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Here's a story about the rabbits and the deer. And if you don't know that story, ask your mother to tell you about it. Also, if you end up liking this, I've got more on that you might enjoy. Just a thought.
“Connie, Pearl’s here to see ya!” dad announces from downstairs.

Again? Wow. She really likes hanging out. But why? We never really do anything exciting. We just sit around, chat, play games, eat, and then she goes home. Maybe it’s just to get outta the house. Oh well.

I get up from my bed and walk to the stairs, seeing Pearl right next to dad.

“You guys are just inseparable, huh?” he says, patting her on the head, “I’m pretty sure this makes a month. With you coming over this much, I might just charge you rent.”

We share a laugh as I head downstairs, saying,

“Well, you’re gonna have to take it out of her allowance.”

“Well, I’d have to start giving allowances for that to be the case.”

“Well, no time like the present.”

“And some time in the future will be the present for that one specific thing. But today’s not it. Have fun, you two.”

“Later, dad.”

He walks off to the kitchen, leaving us to our business. But I notice something a little off about Pearl. Her breathing’s a little quick, she’s blushing, and her tail hasn’t stopped moving since I saw her. She also hasn’t looked up from the floor, either.

“So, Pearl,” I say, grabbing her attention,

“Y-yeah?” she replies,

“Uh, you wanna head upstairs or what?”

“O-oh...right...right...B-but, you think I could get a drink first?”

“Oh, sure. We’ve got more drinks than we know what to do with. Help yourself.”


We head over to the kitchen, passing by dad sitting on the table before she opens the fridge.

“That was quick,” he says before sipping his coffee,

“Just came for a drink, dad,” I reply, “Bunnies get parched, too.”

“Can’t argue with that. But might I suggest checking on the top shelf, though? There’s no juice on the bottom.”

Confused, I turn to see that Pearl is, indeed, checking the bottom shelf for juice for some reason.

“O-oh,” she replies, “Right. Sorry. Just got distracted by your carrots.”

“It’s fine,” dad says, “You’re welcome to have one if you want.”


“Of course. It’s like candy to you, right?”

“Dad, really?” I say, palming my face, “Can you please refrain from stereotypical comments like that?”

“Hey, it’s not wrong if it’s true. Nothing’s wrong with it. I mean, if she said you joined track because you’re fast or I practice polyamory because we’re deer, we wo-”


“What? It’s nature. There’s no shame in it.”

“Yeah, but this isn’t really something to talk about in front of my friend.”

“Why? Bunnies are always open about how much they love to have s-”

“Aaaaaaand we are done here. Thanks, dad. Come on, Pearl. Let’s go to my room.”

Poor thing. She’s blushing even more now and she’s breathing faster. She must be so embarrassed. I grab her arm and head out the kitchen before dad says,

“What’s the big deal? I was just gonna say ‘have sex’. What did you think I was gonna say?”

“Dad, gross!” I say, heading towards the stairs,

“Not gross, honey. Natural.”

All I hear is his laughter as I escort Pearl into my room and shut the door. Wow, that was embarrassing. I turn to the poor flushed bunny with quick shaky breaths, signaling to me that the feeling is indeed mutual.

“Sorry about that,” I say, trying to calm her down,

“O-oh, i-it’s no problem,” she says, forcing a smile,

“Alright, well, to take our minds off of that, why don’t we just have some fun, yeah?”


“Awesome. I was thinking that we could finish up the level that’s been kicking our asses forever now and maybe order a pizza and watch some anime. Sound good?”

“H-huh? Uh- yeah. Sure. Sounds...sounds great.”

Looks like I need to act fast. Her breathing is just getting worse. That conversation with dad must really be taking its toll on her. I’ll have to talk to him about it when she leaves. He really went too far with everything he was saying.

We boot up Wolfpack 3 and commence the slaughter of hordes of enemy soldiers. One by one, all meet the same fate of being filled with lead. As we clear level after level, I take glances at Pearl, noticing her rise in demeanor. She’s much more invested in this than what happened earlier. Ah, the overwhelming power of video games.

Ok, this is it. Level 17. Our kryptonite. But we’ve got this. It’s no issue anymore. We’re not afraid. Yesterday’s over. Our time is now. AND WE’RE GONNA KICK. THIS. LEVEL’S. ASS!!!!

So a few minutes pass and the level completely bends us over and shows us what’s what. Whatever. Who cares? It’s just a dumbass game anyway. First person shooters suck. Whose idea was it in the first place? Whoever came up with the thought of anything like this deserves the death penalty.

“Ah, darn, we got beat up again,” Pearl says with a shrug,

“Eh, whaddaya gonna do?” I reply, “Wanna try again? Or do you wanna order that pizza and fire up some anime?”

“Let’s go for anime. Oh, shoot, I- uh- I forgot my purse downstairs.”

“Oh, it’s no big deal. I’ve got it.”

“No, no. I couldn’t ask that of you. Your money’s no good here. I’ll go get my items and you find something to watch.”

“Uh, ok. Hurry back.”

She steps out of the room and I scroll through the catalog, looking for the perfect show that matches the mood. But as time goes on, I’m falling deeper and deeper into show searching purgatory. I don’t know what to watch. Nothing I’m seeing right now is really exciting to me, which is weird because just before Pearl showed up, all of these shows just popped out to me. The mind is weird.

Maybe I should just wait for her to come back up here so that she can help me choose. Maybe it’s a different perspective thing. So I wait a few minutes, scrolling and scrolling, but she’s not coming. What’s taking her so long? Is she ordering down there? A bit weird, but the sooner you order a pizza, the better, I guess. So I keep waiting.

Fifteen minutes pass and I’m starting to get impatient, bored, and hungry. Ordering a pizza shouldn’t take this long. What’s going on? I stand up from my bed and step out of my room, walking to the stairway. But right as I reach it, I hear something coming from dad’s room. It sounds like...groaning. Oh, come on, dad, you’ve still got company over. You can’t wait a few more hours?

I try to ignore him, going downstairs. But halfway through, I notice that Pear’s nowhere to be found. Not in the living room, kitchen, foyer, dining room, or the bathroom. Where’d she go? I walk back upstairs, looking to the hallway bathroom to see if she’s in there, but the door’s still wide open. Odd. She wouldn’t just bail out of nowhere, would she? But just as I have that thought, dad starts saying things that grab my attention,

“Yeah, look up at me. Fuck, you’re so good at this, aren’t you? You like having that carrot in your mouth, huh? I bet this is more like candy to you, isn’t it?”

I then hear a subtle popping sound along with a giggle following behind and a hushed voice saying,

“Yeah. I love your big carrot, Mr. Stone. No other carrot compares to it.”

I then hear the sound of light sucking with dad saying,

“Well, you can taste it as much as you want. Also, keep your voice down. Connie might hear you. But something tells me you don’t care about that, do you?”


“No? You don’t care about something like that, do you? Such a naughty bunny.”

“I’m your naughty bunny.”

I can’t believe my ears. They just can’t be hearing the right things. No, that’s gotta be a show or something. Please tell me that that’s the TV playing loudly and my dad’s not fucking my friend in there. Just tell me dad’s just being a pervert and not a creep.

I need to be certain. I’m already certain that that’s the case, but I just need to make sure. My father wouldn’t do something like this to me. Especially with a friend that I just made a month ago. There’s not a chance in hell that that’s a possibility of happening.

I inch closer and closer to his room, listening closely as the sounds of giggling and sucking get louder with each step. Upon closer inspection, I notice the door’s cracked open. Ok, this is my chance. I’m gonna see dad in bed, covered in his sheets, enjoying his programs. All by himself. Just him.

I stealthily approach the door, bringing my face to the crack in the door. But as soon as my eyes peek through it, my mind freezes as my worst fear is realized. Before me is the sight of my own father sitting on the edge of his bed, fully naked, as my friend, who is also fully naked, kneels in front of him, stroking his dick with both of her hands as she takes it deep in her mouth. I think I’m gonna vomit. Who are these people? Who would do something like this? This can’t be happening. This just cannot be happening.

“You’re such a fucking cutie with my cock in your tiny little mouth,” dad groans, petting her head,

Pearl pops him out of her mouth, stroking him, saying,

“I am a cutie, am I? I’m such a cutie for my sexy daddy.”

She then leans lower, taking his balls in her mouth, sucking on it as she speeds up her strokes. I can’t believe this. This is so disgusting. Why would anyone be attracted to someone their daughter’s age? Not only that, why would anyone enjoy a girl talking like that to them? This is so terrible.

“Get up, baby, get up,” dad says, guiding Pearl to her feet, “I wanna see what that little pussy feels like.”

“Ooo,” she coos, excitedly bouncing, “You wanna feel my soft bunny cunny?”

“Yeah, let me feel that little bunny cunny.”

She giggles maneuvering to the bed, bending over to present herself to him, giving her butt a little shake. Dad brings a hand to her butt, gently rubbing it before guiding his shaft to her awaiting pussy. He then rubs his member against her, making her moan.

I shouldn’t be here. I should just walk away. I should just kick her out. I should just call someone. This can’t be legal. I need to do something. But...I can’t. I can’t help but to keep watching. The sight alone makes me sick, but for some reason, my body refuses to look away.

Dad slides his shaft inside of Pearl, making her moan in pleasure, squeezing his bed sheets. He chuckles at her response, saying,

“You really don’t care about getting caught, do you?”

She gives him a smug smirk, giggling as she shakes her head.

“So you’re just a bad girl, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” she agrees, “I’m such a bad girl. What are you gonna do about it?”

“Why don’t I just show you?”

He grabs onto her hips, thrusting himself in and out of her hole, making her moan more and more with each thrust. She looks like she’s in pure bliss. Her tongue’s out and her eyes are completely full of lust.

“Fuck, you’re so tight for me,” dad groans, tightening his grip on her waist,

“Only the best for my daddy,” she moans back with a giggle.

Sick. Just sick. Both of them. They’re both sick. Neither of them are well in their heads. How can anyone not see anything wrong with this picture? Or do they know and just not care? I don’t even know which is sicker.

My thoughts are interrupted with the sound of a loud smack echoing throughout the room and Pearl’s excited squeak following it. Did-...did he just...spank her? He answers my questions a few moments later, bringing his palm to her butt, replicating the sound I just heard, garnering the same reaction.

“Yeah, daddy,” Pearl encourages, “Spank me harder. I’m such a bad girl. Teach your slutty little bunny a lesson that she’ll never forget.”

Dad obliges Pearl’s request, slapping her butt harder, earning more sounds of approval. Every slap is echoing in my mind. He’s spanking her so hard. And she looks like she’s enjoying it so much...I-I mean, it can’t feel that great. He’s still spanking her. Who finds enjoyment in spankings?

“Oh, fuck, stick your finger in me, daddy,” Pearl moans, “Stick your finger inside of my tight little bunny asshole. Slide it in there. Please, daddy. I need it.”

Once again, dad does as instructed, sliding a finger inside of her butt, earning louder moans from her as he thrusts even faster.

“Oh, God, daddy, please don’t stop,” she pleads, “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Go deeper. Deeper. Please go deeper. I need you deeper inside of me.”

He slides his finger farther up her hole as he thrusts deeper in her pussy. She starts moaning wildly as dad groans louder and louder. Why is this starting to look and sound so...appealing? This is not ok. So why do I feel like this? Why is this starting to feel less wrong the longer it goes on?

“Are you gonna cum for me?” I hear, shocking me to my core, “Do it. Shoot your yummy cummies in your bunny’s cunny. Breed me. Right on your bed. I want you to smell me whenever you sleep. Please fill me up. I wanna be full with your cum. Fill me. Fill me.”

Dad’s thrusts get faster as his groans get louder with each passing second. After a few more minutes, he lets out a final groan, thrusting one more time as Pearl moans and giggles in enjoyment. He...he didn’t. He didn’t just do what I think he did. No. Please tell me this is just a nightmare. I gotta be dreaming. And I wanna wake up. Dad pulls out of her, turning her onto her back as she spreads her legs.

“Yeah, push it all out on that bed, baby,” dad says.

Pearl does as instructed, pushing some of his cum out of her and onto the sheets. Dad then takes two of his fingers, sliding them deep inside of her pussy before pulling them out and shoving his cum coated fingers deep inside of her mouth. She moans in delight, savoring his essence.

“Such a good girl,” he says as she looks directly at him, sucking his fingers clean.

Why is this interesting to me? Why am I feeling this? What am I feeling? this...jealousy? No. I’m not jealous of anything about this. I can’t be. There’s nothing to be jealous of. This is disgusting. This is unnatural. This is so wrong on so many levels. Ok, ok, just calm down.

I bring my hands to my head in an attempt to rub my temples to at least aid in my regaining of lost sanity, but something surreal occurs instead. My elbow bumps into the door, causing a knock. But not only that. It was hard enough to slowly open the door. And if that’s not bad enough, a squeak follows with every movement the door is making. I’m just the luckiest person in the fucking world.
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