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There is a lot going on but nobody new to introduce. I will take this space to say it was shame to have to delete the photos that illustrated this story in my private file.
Chapter 3

Long ride home, Seeds of desire,


I felt every step Joeboy was taking as Jodi...Mistress Jodi ...lead us the last half mile back towards the house. Each footfall sends throbs of pain and humiliation through me. After the ordeal at the old farmstead she had told me we would ride in silence on the way back...well at least i had to. She made me keep her panties in my mouth the whole way. Not stuffed or tied in during most of the ride but held in my teeth just to remind me to not speak.

When we had stopped for the last time on the trail where it emerged from the woods into the edge of the fields and pastures she had us stop and dismount from our horses. Past any risk of getting brushed by limbs or undergrowth or stumbles in the creekbed she wanted me to know my place as her slave as we approached home.

Standing by Topaz and pulling things from her saddle bag she looked over her shoulder at me.

“Strip naked Barb”

I was caught off guard and for a second and just looked at her. It came back to me what she had said about doing what i was told without hesitation and realized i had just done it. I had hesitated. In a bit of a panic I started with leaning over to take off my boots but it was too late and she stepped over to me and said “ Stand up straight and look at me” As soon as i did she slapped my face hard with her right hand and before could even recover her left hand hit the other cheek just as hard. Then another right and another left. I didn't mean to do it but I stepped back a step and cried out through clenched teeth and her soaking wet panties. At least after keeping my mouth shut for so long i didnt drop her panties as i cried out.

“ I warned you about hesitation Barb. Are you trying to piss me off or are just stupid and don't believe this is real?”

As I recovered and stood up straight again with my cheeks stinging and tears welling up again in my already red eyes after all the crying she grabbed my collar and pulled my face close to hers.

“ Now get those clothes off you stupid slut or I will do far more than slap your face”

Then she shoved me back a step before turning back to her horse and what she was doing when I disobeyed. I moved quickly to take off everything and stood naked waiting for my next instruction.

“ Now slave, Hands together in front of you for the cuffs.”

She cuffed each wrist and used a link to connect the cuffs. Back to her bag then tossing two more cuffs on the ground at my feet. “Put those on”

As I bent over to put them on my ankles she went back for more items from her saddle bag.

“Hands over your head. “ My hands quickly over my head, I stood silent as she put the wicked nipple clamps back on my already sore and tender nipples. The bleeding from the one she had bitten so hard had stopped. She had known what she was doing and had used her incisor tooth to make it bleed without too much of a cut. Now the clamp was making it start again. I clenched my teeth on the soaked panties and did my best not to move.

“Good are finally starting to listen”

She had put something in her pocket from the saddle bags and took them out. Two lead fishing weights on short strings that she hung from each of the vicious clamps. I flinched and panted but did not cry out. She seemed amused and grinned as she looked at me, straining to be still and quiet.

“It's okay to squeal and yelp. In fact I like it when you cry out… don't dare speak or drop my panties from your mouth or step back from me again”

Back to her bags again and with a couple of coils of used heavy twine from the round hay bales and the insidious butt plug she had used on me on the blanket she said

“ Bend over slut” and spit on the plug a couple of times to coat it and slowly but firmly push it into my anus again. I yelped and panted as it went past its widest part. Taking one of the heavy twines and unrolling it and doubling it from its mid point she used the loop at the middle to make a belt of sorts with the ends hanging down behind and pulled it down the crack of my ass and over the end base of the butt plug filling my ass. Then separating the lines she trapped my pussy lips between them and pulled the ends up under the tight rope belt and pulled them through making the coarse cord burn my skin from the friction. I yelped and panted harder as she pulled and yanked the cords hard to imbed them deeply in the cleft between my pussy lips and legs. Keeping them tight she pulled them downwards and used her fingers to guide them over my clit and into the folds of my pussy and up over the butt plug again to tie it off to the back of the belt keeping painful pressure on my clit and pussy.

“Very good slut, you are learning to stand still much like you said needs to be one of the things first taught to a newly broken pony. Very good”

The last items she retrieved from the saddle bags were the wide belt she used over the panties to make it impossible to spit them out or speak coherently and one of my long silk scarves that she wrapped twice around my head very tightly to make a blindfold that forced me to keep my eyes closed.

With the other long cord she fashioned a very snug harness around my chest and breasts and ended it with loop after loop around each one so tight it had them feeling like they were going to pop. The whole time she had been trying them each bump of the weights sent that biting, aching pain through my poor tormented nipples. I was truly dreading the rest of the ride home even though it was not very far now.

“Don't worry pet, I know the ropes are nearly cutting off the circulation and it hurts but I know what i’m doing and will have them off you before any real damage is done. It will just feel like it is”

I could hear her gathering up my clothes and stuffing them into my saddle bags.

“ Okay slut mount up” Jodi said as she guided me to my horse and had her hands on me in case I needed help but she did not help me as I managed to get my foot in the stirrup and pull myself up using the horn of the saddle.

First she took the reins off of my bridle and used one of them to thread through the link between the cuffs and round the horn in a way I could hold on but not raise them far. Then using the other long rein she lashed it over my upper thighs and pulled it down really hard to keep me tight down on the saddle.

She laughed a little saying, “ How convenient you showed me how to make a nice tight chinch with a leather strap. “

Then one at a time she pulled each of my cuffed ankles up the side of the saddle and ran the remaining cords from the crotch rope that were hanging from the back of the wait rope to run through the rings on the ankle cuffs to hold my legs bent and all my weight on my crotch and ass as perched bound on the saddle plugged, tied, blindfolded and gagged. Pussy already aching from the tight ropes and nipples throbbing on my bound tits. I knew it was going to get much worse when we took off but had no idea just how bad it was about to become.

She started us out with a slow walk. The normally gentle and slow undulations that i so loved took on a new dimension as each step set up a rhythmic swinging of the weighted nipple clamps. Being one that usually loved my nipples pinched some for sexual arousal this was near the upper limits of what i could take without screaming! My nipples sent wave after wave of sensual pain over me as the weights swung constantly.

It was during that slow walking period I tried to take my mind off the pain I was in with thoughts of other things but my mind was not able to get past my situation and what had happened since lunch on the blanket, being tied to the tree and how my life was not mine anymore. I no longer would have control over myself as I had always known. Jodi had told me that even though there would be times we would be together I was still her slave. I was feeling the reality of that sinking in more with each step closer to home.

I thought back to the safety I felt in her arms after she let me down from the tree. The powerful orgasm that shook me to my core as the fucked me relentlessly with the dildo as she bit and abused my nipples was maybe the most incredible orgasm of my life. Then how she held me as I fell asleep into a much needed rest and brain reset.

The way she woke from the slumber with her fingers of both hands gently tugging and twisting my tender sore nipples brought me quickly back to where we were and what was happening to me. To how she had done so much to set me up with the blackmail and how bold she was in doing so. Her plan had worked so well she had me feeling guilty and stepping right into it. The truth was she must have just enjoyed messing with my head and the guilt and shame she made me feel was needed for the blackmail. It showed how she was not only physically abusive and also enjoyed causing mental anguish and had played me big time.

Once Jodi...Mistress Jodi realized I was awake, she pulled both nipples hard and said.

” Okay slut get off me and lay face down and don't move. It’s time for your first pussy licking lessons and I want you tied for it. Being tied up is going to be a big part of your life now. You will spend much of your time alone with me bound and some of it quite painfully. So roll over, lay there and keep your mouth shut unless I tell you that you can speak or ask you questions.”

Bringing her saddle bags to the blanket she took her time binding me into a hogtie with the cuffs and straps. My arms all the way back and my feet pulled up to meet them over the middle of my back. I quickly realized what an efficient tie it was as all I could do was lay there and even attempting to roll over to one side would not be easy, not that I dared to try it.

With one of the long straps she had brought and the leash to my collar in hand she again leaned back against the tree and tugged and swatted my ass with the strap saying. “ Okay now slut you are going to start licking my pussy and do it exactly how I tell you or I will whip that sweet ass of yours so hard you will want to walk back to the house instead of sitting in your saddle.”

She scooted the last inches towards me until her pussy was in the perfect place for me to lick it.

I licked and kissed and sucked. I did as told and soon she was grinding her wet pussy into my face and had both hands in my hair guiding and holding as she told me what to do. She was filled with passion and lust and clearly felt the rush of power as she berated me if I got tired and moaned and groaned when it was getting good to her. She fucked my face hard. Her orgasm was intense! She panted and heaved and held my head as her pussy spasmed. It was not a huge rush of wetness but so much i had to work to lick and swallow it to not let a single drop wet the blanket or suffer a punishment she promised would be severe if she saw even one drop of her “Mistress cum” i had failed to lick up.

After she came she let me roll over on my side to rest as she moved down and laid beside me. She laid one arm across me and patted me kindly like a person would a dog.

“Good girl Barb...good girl. Soon I won't need to instruct you how to be an expert pussy licker. You did really good”

As she rested I laid there helpless and my face drying from her pussy juice spread from my chin to my eyes. My emotions running rampant from anger to fear to shame to pride I had managed to give her an orgasm. On the verge of tears but none came.

As I rode blindfolded and gagged on my horse with my nipples in agony, I began to think it was as bad as it was going to get and we must be almost to the barn but no way to really know. Things suddenly got very much worse when I heard her “ Click click” the sound Topaz knew meant to speed up into a trot and Joeboy knew to keep and not strain the leadline and almost instantly we were in a hard bouncing trot slamming me in the saddle with no way to use my legs to post or ride the trot. The butt plug drove reverberations deeply into my ass with each bounce, the crotch rope digging into my punished pussy and smashed my agonized clit more painfully as my legs tugged at the waist rope as I bounced and bounced. The nipple weights swung so violently they flung wildly and bounced off my painfully bound tits from every direction. I screamed and screamed from the pain.

Then I felt shade and smelled the wood, hay and leather of the barn and we stopped.

I was panting, crying and shaking all over when we stopped.

Thankfully we were short on time and the lesson ended with her permission to remove the bondage, put away the horses and come in when I was ready after she went ahead to take care of something she did not let me in on.


Barb was hesitant around me in the morning, nervous. Her eyes kept darting to Bill and Julie at odd moments, checking to be sure they noticed nothing wrong. They were going to if she kept on like this. I was going to pull her aside and reassure her so she could behave normally, but I decided that there was no way to conduct a lesson now and just acted normal.

Making sure Bill and Julie were occupied with their conversation, I waited until Barb got up to pour herself some more orange juice. I grabbed my glass and followed her. Behind the open fridge door and hidden from view I took her nipples in my hands and twisted savagely! She clamped her teeth over her cry of pain and managed to stifle it. Very good.

"Behave normally!" I hissed in her ear. I poured us both more orange juice and sauntered back to the table. Bill looked up at me.

"What are you girls up to today while I am out working my fingers to the bone?" he asked in a joking, long, suffering voice.

"Barn work!" I rolled my eyes dramatically, "Barb is such a slave driver! I was so sore the first time I helped out there!"

"Oh I know!" Julie piped up, "I am so glad you came. She used to make me help." I scooted my chair closer to her and draped my arm around her shoulders.

"Don't worry, Julie. I am here now to save you from the evil plans of your Wicked Stepmother." Julie started to giggle and leaned against me. I speared Brenda with a look. For a second, she colored, remembering her confessions to me yesterday. I toyed idly with Julie's neckline, drawing Barb's attention to the soft skin of her throat. She cleared her throat and managed a passable version of her old self.

"Hard work never hurts anyone, girls. You could both benefit from more time in the barn," she said. Oh, I plan to. I thought.

"Now, leave Mom alone," Bill laughed, kissing her head on his way to the door.

"No problem. I gotta go too," Julie agreed, jumping up and kissing Barb before following him out the door. I gathered the dishes and took them to the sink. Barb stayed where she was, lost and confused.

"I like this new arrangement, Barb," I began as I started on the dishes, "I am not going to let you mess it up by behaving like a hostage. I mean you are one..." I laughed, "But you can't show it. So here is what is going to happen. Every time you do something suspicious or out of character around your family I am going to give you one smack with the riding crop you have in the barn. I think you can benefit from more barn time too, you see." I turned to look at her. She nodded.

"Yes, I understand," she whispered.

"Good. Now, I counted eight infractions just this morning, you have been very bad today. But you rallied at the end so I will deduct one. That is seven." I wiped the counter and folded the dish towel before turning back and taking her face in my hands, stepping close, "But we really should add a few to punish you for being such a disgusting deviant, shouldn't we?" I nodded her head for her and smiled before kissing her hard, holding her in place so she could not back away. She melted against me, all uncertainty gone as she surrendered to my will.

"See how easy it is?" I pointed out, "Let's make it an even ten. Meet me in the barn in fifteen minutes. Don't make me come and collect you. We will take care of your punishment before we do the chores for the day. I want you to feel the physical reminder as you work."

She entered the barn hesitantly.

"Strip, Slut!" I ordered from the shadows at the other end, "and get over here." She removed her clothing and walked naked through the barn to the area where the hay was stored.

"One day you are going to show me how to use that." I pointed to the block and tackle hanging from the ceiling, "But for now..."

The rope I had in my hand was a newer one, not yet worn smooth with use, it would prickle on her skin which is why I ignored my beloved leather today. I had been studying online so I was reasonably confident in my knots as I wove a harness around her. It had a loop on either side of her waist and not only compressed her chest and stomach like a corset would, but I had wound a few loops around each breast, too, constricting them, they bulged out in front. I gave them a few pattycake slaps just for fun. Then I led her over to a hay bale I had moved purposefully to an empty space.

"Kneel down, Barb, and lay your chest and head on the hay." I ordered. She knelt, but was slow to bend over, most likely thinking of her skin and that picky, prickly straw. I shoved her down and held her firmly against the bale.

"No hesitation, Barb, you don't want me to add smacks...they get harder each time." Reaching down, I took the end of the rope I had placed under the bale and threaded it through the loop at her waist, repeating on the other side and cinching until she was locked tightly to the hay.

I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. They would be fun to humiliate her with later. She whimpered a little as I tied her wrists down to the bale, looping the rope back to catch her knees as well and separating them. She was so beautiful immobile and restrained by the rope. I took a moment to admire my work...I took more pictures too. Then I knelt beside her. “ I told you yesterday that as much as I like to torture these lovely tits, they would be sore today and have no lasting marks other than this little tiny scab from the bite. I have studied up on how to torture and not leave marks.”

Running my hand over her backside made us both shiver.

"Is the hay chafing your breasts?" I asked breathlessly. She nodded. "I bet it is irritating your mound, too. Wiggle your hips as much as you can, can you feel the hay poking at you?" She nodded again and I put my hand on her ass, stopping her movement and pressing her more firmly into the hay before reaching between her legs and dipping into her pussy. She was so wet! I got three fingers well lubricated and came back to her head, sticking my fingers into her mouth.

"Suck, Barb, taste how slutty you are. You are really a pathetic little fucktoy " As she sucked on my fingers I explained the next step. "I am going to give you ten smacks with the crop. Each one will be harder than the last. Nobody is around so you may cry or scream as much as you want, but I am not going to stop until you have taken all ten. And you are going to count them. Ready?" I raised the crop and brought it down just on the lover curve of her right butt cheek, so elegantly raised for me. I hadn’t been very easy on her, a red mark blossomed in the place. SHe cried out, but it was not really a scream. I snatched a handful of her hair and pulled her head up.

“What was that?” I asked threateningly.

“One,” she gasped. I brought the crop down on the other cheek, harder, the red line was darker this time, more pronounced, beautiful…

“Ahh….t...two,” she cried. I lost control for a minute. She was so gorgeous when obeying my commands. Three four and five came in rapid succession before I could rein myself in. I stopped for a second, tracing those beautiful marks with my fingertips. Brenda shuddered and a wave of feeling flooded through me.

“It hurts very badly, doesn’t it?” I asked, “But you can do it, Barb. You are going to do it. We are halfway through, but the easy part is over…”

I widened my stance and swung from the shoulder, swinging through the target like I had seen a guy explain on a golf tutorial once. Brenda screamed this time and my heart sped up, dampness filling my core.

“Six,” she counted obediently when she could breathe again.

“That one is going to leave a mark,” I remarked casually, but I felt anything but casual. I was nearly orgasming just watching her writhe beneath the crop! Seven and eight put me into a sort of frenzy and I discovered I was talking to her.

“Yes! Yes, like that! Oh your ass cheeks just quiver with reaction! They are so red, almost purple. Scream again Barb, scream for me!” I gave her the ninth and tenth blows, waiting only for her to count them before dropping the crop onto the floor.

“I have other plans for the day and don’t have time to untie you so you can lick me. I need to hear you begging and crying so for now, my beautiful, slut this will have to do.” I got the double headed dildo out of the nearby bag and put it inside myself, moistening the other end with spit and my own juice. Leaning over that quivering, abused flesh, I spread her ass wide and thrust the other end of the dildo into her ass. Now she really screamed and it fueled me like nothing before. I pumped into her ass again and again. My own pussy pulling and pushing my end of the V shaped dildo had my pussy spasming with each stroke as I drove into her tight hole. Soon she was crying and panting. I was in dominant ecstasy. I bedded the dildo deep in her ass and changed my motion to where I was riding in and out of my heated pussy and tugging at her ass with each hunch. I raked my fingernails down her back leaving dozens of deep red scratches but not breaking the skin before cumming loudly and collapsing over her. I had never had such an enveloping orgasm. I felt so good at this very moment, calm, was heavenly.

I untied my pet and gathered her into my arms, sitting on the floor and leaning against the hay. I stroked her hair and held her close.

“That was wonderful, Barb,” I murmured, “You took it all and so beautifully. And the ass fucking… I know the dildo is quite a bit bigger than the butt plug yesterday, but you turned me on so much, you temptress! I just had to cum as you whimpered and strained and I am so glad I did. You did well little pet. I forgive you for this morning, Barb. We can start with a clean slate now. Don’t you feel better?” I asked.


“ umm … I don't know what to say to Mistress Jodi. It really hurts to be anally sodomized like that. The ropes hurt too and so did the pricking of the straw with you on top of me like that. My ass was on fire from the whipping. The bites and hurting of my nipples yesterday were as bad but I think being so aroused from the dildo and the orgasm seemed to mask the pain in a strange way that time but this was more like the ride home and just all pain. I do thank you for the clean slate and I do feel better about that.”

Jodi laughed and said “ Silly stupid pet Barbara. You don't think I am going to let you orgasm all the time so it will mask the pain do you? In fact, now that you say it I may not let you cum during punishments anymore at all.”

With that the cuddling was over. Jodi wanted to get to work on making some things she had seen online and get started on some simple woodworking projects and work some with the leather again.

We spent the next two hours at the leathercraft bench after taking many measurements of my body. Looking at Jodi’s laptop we had managed to make a pretty nice version of a body harness that fit me perfectly with many rings and buckles and rivets. I had been nude the whole time. After taking pictures from many angles, Jodi said “ okay slut now take it off.”

With the harness back on the bench Jodi told me. “ Now take the hole punch and punch more holes in every strap. I want this harness to fit someone smaller too” I started to say something but a stern look from Jodi shut that down fast. As I silently did as told and tried to not think why she was making the harness adjustable, Jodi was on her laptop downloading the last set of pictures and bringing up the next project for the day. We were going to make a set of punishment horses from an old set of sawhorses from the storage room. One would have a sharp wedge added to the top and the other would be modified to accept dildos and plugs and both would have eyebolts in several places.

Modifying the saw horses turned out to be a pretty simple matter and within the hour we were done. However after checking the time Jodi said, “ I would love to test these out today but I have other things in mind for now. You put them away in the storage area and gather your clothes and meet me in the house when you are done.” With that Jodi took the harness to lock in her trunk of goodies and left her slave to do as told.


Barb was moving slowly, poor thing. I had to try and curb my enthusiasm once in a while. I suppose even the healthiest body would have to take time to heal once in a while. But this next task would be easier...physically.

I led her right to Julie's room. Opening the door I was surrounded by Julie's presence. The colors, the decor, even the smell was reminiscent of her. Laundry detergent, body soap, fabric softener and shampoo melded with the distinctive scent of Julie's perfume...Love's Baby Soft...figures.

Barb paused at the doorway, just a single misstep that she overcame immediately, so I pretended not to notice. I sauntered over to the corkboard on the wall covered with snapshots of Julie and her school friends, at the beach, on campus, at the local hangout. Way down in the bottom corner was one photograph I never expected her to keep. It was her and I at the mall. She had pulled me into one of those photo booth things. The first three shots were really terrible as I had tried to escape the booth, but Julie would not let me and I did not want to hurt her. Finally, I had given in and sat next to her for the last picture. I did not smile, but it wasn't a bad picture, I thought.

“Forgive me, Mistress, but why are we in Julie’s room?” Barb found the courage to ask. I smirked at her and leaned in close to tweak her abraded nipples.

“You said it was easier for you if you had an orgasm, right? Well, never let it be said that I am an unreasonable mistress. We are going to take care of you right here.” Enjoying her look of horror, though she did not try to leave or otherwise protest, I turned and set up my phone on the dresser. It was close enough to the bed that I thought I could get a decent video out of it.

“Okay, slut, this is your reward for such good service in the barn today,” I announced, “You are going to go to the hamper and get a pair of Julie’s panties out. Then lay down on her bed. You are allowed to sniff, lick, and roll around in your step daughter’s items however you like, but you will also finger yourself to orgasm while you do it.”

Barb’s look was priceless. I had a hard time not laughing out loud. She wanted what I was offering...she wanted it badly and both that fact and her embarrassment and having me know it caused her deep distress.

“Is there something you wish to say, slut?” I asked. She shook her head miserably.

Staying out of sight of the camera, I stepped behind her and wrapped my arms around her, taking her nipples between my fingers and rolling them gently, voluptuously.

“Come on, Barb! You really need to get more in touch with your darker side. I mean, we both know you want her...and with me forcing you to do this...well, it is not your fault, is it? You can indulge guilt free! Of course, you and I both know that you are a filthy pedophile who is lusting after her step-daughter, but, you know, nobody else does. So, you’re innocent, right? Get on the bed, bitch!” I ordered, giving her a shove.

Barb tried to speak but felt the grip tighten on her nipples and kept quiet and listened. She knew the blunt words were true and it shook her to hear it. Down on the bed, heart pounding at knowing the orgasm she had been craving all morning was finally going to happen. But on Julie's bed! Her heart pounded. Me being forced to sniff her sexy panites. Used ones from her hamper.

“Don’t just lay there, Barb. I am getting bored. Go on, give ‘em a sniff. Doesn’t she smell great? So clean and pure? You can almost see her creamy skin with every breath. She practically glows, doesn’t she? I want to see those fingers in your pussy now, Barb! Julie deserves no less. She is worthy of veneration, isn’t she? Show me, Barb! Show me how you feel about your step-daughter,” My words shook her, but her hand slowly crept down…


I had to close my eyes. I had to visualize her. I Had seen her every charm and it was not hard to remember every curve and feel her eyes on me in Jodi’s place. When she said, “Don't you think I’m sexy , mom?“ i nearly cried from the love and now blind lust i had for her. I sniffed the crotch of her panties, licked along the seams, sucked and sniffed. I made love to them with my mouth as I ran my other fingers up and down my own pussy and shivered….


I did not expect the rush of feeling that ran through me when she finally surrendered. The panties were pressed to her nose, her tongue flicked out and licked them, her free hand slid delicately into her pussy, but soon became more vigorous and frenzied. A blush of arousal rose from her breasts to join the blush of shame blooming along her cheeks until she was as red as if I had whipped her...and I was! Her desires had been hidden so deeply, even though she did not know they were there. She would have gone her whole life never knowing this about herself. But she knew now and it caused her more pain than even the crop earlier. I felt nearly drunk with the power and joy of watching her!

I cleared my throat and thought about Julie. Her voice was a touch higher than mine, more breathy and childlike.

“Mom? What are you doing?” Wow! The impression even impressed me. I had not expected it to sound so like her, “Are those my panties?!” Barb froze and looked up…

“Oh fuck! “ Came out in a shocked voice. I knew she wasn't there but in my lust-crazed mind I saw her there for an instant. With my eyes closed it was ...her!

“Mom...I don’t understand, “ I said as her eyes closed and her head rolled back, “Do you want me to...touch you? I love you so much, Mom. I will...if you want…” Her whole body reacted and I wished I knew what my words were doing to her head. “Let me help, Mom. I can do it. It’s okay.”

Lost in the throes of passion and submission and admission Barb breaks completely and gives in to her truest darkest desires that have been fully awakened but still not fully explored.

“ Julie , Juile the love of my life and more than a daughter ever could be, you are my most profound desire! I want you to own my heart forever. I want you to want me and love me and make my heart soar!” Then laying back totally flat her fingers find her clit and stoke it as she lays silent for a moment. “Julie I want you . I need you ..I need your hands on me. Guiding me….making me do it how you like it. Slapping me...hurting me. Making me feel things I did not know I could feel until I let myself be open to it. Take me Julie..take me! ”

Bucking now, she heaved her body up to meet her finger in gyrations and thrashing as she licked and sucked her Julie’s panties. With one long arch and fast moving fingers she let out a long wail and went rigid and her body quivered out a gut wrenching orgasm that went on and on…

I let her finish, waited until her body stopped twitching and moving with aftershocks. When she lay, limp and spent on her step-daughter's bed, I stepped out from behind the door and into the camera’s view, but it didn’t matter, I could edit it out later.

“There! You have had your orgasm. Feel better?” I asked solicitously. Then I reached down and took a handful of her hair in my fist, pulling her from the bed.

“What a depraved scene to witness! I hope Julie never sees that video recording I made! How awful would that be?! I mean, God! What would she think about that little display?” I sat down on the edge of the bed and spread my knees, keeping tight hold of her hair, “I mean, it is recorded and everything!” I gasped and put my free hand to my mouth in feigned shock, “She is always taking my phone! God, what if she sees it?”


Trying to get past hearing what I had said but knew in my heart all along that the one the most painful person she could blackmail me with was Julie. But after the past week of discovery and submission I could no longer deny my feelings.

“ Mistress Jodi when you asked if i felt better after that wanton display my heart said yes. I know it's sick and wrong to be feeling this way but you brought this out in me and i can no longer pretend i don't want more. I beg you to not show her that and i don't think you will because you like her and you do need a place to live and i am in love with you too and what you do to me makes me feel more alive than i have ever felt in my life. I even like the humiliation and struggle to endure the insane things you have done to me. You do not need to blackmail me with Julie or anyone. If you want to you have more than enough already. If humiliating me and hurting me is what you love then I won't fight you unless you want to see me struggle. “


I let go of her hair and stroked it gently, reassuringly.

“Of course I like to see you struggle,” I confirmed, “But do not worry. I was only playing. I am not going to tell Julie. I am not even going to leave the video on my phone. I will transfer it to my computer and delete it. Wasn’t it fun though? Did you feel the rush of fear and anxiety? It really got me worked up just watching you!”

She looked up at me with relief on her face.

“So now I am going to need you to lick me again, Barb. I won’t tie you this time. I want to see your devotion to me. Show me just how alive I make you feel.

Barb, I saw the fear cross your face. My words and the casual way I tossed them out made you think I might actually be crazy. I am pretty sure you would never feel safe again, not now.” I laughed then I laid back and spread my legs on Julie’s bed, enjoying this further proof of my domination.


As I crawled up the bed keeping eye contact with my Mistress and kept pouring out the honesty. “ Oh fuck me! I was sooo taken in by it. I was totally there until you asked if i felt better. The panic was in my throat! What I realized was it would be the truth you revealed by making me do what you knew I wanted to do before I did.

I paused a few inches short of her pussy and kept on. “ I have not felt safe with you since the first few minutes you arrived. I honestly don't know where you will take this and i don't think you do either. What I do know is I am your totally devoted sex slave and you have serious issues with power and domination and cruelty. We both know those are very dangerous in combination with you having real power over me. All I can ask and only hope you will grant me is keep this all a secret and I will be able to be your slave for as long as you want me. I think fate brought us together and please don't do anything that could tear us apart.”


I drew her up and laid her full length next to me, kissing her and pressing myself against her.

“That is the one thing you can absolutely count on. I will not promise not to hurt you, I will not promise not to humiliate you, but I will promise to do nothing that will mean I have to stop doing those things. I like having a sex slave and you are a good one and I plan on keeping you a very long time. So stop worrying and get me off already!” I pushed her head down to let her know rest time was over.

Chapter 4

You can't run. Accepting fate


Julie and Jodi had gone to hang out with some friends leaving me, or toy as Mistress Jodi had started calling me in private and sometimes whispers in my ears when others were around, leaving me to do as she was told and ready the barn as directed. We would have only Three hours or so alone and she wanted her toy ready to be played with. Soon after they left I went into the barn, fed the horses, changed the water in the trough then went into the tack room to find the harness we had made and some other items Jodi had slipped out there before they left. Jodi had been getting packages in the mail and by delivery and not always sharing what they were. Some of the boxes had not yet been opened. I looked at the packages and reflected how It feels almost surreal to know that soon I would be suffering or cumming at the hands of my young Mistress and in those boxes could be things she could make me suffer with. Maybe some of them were to make me cum, I hoped. It felt bizarre to be sexually aroused by Jodie's sadistic streak but there was no denying it now does.

Jodi had instructed me to bring everything into the hall and set it up under the pulley. An old table she moved in from the storage area was perfect for all the cuffs and straps and sex toys along with crops and whatever else Jodi may want to bring. There were plenty of hooks for hanging halters and lead ropes she set aside to hang the harness and some Mistress Jodi’s straps and several cords and ropes on them instead.

Jodie had been fascinated by the pulley system. The block and tackle hangs from a trolly that crosses the hall and extends over the loft to one side. Tag lines on the trolly move it side to side by pulling down on one the other. It has a weight that hangs from the hook to pull it back down empty so it could be pulled up out of the way when not in use. The rope has worn smooth from many years of use. I had cleaned it and oiled the rollers in both block and tackle and trolly. It was a 4 to 1 single rope set up that made it not only easy to lift heavy loads pretty quickly and easily, it also offered a very good feel for fractions of an inch.

It made me shiver to think of how helpless I would be with such ease when Mistress had me harnessed and tied and dangling over the punishment horses as I placed them a few feet apart on either side of the place where I would be kneeling under the pulley she came in.

The training horses as Jodi called them rightfully scared the hell out of me. I had tested the wedge horse in jeans when alone once. At first it didnt seems so bad as I could hold myself up with thigh pressure for a pretty long time but knew if an ankle was pulled out or tied up and all my weight put on the edge would would hurt like fuck. I let myself rest on it for just a few seconds and even in the jeans it was hellish. It all depended on if she had me over the end we had filed and sanded until smoothed over or the end that was still rough and sharp or in the middle.

The other horse has a narrow flat area on top; we had drilled holes through the thin board that would accept several size dildos, plugs, or whatever she wanted to mount to the top of it or stick through the holes.

Jodi’s cameras had taken some getting used to but this is the selfie generation and she wanted them set up. She also found our outdated handheld camcorder and had me charge it up and set up on its tripod as well as my little red Canon snapshot camera that does decent video too. She wanted to capture every angle of my first time on the horses.

I had a small cooler with water and some snacks in case we got thirsty. Passing by the wild rose bush with its fragrant roses and prickly little thorns I wanted to take some cuttings as a gift for her Mistress and came back with nippers and made a nice centerpiece for the table of colorful red blooms to contrast the warm and dark colors of the barn, leather and ropes. The shiny buckles and rings giving the test shots I took from each device glints of light in the strong steel that would soon secure her submission.

Checking the time I was almost ready. I dashed into the house to pee and make sure I didn't have to poop and relieved I seemed clean. I checked my makeup and added more to make sure my tears would stream black lines down my face as Mistress wanted to see. I took two Alieve tablets that should kick in about the time we would be done and took two stiff shots of spiced rum on the rocks. Some pain was okay I supposed but knew today was going to be really hard to take. I shivered as the rum warmed my throat.

I was on my knees naked, head down on the hall floor on the picnic blanket waiting when Mistress walked in. She was silent for a long time and I risked a peek up at her through my lashes. The unbridled joy on her face was fragile...and beautiful. And for the first time I began to understand just what this arrangement might mean to her.

“You are so hot! You are a forbidden fantasy come true, Toy, and I am very pleased with you right now,” she whispered before kneeling down and kissing me, pressing herself to my naked body and holding me so close. Then she grabbed a fistful of my hair and jerked my head back hard. “Now let’s play!”

She pinched my nipples fondly and stood up, retrieving a shopping bag she had left at the barn entrance.

“While Julie was waiting in line for us at the food court, I bought a new outfit, just for you. Undress me and you can see it,” she ordered teasingly. Filled with curiosity, I was quick to get her out of her clothes. She was gorgeous. There was no other word. Her stomach was flat and taut, her hips flared just so to shapely thighs which tapered to trim, delicate ankles. Her breasts were smaller than mine, some of the cruder men of my husband’s acquaintance would no doubt call them too small, but they fit her proportions so well that it made more endowed women look overblown and obvious. She was a perfect Goddess and I let my fingers trail over her skin here and there as I undressed her...not too often or too obviously. I didn’t want her to notice and make me stop.

I felt like the luckiest woman alive to have such an incredibly beautiful young woman as my Mistress. Kneeling at her feet as I looked up at her sexy nude body. I was in love with every inch and curve of it.

She tossed the bag at me. “Now dress me,” the Goddess said calmly.

I Started with the vinyl thong, holding it out for her to step into. She spread her legs so I could work them up and over the hips. I spent loving moments making sure they were just right. There was a tap on my shoulder and the crop pointed to the bag.

“Corset now. We don't have all day.” There was an edge to her voice that didn’t bode well if I didn’t hurry up. The shiny black leather corset had ample cleavage and pulled Julie’s breasts together just the right amount once it was properly tightened. The sleek vinyl stockings came next and were the perfect length for Jodi’s great legs. The black 5 inch strappy heels were almost heartbreaking, they were so sexy on her perfect feet. I wanted to beg to kiss them but her impatience forbade even the attempt..


We were face to face when my slave slid the sexy black vinyl gloves up my arms . I loved the way all that vinyl felt on my body. I towered over her in the tall heels...and I loved the way that felt too. She had never looked as weak and small as she did just then. She was humbled and she was reveling in it. My toy's breath was getting rapid and shallow as she stood before her Mistress in all her statuesque glory.

This was the moment I had been working up to. My toy Barb was now willing to accept her fate. She would suffer to feed my obsession with inflicting sexual pain and seeing the weakest moments of humiliation and she would enjoy it. Seeing, tasting, savoring her tears of anguish and distress, hearing her pitiful cries and gagged begging was the new music that fueled my passions. Oh, how my toy was going to whimper, beg and cry! She was going to suffer for my pleasure...and hers.

I lifted Toy’s chin with the tip of the crop until our eyes locked.

“Very good my little sex toy,” I praised, leaning in to kiss her. She tasted excitement...and favorite flavor! I broke the kiss too soon, knowing she wanted more. Soon, Pet, there will be more soon, I thought, letting a slightly cruel smile play across my lips at her disappointed expression.

“ There will be time for kisses later, you greedy little thing,” I admonished. Her expression quickly changed, flooding her face with the fear that was so beautiful on her.

“Now, I am going to punish you for being such a pathetic, sick, needy slut who would let a thing like this happen to her. You are a sick lesbian pedophile who lusts after teenage girls. Worse, you lust after your step daughter you sick fuck!”

I lashed out with the crop catching her across the stomach making her bend over and squeal.

“Stand up straight you sick little slut!” I ordered, popping her on the thigh. I gave her almost enough time to internalize that pain before snapping at her,

“Arms to the sides now! Look at me!” I took hold of her hair firmly, “You know what is coming, don’t you, Toy? You have known all morning. Have you already imagined the pain over and over again? Have you lived the next few hours in your mind until you wanted to run? You can’t run, you know. And I am angry at the thought that you lived the pain in your imagination without me! The pain you suffer belongs to me, slut! It is for my enjoyment. How dare you cause yourself anguish with no thought to my pleasure?”

She didn’t know what to say to such an unreasonable demand. Really, no answer was possible. She could not possibly have abstained from thinking about what was going to happen to her. But I was unreasonable by choice. If I only made reasonable demands, she would fulfill them instantly, giving me no reason to punish her...and I did so want to punish her! Especially for something she could not have helped, something it never would have occurred to her to try and stop.

I started fitting the head harness, hanging it from her neck.

Standing over the short woman, the tall shoes I had one I could tell it was only going to get more awkward when I got to the modified crotch strap. Barb had been on a low stool when making and fitting it in the tack room and had even brought it out to the hall.

What a good little pet she is, I notice.

I took both nipples in a firm grasp, one of my favorite ways to touch her. “Step forward and onto the stool!” She almost hesitated and that slight misstep caused her to hit the side of the stool. She put her foot back to the floor quickly to catch her balance.

“Listen slut! I dont have time to count up your fucking hesitaions, so hold on to my arms and step the fuck up on to the stool!” I pulled her by the nipples until she was up and stable. I had stood on it myself when I was alone in the barn. I had made quite sure it would not rock or slide under her. A stable platform was necessary once you took away someone’s ability to use their arms..

“Arms out to your sides!” I ordered and this time there was no hesitation from her. We had done a dry run of the body harness with her fully clothed. I understood how each buckle was to be tightened from the top closure to the crotch strap between her legs. Getting it in place was only the beginning, though. Once it was on I went back over every buckle and strap in succession, tightening them until the whole thing dug into her now naked flesh deliciously.

As I tightened each strap, I raised the pitch of my voice until I was using my “Julie voice.” Her face filled with the red blush of shame as my words turned her on despite herself.

“Mom, you really look like a slut in this!” I commented, pulling another strap tight. I reached around her and pulled on her nipples, not too hard this time.

“Look! It makes your nippies stand out like it’s cold! You told me only nasty women let that happen, Mom, that’s why you made me get the padded bras instead of the lace ones, remember? How can you strap them up so obviously like that? Don’t you feel like a whore, Mom?” Staying behind her allowed her to keep the illusion that it might actually be Julie. I loved the tiny whimper she voiced that meant she was near to crying...already!

I finished tightening the harness and then ran long, black, strong, latigo leather shoe strings through the rings between the upper two straps to ensnare and round up those perfectly edible tits with three loops each running through the rings and pulled tighter with each one.

When I was satisfied with the tit bindings and she was whimpering with more than shame, it was time to get her on her knees so I could strap her legs and get her hooked up to the pulley. We had done a quick fully clothed run through with the pulley system but this was going to be the first real trial. I planned on savoring it! I made a round, checking each of the cameras before continuing. I took a few more hand held shots, she was just so gorgeous, I couldn’t help it. Besides, this was our first time with the pulley. It was appropriate to commemorate the occasion.

I caught her nipples in a vice-like pinch. “Step off the stool, mommy slut,” I ordered, pulling her forward. It was perfectly awkward and the little ‘whoa’ sound that came from my captive slave sent shivers down my spine. She must be feeling so helpless right now! Still, she had not hesitated and that pleased me, adding to the sexual tingles I was already feeling. I was shivering a little, too. The rush of power was nearly overwhelming as I delved into the role of barbs 13 year old stepdaughter whom she thinks is so pure and innocent. I was corrupting that belief every time I spoke in Julie’s voice as I humiliated and sexually tortured her while making her listen to her sweet and angry little girl.

Holy fuck! Part of me still has a hard time believing this woman would do such a truly kinky thing as be abused as hard as she must know she is about to be as she is made to cum and suffer and cum and suffer as I corrupt her pure and innocent image of sweet Julie’s soul.

“Mommy slut, take two steps to the left and kneel in the dirt like the filthy slut you are to be doing this!” I swatted her in that direction by hitting the bulging side boob of her tightly bound left tit with two quick smacks from my riding crop.

Lifting her legs I strapped her ankles to rings on the harness which kept her legs bent in the kneeling position when I finally began lifting her. I fastened several straps to the big hook on the pulley block exactly as I had done in the practice run, then I lifted her just a few inches to check the angle and make some minor adjustments.

I had her suspended and leaning slightly forward. She was in the perfect position to implement the ideas that had been stewing in my head for days.

The last thing needed was to get her wrists cuffed together behind her and adding a strap above her elbows. This strap I pulled until her elbows nearly touched each other. Toy let out a grunt of pain that I savored and then ignored. I picked up a piece of rope because we had exhausted the supply of leather straps, I hung it over the hook and pulled her wrists up behind her back to put her arms in a fairly painful bind. More of those sweet grunts only spurred me on. I unwrapped the rope in a marine style tie off and she began to spin slowly as she rose into the air well over my head. It was so exciting how easily I could get her suspended so very high. What a power trip this pulley was!


I felt a pull to one side as she must have been pulling one of the taglines. Going to the left I knew it was the wedge and my heart pounded in my chest as I was filled with dread. Then her voice ...Julie’s voice.

“Mom, This is probably going to hurt, like really bad! You deserve it, though, don’t you? I can’t believe I have such a pervert for a mother! The least you can do is suffer for it, right?” Her imitation was so perfect, I shuddered in my bonds, my pussy getting wetter and wetter with every word, but for the first time I was more afraid than turned on and even if it made things worse I had to try to stop this insanity! I shook my head “no” vigorously and pathetically mewed out, “ oh oh oh!” through my gag in an effort to voice, NO NO NO ! I was in a panic!


I stepped onto the stool and placed my hands on Barb’s waist, circling them as far as I could between the straps so she could feel my skin. It stopped her slight spinning and gave her a ground to focus on. I wanted her to hurt, but I did not want her hurt and she was going to be hurt if she kept thrashing like that.

“Barb, calm down, I am right here and I have you supported, okay? Stop thrashing and I will remove your gag,” I said calmly but loudly enough to be heard through her moanings. Realizing I was offering a respite, she calmed down and waited, motionless for me to remove the ball gag.

“Tell me the problem,” I ordered, but not angrily. I wanted her reassured so she would tell me the truth.

“Jodie, I’m scared. I know I do deserve this in some ways but I’m ..I’m really scared.”

Then I slapped her saying angrily. “That's it? You are scared. How dare you defy me over your lame ass fears this is going to hurt!”


Then she slapped me again and laughed. “Of course it’s going to hurt” She put the gag back in my mouth and stepped off the stool, giving my breasts a slap or two for good measure before returning to the ropes.

I felt myself being lowered and the angle at which my body was tipped put the wedge firmly in my vision. Jodi kept one hand on my knee to keep me aligned until I was low enough for my knees to bracket the wedge. It felt like an eternity that she lowered me, but it could not have been that long. We didn’t have that much time. I held on to that thought. Our time was short. Whatever was going to happen could not take too long.

The wood of the modified horse scraped against my pussy. My breath caught on a gasp.

“Breathe, slut! Hyperventilation will not save you!” She ordered. I was somehow reassured. She was paying very close attention to every move and sound I made. There was no chance she would not notice true distress. She had noticed I was squeezing my legs to keep me from sliding down all the way. I breathed and felt her fingers, covered in slick new vinyl, part my pussy lips. Obediently, I became wet for her, but she was not trying to arouse me, I soon realized. She was making sure the wood of the wedge made clean contact with my clit!. I was lowered a fraction more. Now the wood was pressed against me from clit to vaginal opening.

“Move your hips, Toy! Rub yourself on the horse!” Mistress Jodi ordered. I was bound very tightly, but had the slightest wiggle room. I took advantage of it, tilting my hips as much as I was able. The sanded wood rubbed against me and I moaned softly. I was lowered more and the pressure of the horse stopped all movement, but between my ever tiring legs and pulley my weight was still supported. It did not hurt...yet.

Jodi was enjoying the fear and excitement in my eyes with a sadistic smile.

“ Toy that is so hot to see you wanting to get yourself off despite the pain you know is to come. Now I want more. I want tears that I can lick off that slutty face as you whimper and cry and then maybe, if you scream for me, I will let you ride the fuck pony”

Then she took a moment to get the same weighted nipple clamps I had suffered on Topaz and put them on my stiff swelled nipples and flicked them to make them swing as she looked for the pain in my eyes.


The weighted clamps hurt, but nowhere near as badly as she was going to be hurting, soon. Her little panic attack earlier had pissed me off a little, but I guess it was to be expected. I hadn’t had to take her down so I guess I can forgive it. I lowered her a bit more. Now she was feeling it! Her whole body tensed and mine did too, anticipating her reactions. This one second before our little tableau was complete was such an exciting moment! I just had to savor it a little bit.

Barb’s body relaxed a little. I had waited long enough for her to think the worst was over. I captured her eyes, staring into their depths with a cruel smile as I lowered her the rest of the way. She screamed and I almost came right then and there...almost. I tied off the rope and leaned against a nearby pillar, spreading my legs wide as I watched my prey struggling with her bonds until she realized that that intensified the pain she was feeling.

She went still, begging me with her eyes to stop the torture, stop the pain. I kept my face blank and slid my hand down and under the edge of my lovely new panties. Her eyes widened when she realized I was just going to stand here and masturbate to her pain, then closed as another scream was drawn from her.

“Open your eyes, you fucking cunt! Look right at me!” I yelled and watched her struggle. Her eyes fluttered open and closed again as the waves of pain hit.

“Open them or I will move you to the rough side of the wedge!” I warned. That did it. Her eyes flew open and I had access to her pain again. I savored the desperation and pain reflected from the depths of her soul. I watched her, tears streaming down her face, begging silently for release as I fingered myself to orgasm when she started really screaming. I only made her scream for a handful of was all I needed, really to have a magnificent orgasm while she watched me enjoy her agony. Then I tugged on the rope, lifting her off the wedge and easing the pain in her crushed clit. I tied it off again and went over to her, taking her face in my hands and licking the tears from her face.

“You are so fucking hot, Barb! That was the best yet! I couldn’t see your face on the horse the other day. I bet it looked just like you look now.” She moaned a time or two, trying to communicate something, but I was not quite done with her yet.

I lifted her high enough to clear the horse and went over to the bag, pulling out two dildos and fastening them to the fuck pony.

Lowering her onto those was tricky, getting them both lined up properly a task all by itself. I soon had everything in place, though and lowered her much more quickly than I had onto the other horse. One dildo slammed into her ass as the other wedged itself into her pussy. I left her high enough to be able to move some.

“I am going to hang another set of weights to your nipples, Toy, and then I am going to whip your tits with the crop until you cum, so you are going to want to be very diligent with those luscious hips of yours if you don’t want to end up bleeding,” I warned, adding the weights to the clamps and enjoying her moans of pain. In fact…

I removed the gag.

“Also, you are going to tell me, “I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and I cum only at her pleasure.” over and over until you cum, do you understand, slut?” She nodded as I picked up the crop.

“Say it, Bitch!” I brought the crop down, catching the top of both tits at once. The weights bounced and she cried out, but recovered quickly.

“I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and I cum only at her pleasure,” she recited. I used one hand to swat her again and again, varying the placement of the crop. Her breasts turned red, then almost purple. With my other hand I began pulling down on the pulley rope raising her up to near the top of the dildos and back down on them impaling both her holes at once again and again with each pull. Her hips thrashed violently reaching for the orgasm that would end the torment as she repeated the manta over and over.


“I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and i cum only at her pleasure. Unn ...mmm oh oh “

I panted from the pain and torment.

“I am Mistress Joi’s toy and i cum only at her pleasure! ... agh agh agh owww”

I quivered from every slash of the crop on my aching tits as I was nearly yelling out my line.

“ I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and i cum only at her pleasure! ” As the big dildos stood tall and rigid and I was fucked with them relentlessly, I moaned, panting and gasping.

“I am Mistress Joies ...ahh ahh ahh gahhhhhh! ….” It took less than Ten times of being impaled on the hard cocks and fire in my tits before my body stiffened and a wail that erupted from the depths of my depravity and torment burst forth as my pussy spasmed and clenched on the didlos.

I was spent and hanging like a piece of meat when the sobbing started.


She was wrung out, for sure. The dildos slid out of her as I raised the pulley and her whole body shuddered with aftershocks. I lowered her quickly to the floor and began on the bindings, releasing her swiftly. The marks left behind on her body were deep and red, but would fade quickly enough.

Once I had her untied, I leaned back against the pillar and pulled her into my arms, reaching for the cooler and popping open a bottle of water. I held it for her to drink and placed it between her legs in case she wanted more.

Her shoulders were tight. I started on the left, massaging gently until she relaxed some and then probing deeper, loosening up tight muscles.

“You did well today,” I praised, “Next time we will try the rough side.” Barb tensed, undoing all of my good work.

“You didn’t think this would be the only time, did you? I will give you time to heal, of course, but this will happen again, Barb. We are going to bring more playtime into the house. There will be times you will have to wear a dildo and butt plug to the dinner table...or the clamps. Oh! And before I forget…” I started on the other shoulder, rubbing the stiffness out, “There are nanny cams in almost every room of the house now, so I have a new rule for you. As long as you are alone in a room, every time you pass a camera you must give me a show. If you are wearing clamps, flash them, if not, twist your nipples, slap your own face, long as it is something. Every time, Barb! I will count up the times you miss and they will be added to your punishment, but if you don’t miss even one for...oh...a week, I will reward you.”

I felt her relax into me, resting her head on my shoulder and settling in comfortably.

“Yes, Mistress,” she whispered, “Thank you.”


2025-01-30 09:13:17
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