends me data about your health and I can punish you with it. I'll hopefully never have to use it for this purpose, but I need to test that I planted it in the right place. I hope you won’t be mad at me.”

His expression still hasn't improved and that scared her.

“Anything you want, Master. I’ll do anything for you and I hope I never disappoint you again.”

He stands up and gives her a kiss. She kissed him back and they made out deeply.

Matt leans between her legs and inserts the syringe into her. When she reaches her cervix, she feels pain. She doesn't know if it was good or bad that he fucked her so brutally and deeply yesterday. The syringe passes through the passage and he pushes the syringe further and further. There are now almost 14 inches inside her when she notices a sharp pain that makes her wince.

"Now it's getting a little painful, but I'll do it as quickly as possible."

He sticks the pill into her body, the pain is really bad and she screams but tries to keep her body still. After a few seconds, he slowly pulls the syringe out of her and she sees that the pill is missing at the end.

“Master, did I do it?” She asks with a hint of happiness.

“Not quite yet, testing the pill will be at least as painful as starting it. But if you want, you can take a warm shower, that should ease your pain a bit.”

She nods and he slowly pulls the tube out of her urethra. Next he turns his attention to the plug. He slowly twists and moves it, loosening her muscles before pulling it out in a slow but firm motion. She moans as the plug leaves her. Her asshole was now so loose that she had an open hole.

“Very nice, I like that. Believe me, it will get easier and easier and soon you will always want to have a plug in you.”

She nods again and smiles. They walk together towards the shower and she turns on the warm water. He makes it clear to her with a movement that she should get on the floor. He takes a small box with a display hanging from the key.

-Body temperature 36.5°, dehydrated and hungry.

“And now, the final test.”

He presses the little button on the box. Pain runs through her body like lightning. She can't help herself and screams louder than ever in her life. It feels like she's burning from the gut. She lies hunched over in the warm shower, the water dripping onto her battered body.

-Body temperature 37°, dehydrated and hungry. The pain is critically high.

“I'm really sorry sweetie, but I had to test it."

He strokes her head and sees the pain creeping out of her body. Her posture becomes more relaxed and she lies on her back.

“Master, I will do everything in my power to never have to feel this pain again.”

“I like to hear that, my sweety. The house is secured and as soon as you leave it, the pain will begin automatically. I can turn it on, but I can also turn it off.

He puts a collar around her and takes the associated leash in his hand. She slowly stands up and waits for him to say something.

“Come on, I’ll show you my house.”

He pulls on the leash and she walks after him like a pet. When she gets to the door, she notices that the room is almost a bunker, not just a basement. The door and walls are almost half a meter thick. 'I would never be able to escape here,' she thinks. She quickly runs after her master and leaves the room. Now they go up a flight of stairs and they are in the entrance area. Monika sees herself in the mirror again and examines herself. She looks exhausted. No longer the young and happy girl, but more like a used and violated whore. She stops and looks down in shame.

“Why are you still standing bitch?!” Matt calls, pulling on the leash.

“You broke my body…. You're a monster! I don’t recognize myself.” Monika says sadly and with disgust for Matt and herself.

“I’ll do a lot more to you if you don’t treat me with the respect I deserve!” His voice sounds evil and when Monika realizes that she has forgotten the 'master', his hand slaps her cheek. Tears well up in her eyes and she reels.

“I thought you were further along in your development, I guess I was wrong!”

His hand slaps her body again. But this time on her breasts. He hits her again and again until she can't take the pain anymore and starts screaming and sobbing. He pulls her down the stairs by the leash and she almost falls, but can just barely stay on her feet. Once in the room, he leads her to another device. He places her on the device so that she is lying on her stomach. Her legs are bent, tied and her whole body is fixed. She is now lying there in the doggy style pose and strapped to a table.

"You'll learn to obey me anytime and anywhere." He grabs a vibrator from one of the tables and turns it on. Without preparing her or using any lubricant, he pushes it into her pussy. She lets out a pain-filled moan and squirms. He pushes the virbator all the way into her. Next he gets a long and thick dildo. It's thicker than any plug she's had in her. He spits on her asshole and starts using the dildo to force it into her.

She screams and the pain in her ass gets bigger and bigger. She tries with all her might to get out of this painful and humiliating situation, but without success.

He pushes the dildo further and further into her, and after a long 5 minutes this monster is inside her too. He takes a leather belt and straps it around Monika's abdomen. He pushes the vibrator and dildo into her, preventing them from being pushed out. Monika cries terribly in pain and can hardly stand the torture.

“And now the crowning glory.”

With another leather strap to which an approximately 10 cm long dildo is attached, Matt comes over to her head. She wanted to apologize and prevent him from punishing her so harshly. But before she can say a word, he presses the dildo into her mouth and fastens the strap around her head so that it can no longer move. She squirms and can hardly breathe in panic.

“Breathe bitch, breathe slowly.” He says calmly, looking down at her. She tries to relax and her breathing slowly returns to normal. She can see the saliva slowly running out of her mouth and dripping down. Matt puts a container under her and laughs. He gives her another access and ensures that the fluid in the bag transports enough nutrients, fluids and medication into her bloodstream.“And now you have time to think about your behavior. I wanted to reward you, but you destroyed everything. And you have to earn my trust.”

As if the pain wasn't enough, he starts slapping her ass. His hand repeatedly slaps her cheeks and they turn blood red. Monika's tears stream down her face and mix with the saliva before dripping into the vessel beneath her. Finally the beating stops, but the burning continues for a long time. She hears him move away from her, open the door and close the door again. Suddenly the lights go out and you find yourself in complete darkness. Her body burns from the beating, her holes are violated and filled to the point where she feels like she's about to tear. The dildo in her mouth makes her gag again and again and the saliva flows out of her like a small river. 'I'm going to have to be a much better wife to him. I have to be what he wants, that has to be my only goal,' she thinks and can't stop crying bitterly.

Day 7

Monika doesn't know how long she was kept in this position. Without light or interaction with Matt, she couldn't tell if she had to spend an hour, several hours, or even days like this. Her holes burned incessantly. The vibrator has already brought her to unwanted orgasm more than 6 times and the vessel under her had to slowly be full.

The light came on and for a few seconds she was so blinded that she couldn't see anything. When she opened her eyes and saw something, Matt was standing in front of her, his face in front of hers. He takes the dildo out of her mouth and she gasps. Her jaw hurt so much that she didn't try to move it too hard.

“Well bitch, I see you had fun. Wet between the legs and the vessel filled to the top.”

“M..Master… I’m so sorry that I betrayed your trust.”

He smiles at her, stands up and takes his cock in his hand. Without saying anything, Monika opens her mouth and he slowly fucks her mouth. He begins to use her mouth deeper and harder. After 5 minutes he stops and takes the jar. He takes her collected spit and holds the container to her mouth and pours the slimy liquid into her. The consistency is so disgusting that she has to regurgitate everything after the first sip. But she also knows that she has no choice but to drink it. In the end it's about 5 dl, but she has almost half an hour before she can't get it all back up. Satisfied and smiling, Matt looks at her and pats her on the head.

“It’s fine, bitch.” He slowly walks around her and removes the leather strap from her lower body. The vibrator is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning and it slowly moves out of her wet pussy. He leans down and licks her pussy. She can't help it and starts moaning. After a few minutes he stands up and places his cock in front of her pussy. With one powerful thrust he fucks deep into her and her violated pussy burns. She screams but at the same time she likes the feeling of his cock inside her. His thrusts become harder and faster so that she notices that he is close to orgasm.“Please Master, come deep inside Me! I want to feel your cum inside me!”

She really does everything to please him. With long and deep strokes he starts to cum inside her. Pressure builds up inside her and with every spurt of sperm she is closer to orgasm. While he has his cock inside her and pumps your sperm into her, he massages her clitoris. He feels her orgasm coming and the moment he feels the pussy pulsating around his cock, he pulls the dildo out of her anus with full force. The moans of pleasure from sex and orgasm are replaced by screams of pure pain. Her hole looked violated. A bit of blood was running from the stretched skin and the inside of her intestines was clearly visible. Everything was dark red and the lack of the dildo made her prolapse. Her cries of pain slowly subside and she calms down over time. Meanwhile, Matt unties her bonds and prepares to put her in her bed. He picks her up and carries her into the cage. But before he puts her to bed, he puts a pad on the mattress.

“Now you’ve experienced what it’s like to piss me off. I will only become crueler in the future and I really hope you know how to behave. Now it's evening again. You can rest and tomorrow I will leave you alone. I have to go away for a day and will only be able to monitor you via the screen. So be a good girl and act like a good woman.”

“Master, can I ask you for two things?”

Matt looks at her questioningly and nods.

“May I have something to eat? I’m so hungry and I won’t last long without it.”

“I'll make you something to eat. In the future, if I'm not here for a day, you'll feed yourself on your own shit. However, I know that you are completely empty. And the second one?"

Monika looks at him with big eyes.

“Can I lie in your arms for a bit and feel your closeness? I want to cuddle with my husband before I fall asleep.”

Matt laughs, his methods quickly taking effect. He lies down in bed with her and she snuggles into his arms. They kiss deeply and after a short time Monika falls into a deep sleep, in the arms of her kidnapper, rapist, tormentor and husband.
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