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Break ups are never easy... especially when you're the one who got dumped. Thomas and I had been dating for 6 years when he told me that he felt we had grown apart, and things weren't going to work out between us. It honestly caught me off guard, and despite trying to talk to him about fixing things, he was adamant about separating... so I eventually realized I needed to move on with my life, and my friend Diana allowed me to move in with her and her husband.

Diana and her husband Peter had been together for a long time... and although I loved seeing her happy with him, it also made being newly single a harder thing to cope with. After a few weeks, Diana started telling me that I "needed to get laid" in order to help move forward, but at the time I just wasn't interested... I hadn't been with anyone other than Thomas in such a long time. Diana and Peter were "in the lifestyle", which is just another way of saying they were swingers... she had confided that information with me a few years back, and I got the impression they didn't want others to know. I was glad she trusted me enough to tell me, and kept it to myself... besides, it's no one else's business anyway.

Diana had made it known that Peter found me attractive, and if I was ever interested in being intimate with him, I had her blessing... I knew he was attracted to me, I caught him leering at my chest more than a few times... but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything like that with my friends husband. Regardless of what she said, it just didn't feel right... especially if we were living together. It was flattering knowing he was sexually attracted to me, and did help boost my ego... and I admit, I might have worn a few low cut blouses in front of him so I could catch him glaring at my cleavage, on more than one occasion.

Diana decided that we should have a girls night out... so one Saturday night, the two of us went to a club together. Guys were hitting on us almost immediately, and after a few drinks we started dancing... it was the best I had felt in a long time, and I thanked Diana for it... she had really been there for me. Once we sat back down, Diana asked me "So, which one of these guys are you going to hook up with tonight?". I had to admit, I was aroused for the first time in a long time as well... but despite finding the guys there attractive, I wasn't really feeling it for any of them... not like that. I explained it to Diana, and she just rolled her eyes and said "you'll feel so much better once some guy fucks you good... it's what you need to help get over your dumb ass ex".

"The idea of making small talk, going to a strangers house... dealing with the awkwardness afterwards... no thanks!" I told her as she smiled and then responded "let's go, I know a better club we can go to". I shrugged my shoulders, not ready for the night to be over anyway, and followed her outside to her car... curious to find out about this "better club". As we were going down the road I asked her for details about this club, and that's when she hit me with "it's a lifestyles club". It took me a few seconds, and then I asked "Wait, do you mean a swingers club?!"... Diana just looked at me with a big grin, and I quickly responded "No way, let's just call it a night. I'm not going to a swingers club!". Diana giggled and said "Relax, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to... we can just check it out for a bit and go from there". I thought she might have just been joking for a second, but swiftly realized she wasn't. "I wouldn't feel comfortable at a place like that" I told her, and she replied "I just want you to check it out... and after a couple of drinks if you want to leave, we will". I'm sure Diana could see how uneasy I felt about it, as she added "it'll be a fun adventure, don't be so uptight... there's nothing to worry about!". I hated being seen as uptight, and finally said "ok, but don't leave me alone, and after a couple of drinks we leave".

I couldn't believe I actually agreed to go... and I noticed my nervousness start growing more just shortly after. "Are there going to be naked people there?" I asked, and Diana giggled as she answered "I'm sure there will be... there's rooms for activity, and rooms where people just socialize... don't worry, you're not required to be nude or do anything". I thought about it a bit and then asked "So, what are we going to do there?". Diana smirked at me and said "whatever we want... if we want to hang out and dance, we can... if we want to get in a hot tub, or hook up with someone...". I quickly pointed out "I'm not hooking up with anyone at a swingers club", to which Diana told me "That's fine, I'm just saying you could if you wanted to... and let's be honest, you need it! You'd feel a lot better if you did". I rolled my eyes and said "that may be true, but it's not happening tonight".

As soon as we pulled up I become incredibly nervous! It was just someone's house with a big parking area... I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. We walked up to the front door and Diana greeted the host couple while introducing me to them. They both gave a friendly smile and with a warm tone asked "Is it just you guys tonight? Did Peter not join you?". Diana informed them "No, not tonight. It's just us two girls... this is the first time Carol has been to a lifestyles club, so she's a little nervous". I braved a bit of a smile as the host assured me that I wouldn't be pressured to do anything I didn't want to do, and they were sure I'd have a good time". I thanked them before Diana lead me inside to gleefully show me around the place.

When we first walked in there were people standing around talking and dancing, nothing to crazy although many women were in lingerie... we walked up to the bar, and Diana explained to me that they don't sell alcohol, but will mix drinks for you if you bring your own... and apparently she had either left some their before or the bartender was using someone else's that Diana knew. Next to the bar was a room that looked like a lounge area... it wasn't a loud and people were just hanging out. I was actually relieved to see it wasn't just a huge crazy orgy, although it was a bit jarring seeing some females walk around topless. I'd been too a few nude beaches in the past, so it didn't really bother me to much... and it was a lot tamer than I had expected. Diana showed me that there were different themed rooms... a room for groups, a couple rooms for non groups (although people could watch), and there was a hot tub both inside and outside. No body was in the one outside, but the one inside was big and had a few couples in it.

Diana introduced me to a few couples, and it was clear that they were interested in me... which was flattering, but I wasn't ready for all that. Diana kept the drinks coming and shared with me certain guys or couples she had "played" with (which meant she had sex with them)... I guess a lot of the same people come there often. Everyone seemed extremely friendly, although I made it clear I wasn't going to be having sex with anyone that night. No one was pushy, and seemed to be understanding... more than a few let me know if I changed my mind that they'd love to play with me. It embarrassed me a bit, but it was extremely flattering that they were attracted to me... and the idea kept floating around my head, although I knew I wouldn't act on it. I had never been with a girl before, but I had thought about it... I just never really considered actually doing it, but under the circumstances I certainly was. Thomas had tried to talk to me about having a threesome with another girl before, but I never wanted to... I felt like he just wanted to fuck another girl.

Diana stayed by my side, making sure I was OK and making sure I had a drink. True to her word, she told me that if I felt uncomfortable we could leave, but I was honestly having a good time and was enjoying the attention. I told her "No, I'm having a good time... I'm in no hurry", to which she responded with a smile and said "good... let's go dance!". So off to the dance floor we went, with Diana leading the way... it was a bit crowded, but nothing to bad. From there I could see one of the rooms, and could see people in there having sex... I had never watched others have sex outside of porn, and I had to admit that it was intriguing... I caught myself staring that way a few times before I realized what I was doing and would try to refocus on the dance floor. One of the couples started dancing with Diana and I, and Diana wasn't shy to let the male half know she'd love to get fucked by him again. He wanted to take her up on the offer, but didn't want to leave me alone. The female half suggested we get in the hot tub, and Diana looked at me and asked "how about it... you OK to get in the hot tub, or is that too much for you?".

I know she meant well when she asked, but I almost felt like she was saying "can you even handle something as tame as that?"... and I wanted to prove that despite that I wasn't going to have sex with anyone, I wasn't an uptight prude... besides, I was having fun, and I wasn't wanting to be a party pooper. I shrugged my shoulders and said "Sure, why not"... granted I had drank enough to where my inhibitions were lowered, but I felt I was still in control and safe. Diana gave me a wink and lead me toward the room that I had been secretly eyeing earlier, and as we slowly walked through I saw multiple people having sex, and people were watching as well... girls on their knees going down on a guy while another guy fucked them... two girls kissing while they both had someone fucking them. A girl riding a guy while others watched and groped her... it was honestly the most erotic thing I had ever seen... the moans, grunts, bodies slapping... my heart raced a bit as we slowly strolled through and entered the room with the hot tub.

There were a two other couples already in the tub, one of which we had talked to earlier, and Diana walked me to the lockers in the same room to put our stuff in. I watched as she started to get undressed, and then turned to see the couple doing the same thing... no one had any hesitation, and I didn't want to give the impression that I wasn't comfortable, so I slowly started to remove my shoes as I watched Diana drop her dress and start to remove her bra. I've been nude on the beach, but getting nude in front of people who had already told me they wanted to fuck me was very different... and with how aroused I was after seeing people fucking in the next room, I felt both sexy and naughty knowing I was going to let them see me naked... but I'd catch the husband looking at me, obviously anxious to see me... and I noticed the others in the hot tub were watching us as well. I wasn't worried, I was turned on knowing they wanted me... and I started to continue to undress while feeling their eyes on me. I felt like I was about to tease them by showing them what they wanted but couldn't have, and that really turned me on! Both ladies were now topless... Diana had great natural breasts with dark nipples... the wife had smaller breasts, but nice and perky. Not too be out done, I removed my bra and showcased my C cup titties to the room... they weren't the perkiest or biggest, but I've always been proud of them. I heard the wife point out "wow, she has beautiful puffy nipples", which drew everyone's stares toward my chest. I could feel my face grew warmer... I'm not sure if I was slightly embarrassed or just aroused by the sexual attention, but probably a combination of the two.

I quickly finished undressing, and we all giggled and leered at each other as we went up the steps and got into the hot tub. I sat on one side next to the steps, and Diana sat on the opposite side next to the steps so that we were facing each other. The husband (they told me their names, but I honestly forgot) sat next to me with his wife on the other side... with the other two couples already in there, it was now pretty full! The wife pointed out "I noticed you're completely shaved down below just like I am... he loves that". I looked at him and we made close eye contact before he looked back at my tits, and then back up to my eyes with a grin... it honestly made my heart skip a beat. Diana asked everyone "don't you guys think Carol is sexy?", to which everyone agreed... which did wonders for my ego. One of the other guys pointed out that all five of us were sexy, too which we all thanked him and told him he was sweet. That's when I realized there were five females all exposed from the waist up, and only three guys.

I caught myself looking down toward the husbands crotch next to me, and I could see under the water that his wife was slowly stroking his now enlarged cock... I had noticed it when he got undressed, but it was vastly bigger now. The jet bubbles obstructed the view some, but the head of his cock was very clear... and it was hot watching her hand stroke it right next to me. The wife noticed me gawking and stated "It's a shame you don't want to play tonight... he really likes you". I was really turned on, and was having second thoughts about it... but decided I should stick with my guns as I replied "Not tonight... I don't think I'm ready to get fucked yet". I didn't mean do say it like that, it sounded so crass... but I was a bit intoxicated and not really in the best frame of mind. I felt his hand start to gently rub my leg, but I just act nonchalantly about it as one of the girls asked me "have you ever been with another woman?"... I became a bit embarrassed as I admitted "No... but honestly I've thought about it". Diana perked up and asked me "Really?... I had no idea, why have you never said anything before?". I shrugged my shoulder as I felt the husband start to slowly raise his hand toward my upper thigh, I'm sure testing his limits. Diana giggled before saying "I should call Peter to come up here... he's going to hate that he missed this!". I quickly stopped her "please don't... I'd feel way to uncomfortable being like this with anyone else I know around". Diana looked a bit disappointed as she said she understood... but then gazed off behind me for a few seconds and said "Then you're probably not going to like hearing that Wesley and Chelsea are here".

A little background before I continue, Wes was Thomas's best friend... so I knew him very well. It was rare to go a few days without seeing him. We went on vacations together, drank together, movies... we were all pretty close, although I never viewed him in a sexual nature. A few months back he started dating Chelsea, who is a good friend of Diana's. I knew her, but she was more of a friend of a friend than she was my friend. I knew, like Diana, she had a high sex drive, and they enjoyed sharing that together... and apparently Wes was trying to broaden his sexual horizons, and found that outlet with Chelsea. It never occurred to me I might run into someone I knew at this "lifestyle" club, much less Wes! At first I thought Diana was just joking, but then I could see in her eyes that she wasn't... and I heard her say "She sees me, they're coming over". My heart immediately dropped to my stomach, and my face felt flushed. I covered my chest with my arms, not knowing what else I could do in the situation.

Chelsea walked right up to Diana and gave her a quick peck as she told her how happy she was to see her. Diana told her it was great to see her as well, and noticed Wes was looking at her and seemed to be in a good mood. Diana joked "first time seeing my tits, huh Wes?", and Wesley chuckled and said "I guess it is... looking good Diana". Chelsea explained "I've been trying to talk him into coming here for a few weeks, but I finally got him to agree tonight... he's actually pretty excited now". I was mortified, going he wouldn't see notice me... but that was short lived, because he looked right at me and said "Carol?". I still had my chest covered as I sheepishly replied "Hi", and Chelsea came over and said "Hey, it's good to see you too! I didn't know you were in the lifestyle now!". I answered "uh... I'm not... Diana just wanted to show me around". Diana pointed out "She's been having a rough time getting over the break up, so I wanted to do something fun to help". Chelsea looked at me and said "Thomas was a fool to end things with you... he's certainly not going to do better. Wes and I both think so". I looked at Wes who was nodding in agreement, but I'm sure he could see how uncomfortable I was feeling. He told me "don't worry, I won't tell Thomas I saw you here... it's none of his business now anyway"... that made me feel a little better, but it was still awkward.

One of the couples stood up and we watched them as they walked naked across us and started drying off, and Chelsea suggested they got into the hot tub to join us. Part of me wanted to leave right then before they did, but in order to do that I'd have to stand up naked in front of them as well... so I sat there, unsure what to do, when I noticed that they were undressing. I would have thought Wes would have felt uncomfortable doing that in front of me... his best friends ex... but if he did, he certainly wasn't showing it. Chelsea had great breasts due to a boob job, and it didn't go unnoticed by anyone else... I was caught off guard by how good Wes looked naked. He was shaved, good build and shape, and was pleasantly well equipped! The husband next to me pulled my leg toward him as the scooted over to where the other couple had been, allowing Chelsea to sit next to me, and Wes to sit where I had been previously. Chelsea looked at me as I still had my chest covered, and said "You can relax Carol, it's no big deal... we're all friends here". Funny thing is I was relaxed more when it wasn't all friends... but I knew her point and didn't want to continue the awkwardness either.

The husband started rubbing my upper leg again as I told them "Thomas better not hear about this, ok?", to which they all said "of course" before Wes added "he'd be more pissed at me than anything, so I'm not saying a word". I knew he had a point, Thomas was an extremely jealous guy... so I relaxed my arms, letting my tits back out into the fresh air and everyone's watchful eyes. Chelsea spoke up "damn, you have nice puffy nipples", which made me blush... and I noticed Wesley hadn't taken his eyes off my tits since I revealed them. Chelsea spoke up again and said "you know, Wes always found you attractive"... I looked at Wes who looked embarrassed as he turned to Chelsea as if she said something she shouldn't have, and she just told him "Relax, it's normal... she's a sexy girl". He told her "You don't need to tell her everything". Chelsea chuckled and said "you've told me you would have loved to fuck her if you had the chance to... you said the same about Diana too". He turned a bit red with embarrassment, and Diana told him "that's sweet, and incredibly flattering... isn't it Carol?" I was put on the spot, not sure how to respond, but simply said "it does make me feel good about myself" which was the truth, although I had no idea he had ever thought of me that way.

Before long we were all joking and having a good time. At one point, Diana even walked through the house naked to get us some more drinks before climbing back into the tub. The other couple left, so it was just the one married couple, Diana, Chelsea, Wes and I left in the hot tub... and as we slid over a bit to make use of the more available room, I felt the husbands hand move up to where the sides of his fingers were now pressed up against my pussy... I hadn't been touched there by another man in years, and it sent a jolt up my body. He was talking to his wife as if nothing was going on, and I noticed she was staring at the water... when I looked to where she was looking I noticed that from our new viewpoint we could clearly see Wes under the water... I guess the jets didn't cover him well from where we were now sitting, and we could clearly see him stroking his cock under the water. I started to wonder what all could the other couple had seen of me when I was sitting there with my legs open... but the idea of that combined with the husbands hand softly bumping up against my pussy, and watching Wes stroke his cock while looking at my tits... I was growing incredibly horny, and incredibly fast!

I heard Diana tell Chelsea "So, I just found out that Carol is interested in women". Chelsea looked at me and said "oh really?... have you been with a woman before?". I tried to hold my composure as the husband had graduated to rubbing his fingers slowly up and down my slit, and answered her "no... it's just something I've been curious about". I watched as Diana slid over and started kissing the wife, and Chelsea looked at me with a grin and said "I know you've mentioned you weren't going to play with any guys... but I'd love to be your first girl kiss". I wasn't sure how to react... it all just happened so quickly and unexpected... I found myself nod slightly in my aroused state, and she leaned in and started kissing me. I felt my body lay back, and my legs spread as the husband explored my pussy with his hand under the water. Chelsea noticed what he was doing as I felt a finger slip inside me, and she whispered in my ear "Wes doesn't want me to play with any guys tonight... but you can fuck him if you want". She started kissing me again while groping my tits, and the husband placed my hand on his cock under the water... I was lost in lust, not sure what I should do, but I didn't pull my hand away... I realized I was softly squeezing his cock, and slowly started to stroke it.

Wesley was sitting there stroking his cock as he watched his girlfriend kiss me and play with my tits, and I started to wonder just how far I would go. I didn't want Wes to see what I was doing with the husband, and so far he didn't seem to notice... I think Diana did though, because she moved over next to him and started kissing him and whispering in his ear. His hand moved away as he joined his wife groping on Diana, and Chelsea whispered in my ear "I really want to go down on you". I didn't know how to respond... the idea excited me, but made me nervous as well... I had been worried about Thomas finding out about everything, but all the sudden I thought to myself, maybe I wanted him to know. He would be so jealous and upset if he found out I was with another woman after he tried so hard to push me to do it... basically a last "fuck you" toward him for dumping me. I may not be ready for another man, but I felt very ready to be with Chelsea! I started kissing her passionately, and I told her "I want that too". She bit her lip with a devious smile and stood up, pulling me up with her and then sat me down on the side of the hot tub. She opened my legs and then bent over and started licking me slowly up and down my slit.

Wes slid over next to my leg and watched as his girlfriend started eating me out, and it was clear he was trying to look at my pussy as he stroked himself faster... knowing he had told Chelsea that he had thought about me sexually, and watching him handle his cock while looking at me... it really made me even more horny than I already was, as Chelsea continued to explore my pussy with her tongue. Chelsea turned to smile at Wes and said "look how pretty and smooth Carol's pussy is... doesn't it look nice?" as she rubbed and spread my vagina for Wesley's inspection. "How many times have you wished you could see her like this" she asked him, and I watched as his eyes went up and down my body as he answered "More than I could count". I noticed others walking up and start standing around the hot tub as they watched us, while Chelsea reminded Wes "It's just us girls tonight... but I'm sure she won't mind if you continue to watch, right Carol?"... I was breathing heavy as I told them "I don't care who watches", and I meant it... there were now a couple guys I'd never seen before and one of the earlier couples standing there looking at me as I sat there with my legs spread, crotch on full display, before Chelsea start to go down on me again.

Diana, the wife, and husband all got up and she suggested we go into the room and find a bed. I was hesitant, despite not wanting things to end, but Diana told me "don't worry, no one will do anything to you without you saying it's OK... it's one of the rules". I figured I already had an audience, so as long as I'm still in control it shouldn't really matter... and to be honest, the audience turned me on a well. Chelsea pulled me up to my feet and said "come on, I'm not done with you yet" while giving me a devious smile and a playful wink. So we got out and grabbed some towels to dry off, and I noticed that Wes kept glancing at me... I guess he had always wondered what I looked like naked, and now here I was completely nude next to him... and I noticed him seemed to really like looking at my butt... but I knew from hearing him to talk to Thomas in the past that he was an ass guy. Diana and Chelsea were giggling while whispering with each other as we wrapped our towels around our bodies, and Chelsea led me into the next room, with the others close behind.

It was a dimly lit room, and the first thing I saw was two girls on all fours on a round bed in the middle of the room, each getting fucked while sucking off another guy. People were watching, some even masturbating... the rest of the room was beds that wrapped around the room, but each one separated by a wall... so it was somewhat private, despite people being able to stand at the end of the bed and watch. Chelsea took me to an empty mattress, and told Wes "You go play with Diana and her friend... I want some alone time with Carol". Diana took him by the hand and led him off to another spot as we dropped our towels and laid down on the mattress. We immediately resumed kissing and groping each others bodies, and for the first time in my life I knew I was bisexual.... I had considered I might be, but now I had no doubt. Our tongues danced as my fingers roamed to play with her vagina, and she did the same to me as we worked ourselves up into a sexual frenzy. I noticed a couple guys standing at the end of the mattress watching us, taking in every intimate detail and moment with their eyes while slowly stroking their cocks. Chelsea must have noticed me looking, because she asked me "you're wanting a hard cock now, aren't you?"... I wasn't sure how to reply, because I wasn't sure what to think... but she just added "It's ok... I do too". She slid down the bed and started eating me out again, and while doing so stuck her ass up in the air at the foot of the mattress... and I wondered if she was purposely trying to get fucked, or if she just enjoyed teasing the guys in front of us... but based on what she had just told me, I didn't think she was just wanting to tease... but I knew Wes didn't want her to "play" with other men. She was lapping up and down inside of me while waving her ass in the air, and it only took about 10 seconds before a guy that was walking by stopped and started rubbing her butt.

The craziest part to me was, she never even looked to see who it was... it was not either of the guys who had been watching, and as he pulled out his dick and slid it inside of her, she just moaned into my pussy... never caring to see who it was that was now fucking her. She grunted and looked up to me to say "please don't tell Wes" before she started eating me out again... her face pressing into me with every thrust as this stranger alternated his staring between her ass and my tits... I almost felt like he was fucking me as well. I guess technically it would be considered my first threesome, even if I didn't touch the stranger...

As I was watching this guy fuck Chelsea, and a couple others who were watching and masturbating, I started to rub my clit a little while her tongue continued to explore my pussy... and then I saw the husband... the one from the hot tub that had fingered me earlier... he was standing there looking at me, and he made a motion with his hand that clearly was asking if he could join us on the mattress... I just gave a quick fast nod, and he climbed up next to me and unwrapped his towel, exposing the cock I had rubbed on earlier in the hot tub. He took no time to start kissing me and rubbing my breasts, and I reached down to stroke on his cock just like earlier. Chelsea saw the cock next to her face, and she took it into her mouth and started sucking it while the stranger was still fucking her. With her head out of the way, the stranger was now looking straight at my pussy as he continued to thrust up inside of Chelsea, and it turned me on so much that I started masturbating and spreading myself for him, letting him admire every detail of my pussy... and suddenly Chelsea climbed forward away from him, and climbed on top of the husband and started riding him next to me... but that left me completely exposed, laying naked on my back as some guy that had been fucking Chelsea now saw an opportunity to fuck me as well... and as I saw him climbing up toward me, I contemplated if I should stop him... but I didn't. I don't know if I was too scared to stop him, or I just didn't want to... but the next thing I know he was between my legs, and the first guy, other than Thomas, to fuck me in years slid his cock inside of me. I gasped as he started to thrust inside of me with ease, as Chelsea continued to fuck the husband next to me. "You're so wet... your pussy feels so fucking good", he softly told me as he pulled my legs up to penetrate me deeper.

I was lost in lust when he pulled out and started cumming on my crotch and lower abdomen, and he used the husbands towel to wipe it off of me before getting up and walking away... just a fast as it happened, it ended... and I laid there craving more, but but not sure what to do. I heard Chelsea tell the husband "I need to stop, my boyfriend will kill me if he caught me like this" as she slid off and laid next to me on her side. She kissed me and said "Can we please keep this between us... Wes isn't ready for me to be with other guys yet... and it was just real quick, it's no big deal, right?". To think it was no big deal to get fucked by two different guys seemed odd to me, but Wes was technically fucking two other girls at the same time... I just responded "it stays between us" before she started kissing me again. Apparently the husband still wanted more because without warning he got on his side and entered her from behind, once again fucking Chelsea as she moaned into my mouth. She buried her fingers inside of me as she muttered softly "I have to stop... I don't want Wes to see..." I looked around the room and couldn't see anyone I recognized, but we certainly had the full attention of a lot of people. I would have never pictured myself being in a scenario like this, but I was fully embracing it... and honestly, I realized I loved all the attention from the lurkers and watching Chelsea getting fucked by this random guy she just met. I still couldn't believe I had let some guy just fuck me, and I never even said a word to him... I felt slutty, but also liberated... I felt like a porn star, and I was loving it as I looked out and saw guys staring at my naked body while stroking themselves.

I noticed one of the guys was the owner of the club that I had met earlier... he saw me look at him and he said "Wes is with Diana in the orgy room, and he wanted me to check and make sure you guys were OK". Chelsea looked a bit flustered as she realized he saw her getting fucked, as she pulled away from the husband and laid on the other side of me. She quickly told him "Terry, please don't tell Wes that I did anything with another guy... he's not ready to deal with that yet, and I promised I wouldn't". Terry just smiled and then finally replied "I won't say a word, it's OK" as he pulled his cock out and started climbing on top of her. The husband slid over closer to me, and without a word, got on top of me and started to line himself up to enter me. I felt the bodies next to me start rocking, and their bodies slapping as Terry started fucking her... and the husband penetrated me with a grunt and started fucking me as well. He didn't start off gentle or slow, he fucked me like he was ready to get himself off... and all I did was spread my legs wider to accommodate him. The husband gave me an accomplished grin before looking me up and down as he thrusted hard into me, and I was getting off on allowing him to have me completely. After just a couple of minutes, the club owner told the husband "we should switch for a minute", to which the husband just nodded as he pulled out of me and walked around him...

Terry never asked me if I was OK with that, or if I was interested in him at all... he just pushed my knees toward my chest and rubbed his cock up and down my slit as he said "I was hoping I'd get to fuck you tonight" right before he buried himself inside of me... but not once did I try to stop him, or even reply to his statement... I just laid there and let him use me as I watched the pleasure wash over his face, and people staring at us. I've never been the type of girl who would just sleep with anyone... I've never been seen as "easy"... but here I was with the third guy within a very short period of time, and I was happy to be doing it... I was happy to see so many others staring at my naked body as they masturbated, and I knew they were just hoping they might get a chance to use my body as well. Terry flipped me over and pulled my ass toward him so that he could continue to fuck me from behind, and Chelsea grunted "I have to go before Wes shows up" as the husband was still fucking her. To his credit, the husband stopped and helped her up on her feet, and she told me "I'll be right back, I'm just going to check on Wes" as she wrapped a towel around her body. I quickly asked her "please don't tell Wes about any of this... I promise I won't tell him anything either". She smiled and said "I promise" before walking away with the husband.

I was a bit nervous once she left, I realized I was alone with a bunch of guys I didn't know, while getting fucked by someone I barely met... the mixture of the excitement and nervousness combined with the taboo nature of what was happening was just increasing my arousal, and I could feel an intense orgasm building inside of me as he continued to fuck me... I buried my face into the mattress as I caught myself moaning loudly, and it clearly wasn't missed by Terry... he gripped me tighter and started slamming himself harder into me as he groaned "I can feel you starting to cum on my cock". I continued to moan into the mattress when I felt a hand slide under my chest and softly gripped my breast... I looked over, and I guy I had never seen before was laying next to me, naked and stroking his cock with one hand as he played with my tit with the other. I was to lost in lust to care... I gave him easier access to my chest while I stared at his well endowed cock throb in his hand... I felt my pussy start to gush as an orgasm flooded my body, and Terry thrusted deep hard thrusts that told me he was cumming as well. I was catching my breath when I felt him pull out of me, and I could feel his cum running out of my cunt... and I'm sure the people watching saw my gaping leaking cunt as Terry just walked away without saying a word.

I realized my ass was still up in the air as I was catching my breath, still relishing from the orgasm, when I felt a cock slide back inside me... I knew it wasn't Terry, and the other guy was still next to me and was placing his cock near my head, clearly hoping I would suck his dick. What surprised me was, I didn't care who it was... it didn't matter to me... I was lost in the atmosphere of lust all around me, and I let this random guy have what he wanted. I started sucking on the guy next to me as he gripped my hair... without warning he came in my mouth and I could feel the guy next to me start to cum as well... once he pulled out, I rolledover into my back catching my breath, and I could see there are other guys watching and waiting for a turn... I was tired and sore now and was ready to stop for the night, but I could they were still hoping. I laid there naked and announced to everyone "I'm done for now guys" as I continued to catch my breath while on full display to these guys I didn't know. I finally got up and put the towel around me before walking to the locker and finding my clothes. A couple of guys followed me and watched me as I got dressed, but I just ignored them and allowed them one last look at my naked body before I was back to being fully clothes and went looking for Diana.

I walked into the orgy room, and there were naked bodies everywhere on a huge arrangement of mattresses, while people hung around and spectated... it took me a minute, but I finally located them. Wes was on his back while Diana and Chelsea took turns sucking his dick... I watched for a bit before I got Diana's attention and let her know "we should probably head home now, it's getting late". To her credit, Diana didn't complain or try to talk me into staying, she just nodded her head and I walked with her back to the locker so she could get dressed as well. I was in a weird state of still being aroused, but feeling very sore from getting fucked so much... I knew I'd be feeling it in the morning, as we got into the car and headed home.

Diana looked at me and asked "so... did you have a good time?". I smirked and answered "Surprisingly, yes... I did. I didn't expect it, but I had a good time". Diana giggled and said "good, I'm happy to hear it". I suddenly felt closer with Diana... like I now understood her better, or could relate to her more. She glanced at me while driving and said "you know, Wes really wanted to fuck you". I told her "I thought he did... I wasn't sure if I should or not". Diana then reminded me "You know Peter has been telling me he wished he could fuck you as well... it would make his day if you ever do". I wasn't sure if it was a good idea because we were living together, but he is an attractive guy... I replied "I'm not sure, well see... maybe I'll relax a little more and not be as uptight". Diana assured me "there's no pressure... maybe just let him see you naked occasionally until you're ready for more... he's always telling me he wishes he could see your tits". I chuckled as I replied "I might "accidentally" let him see me... who knows maybe more when I'm comfortable".

We got home and we both went to our bedrooms... I laid in my bed, playing with my clit while thinking about my night, and what might come in the future.


2024-03-02 01:54:28
Love the story and well written. L:ooking forward to Carol's next 'adventure'

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