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Dave finds an old book
Since David’s dad passed away last year, David had been rebinding old books and selling them to help build a college fund. The life insurance had paid off the house so his Mom's job was keeping them afloat just fine.

"David," she called, "come help with this box of books I got at the church storehouse."

I helped her bring in a musty box with years of dust on on it.

"This box has been in storage for ever and they were just going to toss it out, so I thought you would like to go through it first."

She gave me her stunning smile and I thought “God, my mother is beautiful!”.

"Thanks Mom" I said grinning like the love sick teen I was. She checked her watch.

"I have a meeting soon so order a pizza for you and your sister, I should be home by 8:00."

She gave her son a quick kiss on the lips. A small nuke went off in his pants as she turned and headed back out the door. His sister is a younger, shorter flat-chested carbon copy of his Mom.

The kids have been home schooled during the scamdemic with both flying through classes. David was already in the 12th grade and 5 weeks ahead on his work. David set up his camera to do an unboxing vid for his Patreon donors.

The box was waxy cardboard. He Googled the maker and found they went out of business in 1945.

David let his sister, Julie, know he was going to start recording and ask that she not interrupt. She agreed and said she was going to have an online chat with her friends anyway.

"I'm so glad that we get along well" he thought to himself, as he closed the door and turned on the camera and carefully cut open the box. As it opened, the smell of old books and very old leather wafted into the room.

David knew right away this was the jackpot! Right on top of the stack was a black leather bound first edition of Oliver Twist! This is the Holy Grail of old books, easily worth $3,000 in the condition it was in now. Carefully, he set the book aside. Underneath that were four leather-bound textbooks – algebra, geometry, history, and geography, all from 1910 to 1920. The history book would be the most valuable but the cover needed its spine rebuilt.

Next were several leather-bound volumes of Shakespeare, all from a matching set from the same printer! These eight books, as the set, might be worth $10,000 to the right collector. He could not believe that the church was just going to throw this in the trash!

At the very bottom were two hand-made books, both in very bad repair for being under the stack of heavy books. He carefully lifted them out and set the box aside.

One was a town ledger from the City of Salem. David held his breath, for a moment then got out cotton gloves. If this was actually from the city of Salem where the witch trials had been held, it might be the most valuable book in America.

Putting the book on a new piece of paper and carefully opening it, David frowned hearing its spine cracking as he did. Inside the cover was the date, 1821. The picture showed a list of rules, the size of the town, and the signatures of the occupants.

David addressed his audience on the camera. "I think that's enough excitement for one day. I'm going to put this aside and get some advice on proper restoration."

He shut down the camera and carefully closed the book and slipped it into a protective dust cover.

The other book was smaller and seem to be much better condition but still very old. It had a paper dust cover that was falling apart but the leather cover and spine still seem to be in reasonably good shape. Carefully he opened it and inside appeared to be a private journal, written in the very flowery handwriting of that time.

Near the back of the book a small note or letter had been tucked inside the dust jacket. David took it out and smelled the faint scent of roses, even after all this time.

On the folded paper in red ink was a small poem and a woman's lip print on the paper. He had no idea that women had lipstick in the 1800s.

The poem said said "A kiss from me sends lust to thee, free from inhibition. With a kiss from thee, to spread lust is now your mission. Sickness ends as lust begins, perfect health comes from sins. As I will, so might it be."

As he held the paper a warm flush washed over him, he had an overwhelming urge to kiss the lip print.

"This is stupid," he thought to himself. "God knows what mold might be in this."

While that thought was in his mind he was surprised to see he had brought it closer to his face. The smell of roses hit him again. Completely against his will he put his lips to the paper and made a kissing sound.

He thought he heard a woman giggle and it made him smile. He looked at the page and the lip print was gone. Rubbing his mouth, he looked at his hand and did not see a stain. He went to the bathroom in the hall to check in the mirror.

His reflection looked the same, did he imagine it? He felt hot, as a teen age boy, sex ran through his mind 24/7 but, at that moment it felt worse than ever. He had to adjust his cock as it stiffened in his pants.

Checking the hall for his sister the young man retreated to his room. “Maybe it was time to masturbate to get my hormones under control.” He thought to himself.

As he was just getting ready to go to his favorite porn site when Julie tapped on his door. "Dave, are you still recording?"

Clicking back out of the site, David went to the door and opened it a crack to look at her.

Her clear blue eyes peered up , and then she looked concerned. “Are you feeling OK? You’re kind of flushed."

“I, I'm just excited with my new project” the boy stuttered.

"Mom found me some rare books to restore." Looking back at the stack in distraction. He could smell her rose scented shampoo drifting in the door. Looking back at her David could see her eyes flashing over the books, she was bored to tears.

Was she always this pretty? Her lips looked so shiny with the lip gloss she used. "OK”, she said, “what's for dinner?"

"Mom said we could order pizza. Are you hungry?" David realized I had no idea what time it was. She smiled at her big brother, making his dick throb and grow longer than it had been before.

"Yes, silly, it's already past 6."

"Alright," He said. "let me get in the app and get the order in." She bounced in place and gave him a peck on the lips before heading to the game room.

It was normal for them to kiss on the mouth in their family. Both parents decided before they were born that showing affection was something that not enough families give each other. But, this kiss seemed to burn his mouth.

David had an almost irresistible urge to chase his sister down and kiss her again.

Julie closed the door to the game room and caught her breath. She loved her brother, and knew she had more than a little crush on him. Like most modern kids, she had an unlimited data plan and had seen more than her fair share of porn. She had been masturbating since she knew what it was. All of her family had been in one fantasy or another.

Admittedly pansexual and built like a boy she was gender fluid and vacillated between wanting to be more like her Mom and also hoping to stay flat chested forever. She had secretly bought an electrolysis hair remover last year and was permanently removing any new body hair that grew.

Her lips still tingled from the last kiss she had given her brother. She could feel her pulse in her tiny clit and her panties were growing damp. She suspected that her brother had been jacking off or about to by the way he kept his lower body out of view. Slipping her hand down the front of her shorts, she parted her sticky lips and began to furiously rub her swelling clit in small circular motions.

With her other hand, she lightly pinched her hyper sensitive nipples through her shirt. She knew she could cum just from touching herself on the chest but was in a sudden rush to get the edge off. Maybe if she went quietly back she could peek under David's door and watch him beat off.

Using the card his mother gave them for just such things, David ordered the same thing that they had last time. ETA 45 min said the app. So he went back to his porn tab and pulled his aching member out. It seemed longer than usual and both his hands would not quite cover it now. “No wonder” he thought to himself, “I have had a growth spurt”. He turned slightly so he could use the mouse and masturbate with the other hand.

David, had no idea that Julie was just now laying on the floor in the hall, she had a clear view of him from the chest down and watched him move the skin on his uncut cock.

David found a brother-sister vid and put his head phones on and began fantasizing that it was he and Julie in the film. When Julie saw him get the headphones she had a naughty idea and after waiting till her brother was completely engrossed, she slowly and silently opened the door.

The blonde girl on the screen was not as pretty as his sister but was thin and flat chested. She fitted his fantasy perfectly.

Crawling like a cat after its prey, Julie crept closer to her brother, his pants down around his thin legs but a surprisingly long cock in his hands. She heard him say her name under his breath which gave her a thrill that felt like it ran from her lips to her clit like hot water.

She could now see the title of the film he was watching and knew he was getting close, his hand almost a blur.

David felt his orgasm coming, closed his eyes tight and squeezed the base of his overheated penis. He was imagining his sister's mouth on it and, for a moment, it felt so real!

With a crashing shock reality kicked in. At first he was so confused he could not move! His little sister had stuffed as much of him into her mouth that she could and was sucking hard and swallowing fast.

"JULIE!!!??" he shouted, "Stop that!" but there was little conviction in his voice.

Julie, for her part, was orgasming as she drank down her brother salty seed, wrapping her soft little hand around his almost hairless ball sack she sucked for all she was worth.

David was shouting at first but then convulsing as his cock was being milked. He put trembling hands in her short hair trying not to jam his dick down her throat. Julie's body was also being wracked with spasms as some of the slippery sperm leaked out of her mouth down her chin.

The young girl pulled her head off his lap and lay on her back, licking her face and using her fingers to scoop any errant fluids into her mouth, beatific smile on her face. Both teens were panting for breath.

"Damn that was hot, Dave!" Julie said still smiling and enjoying the small aftershocks of her orgasm.

"What made you do that?" her brother asked, "Not that I'm mad, I'm just in shock."

With a grin she said "I have wanted to for a few years now, have you not seen me looking at you when we swim or when you get out of the shower?"

"I have," he confessed,"but I chalked it up to overactive hormones. I was busy looking when your bikini goes up your butt like a thong, or down your shirt when you bend over."

"Oh! you should have just asked!"she said with a twinkle in her eye. His little sister pulled her shirt up and over her head tossing it by the door.

"Look all you want big brother anytime you want."

David gazed down with a hunger at her flat chest and bright pink areolae - her tiny nipples stiff like pencil erasers. Holding her hands together over her head, she stretched like a cat, arching her back off the floor. Not accidentally pulling the crotch of her shorts tight to meet mound showing a little camel toe. Her older brother’s eyes were drawn to this phenomenon.

"Jules, do you not have any panties on?"

"Why don't you put your hand down the and find out?" She said batting her eyes and grinning.

With his pants still around his ankles the teenage boy got on his knees unable to resist. His hand over her diamond hard nipple caused her to draw in a breath and close her eyes.

Slowly he slid his hand down her flat stomach while leaning his face toward her frail chest. His fingers crept under her light cotton shorts and over her smooth hairless mound, his mouth came near her left nipple.

Julie moaned and flexed her hips up to push his fingers into her moist slit as she pulled his face to her breast.

David clamped his mouth on her nipple and began suckling, that ingrained human nursing rhythm that we all have. Jules gently guided his hand and showed him the method she liked for rubbing her clit. This never-before-felt stimulation was like a rocket! Her orgasm came crashing like a wave, arching her back and clamping her hand down over his, covering her brothers hand.

At last it was too much and she breathlessly said "Stop, stop, it's too muuuuch." Drawing the last word out like it had 4 syllables. David tried to sit back in his heels but fell over in the tangle of his pants and laughed at himself.

Sitting up Julie leaned over her brother "We should have done this years ago." After a pause she bent down and kissed him open mouthed, both hesitating for a moment but then with passion.

Clumsy tonguing back and forth with some giggles, a knock at the door broke them up.

"Oh shit, it's the pizza!" David said in a mild panic while scrambling to get his pants untangled.

"I got it" said Julie, she jumped up and darted out of her brothers room.

"Coming!" She called on her way to the door yanking it open to reveal herself in all her topless glory to the young man from the pizza place. He gawked with open mouth amazement at the half naked nymphet before him.

Calmly taking the boxes from his unresisting hands she politely thanked him. Holding out her other hand to him he shook it out of reflex. "Fuck!" the young man said.

Frowning Julie asked "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"N-no!" he stuttered.

Julie gave him an impish smile and kissed him lightly on the mouth.

"Maybe you should?" she remarked, as she closed and locked the door.

Mark stood on the porch and then rubbed his hand where the sexy little girl had kissed him.

"Maybe she is right?" he said to himself his lips tingled and he faintly smelled roses. On the way back to the car he thought of how sexy his mother really was, he had to admit to himself that it's why he was attracted to BBW girls.

Looking at himself in the rear view mirror the 18 year old thought "Wow, my face has really cleared up!” Turning his head he saw no signs of acne, not even scars. “That new cleanser scrub Mom gave me is a miracle, she deserves a kiss for that for sure."

Part 2 – Dave

Julie put the pizza on the dining table and headed back to the bedroom.

Dave was coming out having gotten his wardrobe malfunction under control and stopped dead.

"Did you really answer the door like that?"

"Yes!" she said with an evil grin "I think his cock almost exploded." She pressed her half naked body against her brother and gave him another smoking kiss while running her hands under his shirt.

David gasped as she tweaked his nipples and felt a tent rise in his pants again.

Julie pushed his shirt up forcing him to help her take it off. Grabbing his belt buckle she pulled him toward her room.

"Come on stud, Mom won't be home for over an hour. I want my sexy brother to be the first man in my pussy!"

"You want me to pop your cherry?" he asked, as he willingly followed her.

She giggled "No, I popped it 2 years ago with one of Mom's dildos."

"Mom has a dildo?"

"Only about 8 or 10, she is a grown woman with needs you know."

Julie's room was as contradictory as she was. Hello kitty bed cover with sports posters on the walls and games on the shelves.

Turning back to her brother she kissed him again and unbuttoned his pants pushing them down with her hands and raised her tiny foot to push them to the floor.

Pulling the string on her shorts she let them fall to the floor as well. Dave wrapped his arms around her and crushed her lithe form to his body, his stiff cock poking hard into her flat bellybutton.

Julie broke away from him and backed toward her bed, when her legs touched she fell onto her back and scooted up opening her legs so wide she was doing the splits.

" What do you think big brother, do you want to lick it before you stick it?"

"Oh, yes!" he answered mesmerized by her smooth mound. She was wet with a tiny trickle of girl juice clinging to her slightly parted lips.

"I don't have any experience though so might need some pointers."

" Don't worry, Lola and I eat each other all the time you will be a pro in no time."

As he was crawling on the bed with his face near her cunny he said "Lola? the Latina friend of yours? Damn I am sad I have not known all this time."

"Oh yeah big brother I am a freak! I totally want to see you fuck her sometime but first me, and then Mom."

Dave gently ran his tongue up her slit tasting her nectar like juices. "Mom? You think I have a chance?"

"Dave, I want both of us to do her I have been hot to do her for years! I have seen the way you watch her, I do it too."

Experimentally he sucked her clit between his lips and his sister arched into his face. He had read a lot of erotica, maybe it was not all garbage. He began to lash her clit with his tongue while it was trapped by the vacuum of his mouth.

Unable to talk anymore, the little girl thrashed and moaned while her brother slipped one finger into her tight pussy while squeezing her ass cheek with the other. The little waif-like girl felt her climax coming and wrapped her legs around her brother’s head in a death grip.

His tongue became a blur and his finger pistoning in and out of her. Again, female ejaculate squirted out and she let go of her death grip.

"Now," she said breathlessly "fuck me me now while I'm helpless. Fuck me hard."

David slid up between her legs grabbing both her trim ankles in one hand, he bent her back putting her in the jack-knife position and exposing her hairless pussy. He lined up his cock, pulling the skin back and exposing the head, pushed it into her and slammed down with all his weight.

She was like a fist lined with oil, he sank to the bottom in one push, the head of his dick mashing hard into her cervical head. Her ass fitted neatly in his lap.

Taking one ankle in each hand, he pinned one to each of her shoulders. Her head thrown back, Julie was in thrall, a continuous orgasm wracking up and down her tiny frame. Her older brother pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into her. Now he was like an out of control engine pumping in and out of her immature pussy as fast and deep as he could.

Julie could only nod her head and gasp “Yes, yes, yes” with each thrust. David had no sense of time, his balls slapping his sister's ass, sweat pouring out of his skin. He could only hear his roaring heart and ragged breathing. He could feel his stamina starting to fade, his orgasm struck like lightning. He had no warning, he had no choice but to slam even harder into his sister's abused pussy.

As sperm shot out of him he was paralyzed with the intensity of it, his cock head tight against Julie's cervix, pumping his incestuous seed deep into her tiny body. At last the wave passed and he collapsed on top of her. Her tight pussy still spasming and milking his deflating cock. He became aware that Julie was crying, overwhelmed by guilt he started to apologize.

"Shut up dummy!" she said. "I am crying because it was so beautiful. Just hold me and tell me I'm pretty."

He did just that, stroking her hair and telling her how she was the most beautiful girl on earth. After they had both calmed down Julie said "I had hoped Dad would be my first but I am glad it was you after all."

Fighting his own tears he thanked her. They got up and recovered all their lost clothes and headed to the kitchen for food.

Passing a mirror Julie noted " I look even more androgynous than before don't I?

"Maybe," Dave answered. "I love you the way you are so who cares?"

"God I hope I look like this forever, maybe Mom can trick some liberal doctor into giving me puberty blockers?"

"Pfft," her brother said "All Mom has to do is blink those ice-blue eyes of hers and most men will do anything."

While the siblings had been busy and were now eating pizza, Mark had swung by the small pizzeria owned by his mother and aunt for fresh deliveries. The young man surprised his Mom with a quick peck on the lips.

Stunned but oddly not unhappy she giggled "What's that about?" He told her about the face cleanser and told her how pretty she looked before heading out.

Flushed and flustered, she went to the ladies room to check herself in the mirror. A smooth unlined face looked back, hazel eyes and red hair, and not a strand of gray to be seen. She ran her hands down her ample chest and found her waist narrower than she recalled but still plump and curvy.

Suddenly very aware of her thighs rubbing together and trapping her bulging mound when she walked, she thought “How did I forget to wear panties today?”

She definitely was not wearing any now. After splashing cold water on her face and wiping her damp crotch with paper she washed her hands and headed back out. Her dark haired half sister was heading her way saying “Oh good, my turn.”

Marg kissed her own palm and put it to her sister’s mouth like they both had done thousands of times. They both flushed a little and tried to get back to work. Twenty minutes later Marge's sister Darla signed for a delivery and John, who was a terrible flirt, stole a kiss from her.

Darla backhanded him out the door telling him next time ask first. Chuckling he went to the truck, at 9 pm he stopped for coffee and kissed the waitress on the hand. She kissed the spot he had and told him she got off at 11 if he was not busy.

John said "I am married."

Jane leaned in close smelling of roses "Bring her too, I bet some kisses will get her to agree."

David and Julie had eaten and taken a quick shower they thought about doing it together but decided there was no way they could control themselves and not get caught.

Just after they settled onto the sofa in the game room to watch a monster movie, their mother breezed in the door at 9:15.

Tall and pale, Theresa showed her Nordic ancestry in her white blonde hair, ice-blue eyes and creamy skin, C cups and wide hips with just a bit of thickness showing in her middle from 2 pregnancies.

She kicked off her heels and moved toward the sound of the TV while snagging a slice of pizza. The kids were cuddling up on the sofa watching some frightening show.

Leaning over them the smell of rose scented soap or shampoo was in the air.

"I see you have both survived the day and showered" she said with a smile.

David, looking up, heartrendingly reminded her of her late husband, he was such a handsome boy. The red hair from his father was strawberry blonde mixed with her genes. While Jules was a tiny boyish version of herself.

Both children lifted their faces for expected kisses which they both received, an outsider might think the kisses were a trifle longer than casual.

Theresa had to resist more every day to keep herself from just ravishing them both. This was the year she and Philip had planned on introducing them both more into heavy petting and deeper kisses.

With him gone she had no idea if she could do it alone. She paused looking at the TV but in reality using the side of her vision to see what was going on. The kids were sitting closer than normal and holding hands. A trickle of excitement stirred in her stomach. as she continued to look at the screen and nibble her pizza.

Julie leaned back toward her brothers shoulder with a contented sigh.

"Well, it seems I am the only one who has not had a bath. I could use a soak, thank goodness for the instant hot water, huh?"

Bending over for one more kiss each, this time she felt just the tiniest touch of a tongue from each of her offspring. Both kids turned to watch their mother’s ass roll under her skirt as she glided out of the room.

"Do you think she suspects?" Julie asked.

"We can never hide anything from her. She already knows but is willing to ignore it. Or needs time to process, or is unwilling to call us on it for fear of damaging us, or is so excited she does not know what to do yet" said David with a smile.

Jules looked at her brother. "Maybe you’re not as dumb as you pretend to be."

Kissing him with her mouth open she grabbed his hardening dick with her free hand. "You can take me any time you want Dave, you don't even have to ask" Julie said in a fierce whisper.

"You sure?" he said feeling his pulse quicken. "This is your only chance to back out."

"Oh yeah I'm sure, I am your fucktoy any time you want any hole you want. I will help you fuck any girl or boy that you want."

"I don't want any boy at the moment" he confessed, "but it's not off the table."

"Right,” she said "I mean it though, I am your free-use toy and I want to watch you fuck everyone on earth."

He had to admit that he had enjoyed some gay porn as well as the other deviant stuff he had watched….

Part 3 Dave

Theresa stripped down in her master bathroom while pouring a hot bath. She looked at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that. She noticed that her stretch marks from the pregnancy had faded considerably. Honestly, if you didn't know exactly where to look, you would see nothing there at all.

The solid gold ring that was through her clit hood twinkled in the light. The sexy MILF had no body hair whatsoever.

She had it all laser removed more than a decade ago, shaving was such a chore. Easing her body into the piping hot water, she added a bit of scented oil oil to the water. Bemused, she wondered to herself "Why does everything we have smell like roses? When had this become a default?”

When the water had cooled down she pulled the plug and turned the shower head on, standing up rinsing off. She dried with a warm fluffy towel and put on a short robe with a loose belt.


John, the truck driver, arrived home just before 10:00. His wife, Sylvia, met him with her usual enthusiastic kiss, this time it left them both a little more breathless than usual.

Turning back to the kitchen she turned off the stove and asked him. "So anything unusual happened today?"

Without thinking he said "As a matter of fact, yes, waitress at the restaurant told me she gets off at 11:00. She also said I should bring you if you want to come."

With her back to John he could not see the joy that lit up her face. She knew that he cheated on her from time to time. She was plump but always a shy partner in bed but deep down wished she wasn't. She couldn't really get mad at him but was thrilled that he had finally invited her to come along.

Determined to break out of her life-long hesitancy, she said "I'll go get my shoes and that box of condoms we bought yesterday."

Sylvia quickly left the room John stood in the doorway. He was already growing hard, and then he wondered why he was smelling roses.

For her part Jane, the waitress, had been kissing the back of every one of the 64 tickets she had written since John left.

"Wow!" she thought to herself "This lipstick really transfers a lot, seems to last forever" while looking at the rosy lip-print on the 64th ticket.

Every recipient of the ticket followed that unnatural urge to put their mouth to the print. Almost all of them were unaccompanied men or women.

A few were families or groups of friends. A couple who were passing through town with their teenage son, kissed the paper. The son casually noticed that the print disappeared afterwards.

By 11 pm just when John and Sylvia are picking up Jane, 30 of the people who got tickets have kissed their significant other and are already in the throws of passion. Any grievance forgotten and caution thrown to the wind.

The boy kissed his Mom goodnight at their motel. While she and his dad are making passionate love he sneaks out and runs into the Latina lady who cleaned the rooms.

Juanita feels an attraction for this boy - he is thin and pale. She has always had trouble keeping away from young boys, it's why she fled her country and wound up with this menial job.

"You lost?" She says in broken English with a smile showing her very white teeth.

"Only in your eyes" says the goth boy blue eyes under short black hair stare into her liquid brown.

"So romantic, are you a guest here?"

"Yes, my parents are busy,'' he says quietly stepping closer to the curvaceous 40 year old. "Would it be OK if I kissed you?" he asked.

Glancing up and down the empty hall, she nods as the boy leans up. She is about 4 inches taller, he closes his eyes. His lips look so soft and are slightly parted.

Putting her hand on his chin she kisses him softly. The neat tip of his tongue parts her lips and she feels the lust crash over her. Juanita begins to suck on his tongue and pulls him closer.

The boy wraps his arms around her waist and slides his hands down to grab her large ass and massage its massive cheeks. Breathlessly she breaks their kiss and checks the hall again, finding it still empty. The maid pulls him into the room she just cleaned and locks the door.

Pulling him toward the bed she knows she is falling into bad habits again and it makes her wet. She strips off her top taking the bra with it, exposing her massive tits to the boy at face level. Her areolae so dark they are almost black. The nipples as large as a man's thumb.

Holding one up she said "Do you like them? The boy could only nod. “Would you like to suck on them?

"Oh yes please." he begged

Stepping forward Juanita put her left nipple into his open mouth, he latched on like a baby. She could feel her her pulse in her large clit. Juanita brought his hand up to her other nipple and showed him how to roll and pinch the nipple.

While he was occupied she unbuttoned his shirt and pants she pushed his shirt off without breaking him away from sucking her nipple. The boy’s pants fell and he stepped out of them and his shoes at the same time.

"Lay on bed, handsome boy" she told him.

Eagerly the teen went to the bed shucking his boxers and socks. As he lay back on the bed, the curvy woman turned away from him and undid her belt.

Pear-shaped with a narrow waist, she bent over and forced her slacks down over her ample ass.

He had a clear view of her hairy bush as she peeled the tights pants off. She wore no panties.

Still bent over she spread her legs and ran her hands between her legs and sank two fingers into her wet cunt.

"You like?" she asked again

"Oh yes" the boy said, his voice horse with passion. Standing now and gloriously naked she stalked over to the naked youngster.

"Now I teach you to eat pussy, OK?" His eyes grew big and he nodded with vigor.

Standing on the bed she planted her feet on other side of his head and lowered her pussy toward his face. One hand on the wall for balance, the other holding her thick lips apart, she asked "See my button?" referring to her engorged clit.

"Yes" he whispered, his face close to the first pussy that was not on the internet.

"Suck on it like you did my nipple little lover." He latched on with his mouth.

"Yes!" she said, "Perfect." she settled down all the way pinning his arms and setting her ass on he chest.

Moving her now free hand to his hair to hold his head tight, she started fucking his face. This is what she loved, dominating young boys, being in charge. Older men were always so pushy.

Billy could not believe this, it was like some online story but he was the star. Remembering everything he had read about eating pussy, he gave it his all.

Juanita knew just how to balance him on the edge of lust and panic. Cutting of his air while enjoying his attention and letting him grab a desperate breath when the panic would hit him. With her left hand she reached back to stroke his iron-hard cock.

"Yes! I am going to cum!' she said "Open your mouth my love, swallow it all!"

Doing as he was told, Billy opened his mouth wide as she scrubbed her clit on his upper lips. Hot salty musky liquid jetted into his mouth. It was the best thing he had ever tasted: darkness was at the edge of his vision from lack of air, she slid back and he gasped and choked a little.

"You did so good little one, you want me to fuck you, yes?"

"Oh yes, please God, yes" the boy agreed.

Keeping her hot wet pussy in contact with his skin, she slid down taking her knees off his arms and replacing them with her hands. "You are mine right now, yes?" His eyes wide, he nodded his agreement.

"First time, yes?" Another nod, "Oh, you will love me forever."

She slid back a bit more and felt his hot hard pulsing dick touch her.

Juanita flexed her back and slid back taking him in one swift movement, "Oh my! You are big for such a young one" she gasped.

Her massive tits sliding up and down his narrow chest, their nipples touching from time to time. she slammed her pussy up and down on his cock. She knew he would not last long but it was OK.

Sure enough less than 3 minutes passed and the boy began to shudder and pump his cum into her grasping pussy. She wondered in the back of her mind "Is this my fertile time? Ahh, I hope so, they can't deport me if I'm pregnant."

She slowed but did not stop knowing he was going to be sensitive.

"Oh baby, you did so good.” Showering him with kisses. his dick softened only a little as his breathing came under control.

Turning the tables, she sucked on his nipple and felt him get harder than before. The young boy had such stamina. Their mixed juices started pooling between them, the sloppy sounds a turn-on for them both.

The maid begin pounding him again this time, chasing her own orgasm. Her large tits slapping him on the chest and the bed beginning to bounce and move on the floor.

Billy was helpless putty in her hands, held in place by the larger person his whole being centered on the pleasure of his cock being hammered. She came hard grinding down on his cock, bending it almost painfully, her fingers digging into his arms hard enough to leave bruises.

The pain tipped him over the edge as she squirted even more than he had swallowed. Juanita collapsed on top of Billy, her tits covering his face. He was in such a glow he did not notice the lack of air, going easy into the dark drifting away he was at peace.

Then Juanita was giving him mouth to mouth and reality came back. The transition caused him to ejaculate again even though he was not hard.

"There you are little one" she said she scooped up the new cum from his belly and pushed it into her sloppy cunt. "You should go back to you room. I clean here."

Numbly, he nodded. The clock said it was already 2 am, how long had she been riding him? She kissed him again at the door. "I love you little one, you go take shower, smell like whore house" she said with a chuckle.

Bill was sore from head to toe, his balls felt swollen, but his dick was still half hard. He could still hear the bed in his parents room squeak, “Wow, Dad is a fucking machine” he thought as he got in the shower.

At the motel, Billy did not know that it was not his Dad squeaking the bed in the next room. It was the black night desk manager plowing his Mom's ass. His Dad was sitting in a chair watching and stroking his cock.

Dave Part 4

45 miles away at ground zero, Theresa silently padded out of her bedroom, stopping out of sight of the open game room door. The sexy MILF heard the unmistakable sounds of 2 people passionately kissing. Her nipples hardened and her pussy lips became damp.

Soundlessly, she went back to her room and closed the door again, blood rushing in her ears. After catching her breath, she went to her toy drawer. Sure enough, one of the smaller vibrators was out of place. Picking it up she could still smell the odor of pussy on it.

"The little minx was getting careless" she thought "I am going to have to buy her her own toys."

Reaching further in, she brought out the last gift her late husband had bought her, a stainless steel butt plug with a bright emerald gem. Lubing it up, she inserted in her rectum like she had every night since he had been killed in the car wreck.

With it in place she felt better and opened her door loudly this time but heard the sounds of the children shifting. Robe open, showing flashes of her nipples, she strolled into the game room.

Nudity was always casual in their household so neither kid was shocked to see their mother nearly naked. Resting her arms on the back of the sofa she leaned down between the youngsters sitting so close. Her bare breasts swinging forward close to the faces of people who had drunk milk from them years before.

"Will you two be up long?"

"We just wanted to finish the movie" said David looking up at her.

She could see the tiny telltale vibration of his eyes as he kept them from moving to look and her naked tits. Such control he had.

Julie on the other hand, did not know her mother could see out of the corner of her eye. She was staring with open mouthed awe at the nipple 4 inches from her face.

"So what's it about?" she said looking at the television again, pretending not to see the panicked look the kids shared. As they tried to stutter an answer, she waved and stood up.

"Never mind I would probably not get it anyway."

Putting her hands to the small of her back she bent so far back that her large breasts swung slightly apart and thrust her pelvis slightly forward. For the first time both children saw that their mother had a gold clit ring. Straightening back up she saw both instantly raise their eyes to her face.

"Well, don't stay up too late, I am off to bed." Bending forward again, she placed longer than normal kisses on both of their mouths.

As she strolled away lovesick teens watched her ass, the short robe working up with each step showing the emerald between the globes of her ass cheeks at the last moment.

Looking at each other in amazement, each asked "Did you see that?"


Sixteen of the people at the restaurant were truckers heading out all over the United States.

Matt stopped at one of the girlfriends that he had all over the country. 3 hours later he was back on the road and she was kissing her 5 boys good night, over and over. By 6am, 9 more waitresses were kissing tickets in 3 states.

Theresa was quietly masturbating when the kids went to bed - sounds of tooth brushing and the lights went out.

She came so much there was a large damp spot on the sheet. The tall blonde had her eyes mostly closed watching the open crack of her door that was backlit by the wan light of the street lamp.

At 11:50pm she saw a brief shadow flit past. She knew it was her daughter sneaking to her brother’s room. Theresa knew how hard it was to resist once you started.

Making herself wait until they felt safe, she slipped the dildo out of her sopping cunt and silently got out of bed. Her hinges made no sound as she crept into the hall. David's door was halfway open.

Staying close to the wall she tiptoed near and could hear gasps and rhythmic sounds that she knew oh so well.

In the dim light of David's clock she could see her daughter on top of him, flexing her hips.

Standing naked in the hall she watched her daughter ride her brother. His hands around her slim neck, she was pinching her own nipples.

The girl put her left hand over her own mouth as her right hand dove for her dripping pussy.

Their mother was white hot and had a small orgasm right there.

David muttered something to his pixie-like sister.

Julie said "Mommy, you don't have to stand out there unless you just want to watch."


Dave Part 5

Since they were no longer worried about being heard, the young couple began to move more and did not bother to keep their gasps and moans quiet any longer.

Climbing on to David's narrow bed, Theresa knelt next to the copulating incestuous couple.

David took one hand from his sister's throat and caressed his mother's face and then turned her face towards his sister's so they could kiss. The obscene tableau excited her past any point of holding back. She and her daughter French kissed like long-time lovers.

Her son let go of her face and boldly slid his hand down to his mother's heaving chest to palm her nipples and squeeze her breast. Julie went into a frenzy as she came from the stimulation.

David slipped his hand between his mother’s legs. The back of his fingers rubbing at her bare pussy lips.

Theresa moved one of Julie's hands to her own breast and began pinching her daughters nipple.

"Harder Mommy, make it hurt I am getting addicted to the pain."

David felt his mother spread her legs more so he could slip two fingers into her dripping gash. Curling his fingers, he felt inside for the lump called the G spot that he had read about.

Theresa wondered how the Hell her young son knew his way around a woman's pussy so well as he pushed her to orgasm in less than 30 seconds.

She put her other hand on Julie's back and slid her hand down to her tiny ass. humping at her son's hand and devouring her daughter’s mouth.

Theresa teased the little girl’s puckered asshole, before feeling where her son's cock was stretching the girl’s pussy tight.

Lightly cupping David’s balls she lubed up her finger with the mix of girl and boy cum and used it to lube the tiny pixie’s asshole.

Julie became even more frantic as her mother pushed her ring finger up the girl's tight anus. Julie's eyes rolled back in her head as she came harder than she had before in her life.

Her brother clamped his hand right around her throat and her mother pinched her nipple as hard as she could. The little girl passed out cold and her two lovers lowered her to her side next to her brother. His cock came out of her tight hole with a wet pop. Theresa gently removed her finger from the teen girls anus.

David let go of her as well and moved his now free hand to his mother’s perfect hanging tit. She smiled and said "Easy big guy, I don't like it as rough as this little masochist."

He moved his thumb on the hand in her pussy and rubbed her clit while fingering her.

"Oh, that's lovely” she moaned.

After enjoying that for a bit she moved slightly and bent to take his rigid cock into her mouth. The delicious taste of the mix of both her children's sexual fluids was heaven.

Squeezing his cock at the base she pushed the foreskin back and exposed the head of his penis and ran her tongue around the base of the crown.

No longer willing to wait she took the cock out of her mouth.

"David, can I take her place on top?"

"God Mom, I thought you would never ask."

Swinging a leg over him, she stood with a foot on other side of his hips. Squatting down, she guided his long, thin dick into her hairless slit.

Her son held up his hands and she held them for balance. Flexing her hips, she began to grind on a real prick for the first time in more than a year.

David was surprised and pleased by the pressure from the butt-plug in his Mom's ass. The smooth ball-shape rubbing hard on the underside of his cock. It was like a milking machine trying to push all the blood to the head of his penis.

Julie began to come to from being unceremoniously bounced about.

"Oh Mommy, you are so sexy,” she said, she put her head on her brothers chest facing up and captured her mother's right nipple in her mouth.

Julie worked her thin arm down between the two lovers so that she could rub her mother’s clit and play with her gold clit ring.

Even though David had cum 3 times today, this was a lot of stimulus, and he said "I can't hold out much longer" through clenched teeth.

Julie redoubled her efforts on her mother’s clit and Theresa, for her part, concentrated on her rapidly approaching orgasm.

"Should I cum inside?" David gasped.

"Yes!" his mother said "Fill me up baby, you can always cum inside Mommy if you want! Here I cum!!" she shouted.

David gave up trying to hold back as his mother's pussy convulsed around his spurting cock. His young dick spraying potent semen into her mature womb.

Theresa collapsed next to her son, her back bent, legs sprawled.

Julie pounced on her mother, clamping her mouth on her mother’s clit, the ring clicking on her teeth. The salty taste of her brother’s semen and her Mom's rich deep musk was manna from heaven. Her mother was helpless and began to thrash from another blistering orgasm.

David was exhausted,laying flat, gasping for air and could not remember a time he felt more loved.

Julie put her fingers together on her tiny hand and pushed all of them into her Mom's well stretched and lubed pussy. Her tiny fist fitted but just barely. The pressure made her mother cum again and the little girl could feel the bones in her hand creak like they were being crushed. As the spasm faded she used the tip of her small finger to try and force some of her brother’s cum past the cervical head.


Dave Part6

Sylvia was sitting on the face of the waitress while holding the girl’s feet underneath her arms. The woman was bent back while Sylvia's husband was desperately fucking The teenager’s shaved pussy. She could feel the younger girl’s legs starting to shake faster.

"Dear, she's about to come!"

"So am I!" her husband grunted.

"I am too!" Said Sylvia with a smile. The trio were all caught up in the same orgasm.

She told her husband "I love you so much! this is the best thing ever, let's never stop doing it like this! I'll help you find any girl you want just let me come along."

He realized that all the years of cheating had not been necessary. His wife was more than a willing accomplice and a happy active participant. They were closer than ever, thanks to this slutty waitress from a dive diner.


Juanita, energized after her session with the young boy, quickly cleaned up the room they had destroyed. She placed a lip print on the courtesy card she left in that room and the 19 other rooms that she cleaned the rest of the day.


The pizza delivery boy spent the night having a threesome with his mother and aunt, the three of them happy for the first time in years.

The next day, the women started putting little lip prints on all of the receipts that they sent out for all the pizza orders - 325 that first day.

Anna, who had gotten her meal to go at the diner, had not looked at the receipt until she was at her hotel room, unable to resist putting her mouth to the lip print as she went up the stairs to the hotel.

The 19-year-old bellhop that went up to the room with her was flirty like most boys his age; the kiss she gave him convinced him to come back when he was off shift 45 minutes later.

He left her room about 2am. wondering how he was going to explain it to his wife. Anna suggested that he start with a kiss.

Anna prepared the placemats for the presentation she was giving on the next say. She had a stack of 500 individual business cards, on a whim she kissed the one on top of the stack.

Still distracted by the cum dripping out of her, she failed to notice that the lip print repeated itself all the way down the stack.

Tommy, the bellhop, kissed his wife immediately when she opened the door and she got home. Anger and fear turned into lust and curiosity, just like that.

When he told her why he was late she grabbed his shirt saying "You are coming to the bedroom and tell me all the dirty details you stud!"

She sucked him off while he recounted his tale of lust. She tasted another woman's pussy for the first time in her life.

She realized this is what she had been missing - this level of lust and abandon. After they had both stripped naked and gotten on the bed, she rolled over on top of him and quickly tied his hands to the bedposts.

"You wait right there" she said with a wicked grin and left the room for a few minutes.

When she came back, their roommate, Aaron, was with her. He was naked as well.

Tom asked her "What's going on?"

She said "I've always wanted a threesome. Aaron here says he'd much rather have you. I think that's really hot. You always like it when I stick two fingers up your ass when I'm giving you a blowjob.

She put your husband's legs up and back and what's called the Amazon position, his hard cock sticking straight up where she could sit down on it.

She was in absolute control, leaving his ass spread open in front of their horny roommate.

Tom wasn't afraid or angry, he was thrilled! His wife was being dominant. This did seem like it might be fun.

Aaron gently put lube around James’ asshole, inserting one finger first and then two, getting him to open up.

For the first time in his life, he felt a penis at the entrance to his anus. His wife meanwhile was now slamming up and down on his cock.

Aaron slid all the way into him in one quick jab. James had expected pain but, instead, the most pleasure of his life washed over him.

Between the pounding his wife was giving him and the pressure on his prostate, it felt wonderful.

As the man pumped in and out of him, he was absolutely helpless. Being wrecked by these two people was the most glorious time of his life.


Theresa woke some time around noon that Saturday. The trio of lovers had moved to her king-size bed for the night. Her children lay one on each side of her, their faces pressed to a breast like it was a pillow.

Legs locked around one of hers, they held hands with their hands resting between her legs. She sighed contentedly, she expected to wake up sore. She was pleased that it was not true.

She was in a glow of pleasure but admitted that they all needed a bath, the smell of sweat and body fluids hung in the air. Tussling the hair on both youngsters heads, she said "While this is lovely my darlings, I must go and pee."

With only mild protests, they rolled away from her as she crawled from the tangled mass of limbs and bed sheets. The kids rolled back together as soon as she was off the bed.

Smiling at them she headed to the powder room. Removing her butt-plug, she relieved herself and cleaned up. After cleaning and lubricating the plug, she put it back in.

"Maybe Jules would like my smaller one,” she mused to herself. She noticed that she could hear rhythmic slapping sounds and realized the young lovers were at it again.

"Ahh, young love." she thought to her self, heading back to the bedroom.

Julie was on her side, hands clasped together behind her back. James straddled her right leg while holding her left one to his chest so that it was pointing straight up. With his bare feet clamped around her knee, he was pumping in and out of his sister's tight hairless twat.

Their mother watched the boy’s ass flex with each thrust, Julie was flipping like a rag-doll and moaning like she was possessed.


Marcy took the stack of pizza boxes from the delivery boy who gave her a stunning smile while eating her up with his eyes. As she watched him walk away she wondered when the Hell he had gotten so cute. Setting the stack on the counter she noticed all 5 receipts had a lipstick print on them.

"How cute!" she thought, she was unable to resist putting her own lips to the paper. A tingle hit her mouth and the light scent of roses touched her nose. Grabbing paper plates for her husband and his 5 friends she added a receipt to 5 plates. Kissing her husband she handed the plates with the extra paper to his friends.

“Sorry boys short on napkins.”

They didn’t care, their team was winning the ball game they were watching.

She could feel the raw testosterone in the room and it made her dripping wet. Excusing herself to the bathroom she hiked up her dress and pulled her sopping wet panties off, and tossed them in the trash.

"I am not wearing them anymore,” she decided. Stripping off the skirt, she sat in the tub and grabbed a razor and soap. "Time to cut this bush back!" she told herself,"I wonder if Keith can help me get he and his buddies to gangbang me before they go home?"


The college dorm party was picking up steam. Mark saw 3 girls take the delivery guy into a side room to give him their special tip. He chuckled "Poor guy looked hardly 18, I hope he survived."

A tap on the shoulder got his attention. Megan, one of the varsity cheerleaders, was standing next to an obese girl who looked embarrassed.

"Hey Mark," she said "be a boy scout and kiss this girl would you? She was just kissing me and she is fantastic but I want a second opinion."

Caught off guard, he hesitated. The cheerleader leaned in and whispered "I will make it worth your while."

Marke looked at the girl, she was cute enough and smelled vaguely of roses. Putting a hand on her cheek he gave her an open mouthed kiss, willing to give the girl his best try.

He had assumed the cheerleader was trying to embarrass the girl and that pissed him off. The kiss was intense, he could feel himself flush and start to get hard. Growing more passionate, he pushed his hard body against her soft one.

"See what I mean?" Megan asked while she took the drink Mark was about to drop. Looking into the girls dark brown eyes, he broke the kiss and said "Yes, she is a fantastic kisser. Would you like to come upstairs? What’s your name?"

"Yes,” she said in a trembling voice, "my name is Rose."

"Can I come too?" asked Megan.

"Yes." said Mark and Rose in the same breath. The tall black football player led the way holding the hand of the pale-skinned BBW girl, with the slim Asian cheerleader rubbing the bigger girl’s ass the whole way.


Joy lay on the motel bed. In spite of her name, this was this first time she had felt real joy in a long time, 45 years old and single for the last 20 due to her cheating husband. Not that anyone would call pretty even when being kind, she had been lonely. Throwing herself into work, she now owned a thriving mail order business.

The trade show she had attended had been so odd, staring with the business cards with a lipstick print.

She was shocked a modern woman would have such a thing on her card. Why did she have such an overwhelming urge to put her mouth on it?

The meeting was mostly men as usual, but they were warm and friendly, not the normal, cold, calculating, judgmental type she saw at most conventions. She could not recall what the presentation had been about. Networking afterwards, she gathered a small crowd of men, all friendly.

Someone, maybe her, had suggested they rent a room. The man between her legs was speeding up his thrusts, she came hard.

As he filled her dripping hairy snatch with what must be the 20th load today, she was beginning to lose count.

The next man was a gentleman and brought a clean towel to put under her.

He was just blur to her without her glasses but she could tell her was big. Perhaps the large Samoan man?

The bed dipped as the enormous man climbed on and rubbed his gigantic phallus against her parted lips.

"May I?" he asked politely.

"Yes please!" she begged, she was glad he had not been first. Even with all the slimy cum in her it was a tight fit.

"Damn!" she said, "You have a cock like a damn baseball bat!"

"Yes, you are they only woman who has ever been able to take it all." he said with wonder in his voice.

"Come on then big boy," she said "beat me to death with it if you can, there is a line behind you if you can't."

Otis sawed his enormous cock in and out of Joy's red and swollen pussy. The horny woman hooked her feet behind his legs pulling him hard, throwing herself at his invading pole.

Never in his life had he found a woman who could take it all and this plain looking girl wanted it all!

He lifted her ass off the bed, yanking her back and forth and she begged for more. Like two out of control teens, they slammed together with a frenzy.

Joy felt her clit being pushed inside her with every thrust, orgasms crashed over her in waves.

Both desperate lovers lost all track of time, the 5 other men in line by the bed watched in awe. It looked as if the big Samoan was trying to fuck her to death.

At long last Otis howled and crammed his spitting cock into her so hard that her cervical head opened a little and he filled her uterus with cum.

Gently the big man removed his pulsing cock as a thick stream of cum spilled out. He kissed her and thanked her.

When he made to move she reached out. "Wait, stay and hold me. Tell them not to stop until they are all done. I want at least 100 and I think you are number 26."

He moved to the top of the bed and put her head in his lap, she licked and nibbled and his half hard cock. "I also want you to be number 101."

Stroking her hair he looked at the growing line of men and said "Who's next?"


Dave Part 7

As Lola walked to her friends house, her stomach was a knot of nerves. She almost went back twice but talked herself into going ahead.

Her parents had gotten take out pizza and she had already had 3 slices before leaving. Her parents were being way more affectionate than usual as she went out the door.

Her mother was straddling her dad's lap and the two of the were kissing hard and breathing like they were running a race. She shook her head as she shut the door. Her dad has his hand up Mom's shirt opening her bra.

"Get a room!" she called as she closed the door with a chuckle. She passed several other amorous couples in the next 5 blocks, even small groups of 3 and 4 people all kissing.

Two teenage boys were making out in broad daylight. "Wow!" she thought. "Steel Washington is more progressive than I thought."

On a park bench just out of view of Julie's house, a woman who could not be more than 20, was sitting on the lap of a portly elderly man and kissing him with abandon.

Lola could not be sure but she would swear he had his hand under her skirt and between her legs.

Julie pounced on the plump teen the second she was in the house clamping her mouth over the taller girl’s sweet lips and mauling her tits with her hands. Lola loved when Julie kissed her, it always made her instantly wet.

Her mouth tingling from the kiss, she noted that Julie smelled like roses.

Grabbing her girlfriend by the hand, Julie led her to her room and shut the door. The two young lovers slammed together and began to shed clothes in all directions.

Lola loved how Julie seemed to love every inch of her without the smallest hesitations. Lola had been almost killed in a house fire when she was a toddler and still has a lot of scars.

Julie would hold her burned hand and kiss the scar tissue on her arm the same as every other inch of her body. There was no single inch of her that the pale pixie had not run her tongue over at least 100 times.

Julie ran her hand over the older girl’s black thatch of pubic hair while french kissing her. Finding her friend’s pussy already dripping wet, she curved two fingers into her warm tight passage and started rubbing her G-spot. Responding in kind, Lola pinched the younger girl’s nipple and began to finger her hairless slit.

"You make me so hot Julie!” she moaned, "I love you!"

"I love you too, Lola baby, lay back on the bed so I can taste you.” Eagerly she threw herself back on the narrow bed and spread her thick legs.

"I love how smooth you are Julie maybe I should shave too?" Kissing her way up to Lola's dripping sex Julie shrugged.

"It's up to you baby, I love you just like you are and I will eat your pussy no matter what as long as you let me."

For the next few minutes the only sounds either girl could makes was sighs or groans of passion.

"Turn around Julie, let's 69 again so I can taste your baby-smooth pussy."

Lola loved that her girlfriend was smooth and imagined it any time she masturbated. Julie's pussy was a bit more salty than she remembered but not bad so she put the thought away while sucking her to a mutual orgasm.

Jules had rolled of and once her pulse was almost normal she remembered to ask.

"Why do you taste different?"

"Oh," she giggled. "It must be some of my brothers cum still in there."

"WHAT?" Lola shouted "You fucked your own brother?"

Jules giggled some more "Yes, more than once, gawd, he is like a machine!"

Lola searched for the part of her that she be upset but it wasn't there, what she found was a tiny spark of fear.

"So you love him?" she said in a tiny voice.

Spinning around to face her lover Jules looked her in the eyes and saw the fear. "Duh, he's my brother. I can love as many people as I want to. But nothing will ever stop me from loving you, Lola."

The fear drained away and relief brought tears to her deep brown eyes. "You mean that don't you? I can see it, I can taste it and smell it how odd. Was I always able to taste truth?"

Shrugging Julie said "I don't know since it's always been true for me. I know people will say I am too young but, I say it anyway. I will always love you and be your girlfriend even if you don't want me one day. But I also love my brother and Mom and will be fucking them both anytime I can."

"Your Mom too?"

"Yes, we spent the night together, it was magical!"

Kissing Lola, she gave a naughty smile. “The two of them are fucking in Mom's bed right now.”


Timothy was scooted down as far as he could in the aisle seat. A middle age black women, whose name he still didn't know, was riding his crotch popping herself up and down on his cock.

She said, "I've never fucked a white man before in my life! I am definitely going to have to taste the rest of the rainbow now."

Things had been so strange for him since he had stopped at that quiet little diner on his way to the airport. He felt more excited, happy, and friendly than he had in years. When he was boarding the red-eye flight to China he had politely kissed the hand of the stewardess. Quickly pulling his mask aside to do it.

She was startled at first but then she had kissed the back of her hand as well and waved him on board.

The black lady in the seat next to his head offered her hand as he was sitting down so he kissed it too like a gentleman should.

After seeing the tiny Asian stewardess break the mask protocol, the head stewardess called a temporary cessation to boarding.

She called a quick meeting of all of the stewardesses. Ming offered to show all was well, by demonstrating a similar kiss on all crew members.

Boarding resumed with each stewardess being sure to kiss the hand of each passenger they allowed on.

Timothy looked around everywhere is gaze settled, he saw people in the throes of passion. People had paired up in two-somes and more-somes.

A woman was straddling a man right in the middle of the aisle, while another man took her from behind.

Directly across the aisle a woman was scooted down in her seat licking a teenage Chinese girl who was straddling her face.

The girl was standing on the back of the tipped back seat while the woman lapped away at her bald little pussy.

A skinny older man from the seat next door was happily fucking her while trying to jam his tongue up the girl's asshole.

A young Asian man came and stood next to Jim and his companion. The young man said something in Chinese.

"What did you say, darling?"

Tim answered "He said he is part of the rainbow."

"Wait, you speak Chinese?"

"Yes, that's why I'm going to China, so I can help teach Chinese kids English."

Looking at the young man she nodded her her head reaching down she unzipped his fly.

She slid her dark hand into his pants, using her up and down motion on Tim to masturbate the thin Chinese man.

"He is smart like you, Tim. I might let him have my ass after I'm done with you."

10 hours into the 21 hour flight Tim was with his 7th partner of the day, a waif-like thin 20 year old Chinese girl who was swearing in rapid fire Chinese about how her mother had lied to her about sex her whole life. How it was always rape and men care nothing for a woman's feelings or pleasure.

Timothy was more than happy to help break this illusion by asking permission first and then holding back his own orgasm and stimulating all of the young woman's erogenous zones.

She was stark naked like most of the passengers and crew. Tim had seen women and at least 1 man go into the cockpit to entertain the flight crew.

The handful of elderly passengers were all sleeping now, their older bodies exhausted from over-stimulation.

At last, he could not longer hold back. Rubbing the girl’s clit furiously, he pushed her over the edge again as they came together. After holding her and stroking her hair, they exchanged contact information like most of the passengers had been doing as well.

Most trips you fly with strangers that you will never see again. This was different, some life-long loves were being made today.

Everyone was more or less presentable when the plane landed. The departing passengers were generous with their kisses to anyone who greeted them.


7am high school, Dayton, Ohio, Janet was busy trying to break up 2 kids in her class who were in the throws of passion and trying to undress each other. Every time she turned her back, the children were being increasingly inappropriate.

"Glory, Stan, stop that!"

"Gregory, Michel, you two stop that, boys should not kiss each other!"

She moved to physically try and pry two girls apart who were tongue kissing each other. She was getting dizzy from turning from one couple to the next.

"Stop it children, this is no way to act in school!"

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned around, Henry, who was a little person, had pushed a chair near her, so he could stand eye to eye with her.

The chubby teenage redhead put his arms around her neck and kissed her on the mouth. This shocked her into paralysis, the smell of roses in the air around her was making it hard to think.

"Henry! what are you doing?"

"I have always thought you were so pretty Miss Brenda, can I kiss you again?"

"You shouldn't," she began to say but her heart melted when she saw the little boy’s face fall.

"But, a little more won't hurt I suppose." she replied, encircling his waist with her arms.

A second more personal kiss was followed by a passionate kiss where she found herself teaching him all the details of French kissing. The other kids paused to observe and began to follow the examples set by their teacher.

Brenda began to run her hands all over the boy's plump body, he was overweight but she found his softness fascinating. His chubby hands began to explore her small B-cup bra from the outside. Suddenly desperate to feel his hands on her rock hard nipples, she yanked her shirt open, spraying buttons in all directions.

"Look, it's a front clasp, Honey." and taught the boy how to open it. Bringing his hands out to her breasts with her hands on the back of his, Henry began to massage her tits. Brenda in turn slid her hands under his shirt to rub his soft belly and play with his chubby boy tits.

She gasped as he bravely put his mouth on her left nipple and began to suckle. Pulling his head closer she slid her hands down his back to his round butt, massaging his fleshy ass. Brenda felt a lust like never before in her life for this boy, not a man yet and his short body made him seem so much younger. She wanted him!

Pulling back, she unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down along with his cotton briefs. She was only peripherally aware that most of her students were naked or on the way to naked by now.

Henry was embarrassed he had never been naked in front of anyone but his mother. Seeing this Brenda kissed him again.

"Don't be ashamed, my love, you are beautiful the way God made you."

She ran her hand over his round tummy and found his hard penis sticking up at 45 degrees. Only 6 inches long but hard as a rail spike, Brenda unbuttoned her slacks and pushed them down along with her granny panties.

"See, now we are all naked right?" The boy nodded one hand still on her left breast thumb rubbing her nipple. He started at her crotch it was her turn to blush.

She had shaved off all the hair except a heart shaped patch just above her slit. Getting down on her knees and keeping eye contact she opened her mouth wide and took the boys penis and balls into her mouth.

Brenda moved his hands to her curly brown hair and grabbed his ass with both hands. The school teacher started pulling his hips back and forth teaching him how to fuck her throat.


Lola was on her back on Theresa's bed. Jules was on her left side, sucking on her nipple and rubbing Lola's clit while keeping eye contact. Theresa was on her right putting her large nipple in the dark skinned girl's mouth. David was between her legs rubbing the head of his cock up and down her virgin slit.

"Do you want it?” he asked.

"Yes!" she breathed around his mother's tit. She locked her ankles on the back of his thighs to pull him closer.

David put the head into her tight opening and pushed, Lola raised her hips to meet him as their hips slapped together. The pain was sharp as her hymen was torn away like a leaf in the wind.

Julie scrubbed her fingers hard on Lola's clit turning the pain into a crashing climax.

Dave held still letting his new lover get used to the pressure of his cock. His sister and mother kissing and fondling the girl toward another climax.

"OK?" He asked the girl.

Lola nodded, her face almost lost in the mass of her black curls. Theresa's breast covered half her face.

Slowly, David started pumping in and out of her tight passage, feeling it move his foreskin back and forth. Julie had a small bottle of lube in her hand that was fingering her friend and started squeezing drops out to land on her brother's dick.

Between the lube and the stimulation getting the girls natural juices going David was soon pounding her slightly bleeding pussy like he was trying to break it.

Lola pulled hard on him with her ankles flexing her hips up to meet every crash. Sucking on Theresa's nipple like it held honey, both her young pixie-like lover and the older woman were rubbing her clit ceaselessly.

Lola came hard and began to have back to back multiple orgasms as her 3 lovers poured attention on her, all determined to make the young girls first time a wonderful memory.


School was over at 3 pm Brenda had talked the children into getting presentable. More than a few had no idea where their underwear had wound up.

"Now children, be sure to kiss your parents when you see them so they know you love them OK?"

Everyone agreed and began to file out as parents arrived and the bus pulled up to get the riders. Several kids kissed the sour older Ms Johnson while boarding the bus. The usually crabby 65 year old seemed in a much better mood as she drove away.

Brenda saw Henry kissing his mother and then leading her over. The teachers chest filled with trepidation at the ominous possibilities about to unfurl.

A pretty and pleasantly plump natural redhead Kitty smiled at the teacher. She seemed a little dazed from the kiss.

"Mommy this is Miss Brenda, she is my girlfriend, can we have her over for dinner?"

Fear dropped on Brenda like a bomb but no one seemed even a little concerned about the announcement. Looking around she saw that the congregation was way more friendly than normal. Hugs, kisses, and hand-holding as well as some intimate public displays of affection were going on.

Kitty smiled "Of course dear, let me give this beautiful girl my address and phone number."


Dave 8

Sacramento High School 10 am Monday, Jill Sharp went from group to group of amorous school children.

"Put your mask back on!”

She yelled this phrase over and over, quivering with rage over the students defying her orders. "Stop kissing, put your shirt back on, get that out of your mouth! Jamie don't go in the boys’ locker room!"

None of them paid attention to her, most pretending that her voice was too muffled by her own black mask. Someone ran past and snatched her mask away.

"Give that back!" she screamed, her voice shrill in panic. She did not see the cheerleader step up behind her and kiss the palm of her own hand.

Sylvia Wiss had always hated this self-righteous bitch. She clamped her hand over the teacher’s flapping lips. Using the same hand, she turned the teacher’s head to face her.

"Calm down, Sharp, can I take of your shirt and bra?" Jill could not think of a good argument, her mouth tingling.

"Yes, that would be fine." She said breathlessly

"Goody!" Silvia said with a giggle and began to strip the teacher from the waist up.

Behind Sylvia, a girl from the drama club was sitting on her plump ass sucking the dick of one of the boys from the chess club.

"There," Sylvia said admiring her work. “You really are sharp looking."

The teacher was pale and thin but her C-cup tits were like cones with bright pink nipples.

"Why don't you come to the boys’ locker room with me?"

Holding hands the teacher and the teen girl went into the boys’ locker room. They received a warm welcome.


David was in his own room, he had gotten his whole week’s worth of homeschooling done by noon. His sister and Lola were in her room doing schoolwork as well.

Once he was done he turned to his web page to check on offers for the books. There was already a $2,400 offer on the Oliver Twist book. Dave turned it down; he hated low-ball offers.

There was another offer, this one from one of the colleges he was interested in. They offered to have the book appraised and certified for free. If the book was real, they offered him a full 4-year scholarship tuition and book fees in trade for the book!

A PDF of the contract was available for download for his lawyer to look at.

Julie came into the room since the door was open, stark naked as was her new usual.

"What you printing big brother?" she asked with a sloppy kiss that tasted like Lola's pussy.

After explaining she was excited. "Wow! I hope it's real!"

"I think it is, they don't know about the private journal yet."

Bringing out the book he thumbed through the brittle pages with care to the last entry.

"Hmm," he said.

"What?" Julie asked.

The last entry talked about the spell he had seen. David began to read aloud

"It says; The whore made an offer for her life. She had the nerve to say that if we all would fornicate it would cure the pox and all other ills. I have kept the scrap of paper with her lie on it to show the magistrate."

Julie looked at David. "Did that jerk doom people for ages because he was a limp dick?"

"Sounds like it, how does my face look?"

"What? Well sexy as ever." She said with a smile

"No, no I mean I had a bit of acne, is it gone?"

Looking close she said. "Yeah, not even a scar left!"

Jumping up with a start he shouted. "Lola, come here please!"

"What?" said the dark skinned and half naked girl, as per usual she had a long sleeve shirt on.

"Can I see your arm?"

Looking a little panicked she asked "why?"

Julie was catching on. "just to show him, baby, it's OK."

Looking unhappy she pushed up the sleeve. They all looked on in stark wonder and the smooth skin.

Quickly taking off her shirt and poking at her arm, she yelled, "What the Hell?"

David felt like ice water had splashed on him, he started to think hard.

"Wait, I found the paper Friday and kissed Julie and Mom. Julie kissed you Saturday. Julie, have either of you kissed anyone else?"

Julie blushed to her waist. "I kissed the pizza guy."

David started doing math in his head. "f(x) = 2x this is a double cascade."

Both girls looked a little confused.

David said "We want to kiss people who are not under the spell. Kissing spreads it 100%. It's been 3 days, the pizza guy works at a public restaurant. I bet they move 300 a day plus employees. Delivery guys have to be on board by now."

He started to pace. "Lola, have you seen people perform public affection more than usual?"

"Oh yeah all over even, two boys."

David began to talk louder. "We are less than 2 hours from an international airport!"

"So? Said Julie, "we have spread love and a cure for sickness."

"True, he agreed I wonder if anyone will notice and try a quarantine? I mean, with the COVID lie out, people are already paranoid."

David sat at his computer and called up a free game that is a simulation of a world wide plague. He set the parameters to 100% contagion with the infected willingly spreading the disease.

"72 hours give or take. It could be as little as 2,500 people or as much as half a million."

Going to the window he looked out, the street was empty as a ghost town. The girls joined him, "Where is everyone?" asked Lola.

"I bet they are all inside fucking!" Julie giggled. "Come on let's do the same. I need some orgasms after all the class work." The three young people headed to the big bed in the master bedroom.


1500 miles away, a 747 landed at Albuquerque, NM. All 500 passengers and crew quickly got dressed and masks haphazardly in place. Numbers and email addresses exchanged before disembarking.

David could not know that his coefficient was woefully low the real number of people in the thrall of the spell was well over 1.3 million now.

The wave of passengers spread over the airport, hugs and kisses exchanged with friends, family, and complete strangers, ensured that every outbound plane carried the spell.


Dr Evelyn Maxwell was having the worst day of her career, so were the other two doctors as far as she knew. They all worked in the same small office the small town of Yelm, Washington.

More than half of all the patients and canceled their appointment for the day. Every single one claiming they feel better than they ever had in their lives. The receptionist tried to explain that they would have to be billed for canceling it at the last minute - almost all of them rudely told them to try and collect it.

The majority of the patients who didn't show up only did so in order to tell her and her fellow doctors about how well they were doing. And how bad a job the medical profession had done with helping them before now.

She couldn't explain it, two of her patients were wheelchair-bound last time she had seen them. Both of those patients walked in under their own power.

Dr Maxwell thoroughly believed and strictly followed all the COVID guidelines. She maintained a six-foot distance from her patients as much as possible.

More upsetting was that patients were constant attempting to try to kiss her hands. At this point she was now wearing two layers of rubber gloves.

Now Evelyn sat terrified in her office. She was certain she could hear two people in the room next door having sex, in the doctor's office!

At this point she wasn't sure if she had gone crazy, or the rest of the world had. Someone knocked on the door, one of her nurses asked to come in.

Hesitantly granting entry, Dr Maxwell allowed the plump receptionist to come in. She was a tall woman with short hair and lots of tattoos. Maxwell had never really approved of hiring her.

"What is it, Irene?" Maxwell asked,"Another cancellation?"

"No," the taller woman said smoothing her dress. Evelyn noticed that it was rather wrinkled.

"I just came to see if you needed anything: coffee, tea, maybe a hug?"

"What on Earth has gotten into everyone, why are you wearing a mask?" demanded Maxwell. "Has everyone lost their ever-loving mind?" Her voice was shaking with fear now.

"No." Irene said, flashing a stunning smile.

"All this seems rather silly. Everyone seems to be so much better. Sometimes it's simple hug and a kiss make you feel better than anything else right?

Evelyn realized that she had gotten up from her desk and backed into a corner during this conversation. Nurse Irene was slowly making her way across the room.

Evelyn tried to dodge, Irene was much quicker and stronger than she looked. Part of the reason the other doctors had hired her was her ability to help restrain over-excited patients.

The larger woman placed her hands on Evelyn's shoulders and said. "Look at you, you're shaking like a leaf." Dr Maxwell could smell the faint smell of roses.

"Everything's just so strange today." she confessed, "What good will I be if no one is ever sick?"

Irene slowly brought the smaller woman within the circle of her arms, hugging her to her breasts. Dr Maxwell turned her head up face woman who gently kissed her on the mouth.

"There, isn't that better?"

Maxwell wondered what she had been so upset about. "Yes I can feel much better, were you always this pretty?"


Roscoe was just getting done with his meal at Waffle House when someone tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned to looked a cute young girl leaned in and kisses him on the lips. Taken aback he asked "Excuse me do I know you?"

"I am Melissa. I am working my way across country to Florida. Can I get a ride?" She had reached out and ran her had down his chest.

"I am married with a girl almost your age.” he said, his cock growing hard in his pants.

"Oh goody," she said "I like girls as much as men. Can we go now?"

He dropped money on the table and headed outm the girl close behind. No one seamed to look or even care. The staff was way more flirty than he remembered, and so was every customer.

Many people were holding hands or kissing. He could swear a couple was heading to the bathroom together.

Once inside his pickup, the girl slid over to the middle seat. "Oh I love these old trucks," she said. "The seats are so big you can lay down on them."

Roscoe pulled out on the road trying to not wreck the truck, as the girls clever hands unbuckled his belt. On the highway she took out his stiff prick and squeezed it hard as she slowly jacked it up and down.

"Do you know a quiet place we can pull off and test the seat?" She said with a smile.

"Yes," he said almost panting. "New Mexico has lots of places no one goes." She leaned up to lick his ear and whispered, "Good, find one so I can taste your cock."

Melissa had a dress on that had buttons all the way down the front and she started to undo the buttons. She kicked her slip-on shoes onto the floorboard and showed him that she had nothing on under the dress. Her shapely legs parted to reveal her small puffy mound with a light dusting of hair.

Her deep brown eyes looked at him. "Do you like what you see?"

"Yes," he said, “why did you pick me?"

"You look a little like my daddy, he lives in Florida. I am going there to fuck him. My Mom lives in Washington and has been pimping me out for drugs so I decided to go fuck some one who loves me."

Once off the main road Melissa had stripped naked and was now masturbating herself and Roscoe while he looked for a secluded spot. He had not been able to hold an erection this long in years. He knew it might be from the extremely taboo situation, but he did not think so.

Arriving at last at a grove of scrub pine trees he shut off the engine and took off his jeans.

The little girl all but smashed her face into his crotch, taking his cock half way down her throat. As she worked her face up and down she encouraged him to move to the middle of the seat. After another feverish minute of sucking him off she came up for air and climbed into the seat.

With her little bare feet on each side of his hips, the little brunette put her hands on his broad shoulders and said "Guide me in Daddy" as she began to squat down on his wet dick. She plunged down on his cock in one motion. Roscoe felt like a fist with a velvet glove had clamped down on him.

"Oh fuck me Daddy, fuck me hard." panted the girl, her A-cup tits scrubbing against his work shirt.

The old mechanic grabbed her narrow waist and began to thrust her up and down on his steel-hard prick. He was amazed, he was harder than he had been in 15 years!

The old truck was rocking on its springs and the sound of slapping flesh filled the cabin. The girl’s tight pussy was drooling on his lap, as she reached down to rub her clit with her left hand.

Roscoe dropped his hands to her ass and clutched a firm butt cheek in each hand. The girl was practically jumping up and he would slam her back down.

Melissa screamed and came squirting in his lap, her tight pussy clamping painfully on his cock. Cum shot out of his balls with the same gusto it had when he was a teenager.

The spot between the two lovers was wet and splashing as his young lover continued to pound up and down on him as she orgasmed once more as he started to deflate.

Like a felled tree the girl slowly tipped to one side still twitching. "God, I needed that, now take me to your house so I can watch you fuck your daughter. Afterwards I will eat your cum out of her."

Roscoe had been suffering from ED for years and kind of doubted he would get it up again.

16 minutes later they were in sight of his house. Melissa lay in the seat sucking his hard prick with her dress on but unbuttoned.

The girl stayed in his truck as Roscoe tucked his raging cock away and went to kiss his confused daughter and angry wife.

After a moment his wife told him, "Bring that sexy little bitch in here, you are getting every man's fantasy tonight my love. The 3 of us are going to fuck you till the sun comes up."


Dave finds a book part 9

St Luke's Presbyterian Medical Center, Denver, Colorado: Nurse Chapel made her way through the coma ward section, next to the terminally ill wing of the hospital. She was feeling absolutely wonderful. She had spent the night with a beautiful Latina woman in a small motel, on her way back from her vacation. It was her first lesbian experience and it was a grand experience. Later that day the two of them had shared a teenage boy they had met at the pool. Chapel's back and knees no longer hurt, the same with her feet.

She arrived at the room of James Turro. Mr. Turro had been in a coma for the past 3 months. The dark skinned Latino man had the amusing ability to get an erection, even though he was completely comatose. James had an enormous cock, several of the nurses had already availed themselves of his turgid member. One girl even had a pregnancy scare.

Nurse Chapel checked the hall and, finding it empty, let herself into the dark room. Quietly she locked the door, to help maintain some privacy. The curvy nurse wore nothing underneath her tight uniform. Quickly she unzipped the dress and let it drop to the floor. Moving to the bed, she pulled the blankets off the unconscious man's body. Then rolled up his hospital gown. Gently she stroked him to a rigid erection feeling her own nipples harden. Lowering her head the blonde nurse ran her tongue up and down his cock. Chapel spent a few minutes bobbing her head up and down drooling on his massive member and feeling herself get dripping wet. She no longer cared about getting pregnant or not. Swiftly she climbed up onto the table and slowly lowered herself down on his massive cock. Nurse Chapel loved how this man stretched her like no one before. Moving up and down she began to sweat and tremble, all the while watching his heart monitor.

As her orgasm started to swell and her thighs started burning, she felt a change in her unwitting lover. A subtle flex of his hips, a slight increase in his respiration. Excited, she began to desperately flex her own hips back and forth, making the bed shake and rattle. Her own breath was ragged now, sweat pouring from her skin. The comatose man was definitely pushing his hips up now! His hands flexed open and closed. Sweat broke out on his forehead as his eyelids fluttered open and closed. By now, Chapel was pulling up to the point that his huge cock was almost popping out, so she could slam back down with all her weight. The slapping sound filled the room like a porno theater. She could feel his cock swell and came at the same time that his hot sperm filled her steamy cunt. The man's eyes opened wide in shock and confusion, he tried to move his arms. Frustratingly, he was as weak as a baby from laying still for so long. Nurse Chapel collapsed forward and lay on his heaving chest. Her massive tits squashed between them.

The man began to gag, fighting his respirator tube. Quickly and professionally she climbed down off him to help. With gobs of cum rolling down her legs she got the mask off him and pulled the tubes out. In a soft ragged voice he said “What's going on here?”

Leaning over she kissed him on the mouth, a calm warmth spread over his body. With a smile she told him “I fucked you out of a comma, you should be up and around in an hour or two. And I bet you can leave the hospital today. That is if all the other nurses don't keep you for a while, because of that massive dick of yours.”

After cleaning her sopping cunt in the bathroom as best she could, the nurse left with a promise to send the duty nurse down to check on him.

One floor down, Nurse Chapel stepped off the elevator and headed to Room 408. In Room 408, Lance Stafford dozed in a chair next to his mother. Charlotte Stafford, a plain looking woman in her late 30’s, lay with IV tubes in both arms. Mrs. Stafford was a widow who was suffering from acute kidney failure. Her son had not left her side. Chapel knew he was such a good boy. His Mom needed an organ donor and he was not a match.

“The wait list is always long.” She thought to herself as she quietly entered the room.

Chapel looked at the 18 year old boy as he dozed fitfully. Messy hair, glasses, bad acne, and scrawny. The poor kid was practically homely, her heart went out for him. Quiet as a cat, the big chested nurse stole over and kissed the boy on the mouth. He woke with a start, as he looked at the smiling nurse he felt a warmth spread from his lips. The room was not as cold as it was moments ago.

Confused, he whispered “What was that for?”

“You just looked like you could use some affection.” the woman in white said as she ran her hand up his arm. Lance felt the hair on his arm stand up and, to his embarrassment, so did his cock. Nurse Chapel's smile grew bigger when she saw the young boy blush.

She combed his hair with her fingers while saying “I know you are worried about your Mom, I have a feeling things may be turning around for a lot of people soon.” Lance saw her face get blurry and became even more ashamed thinking he was crying again. Annoyed at himself he took off his glasses to rub his eyes. He found them dry, confused even more he looked at the pretty nurse. He could see her face, even better than he could with his glasses on. While he had been distracted, Chapel had moved her hand to his chest and tweaked his nipple. It felt like a bolt of electricity went from her pinch to his dick! A drop of pre-cum made a damp spot in his boxers. She took his glasses from his nerveless fingers with her left hand. With her right she unzipped the front of her uniform dress to the waist. As she put his glasses on the bedside table she took his right hand in hers.

“There, I bet you're feeling better already right?” she slid his trembling hand under her top. His cool flesh made her nipple harden in an instant. No doubt this was the first time he had touched one since he nursed as a baby. This was proved by how clumsily he mauled her DD. While he was distracted by his raging teenage hormones, she slid her own hand into his lap and squeezed his cock through his pants. Nurse Chapel stood up and pulled her top down off her shoulders. With her breasts swinging free she sat on the teenage boy's lap facing him.

With her hand behind his head she guided his open mouth to her nipple. “Hmmm that's it baby,” she whispered. “Suck on my nipple like you want milk.”

His hands came up to wrap around her back as he began to suck like he was starving. She put her hand down between them and unzipped his fly. Pulling his now sticky cock out, she started jacking him off. All the stress of the past weeks fell away from the boy as he gave into the lust.

Chapel cooed to the boy “Yes, that's it, suck Momma's titty for her baby. Let me rub away all your cares.”

She could feel some of the leftover cum dripping out of her gooey cunt. It dripped on the bunched-up hem of her dress sticking the fabric to her. With the over-exuberance of the virgin he was, Lance came hard and hot and over her hand. She showed him no mercy though, rubbing his over-sensitive prick with his own sticky sperm. At last she took pity on the boy and just held him as he caught his breath. He let go of the death grip his mouth had on her nipple and looked up at her with a lovesick look. With a smile she slowly began rubbing his cock again, with the stamina of the young, it was already getting hard again.

“Now don't go falling in love with me, Tiger, I am not a one-man kind of girl.”

She then gave his mother a significant look. “I think I know someone who is and could use a whole lot of love and attention, don't you?”

She looked back at him, seeing a denial die on his lips and turned to look at the woman on the bed.

Hadn't he always loved her? And in the dirty back of his mind wasn't he glad she had not found another husband?

Nurse Chapel got off his lap and quietly got dressed. While she washed her hands, Lance put his cock away and went to his mother's bed.

As Chapel slipped out the boy was bending over his mother's bed.

Just before the nurse closed the door she whispered “She won't wake up for hours with the drugs she is on.”

Lance did not notice that she closed the door and hung a clothes hanger on the knob. This was a secret sign to the other nurses not to disturb the patient.

Lance brushed the hair away from his mother's pale face. She looked so angelic he leaned over and kissed her open mouth.

He licked and nibbled at her lips and ran his tongue over her teeth. Growing bolder he slid his hand under the blanket and over the thin gown.

In the fog of her drug-filled mind, his mother responded by pursing her lips and her nipples hardened.

As Lance continued to kiss his mother's mouth, his hand found its way under her gown. Her small perky breasts were so different from the well-endowed nurse.

Moving his mouth down his mother's neck he laid soft kisses and licks on every inch. His right hand lightly pinching and rolling her turgid nipples, one at a time.

Unnoticed by the horny boy, the woman began to get her color back. It started at her lips and spread to her cheeks and down her throat, her pale nipples blushing rose again like when she was in her 20s.

Lance had his mother's rubbery nipple in his mouth once again. How he wished milk would flow from them into his mouth again.

His hand bravely slid towards her neatly trimmed pussy mound.

Heat radiated from the womb he had passed through over 18 years before.

His mother's head was nodding almost imperceptibly as he slipped his finger into her damp folds.

Guided only by stories he had read on the net, he found the hard button of her clit. Lance began to write the ABCs in capital letters with his mother's natural lubricant.

Charlotte was dreaming that naughty dream she had sometimes about her little boy.

She knew it was shameful and would never admit how much it had turned her on to breastfeed. She let him nurse until he was 3 years old even when people had tried to shame her for it. Her husband had drunk from her body for another 2 years.

She had wanted more children but never had gotten pregnant, not from lack of trying, mind you.

When her Bill passed on, she had to almost tied herself to the bed to keep from seducing her son.

Lance looked so much like his Dad, in her dreams they became one and the same.

Lance had two fingers pumping in and out of his mother's dripping pussy now. He was switching back and forth from one nipple to the other.

His mother's body tensed and she gasped, her cunt clenching hard at his fingers.

Lance looked at his mother. She was breathing faster and a light sheen of sweat covered her face.

“I think she just had an orgasm” he thought to himself.

Redoubling his efforts, he began pulling his fingers out over her clit, and back over it on the way back into her.

He clamped his mouth on her nipple again and sucked hard. A spark of sweet liquid coated his tongue.

Lance backed up and smacked his lips, it was breast milk!

Like a starving man he dove back in, pumping his fingers like an out of control machine.

His mother began to tense up again, her breathing getting even faster. Again all her muscles clenched, and a little bit of sweetness squirted into his mouth.

His cock was so hard it was starting to hurt. He unzipped his fly again. He then positioned his mother's hand where he could rub against her palm.

As he began to suckle on her other breast, he felt her hand close around his cock. Unable to help himself, he began stroking himself in and out of her grasp.

The spell was beginning to heal Charlotte's body. Lance had no idea that his face had already cleared up from its acne, even the scars were gone.

The damage to her kidneys washed away. In the accelerated healing, her body was chewing through the drugs that were keeping her asleep.

The blockage that had clogged up both of her Fallopian Tubes cleared away. An egg exited from each at the same time.

In her dream, she felt her dear son's hands and mouth on her. As her mind began to clear the fog of the drugs away she understood that this was not a dream or, at least, a dream come true.

An orgasm crashed over her causing her to arch her body a little off the bed. Charlotte began to realize her son's cock was truly in her hand.

She squeezed it tight, she drew in her breath and said in a low voice. “Yes, that's it, just like that.”

Lance froze for a moment, unsure how to proceed. His mother began to move her hand up and down on his penis.

She said “Don't stop now, I'm so close!” with a renewed frenzy he began rubbing at his mother's clit and switched back to her right breast.

In a moment he was rewarded with another small taste of milk.

The feeling of milk leaving her breast caused a tremendous orgasm to crash over Charlotte.

She writhed as if she was being electrified, when she came back down she said.

“Please, for the love of God! I need you in me! Get out of those clothes my beautiful boy, Mommy needs you inside her!”

She spread her legs, pushing the covers down, exposing herself completely to the boy's gaze.

Without saying a word, Lance pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it away. He then kicked his shoes off and dropped his pants and underwear.

His mother pulled on his arms together up on the bed begging for her son to mount her.

“Please.” she whispered “I need it so badly!”

She reached down and brought his penis up to the opening from which he had started life. She guided him in between her wetness and, with his pre-cum, he slid all the way into her steaming pussy.

The incestuous act complete, Charlotte hooked her ankles around her son's back. Desperately she started moving her pelvis up for the perfect alignment.

“Now take me son, it's been so long, I've wanted you for so long!”

Unable to resist, Lance slid slowly out and back in. Gentle at first, but faster as his mother demanded more. The slapping sound filled the tiny room while his mother clawed and scratched at his back.

They kissed like teenage lovers, as if they were going to swallow each other whole.

When milk dribbled from Charlotte's nipples, Lance would dip his head down to lap it up off of her.

“Yes!” she said “Just like that, don't stop!” She whisper screamed. Her clit was being crushed between them.

The steady pounding from the teenage boy gave a roughness that she had been dreaming of for years.

While her husband was a good man, he'd always fucked her like she was going to break. Always too easy like a china doll.

Now she growled in her son's ear. “Fuck me like you hate me, if you really love me now! Smash me into a puddle in this bed, break Mommy's pussy!”

He was slamming in and out of her, his fingers digging into her back and shoulders.

His mother flexed up to meet his every slam. She could feel the tip of his cock pounding against her cervical head.

“Yes! Give it to me! Fuck me like a dirty whore baby!” she gasped, she could tell the boy was close and her own orgasm was unstoppable.

“Now! She said “Now my little boy, come inside your Mommy. Do it now!”

The pair came at the same time, incestuous sperm flowing up into his mother's womb.

Within Moments sperm dribbled down to both of the ripe and fertile eggs. Neither of them knew at that moment, they were both parents. Boy and girl twins.

Mother and son made love three more times at night. She even let him fuck her in the ass.

As she came to feel of her son pumping hot cum into her colon, she said. “Oh my God, I never let your Dad do that, Baby.”

A day later, she checked out of the hospital, completely recovered.

The doctors seemed more amused than baffled. More and more people were leaving the hospital in perfectly good shape.

Nurse Chapel saw Lance as he was leaving the building she hadn't left in 2 days. The horny nurse had been fucking non-stop catching sleep when she could.

Healing patients with her pussy, as she saw a Lance go by she said “Way to go stud, I knew you could do it.”

Lance blushed and said “Thank you so much.

“Don't thank me, just make sure you pass it on.”.....


Dave finds a book part 10

Roscoe drove the van with his wife leaning over sucking his cock. In the back his daughter, Misty, was 69-ing with the girl, Melissa. Moaning and slurping sounds filled the air.

After a night of intense fucking, the four of them hit the road to help Melissa on her way to Florida.

On the way the girls were taking turns edging Roscoe and eating each other's pussy in the back.

The plan was to help Roscoe build as much cum as he could. Then when they stopped to drop off Melissa, he would pump his daughter Diana full of incestuous sperm. She then would ride back staying upside down as much as she could to try and get pregnant.


Meanwhile in Delhi India;

Fatima walked down the street away from the airport. She was still sweating from the rush to put her clothes on before disembarking. Her sari was out of place and her hair a mess, cum dribbled down her ample legs.

She was still in awe of the fact she had sex with the pilot and a handsome white teenager on the plane. The curvy BBW could not wait to get home and kiss her husband and his brother. She wanted to have them both fuck her at once as soon as possible.

All around her the spell spread like a wave as people kissed complete strangers in an exponentially growing wave. People near and inside the airport were having sex in public. Open orgies spread as observers and authorities were pulled into the chaos like leaves in a gale.

Delhi has the highest concentration of humans on Earth, the spell was spreading like fire in a match factory. By the time Fatima had her husband, his brother, and her father in her bed, 80% of the city had been exposed.

110,000 people a day go through the airport in Delhi everyday, 1800 flights on this day alone, heading all over the world.

The Beijing flight has landed two days before and 60% of the UK was under the thrall of the spell by day 9. All of India and most of the nearby countries were at saturation by day 11.

In the United States, the spell had spread to every State by day 9 with Washington State at 100%, spreading south to California and Mexico ,both at 90% or more.

The migrant invasion trains marching up from South America stalled as they all stopped to have orgies.
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