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Best friends really shine
Margo answered to door, called out to her mother she was leaving, then walked with her best friend Jenny to her brother's car and got in the front seat after Jenny got into the back.

“You're letting me ride up front?” she asked, puzzled, as Billy got in the driver's seat. “Why?”

“Billy has some questions for you, Margo. Tell him the truth, okay? I'll know if you're lying, so tell him the truth.”

She put on her seat belt with a puzzled look on her face as she looked at Jenny over her shoulder, then at Billy, seeing him smile at her with a friendly look in his eye.

“Are you a virgin, Margo?” he asked.

“What? Yes, of course I am!” she said, startled by he question. Billy began driving, backing out of her driveway and onto the street. “I've never even had a boyfriend.”

“Have you ever kissed a boy?” he asked.

“None of your business!” she snapped, getting a little angry. “Why are you even asking?”

“Tell him the truth, Margo.” Jenny said firmly. “She's kissed two boys, but only one kiss each.”

“Jenny!” Margo said, shocked that her best friend would divulge such a thing.

“It's okay, Margo.” Billy said, smiling at her again. They turned a corner, onto Jenny and Billy's street. “Me and my sister don't have any secrets from each other. Who were they?”

Margo bit her lip, not wanting to say.

“Tell him, or I will.” Jenny said.

“Andy Weir and Johnny Reed.” she said, blushing. “Both were kisses good night after dates.”

“Did either of them try touching you?” he asked. She bit her bottom lip again, nervously, then shook her head.

“No.” she whispered, then volunteered a bit of information. “Johnny's kiss was nice.” she said. “If he had tried, I probably would have let him.”

“Interesting.” Billy said, then pulled into his driveway. “You like kissing, then?”

“I like kissing Johnny.” she replied. “He's a good kisser.”

“Are you in love with him?” Billy asked her, not unkindly. She shook her head and looked at him, puzzled.

“We only went on one date.” she answered, in reply to his question. “It wasn't even that good of a date! I only let him kiss me because he's so popular. I figured if word got around about it, it would only help my reputation. I'm not very popular, as you might have guessed” She touched her breasts for a moment. “These aren't very big.”

“Well, I think they're perfect for your size.” he told her. “You aren't very big, either.”

“I know.” she said, blushing. “I'm the shortest girl in our whole school, and probably the skinniest, too.”

“I know.” he agreed. “But you're one of the prettiest. You know that, right?”

“No, I'm not.” she said, her voice a little shrill with indignation. “How dare you say such a thing?”

“It's true.” he said, smiling into glare. He looked away for a second to pull into his driveway. “I'm inviting you inside.”

She swallowed hard. “Your sister already invited me to come over.” she whispered, her face ashen and pale.

“I know.” he said, smiling again and looking her in the eyes. “I told her to, so she did. Now, I'm inviting you, too.”

“Why?” she asked, still whispering. “Why would you want to invite ME over?”

“You're one of the prettiest girls in the whole school.” he said. “Why wouldn't I invite you to come over?”

“No, I'm not.” she said, a little more strongly, but her voice was still low. “I'm only here because of your sister.”

“Not true.” he said. “I told her to invite you, remember?”

“Why?” she asked. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I want to kiss you.” he told her. “Do you want to come inside, or should we just make out right here in the car?”

“You want to make out with me?” she asked. “Why would you want that?”

“Because I'm going to touch your chest while I do it.” he said confidently. “Come on into the house. It's more comfortable in my room than in the car.”

“Oh no!” she whispered, but opened the door and got out. She wasn't afraid of him, per se; she was afraid of herself. She followed him meekly, her heart beating fast as the front door closed behind her. “Jenny? I'm okay, right? Your brother isn't going to rape me, right?”

“No, Margo, he's not going to rape you.” Jenny laughed. “You can't rape the willing, right?”

“What?” Margo whispered, following him upstairs and into his room. “Jenny, I'm not willing!”

“Really?” Jenny laughed. “Stop him from kissing you, then.”

He took the diminutive blonde in his arms and looked deeply into her eyes. “Do you want me to kiss you, Margo?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. She nodded, afraid to speak.

“Say it, Margo. Say it out loud; tell me what you want.” He firmed up his voice and made it an order. An order she could not disobey.

“I want...” her voice trailed away to nothing, and she blushed.

“Tell me!” he told her strongly. “Tell me what you want!”

“I want you to kiss me.” she whispered, blushing harder. “I want you to touch my br... breasts while you do it. I want you to touch more than my breasts, too... I want you to touch me everywhere.”

“Okay, Margo, as milady commands.” he smiled, and kissed her deeply. When the kiss ended, he was fondling her left breast, and didn't let go. He felt the nipple stiffen under his ministrations, and her breathing deepened as he continued.

She got a scared look in her eyes as he began unbuttoning her blouse, but she made no move to stop him, even as he pulled it out of her jeans and unbuttoned the last two. “Tell me what you want.” he said again.

“I want you to touch my breasts.” she said, squaring her shoulders. “And I want you to... to touch me somewhere else, too.”

“Really.” he said dryly, his eyes glittering with mirth. “Where do you want me to touch you?”

She blushed again and cut her eyes away, looking off to his left. She bit her bottom lip and didn't say anything; she just opened her legs and gently pushed his hand down from her breast to her belly.

“I want you to touch me... down there.” she whispered, as if afraid of her own voice.

“Where?” he asked. “Down here?” He unbuttoned her jeans, then opened the zipper and thrust his hand inside, caressing her clit with one finger through her panties.

“Mmm, yes, right there.” she said, opening her legs more and tilting her hips up into his finger. He smiled at her and slipped his finger under the edge of her panties, then caressed the bare flesh of her most intimate place.

With a sudden gasp of realization of what she was doing, she grasped his arm and got his hand out of her pants and closed her legs, suddenly embarrassed by her behavior. “Oh no!” she whispered. “You must think I'm a slut or something, acting like that with a boy I barely know.”

He brought his finger up to hid face and let her see him take a sniff, then he licked it clean. “You taste nice.” he told her, causing her to blush an even deeper shade of red and close her legs tighter. “Now I want to try it from the source.”

She blushed again, letting him lay her back on his bed, but too embarrassed to lift her hips and help him take her jeans off. Nobody had seen in a state of undress since she learned to bathe herself.

Jenny was right there beside her, stroking her hair out of her face, and she looked up at her best friend gratefully. “Oh, Jenny, what is happening?” she asked, stifling back a sob as his hands found her breasts again. “I don't understand any of this!”

“Shh, it's okay Margo, my brother likes you.” Jenny said softly. “You like him back, right? That's what you said last year. Has anything changed since then?”

His hand went under her shirt, feeling the taut skin of her belly, and then it was on her bra, unerringly fondling her nipple through the thin, lacy material. Margo wished for a little thicker material at the same time as she wished it to be gone altogether. “No, nothing has changed. I still like him, and it's okay that he's the one doing this to me.”

“Take off all your clothes, Margo.” Billy said. “I want you to be naked for what comes next.”

She looked up at him, a hint of fear in her eyes. “What comes next?” she asked, afraid she knew the answer. “Are you going to take my virginity?”

“That's not what comes next, silly girl!” he chuckled. “Is that what you're scared of?”

“I heard it hurts the first time.” she admitted softly. “I heard it hurts bad!”

“Ask Jenny how much it hurts.” he said, winking at her. She looked at her best friend, eyes wide in surprise.

“You're not a virgin, Jenny?” Margo asked, her voice a whisper. Jenny smiled and shook her head. “Did it hurt?”

“Not all that much, and it felt really good the second time.” Jenny said, stroking Billy's arm affectionately. “Billy was very gentle with me, and I'm sure he will be with you too.”

“You did it with your own brother?” Margo asked, shocked. “That's incest!”

Jenny kissed her best friend on the lips, and not just a quick perk, either. She opened her mouth and tasted the other girl's tongue.

“Lift your hips, Margo.” Billy said, and she looked at him. “I like the taste of virgins, and I want to taste you. Lift your hips.”

Margo did as he said, then let him spread her legs open, knowing her panties had come off with her jeans, and she was completely bare down there as he spent a long moment just looking at her.

“Beautiful.” he said softly. “You have a really pretty pussy, Margo.”

“I do?” she asked quietly, almost whispering.

“Oh, yes!” he said back, then brought his head down and licked her whole crease, from ass crack to her clit, where he circled it several times before doing the whole thing again. “It's delicious, too.”

“Oh, don't do that!” she said, sounding scandalized. “It's dirty; it's nasty, it's too gross!”

“Why don't you let me decide what's too gross, honey?” he said kindly, then licked her again. This time, she moaned as he nibbled on her clit, and didn't try to stop him as she felt his tongue lashing and licking her anus, eventually probing inside.

He made her come twice before he stopped licking her down there, and immediately moved up to kiss her mouth. She could taste herself on his tongue, but oddly, it didn't bother her, as it evidently did not bother him. She just accepted it.

“Did you like that?” he asked, kissing her again. She smiled and nodded.

“Yes, very much.” she said. “I had no idea I could even feel that way!”

“Good.” he smiled at her, making her sit up when she was ready to move again. “Because it's your turn.”

“My turn?” she asked, puzzled, but then it all became clear when he stood up beside her, and his hard cock was right in front of her face. She looked over at Jenny, panicked, but Jenny just smiled at her and tilted her head, indicating that Margo was to use her mouth on him without saying anything.

“I don't know how!” Margo whispered. It had all suddenly become real, and she felt like she was drowning in very deep water without knowing how to swim. “What do I do?”

“Start by licking the sides of it, Margo. You can hold it in one hand to make it easier, if you need to.” he told her, in a kind voice. “Then, put the head of it in your mouth and suck on it a little, but mind your teeth! Don't let me feel your teeth at all, okay?”

Margo did as he told her, grateful for the instructions, and let his hand on the back of her head push her deeper, until she felt it begin to enter the back of her throat and she frantically pulled her head away.

He let her go, looking down at her. “I promise not to choke you with it.” he told her. “Just do however much you're comfortable with, this time, okay? We can do the deep throat later.”

She smiled up at him, nodding, then opened her mouth and began sucking again. This time, she went as deep as she could, thinking about his phrase, deep throat, and made up her mind to do the whole thing, even if it choked her.

She felt it begin to enter her throat and held her breath, pushing her face forward until she felt his curly pubic hairs brushing her nose, making herself syay there a long moment while she looked up him, a small smile touching the corners of her mouth as she savored her victory.

“Ohh, Margo, that feels very good!” he sighed, and she smiled again as she brought her head back up so she could breathe. “You were able to do the whole thing on your very first blowjob ever! I think I'm in love!”

Her heart melted at his words, but he stopped her from sucking on it again. “Get on your hands and knees, Margo. I want to fuck you instead of coming in your mouth.”

She froze as he gently moved her into position and looked over her shoulder at him, afraid. “Billy, I'm not ready to go all the way yet; I just don't know...”

He knelt behind her and bent forward to kiss her cheek. “It won't hurt much; I promise I'll be gentle.”

“Don't hurt her, Billy, you promised me!” Jenny said, her voice choking with passion.

“I promise; I won't hurt her.” he told his sister, looking at her. “Just remember to keep your promise after it's done!”

“What promise?” Margo asked. “You made him a promise?”

“I did.” Jenny said softly. “I promised I'd invite two virgins over here and help him fuck them if he promised not to hurt you!”

“Really?” Margo asked, touched by the concern her friend had shown for her. Then another thought occurred to her. “Who are you going to invite over for him?”

“Kim McDaniels and Ellie Parker.” Jenny said. “They are both virgins, they are both prettier than us, and they are both bitches!” She looked at her brother. “You don't have to be as careful with them, Billy. In fact, I hope you DO hurt them a little!”

“Me too!” Margo said, then smiled a little. “I'll help you fuck them as well!”

“You know I'm going to fuck you first, right Margo?” he said, grinning at the diminutive blonde. “Your virginity ends today.”

“Good!” she exclaimed. “I've been wanting it gone for two years now.” She looked at him and smiled. “I saw my parents fucking in the living room one night, when I was supposed to be in bed, and she enjoyed it so much that I wanted that.”

“What did you see?” he asked. “What position were they in?”

“They were doing it doggy style.” she said without hesitation. “My dad has a pretty big cock, too, and I saw it going into her. God, she loved it so much, and I want that!”

“You want your dad's big cock?” he asked, amused.

“No, that one is my mom's.” she replied. “I want of my own.”

“You don't have a cock.” he pointed out.

“I know.” she said. “Neither does my mom, but she has my dad's. I want one that belongs to me the way his does to her.”

“You want to get married?” he asked, still amused. “You're a little young for that.”

“I don't want to get married, well, not yet anyway. I just want a guy who will fuck me the way I want to be fucked.” she said. She looked at Billy and blushed. “Yours is big enough, by the way.”

“And how do you want to be fucked?” he asked.

“Doggy style, of course.” she said. “The same way my mother got it.”

“Okay.” he said. “Get on your hands and knees!”

“Right now?” she asked, going pale and swallowing hard.

“Oh yes,” he said. “We're getting rid of your hated virginity right now!”

“Oh my God.” she muttered, but allowed him to move her around and pull her hips up after she lay face down on the bed. The next thing she knew was she found herself in the classic doggy style position and felt his hands on her hips. “Wait!”

“What do want me to wait for, Margo?” he asked, leaning forward to kiss her neck. His cock unerringly lodged itself between her labia and hovered over her opening.

“I'm... I'm not... I'm not ready.” she whispered. She shuddered as he rubbed it up and down with one hand, mashing it over her clit several times, then put it back at her opening. She moaned again, and subtly pushed her ass back into him, causing his cock into her about an inch.

He felt her pussy gripping the head of his cock because she had pushed back onto him. She pushed back again, and he felt her hymen blocking further entry.

“Not ready, huh?” he asked, sounding amused as he pulled his cock back so that only the head was inside her. “You don't want me to do this?” He pushed it back into her, stopping before he broke her hymen and stopped there, with less than half inside her.

“No, I don't want this. I'm not ready!” she said, and pushed back, hard. Since he was already in her as deep as he could go without breaking her cherry, when she pushed back he entered her fully and ended her virginity. “Ow, that hurt!” She began crying, but she also began moving back and forth, fucking herself.

“You might not want it, but I'm giving it to you!” he said strongly, meeting her thrusts with his own and fucking her with every inch he possessed. In and out, he fucked her rapidly, with every one of his inches, and she came at least twice before he pulled it out, rolled her over onto her back, and straddled her chest, pushing his cockhead against her lips.

“Wh- what?” she asked, opening her eyes wide and looking up at him. He pushed it into her mouth, and she started sucking on it instinctively. A moment later, he came, and her mouth was flooded with hot, sticky, salty musky come that coated all the corners of her mouth and made her taste it strongly.

Her eyes opened wide in horror, and he laughed at the expression on her face as she was horrified as she heard him command her to swallow it.

“SWALLOW IT?” she thought to herself, amazed that he could even ask such a thing. A second blast went over her nose and onto both cheeks, covering her face in the sticky goo. A third one jetted onto her forehead and clumped her bangs together, and a fourth got in her left eye and made it smart, stinging as she closed them both.

“Billy...” she whispered, sounding afraid. “Billy, you made a mess on my face!”

“You look beautiful.” he said, and kissed the one clean spot on her face, her jawline on the right side. “Did you swallow the load I spurted in your mouth?” he asked.

She shook her head. “ No, I can't believe you did that!” She grimaced to express her displeasure at the taste.

“Jenny likes the taste of it.” he said. Margo looked at him in disbelief.

“She does?” Margo asked, skeptically. “I doubt it! Nobody could like the taste of that stuff!”

“Jenny? You like my come, right?” he asked.

“Oh, yes!” she replied, licking a big gob off Margo's cheek and swallowing it with obvious relish, as evidenced by the big smile on her face.

“You like that stuff?” Margo asked incredulously, wonder and awe on her face. “Seriously?”

“You don't?” Jenny said, and Margo looked surprised at the question. She thought about it for a moment, considering.

“I don't know.” she said. “I guess I didn't really try it that much.”

“Want some more?” Jenny asked, and didn't wait for an answer. She licked a big dollop of sperm off Margo's cheek, then kissed her best friend on the mouth and passed it to her.

Margo's eyes widened in shock as her best friend kissed her; a more intimate kiss than she had even shared with her brother. Both girls smiled at each other after fondling tongues for a long moment, and then she swallowed the mouthful of salty goo her best friend had passed her.

She savored the flavor a long minute, then smiled at her friend. “Can I have a little more? I guess it's not as bad as everything we heard about it.”

“I think it's yummy.” Jenny said, then licked another big gob of it off Margo's face and swallowed it herself, then kissed the other girl again.

Margo looked at her friend in a new way; her kisses had awakened a brand new awareness in her, a new sense of sexuality; one awakened by another girl, for the very first time ever.

“You want some more?” Billy asked Jenny, with a big shit-eating grin on his face. “You can have another big load in about 20 minutes.”

“Really?” Jenny asked, returning his smile wholeheartedly. “I think I can get you off faster than that. I'm not afraid of it anymore.”

“Oh, you won't be drinking it from the source.” he said, grinning. “You're going to be eating a cream pie!”

“What?” she asked, confused until she saw him tip his head at Margo's open legs and her exposed pussy. “What?!? No, I can't! WE can't! She's my best friend!”

“Jenny?” Margo whispered, getting her friend's attention. “You really like the taste of his stuff?”

“Oh, yes!” she replied, smiling from ear to ear. “I like it so very much! If it's okay with Margo, I'll even eat it out of her pussy.”

“Oh.” Margo whispered, blushing. “Well, I guess it's okay. I mean, I really liked the feel of HIS mouth on me down there; I guess I'll like the feel of yours, too.”

“Okay, then, let me get busy depositing your load of baby juice!” Billy said, and Margo instantly closed her legs tightly.

“What?” she said, her face twisting up again, close to tears. “No, I don't want a baby! Please, I CAN'T get pregnant!”

“When was your last period, Margo?” Jenny asked.

“Two weeks ago. I start a little early, so my next one will be in a week and a half.” she said. “I don't want to lose my virginity if I get pregnant from it!”

“What if you don't get pregnant?” he asked. “There are ways to prevent such things from happening, you know.”

“Pills?” she asked, confused. “Those take time to work, several weeks, at least.”

“Not pills.” he grinned. “Something a little more immediate. Rubbers.”

“But... how is Jenny going to taste it if you don't do it inside me?” Margo asked, confused.

“She can drink it from the rubber.” he said, and caught Jenny shaking her head slightly.

“Jenny? Are you okay with that?” Margo asked her friend, looking at her.

“Not really.” Jenny replied. “I was sort of hoping to find out what you taste like, Margo. I don't mind do it it with another girl, especially if that girl is you.”

“You want to... to taste me?” Margo asked, stammering with nervousness.

“Oh, yes!” Jenny said, smiling. “You're so pretty! I never knew it, but I've secretly wanted this for years!”

“Since we're telling secrets here... I've secretly had a crush on your brother for years, too. I'm glad I got to give my V-card to him!” Margo said, looking shyly at him. “And another secret? I'll taste you, too, Jenny. I'm also curious. I saw a lesbian scene in a porno once, and I always wanted to try it myself.”

“Let's do a sixty nine!” Jenny said excitedly. “That way we can both find out at the same time!”
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