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Please read Chapter 1 first. Tammy is about to start her new lifestyle. Will her body endure the daily requirements she has signed on too? Will she ever be able to be a regular member of society again? It’s doubtful she cares. Terry has won her over. Her mind is quickly becoming as sexually twisted as his. Tammy is capable of scheming to fulfill her own devious plans as well.



NOTE: Please read Chapter 1 first. Tammy is about to start her new lifestyle. Will her body endure the daily requirements she has signed on too? Will she ever be able to be a regular member of society again? It’s doubtful she cares. Terry has won her over. Her mind is quickly becoming as sexually twisted as his. Tammy is capable of scheming to fulfill her own devious plans as well.

Tammy awoke the next morning, to the sound of a truck. As it went around the house, into the back yard. Jon was already out there to meet them. It was going to be his job to feed and clean up after the dogs. She jumped out of bed. And quickly went through her usual morning routine of getting ready for a new day. But, this wasn’t a normal day. It was to be the beginning. She was freaking out, overcome with excitement. She went into the closest to fetch her clothes. Her mind was a blur, so many things going through her mind at once. Almost panicking, she thought to herself, “What to wear? What to wear? What to wear? How am I suppose to dress for my first day? Maybe I should keep it simple? Yes, keep it simple.” She decided to throw on a t-shirt, and a skirt. Then she reach into her underwear drawer, grabbed a pair of panties, and pulled them up under her skirt. “Wait a minute!” she thought to yourself. Then started to giggle like a little schoolgirl. “What the hell is wrong with you? You idiot! You're not going to be needing these!” She reached up under her skirt, pulled her panties down. And threw them back into the drawer.

By now, Tammy could hear the unmistakable sound of barking dogs. As Jon and Terry’s hired men, unloaded the dogs into the kennel. Out the back door she went. Antsy to finally met her boys. She quickly took notice of the kennel truck. It could haul 12 dogs. Suddenly, another kennel truck pulled up. It too, was hauling another 12 dogs. She approached one of the drivers and introduced herself. He was a nice gentleman. But showed no signs of intimidation.

The driver began to speak, “Hi Tammy! Nice to finally meet you! Guess we’ll be seeing each other a lot in the future. And oh, by the way, nice set of nipples you have there! Didn’t think there was that much of a breeze out here this morning!” Tammy didn’t let his comment bother her in the slightest. She was actually pleased that he noticed. Then replied, “Why thank you! Glad you noticed. Guess I was in too much of a hurry this morning. And forgot to put a bra on.” He responds, “Don’t apologize, I think it’s awesome! I see you’re wearing a skirt. I’m assuming you forgot the panties too?” “You know it!” she answered back. “Well, maybe for the better, that thing would just be a nuisance and in the way anyhow.” Tammy couldn’t help but notice the perverted gleam in his eyes.

“Well, nice talking with you.” Then she headed for the kennels. With wide opened eyes, and dropping jaw. Tammy began to check out the dogs that just arrived. “Holly Shit” she mumbled to herself. There were a handful of mixed breed dogs. Some would consider large, but not too bad. She thought to herself, “these must be the ones Terry uses to break in his victims. They maybe have smaller cocks.” Then she saw some large German Shepherds. All beautiful dogs, lean and muscular. She turned to check out the next row of pens. And was greeted with an intimidating sight. Three Rottweilers, 6 Great Danes, and another 3 Mastiffs. They were huge! All the Danes had to be pushing 200 pounds each. And easily stood waist high. The Mastiff’s looked like furry horses. She figured they all must have been pushing 250 pounds each. And maybe 20 pounds of that was cock and balls.

One of the Dane’s jumped up onto the chain link fence in front of his pen. As she approached to greet him. His front paws and head were higher than her head. She couldn’t help but notice, as the Dane jumped up and down against fence. His large sheath and balls. His balls were swinging back and forth. As he continued to jump on his hind legs.

Tammy got close to the Dane and offered her hand. He licked her hand through the fence. “So big boy, rumor has it, you’re here looking for a bitch to breed? I bet you’re smart too. You know just what I’m talking about don’t you.” The Dane knew all right. Cause it didn’t matter if it was Tammy talking to him or not. He knows a woman when he sees one. Plus, his keen sense of smell, picked up the scent of her pussy. Some dogs know how to fetch, some hunt, others guard property. All this one knew how to do was fuck women. Tammy looked him in the eyes, and with a calm, soothing voice, “I bet you wanna fuck me right now. Don’t ya. Bet you can’t wait to get me on my hands and knees so you can mutilate me with your cock. You wanna fill me with cum, huh, big boy?” The Dane was going crazy, as he tried to get through the barrier. Preventing him from getting to his bitch. Tammy did her best to console him, “Now don’t you worry, you’ll have plenty of chances too fuck this bitch.”

The morning was going by fast. It was almost 10:00. And Tammy knew it was time to get to the breeding room and get organized. She entered the room and begin to really check things out. Making sure everything was in its place, and develop a plan. In private, she stood and stared at the breeding bench. So marvelously thought out. She thought about how many times, she was going to be bred. Stretched out across the top it’s soft padding. With her sexy ass in the air, waiting for the next cock to target the first hole of opportunity.

She envisioned the bench/table. That Terry said was on order. This obviously is not designed for, or meant for dog fucking. Not to mention the “Viagra” room. She already knew that Terry was planning on having a few special nights for his better clients. But who is going to be placed on that other bench? Some other woman or gal, that Terry has decided to sacrifice. “Or will it be me?” she thought. After a moment of thought, she realized it didn’t matter one-way or other. Dog cock or man cock, all that mattered was the fact that she was going to get used and abused by all these sex crazed males. Her abduction, made your realize she loved to be treated like that. She liked the feeling of being tied down and forced to be helpless. While being assaulted by a hard meaty cock.

Terry and Jon entered the room. Terry spoke up, “This is it Tammy! Time to start using all these contraptions. But before we leave you alone to initiate that bench. Jon and I have a little present for you.” Terry reached into his pocket, and pulled out a beautiful dog collar. It was a couple inches wide, and was studded with the words, “Kennel Bitch.” “Is this for me?” Tammy asks. “It sure is babe. We thought it might give you a little inspiration,” Terry replied. Tammy took her new dog collar and attached it around your neck. “This is so wonderful. I’ll wear it everyday with pride.

In all honesty though, if I’m looking for inspiration, all I have to do is look out into the kennel. And I can’t help but notice. This collar has a D-ring on it? Like for a leash or something? Terry chuckled and said, “Well,,,,,,,, you know how it is, sometimes as a pet owner. One fines himself in a situation where from time to time. He has to tie up his pet. In hopes that his pet understands that he’s only doing what’s best for them.” Tammy smiled, then bent over and wiggled her ass. “Like,,, this kind of best?” she asked. “Yes, that’s the best there is!” Terry replied.

Terry looked at the time. He didn’t want to be late. “I gotta hit the road. If you recall, the dogs and I have a date with a cheerleader tonight. So,,,, Tammy, I’ll leave you alone. You know what you have to do. I can tell you want to get started. And by the way, if I was a betting man, which I am, I’d be willing to bet. If I was to look, I’d find no panties under that dress. Right?” Suddenly, Tammy got serious. “You’re damn right there’s no panties under this skirt. Just naked flesh and raw desire. Now, if you guys would get out of here. I’d like to hike up this skirt, and go find the first dog that’s feeling lucky.”

Tammy was now alone again. Her adrenaline was flowing like a raging river. The sound of the barking dogs was calling your name. Without thinking, she found herself lifting up the front of her skirt. So she could finger and rub your pussy. She was more than ready. Tammy decided to do a pre test on the breeding bench. Just to make sure all the adjustments were right. She laid down face down on its soft padding. Then reached out and grabbed the handholds in front. There were 3 sets of them, 3 on each side. So she could grab onto them and brace yourself in 3 different positions. Depending on how far she wanted to stretch out her arms. But something wasn’t quite right. The bottom half of her tits were resting on the top of the padding. “Well, this isn’t going to work,” she thought. So she readjusted the front half of the pad back a few inches. Then lay down again. Perfect, her firm DD tits now hung freely below her. With room to swing back and forth, and side to side. Matching the rhythm of the beasts thrusting body.

Next, Tammy checked out the business end of the bench. The back half, where all the intense action was to take place. She was pleased to notice the vertical edge on the very back edge of the bench. This was padded too. So when the larger dogs slammed all their body weight into her. The front of her smooth firm thighs had a soft surface to hit. As the beasts forced in their monstrous knots. The center of the back edge was notched out. To allow for an unobstructed view for the video cameras. She adjusted the back half. So there was a little, but not much room for her upper torso to move back and forth. As far as the height, Tammy decided she’ll just have to wait and see. After all, with the controls, she could adjust this on the fly. Then she giggled to herself, “Unless Terry has over ridden them with his remote control.”

Then she noticed something she didn’t see before. Laying besides the bench, was a “U” shaped thing. Two vertical steel rods, with a padded adjustable bar across the top. She then spotted two anchor holes. One on each side of the bench. And the two steel uprights, fit perfectly into them. First she thought, “What the hell is this for?” It soon dawned on her. Since the front half, and back half of the bench, could be adjusted in height separately. A person could lower the front half. Then place this horizontal bar across the top of your back. Thus holding the top of one’s torso in a lower position. Then raise the back half of the bench up. This would force the bitch to arch her back. Allow for maximum anal penetration. “Damn,” she said to herself, “That Terry thought of everything!”

Next Tammy adjusted the leg spreader. Making sure her legs were spread apart nice and wide. Both her breeding holes need to be completely and fully exposed. So the next cock in line. Can easily and quickly, find a hole too fuck. “I think I’ve got it.” She spoke to herself. She got up, then when down again, onto the bench. Just to make sure it all felt right.

As she lay there, she started to fantasize. Her mind went back to that day she was abducted. And was helplessly tied down, so a pack of dogs could endlessly fuck her. And to think here she is now. More than willing, and eager to submit herself to the same thing. Those dogs forced her to open her eyes to a whole new world. Never before, had she experienced sex like. She never thought it was possible, to have that many organisms, over and over again. And then to get fucked in the ass for the first time! And actually enjoy it! She would have bet anyone, there’s no way, something that big, would fit into something that small. Not the mention all the cum! It was everywhere!

Then she checked one final little detail. Yup, the cum tray was directly lined up under her crotch. Tammy took a deep breath, and then said, “Fuck it! It’s time to start filling that sucker up! Time to really met the boys.”

Before walking out into the kennel area, Tammy decided to leave her clothes on for now. She knew all these beasts only had one thing on their minds. To fuck every woman they see. If she went out there naked, she’d maybe never even get out of the first pen without getting bred. Some how, she and dogs had to come to an understanding. If she was wearing clothes. They could look, but not touch. But if they seen she was naked. All bets are off. They could breed her until they dropped from exhaustion.

As Tammy walked around the kennel, taking inventory of all her choices. She decided to start out with a couple of the smaller dogs. If you could call them small. A 75-100 pound dog, looks small compared a larger 200-240 pound dog. She picked out two of the mixed breeds, 3 Shepard’s, and just couldn’t resist the Great Dane that she personally greeted prior. One by one, she opened their pen gates, took them by the collar and placed them each, into one of the cages in the breeding room. Each and every one of them, tried to get their muzzle under her dress as they walked. And each time, she scolded and talked to them. Hoping, sooner or later, they’d understand the rules. Now that she had all six cages, locked and loaded with “beast.” It was time for her to get ready for the first day of many.

She stepped into the bathroom and stripped down naked. Once naked, she double checked her collar. Then walked over to the full-length mirror. She looked at yourself, totally naked, and knowing she was about to submit yourself to all of the beasts. She knew what she was looking at. A sexy woman with a body that had always turned heads. She knew, she had all the goods. And as she admired her near perfect body. She knew from this day forward. It was going to be used and abused. Dog cocks for now. But who knows what else Terry has in mind. Tammy turned her back to the mirror, bent over and spread her butt cheeks. Looking at her asshole and pussy, she couldn’t help but wonder, how many cocks will be fucking these holes. Her eyes went to her collar, “Kennel Bitch.” Tammy loved the sight she was seeing. It was now firmly cemented into her mind. “I am now a Kennel Bitch. And my only purpose, is to be bred.”

With a look of determination and willingness, and proudly wearing her collar, Tammy quickly made her way to the breeding bench. And like a bitch in heat, she got into position. Longing and aching for cock. Both her breeding holes were now up in the air. Exposed and ready to submit themselves to get fucked. She pushed a button, and the curtain blocking the dogs view, magically opened up. With a demonized look in their eyes, all 6 dogs zeroed in on their bitch. They all recognized her position. Ass in the air, willing and begging to get fucked.

With a fateful push of a button, Tammy opened up the door to the first cage. And released the beast inside. Just as Tammy was turning back to look, the first dog, slammed his body weight onto her back. Within seconds, his probing cock found her pussy. He rammed his cock into her bitch cunt. He was treating her like the whore she was. Doing his best to mangle her slutty pussy. “YES!, YES! Fuck this bitch!, Fuck this bitch. Molest that fuckin hole!” She pleaded. Moments later, he forced his knot in and begun to fill her with his hot cum. Tammy’s pussy rewarded her with her first organism of the day. “Ohhhhhhh, Thank You Big Boy! You like how this Bitch feels? Huh? You like that nice warm pussy wrapped around your cock?” She said to her canine lover. He continued to stream cum for 10 minutes or so. Then he got restless, and gave a tug. And Tammy’s cum soaked pussy released his knot. She looked down under legs, and was pleased to see the excess cum. Was dripping into the cum tray.

Everything was working out perfectly. The breeding bench was an engineering marvel. It’s going to serve its purpose well. And it only took 10 minutes to have her first organism. “DAMN!” she thought to herself, “That just felt too good!” Then she pushed the next button. Releasing a Shepard who seemed to be having a hard waiting for his turn. Just like the first, he wasted no time in breeding his bitch. And then joined the first dog. Both dogs got busy cleaning their cocks.

Tammy’s was feeling so content now. She had been bred twice. And was blessed with two organisms for her efforts. But she had two breeding holes. And one of them was being neglected. She decided, “What a perfect time to give this bench another test. Pushing a button, the back half lowered her ass. Her rose bud asshole, was the new target now. Button number 3 released one of the “smaller” mixed breeds, which she figured should be a good initial ass stretcher. The dog mounted, and went straight to work. Frantically trying to find a hole too fuck. His firry red poker, was randomly, pistoning, in and out of his sheath. Tammy felt his furry sheath rubbing into the crack of her ass. And his wet hot poker was sliding up and over the top of her ass. Even as good as this felt, this isn’t what she had in mind. Tammy wanted her ass fucked. She pushed the up button. As her ass was slowly rising. She could feel his probing cock was now in her ass crack. His cock marking hits on its way down. “Closer, closer, closer,” she thought. As she played with the button. “Oooooh fuck, so close” she thought. As his pointed dog cock hit the rim of her waiting asshole. Then he retrieved to try again. She tapped the up button. And he speared his cock into her ass. “Oh yes, oh yes, get that cock in there. Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass! Yeah, Yeah, Fuck that ass good and hard!” Tammy pleaded her desires.

The Kennel Bitch, finished off her first batch of dogs. She had saved the Dane for last. She reached back with both hands to spread her cheeks. Green lighting the path straight into her ass. Tammy moaned and groaned in delight while her sweet ass took the pounding inflicted by the beast. His menacing 12” cock and knot triggered multiple orgasms. Tammy collected herself and mustered the strength to get up. She took notice of the cum tray. “Oh look! It’s only half full. There’s room for 6 more!” she thought.

And so it went, as the days rolled along. Each day, she submitted her holes for the dogs to breed. She had no regrets. Tammy thoroughly loved all the breeding. Each morning, when she attached her collar around her neck, she would look at yourself in the mirror. And read those two words, “Kennel Bitch.” These words guaranteed, that each day, her sexual needs and desires would be fulfilled. And her sexy body showed no signs of wear. She figured it was maybe time to get involved with the Internet. She already had hours of video to work with. Might as well put it to good use.


A few weeks had went by. And Tammy had gotten into her routine, each day, breeding the dogs that just needed to be kept up in top shape, and training new dogs from scratch. One day Terry stopped in for a visit. He had another load of dogs to drop off. The kennel would now be close to full. It was still early in the morning. Tammy was still inside the house. Dealing with the constant problem of dripping cum. But she was always happy to sit down and have a cup of coffee and visit with Terry.

“So, how’s everything working out for you Tammy?” he asked. She responds, “Everything is just fine, I’ve got the boys on a steady schedule. Or,,,,,, wait a minute, they’ve got me on a regular schedule. And even with that, sometimes I do find a little time to go into town and shop etc., etc. It’s kind of funny though. I guess since now my whole world involves sex. I must be unknowingly sending a signal to every man out there. I’ve never had a problem with getting any man to notice me. But now, it’s like they know I want it. Not that I mind, I want you to know.” As Terry snickered he said, “Well,,,,,,,, us males have a way of knowing when a bitch is in heat.” Then they both had a laugh.

Tammy took the opportunity to ask a few questions. “So Terry, I’ve been wondering lately. We’ve got this beautiful facility here. The extra “special” rooms and such, made to entertain your clients. And when is that other bench coming?” He answered, “Well, well, almost sounds to me like you’re looking for more cock? But you better be careful what you ask for. Just saying. That other bench is still getting made. But truss me, it will be installed. And speaking of benches, is your breeding bench still working out ok?” Tammy answers, “Its perfect!”

Terry still had some business to take of and speaks up. “Before I forget Tammy, tomorrow morning, there’s a lady that’s going to come by to speak with you. It’s ok to let her through the security fence. She and her husband know about our operation here. I’ve known them for a few years now. They’re ok and can be trusted. They are both clients. All I ask is for you to hear her out.” “I’d be happy too.” Tammy replied.

The next morning, Tammy decided to wait for her guest. Before she started her daily routine. Soon, a car pulled up to the gate, and she let the lady in. Then went outside and greeted her on the front driveway. “Hi Tammy!” the lady said as she got out of her car. “My name is Karla, can we talk?” “By all means. Let’s go inside and we’ll talk.” Tammy replied.

Tammy broke the ice. “So, how do you know my name? We’ve never met before.” Karla answers, “We have met before. But not in person. You see, my husband and I were at your abduction. Damn, you really put on a show for us. One of the best we’ve seen. I’m glad to see you’re still standing. You were a mess after Terry got done with you!” Tammy replies, “Ya, all those dogs really put me in my place. Took me 3-4 days just to come to my senses. But,,,,, it sure did put things into perspective! So,,,, what can I do for you?”

Karla began to explain why she was there. “Well Tammy, to be honest with you, I’m concerned about my daughter, Karen.” “Your daughter?” Tammy replied. “Yes, I’m concerned about her.” “In what way?” Tammy asked. Karla continued, “I’m not really sure where to start. But you must understand, Karen has always been a good person. Not the type of teenager who’s always getting into trouble. Like a lot of them do. We’ve never had any problems with her what-so-ever. But, in the last couple years, I’ve noticed a change in Karen. She has not been her usual bubbly self. Seems with drawn, more quiet. Like she isn’t happy. You know, like something is missing from her life.” Then Tammy asked Karla, “So have you approached her about your concerns?” Karla replies, ”Yes, I’ve tried, but she just keeps telling me everything is ok. And I know deep inside it’s not. And then, just the other day, it hit me. I think I know what the heart of the problem is. It’s sex, or should I say. The lack of.” Being a gracious host, Tammy asked her why she thought that a lack of sex was the problem.

“There’s something you have to understand.” Karla said. “You see, Karen, who’s 19 now. Developed fast for her age. And she’s always been a pretty little thing. You know, boys chasing her all the time and such. Hell, when we started to see all this. Naturally, her father and I got concerned. Because, well, you know how nature can take its course. And pretty soon you have an unplanned baby staring you in the face. So, we sat her down back then. And had a long talk with her about responsibility and such. She completely understood what we were trying to tell her. And we all agreed to put her on the pill. To be on the safe side.”

“Sure sounds to me like you guys were doing your best to keep her on the right path,” Tammy said. Karla replied, “Yes, we were. And then the problem started. For some reason, the pill made Karen sick all the time. Badly sick, to the point where we had to take her off of it. After that, nature had a way of complicating things. She wanted to still be responsible when it came to sex. She did not want a baby to take care of. Any more than we did. And year after year, she continued to develop into a young woman. She liked boys, and loved their attention. It was like. I want you to look. But you can’t touch type of thing.”

Being an expert on the subject herself. Tammy played dumbed and asked, “So what did Karen do? To attract all these boys?” Karla answers, “First off, mother nature helped Karen out a lot. She’s barely 5 foot tall, and only weighs around 100 pounds or so. Maybe even less. Her breasts developed into these very firm cantaloupes. And she’s never needed to wear a bra, never. I swear her nipples could poke through a wool coat. Then there’s her cute little tear dropped shaped ass, and well toned legs to match. Her playful eyes and smile could melt a glacier.” “Karen sure sounds like a cute little thing,” Tammy replied. Karla went on. “But it doesn’t stop there. It’s the way see dresses too. Extra tight pants, which accent her ass. Or short skirts, to expose her legs. And there’s no shirt, blouse, or sweater in the world that can hide those nipples of hers. When she really wants to advertise herself. She wears those high heel “fuck me” pump shoes. You know the ones, that push your ass up. Like she’s advertising and begging to get laid. Hell, after all that. I don’t know who’s more frustrated? Karen, or all the young studs eyeing her.”

Tammy asked Karla if she had a photo of Karen. She did, and handed it to Tammy. “My, she is a cute, sexy little thing, isn’t she!” Tammy said. Tammy went on. “I can understand all your concerns as a parent. But I’m still confused as to why you’ve came to me, a total stranger, with this?” Karla now got a little uncomfortable in her chair. Because she just wasn’t’ quite sure how to correctly answer Tammy’s question. “Here’s the truth Tammy. Karen has just finished high school. She’s 19 now. She’s going to need a summer job. And I was hoping, just hoping, that maybe she could get a job here for the summer.”

Taken by surprise, Tammy asked, “You do know what goes on around here, right?” Karla answers, “Of course I do. Remember? My husband and I are two of Terry’s clients. Don’t you see? Speaking woman to woman. I think Karen’s whole problem right now is this. She’s got all this sexual frustration built up inside her. To put it bluntly, I think what Karen really needs right now is simple. Karen needs to literally get her brains fucked out!!!! And what better place to do it than here, no chance of getting pregnant.

Tammy’s mind went into overdrive. Karla had put all the cards on the table. “Just think of all the possibilities! Especially knowing of Terry’s future plans. A sexy little thing like Karen, could come in quite useful around here. Especially if Terry keeps bringing in more dogs that will continual servicing. She could use the help. Two more breeding holes would come in handy. Tammy now had a golden opportunity. But she knew, all this was easier said than done. There were hurdles to cross.

“Does Karen know about any of this?” Tammy asks. “No, she doesn’t have a clue” Karla answered. “When we attend one of Terry’s events. We always make up some other excuse as to where we’re going. So somehow, we’ll have to coach her into this. She has no idea that woman are fucked by dogs.” Tammy couldn’t resist and asked. “So,,,,,,, Karla, how about you? Am I to assume you have a dog at home?”

“I only wish,” Karla replied. “I watch all these other women, getting their brains screwed out by all these dogs. Wishing I could partake as well. Problem is, I have an abnormally small pussy. When Karen was born, it was a C section. I don’t think there would be any way possible for my small pussy to fit a big dog cock.” Tammy smiled and said, “I don’t know Karla, you’d be surprised how much something can stretch. Especially when a well hung beast is in charge of the stretching!”

Karla still hadn’t heard Tammy’s answer. Will she, or won’t she, hire on her daughter Karen. Then she spoke up, “What do you think Tammy? Will you be willing to help me out here?” Tammy replies, “Certainly I want to help you out. You already know how everything works around here. One other matter to consider though, did Karen inherit your extra small pussy?” Without a prior thought, Karla answers, “I have no idea, if she did or not. But hey, if she did, she’s going to be one hell of fuck! So do we have a deal?” “DEAL!” Tammy replied.

The two of them discussed their plan in detail. So they could set the trap for Karen. To start with, the next morning, Karla was to tell Karen about a new job opportunity she found for your. And them hopefully, Karen will show up for an “interview.”

The next morning, Karla was making breakfast for herself and Karen. Her husband had already left for work. Then Karen entered the kitchen. “Good Morning honey!” Karla said. “Good Morning mom.” Karen replies. Then Karla put the plan into motion and says, “So Karen, I don’t know what you had planned for the day. But yesterday, I heard of a place looking for more help. You are going to need a summer job. I think this job would be right up your alley.”

Karen perked up. “Really mom! I’ve been looking. But haven’t had any luck yet. What’s the job?” she asked. Karla had a hard time playing it smooth, and then replied. “There’s a new dog kennel that just relocated near here. They specialize in breeding dogs. And they could use more help.” Karen was all excited when she hard the news. “Oh mom! That would be wonderful! You know how much I love dogs! Do you think they’d let me play with the puppies? They’re so cute!” Karla had a devil of a time keeping a straight face, and replied, “Honey, I bet they’d let you play with the puppies all you want!”

Karla gave Karen the instructions on how to find the place. And told her she needed to jump on this right away. Not wanting to let the job slip her fingers. Karen told her mom she’d head there right away after breakfast. Which she did.


Karen headed out into the country. Following the directions she was given. As she drove, she thought. “Why would anybody start a business way out here in the middle of nowhere?” Then rationalized that maybe with the sound of all those barking dogs. They didn’t want to piss off the neighbors. Soon she arrived at the security gate. “This is goofy. Why would a business breeding dogs need a security gate? She thought. She decided there must be a reason. Otherwise it wouldn’t be there in the first place. Then she pushed the button to let someone know she was there.

Tammy was ready for Karen’s arrival. She gave the gate its command to open up. As Karen drove up to the house, she could hear all the barking dogs all right. “By the sounds of it, they must not be breeding miniature Poodles here. They all sound like bigger dogs.” She thought to herself. As Karen was walking from her car to the front door, Tammy was watching her through a window. “Damn, she is, a hot little thing! It’s easy to see why all the boys were chasing her tail. By the looks of her, I bet she’s a tight fuck.” Tammy whispered to yourself. The doorbell rang.

“Hi! My name is Karen. I’m here about the job.” Karen said. Tammy replied, “Why yes Karen, come on in. I thought you might be coming. I spoke with your mother yesterday. Come in and sit down. So we can talk. My name is Tammy by the way.” Karen spoke up with a question, “Why do you have a security fence and gate for a kennel that breeds dogs?” Tammy replied, “We need that here, you see, we have a lot of expensive dogs. So we need to protect them from theft and the like.” Karen bought that.

“So Karen, sounds like you’re interested in helping out around here?” Tammy asks. Karen replies, “Oh yes, I just love dogs! And puppies are so cute! I could just play with them all day!” Tammy’s mind was going in a different direction. Karen is painting a picture of herself, playing with a bunch of puppies all day. Tammy’s picture was much different. She was envisioning Karen’s hot little body on the breeding bench. With her screaming as the dogs fucked her breeding holes. Tammy knew, if she played her cards right. Maybe she could make all this come true.

Karen mustered the nerve and asked, ”How much does the job pay?” Tammy had to come up something quick. “Well, it’s pretty simple Karen. The more you work, the more you make. It all depends on how much effort you want to put into the job. Before we talk dollars and cents. How about I show you around first?” Tammy asks. Karen thought that would be a perfect idea.

Tammy led Karen out the backdoor into the hallway. Karen could hear the multiple dogs barking ahead and outside the hallway. She led Karen past the door, which led to the breeding room. And instead, led her out into the kennel area. Once in sight, the dogs went crazy. Another bitch to fuck. They were all looking at Karen like she was just another succulent piece of meat. To satisfy their cocks. All Karen saw, was a whole bunch of large male dogs. Shepherds, Danes, mixed breeds, and of course those monster Mastiffs. Most of them were jumping up against the chain link of their pens. Getting more excited and frustrated by the minute. They didn’t care whether she was good looking or not. They just wanted to breed and fuck her holes. The only thing in life they knew how to do.

“What do you think so far Karen?” Tammy asks. Karen spoke, “I see it’s obvious, that you only breed the larger breeds of dogs. I don’t see any small dogs here. The majority of them are huge! I didn’t think dogs got as big as some of these.” Tammy replied, “That’s right Karen. No little dogs here. They don’t bring in near as much money. They’d be a waste of time and effort.” The two them turned the corner, and walked down the next row of pens. And again, all Karen saw were more male dogs.

By now, the scent of Karen’s young pussy was detectable throughout the whole kennel. Even her panties couldn’t hide the smell of her ignorant pussy. Naturally, Tammy wasn’t wearing any panties under her dress either. Her pussy was willingly sending the message. Between the two of them, the beasts were getting worked up into a sex filled frenzy. Their cocks started to emerge from their furry sheaths. Some started to drip precum, in the hopes they would get their chance to fuck these two bitches in heat.

Karen’s eyes widened, as she looked all around her. As if she had tunnel vision, her eyes were now only seeing big, blood red dog cocks. Karen was startled, when she accidentally got to close a Great Dane’s pen. The Dane jumped up onto the chain link. His front paws were resting on the fence, 3 feet higher than her head. In a moment of silence, she looked up and seen the size of the Dane. It made her feel so small. As she lowered her eyes, she gasped as her eyes zeroed in on his red cock. Which was now, 8 inches out from its sheath. The Dane begun to hump the air, his cock needed a hole to fill. Karen remained silenced and frozen in time. As she watched him, thrust his boney cock directly in her direction. As if her pussy had eyes of its own. Karen envisioned that big cock penetrating her sex-starved cunt. With a pit now forming in her gut, she unconsciously clamped her legs together. In hopes of controlling, and covering up, the unmistakable feeling in her crotch.

As Tammy observed Karen’s reaction, she didn’t say a word. She smiled, and watched nature take its course. Tammy knew she had Karen’s attention now, whether she wanted to admit it or not. Karen managed to snap out of her stare. Just to look all around her, to see more of the dogs, now doing the same thing. Karen felt like she was being raped just standing there. Every cock was pointing directly at her.

Not wanting to look embarrassed and obvious, Karen felt she had to say something, anything. She collected herself as best she could. But in the back of her mind, all she could think about was all these big cocks. That all seemed to want her. Then Karen spoke up. “I’m a little confused Tammy. This is a breeding kennel, right? Where you breed dogs?” Tammy was happy to answer. “Why yes it is. It is a breeding kennel. All these dogs are getting bred all the time. Or I should say, they, are breeding all the time. Why do you ask?” Karen speaks again, “Well it doesn’t make any sense to me? All I’ve seen around here are male dogs. I haven’t seen one single female dog. How can you have a breeding kennel, without any female dogs? I mean, like, don’t you need bitches in heat or something like that??”

“Oh,” Tammy says, “You’re confused because you don’t see any female dogs around here, bitches, like you said. One thing you have to understand Karen is this. Bitches come in many different shapes and sizes.” Totally confused now, Karen asks, “I don’t know what you mean Tammy.” Before answering, Tammy thought to herself, “Its time, I just hope she doesn’t go running for the hills. This has got to work out.” With that thought, Tammy reached into her pocket. Pulled out her collar and attached it around her neck. For a brief moment, Karen was dumbfounded. Then Karen’s eyes about popped out of their sockets. When she read the words, “KENNEL BITCH.” The pit in Karen’s stomach tripled in size, and she hardly believing what she was seeing. “WHAT?,,, I MEAN,,,,,, YOU’RE TELLING ME YOU LET THESE BEASTS FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!???”

Calmly, Tammy answers, “Damned right I do. Best sex I’ve ever had to by the way. The endless organisms are unbelievable!!!! Karen was totally stunned. She didn’t know what to say. Sensing this, Tammy spoke up. “Karen, before you make judgment, hear me out. I don’t know if you’ve ever watched a male dog fuck his bitch. But, believe me, it’s insanely intense. No human male can even come close to fucking you as hard and fast as a dog. Plus, the bigger dogs have so much strength and power. Once they mount you, there’s nothing you can do to stop them. And the best part is, you can’t get pregnant.”

Karen was still processing it all. But she heard something that caught her attention. “What do you mean, you can’t get pregnant?” Karen asks. Tammy replies, “That’s right, it’s totally impossible to get pregnant by a dog. His sperm doesn’t match up with the human egg. It’s biologically impossible. You can get fucked over and over again, with no worries. There are no words to describe how good it feels.”

Before Karen had a chance to say anything. Tammy continued. “Karen, you need to be honest with yourself. I’m speaking woman-to-woman here. I can easily see you're not a little girl anymore. Not with a body like that. Now I don’t know if you’ve had sex before. But I do know this. I saw how you reacted to that Dane when he was thrusting his cock at you. You wanted to feel that cock in your little pussy. There’s no way you can deny that. I can see the wet spot from here. I’d even be willing to bet. That if I wasn’t standing there. You would have even thought about going for it. Am I right?”

She couldn’t deny it. Everything Tammy said was true. Ever since puberty, Karen has wondered what it would be like to get fucked by a real cock. Turns out, mom was right. Karen had to be honest with herself and come clean. Tammy had her all figured out. “OK, OK, I admit it. Yes I wanted to feel his cock inside me. I’m tired of dressing like a slut. And having nothing to show for it. But what do you do? Just walk into one of pens. And hope something happens?”

“No, no honey,” Tammy replied, “It’s much more sophisticated than that. Though, that would work. Of this I have no doubt. Before I show you more. Am I to assume you’re interested in the job?” Karen replies, “Only on one condition. You said there’s no way I can become pregnant right?” Tammy answers, “Not a chance in hell. Come on, let me show you around a little bit more.”

Tammy decided to go for broke, as she decided to show Karen the breeding room. As they walked back toward the hallway, Karen was nervous and excited at the same time. At this point, she wasn’t really sure what she had gotten herself into. She was only sure of one thing. She wanted to finally experience a real cock. Tammy stopped, when they got to the breeding room door.

“Ok Karen, on the other side of this door, is where we separate the little girls from the women. If you’re a little girl going in, I can guarantee you, you’ll be a woman when you leave. This is the breeding room. Where I service and train all the dogs. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been bred in here.” By now, Karen was almost feeling light headed, as her imagination was running away with her. She could hardly think for herself. Karen quickly glanced around the room. A closed curtain, Big Screen TV, and then the most imposing feature, a contraption in the middle of the floor. With steel bars and pads on it. “Holly Shit! What is that!” As Karen pointed at the breeding bench.

“Why, that’s the breeding bench of course!” Tammy replied. That’s where I, or should I now say we, submit ourselves to be bred! Here, let me show you some of the wonderful features.” Tammy showed Karen all the adjustments, the remote control, etc., etc. Then Tammy summed it up, “This thing will put you and the dog, in the perfect position. So the dog can have his way with you. Here, let me show you!” Tammy got down onto the bench. Her stomach was resting comfortably onto top of its soft pad. Then she put both legs on the outside of the leg spreader. “See Karen?! This thing is perfect for breeding!” Tammy reached back, and pulled her skirt up onto her back. Exposing her bare ass. “There, the only thing I need now is, one of those beasts outside, to come and breed me. Just like I’m a bitch in heat. Trust me Karen, woman to woman, you’ve never had sex before, until you’ve been used and abused by one of those monsters out back.”

Karen was speechless at the sight she was seeing. Here’s a seemingly nice lady, with a very sexy body, lying on a bench, with her beautiful well-formed ass in the air. All in position, so she can be fucked by one of those huge, overgrown beasts outside. Plus her collar, “KENNEL BITCH.” Karen couldn’t take her eyes off of Tammy’s exposed pussy. It looked hungry. Begging to be fed a huge helping of dog cock. She envisioned the Dane’s cock again, thrusting and probing, lining itself up, to fuck Tammy’s pussy. Once again, for the second time, Karen felt a rush of sexual emotion race through her body. As she imagined herself lying on that bench, submitting her sex deprived body. Her pussy had ripened and has been ready for fucking for 5 years now. She was tired of just advertising her goods. It was time to cash in. She wanted to get fucked. Once again, her legs clamped together, and all the muscles in her crotch tightened. In an attempt to satisfy her now aching wet pussy.

“You like what you see, don’t you Karen? I see your pussy is sending you a message. But are you ready to listen to it?” Like the floodgates had been opened, Karen could no longer hold back. “Oh yes, yes, I wanna get fucked so bad. I’m sick and tired of just dressing like a slut. I wanna rip these clothes off. And find out what if feels like to be a slut! My pussy is just aching for cock! I want to know what it feels like to have a big cock pounding away, as my pussy rewards me with one organism after another. Can you please help me?!”

Tammy now had Karen under her control. She also knew, if she trained Karen right. Terry would have all kinds of fun. Coming up with ways to use that tiny, sexy little body. How could any male resist? Any cock out there, would love to fuck the living shit out of her. Tammy rose from the bench. “Karen, I’d love to help you out! You know, us women who think alike, we have to stick together. To get what we want. I can make that happen for you!” Tammy paused, then said, “You come back tomorrow morning. We’ll get started then. And maybe wear a mini skirt. I trust you have one?” Karen quickly replied, “Why yes, I own several. They show off my perfectly toned legs.” “Perfect!” Tammy responded.

Karen’s mind was now going in all direct directions at once. Her pussy had a nervous twitch. Part of her was very excited. Most of her thought she was out of her fricken mind. Karen was almost to the door, when Tammy spoke up again, “Oh Karen,,,, just one more thing, don’t bother wearing any panties!” With a huge smile on her face, Karen replied, “I WOULDN’T THINK OF IT!”


2024-03-01 19:32:10
Great read. I hope this series goes on for a number of chapters. There are so many potential directions for the series to go.

roxan brownReport 

2024-03-01 10:49:49
I love this nothing i repeat nothing is like being the bitch in a doggy gangbang

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