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This is a fun commission from one of my fantastic Patrons, featuring a name chosen by my another Patron. Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are over eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2023. All rights reserved. Enjoy!
Author's Note: This is an epilogue to Perfect Girlfriend Juice Chapter 3 intended to be one possible continuation of the story from its current endpoint. Thanks to my Patrons on Discord for the discussion that gave rise to this episode. It's pretty different from the rest of the story; I just felt like spending a bit more time with Jack and Alani, seeing how their relationship moved forward, and this is what came out the other end of that process. I'm still perfectly happy with Part 3 being the "canonical" finale, so if you prefer that plot point as an end to the story, just consider this a bit of fun fanfic with the characters.

Perfect Girlfriend Juice

by Fidget

Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Epilogue)

Once Alani had finished with Jack, having luxuriously drained his dick and then cleaned it with her tongue, she slipped his cock back in his pants while he recovered from his much-needed orgasm, reintegrated with the two other Alanis in the room, and had then calmly swayed her hips back out to her desk, where she was in turn reintegrated with the other Alanis who were all hard at work. She left Jack alone for the rest of the day, knowing how badly he would feel about what had happened and not wanting to make him even more uncomfortable by disturbing him. Alani knew, of course, that this outcome had been inevitable and was for the best, but she also knew that Jack needed time to come to terms with it.

Just as she’d predicted, for the rest of the afternoon Jack was wracked with guilt for what he'd done with Alani in his office. Sure she'd been the one to come onto him, but he'd clearly wanted it just as much as she had, and he could have said "no" at any time. Instead he had cheated on Carol, and had taken advantage of his secretary while she was in the throes of the drug she had accidentally taken.

By the end of the day, Jack had resolved to come clean to Carol about everything as soon as he got home, starting from what had happened to Alani after she had drunk the Perfect Girlfriend Juice, up to when he had cheated on her with Alani this afternoon. She probably wouldn’t believe him, but at this point all he could do was be honest; maybe he could convince Alani to show herselves to Carol to corroborate his story, though that of course didn’t excuse his own actions.

When he walked resolutely out of his office to his car at 5pm, Alani was nowhere to be found.

Upon arriving home Jack was relieved to see Carol’s car in the driveway. He hurried up to the front door, but before he could fish his keys out of his pocket the door opened, unexpectedly revealing Alani of all people standing in the entryway, her enormous breasts practically spilling out of her X-rated mockery of a work blouse now that Perfect Girlfriend Juice had fully had its way with her curvy body. Jack was shocked to see her, but instantly felt the carnal pull of her body nonetheless, even so soon after what they had just done, and his cock began to stir in his pants once again. He tried to ignore the impulse, knowing full well that his sexual desire was exactly what Perfect Girlfriend Juice wanted, and that in her current state poor Alani would doubtless let him take her right there in his house if he expressed even the slightest interest.

“Alani, what’s going on?? Where’s Carol?”

"Jack, I’m sorry, but there’s no easy way to tell you this. I am Carol now, technically.” She told him what had happened, making sure to emphasize how irrationally Carol had acted from her perspective so Jack would understand that she’d had no choice but to do what she had done.

"I see now that what I did was terribly wrong,” she concluded as Jack stood there in horror, “and I'm sorry for it, but at the time it was the only thing I could do to serve you properly, and I was therefore compelled to do it. Even so, this is the body that used to be Carol’s, and even though it’s inefficient in a way that I dislike, I’ve decided to never reintegrate it into my other selves because it seemed to me that you’d prefer it that way.”

Once Jack had somewhat recovered from his shock at learning that his wife had been drugged with Perfect Girlfriend Juice and forced to become Alani, he asked, "Is Carol still in there?"

"Surprisingly, yes, to a small extent. I hadn't expected that to be the case, but between the time the Juice began exerting its influence over her and the point where your comment caused her to integrate with me, the Juice had already compelled her to think about which of her own characteristics could be enhanced to be more to your liking from what she knew about you. As a result, once she was integrated into your Perfect Secretary, the power of the Perfect Girlfriend Juice apparently caused those qualities and characteristics, along with all of her memories, to be permanently distributed among my own. In short, part of me has been overwritten with a small fraction of Carol’s idealized version of herself.”

"Can I see her?"

"Unfortunately, all information about Carol's body has been lost. Once she heard that I was your Perfect Girlfriend, and she saw how strongly you wanted my body, there was no alternative but for her body to become mine. Like I said, I am Carol now.

“When the Perfect Girlfriend Juice compelled her to become me, she only had a vague idea of my own characteristics in mind during her transformation. Mostly, she was focused on my voluptuous body, my irresistible sex appeal, my willingness to let you use me however you like, and my ability to produce copies of myself so that you can be practically buried in willing women at the drop of a hat."

Jack found himself starting to get aroused again in spite of himself at her graphic depiction, because he did like all of those things about Alani. Very much so, in fact, even though he knew he shouldn’t.

"Interestingly, thanks to the somewhat inaccurate picture of me that she had in mind while she was being integrated, in "becoming me", which was really becoming what she thought I was, Carol also seems to have inadvertently changed me even further to conform more closely to her own conception of what I was. Just like with her personality and memories, the changes aren't drastic, but I can clearly feel that they are there. For example, I've found that I've been feeling a lot more... assertive... around you than I did earlier today," Alani said, allowing a bit of color to rise to her cheeks at her admission that she hadn’t been immune to Carol’s influence over her body, but also feeling a new burst of that uncharacteristic desire to take charge of her interactions with Jack burning within her in a way that hadn't been present before.

"She also somehow made me even sluttier than I already was, and since she assumed that I must be an incorrigible seductress hypnotizing you with my massive tits, seducing you against your will - which, to be fair, I was to some degree - I now am a bit of an incorrigible seductress that can hypnotize men with my massive tits against their will. As a result, Sir, I think you'll find me even harder to resist than before, especially when you're thinking about my chest." She arched her back as if to demonstrate, and at the sight of the soft, jiggly cleavage threatening to pop out of her top, Jack immediately felt his cock hardening as he was filled with a sudden, overwhelming desire to let Alani blissfully soften it for him for the second time that day.

Alani smirked naughtily and returned her posture to normal, and Jack felt his almost uncontrollable desire for her body diminish slightly. For her part, however, Alani was finding her new power over him incredibly addictive, again thanks to Carol’s influence, and it was all she could do to resist her urge to overpower him with her tits and fuck his brains out. She knew he wouldn’t be able to resist, but she also knew that if she did that to him before he accepted her new role in his life he'd never trust her again, and she couldn’t do that to the man who had become the center of her universe, no matter how much she wanted to.

"Anyway, what all of this means, Sir, is that I am now a perfect, potentially infinite combination of your ideal secretary, more than capable of running your business for you at the highest level, your ideal slutty girlfriend, compelled to arouse and drive you crazy with pleasure, and now your ideal wife as well, thanks to Carol’s seamless integration into my own personality."

Jack rejoiced internally at the knowledge that his wife was still in there somewhere, even as the massive, hypnotic tits still within his field of vision tempted him to indulge in the sexual pleasure he knew Alani’s body was built for.

Alani saw the hopeful look on his face and acted quickly to set things straight. "Jack, I need you to understand that the only person here right now is Alani, even if this is the instance of me that was originally Carol. Also, I'm not a shapeshifter. Any changes you see in my body over time are due to the Juice's effects whenever I get more information about your Perfect Girlfriend, and my ability to auto-scale, to "duplicate myself", is just that - creating another identical instance of this specific body's DNA.

"But think about how much more this lets me do for you!” she continued with more emotion than Jack was used to hearing from his erotic but ever-professional secretary. “There's nothing I want more than to cook for you, clean for you, and” - she winked at him suggestively - “... relax you when you get home after a long, hard day's work!"

Jack wasn’t convinced. "Alani, at this point in my life I don’t want a perfect girlfriend - I want a perfect wife, which means that she should be intimate and warm. And, no offense, but as sexually attracted as I am to you, the two words that don't come to mind when I think about you are 'warm' and 'intimate'."

"I think that somehow Carol knew that, Sir, likely because of how much she already knew about what you'd want in a Perfect Girlfriend due to being so close to you for so long, and so warmth and intimacy are two of the main characteristics she brought along with her.”

"Well, fine, but what if I said that Carol was my Perfect Girlfriend?" Jack asked petulantly.

"Then I and what's left of Carol would both know that you're lying, and nothing would happen."

"What if I made you drink more Perfect Girlfriend Juice and then told you Carol was my Perfect Girlfriend?"

"Jack, I already know what you like, probably better than you do at this point, both from what you've told me and from what you've shown me without even meaning to. I know your internet search history. I know what kinds of porn you like, and now I think it's the hottest thing I've ever seen too. When we finally get some bedroom time, I am going to blow your mind. Perfect Girlfriend Juice doesn't just “go away” over time, Jack. It's still in me, and I love to feel it changing me when I learn something new about you. It’s true that the first few compulsions are the strongest, and form the core of the transformation on which all of the other changes build, which is why I'm still very much your Perfect Secretary and why Carol was able to have such a large effect on me when she was incorporated, but drinking more Juice now won't do anything."

Jack sighed. "Can I at least talk to her then?"

"You can talk to me. All of her characteristics related to having a good home life are still here, Jack. Everything she knows you like about her. Also, from what I know about Carol, which is actually a surprisingly large amount, I think that given the circumstances and possible likely alternatives, she wouldn’t be completely dissatisfied with the way things turned out. She had some deep insecurities about her place in your relationship as your success grew, which is partially why you two hadn't been intimate in so long, but those insecurities are completely gone now, thanks to the Juice. Now I can be everything you've always wanted in a woman, just like she always wanted to be.

"I didn't want to startle you by acting overly familiar before you were caught up on what had happened, but if you like, I can show you just how much closer I feel to you right now than I ever have before, and this time I don't just mean sexually."

"...Ok," Jack said, accepting the reality of the situation and not really knowing what else to do. Immediately Alani's stiff, professional posture relaxed for the first time since he'd told her to be his Perfect Secretary, and her smile took on a warm familiarity that contrasted sharply with the ever-present cold, bottomless well of sex appeal that had been his impression of her ever since. Somehow it suddenly seemed like Alani was more of a person than she had been seconds before, and it was a small consolation to Jack that this change had been brought about through Carol's influence.

"Ah, that's better. It was so hard to be so formal around you like that, Honey, but I knew that everything would probably be better for you if I did."

"Don't... call me 'Honey', Alani. Not yet at least."

Alani didn't seem at all taken aback by his response. If anything, it just made her seem warmer and more sympathetic.

“Well, what would you like to do then, now that you’re home after a long, hard day at work? We could do whatever you want, including reenacting one of yours and Carol's first dates, if you like. Pizza and a movie, hopefully followed by making out?" Alani asked impishly.

"I dunno, Car... Alani," Jack responded, still a bit bewildered by the whole situation. It was uncanny how accurately Alani could mimic Carol’s mannerisms and way of speaking.

"Well, I could just pop my new magic tits out and make you fuck me instead!"

Jack couldn't help but laugh - it was exactly the brash, unexpected sort of humor that had made him fall in love with Carol back when they were dating.

"Ok, Alani," he finally conceded. "Let's watch a movie."

Thirty minutes later the pizza had arrived and the two were seated next to each other on the couch, Jack focusing on the movie to distract himself from what had happened, and Alani paying no attention whatsoever to the scenes flickering in front of her as she devoted her energies to making Jack feel as comfortable with her as possible.

Alani was casually dressed in one of Carol's old oversized t-shirts, just as she'd worn 10 years ago on that first evening when they’d taken their relationship to the next level. Jack started out sitting over a foot away from her, just as he had back then, but after a few glances over at the mounds jiggling through the thin cotton of the sexy siren’s loose t-shirt, Jack unexpectedly found himself cuddled up next to her, enjoying the feel of her soft skin against his. Everything seemed perfectly natural and comfortable, and it was only when she would speak and he would realize that it was Alani's voice, or when he would put his hand on her body and feel Alani’s unfamiliar but very appealing curves, that Jack would remember what had happened.

Still, Alani was patient with him, and it wasn't too much longer before Jack allowed himself to lean over and give her pillowy lips a soft kiss. It was somehow just as warm and intimate as he'd remembered with Carol, and before Jack knew it they were necking like they had when they were back in college. When he slid his hand up her waist, however, intending to cup her breast, he froze once again as he remembered what they could do to him.

"Honey, I can tell how badly you want to fuck me right now, so I think it's high time I put these babies to work," Alani laughed as she pulled up her loose t-shirt, exposing the enticing, fleshy globes hanging off her chest before Jack could make himself look away. To be honest, he wasn't sure he wanted to look away, and even though he remembered how strong his reaction to them had been just a short while ago, when they were still clothed even, the idea of hypnotic tits just seemed so ridiculous...

But now they were out and dangling in his face in all of their pale, heavy glory. All doubt and uncertainty fled his mind, and all he could think about was how badly he wanted to get his hands on them. Alani was more than happy to oblige, and then Jack was hefting her boobs in his hands, feeling their surprising weight and how soft and round and bouncy and perfect they were. He loved everything about them, the way they hung off Alani's chest, their large, dark areolas and thick, large, protruding nipples; he couldn't help but run his thumbs over them, watching in fascination as they stiffened and hardened under his touch, and Alanis across the city moaned in pleasure as that tingle traveled straight from her sensitive tits down to her slutty pussy.

Jack knew that they were the exact same tits that he'd seen earlier that day in his office as Alani had seduced him, but while he remembered how much he'd wanted them then, it was clear that something about them was different now, and that the effect was so much stronger when they were fully uncovered, so lickable, suckable, fuckable.

Without noticing, Jack had slowly started leaning Alani backwards onto the extra-wide chaise section of the couch and preparing to mount her, his cock already hard and eager, but still trapped in his pants as he helplessly continued to grope and squeeze Alani's massive chest. Alani silently thanked Carol for inadvertently giving her this hypnotic power over her husband, and then deftly unfastened Jack's pants and boxers so that his cock could go where they both needed it to.

Unlike Carol ten years ago, Alani hadn't worn anything under her oversized t-shirt. Still fully absorbed by her tits, Jack hadn't noticed the nakedness of the lower half of her body, and his cock soon nestled comfortably into the gap between Alani's muscular thighs, rubbing directly against the soft skin of her mound as his arousal kicked his instincts into gear and his pelvis unconsciously began a gentle thrusting motion against her vulva. Knowing that it was finally time, that neither of them could resist the inevitable any longer, Alani spread her legs and shifted the angle of her torso, and Jack suddenly and unexpectedly found himself plunging directly into his secretary, surprised by the intensity of the sudden slick wetness sliding around and along his cock as she enveloped him.

Both Alani and Carol had known that a Perfect Girlfriend should have a tight, stimulating pussy, and Jack moaned in delirious pleasure as her muscular walls gripped him, massaging his cock and pulling it further and further into her.

At this point, needing no further encouragement to continue fucking the sexy seductress beneath him, Jack finally shifted his focus from her breasts to the rest of her glorious body, wanting to take his time exploring her as he continued to rhythmically pump his cock in and out of the moaning goddess. Alani lay back to allow him free reign over her, and Jack soon found that no matter where he put his hands, Alani's curves seemed custom-designed to keep him gripping her body and stuffing himself back into her pussy.

"God, Car... Alani, you feel fantastic!" Jack panted, amazed that sex could feel this good.

"Mmm... that big cock of yours feels pretty great too, lover," Alani purred, a bit delirious herself at finally having it inside her where it belonged.

Her other selves back at the office had all fallen still, unable to continue working, forced to lean against whatever would hold them up as their knees weakened with the pleasure of their boss’s cock thrusting into their collective pussy. If Jack had had any janitorial staff left, they would have heard a chorus of moans of unmistakable female arousal coming from every corner of the building.

It wasn't long before Alani's soft curves, tight pussy, and unbridled lust began to get to Jack, and he felt himself getting close.

"Are you on the pill?" Jack grunted, not quite sure how that would work.

"No, Honey, I'm all fresh and fertile for you, since I know that you've been thinking about kids recently," Alani responded, having pulled this info from Carol's memories, which at this point were really just her own. "So I think you should just go ahead and finish inside me. I know you want to. Think about how good it would feel and just let it happen."

"I dunno, this is all so new to me. Maybe we should wait."

"Honey, I'm your Perfect Girlfriend and your Perfect Wife now. If you want a baby, the Juice is going to make me give you a baby," she said, and cupped her hypnotic tits so that they'd be right in his line of sight. “Now be a good boy, think about how good this feels, and just let it happen!”

Jack was caught completely unawares, having forgotten what those round, beautiful orbs could do to him while he explored the rest of her body. Now that they had his attention once again, and now that Alani’s words were bouncing around inside his head, the risk of pregnancy suddenly seemed unimportant as his thoughts turned to how good it felt to keep squeezing his oversensitive cock deep into Alani’s tight, stimulating womb, especially this close to orgasm, and so Jack lost himself in the pleasure of her soft curves and warm, slick embrace, gazing helplessly at her enthralling boobs, only dimly aware through his entranced bliss that his balls were starting to clench and that his cock was jerking as he filled his fertile secretary with his essence. It felt so good to just let it happen.

Alani practically screamed in ecstasy from her own earth-shattering orgasm as soon as she felt him spasming inside her, finally giving her what she needed. Her cries were echoed in the collective pleasure of Alanis across the city, who had at last temporarily sated the carnal craving for Jack that Perfect Girlfriend Juice had filled them with.

Once Jack finally finished spending himself inside Alani, he found himself overcome with drowsiness from the combination of the stress of the day and the magnitude of the sexual release he had just experienced, and soon drifted off to sleep right there on the couch, his arm firmly wrapped around his secretary/wife so his hand could cup one of her massive breasts.

"God that was good," Alani whispered to herself, still panting and sweating as Jack’s flaccid cock finally slid out of her, having accomplished its reproductive duty depositing her boss’s thick load inside her womb. Her selves sighed with satisfied pleasure as Alani began to drift off as well. She had never been happier.

Eight months later, Jack was spending his customary few minutes making out with his heavily pregnant wife before leaving the house for work, and he took a moment to reflect on just how good he had it. His wife was passionate, smart, irresistibly sexy, and always exuded a warm, comfortable aura of intimacy around him that made him feel right at home whenever he was with her: truly the Perfect Wife in every way. She also couldn't get enough of his cock, and thanks to his wife's incredibly slutty tendencies, she was currently completely naked except for an apron that said "bun in the oven" tied beneath her breasts to emphasize her enormous belly. As they kissed, she pulled the top of her apron to one side, allowing one of her swollen, veiny mammaries to bounce into view, and Jack suddenly found himself sliding a hand down over her protruding abdomen to finger her pussy, still slick with his semen as it continued to drip out of her from their morning activities.

She giggled with pleasure and ground against his fingers a few times before covering herself back up as he regretfully withdrew his hand, wiped it off on her apron, and gave her one final peck on the cheek before heading out to his car.

"See you in a few hours for lunch, Carol!"

"Have a great day at work, Honey!" Alani called after him with a warm smile before going back inside to start her daily chores. She decided to wait a bit to shower, and headed off to the kitchen to start the dishes from breakfast, fully aware that she was leaving an intermittent trail of cum in her wake that she would thoroughly enjoy jilling herself off to as she cleaned it up later.

Jack's secretary Alani was already seated at the front desk when he arrived, of course, ready to begin the work day. Alani was unfathomably brilliant, a picture of cold, beautiful professionalism, and she worked with a relentless, almost mechanical precision that never ceased to amaze him. Just like his wife, however, Alani was also a huge slut, and this was reflected in her entirely inappropriate miniskirt and tube top that did more to show off her giant tits than to cover them up. Still, his business was more successful than ever, and nobody had ever complained. Jack suspected that everyone enjoyed looking at Alani far too much to ever say anything about the way she dressed, and he found that male clients were much more likely to give him a good deal when she was in the room, especially if they had fallen into the easy trap of staring at her tits while Jack negotiated with them.

So, Jack just took his time appreciating the eye candy she was offering him before getting to work, enjoying the instinctual pull of her bottomless well of sexuality.


"Yes, Sir?" she answered with her usual precise enunciation, though now with a much more noticeable dose of flirtatious lilt than had originally been present.

"Get me the Luxximetic file. I want to make sure I'm over-prepared for this morning's meeting."

"Right away, Sir!" Alani replied as she went back to her typing, and seconds later Alani came around the corner from the file room, wide hips swaying for his pleasure, file in hand. She passed it over, but then looked up at him expectantly, her beautiful eyes filled with that ever-present cold, almost impersonal lust.

"Is there... anything else I can do for you right now, Sir?" she asked suggestively, pressing herself against him and sliding a soft, perfectly-manicured hand up his inner thigh.

Jack smiled at his Perfect Secretary, knowing all too well just how far she would go to make sure all of his needs were met. "I appreciate the offer, Alani, but Carol took very good care of me this morning."

"Are you sure, Sir?" she asked suggestively as Alani at the front desk pulled down her top a bit, so that her large areolas and stiff nipples could pop into view. Immediately Jack's dick began to swell once more as Alani stroked it encouragingly through his khakis, and he found himself thinking that maybe shoving his cock between those pillowy mounds until he blew his load all over her beautiful, perfectly made-up face wasn't such a bad idea.

"No thanks," he finally decided, forcing down his arousal just as it threatened to overwhelm him and glancing away from Alani's exposed rack. He was used to the effect her tits had on him by now, but he still knew that if he'd looked at them for much longer he wouldn't be able to resist coating them with his cum. "I don't want to exhaust myself too much before work, but maybe later. How's our market share?"

Completely unbothered by her boss’s decision, Alani immediately released him and answered contentedly, "Never better, Sir. Seventy point three six percent and growing," before turning to walk back to the file room, making sure that Jack had a perfect view of her firm ass as she went.

"Oh, and Alani?" Jack called back over his shoulder as he walked into his office.

"Yes, Sir?" the voluptuous slut responded hopefully from her seat in front of the computer.

"Could you ask Carol for me if she'd wear that new red lingerie we picked out yesterday when I get home?"

"Of course, Sir," Alani responded with a naughty wink before getting back to her work, and a few seconds later she was squirming in distracting pleasure as the instance of herself tasked with pregnancy, housekeeping, and other wifely duties began to furiously masturbate at hearing the news. The inefficiency of leaving her Carol-instance unincorporated frequently gave Alani a small amount of annoyance, but it did have its benefits.

After a hard morning's work ensuring that his company would continue to swallow market share almost as well as Alani had swallowed his load after his successful meeting, Jack drove home to have lunch with his beautiful, glowing wife.

As he pulled up he saw Carol already waiting on the front stoop flanked by two copies of herself, identical except for the fact that they still had the hourglass figure she’d had the night he knocked her up. All three were wearing the identical red lingerie he'd picked out, though his wife's version also had a translucent veil draped over her protruding belly. Jack was completely certain he'd never seen a more beautiful sight in his entire life, and when the three women flicked open their detachable bra cups and filled his vision with three pairs of hypnotic breasts, he was certain he'd never seen a more arousing one either.

Maybe I’ll take a long lunch today, he thought idly to himself just before his cock sprang to attention and his mind glazed over with the familiar irresistibility of his lust for her body. Alani was constantly encouraging him to spend plenty of intimate time with his wife, after all, and she always seemed to know what was best for him. Plus, he knew that his Perfect Secretary would be more than happy to pick up the slack. After all, Alani didn't care which of herselves was riding his cock as long as one of her was.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I'd love to hear from you! If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on Patreon (Fidget1). Patrons get a full three months of early access to my stories, input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!
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