We do hear from Julie starting in this part. Lots going on.
Chapter 5
Secret world, Girl kisses, Julie’s first step, Two birds one stone
I looked at the beautiful bed Barb had put in my room. It was heavy and beautiful with thick carved wood posts and an arching metal framework tying them all together overhead. It needed curtains...sheer, floaty fabric to fall from the center ring over the posts and puddle on the floor.
I was going to kill two birds with one stone today. I had been watching Julie for a couple of weeks now. It was time to begin bringing her into our little game. She was ready. She was fascinated by me, had even tried to imitate my look and speech on occasions. It was truly adorable. I would work her in slowly and the first step was getting this bed just the way I wanted it!
Julie came out of her room and I called to her from the doorway.
“Julie! Come here.” She practically skipped down the hall toward me, smiling happily to have been noticed. I put my arm around her shoulders and turned her to look at the bed.
“Wouldn’t that be stunning with fabric draped over the frame?!” I asked excitedly, “So elegant, like a movie set or something! Want to help me shop for the perfect fabric today?”
“Sure! Right now?” she asked. I bumped her with my hip and slid my hand from her shoulder down her back, pulling her closer once I reached her waist.
“No, goofy! After breakfast. Like your Mom would let us skip that!” We laughed together as we turned to the stairs. I stopped her before we reached the kitchen, touching her collar very lightly when she turned to face me.
“You look really nice today, Julie,” I said quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. I looked away quickly, as though I was embarrassed and dropped my hand. “I mean...um...that is a good color on you!” I took her hand and pulled her through the kitchen door before she could speak or even think of what she might say.
Barb turned when we came into the kitchen, taking note of our closeness. I tugged Julie over to her and we hugged her together, one on each side.
“Mom! What’s for breakfast?” We said together...it was a good guess on my part, Julie usually says that. Of course, I tugged on Barb’s nipple with my free hand where Julie couldn’t see and made sure my knee ended up between her thighs. My toy was learning! She hugged us back and then tapped our heads.
“Nothing if you don’t get off me and go sit down!” she answered, sounding almost normal. Julie pulled away first, but I hesitated just a second more to give that beautiful nipple one last twist.
Julie smiled at me as I sat beside her.
“Are you going to ask her?” I whispered, but loudly enough for Barb to hear us. She put the plate of pancakes on the table and looked at me quizzically. Julie shrank back a little.
“No! You ask..” I gave her a fake exasperated look and sighed heavily.
“Fine! Barb, can Julie and I take the car to go shopping? We want to make curtains for that fabulous bed you gave me. Please?” I asked.
“Oh, sure, I mean the barn work is not actually part of your job here anyway…” her voice trailed off. Was she disappointed? How sweet!
“No, but I love it!” I assured her, “Maybe when we get back you can show me those new knots again. I don’t think I quite got them right last time.” Actually, I was the one better with knots these days. I had been reading up on shibari and practicing on the bedposts. Barb knew that. It was just a way to tell her she was not off the hook quite yet.
“Okay, well, eat up, you two! Shopping is hungry work…”
After breakfast Barb waved us away saying she had the dishes and we should go and have fun. Julie ran upstairs to grab her jacket while Barb rummaged for her keys. The second I heard Julie’s feet hit the stairs, I grabbed Barb, pinning her to the fridge and kissing her. Reaching under her skirt and slipping my fingers into her panties I slid my finger into her pussy rubbing gently but firmly. Time was short.
“You did beautifully, Pet! Acting like your old self. I am very pleased with you,” I whispered, pinching her clit just hard enough. I kissed her again quickly and squeezed her left nipple as I pushed three fingers inside of her, rubbing vigorously.
Stifling her moans and cries she came, violently, but silently and I kissed her one last time before grabbing the keys just as Julie could be heard on the stairs.
“Don’t forget the cameras,” I whispered to her, “I won’t always remind you, but you have been a good girl this morning.” I raised my voice slightly.
“The pancakes were yummy, Barb. Thank you for letting us take the car!” Then I ran out to intercept Julie in the hallway. Her Mom was in no shape to greet her daughter right now.
Watching all that porn last night had me on edge already when Jodi and Julie came bouncing into the kitchen. After Bill went to sleep I was up doing what Jodie wanted. A list of stories to read and videos to watch were links on a message. Each page I opened was more sexy and taboo than the next. Illustrated comics of women as slaves to young girls, slaves to their daughters. Women in hard bondage whipped and fucked by lesbain Mistresses. Long minutes of shocking exciting words and images flooded my seat as I sat at my desk in the dark cumming more than once.
When the girls group hugged me I lost it mentally but managed to keep up the mom cooking breakfast facade. It took Jodi less than ten seconds to send me into a spiral of submissive desire and incredible humiliation in front of my step daughter to make it even more taboo than it was in the privacy of the barn. I maintained it as best I could. The nipple pinching, the secrets hidden in her words, the looks and whispers. My pussy was in need from the moment they walked in and when Julie left my knees weakened. There was no resistance left, only need. Need to please Jodie, so she will make me feel. Make me alive.
Julie chatted all the way to the mall about my room and what the curtains will do for it. I know she is only a year younger than me, but she is still such a child in so many ways. She talked about purple fabric or, God forbid!, rainbow colored!
When we got to the fabric store and found a gorgeous cream chiffon that would suit perfectly. A sturdier fabric in the same tan as the bedspread would make lovely tiebacks. She was disappointed in the more subdued colors, but I would show her. It was going to be much better this way.
Back at the house, Julie led me to the basement. It was finished and as tastefully as the rest of the house. It was also quite large and had been subdivided for activities. The main section was clearly a family/game area, but one large space off to the side was set up with a worktable and ft supplies, including an expensive Singer sewing machine.
I had taken home ec in school, but this machine was over the top. It could do all sorts of things I didn't even know a sewing machine could do! It would even embroider all by itself. Julie set it up for me and we hemmed the sheer panels. They would be looped and tied in place, so no other modifications were necessary. The ties were the work of minutes and we trooped up the stairs, arms laden with trailing fabric.
I was just barely tall enough to reach the center ring of the metal framework when I stood on the bed. Julie fed me the fabric and I looped it over until the entire frame was covered in the gossamer fabric and closing the entire bed like it was it’s own room.
“Now, here is why I wanted this color!” I took Julie and placed her at the foot of the bed. I made her put her hands on the posts.
“Now cock your hip out. Okay, head down more. And pout!” I took her picture, showing it to her on the screen.
“Even in jeans I look classy!” she cried, smiling fit to burst.
“Exactly, and this color won’t clash with anything you wear, here…” I took one of my new dresses out of the closet and thrust it at her. “Put this on!”
“Your clothes won’t fit me!” she protested.
“I know,” I winked at her, “But put it on anyway.” It was the spaghetti strap dress and it kept falling off her shoulders. I arranged it so that one strap stayed on while the other slid precariously off the other shoulder. Only her pert nipple kept the dress in place. I took more pictures before reaching to adjust the dress, brushing her breast in the process.
“Oh, I am sorry!” I said, jerking back, “I was just trying to...nevermind…” I turned away and put the camera on the table.
“Jodi?” she asked hesitantly, “Um...do you...like...girls?”
“Yeah,” I said, not turning around, “But I was not trying to hit on you or anything! Please don’t tell your parents!”
“They won’t care, you know, they are not like that, but I would never tell. Your secret is safe,” she assured me. I fingered the camera on the table.
“I was going to take some more pictures, but now…” I shrugged.
“Jodi! It’s fine! Take them!”
“No. You will think I am trying to...but I am not! I just thought you would be so beautiful!”
“What kind of pictures?” she asked. I turned.
“Lingerie pictures. Like in the bed. With the curtains up and the lighting just right they would have been real art pieces! Not slutty or anything…” I said. I watched her eyes light with interest and her cute nipples tented the forgotten dress as she thought about it.
“Let’s do it!” She grabbed my arms. I let her persuade me and opened my dresser drawer, pulling out one of the few pieces of lingerie I had that would fit her. It was a lace teddy and the slack in the bodice would look more like artful draping if I played it right. She changed and I let her catch me looking once or twice. She was excited by that, I could tell.
“Get on the bed,” I instructed and she climbed up. I positioned her in a sultry pose and snapped some shots before moving her again. After a while, she insisted I join her so I changed too and let her take some shots. Soon we were both lying on the bed, camera forgotten and the new draperies shutting out the whole world. We were laughing at nothing and rolling around when Julie got serious all of a sudden.
“Jodi...is it different, kissing girls?” she asked.
“Different from what?”
“From kissing boys, dummy!” she chirped, pinching my arm.
“Hey!” I protested, rubbing my arm. I pretended to think for a while. “It is different, I guess...I only had bad experiences with men, though, so...maybe I am not the one to ask…Are you….do you think you might be interested in girls?”
“Maybe,” she blushed red and tucked her head.
“Hey! You don't have to be embarrassed around me...I like girls, duh!”
“Jodi,” she hesitated, “would you...kiss me? Just so I can…”
“Compare?” I finished for her. She nodded and I pushed her back onto the bed, smoothing her hair back and touching her face lightly. I leaned in and touched our lips together lightly before running my tongue over her lips. She opened immediately, eagerly and I deepened the kiss while settling my hand on her waist and running it up...not close enough to scare her, but just to the underside of her breast so she anticipated me touching her there, but never actually got as far as feeling it.
Back in my room after kissing Jodi, I was so hot my fingers were between my legs as soon as I hit the bed! The whole day was so fun. She is so funny and yet so serious at times. She is so hot and so sexy...omg!
The kissing in that big bed was dreamy beyond belief.
As I rubbed my pussy and started teasing my clit I thought about what we had done and I was feeling . Was I falling in love? Was it the excitement of sex?
What she was saying about bad experiences with men had melted my heart a little. I hated to imagine them being bad to her. I wanted to kiss and make her feel better to be kissed by someone who really cared for her. I had been thinking all day. What if I wanted this to happen? Maybe part of me wanted this to happen when I invited Jodi to live with us. I had practically seduced her. I was afraid I had gone too far and almost backed out but on that bed with her I knew I wanted to go for it. To kiss a girl. To kiss Jodie's perfect lips.
The pictures she had taken had me feeling incredibly sexy. That bed and room and how I looked hot in her little dress that was sometimes just just half on me. Fuck it was so exciting for her to see me like and take pictures of me posing so sexy. I wanted to look sexy in her eyes. She is so so hot ! My mind flashed images of her on the bed as she posed for me. The looks on her face. The curves of her body. The warm confidence she carries. The way I could imagine a big sister would be. Better than a big sister, an older girlfriend. I wanted to be her girl.
My orgasm neared as my fingers worked my pussy. Images of Jodi nakes as we kissed on that big bed under the cover of the drapes, our secret word of kissing and love and touching, sucking, licking, kissing. Hands and fingers exploring….I erupted into the best and longest orgasm of my life.
When I recovered, I realized I was also late for gymnastics.. Damn it! I jumped up, forcing my weakened knees to do their job and showered as quickly as I could before calling a distracted goodbye to anyone in the house and running out the door.
As soon as Julie left, Jodie said she had something to show me in her bedroom. I knew she and Julie had made some drapes for the bed. They were really proud of themselves and I could hardly wait to see it.
We were alone in the house, so Jodi made me strip in the kitchen and blindfolded me with a dish towel and the sash to my robe. She had tied it around my eyes and then down to my neck, looping it forward so she could use the trailing end as a leash, of sorts.
It was intimidating being led, blindfolded and naked through my own house. The carpet under my feet told me we had entered the living room. Jodi turned me slightly.
“The camera, Barb, it is right in front of you, what do you do?” she said, her tone playful, but firm. I was expected to perform. Before I could second guess myself, I reached up and took my own nipples between my fingers, twisting them savagely until I cried out in pain. “Good girl.”
She tugged again on the leash and I followed obediently. She led me carefully up the stairs. My whole body was tense with anticipation and fear that Julie would have forgotten her leotard or Bill would suddenly decide to come home for lunch.
She stopped me in front of what had to be her door...we had turned right at the top of the stairs. It was the only room in this direction.
“Wait here,” she ordered. I heard a scraping sound and smelled sulfur. Was she lighting candles? After a few moments, she stood in front of me again.
“Okay, Toy, open your eyes,” I obeyed, but discovered I was not looking at the room. Jodi had the laptop in front of my eyes and all I could see was Julie, posing seductively at the foot of the bed in a dress...Jodi’s dress...that was all but falling off her! She looked sultry and innocent all at the same time. The laptop was closed before I could look at my fill and I saw the bed finished for the first time. The drapes cascaded from the top ring, over the posts to puddle on the floor. The far side and the bottom of the bed were covered, but the drapes on the nearer side were pulled back with tasteful ties. Candles stood on every available surface and the light shined through the sheer fabric, making the bed itself seem to be glowing.
“Jodi, it's fantastic.” was all I could think to say for a moment. What could I say about Julie posing for sexy pics? She was now 18 and nothing wrong with looking sexy. I wanted to protest but had no grounds and did not want to ruin the moment.
“Mistress Jodi!” she corrected, her voice suddenly hard as glass and her eyes striking sparks reflected from the candles.
“Yes...yes . I’m sorry Mistress Jodi . I should know by now.”
She reached down and pinched my clit, drawing me up to my toes.
“Yes, you should! You had been doing so well, slut!” she said, disappointment heavy in her voice.
“I know, Mistress. I am sorry Mistress. I think the picture of Julie threw me. I know it’s not for me to say what either of you do but it was a little ...shocking.”
“You are right about that! And do you want to know what else? She asked me to take them. And more….I have more pictures on this laptop even sexier than the one you saw. Do you want to see them? Do you want to know what else we did?” she asked, her lips right up against my ear.
My heart was in my chest! I was torn but the answer came quickly. There was no use in lying.
“ Yes, Mistress, if you will allow it.”
“I wont! Get on the bed you greedy fucking whore!” she shoved me toward the gorgeously appointed bed and I stumbled, but managed to reach it without falling. I climbed up quickly and sat, looking at my knees and awaiting further instructions. She loved to tease...maybe if I was very good she would change her mind…
Jodi tossed an assortment of her ropes on the bed. She had been into ropes a lot lately. I knew I would soon be helpless in them. She had me kneel facing the headboard under the ring the drapes hung from. Getting behind me she tied my wrists then my elbows with separate ropes and used a third rope to pull my arms up behind my back straight out behind me making me bend forward to help alleviate the strain on my shoulders.
Then she surprised me by turning my head back so she could kiss me deeply for several minutes. Her fingers again found my nipples and rolled them, tugging and fondling until they were hard and sensitive..
“You kiss better than Julie, but she is a fast learner.” My whole body reacted to that! A gasp escaped my lips, but Jodi just smiled and continued tying.
A few minutes of wrapping, tugging and tying and my chest was criss crossed with a neat harness. It was tighter than she had ever tied me before. It was impossible to take a deep breath. My tits were well rounded and tight. I could only take shallow breaths, it was so tight.
“Hard to breathe, Bitch? Julie was panting like a dog when I touched her breast to fix that dress juuuuust right. You should have seen her, Toy, face all pink from embarrassment, trying not to let me see how much she wanted me to touch her more...delicious!” She gave the rope one more tug and picked up the next piece.
I was devastated. I almost felt like crying but didn't really know why. Was it jealousy or fear for Julie? The pictures…. the kissing, I could only guess how far it went. I wanted to know but knew I could not ask. Panting from the strain and tightness of ropes made me lightheaded.
My words, even more than the rope, were getting to her. I could see it in her face. Her distress was beautiful and I let her stew in it for a while, tying knots in the rope in my hand before threading it through her legs, being very careful to position the knot right over her clit before tightening it up to opposite corner bedposts. She gasped as the coarse rope dug into the one place in a woman’s body that had more nerves than anywhere else. I grinned at her and added another rope, pulling it so she was bent forward. She could now see nothing but the bed in front of her. I stopped...had to stop and take some pictures. This vision was too beautiful not to preserve. Then I picked up the laptop again, opening it and setting the screen to slideshow view of my and Julie’s photo session. I put it down within her vision and hit the button.
Julie had no idea how many cameras were on her when she was in here. I had video playing, as well. The hottest ones were from the nanny cam that showed her adorable face biting her lip in passion as her breath sped up and her hands spasmed a little when my hand was all but cupping her sweet tiny tit. I even had a video of that looping with the pictures. There were some great panty shots too.
Poor Julie, she had only allowed herself to show so much because I had my back turned and she thought I would never know. Barb jerked in her bondage with every new picture that came scrolling across the screen and the knot between her legs rubbed her clit with bruising pressure.
“Julie begged me to kiss her, Toy. Please, Jodi,” I raised my pitch to my Julie voice as I said the words, “I just want to know kissing a girl. Please Kiss me.” I returned to my normal voice. “How could I refuse?”
I laid down beside the laptop and pulled my shirt up on one side. I touched my stomach and ran my fingers gently up to just beneath my breasts, as I had for Julie.
“Just like that, I touched her, while teaching her to kiss. She is such a delicate flower. I was very gentle with her, Toy, you need not worry about that score. But I left her longing for me. You want her, Barb? You want her very badly don’t you slut? She will be coming to my bed and you won’t even know when unless I decide to tell you,” I said, jerking on the rope that was attached to her clamped nipples. She stiffened in pain, which caused the crotch rope to dig in. Pain on top of pain. “I am going to suck that sweet innocent pussy until your precious, darling daughter screams in ecstasy. What do you think of that, slut?”
“Jodi ..ahhh! oww … Jodi pleasee ...I cant want her that way.... Not want her like that. Please just dont hurt her like this is all I beg pleaseee ….owwww please be kind to her,” Toy gasped out and begged. But of course that only spurred me on.
“After I kissed her, touched her…” I ran the shots of us on the bed together as I spoke, “She left and went to her room. Did you know I gave her a stuffed animal, too? This is what happened next.” I hit the button and the nanny cam video of Julie stroking her pussy and fondling her own breasts. Together, we watched her hips lift as she neared orgasm and there was no mistaking that it was my name on her lips as she came hard.
I pushed the laptop aside and knelt before my slave. I jerked her head up, which had to be uncomfortable with the ropes dragging her down. I kissed her deeply and despite her distress that I had not answered her pleading, she kissed me back, need and desperation coloring her every movement. I trailed my fingers along the rope harness until I got to her pussy, but bypassed it and the feathered light touching down her thighs to her knees. I left my hand there as I whispered into her ear.
“I can want her that way. And there will be nothing you can do to stop me if I wish to do anything I like to her...even this!” I drew my hand up sharply, slamming into the knot over her clit with the heel of my hand. She screamed and I stuck three fingers into her vagina, keeping pressure on the knot. “Cum for me slut! Cum now and maybe I will leave your precious girl alone!”
She jerked and spasmed on my fingers as her body reacted to pain and stimulation. She was going into overload, her skin red from her chest up, Gasping, rocking, the nipple clamps tugging at the cords holding them to the canopy frame.
What pleased me most was that she was trying to get her mantra right as she bucked and heaved out a scorching orgasm.
“I cum only at Mistress Jodi’s pleasure ...I cum only at Mistress Jodi’s pleasure…” Over and over she gasped out the phrase until she was practically screaming it and my hand was coated with her wetness. She heaved in short gasps just on the verge of crying. I was glad I had one camera recording it. Fuck, it was so pitiful and so hot.
When she finally went still, exhausted and surrendering to the ropes, I took her down. It took a while to get her untied, but soon enough we were laying on the bed, her head on my chest as I stroked her hair and rubbed her shoulders gently. I gave her time to rest and recover, she even slept some, but I had not yet cum. She was eager enough to lick me to completion once she woke.
“Barb, you know I would never really hurt Julie, right? She is my best friend and so innocent. I prefer women like you. She could never give me what you do. But if she wants to experiment with her sexuality, I would rather it be with me. My first girlfriend turned out to be terrible. She did to me many of the things that I am doing to you, but I didn’t get pleasure that way, not after all of those men at home. I don’t want Julie to end up finding one of those for her first experiences. There are a lot of them out there. It took me a long time to finally get away from her.”
Her head lifted from my stomach, where she had ended up after making me cum. She crawled up my body and kissed me. It was the first time she had initiated such contact.
“Thank you, Mistress,” she said. Oh, yes, she was coming along nicely!
Chapter 6
Twisting fates, Mom’s wants this...whatever it takes, Groomed into grooming
I was almost jealous of how cool Jodi’s bed was. She had the biggest room, too, with a separate sitting area and full bath. My friends and I had used this room for sleepovers before Jodi moved in. I wasn’t mad, or anything, just a little jealous. It didn’t matter now, anyway, I guess, since I was spending so much time in here.
Mom’s room was at the other end of the hall, so I didn’t have to try and sneak past her to get to Jodi’s room at night. And I was coming here almost every night now. Jodi was so amazing! She tried to stay away from me after that first kiss, but I wouldn’t let her. I guess I seduced her, which was so awesome and made me feel so sexy. I kept catching her alone and touching her more than usual. I would mention how much I like the kiss we shared and how much I wanted to do it again...and more. She tried to resist me, but she couldn’t and when she finally gave in...wow!
She had pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. Her hand slid up my shirt and she finally touched my breast. It felt so amazing! But she had pulled away, probably thinking of Mom and getting kicked out if she ever found out, but I would never let that happen! I stripped off my shirt and bra and took her hand, putting it back on my breast.
“Please, Jodi! Nobody is home. Teach me how girls make love…” She couldn’t resist me after that and actually went to her knees! When her lips closed around my nipple I nearly cried out, it felt so good!
She had pulled off my panties and pushed me onto the bed.
“Julie? Are you sure?” she asked then. I just pulled her in for a kiss just like in the movies or something, it was so hot!
She kissed her way all the way down my body and when she reached my pussy I did shriek. I had never felt anything like that! I mean...Brad had put his hand down there once, but he was clumsy and rough. I had pretended to be scandalized and pushed him away. I made him apologize for days before I would make out with him again. That was fun.
But Jodi’s touch was not crude, not clumsy. She stroked me with her tongue! It was so soft and wet. She made me cum really quick and she even said it was okay if I didn’t want to do the same for her, but I did. She showed me how and I felt so sexy and powerful when she came.
I had been sneaking in here almost every night since. The only time I didn’t is when Mom and Dad stayed up late to watch a movie. I was afraid they would look in on me when they went to bed and freak out if they didn’t see me.
I know Jodi had sex toys locked in the trunk in her closet, but she refused to play with them with me. She said she was not going to be the one to take my virginity away. I told her I would go buy my own and do it myself, but she got really mad and said she would tell Mom. She insisted I stay a virgin. I think she felt guilty for “corrupting” me. She didn’t understand that I had seduced her. She would give in eventually, I was sure.
Last night was the best yet! She made me cum three times before we fell asleep. Now she was down in the barn with Mom. She said she couldn’t change her routine too much without making Mom suspicious. She was probably right.
I looked around the room. On the bedside table was a little book. It was one of those kid’s diaries, all rainbows and unicorns and a stupid lock that either never stays closed or pops open at the slightest touch. Why would Jodi have such a childish journal?
But I knew why...she didn’t have a lot when she came here. That silly journal was probably one of her prized possessions and that made me so sad!
I opened it. Mom would have yelled and even I felt a twinge of shame, but it was like I couldn’t help myself. I flipped quickly to the last few written pages. I saw an entry dated just a few days ago!
I feel so guilty even writing this. Barb has been so good to me, giving me a home and a purpose, but I am worried about Julie. Barb is always talking about her, how pretty she is, how hot she looks and all the boys and even some of the girls must be watching her all day at school...It kind of creeps me out. That’s a lie...what kind of a sap lies to her own diary? I wish it was me she was looking at like that! I know it is probably my past corrupting my perceptions, but it doesn't look like just a proud Mom to me...I don't know what to do especially after what I saw later! Yesterday she was in her bedroom on her belly on her bed facing away from the door. It was slightly opened so I didn't see a need to knock and gently pushed it and entered. The lush carpet hid my footsteps and soft music playing hid my approach. Halfway to her bed I was able to see the screen and realized I caught her watching some kind of kinky porn! It was two women, one older and one younger,like a lot younger! I got a really good look, and it was pretty extreme with the young one tying the older one up. But the worst of it is...I think Barb had a pair of Julie's panties! I mean, that's sick, right? They had to be Julie’s. But who would sniff her own panites looking at porn? Even though I know that can't be normal, but can't say anything. What if Barb throws me out? No way can I say anything about this to Julie. I learned long ago to keep my head down and mouth shut. Julie is on her own with this one unless she really needs me. I hate being such a coward about this! Julie is so sweet and I feel so bad that I am taking advantage of her, but she was tempting me so much! I had to have a taste. But I can’t tell her about her Mom...especially since I want her too!
I shut the book, replacing it exactly where I found it. For a second I just sat, stunned, then I was up like a rocket and racing to Mom's room. It didn't take long...I found my panties in her bedside table drawer. They were crumpled and slightly damp. What had she been doing with them?
I snatched up her laptop and returned to my room, thinking about Jodi the whole time. She had a crush on Mom, too! I suppose I should be hurt or jealous or something like that, but I wasn’t. I felt so bad for seducing Jodi...I think I made it harder on her.
I opened the laptop. Mom is very careless about security. Her password is always one of the horses’ names. A few tries got me in and I first checked her search history.
Porn! And such porn! It was only women, but looked nothing like what Jodi had shown me. Older women were tied up...painfully, by the look of it...and being beaten! Is...is that what Mom liked? What she wanted?
I slammed the laptop closed, but the images stayed in my mind. I could not help but imagine myself standing over her, whip in hand. I was horrified to discover I was wet! I loved my mom so much...why did the thought of whipping her tits have my hand reaching for my pussy? I fingered myself, seeing Mom, tears streaming down her face, pleading with me. I came the second I realized that in this fantasy, Jodi was behind me, hands on my shoulders saying, “Harder!”
I was looking forward to a movie with the girls. Jodi told me she had ***********ed one we would all like. She would have wine coolers and blankets on the couch floor set up for us to relax and enjoy a nice afternoon. Julie had just started wine coolers and safe at home was the place to have them.
It wasn’t until mid morning after a normal time working with the horses with Julie when Jodi had a moment alone with me and said “ Toy, I come up to your room after lunch to get you ready for movie time. “
She noticed my change of demeanor and smirked “ You didn't think this was just a move did you, slave? “
I felt the shift. Toy was always near the surface now.
“I never know how things will go now Mistress Jodi. I will be there.“
We didn't have much time after lunch with the length of the movie and Bill getting home so Jodi wasted no time in telling me what I was to do. As she handed me things and had me follow her instructions she took pictures with my webcam as I stood in front of it. First was the butt plug held up in my hand. Then a series of pictures for each step as she inserted a small remote vibe that she had spliced a much longer thin cord to. Then a simple crotch tie holding them in but still left my clit available cradled between to snug cords. That was followed by a very snug but wearable chest harness and breast binding. Last, I put on my long green nightgown and over that my fluffy red winter housecoat.
Holding each item up to the cam before putting them in my robe pocket, a tube of Bengay, nipple clamps and 4 wood clothes pins.
She gave me a post-it note with simple instructions to follow the pattern of her turning off and on and off and on the vibe for when to use each item and how.
Getting all set for the movie Jodi took charge as we took our places she had readied for us. Me and Julie on opposite ends of the couch with separate blankets. She would be on a blanket spread in front of us and her own cover and pillows. A very nice set up to watch movies with the drapes pulled and house nice and cool. Last minute Jodi sent Julie in the kitchen to get our wine coolers and took that time to unroll the long cord to the little vibe and ran it under the bottom blanket to be under her pillow.
“ Follow your instructions Toy” she hissed and gave my face a mild slap then kissed me sensually until she heard Julie approaching and took her place on the blanket.
I arranged myself on the blanket in front of the TV. I had sent Julie to the kitchen for this very reason. I wanted her on the couch next to her mom. I had chosen the movie tonight carefully. It was a story of an ex gymnast...which Julie would like...who discovers a new lease on life when she begins to learn Aerial silk. She also slowly realizes she is a lesbian and leaves her husband for the woman she has been practicing with...a much younger woman. The movie was perfect for us and I found it hard to keep my composure as I loaded it up.
Barb was already tight as a bowstring from the instructions I had given her and the instruments deep within her body already. She was worried about the vibe, I knew, but it was nearly silent. Even leaning against her, Julie would not notice a thing.
Julie returned with the wine coolers and we started the movie. When the intro and beginning was over and the protagonist was doing a nostalgic gymnastic routine on the balance beam, I turned on the vibe. Barb inhaled sharply.
“You okay, Mom?” Julie asked.
“Yes, of course. I only wish I was so flexible,” Barb said.
“Right?! It will take me a few years before I could stick that dismount,” Julie agreed. I turned up the vibe. Barb gasped again. I paused the movie.
“You know what we need? Popcorn!” I announced.
“Oh! Yeah! I will get it!” Julie jumped up and headed for the kitchen. I turned to Barb.
“First step, slut!” I reminded her of the paper in her pocket. She took out the ben gay and opened it. As I watched, she spread it along her inner lips and over her pussy and clit. I gave her some baby wipes I had stashed under the couch to clean her hands and laid back down as Julie returned to the couch, huge bowl of popcorn in her hands.
There was a strange feeling in the room when I came back with the popcorn. And the smell of ben gay.
“Mom? Have you pulled your shoulder again?” I wondered.
“No. Just some aches and pains from too much lifting in the barn.” She smiled and I moved closer to her on the couch, leaning against her and sharing the popcorn as Jodi started the movie again. In spite of everything I had learned today, she was still Mom. And I wanted to comfort her.
Jodi turned, kicking off the blanket that covered her and took a handful of popcorn.
“Thanks, Julie,” she said and her look went right through me. I realized she had never been part of something like this before. She lay back down, but forgot to replace the blanket. Her lace panties were clearly visible under her tee shirt, barely covering her ass. I remembered touching her there the last time we were together and felt my nipples harden.
Jodi was playing with me. She was playing with us both. I knew it, even if Julie didn’t. Julie still thought she was her best friend...and maybe it was true. She was still playing with us both. But it was working. I couldn't help staring at her lace covered ass as the women on the screen writhed together in cocoons of silk. The ben gay burned into my flesh and made my arousal almost unbearable. Hiding it was even worse...and I knew Jodi was not finished.
When the protagonist of the movie actually kissed her love interest, I was so worked up that my breath actually stopped in my throat. At that moment the vibe stopped and started. Step 2 was clamping my nipples under the blanket. I fluffed it up when I pulled up my knees to make a tent over my chest. First then left one. The new clamps were not adjustable and I nearly cried out but managed to cover it with a little coughing sound. I was more ready for the right one but it hurt no less knowing what was coming.
The movie played on as we were all mesmerized by the talent and acting and almost surreal sexuality of the women in love. Soon after that came the last off and on cycle telling me to put two clothes pins on each labia. I did it with shaking hands as I stared at the screen as if in a trance and doing it by feel and sheer will to not let Julie feel me shaking on the couch.
Then in a slight lull near the end of the movie Jodi turned to look at Julie. “Hey sweetie, come lay here with me to catch the end.”
Julie scrambled off the couch and settled next to me on the blanket. In the guise of grabbing popcorn and making sure she had her drink, I managed to pull up her shirt so her panties were also visible to Barb behind us. I put my arm around her and curled my leg under hers so we were intertwined. Then I turned the vibe up full blast.
The tiniest whimper escaped Barb. I distracted Julie while commenting on the end of the movie.
“I love the way, instead of just walking the white line to prove she was not driving drunk, she did a whole balance beam routine! So hot! And even the cop in the movie was impressed! I think she was right to follow her love, no matter where that took her, don’t you?”
Behind us, I knew Barb was having an explosive orgasm. I could tell by the tension in the air. She was too still, too quiet, and I smiled to myself, knowing I had been the cause.
“Could you do that? Just walk away from everything you have to follow your dream?” Julie asked.
“Everything? For a dream? No. But I would abandon anything to be with someone I love.” Julie hugged me and got up, taking the empty popcorn bowl to the kitchen and I half turned, staring at Barb. Then I rolled over fully and spread my legs wide, letting her see the darkness of my panties that told her I was as turned on as she was by our little tableau. Knowing little julie flows like a stream when turned on leaving huge wet spots on the sheets, I looked down where she had been lying and ran my finger across the wet spot as I rubbed the wet spot on mine. Then back up to Toy’s eyes and stared into them and said, “Sweet Julie is so mine!”
Barb told us to get to bed and she would clean up the living room. I know she could not get up with all of her paraphernalia on without drawing attention so I grabbed Julie and made an exit. I watched Julie as we went up the stairs together. She had something on her mind, but I spoke first.
“I know that I like girls...but I don’t think I was the only one turned on by that movie.”
“Well, duh! I guess I have shown you I like girls too!” she answered. But she wouldn’t look at me.
“No, Julie...um...I meant…” Understanding filled her face.
“You mean Mom? I didn’t think you noticed that!” she whispered. I gave her a look that could only mean she was stupid.
“I have been a lesbian a lot longer than you, Julie! There is no way I could have missed it! Come on!” I knew she tried not to come to my room while either parent was still up, but Barb was not about to get in my way tonight. She had her own problems.
In my room with the door closed, she suddenly became animated.
“Can I tell you something?” she asked. I nodded.
“Jodi, I've seen some stuff. Mom has been acting so strange and I snooped on her computer… Jodi mom is into some kinky shit! Like bondage and lesbains and whipping and stuff. Oh fuck, I saw the stuff she reads and sites she’s been on. I think mom wants to be some kind of sex slave or something. And the really fucked up part is I think she wants you! And...and….I kind of think she has the hots for me, too, maybe for a long time. She definitely does for you. You must know with your perfect gaydar that she creams for you, right? “
“I...might have noticed...a look...or two, but Julie! She gave me a home and a family that didn’t suck! I can’t take advantage of that! Besides...I mean...we...well, I am not so fickle,” I replied, acting as uncomfortable as I knew how to. Julie blushed and looked at her feet briefly.
“Well, I didn’t think you were! But...um…”she hesitated. I grabbed her arms like I was shocked and stunned.
“Julie! Are you...I mean...do you want to see your Mom...like that?” I rushed to reassure her the moment her face fell into shame, “I mean it isn’t like she is your biological Mom or anything...it’s not gross like that. But the bondage?”
Julie hung her head and her voice was low as she answered, “I...I kinda thought it was hot,” she admitted. I put my arm around her.
“Hey! Don’t be embarrassed. Everyone has their thing, but you know Barb will never touch you. She is too good a Mom for that, no matter what she feels. If she had a girlfriend or something...you might be able to find out who and watch them together...at least it would be something. I don’t think it is likely, though. I mean I am with her most of the day now and I haven’t seen any sign that something like that is going on. I am sorry, Julie. I would do anything to help you, but I don’t know how. I mean, damn Julie I admit, I wouldn’t mind seeing it, myself!”
OMG! Jodi was not shocked or grossed out by what I had told her! She was turned on too! I know Mom wanted her...it was obvious! Maybe...maybe…
“Jodi…” I can’t believe I was actually going to say this, but my mouth would not stop talking, “Why don’t you do it?” She pulled away from me then.
“Do what?”
“Seduce Mom.”
“Julie!” I had to talk quick, I was losing her.
“Seriously! Listen, Mom already thinks you’re hot! Her eyes barely left your ass long enough to watch the movie…” She stood up and started pacing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?! I would have pulled the blanket up!” she complained, but I could see she was kind of excited by what I said. “So...what was on the computer? I mean… you said it was, like, harsh…” Yes! I knew she was interested. I pulled her down onto the bed and tried to describe what I had seen.
“There was a lot of bondage. Women tied up to bed posts and fences and stuff and other women...sometimes much younger women were whipping them or fucking them with strap ons.” She averted her eyes, but I could tell she was excited. “And even worse stuff. Sometimes their breasts were bound so tight they looked like balloons! They are treated so harshly. Jodi, do you think Mom wants to be treated like that?” I waited for Jodie to answer.
“Yeah,” Jodi said finally, “I think she does. I think she needs harsh treatment ...sometimes people do. So...if I were to do what you are asking...I would have to do that!”
“Do you think you could...be like that?” I asked her.
“I know how,” she admitted, “Sometimes the men who came over...but there is no reason to think she would let me do that! And do you really want to see your mom like the women in those videos?” she asked.
“Yeah. Please, Jodi! I know I can never touch her like that...She clearly wants it, but you could! And you could let me watch. If she were blindfolded, she would never know…”
It was so hard keeping a suitably horrified face while Julie spoke! Here she was, begging me to enact my ultimate plan! It was just too good to be true! Barb’s daughter was precocious, that’s for sure! She also used the adorable argument that we would be helping Barb get something she really wanted and better us than someone from the internet or stranger from a sex club.
I let her convince me to at least look at some of the websites she had seen on Barb’s laptop...the websites I had made her search. I took her to my personal favorites, Lesbian Bondage, Slave Moms, Older/Younger, Whipped Ass...she was so turned on by the time I closed the computer down I thought she would explode before I could even touch her.
She surprised me, though, pushing me back onto the bed and kissing me, sliding my panties down to reach my pussy.
“See, Jodi? You are turned on by what we saw! All those hot women tied up and abused. You want to do this to Mom as much as I do…” she cajoled. I decided to give her a taste, just a little one. I flipped us both, pinning her to the bed and raising her hands above her head, holding them in place with one hand. I hovered the other over her breast.
“Do you even know what you are asking me to do?” I asked. My hand landed on her breast and I began squeezing her nipple, gently, then harder and harder until she squirmed underneath me and tried to draw away.
“And that is only the beginning!” I reminded her, letting her up. God! She was hot, breathless with what she would say is unwanted pain, but I knew it was arousal. Little girl was following in Mommy's footsteps and she didn’t even know it! But her instruction was going to progress much much more slowly.
Jodi gave me a lot to think about when she said she wanted to put some nanny cams in mom’s room. She explained what she had been thinking through since I asked her to look for some way we could give mom what she wanted so badly. She is worried mom will freak out so we need to be ready just in case she does. We would have to calm her down and also have some way to keep her under control. This could blow up if we only try to play at and if she was going to be part of this and risk losing everything we have now, we had to take it seriously and do it for real. If Barb wanted to be a sex slave she has to be Jodie’s for real. To make that happen for real we need real control over her. Jodi wanted to blackmail her or at least have enough to just in case mom flipped. She wanted to get mom on video getting off to pictures of videos of some taboo porn as well the main one of her masturbaing to pictures of her own teenage daughter...Me!
Catching Jodi alone in the kitchen and mom in the living room reading, I got her to go out to the patio with me so we could talk “Okay Jodi , You are right if we do this with mom it has to go all the way, so how do we start? ” I asked, trying to sound confident.
Jodi thought for a moment and said , “ We do some really sexy stuff of you on my bed and let her “Find” them on my laptop. I can forget and leave it out while we go out shopping and see if she takes the bait? Then, if she does I get her alone and tell her I know she has the hots for me and for you and see if i can just seduce her without telling her what we have. Maybe I will have to confront her with snooping on my laptop or about her slutty display of having an orgasm during the movie or stealing your panties but whatever it takes, I will make her show me what’s on her computer and then go from there. I think she will crumble and fall in line once the ice is broken between me and her secrets. I will end up promising her to keep this a secret from you. You have to be able to act like you know nothing”
I had listened carefully and thought for a moment and knew we had to do this. “Okay Jodi let's do this. Whatever it takes.”
Mistress Jodi keeps loading the most fantastic pics and vids of Julie on her own bed to my computer with instructions to use my vibe as I study them. They look like nanny cam sometimes. The latest ones are of her in her PJ’s she’s had for years. Her hair up in pigtails and playing like a little girl on her bed. Like she is just doing silly, innocent dress up and fingering herself to fun fantasies. Jodi had me cum to them and masturbate to a plethora of assorted kinky things. Things I would never have seen or even known were out there had she not sent me the links to them. Sick, disgusting things women did and had done to them. Some of it real and some in digital art and some stories that were truly sick. The digital art blew me away. I don't know if Jodi was doing them or paying somebody to do them or if it was just coincidence but damn some of them looked a bit like how me and Julie looked maybe 5 years ago !
When I had finished with the list I sat there stunned at what I had seen. I had doubts if some of it was legal. Where did Jodi even find those links? OMG was she planning on making me do some of what was in them? I shivered at the thought!
That looks like me and Jodi a few years ago ! Holy fuck is mom paying some digital artist to do this or is she doing it herself? They were pretty crude at first but no doubt the later ones are supposed to be mom's bedroom! Even the wall hanging over the bed is perfect!
The predator is working on her target. Hot steamy wet pussy waitng wanted to be taken. Pain will be the game with multible orgasm. I wil be that bitch i head come safe me and make your pain slave. Fg.