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Finally, an end?
Jenny took him home and opened the front door without knocking. “Hi, Jenny.” said her sister brightly. “Who's this?”

“This is my friend Mr. Miller.” she said. “Maria, this is Brian. He wants to be friends with you, as well as me.”

Maria looked at him skeptically. “You want to be my friend? Why?”

“Because I'm already friends with your sister, and she told me that you're prettier than her, so of course I wanted to meet you.” he told her.

“Is it true? Am I prettier than she is?” she asked, biting her lip and looking nervous.

“Your face is.” he told her, and she looked a little relieved. “The rest of you? I don't know yet.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, puzzled.

“It means he wants to see your body, Maria.”Jenny told her little sister, smiling. “You've never had anyone tell you that before, have you?”

“Not in words, no.” she replied. “But every guy at the basketball games I've cheered at? Every single guy there has taken off my cheer outfit with their eyes!”

“Nobody has ever seen you with their ACTUAL eyes?” Brian asked frankly. Maria shook her head.

“Not yet.” she said. “I actually kinda shy, especially about my breasts. They're too small.”

“I doubt it.” he replied. “I actually prefer them on the smaller side.”

“Really?” Maria said, preening subconsciously. “Like Jenny's?”

“Not sure.” he said. “She hasn't shown them to me. Will you show me yours?”

“I shouldn't.” Maria replied, looking down. “Who knows where things might go from there.”

“Things don't HAVE to go anywhere.” he told her. “Unless, of course, you WANT them to.”

“Maybe I do?” she said, biting her lip nervously. “If you TELL me to s-strip I will.”

“Why?” he asked, his voice curious. “Why would you do something so extreme?”

“I don't know.” she answered. “Doing what you say makes me feel... nice.”

“I haven't told you to do anything yet.” he pointed out.

“Do it!” she said, begging, almost. “Tell me to do something nasty! Tell me to do something wrong, something I'm not supposed to do. The more wrong it is; the better it will feel, I just know it!”

“No.” he said simply. Instead, he looked at Jenny, her sister. “Take off all your clothes, right here, in front of me and your sister, both!”

“Oh!” Jenny murmured. She smiled as she began unbuttoning her blouse. “I know what she means! It feels nice to do what you say, and it feels even better when it's wrong!”

Her blouse was now off; her slacks were next. She sat there in her bra and panties and looked at him expectantly.

He kept his silence and looked at Maria instead. “Now you.”

“Yes sir.” she said, smiling exactly the same smile as her sister.

“Don't stop at your underwear, either. I want you all the way naked, and don't try to hide behind your hands, either. Display your whole body to me. I want to see your nipples and you will open your legs, raising your knees and opening them up wide. I want to know ALL your secrets, Maria. Tell me how you feel while you're doing it, too. Use very de***********ive words, too. I want to know everything about you.”

Maria shivered slightly and a flash of pain flickered over her face, then it passed as she pulled her t-shirt off and removed her jeans.

“Did something hurt you, Maria” Brian asked her “I saw it on your face.”

“Yes.” she said. “I tried to not do it for a moment but I got a flash of pain for half a second, like a headache, but it disappeared the instant I began to obey.”

“The answer is simple, then.” he said. “Don't even think about disobeying me, ever again.”

“Yes!” she exclaimed eagerly. “In fact, the opposite is true. Obeying your nasty orders feels really good!” She looked at him, almost eagerly. “Tell me to do something else!”

“Okay.” he said. “You'll like this one, I promise. Get on your hands and knees, then take Jenny's panties off and kiss her lower belly, just below her belly button.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, moving into position. “You want me to... to kiss her?”

“Yes.” he replied, with a naughty smile that sparkled in his eyes. “You'll be starting with kissing her belly, but very soon, you'll be moving your kisses... south.”

“Sir?” she asked, her voice quavering. “You're going to make me...” Her voice trailed away to nothing.

“No, I'm not going to MAKE you do anything, Maria.” he said. “I'm just ASKING you to kiss your sister. Between her legs. You don't HAVE to do it, you know.”

“Then why do I feel so compelled?” she asked. “Why do I have to do what you ask?”

“Because you want to feel... good, right? You want to feel horny.” he said.

“Horny?” Maria asked, her voice quavering. “Is that what I'm feeling?”

“Yes, it is exactly what you're feeling.” he told her. “It's just what I want you to feel, too. A girl SHOULD feel horny before her first fuck, don't you think?”

“My first... my first fuck?” she asked, a little curious and more than a little apprehensive. “Sir, I've never done it before! I'm not sure...”

“I know full well that you're a virgin. I'm here to help with that.” he said, smiling.

She paled. “What if I want to stay a virgin?” she said. “I've had a dream of giving it to my husband on our wedding night.”

“And you think that's a realistic dream?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. Her face fell as she realized the import of his words.

“I was hoping...” she said, her voice sounding faint.

“Well, one is ALLOWED to hope, yes?” he said. “I, however, have a very different hope.”

“And that is?” she asked. He smiled in response, but didn't utter a word.

“You want it for yourself?” she asked, her voice scoffing. “As if I'll let YOU fuck me, the very first man to ever ask!”

He smiled once more, gently. “I'm not asking, my dear girl. I'm TELLING you to fuck me.”

“I... you... You want ME to fuck YOU?” she said, astounded. “What makes you think I'd even do that?”

“Because it feels good to do what I tell you to do.” he said, his smile turning into a smirk. “Doesn't it?”

“It does, but I don't know why.” she said, her curiosity evident in her voice.

“You're not doing what I told you to do yet.” he pointed out. “You're not kissing your sister.”

“I took her panties off.” Maria pointed out, a begging tone in her voice. “Doesn't that count for something?”

“It's a good start.” he said. He looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow. “Now, it's time to start kissing. And licking. And sucking. And tasting.”

The flash of pain flickered over her face once more, but then, as she got on her hands and knees between her sister's legs, it changed to an indescribable look of joy as she obeyed the order. She first kissed her lower belly, but then moved the kisses down and took her very first taste of another person's sex.

Julia turned her head and looked up at him, smiling broadly. “It tastes good!” She went back and did it again, and didn't stop this time. Jenny opened her legs up wide and gave her sister full access to her pussy, even though she knew in her heart of hearts it was fundamentally wrong. The wrongness of it just made it better.

Suddenly, she felt two hands on her hips, lifting her ass up a little higher, and her knees went a little closer together. She tried to stop licking her sister and turn her head, but Jenny wanted the tongue to keep working and closed her thighs and trapped her sister's head right here it was. Right where she wanted it.

“Mmmph! Mmph!” Maria moaned wordlessly, feeling something big and hard rubbing up and down over her pussy, seeking the soft opening, and suddenly it was found. She screamed wordlessly as it pushed inside, opening her lips for the first time ever. She'd never even put a finger inside, although she had played with her clit every night and nearly every morning, bringing herself to a mind blowing orgasm every time.

“There it is, Maria.” he said, his smile heard clearly in his voice. “Are you ready to become a woman, instead of the little girl you have always been?”

“Nnnn! Nnnn!” she screamed frantically, her voice muffled by her sister's pussy. He fed her another fraction of an inch, and stopped when he felt her hymen blocking further entry. “Nnnn!”

Jenny opened her thighs up wide again, coming harder than she ever had in his life. Maria took in a deep breath and let out an ear piecing scream, voicing the word 'no' quite clearly.

“Maria, I want you to let me fuck you.” he said. “Quit fighting me and allow me to take your virginity.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, feeling the warm pleasure that came from following his directives taking hold of her as she held her hips still and let him push in a little more. She felt the pressure against her maidenhead increase, but then it lessened considerably as he pulled it back.

“Sir?” she asked. “I thought you were going to fuck me?”

“Get on top of me.” he commanded her. “I want YOU to fuck ME!”

Pain flashed over her face again for another moment, but it eased up again as she moved into position. She moved his cock into position with one hand, then slowly lowered her hips until his cockhead was inside her. She bit her lip, looking into his eyes, and a silent tear slipped silently out the corner of one eye.

“Wait!” he said, and she froze on top of him. “Don't you want this?”

“Yes and no.” she said plainly. “I want to get rid of this damn V-card, but I also want to save it for my wedding night.”

“Which do you want more?” he asked.

She bit her lip again. “I want that good feeling some more. I'll do whatever you TELL me to do.”

“In that case, I'm telling you to do what you want to do.” he said.

“What!?” she exclaimed. “But, but... but I don't KNOW what I want!”

“Well then, how about you do what I want?” he suggested. She looked at him suspiciously.

“You want me to fuck you, right?” she asked, her voice oozing remorse. “You want to take away the only gift I have to give my future husband?”

“Oh, Maria, that's not the only gift you have.” he told her. “You'll be able to give him the gifts I'm about to teach you.”

“Gifts?” she asked, curios. “What gifts?”

“Skills.” he explained. “You'll be an expert by the time I'm done teaching you what I want you to learn.”

“What skills do you want me to learn?” she asked.

He smiled. “Well, one skill I want you to learn is how to take a cock all the way inside your vagina. Another is to swallow an entire load of sperm.”

“You want me to fuck you.” she said frankly. “And... you also want me to... to suck you off?”

“Oh, you won't be just sucking me off, Miss Maria, you'll also be swallowing my spunk.” he told her.

“You want me to give you my virginity, though.” she said, a note of sadness in her voice. “I don't get to keep it for my husband.”

“You DO realize how outdated that notion is, right?” he said, raising one eyebrow at her. “I mean, nobody, but NOBODY expects their bride to be a virgin anymore, you understand that, don't you?”

She began to cry, her body racked by immense sobs that shook her whole body. “Y-y-yes.” she admitted, between giant sobs. “I'm, j-just sca- scared.”

“What are you scared of, Maria?” he asked her, quietly.

“I'm scared of my first time.” she said. “My friend Molly did it last week with her boyfriend, and she told me it REALLY hurt, plus there was a lot of blood and stuff. She said it was REALLY messy! I just don't want that to happen to me.”

Her sister laughed at her. “I hope it hurts like hell, bitch! I hope you bleed all over the place; I want it to look like your on the rag for DAYS, you little bitch! You deserve it for all the times you made fun of me for not being as pretty as you!”

Maria looked shocked, raising her head out of Jenny's groin to gape at her, disbelief written all over her features. “W-what? Why? Why do you hate me so much, big sister? I've never been THAT mean to you! Why do you hate me?”

Jenny laughed. “You even need to ask, little miss perfect? You STOLE my very first boyfriend, and now you want this one, too!”

“What?” Maria exclaimed. “No way! Alan wasn't my fault; HE chose me! I didn't do anything to steal him! It's not MY fault the guy turned out to be an asshole, and I dumped him after the second date, because he tried grabbing my tits!”

“Of course he did!” Jenny snorted. “He tried grabbing mine on our FIRST date, but I shut him down with just one disapproving look and a firm 'NO!' You broke up with him? No wonder he spread all those rumors about you!”

“He did?” Maria said, disbelief plainly in her voice. “What rumors? I never heard anything!”

“Of course you didn't!” Jenny laughed. “Who was doing to tell little miss perfect that she's an ice queen? Who's going to call her a frigid bitch to her face?”

“He really said all that?” Maria said, incredulously. “He told everyone I was an ice queen? A frigid bitch?”

Jenny laughed. “A lot worse than that!” She told her, then used both hands to pull her little sister's mouth back onto her pussy. “Keep eating me out you little whore! I want to feel you scream into my pussy when he pops you open!”

“I'm not going to take her cherry yet, but keep her face in your pussy, Jen; she's DEFINITELY going to scream when I take her.” he said, smiling at the older girl.

Brian waited until her saw Jenny pull her sister's hair with both hands and heard the poor girl' muffled cries of protest, then placed his cockhead at Maria's perfectly pink backdoor and pushed it inside to the base, burying his cock inside her virgin asshole to the root. He grinned at the tightness of her second virginity.

“Mmm! Mmmph! Mmmph!” She screamed into her sister's pussy and tried shaking her head in denial of what was happening, but Jenny had two big handfuls of her hair and wouldn't let go. Jenny let her raise her head enough so that she was looking into the other girl's eyes.

“You know what's going to happen now, sister mine?” Jenny asked, mirth dancing in her eyes. Maria shook her head. “I'll tell you, so you can prepare your mind.” she said. “You're about to lose your virginity.”

Maria opened her eyes up wide and looked at his face. Jenny laughed, and Maria looked at her sister reproachfully. “You know I am saving myself for my wedding night. You'll be stealing something from me that can never be replaced.” This last was said to him, with her looking up at him.

“It won't be me taking your virginity, though.” he said, smiling down at her gently. She looked up at him, puzzled. He let out a whistle, and a dog came into the room. She still looked puzzled, which lasted until he rolled her over onto her belly and lifted her her hips up and made her kneel in the doggy position.`

“No, please, no, not like this!” she begged, pleading, but Jenny let out a low laugh.

“What's the matter, little sister?” Jenny asked, her voice taunting. “You've been calling me a little bitch for years, and now it's MY turn, except that I'm not calling you a bitch; I'm turning you INTO one!” She laughed as her sister sobbed.

“I'm sorry, Jenny; please don't do this to me! I'm so, so sorry! I'll never call you another name, ever again; just PLEASE don't do this!” Maria begged, desperate, feeling their family dog, Buster, a mix of Labrador and Husky, a huge dog who weighed about 80 lbs licked up the length of her slit and over her puckered back door. “Buster, NO, go lay down!”

Buster ignored the command, instead taking another lick and tasting her copious pussy juices flowing freely from her. Then he mounted her, gripping her slim waist tightly with his front paws.

“No, please, oh God no, please, make him stop!” Maria begged, feeling Buster's erection rubbing against her naked ass cheek. “I don't want to lose my virginity like THIS! Please, help me; please! Not like this!”

Brian knelt down in front of the young girl and made her look up into his eyes. “You want me to make this easier for you?” he asked.

“Yes, please, anything! I'll suck your cock; I'll do anything you want! I'll let you... I'll let you take my cherry, please, just stop Buster; get him off me!”

“Sorry, I cant do that.” he told her. “I already promised your sister I'd help her, and this is what she wants. However, I can help ease your mind, if that's what you want.”

Maria nodded, sobbing. He kept looking into her eyes. “You want this.” he said. “You want Buster to fuck you; you'll willingly give him your virginity.”

She gasped in sudden surprise, then stopped squirming her ass away from Buster's thrusts against her asscheeks. She reached her hand back between her legs and found his firm erection, guiding the tip of it to her pussy.

“Hold it; don't let him fuck you yet!” he commanded, and so she fell flat on her stomach before he could enter her. “Open your mouth and suck me. Once you have deep throated me, raise your hips up once more and let him fuck you. This is known as being spit-roasted, and you WILL enjoy it, okay?”

She shivered again as the command took hold and changed her, but she did as she was told and took the head of his dick between her lips and began sucking on him. This was the very first time she had ever done such a thing, in fact, she had laughed with her girlfriends at school at others who had reputations for doing just this; calling them sluts and harlots and other such names, holding them in utter disregard, She felt utter shame for doing that to them, and now she knew she herself was no better.

“Suck it and swallow, Maria.” he told her. “You can't deep throat, but you can swallow the spunk I'm about to feed you.”

“Mmm mmm!” she moaned frantically, doing her best to shake her head. He pulled his cock back until just the head was in her mouth and let loose a strong spurt that completely filled her mouth.

“Swallow it, I said!” he ordered, just before another spurt erupted into her mouth, overflowing down onto her chin and onto the slopes of her breasts. As disgusting as she found it to be, she was powerless to disobey his command and found herself swallowing to clear her mouth, just in time for his third and final spurt to fill it again. Smiling down at her, he nodded briefly, and she had to swallow twice more before she could breathe clearly again.

“Please let me go?” she begged finally. He shook his head and smiled at her gently.

“Raise your ass up higher.” he said. Tears formed in her eyes as his command took effect. She got her knees under her and Buster noticed right away as she got into position. The dog instantly began licking her pussy again.

“Buster, no.” she said softly, but again, the dog ignored her and kept licking. This time,however, he seemed to be more focused on her asshole than last time, probably because she had farted quietly a moment before he started licking her. “Go lay down.” This last was said even more quietly.

Again the dog ignored her, but looked her in the eye with a quizzical look on his face. Brian captured her attention again by speaking,”You didn't deep throat me, did you?” he asked. Her face fell as she shook her head.

“No, but I tried!” she said, in her own defense. “It was choking me! I'm so sorry; how can I make it up to you?”

“I'm not sure you can.” he said, and her heart fell into her stomach, almost sure he was right.

“Maybe... maybe I could give you my cherry?” she suggested, a hopeful look in her eye.

He shook his head. “No, sorry, that won't be possible. It's been promised away already.”

“What?!? To who?” Maria exclaimed. “Who promised me away?”

“I did!” Jenny told her, smiling smugly. “You wanna know who's gonna take it?”

“Jenny, please don't do this! I promise, I'll NEVER be mean to you, ever again! I PROMISE!”

“Sorry, little sister, it's already done. You've been a bitch to me our whole lives, so now it's your turn.” Jenny said, still smiling that smug smirk.

“Who is it?” Maria said dejectedly. “Who's going to be my first?” Buster was licking her again, but Maria was able to ignore him because she was so preoccupied by her sister.

“Come on Buster, up!” Jenny said, patting her sister on the back.

“What?” Marie exclaimed. “No, no way!”

“Sorry, my dear, but it's already been promised!” Jenny told her. “There's no going back now, you know.” Buster hopped up, wrapping his forelegs around the young girl's waist once more. His cock, still hard, began pumping against her asscheeks again.

“No, please! No, I don't want this!” Maria sobbed. “Not like this!”

“Look at me, Maria.” Brian said. Maria met his gaze once more. “Reach back and put his cock into the entrance of your pussy, Maria. You WANT Buster to fuck you. You WANT this!”

“Oh my God, what is happening to me? Now I really DO want this! What... Why am I like this? I was saving myself, I really was, but now, oh God, why? Why?” Maria said, still sobbing hysterically. She moved Buster's cock into position, and the moment he felt the opening and warmth of her, drove his cock into her full force, piercing her hymen with the first thrust.

“Oh, oh, oh my God!” Maria screamed, feeling her virginity ending in one brief flash of pain that was seated in the very core of her being, but it very quickly changed to that of pleasure as she felt her G-spot being rubbed for the very first time. Also, she felt Brian's command taking effect, re-enforcing the pleasure she felt as the dog's cock jack-hammered into her faster than she thought possible.

She had the very first orgasm of her young life, grunting out her pleasure in wordless groans. “What's happening to me?” she asked.

Jenny laughed out loud. “You just came, little sister. Was that your first big O?”

“Big O? What's that?” Maria asked, curious.

Jenny laughed again. “Your first orgasm, silly. I'm guessing it was.”

“Orgasm ? Is THAT what it was?” Maria said, incredulously. Just then, Buster began pulling her even closer with his front paws and she felt her pussy spreading even wider, admitting something she had no concept of, his knot.

“This feels good to you, Maria,” Brian said to her, and the girl felt his words take effect, and as the dog finished going inside her and began filling her with his come, she came again. This time, screaming out her pleasure.

“Oh, no, he's stuck!” she said, feeling trying to pull out and getting dragged backwards by their union. “Help me! Oh my God, please, PLEASE, help me!” she begged.

“Okay, I'll help you.” he said. “You can stay like this. You're quite comfortable like this.”

She felt her mind ease as his commands took effect. She felt it, and voiced her concern. “What's happening to me? I feel really good when you tell me to do things, and the more wrong they are, the better I feel. What's happening to me?”

He ignored her question. “Jenny, you want some of what your sister is feeling?”

“Oh yes, please tell me to do something wrong!” Jenny said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Okay.” he said, smiling. “When Buster finally gets loose from your sister, you will catch all the come from her pussy and swallow it.”

Jenny went pale. “What?” she whispered. “I have to... my sister's pussy? And swallow Buster's come? He's not even human!”

“I know.” Brian said, smiling. “You're the one who wanted her fucked by the dog; in fact, you DEMANDED she lose her virginity to it, and now I'm TELLING you to swallow the result of what YOU wanted to happen

“Oh my God, I'm not wearing the Collar and I can feel the bad hurting when I try to resist your commands, and I can feel the good when I obey, and the more wrong it is, the better it feels.”

“You want the pain to stop?” Brian asked.

“Yes! Please, make it stop!” Jenny begged. “Buster's not out of her yet, so I can't obey until he is!”

“Lick her asshole until he pulls out, and swallow every drop of doggy cum from her pussy. Obey THAT command, Jenny, and the pain will stop.” Brian said. “You will get extra pleasure for licking the dog too.”

Jenny got a very distressed look on her face. “Sir? You WANT me to... to drink Buster's come?”

“I want more than that, Jenny,” he said, smiling at her. “I want to see you drinking it from your sister's pussy! And, I also want to see you sucking Buster's cock. You want the pain of disobeying to end? Then do what I want! The more wrong you think it is; the more pleasure you will feel.”

“Oh” she exclaimed, gasping in surprise. “How is this possible? I'm not wearing the Collar anymore, but I can still feel it changing me! How is this possible?”

“Maria has never had it on at all, and yet it's still affecting HER, Jenny. Ever wonder about that?” he asked, smiling a little secret smile.

“Not really.” Jenny replied. “I've always known she was a submissive and a little slut. It's no surprise at all that you could talk her into giving her cherry to her dog. What I'm wondering is her come it's still affecting ME?”

“Well then, let's give it a REAL test.” he suggested. “Let's try it on one of your friends; one who would NEVER do something with man. Got any dyke friends at school, one who is still cherry that I could break in?”

“No.” Jenny told him, sadly. “All my friends are straight shooting arrows, and not one of them is still a virgin. I was the last one of us not to hsve slept with a guy. None of them are lesbians, either.

“A couple of mine are lezzies, sir, and ALL of them are virgins.” Maria said. “Do you want to experiment on any of them?”

“Hell yes!” Brian said with a smile. “Invite them over for a sleepover or something. Make sure at least one of them is a lesbian, too!”

“Why would you want one of them to be a lesbian?” Maria asked.

“To do the same thing do you that I had your sister do to you.” he said, grinning. “While I fuck her from behind.”

“You're going to take her virginity?” Jenny asked incredulously. “Even though she's an avowed lesbian?”

“She's also an avowed virgin, and there's nothing I like better than popping a cherry!” he said.

“You didn't pop mine.” Maria said, almost crying. “Buster did.”

“That was different.” he replied. “That was a test of my control.”

“And you want to test it further on my friends?” she asked bitterly.

“Not at all.” he smiled. “I just want to pop some more cherries!”

“Even if they're saving themselves for marriage?” she asked. “Like I was?”

“You're still a virgin, silly girl!” Brian laughed. “Unless you WANT me to fuck you?”

“I want more of that good feeling from doing what you tell me to do.” she said. “Tell me to do something bad!”

“Okay, the sleepover is this weekend. I'm ordering you to invite them over. “ he said. “And to make this naughty and give you pleasure, I'm telling you to do it with the full knowledge that I'm going to take advantage of them, ending their virginity in all three of their orifices.”

“Oh my God, this is SOO wrong!” she said, smiling. “What's making it feel so good?”

“The anticipation of obeying my orders.” he answered. “Want to follow another order right now?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Make me feel good!”

“Okay, how's this?” he asked. “Suck my cock.”

She blanched. “But it's been in my... in my ass!”

“I know.” he said, smiling. “That's what makes it naughty!”

“Oh my God, I can't believe I'm doing this!” she said, then bent her head and began sucking on the head of it. He put both hands on the back of her head and made her go deeper. When it got to the halfway point, she put her hands on his thighs and tried to push herself away, but he just grinned and forced himself deeper in her mouth.

“Mmm! Mmm!” she said loudly, trying to push him away with both hands, but he was holding her head tightly in place with both hands and he kept pulling her closer until he was all the way in her throat and her nose was tightly pressed against his groin. His tightly shaved pubic hair was tickling her nose.

She tapped his leg, trying to get him back off, but he didn't, instead he looked down at her and told her that she could breathe through her nose. She tried it and found he was right, especially on his back strokes. He wasn't trying to kill her; he was only taking his pleasure at her expense.

She looked up into his face and saw the look of pleasure, and felt a sense of pride that it was HER that was giving him the pleasure. She changed her mind about her situation, especially after he told her that she was enjoying having him in her mouth. She found herself actually looking forward to making him come. She wondered what it would taste like, what was it's consistency, how much would there be?

“Get ready, Maria; try to swallow as much as you can!” he told her, then groaned as her whole mouth filled with hot, salty goo that triggered every taste bud she possessed. She obeyed his command to swallow, just as another spurt filled her mouth a second time. This time, the taste of it finally registered and she choked.

She turned her head and took his final spurt on her cheek and in her hair. He smiled down at her and asked, “Did you like the way it tasted?”

She snacked her lips together once, then again, considering, then looked up at him. “I guess so.” she replied. “It's salty and musky, I guess, but I don't hate it, if that's what you mean. Yours is better than Buster's, that's for sure!”

“Good!” he told her. “You'll be tasting it nearly every day for the rest of your life. Are you ready to lose your virginity now?”

“Right now?” she asked, troubles showing on her face. “I thought I would be able to wait for my wedding night!”

“Save what for your wedding night? Your cherry?” he asked, smirking. “Buster already got THAT, remember?”

She let out a sob. “Ehat wasn't my fault! You MADE me do it!”

He smiled at her gently. “I didn't make you hate it, though, did I?”

“No.” she agreed bitterly.

“And it wasn't my idea.” he told her. “It was your very own sister who wanted to see Buster pop your cherry!”

She stared at her sister. “Jenny? Why would you want that for me?”

Jenny laughed out loud. “How many times did you call me bitch? Who's the REAL bitch now? No matter how long we live, I'll always know that a dog was your first, and nothing is ever gonna change that! Bitch!”

Maria let out another sob. “I never knew! I never knew you hated me this much. I'm sorry, Jenny; I'm SOO sorry! How can I possibly make it up to you? I'll do anything, anything!”

Jenny laughed again. “Anything?”

“Yes, YES! Anything, just please, don't hate me anymore!” Maria begged, getting on both knees and clasping her hands together in front of her chest. She was openly crying.

“Will you fuck the dog again? Will you suck him off and swallow his spunk?” Jenny asked, a cruel smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Maria nodded, still crying. “Will you fuck a horse?”

Maria looked at her sister in shock. “A... a horse You hate me THAT much? Making me lose my virginity to a dog didn't satisfy you? Now I have to fuck a HORSE too?”

“We're just getting started, Maria! You tortured me for YEARS, you bitch!” Jenny retorted. “You're going to fuck animals for YEARS if I have anything to say about it! You're going to be an internet porn star after I'm done with you!”

Maria was sobbing openly now, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You... you hate me. I guess this relationship is over, then. I don't have a sister anymore. I'm just gonna go now.”

“You're not going ANYWHERE, bitch!” Jenny yelled. “Brian, make her stay here!”

“You know, I think you're being a little too mean, Jenny. Have you no forgiveness?” he said. “None at all?”

“Not for her!” Jenny replied. “That little bitch has mocked me her whole life! Mom mom even liked her more!”

“And there's the rub, neh?” Brian asked. “Your mother didn't love you enough?”

“How could she; with little miss perfect always stealing the spotlight?” Jenny said, almost crying. “She never loved me at all!”

“And there it is.” Brian said. “Tell me, Maria, is there any truth to that?”

“No.” Maria said, shaking her head. “I was there when she died, and her last wish was for Jenny to be there, but she had moved out years before, and there was no way tio contact her. We tried for a LONG time!”

“Bullshit.” Jenny whispered. “She always hated me because I wasn't a boy. That's why dad left!”

“You think that's why dad left?” Maria asked. “That's not why he left! Mom kicked him out because he was cheating on her with Mandy Phillips, his secretary!”

“I'm supposed to believe that?” Jenny said, snorting out her disbelief. Maria nodded.

“It's true! He was cheating on her, and Mandy was the only suspect, so mom kicked him out!” Maria said.

“He wasn't sleeping with Mandy, bitch! I know it for a fact!” said Jenny firmly. “I was the one sucking him off every night! He had no need to sleep around; I was taking care of him just fine!”

“You were... YOU?” Maria asked, shocked. “That was YOUR lipstick on his collar?”

“Yes, it was mine, and he LIED to mom about it to protect ME!” Jenny said, lifting her head and looking at her sister in defiance. “I'm PROUD of what I did, and I miss him terribly!”

“Hah!” Maria snorted a little laugh. “You MISS being a cocksucker?”

“I miss sucking dad, if that's what you mean!” Jenny retorted. “Do I miss sucking them in general? Not so much. Doing the sucking part isn't so bad, but all the guys expect me to swallow, and THAT part I hate! It tastes like slimy, salty, musky shit, and I HATE it!”

“Not any more, Jenny.” Brian said, grinning. “Now, it's your favorite flavor, and you'll suck off guys you HATE just to taste their sperm!”

“What?” Jenny gasped, one hand going to her heart in surprise at the changes she could feel happening in her mind. “Oh no! Please, I don't want this! Please take it back!” she begged Brian, but he smiled at her and shook his head.

“No, after seeing how mean you were to your sister just now, I don't think I will.” he said. “In fact, you can go out right now and offer yourself to the first three men you see, all adults of course; no kiddie molestation here today, thank you! Offer to suck all of them, but if they want to use your cunt and ass too, that will be fine. You won't be doing it for free, however; you will charge each of them a hundred dollars and bring me the money. You are now a cheap whore! Welcome to your new life!”

She began to cry, silent tears welling in her eyes. “This wasn't supposed to happen to ME! I wanted HER to suffer, after everything she did to my life!”

He chuckled. “You don't want to be a cheap whore?” She shook her head,

“No! Please, not me; not like this!” she said, openly sobbing now. “I don't want to be a cheap whore at all!”

“Okay.” he said, letting mercy fill his voice. “You are now a VERY expensive one! $5000 a fuck, but the drawback is this : You're going to fuck every guy who wants to fuck you whether they can pay or not. But you will still be giving the money you get to me, understand?”

She looked down at the floor dejectedly. “Yes, sir.” she said forlornly.

“Good girl!” he said, smiling “Get going!”

“Yes, sir.” she said, and left. He looked at Maria.

“Are you ready to lose your virginity?” he said. “For real this time?”

“Are you going to fuck me?” she asked. “Finally!”

“I thought you wanted to stay a virgin until your wedding night?” he said, making it a question with his voice.

“Buster ruined that.” she said “So I might as well get all fun I can get.”

“You want some fun? I'll tell you to do some naughty things and you will get pleasure from obeying me.”

“Tell me to do something naughty!” she said eagerly.

“Okay.” he said, then played his cock around the opening of her pussy, then entered her as she smiled. Invite a few of your friends over this weekend, ones who are virgins, and I will fuck them while they eat you out.”
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