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Billy is young and trains in a martial arts dojo. He soon becomes a tool for his Master's daughter in a surprising turn of events he could never have imagined.
The Dragon Tattoo

Billy walked towards the display window on his way home from work. He always went this way to check out the display. It changed every few days. But one thing remained the same.

Billy was young, naive, lonely and easily distracted by pretty girls. He was still a virgin and quickly infatuated by any girl that would smile at him. He worked for the only movie theatre in town. His job included everything that it took to run the theatre; tickets, refreshments, film projector, cleanup after each showing and closing.

He wasn't the only employee but he was the most diligent. Billy enjoyed the work, the movies and the clientele. But being young and naive it still found it hard to connect with people. Especially girls.

Billy approached the target of his path, the display window of the local burlesque club. His pace slowed as he neared the large picture window. Today the display area behind the glass was set in pale lavender and white gossamer layers hanging between the glass and the subject of his desires.

There on a banjo chair was 'the girl with the dragon tattoo.'

Billy felt flush and his mouth dropped. The girl of his dreams wore a revealing costume resembling the original 'Burlesque' style. A deep plunge in the front, a multi-layered skirt hiked up on one side, dated high heels from the era and her hair pulled up in the back.

She looked like a mannequin; pale makeup, glassy eyes, oddly smooth skin, unmoving. The one thing that tipped him off was her tattoo. It had been covered with makeup but he knew what and where to look. Billy stared at her, taking her all in. They were both motionless for minutes.

Suddenly Billy felt a bump from the side. It was one of his dojo buddies. He winked at Billy and pointed towards the mannequin. Billy tried to be cool, smiled, nodded at his brother martial artist and walked away with him. The Master would be expecting them for class. Billy turned back and watched as they walked away.

Just as they were moving away he saw her turn to look at him and wink. Then she returned to her original pose and froze. Billy's heart pounded for good measure as he sighed.

At the dojo the Master spoke of the upcoming celebration for the Lunar New Year, the 'Chinese New Year.' Many of the higher level students participated in the Lion and Dragon Dances. The community had come to recognize them with food, drink and gifts. The Master reminded everyone that it was an important event for the community.

Nothing Billy hadn't heard before. But as the Master continued to lecture, Billy heard him say 'the Dragon Year.' Billy's interest peaked and he was all ears. The Dragon Year.

Billy zoned out thinking about the girl with the dragon tattoo until one of his brothers nudged him. It was time to train.

After class Billy was worn out and sweating. He loved it. Endorphins were pumping, dopamine was flooding his brain. He felt good. They all bowed out and prepared to go home. The Master came in as they were all getting dressed and asked Billy to join him in his office before he left. The other brothers all looked at him. He had never been singled out by the Master before.

Sitting in the dojo office, Billy was curious about what the Master was going to tell him. The Master poured them both a cup of tea with a smile. He handed Billy a cup and saucer then sat at his desk. They toasted a good training session and sipped their tea. The Master set down his cup and smiled at Billy. He began by revealing that he was a family man. It seemed very cordial.

Billy was young. The Master said. He had his entire life ahead of him. Billy began to wonder what this was all about. The Master smiled and sipped his tea. He said he was young once. Just like Billy. Energetic, athletic, promising. Billy nodded and sipped his tea still wondering what was happening. They heard all the students pay their respects at the door and leave.

A few minutes later they heard the door open and close. Billy was on the edge of his seat. What is going on? After a moment he could smell a fresh incense waft into the room. It wasn't the usual training incense. Then he heard someone walking toward the office door. The Master looked over Billy's shoulder with a big smile on his face. Billy turned around and was surprised to see, 'the girl with the dragon tattoo.'

She was wearing very conservative clothing compared to the costume he had seen her in. A flowered, button up shirt with a high collar, a pleated dress below the knees, white knee socks with black patent shoes. Still, Billy knew something more about her that he wondered if the Master knew about.

Billy was stunned but tried to cover his astonishment by smiling politely and nodding. She smiled and nodded back, then walked over to the Master. He didn't get up. The girl stepped behind the Master and put her hands on his shoulders. The Master introduced the girl as his daughter, Si Yu or Sally. He told Billy that she was his treasure.

Billy hadn't thought of the girl with the dragon tattoo as being Asian. She appeared more European than Asian, except for her black hair and the tattoo. The Master continued after offering his daughter a cup of tea. He said the next weekend was her twenty first birthday. They were planning a party to celebrate but because of the nearness to the New Year, ceremonies had to take precedence.

Billy became even more curious and turned his head slightly to one side like a dog waiting for instruction. The Master then asked the one thing Billy would never have imagined. The Master asked Billy to do the honor of giving his daughter a proper birthday celebration. Then Si Yu winked at Billy like she had done earlier when he had seen her at the Burlesque Club window.

Billy swallowed hard. He smiled at his Master. The Master took that as an emphatic yes. He reached into the top drawer of his desk and handed Billy a Red envelope and said it was to cover the cost of the birthday celebration. Billy bowed gracefully to the Master and Si Yu escorted him out. She walked him to the door and gave him instructions on where and when to pick her up.

As Billy headed down the street towards home he realized he was shaking. He had a date with the Master's daughter, and she was the girl of his dreams. How lucky he was. So, why was he shaking so? He arrived home and put away his training bag; clothes in the wash, gear wiped down and stowed. Then he emptied his pockets and found the Red envelope.

Upon opening the envelope he found $500 and a note from the Master. 'Whatever she wants. Take good care of my precious treasure.' is all it said. Again Billy swallowed hard. He wasn't very good with girls, or dates. He wasn't sure what to wear, where to take her, or what she or her father was expecting. It was a fitful night.

The next day Billy went out to find new clothes, a haircut and places to go on the birthday celebration. Then he contacted a fancy ride service and planned the night. At the appointed time and place he arrived and knocked on the door. Si Yu was ready, also dressed to the nines. She was impressed by Billy's look, new clothes, and the ride.

After he opened the door for her and slid in next to her she cuddled up next to him saying, 'You just won the jackpot, big boy.'

Billy was both excited and proud. His chest puffed up like a rooster as he felt her warm body next to his. They followed his plans and after an evening of entertainment, dinner and dancing, he loaded her back into the car. On the way to bring her back home Si Yu again cuddled up next to him. Billy felt bulletproof and his curiosity was getting the better of him.

He asked her if her father, the Master, knew about her work in the Burlesque Club window. She sighed and said there were a lot of things about her that her father wouldn't approve of. So, no. Billy was about to ask her another question about her 'job' but was interrupted. Si Yu covered his mouth with her hand and asked that he not ask any questions about her job, or her father.

Billy felt a little put off and wondered why. The rest of the ride was quiet. She lived in an apartment just a block away from the dojo. Billy helped her out of the car and walked her to the door of her apartment hoping for a kiss. She rewarded him with a hot kiss and a warm embrace. Billy began to fantasize about being with her when suddenly he felt her hand slide down to squeeze his ass.

Si Yu pulled herself tightly against his body. She felt warm and firm. Her nipples pushed against his chest and he began to get hard. She must have noticed because her hips started to grind into his. He couldn't believe it. The girl of his fantasies was hot and giving him quite a rise. Next thing he knew her tongue pushed against his lips.

Billy could taste the flavor of her first tastes of alcohol. Part of the celebration for her twenty-first birthday. He had a passing thought that her advances may be driven by a slight drunkenness. The thought quickly faded as he felt himself being pulled forward and he crashed against her body. The front door suddenly gave way and together they drifted in slow motion to the floor.

Si Yu was grunting into his mouth as her breath became rapid and her tongue fought furiously with his. Moments later they were inside heading for the couch. Billy was swimming with pleasures he hadn't felt before but looked forward to. Si Yu was smooth. She pivoted like a dancer and planted him on the couch. Then she pulled away and looked longingly at him.

Her breath was wispy and soft as she told him how many times she had noticed him standing on the other side of the window. How much she had wondered if he was real. Whether he would long for her as much as she saw in his eyes. Just as she began to unbutton her shirt there was a voice from behind them. Another soft voice. Another woman's voice.

Billy couldn't take his eyes off Si Yu. The voice said let the show begin. Then another woman entered the scene and began to help Si Yu with her blouse, skirt and bra. Si Yu kissed the other woman and returned the favor and in no time both women were standing before Billy dressed in only their underpants, socks and shoes. He was so excited that the embarrassment he felt never had a chance.

His mouth dropped open as he realized they both had huge Dragon tattoos across their upper bodies and around their waists. Si Yu's was on her left shoulder wrapping to the right. The other woman's was the exact opposite. Together they looked like a pair of bookends. Very naked, very sensual bookends.

Billy was harder than he had ever felt before. His trouser tent was now quite obvious as he watched the two women in front of him. They rocked side to side as they slowly began a strange Dragon-like dance. His face was red and felt hot and began to throb just like his cock. The room seemed to fade away as he watched.

The women began cooing and moved toward him in slow motion. A big smile took over his face the closer they got. He couldn't believe what had happened that week. It started out with a quick stop at the window to see the girl of his dreams. Then a great workout at the dojo. Followed by the strange meeting with his Master. Only to find out he wanted Billy to treat his daughter to a special night out for her twenty-first birthday.

Billy was in a daze. He had what he most desired. He had been on a date with the girl with the Dragon tattoo. She seemed to be falling for him. Now they were in her apartment. Her roommate was hot. And both of them were practically naked and heading towards him. This was going to happen.

Both of the women knelt on the couch sandwiching him between them. His eyes closed as he puckered his lips anticipating what was going to happen. He heard one of them say 'You are so hot.' He moaned. Then he felt something cold on his forehead. It was very cold and began moving around his face and then down to his chest.

He tried to open his eyes but they were heavy and felt glued shut. Then he heard the voice say 'I'm sorry. Are you OK?' Finally Billy was able to open his eyes. The room was different. But he wasn't looking at the room from the couch. He was looking at the ceiling. The back of his head hurt pretty bad. Then he saw Si Yu's face come into focus. He asked her, 'What happened? Where am I?'

'I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to throw you to the floor.' Billy looked around. He was on the floor just inside the doorway in Si Yu's apartment. His body was turned around. The door was closed. There was no one else in the room. 'I have issues with intimacy.'

Billy looked up at her, 'How long was I out?' His brain was trying to figure out how he could have imagined what he had just seen.

'Sorry again. Only a minute or two. Just long enough for me to get a cold towel.' She dabbed his brow with great care.

'So, there's no one else here? No flatmate?'

'No. I told her about the date and she decided to stay with friends.'

Billy checked himself. Everything was working but he started to feel embarrassed knowing Si Yu had caught him off guard. Especially after all his training of late. But he tried not to let it bother him. He started to get up but his head spun. Si Yu moved the cool wet towel under his neck to cradle his head. 'I feel so ashamed after all you did for me tonight.'

Then she leaned down and kissed him. This boosted Billy's strength and he put his hand on the back of her head and sat up. Si Yu hugged him tightly then pulled away. 'Let's get you to the couch.' Billy felt her tug on him and he got to his feet and together they moved to the couch. He dropped down and Si Yu followed, returning to a hot embrace.

Si Yu whispered in his ear, 'I am truly sorry. I feel I should be punished.' Billy began to shake his head but before he could speak she spoke again, 'I want you to spank me.'

Billy thought she was being funny and he playfully swatted her bottom a couple times quickly. Su Yi squeezed him and again whispered in his ear 'I deserve to be punished. Please, I need this.' Billy's hand pulled back gave her a sharp smack.

Su Yi shivered in Billy's arms like she was suddenly cold. She pulled back and put her head down. Her hands shook as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Billy watched as she allowed her blouse to open exposing her smooth skinned chest wrapped with a skin toned bra. Then he saw the Tattoo that also wrapped from her shoulder down to her waist.

Billy's mouth fell open as Su Yi clutched her own breasts and laid face down across his legs. Her skirt covered ass poked up. He spanked her ass hard and Su Yi squeaked, 'Spank me on my bare bottom.' Then she reached back and lifted her skirt to expose her pink satin panties. Billy was getting very hard as he looked over her shapely exposed ass.

Su Yi returned her hands to her breasts and began to massage herself. Billy became bold. He pulled down her delicate panties exposing her already pink cheeks. Then he spanked her hard, three times. Su Yi moaned and slowly reached one hand back to probe his pants for his hard member. He spanked her again hard, three more times.

Su Yi found his stiff rod and began to stroke it. Billy spanked her in time with her stroking. Su Yi's ass began to bounce up and down with the spanking and stroking. She was groaning and whining at the same time. Billy was driven on by her reactions and kept spanking.

Billy was sure she needed more and when he felt her quiver he slid his hand between her hot pink cheeks. She was very wet. He rubbed his hand against her mound and found it was shaved smooth. Su Yi kept bouncing and stroking his hard cock. Billy took this as a welcome sign and slid his hand under her mound and pressed his thumb against her tight slit.

In a flash Su Yi twisted up and had him on the ground again. His arm locked between her legs and pulled tight so quickly Billy was again caught unable to react in time. But Su Yi immediately realized what she had done and let him go, 'I'm so sorry.' Billy just laid there for a second collecting himself, 'I know. You've got issues.' He slowly got up and rubbed his arm.

Su Yi stood there. Her blouse open, her chest and face as red as her ass. Both of her breasts were exposed. Her bra pulled down out of the way. She was breathing hard and the look on her face showed she was not done. She turned her face down again, 'I'm so embarrassed.' Billy got up and hugged her, 'It's OK.'

'No. It is not.' Su Yi said. 'I like you. You're not like other guys.' He remembered the many times he walked to the window at the Burlesque Club to watch her. He thought about the many times she looked at him and winked. 'Look. I like you too, so let's make a deal. You tell me what you want and when, and I'll try not to surprise you. Deal?'

Su Yi grabbed him in a big hug again. Billy felt relieved and still very excited. He hugged her back and rubbed his hips against hers. Su Yi groaned, 'Follow me.'

Su Yi leads Billy to the bedroom where she sets him down on the end of the bed. She steps back and slowly finishes taking off her blouse, then her bra. Billy watches with great anticipation. This is a lot more than seeing her in the window with some costume on. Regardless of how risque they might have been. She undoes her skirt and lets it drop to the floor.

Billy can see the entire Dragon tattoo. The head of the dragon eclipses one breast. Wraps around her shoulder, across her back with the hind claws on the top of each cheek. Then Su Yi slips off her pink satin panties. She poses for a moment, turns around to show him everything. Her body is toned, firm and smooth. Her body, devoid of hair.

Su Yi walked right up to Billy and urged him to stand up. Then she slowly undressed him until he was as naked as her. She sat him back down on the edge of the bed. His hard cock sticking up between his legs. It bounced and throbbed with his pounding heartbeat. Su Yi stepped back again and moved as if in a trance.

Billy could never have anticipated what was happening next when Su Yi grabbed her own breast and slid the other hand between her legs. Her eyes watched Billy with great intent. Then she rubbed her clean shaven mound and her mouth dropped open. Billy didn't dare move as his cock throbbed and his heart pounded. He had to keep it together until Su Yi let him know what she wanted.

Su Yi pulled her hand from her crotch and then slid it behind her. She turned sideways for Billy to watch as she slid her finger between her cheeks. Her back arched and she groaned aloud. That body of hers began jerking as her hand moved between her cheeks.

Billy was wide eyed. He had to restrain himself. His dick was trying to take over and make him take her right there and then. It throbbed as he watched Su Yi. But he knew that it would be best if he let her be in charge. Besides, he had made a deal and was determined to honor it.

Billy leaned back on his arms and relaxed, opening his knees a little. His hard cock pulsed as Su Yi writhed in her erotic dance. As she worked herself into a frenzy she looked down at Billy's hard member and her eyes closed. A blissful look came over her face as she shook. Then she stepped over to where Billy sat on the bed and knelt between his legs.

She opened her mouth and easily, gently put the head of his cock in her mouth. She sucked the bulbous end and rolled her tongue around it. Billy groaned, 'Oh Yeah.' Su Yi pulled off and looked up seductively into his eyes, 'Don't come in my mouth. I have other plans for that.' Then she slid her mouth all the way down to Billy's pubic hairs.

She gagged a little, pulled off and tried again. This time Billy could feel her nose press hard against his curly hairs. He groaned again trying to keep up his part of the deal. Su Yi bounced up and down as Billy watched her fingering her shapely ass. He wasn't sure how long he could keep from cumming in her mouth. It was fantastic.

Then Su Yi pulled off and stood up. Her body was so close he could smell her pussy and the sweat on her skin. She bent over and whispered in his ear something that in the many times he had stopped and watched her in the window he would never have imaged, 'I need you to hold me down and fuck me in the ass.'

Billy couldn't believe it. This whole night has been a shock to his system. The girl of his desires, the date provided for by his Master, being thrown to the floor, twice. Now this!? He was frozen with stunned confusion.

Su Yi looked sternly into Billy's eyes, 'I've seen you train. I looked into your eyes through the window. I know you want it. I promise, I won't throw you to the floor again.' Billy stood up and grabbed Su Yi. She didn't fight back. He threw her face down onto the bed. She pretended to try to get up but Billy quickly straddled her and putting one hand on her back he pushed her down into the soft blankets.

She groaned and whimpered, "Please, no!' Billy trapped her legs between his and pointed his hard cock at her red ass. Her hole had a slight gape from her earlier work and she arched her back pushing her butt up for his pleasure. His member wanted it. He wanted it. Billy lined up for a quick thrust and fell forward landing his full weight on her beautiful Dragon Tattoo.

Su Yi yelped and struggled. Billy wrapped his arms around her body trapping her arms against her body and began fucking hard and deep. Su Yi's body began shaking as Billy built up speed and rhythm. He squeezed her tight and he pounded into her still tight hole. He could feel her ass cheeks tighten around his shaft. Then suddenly she cried out in a huge orgasm.

Her body went limp as she spasmed on his cock. Billy kept pumping but let go of her arms knowing she was docile now. He lifted up to look at her back side as he fucked her. The claws from the Dragon Tattoo looked as if they were holding her ass cheeks apart for him. It was the most erotic thing he had ever done, or seen.

Billy was getting close and he wanted to fill her ass with his juices, 'I'm going to cum in your ass. Are you ready?' Su Yi said nothing but her ass lifted again. A sure sign she was ready to be his cum bucket. Billy slowed a little to savor the moment and buried his cock to the hilt on each stroke.

Su Yi groaned with each of Billy's thrusts. Her emminations got louder and louder until she shot into another huge orgasm, 'Yes! Fuck my ass you big hot tiger.' Billy grunted in reply as his white hot sperm injected deep into her. He pumped hard with each jerk. Su Yi's ass began milking his hard rod and she whined and shook as her orgasm stretched out.

In a flash it was over and Billy collapsed trapping Su Yi in the soft bed. They both were breathing heavy and sweating. Billy began to laugh inside as he reflected on the night again. His cock buried in the ass of the girl with the Dragon Tattoo and she was the one to instigate it. He thought about what she had called him, a Tiger. It made him think.

He had been thinking about getting a tattoo. What with all the training and Asian influences around the training hall. It would be fitting. He was always the quiet one who would suddenly and effectively act. Much like the tiger that sometimes watches prey pass by and sometimes pounces without warning. However the thoughts didn't detract him from his duty.

Su Yi began to hump against his hips. Billy was still excited and returned the favor pushing deep, 'One more time?' Su Yi put her arms back and tried to pull Billy's hips closer. Billy took that as a 'Yes.' Trapping her arms against her body again he renewed his efforts. He began to pound her hard and fast again. Su Yi pretended to struggle again, 'No. Not again.' but quickly orgasmed. Billy felt bold, 'That's right. You like that cock now, don't you? Then take it all.'

The next day at the training hall, the Master asked Billy into his office again. 'Su Yi was grateful for your companionship last night. She has always had an issue with intimacy.' Billy nodded agreement without adding detail but let the Master continue. 'She thinks you make a great companion.'

Billy was smiling inside but kept a cool exterior not wanting to interfere with his training at the dojo. The Master had another offer for him, 'Would you be interested in seeing her again? As a companion, I mean.' Billy's eyebrows rose quickly thinking about his fondest desires with the girl of his dreams. He slowly nodded, yes.

The Master handed him another Red envelope stuffed full. Billy stood, bowed deeply accepting the envelope and walked out. He couldn't help but smile ear to ear looking forward to being her 'great companion.'
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