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Cynthia pushes Alecia to expand her boundaries further. The story depicts themes of lesbian submission. If this offends you in anyway, please find another story. If you read on, please enjoy.
I woke and reached out hoping to feel Cynthia next to me, but she was not in the bed. Groggy, I looked at the clock surprised to see 11:23. The room was bright, a sunny day in Florida.

"Cynthia?" I yelled with no response.

I got up naked with my suitcase still in the living room. So, I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at my wild hair. Between the motorcycle and the activities in the living room and bedroom it needed some serious work.

I peeked into the living room and the coast was clear. I slunk up to my suitcase and turned toward the bedroom where I was startled by the young Hispanic woman, I met last night, also naked. My face turned bright red.

"So sorry to startle you Ms. Carmichael." She said, eyes darting to look at me and then away apparently as uncomfortable as I was.

"No problem, Mrs..."

"Garcia mam. Rosario Garcia." She said making eye contact.

"I just didn't see you there. I a, was a just getting my things so I can take a shower and get dressed."

"You should have plenty of fresh towels Ms. Carmichael." She smiled; her eyes affixed to my naked body. "My Husband Oscar does the gardening, but he is not working here this week. So, feel free, like Ms. Liebert to go nude. You are very beautiful together."

"Thank you, Rosario." I said trying to act confident. I knew Cynthia would not be apprehensive if she stood before Rosario naked. "Do you know were Ms. Liebert is right now?"

She looked at me with captivating brown eyes and I froze for a second and really looked at her for the first time. She had shimmering dark brown hair pulled into a bun in back parted in the middle in front. On the left side, a lock of hair hung down over the outer edge of her eye. Combined with her light brown skin, subtle chin and kissable lips, it hit me just how sexy she was. Her lips were full but not large. They were soft pink and subtle. Her cheek bones were high but not overpowering. Her nose was small with round subdued nostrils.

She wore a knee length, short sleeved, uniform dress that was almost sky blue in front, on the back, shoulders and sleeves, with tope colored collar and side panels. It was button down the front ending right at her, knees highlighting her toned calves. Her arms were slender and toned. The dress was loose fitting but somehow highlighted her figure in a surprisingly sexy way.

I felt the urge to unbutton every button of that dress, slide it off her shapely shoulders and let it drop to the floor. The realization that she had been talking snapped me out of my inappropriate thoughts.

"Please let me know if there is anything, I can do to make your stay more enjoyable and I will do it." She said turning to the kitchen.

"So, do you know where Ms. Liebert is?" I repeated.

"Sorry, Ms. Carmichael, I thought you heard me. She is sunbathing on the roof deck." She smiled a sexy wry smile.

The Cynthia affect was remarkable. Since I met her, women of all types excited me. I watched as she slowly turned away and walked out. She glanced back smiling as she disappeared into the kitchen. Even the subtle curve of her ass beneath the loose-fitting fabric drew my gaze.

As I stood naked in the living room with the shape of Rosario etched in my head. It suddenly hit me; I was naked in the living room. I grabbed my bag and headed for the shower. I washed and shaved every nook and cranny, thinking about the last time I sunbathed with Cynthia. That magical diamond between her legs as she lay naked on her belly is forever etched in my mind. When I finished, I dried and pulled my hair in a ponytail and put on a bikini. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I recalled Cynthia's command last evening that I was always to be naked and available.

I yelled for Rosario.

"Yes Mam." she said appearing in the bathroom door. She smiled eyeing my yellow string bikini.

"Was Ms. Cynthia, wearing a bathing suit to sunbath up there?"

"No mam." She answered, with a wider grin.

"OK then." I untied and the top and removed it.

Rosario stood in the doorway with her cheek against the door frame staring at me with a distant yet hungry look that made me tingle. So, I decided to enjoy it a little when I removed my bottoms, bending low and going slow. When I headed toward her to exit the bathroom, she moved to the center of the doorway.

"Can I help you with sunblock, Ms. Carmichael?" She asked teasingly.

"Perhaps another time Mrs. Garcia." I said, squeezing by with our lips inches apart. My breasts rubbed against her exposed arm.

"Anytime Ms. Carmichael, any, time."

God, she had a great smile.

I made my way to the roof top sun deck. It was a spiral staircase with a spring-loaded plexiglass hatch door, in the master bedroom. There was a five-foot wall so the neighbors could not see, and of course it was the highest house in the area. I made it to the roof and my hart skipped when I found her asleep ass up on a large pad with a pillow across the top.

I pulled several towels from the rack and laid behind her. Her feet were shoulder width apart exposing the elongated narrow diamond between her legs. The top point of the diamond was the tip of her dark pink little anus. Her sphincter was like a dark star on her gold brown skin, with rays of dark pink emanating from the tiny center. One of the rays that pointed straight up the center of her ass crack put a sharp point to the top of the diamond.

The diamond angled out and down from there, the side points were formed at the intersection of her thighs, ass cheeks and outer labia. From there, the crease of her outer labia and thighs angled closer together making perfect straight lines converging at the tip of her vagina. The lower end of the diamond did not come to point as her clitoral hood faded into the gap between her thighs. This gave the appearance the lower tip of the diamond was cut off, leaving an inch-wide gap below her vagina, between her golden thighs.

It was just as I remembered except this time her inner labia were slightly more prominent. That diamond appeared in my mind at least twenty times every day. The subtle freckle pattern on her right cheek screamed once again to be kissed. Her firm round ass was simply beautiful and from my vantage point the crack of her ass aligned perfectly with the valley of her spine. From the curve of her hips her torso angled in before widening out to her shoulders.

Her arms were at her sides and her head turned to the right laying on the pillow. She had no tan lines and her skin glistened all over with a hint of sweat. I sat behind her for some time looking at her beautiful body from head to toe. But my eyes always returned to the diamond shaped treasure between her legs.

I had fantasized about tracing the perimeter of the diamond with my tongue before lapping at her hot sweet pussy so many times and now I planned my best angle of attack. After several minutes it became apparent, I could not do it without her assistance, so I planned a less direct approach.

Since I could not fit both knees between her legs, I very slowly crawled onto the pad straddling her right leg between my knees with a palm on either side of her hips. She rustled slightly but did not wake. I leaned in to gently kiss the freckles on her right cheek as I did not have the nerve to do that first weekend in The Hamptons.

My lips were nearly there when the hatch door opened, and Rosario's head peeked out. I shifted my weight to my left hand and brought my right pointer to my lips signaling Rosario to be quiet. Then, I looked back to my surprise, Rosario eased onto the deck very quietly and took a seat.

I found her watching just added to my excitement and leaned in planting a gentle kiss on a freckle of her lower right bun. She took a calm breath, and I kissed the next one on her upper right cheek. Then I kissed the third mid cheek an inch from her crack.

"Good Morning, Ms. Carmichael." She said sighing.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Cynthia, I remember the first time I saw this scrumptious bare ass on your patio in The Hamptons..." I kissed the left cheek. "I've dreamed of this a hundred times since then."

In my peripheral vision, I saw Rosario, looking on completely entranced. "You made me an ass girl the first time I saw you in those jeans." I kissed a little flat spot at the top of her crack, producing another sigh.

I looked for my next target and kissed my way around the seam of her ass and thighs and then ran my tongue along them.

"This is the best wake up ever, Leasie Honey." she said with a heavy exhale.

I brought my right knee between her legs and wiggled it in place as she spread her legs a little. But I needed more so I pushed my knees wider nudging her wider to give me full access. Then I stretched my legs out behind me laying on my stomach between her legs. I was propped up on my elbows straddling her with a thigh under each arm pit.

I kissed up the right side of her ass crack and stretched up to kiss across her lower back, then I returned down the left side of her crack. As her shaved pussy came into view, I breathed in the scent of her growing wetness.

"Do you like this Ms. Cynthia?" I asked softly

"Oh, yes." She hummed.

"I can smell that sweet pussy getting wet for me. You don't know how many times I've thought of this moment Ms. Cynthia." I gently blew my warm breath from the crack of her ass to her clit."

I heard her moan and gently rock her hips.

"I would very much like to explore you further with my lips and tongue if you would please let me Ms. Cynthia."

Her ass rose and settled back down and let out a moan of agreement. I heard Rosario shift her body in the background but was focused on the diamond before me.

I reached for some towels and asked, "Ms. Cynthia, may I please slide these towels under you to give me just a little better access?"

Another moan and her ass rose to meet my lips as I slid the towels under her. I leaned my head back and took in the magic diamond before going in with my tongue. My nose touched her left inner cheek as my tongue contacted just left of her clitoral hood and traced the seam of her thigh and outer labia.

We both sighed when my tongue made contact and my breath washed over her pussy causing her to jump and twitch slightly. As my tongue trace the outer edge of the diamond her scent caused a tingling wave through my body.

"Oh Leasie." She sighed contently

I could taste a hint of salty sweat as I trace the crease of her left thigh and outer labia and then up to the top of her diamond. As my tongue tip reached her tight little asshole, she moaned and pushed her ass higher, but I continued back down her right side teasing the edge of the diamond until I reached the bottom.

When I started back up the left side, she began to roll her hips to the left to push her pussy into the path of my tongue. But I wanted to enjoy this a little longer and shifted with her teasing her outer labia and back to her dark pink little rose bud. When I glanced over, I saw Rosario watching intently. Looking at Rosario I swirled my tongue on Cynthia's wrinkled sphincter.

Rosario looked desperate almost pained as she stared, mesmerized by what she was watching. She fidgeted, as if she could not get comfortable.

As my tongue swirled, Cynthia whimpered, "Ga, ah Leasie." She spread her knees wide and pulled them under her pushing her ass in the air, spreading herself open for me. The diamond became a triangle as her thighs spread wide and the tendons stretched straight sideways from her clitoral hood to her thighs. I pulled my hands inside her legs, propped up on my elbows, and looked at her gaping spread pussy.

I marveled at the complete lack of hair anywhere around her mons, labia and asshole as I resisted the urge to thrust my tongue into her glistening cunt. The new position enhanced the arch of her ass cheeks drawing my attention back to them. Gazing at Rosario, I slid up and kissed her ass cheeks again, nibbling them between kisses.

"Damn I love this ass Ms. Cynthia." I said sensing her growing frustration.

Now with her legs spread I had one more teasing thought. I again started at the lower left side of her gaping slit and pressed my flattened tongue against the border of her thigh and outer labia and took a firm slow lick up just missing her pussy lips. The salty taste was more pronounced and the feel of her silky soft inner thigh skin against my cheek was incredible.

I continued licking up over her asshole and all the way up between those gorgeous round buns. Rosario's mouth hung open as she appeared unable to look away.

When I repeated the process up the right-side Cynthia moaned and pressed against my tongue. "Oh God, please stop teasing me." She pleaded.

I continued up the right side slowly then pulled my head back and looked at her spread wide for me. "Ms. Cynthia, you are just so sexy to look at, I want all of it. I hardly know where to begin.

Maybe here?" I kissed her left inner thigh. She growled.

"Or here?" I kissed her outer labia.

She gasped. "Getting warmer."

"Here?" I kissed her stretched little sphincter.

"Hhmmm Lesie." She sighed.

I teased it with my tongue. She made a high-pitched moan. "Hoah!

"You like it there?" I said tauntingly teasing it again.

"Ho, oh." She squeaked. "No one's ever..."

I moved to her right thigh. "Here?"

"Lick my pussy please!" She growled.

I looked at Rosario and smiled as I leaned in and just tickled her left lip with my tongue. She moaned her approval. Then I teased her right lip just getting a hint of her tangy sweet juices.

"Oh, that tastes so good." I lightly licked the length of her slit barley touching both labia.

Rosario bit her lower lip as she watched. Seeing her reaction made it all the more exciting. I was pleasuring two beautiful women at once with one little swipe of the tongue.

"You are so going to pay for this later Ms. Carmichael. I promise you that." Said Cynthia as she shoved herself toward me again.

"Why whatever do you mean Ms. Cynthia?" I asked in my best southern girl accent.

"Get that tongue in there like you mean it, you slutty little tease." She commanded.

I looked at Rosario and smiled. "Well, why didn't you say so... You mean like this?"

I extended my tongue and pushed my nose against her rose bud, with my tongue stretched down her slit and licked her firm and fast working my tongue inside her silky tight hole and back out lapping and wiggling.

"Oh yes, Oooooohhhhhh that's... Oooooohhhhhh Leeeeeasieeee. Aaaaaahhhhh. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. S, such a g, good girl! Oh my God yes!" Her hips rocked and she buried her face in a towel aware we were outside, and someone might hear.

The taste of her sticky nectar was a mix of tangy, sweet, and bitter. Tasting her made my own juices flow like nothing else could.

I kept my tongue in constant motion loving the sound of her muffled moans and squeals. The soft skin of her thighs and ass cheeks was like a touch of heaven. I snuck a peek at Rosario, and she was holding her fist to her mouth biting her finger.

It is hard to describe the feeling of pleasuring Cynthia so completely. It's a mix of power, love, lust and control, creating a high, far better than any drug. My face was pressed firmly in her hot wet pussy as her body rocked. Add the feeling of Rosario watching, and my cunt was on fire.

I propped on my elbows and gripped her on either side of her sweet pussy, putting a thumb at the intersection of ass cheek, thigh and outer labia. With my fingers extending onto her mons and lower belly, I held her firmly, stiffened my tongue and pushed it into her pussy, bobbing and shaking my head.

"She screamed into the towel. "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yyyyyeeesssssss LLLLLLeeeeessssssieeeeee, Ooooooohhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

I could taste her juices flowing as my tongue lapped up every drop. I pulled her lips wider with my thumbs and ran my stiffened tongue from clit to sphincter, like a thirsty dog lapping up water.

She continued to sing into the towel as I struggled to hold her still. I presses my nose to her ass and my tongue tickled her clit and licked her labia as I shook my head side to side.

Her ass shook when I hit the sweet spot and she wailed a long-muffled scream into her towel. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The taste of her cum flooded my eager tongue as her warm tight pussy clung to me.

As her orgasm passed, she turned her head to the left and in a panting breath began to speak. "Oh Leasie. All is forgiven!" She took big gasping breaths "Oh the things you do with that tongue. I love it soooo muuuuch."

I looked at Rosario, grinned and took a long slow lick up Cynthia's slit, never breaking eye contact. She swallowed hard with her mouth agape and a distressed look. My pussy oozed knowing I had Rosario hot and bothered.

I moved up to kiss those beautiful buns again and slid my pointer finger into her wet pussy. "Oh, it's so warm and wet in there." I said seductively and began to slide it in and out.

Cynthia brought her knees in closer raising her ass, so I pulled my knees up under me sitting on my heals. "That's it Ms. Cynthia, show off that gorgeous ass." I slip my middle finger in her as well.

She moaned softly, as I moved the fingers in and out, kissing and licking her firm ass. "Oh Leasie, that feels... Aaahhhhhh." She sighed as my ring finger began rubbing her clit while I fucked her with the other two.

I looked in Rosario's eyes, taking a break from kissing Cynthia's buns. "You want this don't you?"

Rosarios eyes looked suddenly terrified not sure how to respond.

"Yes!" Grunted Cynthia.

I smiled at Rosario maintaining eye contact. "You want this every day, don't you?"

Rosario bit her lip hard as Cynthia groaned. "Oh God yes!"

Rosario, broke eye contact as I sensed her internal conflict growing. I looked back at the beautiful suntanned ass before me and began to kiss and nibble her buns again picking up the pace of my fingers. Her scent was electrifying while her smooth tight little pussy gripped my fingers as they moved in and out.

Her dark pink little sphincter glared at me as she began to rock in rhythm with my fingers. "Leasie, Honey, I love what you do to me." I leaned in and licked her stretched little asshole. "Oh, Daaaaammmmmnnnn, y, you nasty little...!" Her teeth were clenched, and she grunted her command. "Lick my ass you nasty little slut!"

I glanced at Rosario and her eyes were opened wide in shock and disbelief. I licked faster and more firmly. Cynthia panted and whimpered. "Ohhhhh Fuuuuuck... Uuuhhhh fuck! Ah! fuck, Leasie baby. Love, th, that tongue. Ohhhh fuck! I'm, gonna, cum, oh, fuuuuuck."

Cynthia buried her face in the towels again and yelled in a muffled high voice. "Fuck me Leasie! Aaaaaaaooooooohhhhhhhhh!" My fingers sloshed in her hot juices as I pounded her pussy, my tongue pressed flat against her dark pink sphincter as I wiggled and nodded my head. "Oh, g, ah, cumming! Yyyyyeeeeesssssss Liiiiieeeeasieeeee"

I moaned. "Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh." with my tongue working its magic.

Her body trembled and rocked as her orgasm overcame her. My fingers continued to pound her when she began to ooze the thick white cream from her steaming pussy.

Her hips vibrated as she released her creamy ejaculate, screaming into the towel. It began to drip off my fingers as her climax subsided. I removed my fingers and lapped up her oozing cum with my tongue, trying to drink in every drop.

"Oh Ms. Carmichael is there nothing you won't do to me? Aaahhhh!" She spasmed as my tongue continued lapping her creamy cum. I shook my head as I licked her hot pussy clean. I loved the feel of her warm silky pussy against my lips and tongue, as her soft inner thighs touched my cheeks and chin.

Finally, Cynthia slowly collapsed back down, and I stretched out and lay with my head on her ass. "Come up here and kiss me you nasty little slut."

I crawled up next to her and she rolled on top of me with our breasts pressed together. She kissed me long and deep while my hands caressed her back and shoulders. I probed her mouth with my tongue, and she sucked my tongue hard, then licked her juices of my lips and cheeks.

I ran my fingers through her hair thinking I would never tire of kissing her and feeling her body against mine in the warm ocean air. After several minutes she raised up and looked into my eyes.

"Ms. Carmichael, you have left me completely satisfied but absolutely famished. I will get Rosario working on lunch, while I take a shower. I seem to be a bit sticky for some reason." She smiled and stood up. "Your room is the next door down from mine. Although you will be sleeping with me my pet, you may use the room for your other needs. It has its own full bath."

I looked to the hatch door and Rosario had slipped back into the house. I didn't think Cynthia was even aware of her presence on the roof, let alone that she watched the whole thing in utter fascination. Cynthia descended through the door smiling with satisfaction.

Though I was wet and ready for action, I felt surprisingly satisfied after our encounter on the roof. Bringing Cynthia Liebert satisfaction twice was quite gratifying. I could have used a shower myself, but the warm sun was like a magnet. I rolled onto my back and decided to sun my front side for a bit.

After Cynthia retreated, I lay there taking in the sensation of the warm breeze over my naked body. Soon, I felt dehydration hitting me hard. I looked around and there was no water on the roof. Cynthia had taken her water bottle with her.

Reluctantly I decided to go get some. As I entered the kitchen, I did not see Rosario having fully expected to see her working on lunch. She was not in the living room or dining room and there was no sign of her. I concluded she must have gone to the grocery store.

After finding a water bottle and filling it, I crept down the hall to Cynthia's room and heard the shower running. It felt strange wander through an unfamiliar house naked, but I had not seen the rest of the house, so I decided to do a quick tour.

The next bedroom door was open, so I went in and saw my room. It had a great beach theme with palm trees on the comforter, its own bath with duel sinks and walk in shower.

I came to another room and the door was closed. The sound of subtle moaning came from within, so as every good house guest should do, instead of walking away and minding my own business, I put my ear to the door and listened. I could hear the rhythmic moans of a woman along with the subtle vibration of a dildo. It seemed I had found our missing Rosario.

I listened thinking about the expression on her face as I pleasured Cynthia. I could feel my wetness growing again and, unable to contain my curiosity, I stealthily cracked open the door to peek in.

I saw Rosario laying on the guest bed. With her legs spread wide her dress unbuttoned at the bottom and hiked up, exposing her lower belly and dark bush. The leg closest to me lay on the bed, bent at the knee, overhanging the bed with her foot nearly touching the floor. The other leg was angled up and her foot was planted flat on the edge of the bed with her knee in the air.

Her pussy was remarkable. The opposite of Cynthia's shaved petite beautiful dark pink little treasure. Rosario's was surrounded by a ring of dark fluffy looking hair. Her slit seemed twice as long as Cynthia's top to bottom, with lighter pink wrinkled glistening lips. There was about a half inch wide hairless rim around her moist labia.

My eyes drank in all of her. Rosario's mons was covered in a denser dark triangle of hair and the hair surrounding her moist labia was much sparser, forming a circular ring that encompassed a portion of her inner thighs and lower ass cheeks.

She gently rubbed the tip of a white plastic dildo against her clit, gyrating her hips in a slow sexy methodical circle. Her eyes were closed as she surrendered to the pleasure of the vibrating plastic tool.

My pussy flooded with warmth as I envisioned kneeling between her legs, burying my face in her dark bush and running my tongue the length of that long pink slit. I knew I could not do that. There was too much at risk with Cynthia and now Stacey in the mix. If I let go with this fantasy and got caught, it could cost me both of them.

Then I notice her white cotton panties on the floor and a twisted little thought slipped into my mind. I wanted those panties.

Without any further thought, I slipped into the room, dropped to the floor and crawled to the panties. I picked them up and felt her dampness. My pussy heated up hearing her moan, hoping she was envisioning me pleasuring her as she just watched me do to Cynthia. I brought them to my nose and breathed her musky scent. My whole body tingled, and I bit my lip pushing back the urge to Jump on the bed and taste that beautiful pussy.

I backed up slowly working back to the door, keeping as low as I could. I slinked back out the door and continued to peek through the crack. I watched as her hips move faster but maintaining a smooth fluid motion that made my clit tingle. I marveled at her control as she clearly was reaching climax but not raising her volume level.

Her mouth opened wide and she raised her ass as her hips began to spasm. I never saw the vibrator enter her at all, it just stimulated her clit directly. I wanted to finger myself and cum with her but, I had no confidence I could do it quietly enough and if I were caught... Instead I just watched as she jerked and spasmed making herself cum long and hard while only releasing whimpering moans that could not be heard beyond the door.

I quietly retreated to my bedroom in need of relief. I realized my bag was in Cynthia's room, so I quickly went to get it. The shower was off, but the bathroom door was still closed, so I announced my presence. "Ms. Cynthia, I think I'll shower before lunch if that's ok? I'll just use the shower in my room to stay out of your way. Somehow, I find myself a little sticky also."

I realized I still had Rosario's panties in hand and hoped she would not come out as I gripped the roller handle of my suitcase with the panty hand and picked up my cosmetic bag with the other.

"Great my pet, see you in a few." She said through the closed door.

I exited quickly, and there was Rosario in the hall. Looking remarkably together physically but had a distressed look.

"Good Day Ms. Carmichael, lunch should be ready in few moments..." Her eyes locked on the panties protruding from my hand rolling the suitcase.

She seemed to struggle for words. After an awkward silence, she spoke. "Are those yours Ms. Carmichael?" She pointed at the panties.

"Y, yes, why do you ask?" Well I found your panties in the living room this morning and have them in the laundry room.

Her eyes stopped me in my tracks. The way the light reflected off her brown eye, held my gaze. She stared at me with sexy hungry eyes. Or, at least that's what my mind was seeing.

I was helpless to look away as I stood there naked, with her moist undies in my hand, like a child with her hand in the cookie jar. My pussy tingled as I pictured unbuttoning that dress and seeing her panty less. Once it was clear how out of control my mind was.

"Well, I need to freshen up for lunch. Thank you so much for the pa... Uh, lunch." I grinned and broke the gaze.

The voice in my head screamed at me. "Thanks for the panties! Really, you almost thanked her for the panties!"

I rolled the bag into my bedroom and retreated to the bathroom. It had a double sink with full mirror, walk in shower and claw foot tub. Trying to collect myself, I stood looking in the mirror. "Calm down Alecia." I told myself. "You just lived out a powerful fantasy that you've been dreaming of for months. It was even better than you imagined, and you are horned up and out of control... Again!"

The image of Rosario's intensely beautiful eyes stuck in my mind. My pussy screamed for relief after encounters with both of them and I realized the silver bullet was in Cynthia's room. I sat my naked ass on the edge of the tub and decided to take matters into my own fingers.

I closed my eyes and breathed in Rosario's scent holding her panties to my nose and mouth like an air mask. My right hand slid between my legs and my middle finger rubbed the length of my slit spreading my warm juices over my clit.

I imagined Rosario watching me as I rubbed my stiffening clit. Those deep brown eyes cutting through my defenses, bending me to her will.

I breathed deep as my excitement grew, her scent sending a rush through my whole body. The image of her spread legs and tantalizing pussy were frozen in my mind. I panted and moaned bringing myself closer a climax as I envisioned my tongue parting those pink labia and tasting her tangy sweet cunt.

"Oh, please let me... Oh yes!" I moaned as two fingers sandwiched my clit rubbing it in tiny firm circles. "I'm cumming just..." I opened my eyes to see Rosario standing in the doorway.

I stopped in shock. "Don't you dare stop Ms. Carmichael." She said slipping in the room and closing the door behind her. "You watch me, now I watch you."

Looking into those eyes, I had no choice but to obey and quickly began to rub my clit for her. "Ms. Liebert was right. You are a nasty little slut. You make love to her and tease me at the same time. My husband will not eat pussy, but I love it so much. And you make me watch you do it. Then you spy on me like a peeping slut. So now, I watch you... You better hurry, Ms. Cynthia wants her lunch."

She stood with her arms folded smiling a smug but sexy smile. "Tell me what you're thinking about Ms. Carmichael."

I whimpered with excitement as she watched me finger myself. "I'm thinking about tasting your pussy." I said through gritted teeth.

"So, you're a pussy licking little slut, who doesn't care who's pussy you munch?" She asked taunting me.

Holding her panties, to my face, I did have to think about it. That day on the beach sure made me think she was correct, but I wanted to believe that wasn't true. Nevertheless, hearing her talk to me like that only excited me more.

"Yes, I'm a pussy licking slut, and I can't stop thinking about your hairy little pussy. Oh! Ah! P, please." My voice got higher and louder as my climax approached. "Hoah, aaahhhh, I'm cumming Ro, Rosar, Rosariooooooooo!"

My body shuddered uncontrollably as I came masturbating for Cynthia's housekeeper. I came long and hard loving the feeling of surrendering to my lustful thoughts, imagining how she would feel and taste and hoping I would get the chance.

"I w, want your pussy so bad. Aaaahhhhhh! Aaaahhhhhh! Aaaahhhhhh! Aaaahhhhhh!" I groaned, teeth clenched hard, trying to keep Cynthia from hearing.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of my orgasm, I nearly fell backward into the tub. Embarrassingly, I overcompensated and fell forward slipped off the tub and ended up on all fours.

"Excellent Ms. Carmichael, on your hands and knees like the nasty little slut you are. Now put my panties back on for me and go clean yourself up for lunch." She said stepping in front of me.

I pulled my knees under me, sat on my heels and held her panties open so she could step into them. As I slid them up her calves, I felt the back of her legs with my open palms. She was toned and clean shaven. I continued past her knees sliding my hands under her dress.

The back of her thighs were smooth and silky. She looked down at me with a hint of a smile. Her brown eyes were simply mesmerizing, and the scent of sex filled the air. My hands pulled the panties up to her smooth buns. I cupped them as I reluctantly covered them with her panties.

"Did I tell you to touch my ass slut?" She asked sternly.

"May I please..."

"No, you may not. You will put my panties in place and clean yourself up for lunch."

She looked down at me emotionless. I pulled them up covering her ass and then slid my fingers around her waist, positioning the waist band on her hips. My fingers brushed through her soft bush as my hands met just below her belly button.

Next, I ran my pointer fingers on the inside of her leg openings to make sure they were properly positioned. I started at her hips and worked down to her inner thighs, making sure my fingers touched her bush and gently brushed across her warm wet labia. She let out a small gasp despite her efforts to appear unmoved.

I had to restrain the urge to push up her dress, yank down those panties and plunge my tongue between those lips. When I finished, I let her skirt drop back down and straightened it.

"Thank you, Ms. Carmichael. Now, what do you say for taking something without permission?" She said taking a step back.

"I'm sorry for stealing your panties Rosario. I won't ever do that again." I said looking at the floor.

"I forgive you Ms. Carmichael and since you apologized, I will not tell Ms. Liebert about your... bad behavior. Now I need to get lunch ready and you need to clean yourself up." She said looking down at me.

As Rosario left the bedroom, the absurdity of my situation became apparent. The lustful obsession that Cynthia unveiled within me would surely be my downfall if I did not get some sort of control. The knowledge of Rosario's hidden desires was becoming a new forbidden fruit that was consuming my thoughts.

I showered quickly and slipped on a silk robe that was on the shelf in the bathroom while drying my hair and putting on some makeup. I went to the dining room with the robe on, to check on lunch.

Cynthia was seated at the table wearing a black form fitting sleeveless blouse with a zippered front and fold over collar. Rosario was bringing out two salads with seared tuna on top.

"Perfect timing Ms. Carmichael, lunch is served."

As we ate Cynthia smiled contentedly looking at me longingly, once again getting my juices flowing. When the meal was complete Cynthia spoke. "Was the meal satisfactory Ms. Carmichael?"

"Yes Ms. Cynthia, it was excellent. Thank you, Rosario, well done." I said giving her a knowing smile.

"Would you like some desert my pet?"

"I would like that very much." I looked at her hungrily.

"I would very much like to oblige you on that. However, your attire is completely inappropriate." She said sternly. "Were my instructions not clear?"

I hadn't even thought about her rule. I was to be completely naked and "accessible" at all times. I forgot after my encounter with Rosario and tried to come up with a response but, she interrupted before I could speak.

She spun her chair sideways to the table. "Come here Ms. Carmichael, please." She said tapping her knees with her palms. I replayed last night's spanking in my head... Was she planning a repeat? Or worse?

I walked over and stood in front of her. She had on a red ruffled skirt that finished just above the knee. Rosario cleaned off the table as if nothing were happening. I stopped in front of Cynthia facing her looking meekly toward the floor.

"Remove that robe please and let me see you." She said calmly.

I did as commanded and she looked me up and down with a pleasant grin. "That's much better, Ms. Carmichael. You are remarkably beautiful and should be proud of that body." She tapped her knees again. "Sit and face me please."

I hesitated briefly unsure what she was asking. Then I smiled, straddled her thighs and sat on her lap with my legs spread wide. She smiled and I put my arms around her neck. When our eyes met, her smile set me at ease, so I leaned in and kissed her deeply.

Her hands gently caressed my shoulder and back as our tongues danced. The smell of her perfume worked its magic and the feel of her lips against mine heated my pussy up quickly. Once again, I felt myself slipping into a lustful frenzy when her hands gripped my naked ass and raised me up. She broke the kiss and leaned in kissing and licking my right nipple.

Moaning my approval, I tilted my head back and caught a glimpse of Rosario watching again.

Cynthia's grip on my ass tightened as she moved to my left breast. There was something about being completely naked and her dressed that excited me beyond words. I was happily offering myself to her for her pleasure with Rosario watching.

She released her grip and I lowered back onto her lap as she began to kiss my neck caressing my back and shoulders and talking to me between kisses.

"Why would you cover yourself and deny me access sweetie, do you not want me touch you?"

"I love when you touch me Ms. Cynthia, I'm sorry..."

Her touch sent goosebumps over my back and thighs. "Do you think I should punish you for disobeying Ms. Carmichael?"

"No, please, I won't do it again..." Her right hand moved over my hip and thigh and she slid a finger along my gaping slit. "Uh ah!" I gasped hugging her tight.

"You are soaking wet Ms. Carmichael, like a horny little slut begging for attention." Her finger slid inside me.

"Oh yes, Ms. Cynthia, aaaaahhhhh!" I groaned, pushing myself onto her finger.

"Do you like this pet?"

"Y, yes!" I gyrated my hips fucking her finger.

"Are you going to obey me Ms. Carmichael?" A second finger slipped in.

"God yes!" I squealed.

"Do you want me inside you?"

"Yes please Ms. Cynthia."

"Do I please you Ms. Carmichael?"

My voice shuttered, "Oh God yes." I panted rocking on her fingers.

"Then why do you disobey me?"

"I forgot, I'm sorry." I pleaded needing to cum.

She hesitated and pulled her fingers back, but I rose up and pushed myself back onto them causing her to smile.

"Will you make yourself cum fucking my fingers, like a horny little slut?"

"Yeeessss... Oh, yyeeessss." I bounced on her fingers as she kissed my neck.

"You do know Rosario is watching you slut fuck my fingers." I increased my pace.

"You like her watching, don't you?" I just whimpered rolling my hips to push her fingers deeper.

I glanced to my right and saw Rosario at the other end of the table looking on entranced. Cynthia whispered. "I think she likes it too."

I could feel an orgasm building when she sent me over the edge. "You're getting me very wet Ms. Carmichael. If I let you cum for me my pet, I'm gonna need you to drop to your knees and service me with that slutty little tongue..."

"Oh yes, I'm cumming for you Ms. Cynthia!" I could hear the sloshing of my steaming cunt on her fingers. "I love wh, what ya, do to me!" I gasped. I rubber myself against her hand as I thrust myself onto her fingers, completely out of control. Knowing Rosario was watching took my pleasure to a new level.

"Are you my pet Leasie?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed as the powerful orgasm consumed me.

"You will let me pleasure you whenever I ask?"

"Oh God Yes!"

"And you will be my horny little slut and do whatever it takes pleasure me?"

My body trembled as overwhelming lust drove me to an earthshattering orgasm. In that moment there was only one possible answer. "Y, yyyyeeeesssss! Ms. Cynthia! Oh God Yes!" I buried my face into her neck and squealed as I rode her fingers through the incredible wave of pleasure.

I collected my breathe for a moment breathing her perfume, and then slid off her lap and dropped to my knees. The waist band of her skirt seemed to be elastic, so I began undoing her tie string. Unfortunately, I could not see Rosario from my vantage point but could hear her moving behind me and stop, apparently intending to watch and not being discrete about it.

"Rosario sweetie, you seem flustered. Are you ok? asked Cynthia in a Mischievous tone.

"Sorry mam, I will leave..." Her feet shuffled.

Cynthia interrupted gently gripping my hands holding me still. "No please, Rosario, stay and talk to me a moment."

Her feet shuffled again. "Yes Mam."

"I know you watched us this morning very intently and now you look... Flushed. You obviously like what you've seen." I was intrigued and spun around and sat between Cynthia's knees looking at Rosario.


"I saw your little session on the security camera's. Ms. Carmichael was very naughty stealing your panties...?

Rosario's face was tomato red and she stared at the floor. "I'm so sorry Ms. Cynthia, my behavior was wrong. Please forgive me."

My own face flushed as I realized what I had just heard. Ms. Cynthia knew.

"It's ok Rosario you've done nothing wrong. Ms. Carmichael has a way of bringing out hidden desires we never knew we had." Her hand gently petted my head, putting me at ease but cautious. Her caress had a genuine gentleness that did not convey anger.

Rosario shuffled and swayed nervously. "Rosario sweetie, I have been on the receiving end of Ms. Carmichael's teasing. I know how it can affect you. I have also experienced the payoff and I assure you it is quite worth it."

Rosario looked at me coyly and shuffled side to side.

"Looking at you, I think you may be more in need of her magical tongue than I at the moment. Would you like to experience the payoff Ms. Carmichael can deliver for you."

My heart raced at the thought my latest obsession would come to fruition.

"Ms. Cynthia, I would never betray you..." Cynthia cut her off.

"I know that sweetie, your loyalty is unquestioned. You are a beautiful young lady with your own needs and wants and you suppress them time and again in the service of others. What about your needs? I am sure Ms. Carmichael would be willing to..."

"Ms. Cynthia, I am not gay. I mean, I am happily married, there's nothing wrong with being gay..." Cynthia sat silently caressing me and listening. It was uncomfortable to watch but masterful in her approach. Rosario looked almost horrified but could not stop talking.

"I told Ms. Carmichael, Oscar does not like oral sex, and I do very much..." Her eyes darted back and forth between Cynthia and me. "Watching her perform it on you got me excited..." She paused. "I should go, I'm sorry, I will look for work somewhere else..."

"Please sweetie, you have done nothing wrong. We all have needs, gay or straight has nothing to do with it. I assure you; a tongue is a tongue. In fact, who knows better how to maneuver the nooks and crannies of a steaming pussy than another woman. Is your pussy steaming Rosario."

Damn, I loved Cynthia Freakin Liebert. Rosario took a slow deep breath through the nose, gently closing those beautiful brown eyes. She delivered her answer without words. My pussy flushed with warmth and wetness at the thought.

"Ms. Carmichael, would you like to help Ms. Garcia with her problem?" I nodded as she petted my head. "Speak please, Ms. Garcia seems lost in thought."

"Yes please," I said swallowing hard.

"Ms. Garcia, would you like her help?"

Rosario's eyes opened and met mine. "Yes please."

"Ms. Carmichael would you help her out of her uniform please." She released my head.

There was no need for further instruction. I stood up and walked to Rosario. There was something I needed to do before undressing her. I stood behind her and worked the bands from her bun and let her hair fall to her mid-back. I fluffed it and straightened it with my fingers as she shook her head from side to side.

"You have beautiful hair Rosario." I said calmly.

"Yes, she does. Nice touch Ms. Carmichael." Cynthia approved.

I stepped in front of her and recalled the fantasy that struck me earlier when I first saw her. I looked into her glistening brown eyes and unbuttoned her top button. Her lips were such a soft subtle pink, I so much wanted to kiss them, but as I moved toward her, she looked down and turner her head, letting me know she did not want a kiss.

I could feel her breathing intensify as I moved to the second button. By the third I could see her white braw supporting her medium sized breasts. The white was in sharp contrast to her light brown skin. My pace quickened with each button as the vision from this morning came closer to reality... the dress slipping off her shoulder and falling to the floor.

Continuing down, when I reached her waistline, my nose detected the familiar scent I experienced earlier. Finally, the last button was unfastened, and I moved to her shoes. Plain white tennies with ankle socks. I removed them one at a time. I looked up to see her looking at Cynthia with a subtle grin.

"Ms. Garcia, you will not be disappointed. I happily lend you my pet on one condition and that is, I can return the favor and watch." She said calmly.

I stood up tracing my fingertips up her thighs until we were eye to eye. Her grin gave way to a serious expression with a hint of desperation. I leaned slightly forward and when her eyes closed and lips parted, I knew she was ready but pulled back. Turnabout was fair play.

After a few seconds, her eyes opened, and I gave her a taunting grin. Her eyes widened and she flashed a smile that said, "well played." I was quite proud of myself and wanted to see this game played all the way through.

With my hands on her chest, I slowly slid my fingers inside the shoulder of her dress. I slid the dress off and let it drop to the floor. My hands caressed her shapely shoulders, with her hair tickling my fingers. Leaning in I gently brushed cheeks with her as I gripped the bra straps and pulled them over her shoulder and down her arms, stopping above her elbows.

At the same time, I sighed heavily and moaned softly. Feeling her sway slightly let me know she was feeling it too. Cynthia reminded us she was there.

"Ladies, I can sense the room heating up, straight up steamy."

I moved both hands to her sides and slid them toward her bra clasp, popped it and slid a hand over each breast. Her breathing intensified as my hands moved back to her arm to push the bra straps past her elbow. As it thumped on the floor my hands were to her waistband and I pressed my fingertips under the band and slid her panties down.

When my fingers met her thick bush, it was softer than Imagined. Our eyes were locked again as I released a sigh of pleasure rubbing my fingers in her muff. Pushing down I traced her outer labia, being careful not to contact her moist pussy yet. When her panties reached her thighs, I lowered to my knees, allowing my warm breath to flood her chest and stomach as I dropped.

Her panties clung about halfway up her ass. I looked at her hungrily and reached my arms around her. "May I please touch your ass Ms. Rosario?" I smiled as she nodded and pulled the panties over her shapely ass.

My fingers relished the feel of her silky skin while the scent of her wet pussy stimulated every nerve ending in my body. I breathed her in deeply as I pushed the panties to her ankles and held them their until she stepped out. My fingers traced their way up her legs and gently gripped her ass with my face inches from her hot pussy.

I moved my head side to side letting her soft hair tickle my nose while breathing in her heavenly scent. Unable to contain myself, I moaned loud enough for Cynthia to notice and make Rosario wobble a bit. I tightened my grip on Rosario's ass to help stabilize her

"Rosario honey would you prefer to lie on my bed and be more comfortable?" Asked Cynthia sweetly.

"Yes please Ms. Cynthia." she said looking at her half dazed.

"Let me get the door, sweetie." Cynthia said jogging to the door.

Rosario looked down, gave me the come here finger curl and said. "Crawl to me slut."

I did as commanded and crawled after her on hands and knees. She walked backward to the bedroom holding her hand in front of her face hunched over and continuing the come here finger curl.

I crawled like cat woman after her prey. Cynthia pulled her desk chair to the side of the bed and stood in front of it, while I stalked Rosario until she backed her thighs against the foot of the bed. She sat and crab walked up onto the bed looking at me the entire time.

Meanwhile Cynthia retrieved the silver bullet from the nightstand and returned to standing in front of the chair. "Ms. Carmichael, could you please come remove my panties for me. You know how I feel about soiled panties." She smiled.

I crawled to her and rose to my knees. "May I please take off your panties Ms. Cynthia?" I asked biting my lower lip for affect.

"Thank you for your manners Ms. Carmichael. You may."

I traced my fingers up her smooth toned legs sliding them under her dress. I gripped them at her hips and pulled the panties slowly down.

"This would be much better if I removed your skirt first." I said smiling up at her.

"You are an insatiable little slut, aren't you? Tempting as that sounds my darling, this is Rosario's moment. I have our little friend to help me enjoy the show." She held up the silver bullet.

Oh, how I've loved that little treasure, I thought to myself. Then she held it in front of my mouth, and I took it in sucking and licking it for her, while I pulled off her red silk panties. She took the dildo away as I felt her moisture on the panties and brought them to my nose taking in her scent. My eyes closed as I breathed her in.

"May I keep them, please." I asked sweetly.

"You're such a naughty girl Ms. Carmichael. Unfortunately, I need them. I'm planning a little shopping this afternoon and can't go commando." I blushed, yet again, recalling being commando with Cynthia during our business dinner.

She extended her hand and I gave her the panties." Thank you, Ms. Carmichael. I think Ms. Rosario is ready for you." She sat in the chair wide eyed.

I turned and Rosario was posed on the bed in a stunningly provocative pose. The flush of excitement that rushed through me was staggering. She was laying on her back with her right hand behind her head and left hand on the pillow above. Her head was tilted and turned to the left looking at us. Those deep brown eyes stared hungrily with an allure that took my breath. Her soft pink lips slightly parted begged to be kissed along with her cute subtle nose.

I vaguely recall the buzz of the silver bullet in the back of my mind when I rose and moved to the foot of the bed. Her golden-brown skin looked smooth and uniform in color except for a dime sized slightly darker birth mark on her left side below her arm pit, next to her breast. The urge to kiss it was quite strong.

Her eyes followed me making me wetter by the second. Her breasts were smooth, round and spread slightly to the outside as she lay before me. They looked firm and more than a handful with quarter sized dark pink areola and pencil eraser sized nipples at full attention.

Below her breasts the slight ripple of three ribs peeked through her smooth skin, giving way to a smooth soft belly, her belly button was small and flat.

She was a natural woman unshaven except for her legs. This was a thought that would terrify me but looking at her I found it indescribably sexy. Her arm pits had inch wide stripes of short dark hair that seemed to make her more attractive to me as I imagined running my hands up her sides and over her arm pits lowering myself on her to kiss those sweet soft lips.

Below her belly button her hip bones protruded slightly on either side of her narrow torso just above the line of her thick dark bush. I stood spell bound by her natural beauty and confidence. Her legs were spread wide with her right knee in the air an foot plated on the bed inches from her gently curving ass. Her left leg lay flat on the bed almost pointing directly to the side and bent at the knee.

Her fully exposed pussy seemed to bewitch me. Her slit was topped by a thick dark triangular bush that encompassed the upper tip of her inner labia. About mid-way down the triangle, a two-inch-wide swath of sparser softer looking hair formed a circle around her dark pink slit.

The skin around her labia was the same dark pink shade as her pussy lips, the first half of the dark boundary was hairless. There was another hairless strip on either side at the crease of her inner thighs. I knew that would be the starting point for my tongue. I stared at her thinking about my approach.

"I believe you have entranced her Ms. Rosario." Said Cynthia snapping me back to reality.

I froze there with my mouth wide open breathing loudly. When I looked up at Rosario's eyes, she was smiling like the cat that ate the canary as my grandfather used to say. That look and those lips, made me want her.

Next, I crawled onto the bed, lowered my head between her spread legs, passed inches from her steaming pussy and continued up to kiss her breasts. Suddenly her hands gripped my head and gently pushed me downward.

"I think you know where that mouth needs to be." Her voice was calm, but her hands seemed to be trembling.

I slowly positioned myself between her legs resting on elbows. My left hand gripped the back of her right thigh below her raised knee and my other grasped her inner thigh on the outstretched leg pushing her wider.

I looked into her eyes and could sense her nervousness as I moved ever so slowly closer. Her eyes widened as my tongue slowly extended. At the last second, I veered right and tickled the bare spot I had targeted earlier. I felt her body tense as I made contact.

Her scent was musky sweet, causing my mouth to water in anticipation. Our eyes were locked, and her expression was deadly serious as I taunted her, gently stoking her hair with my nose. It was surprisingly soft and when I lingered enjoying the tickle, her pelvis rose slightly pushing her moist labia closer. I moved with her not yet touching her, fighting the urge to plunge my tongue home and taste her creamy wetness.

Next, I moved to the right and traced my tongue along the hairless seem on the other side. She breathed in with rapid little gasps as her body twitch from my touch.

Cynthia chimed in as the hum of her silver bullet deepened in tone. Apparently, she shoved it in. "I should warn you Rosario!" Her pitch and volume rose. She gasped and continued. "She's a master tease."

I repeated on the left feeling completely in charge as Rosario twisted to the left pushing her pussy toward my tongue. To taunt her further I pushed on her legs holding her in place while I licked that hairless ring around her tender pussy lips. I thought I might cum just from the sound of her desperate moans as she tried to get my tongue inside her.

"Oh God you smell so good Ms. Rosario," I panted, before circling her again.

Cynthia grunted as she fucked herself with the silver bullet. I was revved up like I can't ever recall. I wanted some relief of my own, so I brought my knees under me, sticking my pussy in the air hoping Cynthia would take my que and make me cum while I pleasured Rosario.

My ass rocked side to side, and I stretched as high as it could go, hoping Cynthia would take the bait. I felt the rush of air hit my spread pussy lips as I traced the track around Rosario's warm wet lips.

Her whine sounded more desperate with each pass and she pressed harder against my hands. Finally, I ran my tongue up the length of her slit slowly separating her soft steaming labia.

She sang out. "Hoah, oah, oooaaahhhh!" Her body stiffened and her back arched as the tangy sweet flavor flooded my taste buds.

"Mmmhhhh" I moaned nodding my head lapping the length of her slit.

Cynthia was working the silver bullet faster. "I told you the payoff w, was worth... it, aaaahhhhhh!"

Hearing them both in throws of ecstasy, heightened my frenzy and I waggled my tongue and head at a fevered pace. Rosario begged. "Slow, slower please I don't want to c, cum yet..." Her hands gripped my hair to pull me off.

The feel of her soft wet bush on my nose and chin only seemed excited me more. She was so warm and sticky sweet I lapped at her wildly shoving my face into her hot wetness.

"Oh, fuck Leasie!" Cynthia whined. "Such a good, g, ga, girl. Oooohhhhh!"

Now, instead of pulling me off, Rosario shoved my head into her pussy grinding herself against me groaning in short powerful gasps. "Hoa, oa, hoa, oa! Aaahhh! Hoa!" She almost cried.

She flooded my face with warm creamy nectar as her orgasm built. Then her thighs squeezed in, clamping my head as her pelvis began to jerk and spasm. She let out a long steady high-pitched moan as my tongue lapped at her clit.

"Oh fuck!" grunted Cynthia. "I'm cumming again y, you little AH! Ah!"

Rosario jerked and spasmed keeping her death grip on my head. Her hair tickled my cheeks as I kept my tongue in constant motion. I stretched my legs out since Cynthia was not getting the hint and the lower angle allowed my tongue deeper access.

Rosario's whaling moans seemed to vibrate right through my clit as I slid my hands under her ass and gripped it tight. "Hoa, Hoa! Hoa!" she squealed over and over in time with her pelvic thrusts.

My pussy was engorged and begging for relief, but I felt like a puppet master feeling her body jerk and tighten with every thrust of my tongue. She rolled her hips to the side taking me with her trapped in her vice like thighs. But it was so warm and soft buried in her cum soaked cunt.

As her orgasm peaked, she had enough, released her thigh grip and pushed my head to get me off, but I wanted more. My grip on her ass tightened and my tongue sped up. Her back arched and she whimpered again frozen in that position like she was being tased.

"Relentless, Ms. Carmichael." Said Cynthia, now apparently standing next to the bed, based on the sound of her voice.

Rosario whaled in a cracking high tone as I maxed out her orgasm. Finally, she pushed me off with both hands and I relented. She lay flat on the bed legs spread panting heavily.

"I told you the payoff was earth shaking Rosario." She looked down at me and smiled. She had already put her panties back on. "You let the pretty lady catch her breath, my pet, and I think she'll need more of your attention. I need to do some shopping, but I will be back in a couple hours or so."

She looked at Rosario. "Sweetie, my pet is all yours until I return. Will you look after her form me?"

Still winded, Rosario just nodded.

"Ms. Carmichael, you will do whatever she asks of you, OK?" I looked at Cynthia and nodded.

"Yes, Ms. Cynthia." She leaned down and gave me a kiss, then gripped my chin and licked Rosario's juices off my cheek.

My mind raced with thoughts of Rosario.

"Yummy," she grinned glancing at Rosario. "Only one rule Rosario... Ms. Carmichael is not allowed to cum under any circumstances, before I return. I have special plans for her later. I will bring home dinner, so you won't have to worry about that before quitting time. Did you get that Ms. Carmichael no cumming or there will be consequences?"

"Yes Ms. Cynthia." My disappointment was tempered by the thought of what she had in store for later. Special plans? I was eager to see what that meant.

"You must keep an eye on her Rosario, she is insatiable, and you mustn't let her out of your sight."

"I will keep a close eye on her Ms. Cynthia." She smiled.

When Cynthia left, I turned back to her exposed pussy and began to slowly lick her clean. The garage door rumbled closed as she petted my hair looking at me softly before closing her eyes. After a moment she began to moan and sway her hips. I would gladly continue but wanted to explore so much more of her first. I kissed above her bush and worked my way toward her belly button. She pushed my head again, stopping me.

"What's wrong Ms. Rosario?" I asked looking in her troubled eyes.

"You know where your tongue needs to be Ms. Carmichael." She repeated.

Troubled, I rolled to her left and crawled up beside her on the bed. I laid on my side propped on my elbow and hand to my ear looking at her. "But there are lots of places it wants to be..."

"Ms. Carmichael I am not gay..."

"Ah, I see. Why is it we try to put labels on everything. Let me show you something Rosario. Close your eyes for a moment please."

She looked at me skeptically. "I will do anything you want Rosario, trust me. But I ask your permission to let me show you something. Give me one minute, just 60 seconds, and if your perspective hasn't changed, I will do exactly as you command.

I looked into her brown eyes and gave her a warm smile and she looked at me for a few seconds before she gently closed her eyes.

I traced my finger around the sexy little birth mark on her side. "Does it matter if it's a man or woman who touches your birthmark thinking how much they would like to gently kiss it?"

I traced my fingers down her side over her ribs and down to her hips. "Wanting to follow the path, planting kisses on your silky skin..."

I caressed the little valley on her abdomen formed by her hip bone, across the top of her bush and up the other side. Her breathing became more pronounced, but she remained silent otherwise.

My eyes focused on her face as my fingers caress her smooth stomach and circled her belly button. Her stomach quivered gently, and her lips separated begging for a kiss. "Fantasizing about swirling their tongue around that sexy little belly button..."

Breathing deeper I moved closer to her neck letting my breath wash over her as my fingers circled her right breast spiraling up to her nipple.

"Does it matter the sex of the breath you feel on your neck as they dream about kissing your shapely pink lips and imagining making love to you...Kissing that stiffening pink nipple."

My finger gently tickled her areola and nipple causing a gasp while she shifted her upper body. "Wondering how you would react to a gently kiss to one." I teased her right nipple ever so softly. "Or a teasing nibble on the other." I moved to the left nipple and gave a teasing little pinch.

She exhaled and her mouth opened a bit wider. "If they want to explore you and find your favorite places to be touched and do whatever it takes to please you, does it really matter their sex? Or does it only matter that they want to do whatever it takes to pleasure you?"

Unable to restrain myself any longer my hand slid down her belly through her thick bush. As my middle finger parted her lips, she gasped and archer her back raising her pussy to me. I rolled forward on my elbow placing my face inches from hers.

"Look at me please Ms. Rosario." Her eyes opened and I curled my finger into her wet pussy. "Does it really matter..."

She raised her head and thrust her tongue into my mouth as far as she could. I was shocked how aggressively her tongue probed my mouth, swirling around mine like a serpent. I felt a sudden surge of heat as I imagined what she could do with that tongue elsewhere.

She pulled back to take a breath and dove back at me swirling her tongue along my bottom lip before slipping back into my mouth. She was apparently getting a taste of her own juices as we kissed.

I picked up the pace with my finger and inserted a second causing her to break the kiss and throw her head back in a howl of pleasure.

"Rosario, sweetie, you really do need some attention, you poor beautiful thing." I whispered and kissed her neck.

"Ho!" She squeaked. "Ha! ah, aahh, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

"Oh, you need this bad baby, I love being inside you Rosario. You are so wet Sweetie. You need this don't you?"

"Hoah Yeeeessssss!" She wailed. Her ass lifted off the bed as she raised her pelvis for maximum penetration. "Oh, ah! Oh, ah! Oh, ah! Oh, ah! Oh, Ms. Car, Mich, ael!"

"Are you cumming again Ms. Ros..."

"Oh yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeessssssssss! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Her body stiffened and mouth opened with a series of grunts and gasps until her orgasm passed and she collapsed back to the bed. My fingers moved slowly in and out as she captured her breath.

We lay there a moment looking at each other. "May I please kiss that cute little birthmark?" She nodded. "Thank you." I whispered, leaned in and kissed her softly.

Her eyes once again captivated me. "Damn, your lips are... Can I please kiss you?"

She smiled. Our lips seemed to melt together and as we kissed, I rolled and crawled on top her resting on my forearms with my legs stretched out straight between hers. Her breasts felt heavenly against mine, my tongue split her soft lips as I kissed her slowly and deeply.

Her hands touched my sides and slid over my back and shoulders. Her touch was electrifying, sending a wave of excitement through me. Those warm soft hands gently caressed my shoulders and pulled my upper body against hers.

Our tongues continued to dance as her hands followed the curve of my back until they gripped my ass, forcing my pelvis against hers. Her skin was like silk against mine and I wanted to kiss her everywhere. I moved to her neck and she sighed, moving her head aside for access.

I slowly planted kisses on both sided of her neck and shoulders then down to her chest. The delicate skin of her breasts seemed even softer. I traced my tongue around her left breast circling closer to her pink little nipple. Pressing firmly, I licked her areola and nipple, causing a quick deep breath.

Suddenly she spun me over and rolled on top of me. Her brown eyes were intense and hungry looking down at me. She leaned in and I closed my eyes awaiting her kiss when she suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes to see she looked scared and confused and jumped up.

"I Can't."

Before I knew what was happening, she ran out, grabbed her clothes and ran to the guest bedroom. The door closed and locked. I followed, knocked and called to her.

"Rosario, what's the matter Sweetie?" She did not answer. "If I did something wrong, I'm sorry..."

I tried for several minutes and she refused to respond. To give her some space I let her know I was going to take a shower and would like to talk to her when she's ready. Unfortunately, when I finished, she was gone. With a note on the dining room table:

Dear Ms. Liebert,

I am sorry for my behavior today. I am not sure what got into me. I am happily married, and my actions are inexcusable. Please don't tell Oscar until I can try to make it right. He could never forgive me for this. I will ask for a new assignment and a replacement will be sent tomorrow. I hope this will not reflect on him. We both are thankful for all you have done for us.


I looked all around the house even on the roof and she was gone. I got dressed quickly and looked outside the house and on the beach. She was nowhere to be seen.

I called Cynthia. "Ms. Carmichael, miss me already? I thought you would be busy for a whi...

"Rosario's gone. She ran out, got dressed and left." I said upset. "I'm worried. She looked very distraught, locked herself in the room and wouldn't talk. I gave her some space and she took off."

I read her the note and asked if she had a phone number. "Leasie Honey. Don't beat yourself up. I can tell you from what I've seen and heard from Rosario herself, it is not a happy marriage. Let me try to reach her and I'll be home asap. Go to the beach and enjoy the day. I'll find her and take care of it. See you soon."

I did my best to relax on the beach but the next few hours drug on slowly, my mind plagued by guilt. Once again, I let myself get out of control. I asked myself why I had to taunt her and drag her into this. What was wrong with me! Since my first encounter with Cynthia I can't stop looking at every woman that comes near me. I thought about poor Stacey, my best friend and how I risked our relationship to satisfy my unending lust.

Now it seems I may have cost poor Rosario a job and her marriage too, depending on how she wanted to "make it right" with Oscar. Three hours had passed since I talked to Cynthia and my stomach felt like I'd swallowed a flutter of butterflies.

I texted Cynthia.

Me: Did you find her?

Cynthia: Yes.

Me: How is she?

Cynthia: OK

I was getting frustrated and wanted some details.

Me: What's going on? Can I call you?

Cynthia: It's complicated. I'm helping her pack. We'll be there soon. Get dressed, were going out to dinner.

Me: Rosario's coming?

Cynthia: Yes.

She would not answer any more texts. I showered and put on a Salmon colored sun dress. I put my hair in a braid and put on my makeup. I had gotten a good refresher on my tan today, I thought as I put on lipstick. I finished and sent another text to Cynthia with no answer.

Two more hours passed and still nothing. My mind was reeling from images of them in a car accident, shot by an enraged husband (more likely), or making mad passionate love in a hotel room. That image played in my head causing me to hate myself again for lack of self-control.

Ten minutes later the mental video of the two of them fucking wildly while I secretly watched had me heating up. I had to slap myself out of it. I went up to the roof and watched the waves break in the moonlight, trying not to think the worst.

After being braless most of the day mine was really starting to hurt so I unhooked it and slid it off through the armhole of my dress.

It was 10:30 and I laid in the lounge chair, still feeling a little jet lagged, I fell asleep and woke sometime later to the cheerful voices of Cynthia and Rosario giggling.

"Oh, look Rosie, she wakes."

"Good Morning Ms. Carmichael." Said Rosario cheerily swaying side to side.

I looked at her groggily as she spun my bra on one hand and swigged from a tequila bottle with the other. When she finished, she passed the bottle to Cynthia who proceeded to drink.

"I thuggest me move the party inslide or we'll be traffed on the roof all night." Slurred Cynthia. The fifth was half empty.

"Was that full when you started." I asked waking up and looking at my watch. It was two AM and I was starved and confused as hell.

"Yes, it was... Luckily the first one wathn't." Answered Cynthia.

"The first one? Holy shit ladies. Yeah, we better get you down the ladder now".

As she turned, I caught a glimpse of her outfit and my eyes popped. Her legs looked long and slender like they went on forever in a pair of olive skinny jeans. They fit amazingly tucking into the crack of her ass. She had a pink thin tube top with spaghetti straps from above each breast and tying behind the neck. Her midriff was fully exposed, front and back. She had no belt, leaving a gap in her waist band in back that begged for my fingers to slide in.

Her breasts were fully highlighted by the thin, stretched material. I ran to the hatch door and got on the ladder first. "Ladies, please follow me down, carefully." I said loudly.

Cynthia's form fitting top also caught my eye and as she followed my down the ladder, I had a great view of the familiar red panties from earlier. Her red ruffle dress gave quite the view of them from my vantage point.

After she made it to the floor below, safely, I turned to watch Rosario's ass flex in those jeans on her way down. When she reached the floor she nearly fell over. I caught her and helped her to the dining room table. There were two pizza boxes open on the table.

"You ate without me?" I asked, slightly hurt.

"Leasie, you were sleeping like an angel, so we let you rest. We got Rosie moved in and unpacked and we were starved... We saved you some!" She pointed at the open pizza boxes.

I was too hungry to protest, and besides, I loved left over cold pizza. I put two pieces on a plate and grabbed a diet coke from the fridge. Cynthia poured a whiskey glass about two thirds full of tequila and added some ice.

"You got slome catchin up to do Shweetie."

"Ok girls, what the fuck happened to you two." I chugged half the glass and chomped a big chunk of pizza.

Rosario started singing. "He's a cold-hearted snake, look into his eyes..."

She continued as Cynthia talked. "You've heard of the cliched story of the wife who comes home early from work?"

"You're kidding?" I asked mouth wide.

"He's a lover boy at play, he don't play by rules..." Sang Rosario.

"Yep, with the 18-year-old neighbor girl and two of her friends. Drinking, smoking weed and fucking on her living room floor."

"Countheling, has really paid off!" Slurred Rosario sipping more tequila.

"She got pics with her phone, grabbed his ball bat and chased them all out clothes in hand." Smiled Cynthia grabbing the bottle.

"Oh my God, Rosario, are you OK Sweetie?" I asked downing the rest of my drink. I slid it to Cynthia for a refill.

"Yes, Mith. Carmichael. He has done this many times and this was the last straw." Her accent became noticeable when she drank. "Not with teenagers... that I know of, but I caught him four times. Four fucking Times! How fucking stupid am I. And then I felt guilty after this afternoon!"

"Don't feel bad Rosie. Ms. Carmichael can turn any woman. Look at her in that dress."

I had a mouth full of pizza when I noticed them both staring wide eyed at me.

"She is very beautiful." Said Rosario twirling my bra.

Cynthia laughed. "Taunting us with those nipples through that dress."

Suddenly both nipples tingled and stiffened a bit.

"And look at her neck, so shmooth and soft begging to be kished..." Cynthia continued. It's no wonder you lost yourself today Rosie. She is a temptress. I can't stop thinking about what her tongue did to you Rosie. Once she sinks that hot little serpent into you, you've gotta have more..."

My eyes darted from Cynthia's light blues to Rosarios deep browns. Their eyes undressing me and devouring me, I could feel my pussy moisten and chest tighten. Swallowing hard, it tried to change the subject knowing they were both drunk and Rosario was an emotional bomb ready to blow.

"So, what are you gonna do Rosario?" I asked.

She looked at me like she was plotting a few things to do to me and then looked back to my eyes.

"Mith. Liebert had already given me the name of a lawyer. I will call him tomorrow and get the papers filed."

"She'll be living here a while and I will hire her directly as a full-time live-in housekeeper and double her salary." Said Cynthia.

Rosario started to cry. "Thank you so much Ms. Liebert."

"Call me Cynthia please Rosie."

"Ok..." She seemed to get up her nerve. "Cynthia." She smiled warmly.

"And you won't need those dull uniforms anymore, Rosie." Added Cynthia.

"I'm so happy for you Rosario." Although, recalling her this morning in her uniform, dull was not a word I would use to describe her. "I do quite like the outfit you're wearing right now."

"Please call me Rosie Ms. Carmichael." She smiled warmly.

"And you can call me Alecia." I returned her smile.

"This is fine in public and when we have company." Said Cynthia looking naughty.

But this week you are my... I should say "our" pet Ms. Carmichael. In that role Mith Carmichael will be your name. How should you refer to me?"

"Ms. Cynthia, mam." I said bowing my head slightly with a mischievous grin.

Damn she made me want her.

"And how should you address Rosie, Ms. Carmichael?"

"As Ms. Rosie?"

"No, mam. You will call her Mith. Rosario, understood?" She asked firmly.

"Yes Ms. Cynthia."

"Does that work for you Rosie? She is too much of a treasure not to share."

"Yeth it does Cynthia. Thank you so much for everything." Rosie looked at me with her own mischievous smile.

"You should thank Rosie for taking you as her pet too. Mith. Carmichael." Said Cynthia swaying.

"Thank you, Ms. Rosario." My mind replayed the fantasy of watching them make love. My panties were getting wetter by the second, at the thought of what might be coming next. "My pussy is so wet thinking about serving you both..."

My body began to tremble with anticipation. "Come stand next to me Mith. Carmichael." Said Cynthia.

When I did, she reached under my sun dress and slid her hand up my inner thigh. Her hand touched my pussy and she rubbed her fingers over my slit through my panties. My eyes closed and I moaned softly as she rubbed my hot wet cunt.

"You have soiled your panties again Ms. Carmichael. I will need to confiscate them."

Rosario looked on wide eyed also swaying from the tequila.

"Now, would you please lay on my bed Ms. Carmichael. We will require some play time with our pet. You may leave your dress on for now. I think Rosie and I will enjoy unwrapping you. I am going to freshen up and will join you in a moment. Please keep Rosie company until I return."

I walked over to Rosario and offered my hand. "Ms. Rosario."

She took it and I helped her up before escorting her to the bed. As we walked, I could feel her staggering from the alcohol. I laid on my back and again held out a hand.

Rosario took my hand and stood on her knees on the bed straddling me then leaned in and kissed me deeply. Her tongue thrust completely into my mouth. She bent her body at the waist with her ass in the air and upper body pressed against mine. My hands caressed her bare back and shoulders above and below her thin tube top. Her skin was steamy warm and satiny smooth to the touch.

My pussy heated as her tongue explored my mouth wildly. My fingers traced the waistline of her pants. Her knees spread out on either side until her pelvis touched mine and she began grind against me. With her jeans stretched so tight her waist band stuck up in the air and stretched down giving a gap for my fingers.

She used her tongue in amazing ways, licking my lips as she kissed me and penetrating deep into my mouth. I tried to suck her deeper with each plunge. It felt like my mouth was being made love to. She trapped my upper lip between her tongue and teeth, gently nibbling before plunging back in.

I had never been kissed like that before. She rotated her head side to side as she licked and plunged her tongue in and out of my mouth. I was panting and working into a frenzied passion. I sucked on her tongue with each probing and she stiffened her tongue with her head bobbing, tongue fucking my mouth.

My hand gripped her stretched ass in those tight jeans. Everything she did excited me. I detected Cynthia breathing next to us and snuck a peek. She stood staring, her eyes and mouth wide open from excitement.

Next Rosario moved to my neck and I turned my head to let her have at it. Her kisses slowed and became gentler. She was a master of revving me up and taunting me. I turned my head giving her the other side of my neck and she continued slowly kissing softer and slower until, she went limp and her full weight came to rest on top of me. She had passed out.

"Poor Mith. Carmichael, that was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen and suddenly a splash of cold water. Sadly, it sleems we will need to wait until tomorrow for the exciting concluthon of "Rosthie takes a pet"".

Cynthia helped me roll her off and slid the covers down so we could all crawl into bed. We snuggled up on either side of her. I was still in my sundress and Cynthia in a silk cami. I lay there wet and wanting, imagining what she had in mind before she passed out, and if she would even want me when she sobered up.

Cynthia passed out quickly as my mind ran through several possible scenarios. I could not clear my head of the look and feel of her tight little ass in those skinny jeans. I lay there for what seemed like forever, listening to them breath until I eventually I dozed off with them...

To be continued.
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