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All characters are past the age of consent.
When she walked into the Senior Jailor’s office, Armstrong pretended he did not know Llisanya. That was the rule when you met one of Fiona’s girls outside the brothel; pretend you don’t know them. The rule also applied to former employees, such as Llisanya. It was not rude, the girls appreciated their customers being discreet and vice versa.

How Llisanya had changed in the years since he had been one of her regulars. She was still very small, even for a Half Elf. Her hips were round and her breasts were large and full under her blouse. She was a woman. Only her beautiful big eyes had stayed the same.

He had always found her lovely. That’s why he had always asked for her at the brothel. She had only become more lovely since then. Even that ill-concealed black eye did not much diminish her attractiveness.

He greeted her formally. “May I help you, Miss?”

She, too, did not acknowledge she knew Armstrong. “Yes, please, Sir. I wish to see my good friend, Cadwarra.”

He hated to refuse; Llisanya knew things about him that were embarrassing. On the other hand, he knew things about her, too, and rules were rules in his cells. “This is a jail, not a hospital, Miss. We don’t have visiting hours.”

“Well, I wonder if some extraordinary considerations could be given in this case. My good friend Cadwarra is a female prisoner and therefore should be given special rights. I want to make sure she has been treated accordingly. I can imagine how women are treated in this sordid place where they cannot defend their honour.”

“I assure you, she is not being mistreated in any way.”

“I am sure that’s the case, Sir...But I wonder if you can confirm you have not done anything like...” (and here she paused for effect) “...spanking her for being naughty. Very...naughty...”

Armstrong was surprised. Llisanya’s clear innuendo was breaking Fiona’s rules by referring to things that needed to stay inside the brothel. On the other hand, he was rather titillated at being reminded of those pleasant hour long interludes with the younger Llisanya so long ago. Fiona had charged him a pretty copper or two for Llisanya’s costly love but Llisanya had never denied him his unique needs.

His calm response hid the sexual excitement he was feeling. “The prisoner Cadwarra has not been spanked because she hasn’t done anything naughty.” He stared at Llisanya’s now fully developed protuberances, swelling under her top, and threw caution to the winds. “You’re the only naughty girl I know, Llisanya.”

Llisanya nodded and gave him that sultry look he had never forgotten. “Well...I can promise to not be naughty if you promise know...just let me see my good friend Cadwarra.”

Without asking, Llisanya turned and locked the door to Armstrong’s office then turned back to him. “Or...I can promise to be as naughty as I used to be if you promise know...just let me see my good friend Cadwarra.”

She stood there, looking so fuckable. “...Your choice, you handsome man.”

Armstrong could not refuse her perverse offer. It had been so long since their last loving. How disappointed he had been when Fiona told him Llisanya no longer worked there. He stood and calmly walked over to her. He pulled her into his arms. She let him. By Marr, she smelled good.

“Isn’t that the same brand of perfume I once gave you? I bought it from Sechus, that Ratonga alchemist in South Qeynos.”

She nodded. “Your thoughtful gift, that time long ago when you came to make love to me during the last night of Frostfell.” She kissed him. “It’s the same bottle. I have just a little left. I only use it for special occasions.” The pheromones infused in the perfume were having the intended effect on Armstrong. The familiar fragrance stupefied him, clouding his judgment. He did not care. He welcomed the way it increased his desire for Llisanya.

But he reminded himself of the jail rules and as comely as she was, as aroused as that perfume made him, he was not going to lose his job fleering at the jailhouse regulations. He resisted the fateful desire to caress her soft body. He told her “Llisanya, as pretty as you are, I cannot let you in to see your friend.”

She gave him that old familiar pout. “How can you treat me so mean? I thought I was your special girl.”

She leaned forward and hugged him. Her arms around him felt good, like old times. He had forgotten how electrifying her embraces were. Her breasts were crushed against him. He got another whiff of that perfume. Old urges re-awakened in his deviant mind. He knew it was a fatal mistake but he asked lewdly “is my special little girl still a virgin?”

“Yes. For you, Daddy, I am your tight little virgin.”

As she spoke, she backed a little away from him. She held up her hand containing a small bauble just purchased from Ellister. It dangled from a lanyard one might wear around one’s neck. Armstrong’s heart quickened when he recognized what it was.

It as one of Ellister’s virginity charms. It made a lady a physical virgin once more. Back when he was Llisanya’s regular he had purchased a lot of them for Llisanya to wear. He had destroyed Llisanya’s restored virginity so many times that he had lost track of how much he spent on those charms just for that repeated honour. For a time he had been Ellister’s best customer.

Knowing the cost of one of those single-use charms, Armstrong inferred someone richer than Llisanya was putting her up to this visit but for the moment, with that perfume befuddling his brain and with his intense need to enjoy Llisanya, he did not care.

He knew if he was caught screwing a whore while on duty and in one of the Queen’s Institutional Buildings it would be at the very least the loss of his job. Regardless, he looked at Llisanya, so wanting her. She gave him that old, beautiful smile she always had. “Please, Daddy? Just let me see my good friend?” The dangling charm swayed gently as she held it between them.

He gave in to the little seductress. His need was too strong. “Yes, Honey. We’ll go see your good friend as soon as we prove what a chaste virgin you are.” He knew he was being a fool but he took the charm from Llisanya’s hand and gently hung it around her graceful neck.

Llisanya felt the usual odd feeling inside as her hymen magically repaired itself. There was a bittersweet sensation as it mended. It was as if she had her lost innocence restored yet both she and her client always knew it was all a lie. It seemed so stupid that men would pay nearly a month’s wages for a charm that mended her lost honour just so they could have the cheap thrill of ripping it away again. And of course it hurt every time; just as much as that first time.

She put that out of her thoughts. She forged on with the performance like any actress that hated the inane play she was in but was committed to completing the show, line by line.

“I’m saving my virginity, Daddy. I’m saving it for the biggest cock I have ever seen” Llisanya emphasized her words by pushing herself into his pelvis and grinding. She felt his hard dick. “I only want your cock, Daddy. I need my Daddy.”

He kissed her on that lovely neck, then softly bit her there. He sucked until she had a hickey. “So you haven’t let the young men touch you?”

“Well only a few of them, Daddy. But they aren’t allowed to fuck me. I am waiting for your big cock to break me open so I bleed proof to you that I am a virgin. I only want your huge cock, Daddy.”

He raised his hand to feel her breast. She was not stuffing; they were real and felt so soft. He never would have guessed she would develop such big ones. “What are you doing growing these big mounds on your chest, Missy? Are you trying to tempt the young men? Do you let them play with your bumps?”

“Oh yes, Daddy. I have to let them play with them. They are always begging to touch my squishies, how can I disappoint them? I make them give me copper coins for a feel, though. I like copper coins.”

“It’s wrong for you to let them touch you, Honey. And it’s wrong to take copper coins. You’ve been naughty. Very...naughty...”

“I’m sorry Daddy. I promise I won’t be so naughty ever again. I just want to be your good girl.”

“I know, Buttercup, but Daddy is very displeased with you.” He released her breast from his clutching meathooks and started to unbuckle her belt. “Very displeased...” he repeated.

Her skirt fell to the floor. She wore no smallclothes underneath. She was bald. He ran his fingertips over her pubic ridge. She had shaved it remarkably close for him. There was no hint of stubble. Her skin there was smooth as a peach and hot to the touch. He had to have her.

Both his hands moved around and grabbed her ass. He squeezed it. Her backside had only gotten better as the years had gone by. It was exquisite.

Too impatient to unbutton her blouse, he pulled her top off up over her head. Those boobs, caught in the hem of the material, lifted up inside the cloth giving Armstrong a good view of her ample underboob. Finally coming free of the top they fell back into place, hardly bouncing. They sat there for his inspection. He stared with pleasure at them. By Marr, they were taut!

She waited there in the buff. She was his to use as he pleased.

He went over to the far side of the little office and sat down on a chair and beckoned her to come over. “I need to you to lie across my lap, Honey. Let me show you what happens to bad girls who let the young men feel them up.”

She obediently came over, scared to face her punishment. “Daddy, please don’t be mad...” She lay face down across his lap as he had instructed. She presented her bare ass up to him. “...Please don’t spank me. I can’t help liking boys.”

“I know, Baby. That’s because you take after your mother. She was a slut, too. Now tell me again, how many boys felt you up?” His ran his hand lovingly over her exposed buttocks and then suddenly slapped her ass hard. She yelped. He slapped her ass again.

“Daddy, that hurts!”

“And it will keep hurting until you tell many boys felt you up?” His finger slid up and down along her slit as it presented itself there, visible from behind, below her bum, nestled between her thighs. “How many boys!”

“One or two, Daddy....only one or two" she gasped.

“Are you telling me the truth? Only one or two?” He slapped her ass again. Then again and again. He slapped faster and harder. She was kicking her legs and screeching, trying to get off him but he held her unclothed body down. Ellister’s charm hung from her neck and swung about wildly as she struggled. Her hanging tits barely moved.

“Yeah, Baby Girl. Squeal like a piggy while you get the punishment you deserve!” He spanked her several more times. “Now tell me the truth, you little piggy! Was it only one or two?”

“Daddy...Please believe me...only one or two...ow!..dozen.”

The spanking did not slow. “One or two dozen!!! ? You’re a slut, Bunnykins. Just like you’re older sisters. That’s why I fuck them; because they’re sluts. I thought better of you, my only virgin daughter!”

He swept her up off his lap and held her there to kiss her passionately. Llisanya answered his kisses with equal ardour. She was amazed that he was still strong enough to be able to flop her around like a rag doll just as he used to do. Breaking off the kiss with a loud smack, he swung her back face down onto his lap and continued applying well deserved corporal punishment to her bare ass with the palm of his big, calloused hand while verbally berating her.

”Those nasty boys don’t deserve my perfect, virgin daughter” he told her angrily. More spanks rained down on her butt. “Is this happening in my house? While I am working to put food on the table for strip for the boys? You ungrateful twat, is that what you do?” The ass-smacking continued heartlessly.

“No, Daddy. Honest, I don’t do it in the house. Please stop hurting me.” She panted in pain.

He ignored her pleas and kept spanking. “Where, Sweetpea? Where? Where are you letting them paw my beautiful daughter’s perfect body, sucking on her fantastic tits and feeling her incredibly round butt?”

“Sometimes in the woods behind the barn...I’m sorry, Daddy!” She was genuinely sobbing. “Daddy, please....!”

“Are you naked when they do that?”

“Yes, Daddy. But only because they pay me to get undressed.”

“I am afraid that is conduct I will not tolerate in my perfect daughter. We’ll need to take action.”

He stood up, lifting her by the waist under one arm. She hung there facing backwards with her sore bottom pointing up to the ceiling. She was a little bigger now that she was all grown up but he could still hold her tiny body under one strong arm. He resumed smacking her posterior while he stood there in the middle of the office. Her white ass was turning pink.

“Next time you are tempted to let the boys take you into the woods and strip you naked, you think about the consequences! Understand?” He kept spanking. She could see by his bulge he was ready to screw her.

“I understand.” Llisanya squealed in pain. She was hanging under his arm. Her long hair hung down and tangled with the lanyard of the charm. “Daddy. I won’t ever do it again!”

“You sure won’t ever do it again...after this pussy pounding that you are never going to forget, Young Lady!”

Still holding her under one arm, Armstrong carried her over to his desk. With his free hand he grabbed a pillow off one of his visitor’s chairs and slapped it down on his desk surface then roughly plopped Llisanya’s abused ass down on the pillow. She leaned back on her elbows, thighs slightly open, waiting, anticipating, submitting.

He crudely forced her bare legs wide apart. “I can’t risk one of these boys taking my little girl’s innocence and getting her pregnant. I’m going to take your flower before they do. You understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. I do understand. This is all I ever wanted. Please ram me first, before the boys do.”

He pulled his dick out and showed it to her. “This is what I stuck in your mother to make you, you ungrateful piggy. You know what it is, don’cha, you little whore of a daughter?”

“Yes, Daddy. It’s a dinky. Some of the boys showed me theirs. But yours is so big!”

“By the time I am finished taking your fresh, tight bud you’ll wish my ‘dinky’ was boy size.”

He positioned himself for the first brutal thrust. “Your body is so beautiful” he told her as his big prick hovered an inch outside her labia “but you won’t stay away from the boys. I can’t trust you to keep your virtue intact for your wedding night, so l might as well take it myself. Get ready for this to hurt, Piggy.”

That was all the warning she got. He pushed his hips forward, driving his cock hard but he only drove into her virgin pussy a short distance. He encountered resistance. Her newly restored hymen refused him right of entry.

It delayed Armstrong only a moment. He pushed hard and her honour tore painfully as she yelped. He plunged deep into her cunt, buried to the hilt. What a thrill to rip her open and hear her painful, startled cry.

Llisanya bit her lower lip against the pain. “Daddy, that hurt!”

“That’s because your maidenhead just got torn, Piggy. You only have yourself to blame. Now let Daddy finish before Mommy comes home and catches us.”

“Daddy’ she pleaded “just be gentle.”

He was enjoying things too much to be gentle. What a thrill to destroy a virgin! He pulled his penis out halfway and looked down. He saw blood on his shaft. The sight of it drove him to move fast inside her, really pounding her ass into the desk. He could see he was hurting her, just as he had done all those other times he had deflowered her. If she wanted him to risk his job breaking the jail rules and letting her see her friend, the little piggy was going to earn it.

At last he came, grunting like an angry bull, filling her up with pulsing semen. She did not cum. She had never come with Armstrong. She lay back as cum filled her up. Those incredible breasts pointed straight up and he leaned forward to kiss both nipples one after the other. She kissed the top of his head.

When he was done and got off from on top of her, he pulled her to her feet. His needs satisfied, he looked at her to ensure she was alright. As always, he regretted how badly he had treated her while lusting for her body. Now that he had cum he was disgusted with himself.

He held her closely and stroked her hair. She was such a tough little thing. How she endured his worst abuses so admirably. “Are you ok?” he asked gently.

“I’m ok” she affirmed and she quietly embraced him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Her vagina hurt. Her backside was tender. Her knees were weak. A small rivulet of blood dripped out of her. But she had done her job like the good whore she was. Fiona had taught her well.

Remorseful, he wanted to be kind to her to make up for his brutality. “I’ll get your friend. You can use this office to talk privately. Wait here.”

He left. She got dressed. One never ceases to be a whore once you begin, she reflected. She tossed the spent charm into the waste basket.

Notwithstanding her extreme physical discomfort, this had actually turned out pretty good for Llisanya. Fucking whores like Llisanya in your office while on duty was not appreciated by the Qeynos Guard. Armstrong was now obliged to her to keep quiet about it. That would be handy should she have need of other favours from him in the future. He could hardly refuse her now.

Waiting for Armstrong to come back with this Cadwarra girl, she went over in her head all the places where Falco might be...

Armstrong went out into the cell area and looked at Cadwarra. She was naked against the bars letting Sprockfuddle lick her finger. Armstrong did not ask what they were doing, he had seen weirder stuff going on in the cells. That dirty-talking pervert Falco was still asleep, missing the show.

“Rapist Cadwarra, you have a visitor.” He unlocked her cell while staring at her beautiful figure. “if you promise to behave, you can see her in my office.”

Cadwarra was puzzled. She had no close female friends in Qeynos. “I’ll behave...” she promised, curious as to how she had acquired a gal pal. “...And it’s alleged Rapist Cadwarra!”

She pulled her prison robe on. The Senior Jailor lead her into a small office. It smelled like sex.

A small, pretty Half Elf was waiting. She had a black eye and a hickey and looked like she had just been ridden hard. Cadwarra had never seen her before but she ran up to Cadwarra with an ecstatic smile and gave her a hug that smelled like cum. She was wearing a lovely perfume. “Oh, Cadwarra! I found you! I was so worried! Are you alright?”

It was lucky Cadwarra had her back to Armstrong or he would have seen the brief look of bafflement on her face. She thought fast and realized she best play along, whoever this was. “Oh....uh....thank Tunare you found me. I’ve been here since yesterday afternoon.”

Armstrong turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him. He felt so guilty about his abuse of Llisanya that he did not even pause to eavesdrop.

Llisanya ignored the fact that Cadwarra’s face was coated with drying cum. She spoke in whispers. “My name is Llisanya. Lord Vishra needs a progress report. Do you need more time in here or do you have the information he was hoping you would get? I have the paperwork to pull you out if your work is done.”

Cadwarra studied Llisanya. Instead of answering Llisanya’s question she asked “did that jailer give you that black eye?”

Llisanya was suspicious of questions from strangers and avoided a detailed answer. “This is nothing that happened in here.”

“May I try a heal spell? I need the practice and I hate to see you hurting.”

Her black eye disappeared. So did the hickey. Cadwarra seemed pleased by her successful heal spell. Llisanya did not tell Cadwarra, but her vagina hurt a lot less, too.

“As for your question as to whether we have the information, the answer is ‘yes’. I have all we need.”

“Alright. Let’s get you out of here.” Llisanya pulled a parchment out of her pocket and went to find Armstrong. He was drinking coffee in the jailors’ mess. He wondered how her black eye had suddenly disappeared.

She reverted to pretending they had never known each other carnally. She passed him the document with an air of formality. “Master Jailer, Captain Robson has requested the prisoner Cadwarra be set at large to prepare her defense for her trial. Here is the document with his signature. I am her official attorney. I am to have full charge of the prisoner.”

Armstrong made sure Captain Robson had signed the writ. He had never met Captain Robson but judging by the many orders he had signed over the years, he was not someone to disregard.

He looked at Llisanya and puzzled what was her connection to Robson. He had no idea what was going on but really did not care especially to think too much about it. He was not fooled that this pretty former prostitute had inexplicably gone from being Cadwarra’s ‘good friend’ to being her ‘official attorney’ but he was glad enough to have one less prisoner to look after. “Alright, Miss. That trouble-maker is all yours.” He stood up from the table and quickly downed the last of his coffee. “I have her belongings in the storage area.”

Cadwarra was required to bathe before donning her streetclothes. Armstrong supervised the bath. Llisanya had never known of any other prisoner being required to wash prior to release.

“Do you need to watch?” Llisanya asked, quite annoyed at the jailer’s obvious admiration of the Wood Elf’s compact little body.

“I am responsible for the prisoner up to the moment she walks out the jailhouse door. That includes making sure she is clean and fit for Qeynos streets.”

Cadwarra, less concerned than Llisanya over the lack of privacy, was washing her boobs for Armstrong to see. Guilted by Llisanya’s remark, Armstrong tried to look away, but those fat mounds yielded so beautifully under that washcloth. They shone in the torchlight as the suds dripped off them and down her flat stomach to soak her furry patch. She let him watch her wash that, too. Tunare liked men to have erections.

Frustrated by the lengthy peep show Cadwarra was putting on, Llisanya poured a big bucket of cold rinse water over Cadwarra’s torso to move things along for the sake of decency. To Armstrong’s delight her areolas crinkled and shrank under the shock of cold water. Her nipples turned into incredibly hard, round pebbles sitting there for his inspection.

With Cadwarra finally rinsed off, Llisanya grabbed the towel before the jailer could get to it. She dried off Cadwarra as quick as she could, trying to hide her nude body from Armstrong’s fixed gaze while doing so. She wiped Cadwarra’s wet breasts rapidly so she could get those stubbornly erect nipples warmed up and soft. The effort was counterproductive; Cadwarra’s boobs rolled and flopped around crazily as Llisanya dried them and Armstrong watched. He had ceased trying to pretend he wasn’t.

As she towelled off Cadwarra, Llisanya noticed how firmly packed Cadwarra’s heavy mamms felt. They were very round. She imagined how Vishra must have gripped them as he enjoyed her sexually with his too large cock.

She swept the towel across Cadwarra’s pubic thatch and pretty little vulva. She was a touch jealous at the thought of Vishra’s out-sized penis sliding in and out of it. Whenever Vishra had sex with her, Llisanya needed to use her whole hand to constantly grip the base of Vishra’s cock so he would not thrust that monster in uncomfortably too far. She wondered if Cadwarra had to do that, too.

As she dressed, Cadwarra asked Armstrong “Can I say good bye to the other prisoners?” She finished buttoning her top thus ending the girlie show.

The jailer shook his head in answer to her request. “Sorry, Miss Cadwarra. It’s against the rules.”

Llisanya could not hide her impatience. “That rule is the one you won’t break? That rule is the hill you’re going to make a stand on? Really?

The ladies departed. Armstrong watched Llisanya’s cute ass as she left and hoped he would see her again. Maybe she would wear that perfume. He really did like her. He resolved to be gentler next time.
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