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Will had just moved to a new town and was working to make some connections. He hadn't expected to end up with a dynamo student.
She literally landed in his lap. Certainly not in any sexy way, but with her arms flailing wildly as she tried to regain her balance after having been body checked off the track. Combined with being off balance and getting tripped up by the legs of several of the observers in the danger zone, she careened into the first row of the bleachers. He reacted pretty well, managing to get his arm between her helmet and his face and they ended up sprawled across the bench, her roller skates up in the air and one of her knees dangerously close to his crotch. A blur of brilliant blue spandex and the star on the helmet coming at his face, he didn’t have much of a memory of the actual impact.

Hands grabbed a hold of them and pulled them two of them apart and to their feet. Even with her skates on, he was looking down on the top of her head. The helmet had been removed to reveal the raven black hair was severely parted and the long tresses were braided half way down her back. His mouth throbbed and the ambulance team was right there. A cold pack was provided for the swollen lip he was sporting. She was escorted back to the team bench with an ice pack for her shin where it clipped something on the way to the bleachers. And it was only a few minutes later that the match started up again. It was as close to any of the skaters he had been since he arrived.

New to the area he had been pushing himself to look for things to do in the community beyond sitting at home or at the local bar. That had been his standard way of spending an evening when he was in undergrad, though studying was more of a focus as a grad student. He had moved for his first job and was trying to change his standards and get out a bit more. Having spent the last seven years in various universities, he was currently finishing his Doctorate, only the dissertation remaining to be completed. He had landed a job as an assistant professor at a university a few hundred miles away from his alma mater, so he could easily drive down for meetings with his advisor and to defend his dissertation when the time came. It was just as the summer session was going to be starting and he was going to be teaching one class, four days a week. It would give him a chance to learn his way around and he was definitely looking forward to an actual paycheck.

The local park had a big outdoor skating rink that was under a roof. It was used for roller hockey and roller derby in the summer and ice hockey and skating in the winter. It was about a mile from the small bungalow he was renting, an easy bike ride and he made himself take the trek at least three times a week. Sometimes there were picnics and parties going on, once in a while some garage band would be doing a small show and he’d hang around. He debated about getting a dog to join him on his jaunts, but decided against it when he saw one person being yanked into the grass by his rather large dog. He was too afraid he’d run over a small dog. Maybe someday. So when the first match of the season was announced for the Women’s Flat Track Derby club, he figured it would be something different.

After the match, she rolled over to him and checked to make sure he was okay. He was still sitting on the second row of the bleachers, and he was only an inch or two higher than she was on skates. Other than a bit of a throbbing on his lip where he’d been holding the ice pack, he was fine.

“Hi, I’m Julie, known around here as Wheel Pixie.”

“Hi, Julie, I’m Will, otherwise known as the human mattress.”

She giggled. Julie was just under 5 feet tall, certainly small, while he stood just a bit over six feet. But he couldn’t refer to her as skinny, just small. She was perfectly proportioned, any picture you took of her without a size reference made her look like a model. The raven black hair was striking by itself, when combined with her piercing gray eyes, she had an ethereal feeling to her. Which made the pairing look really strange.

“Are you okay?”

“I’ve had a lot worse! I’m just fine, thank you,” He said with a smile, a bit crooked from the lip.

He supposed if he saw her on the street he would have assumed she was a young tweenager, other than the prominent bust that was right there in front of him. While he didn’t know all the rules and regulations, he did know that to skate you had to be at least 18. The spandex did nothing to hide her figure, though the baggy shorts shielded lower parts from direct observation. She was wearing number 20.

If he had been standing, she wouldn’t have been able to do what she did next. She put her hand on his face and pulled down on his lip a bit inspecting the damage she had created. Seemingly satisfied, she placed a single gentle little kiss on his lip.

“There, all better. Now come to the afterparty and I’ll buy you a beer!” He watched her skate away and wondered how old she was. He knew she was over 18 and if she was truly going to buy him a beer, that put her over 21. So she couldn't be more than five years younger than he was.

The second match started up and he watched. Fortunately the program had a pretty good summary of the rules, so between that and an occasional question to those sitting around him, he was slowly learning to decipher the moves and the scoring.

The location for the after party was listed in the program, that at least was easy to figure out. He’d have to go back to his place and get his car to get there. He could bike it, but the roads between the park and the bar were a bit dicey and he’d be all sweated out. And then there was always the helmet to worry about, not to mention the helmet hair. A couple of the people around him pointed out that anyone invited by anyone associated with the club could show up and they had never heard of anyone being turned away with or without an invite. So he decided it would be something different.

He took it slow riding back to the house, he didn’t want to break into a sweat if he could avoid it. It really wouldn’t take more than ten minutes for him to run through a shower, but he figured most of the people at the party wouldn’t have had a chance to clean up after their efforts on the track. Blue jeans and a set of tennis shoes were easy, the tough part was always what shirt to wear. He certainly wasn’t going to put on a dress shirt, and a t-shirt seemed a bit underdressed. He settled on a polo type shirt, the collar made it a bit more formal, but not too much. It was spring and the weather was warming up. And he went with the school colors for the university, figuring that would be fairly safe, considering they were in the school’s city. He debated about a hat, but didn’t normally wear one unless expecting to be in the sun.

The venue for the party was easy enough to find. Not a place he had been to before, but from the outside looked pretty typical. It took a bit of time for him to find a place to park, but once he had he walked over to the bar and went inside. He had slid off to the side and moved a bit away from the door and was checking out the lay of the place, looking for Julie. There was a band set-up on the far wall, with a bit of a dance floor. The immediate area around the dance floor was lined up with tables filled with roller derby folks. Most were wearing some sort of team gear, a shirt, ball-caps and team colors. Both the home team and the visitors were well represented.

It was actually one of the visiting team members that first pulled him into the melee. Femauler as her shirt identified her, had been the one that had body checked Pixie and sent her flying across the floor into him. She didn’t apologize, it wasn’t like she had done anything wrong and hadn’t even gotten charged with a foul, but she showed a bit of concern and asked how he was feeling and how bad he had been hurt. His lip was sensitive and was going to sport a bit of swelling for a while, but the majority of the pain was over with, he was just going to have to watch how he bit down when chewing some things. She even poured him a beer from one of the pitchers sitting at their table. With a drink in hand and the ice having definitely been broken, he started working the room.

Everyone was friendly and some asked about his thoughts on the matches. He was honest and explained he didn’t know all the rules, but had enjoyed the energy and excitement. The skaters came in all shapes and sizes. There were a couple that were his height and he would be afraid to go one on one with a number of them. Will had already decided he’d trade his ticket in for a season pass at the next match.

It was Saturday night, so he didn’t have to worry about work the next day, not that it mattered much, but despite being the junior guy in the department, he had managed to avoid morning classes for the summer session. One class meeting Monday through Thursday for two hours. Essentially, he worked four afternoons a week while he learned the ropes and the university procedures.

Eventually he found Julie, it was just a bit difficult to spot her as she was so short. She had changed into a pair of yoga pants and was also wearing a polo shirt, in the team color of purple. At first look she would definitely be considered cute, just for her size if nothing else. But a second look and anyone would say she was beautiful. Her size intrigued him and certainly made her seem more approachable than some of the taller skaters. If she had been even half a foot taller, he probably would have been intimidated by her beauty.

She spotted him and a big smile crossed her face. That in itself was a bit of a relief, she recognized him and seemed glad to see him. They worked their way toward each other through the crowd.

“I guess I owe you a beer!” She stated with a smile.

“I believe you do! How are you feeling? The leg okay?” He had seen that she had skated a couple of more jams after the accident, so knew things couldn’t be too bad.

“I’m good! I expect it will be rather colorful in the morning, it’s already started!” She looked into his cup and made a face. “Let’s get you a real beer!” She led the way to the bar. There was no doubt she was used to wading through lots of bodies, he had a bit of difficulty trying to keep up. By the time he caught up to her, she had two glasses standing on the bar in front of her. The dark contents with a cream colored head made her choice obvious, and raised his opinion of her a couple of notches. Super attractive and she opted for a Guinness?

Will quickly realized he wanted to know more about this little dynamo. And this bar was not going to be the place. The band was starting up and the noise level made any conversation pretty difficult. Evidently she felt the same way, and motioned him to follow her. She moved to the end of the bar and opened a door there. Inside were stairs and he followed her up, enjoying the view of her petite ass in the tight pants as she climbed them. They reached the door at the top and she turned to look at him. The step ahead of him put her just a couple inches shorter than him. She reached out with her free hand and placed it on his shoulder and looked into his eyes for a moment.

“I’m kinda hoping that it was not just a free beer that brought you here.”

“Um, to be honest, following you up the stairs, I forgot I had a beer.” It was rather a bold statement to be coming from him, but he was trying to open up a bit.

She smiled, “Good answer! Come on!” and opened the door to reveal a rooftop seating area, pretty full, but a lot quieter than downstairs had been.

“They’d love to have the band up here, but the noise ordinances wouldn’t allow it.” She scanned the tables looking for an empty spot. A woman waved her over, obviously a teammate from the colors. They joined the other three and a round of introductions followed. He recognized them from the match.

He looked at the four women at the table and figured that the oldest might have entered their thirties, but mid-twenties seemed to be a closer fit. With the exception of Julie, he was figuring they were all within a few years of his own age. And the interrogation began. Outnumbered, it was obvious that they were going to be focusing on him.

“So what do you do for a living, Will?”

“I’m an assistant professor at the university. I teach Asian History.” That led to the usual round of questioning about degrees and whens and wheres. One of the others at the table was also teaching at the university, that sort of surprised him. He didn’t expect there to be so many well educated individuals in the crowd. All of the ones at the table had at least a college degree, one a masters and Julie was working on a masters. She was in the second year of a master’s degree in library science and expected to finish in another year.

Over the next hour he learned a lot about roller derby, and a bit about Julie. She worked part time at a bookstore downtown and had a couple of TA assignments.

The band shut down at midnight, but the crowd had started to thin out around eleven. It was getting a bit chilly on the roof, but the warmth of Julie on his leg more than compensated. She stayed perched there, even when seats started to open up. Once the band was done they moved back inside. Pixie still opted for his leg as a seat when they relocated, fine with him! She seemed to fit there.

The bar shut down at one, it seemed early, but they didn’t have much of a choice.

“Okay, can you give me a ride back to my car at the park?” How could he refuse a request being backed up by those beautiful gray eyes?

“Gladly!” Here was an opportunity to spend a few minutes with Julie that wasn’t competing with the noise levels of the bar and all of her friends. He wasn’t worried about her driving, after finishing her Guinness, she had switched to seltzer water, even with her small size, she should be more than good to go. He liked her, no question there. She wasn’t his normal type, but that was more due to her petite size than anything else. Her eyes pretty much hypnotized him everytime he looked at them. Even without having been warned he would have treaded lightly. He figured the only reason he was able to talk with her was the small size, someone that pretty that was a half foot or more taller would have scared him off. Jim almost felt like a protector or bodyguard for this petite armful of woman.

During the ride he learned a bit more about her. She was from the west side of the state, so she got home fairly regularly. She had an older and a younger brother and her dad ran a hardware store in a small farming community. Several times she shifted uncomfortably with a small groan.

“Are you okay?”

“I think the collision is starting to catch up with me. I’m used to being a bit sore after a match, but I’m tightening up in some strange places.”

“Unusual impacts can certainly do that!”

“Umm, this might be a bit forward, but, do you have a bathtub at your place?”

“Yeah, a pretty nice one.”

“Could I follow you home and use it? I think I need a nice hot soak to help me loosen up. I share an apartment with two other girls and no bathtub. I really don’t have the luxury of a long soak.”

He laughed, nothing overly subtle with her! She was coming home with him and he hadn’t needed to convince her. At this point they hadn’t even kissed, unless you counted the soft little peck on his bruised lip. “I think I have what you need. Though you might need a lifeguard as big as my tub is. A bit of Epsom Salt and the massage jets will help you out!”

He had been wondering how to push the relationship forward a bit, having her use his bathtub was not something he had thought of! And he realized he didn’t even know her last name, he could probably pull it from the information in the program, but surely she’d exchange phone numbers after this. But to get her back to his place at her suggestion? Other than sitting on his lap with his arm around her for the last few hours, there hadn’t been anything one would consider romantic going on.

They got to the park and she directed him to her car. He held out his hand. She looked a bit confused as she reached over and shook it. “No! Give me your phone and I’ll put my address in it for you, so if you get lost you can still get to my place.” She blushed a bit and handed him her phone after unlocking it. He entered his address, as well as creating a contact for himself, with his full name. And sent himself a quick text while he was at it before returning it to her.

It only took a few minutes to wind their way through the dark streets to his place. She pulled into the driveway behind him. He opened her car door and she popped her trunk. Pixie started to struggle with her gear bag, trying to lift it out of the trunk.

“Here let me get that, though I don’t know what you need it for.”

“Well, I’ve got my towel in there.”

“I’ve got lots of towels, so you don’t need that. Anything else you need?”

She seemed a little bit out of it, but opened the bag and pulled out a small dopp kit. “I guess not!”

His bungalow was fairly nice, though small. Small yard, not much grass as the sun didn’t penetrate the trees. The downstairs had a fair sized kitchen, reasonable living room, a small bedroom/den and a half bath. The basement was usable for some storage and had a laundry area along with space for the other equipment. At least he didn’t have to haul his dirty clothes to the laundry. He didn’t own much in the way of furniture yet, so it was rather sparse. He’d have to wait until the regular paychecks started coming in the Fall. The living room had a recliner, an old floor lamp and a television sitting on a battered bookshelf stuffed with books. There was nothing on the walls, which were a rather bland light cream color. Not exactly the place of a successful entrepreneur, but a touch better than most of his college digs. And the carpet was not covered in stains like so many other places he’d lived.

The other room had a few boxes in it, but no furniture of any type. It looked pretty sad actually, but he kept the door shut and seldom even went in there. The kitchen had a table and four mis-matched chairs.

He walked her to the door and directed her up the stairs. The upstairs was a fairly large single room to create a very modern en suite, with an ultra modern bathroom connected that included both a shower and a tub with some water jets. There was enough room for his home office desk as well as his king size bed, the two items he had splurged on along with the desk chair. The large flat screen monitor doubled as a television if he wanted to watch tv upstairs. A beat up dresser, a small bedside table and another bookshelf completed the furniture. He started the bathtub filling and dropped a cup of Epsom Salt into the water. He showed her the controls and after handing her a big towel and a washcloth, he left her to it.

“Holler if you need anything!”

He heard the water turn off and the jets turn on. He knew the heater would keep the water warm and the water jets would massage sore muscles. Will finished cleaning up his kitchen and straightened up the living room, not that there was much to do. He was going to have to get a vacuum cleaner to help with the carpets. He even went to the basement and started a load of towels. He had some weight lifting equipment there, just some basics with a pretty utilitarian bench, not even set up for chest presses. The floor in that section was covered in some heavy duty interlocking mats, like you would find in an auto shop. A couple of old mirrors hung on the wall.

Returning to the upper floor, he could still hear the jets running, but it had been almost half an hour. He tapped on the door, “Julie? Are you okay?” Not hearing any reply, he eased the door open a bit. He could see the back of her head in the mirror, so she hadn’t drowned. He rapped a bit harder and still got no response. With a deep breath he stepped into the bathroom. “Julie?”

She was sitting in the tub sideways with her back to the door. Her legs were crossed, sort of wedging her into place. Two of the jets were pulsing over her thighs. And as near as he could tell, she was asleep. He grabbed the towel and laid it across her shoulders and lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the tub, she didn’t seem to wake up. Her butt looked pretty cute sitting over the side. Her breathing was steady and not labored and pulse was good. Wrapping the towel around her he carefully dried her off. Pulling her up he lifted her and finished drying her off as best as he could while he carried her into the bedroom and slid her into the bed. Will was rather amused when he realized that despite her being naked, he was more concerned with her safety and health and was not being aroused. Tucking her in carefully, he cleaned up the bathroom. It was approaching 2:30 in the morning and he was pretty tired himself. Looking at the sleeping woman in his bed, he shrugged and turned the lights off before crawling under the covers with her.

Pixie woke up in the morning aching in several places. She opened her eyes and immediately closed them again. She had no idea where she was! She played back the night before trying to figure it out. She had a couple of beers the night before, but certainly hadn’t overdone it, at least she didn’t think she had. And she remembered the cute professor. And the amazing bathtub! She must still be at his place, but had no memory of getting out of the tub or anything that happened after the jets lulled her to sleep in the warm water. She was warm and cozy and also very naked. Carefully rolling over, she saw that she was alone in the bed, but it sure looked like someone had slept on the other side. Julie was pretty sure that nothing had been penetrated last night.

Aromas of coffee and something cooking hit her. Sitting up slowly she saw her clothes neatly laid out on a chair beside the bed. And a glass of water and a couple bottles sat on the bedside table, Tylenol and Aleve. She slowly got out of bed and after downing an Aleve and emptying the glass, she got dressed. The clock on the table said it was almost ten o’clock. She was going to have to get moving. The bathroom brought back some of her memories into better focus, and her dopp kit was on the sink.

Will climbed the stairs with a small tray. Seeing the bed empty he called out. “Pixie, I’ve got coffee.”

“I’m in here, come on in!”

He swung the door open and saw her standing at the sink. “I didn’t know how you took your coffee, or even if you drink coffee. I’ve got tea if you prefer.” Their eyes met in the mirror. He was once again lost in those gray eyes. She stepped over to him and took the tray, setting it on the counter. And then turned back to him. “Thank you. Thank you for so many things. Thank you for being there last night to prevent me from crashing onto the bleachers. Thank you for your company at the party last night. Thank you for the use of your bathtub last night and thank you for not letting me drown. And thank you for being a gentleman.”

She stepped closer to him. At 4 foot eleven inches, she was a full 14 inches shorter than he was. Looking up at him made her head go way back. She stepped back again so that she could look at him better. Will had no idea what was going through her mind as she stood there chewing on her lower lip, it was a cute effect.

“Okay, I’m going to do something I’ve only ever done with my dad and my brothers. If you ever tell anyone else, I will deny it.” She stepped back over to him and lifted her arms up. It took Will a moment to catch on, but once it hit him, he put his hands under her arms and picked her up. It wasn’t too difficult, she was just a bit under 100 pounds. Once her feet left the ground she wrapped one of them over his hip and took a lot of the weight off his arms. And now higher, she planted a kiss on him. It was as intimate as they had actually been since she landed on him a mere 12 hours earlier. And then proceeded to really kiss him. It was the first time there was actually any sort of sexual contact between them. He could hardly consider carrying her to bed very romantic when she was asleep even if she had been nude.

When they came up for air, Julie commented, “I do not kiss my brothers or dad like that!”

“Glad to hear that! So, what now?”

She made a face. “I have to be at work at 12. So I better get going. I have to go home and put some reasonably business-like clothes on.”

“Got time for breakfast? You need some good protein to help you heal and certainly some carbs to get you through the afternoon. And you are certainly dehydrated.”

She slid down off of him and on the way down it was obvious that the kiss had really affected him. “Yes, please. I’m really sorry I fell asleep last night, it wasn’t the way I wanted to end the evening. I had other ideas and I suspect you did too. I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”

She finished putting her things together and went downstairs. Walking into the kitchen she found he had pulled out all the stops. A dish of fresh fruit was at her place and he sat a plate with an omelet, toast and hash browns in front of her. “I don’t know anything about your eating habits and if you have any restrictions. I can remake things in a number of ways. The omelet has cheese, mushrooms, and onions in it. There’s bacon here.”

“I’m pretty much a typical midwest girl and eat pretty much anything. Except liver and onions, yuck! But I am very hungry!”

Will had made a three egg omelet for her, while he had almost 14 inches on her, he was a bit more than double her weight. But Julie managed to make everything disappear pretty quickly.

“That was wonderful! Thank you again for your hospitality.” She stood up and caught him still sitting down, planting another big kiss on him. “I’ve got to go or I’ll be late. We practice at the park on Mondays and Wednesdays, you will come won’t you?”

He laughed, “I wouldn’t miss it!” He was a bit frustrated, he hadn’t connected with anyone since moving to the new town, so he was definitely ready for some action. He made sure she got out of the driveway and down the road before going to clean things up. Even if things between the two of them didn’t work out, he had broken the ice with the entire team and had something to look forward to most weekends. Maybe he’d even take a road trip or two.

He lounged around the rest of the day, did a light workout with the weights and watched a couple of football games while surfing the web and prepping for next week’s class. It was a bit after 5 when the doorbell rang. Well, rang would be generous, it sort of buzzed and clicked, he’d have to spend a bit of time investigating it, he suspected it was so caked in old paint that it wasn’t operating properly. To his surprise, Julie was standing there.

When she was ready to roll in a match, she had her hair pulled back in a single thick braid down her back. Her make-up was goth, thick black eyeshadow and black lipstick. The uniform colors for the team were black and purple and they all wore the same shirt with their numbers and names on them. What they wore on their legs was pretty diverse. Some had on black or purple leggings, others opted for various patterned stockings with shorts or skirts, or usually both.

Her idea of working attire was a bit more mainstream and her clothes were much more colorful than the uniform and persona she wore on the track. She was wearing a pair of new blue jeans that fit her very well, and had a tight neon green t-shirt on with a loose neon pink dress shirt over the top. Her hair was in a loose ponytail that she had pulled over her right shoulder, the black tresses flowing over her chest. He decided that she was everything one would expect in an evil little pixie on the track, but she was sweet as honey at any other time.

“Julie! I certainly wasn’t expecting to see you again to . . .”

He was cut short as she launched herself at him. She was moving better than she had been and managed to jump up and wrap her legs around him high enough to get her lips locked onto his. Will staggered a bit, but quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her in place, returning the kiss. He braced himself against the door frame and enjoyed the deep commune with her soul. They were both starting to breathe pretty heavily when they stopped and separated, he had to lean forward a bit so she could slide down, the bulge in his pants being rather prominent at that point.

“I decided I needed to finish what we started at some point and that sooner was a lot better than later. I know you don’t have classes tomorrow morning and neither do I. I don’t work, either. And I’m definitely feeling better than I was last night!”

She pushed him into the house, grabbing a small bag as she did. “I brought a smaller bag this time!”

Julie quickly removed her blouse and then pulled the t-shirt over her head. Even though Will had seen her naked the night before, he was definitely aroused by the sight of her bra. She then turned her attention to his shirt. It was another polo and he pulled it off over his head once she had undone the buttons. She ran her hands over his chest. All the time he had spent biking around the area had toned him up pretty well.

“Nice! Come on, you’ve seen me without clothes, it’s my turn!” and tugged on his sweatpants. He was wearing briefs under them and his desire was very obvious as she slid the outerwear down his legs. Another set of tugs and his underwear joined them on the floor. Julie dropped to her knees and carefully inspected the shaft that bobbed out of his groin. Will groaned as someone other than himself paid attention to his crotch. Her fingers roamed over the shaft and tickled the balls as she explored. He did his best to step out of his pants without losing his balance and still fell back into his chair.

Soon her tongue joined her hands, a few licks and nibbles combined with the stroking brought on the crisis much sooner than he would have liked.

“It’s going to blow!” he warned her. She continued her ministrations and capped his shaft with her mouth as his balls tightened up and he shot his wad. Though Julie swallowed most of it, some of it trickled down her chin. He stroked her hair as he slowly came down from the high. She wiped her face with her fingers and licked them clean. After recovering for a minute or two he leaned forward and kissed her.

“That was pretty amazing! Now let’s do something for you.” He stood her up and unfastened her jeans. They slid down her legs and revealed a pair of panties that matched her bra, as well as a number of pretty nasty bruises. “Ouch! I’ll try to be careful of those!” He pulled her in for another kiss and as their tongues intertwined he disconnected her bra and let it slide down her arms. The breasts were perfectly proportioned to her, and the nipples were already tightened up. He kissed them both and gave them a few licks before sliding down onto the floor between her legs and going to work removing her panties. The hair was neatly trimmed into a nice triangle pointing right at the top of her slit. He slid down further and brought her down on his face.

Diving into the fragrant patch he began licking away. The taste was pleasant. Her size meant his mouth could cover her entire slit and allow him to apply gentle suction as he licked away. After a few minutes, she shifted and turned herself around, her body felt good laying along the length of his body. And she started to pay attention to his shaft again.

With a weight right at 100 pounds, he could easily deal with her laying across him. She began to tense up, her body was starting to shake and she finally locked up tight as a short yelp came out of her throat. After a few seconds of absolute stillness she shuddered and collapsed on top of him, totally limp. A couple of tentative licks elicited more yelps, this time of a negative sort, so he stopped. A couple more minutes and she resumed giving his shaft a few licks, quickly bringing it to full attention again.

Pixie reached over to her dopp kit and opened the side compartment. A quick rip and he felt her hands rolling a condom over his bobbing penis. He liked that. She was prepared and taking control of that aspect of things. Once again she swung around to face him, this time sitting on his belly. And she slowly started sliding down, grabbing the shaft with her hand and holding it in place as she did. Once the tip was squarely in contact with her moist slit, she began a slow rocking, working herself down a little bit further with each rock. There was no question she was tight, but she didn’t seem afraid or scared, so the size wasn’t an issue. He wasn’t huge, but figured he was a touch above average. There wasn’t much he could do, other than serve as her living bra, his hands cupping the breasts as they bounced up and down. It actually took a couple minutes, but she worked her way down his entire length until he could feel her pubic hair on his belly.

“God you are tight! It feels wonderful!” he whispered.

“Mmmm, it certainly does feel good! I think you are the perfect size for me!”

Given that both of them had already hit orgasm once, it took quite a while for them to finish up. He finally shot a second load, Will knew it was much less than the first one. As far as he could tell she hadn’t hit a second orgasm. But by that time it was a good forty minutes since she had knocked on the door. After resting for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of her weight on him, he worked himself up to a sitting position, she wiggled around and was sitting in his lap. He staggered to his feet and flopped back into the recliner pulling her with him and flipping a light blanket over the two of them. It was nice that the chair was large and any discomfort from the two of them being in it together was clearly offset by the contact with the other.

“I brought my pj’s this time!”

“Aw, I kind of liked you being naked!”



“You’re different from any other guy I’ve been with.”

“I hope that’s a good thing?”

“Well, yeah. Look, I know we haven’t known each other for that long, I mean our collision was less than 24 hours ago, but we have spent a lot of time together since then.”

“True, in all respects.”

“And in that time, not once have you mentioned anything about me being so small. I mean you obviously are aware of it, but it hasn’t been a big deal to you. It’s like every other guy focuses on the fact that I’m small, like it’s a bucket list thing.”

“Well, there could be a lot of reasons for it. Perhaps it is first impressions. Most guys would see you and the first thing they think is, ‘My god, she’s tiny!’ My first reaction was more along the lines of ‘I’m glad she’s small, one of those blockers would have killed me!’”

She laughed at that. “Is that all it is? Just that initial reaction?”

“I don’t know. Um, so, how old is Pixie?”

“I’m easily older than I look, just turned 24. My parents held me back a year to see if I’d hit a bit of a growth spurt, so I was usually both the shortest and the oldest in my class. And how old is the Professor?”

“I’ll turn 26 in a couple of months. So less than 2 years difference between us, I would have guessed more. So we are old enough to have gotten the initial hormonal urges out of the way. And we probably have a bit more understanding of what we want from a partner. So we’re a bit more sure of some things.”

“Okay, so we are feeling a connection. At least I’m feeling a connection.”

“Yeah, a connection is definitely building.”

“So let’s say you are going to call one of your siblings up, wait, do you have siblings?”

“Two younger sisters.”

“Okay, you call your sister up and say, ‘I’ve met someone.’ How would you describe me?”

“The first thing would be the eyes. She has the most beautiful gray eyes. Everytime our eyes meet I’m lost, just mesmerized by these incredible eyes. Her hair is jet black and she has the figure of an angel, really, she could easily be a model, but she doesn’t have any of the attitude. And pretty smart, she is in a masters program. Not so sure about her judgment though.”

“What!? What’s wrong with my judgment?”

“Well, you are hanging around with me, that will always raise some questions about your judgment, particularly from my sisters.”

“So you wouldn’t mention my height at all?”

“Why? They’re pretty smart, I would be surprised if they didn’t figure it out from the picture.”

“What picture?”

“Do you really expect my sisters would believe I’m dating someone as amazing as you without some sort of proof? That is assuming we’re dating. They would have to see a picture of the two of us together. They might even demand a newspaper be in it to prove it happened recently!”

That brought out a real belly laugh. She went on for several minutes and everytime she settled down she’d see his smile and start all over again. He lounged in the chair, gently rubbing her back as she finally settled down, snuggling into his side. After a few minutes of just being she shifted and stood up. She pulled on her panties, and then slid into his polo shirt. It looked like a mini dress on her and certainly was more attractive than when he was wearing it. She retrieved the condom and pattered off to the bathroom. He got up and put on his pants, picking up the rest of the clothes and folding hers on top of her bag. He tossed his underwear down to the basement.

She came back and wrapped her arms around him and he kissed the top of her head.

She stepped back and held up her arms. He lifted her up and she kissed him. “I vote that Pixie and the Professor are now dating. How do you vote?”

“I vote that the two are definitely dating and will continue to explore the relationship further.” It was a no brainer. Even it being less than 24 hours, there was definitely more than just sexual release happening between them. He was surprisingly comfortable in her company.

They ordered food for delivery, opting for some Chinese.

They went to bed early, and it was primarily because they were tired after the late night. She opted for just her panties and he went au natural. Pixie curled up and he spooned her, liking the contact between them. In the morning they climbed into the shower together. Will was glad that the shower had a bench in it. She climbed into his lap and after a bit of work, managed to work his condom covered shaft into her and they rocked back and forth under the pulsing water. It was the longest shower he had ever taken and was definitely showing some wrinkles in his fingers when they finished. They had a light breakfast and she kissed him goodbye. “I’ll see you at practice tonight?”

“Let me check my calendar.” He mimed scrolling through his phone. “Yeah, I think I can squeeze it in between my underwater basket weaving class and the New York Times interview.”

She gave him a big smile, another kiss and headed out.

He made it through his class okay, it was a very basic American History class and there were three distinct groups of students in it. The minority were those that had failed the class the previous year. Then there were a number that had mediocre high school grades and were trying to prove they could hack college courses. The third group were those hard chargers that wanted to finish college early and were taking it to get out of the way and knock a semester or two off their graduation date.

Once he cleared the line of students with questions after class, he headed to the gym. It was always nice to have access to full fitness facilities for no cost other than showing his faculty ID. He worked his core and then his arms today. Once finished he returned home, cleaned up, grabbed a light snack and rode over to the park. There was a schedule posted on the entrance to the area. It clearly marked off the times it was reserved and by what organizations. The roller derby team had three hours blocked off every Monday and Wednesday, and some Fridays. There were matches scheduled on some Fridays and Saturdays across the summer. There were a couple of people standing around the entrance, screening people before they were allowed in. While they looked familiar, he couldn’t come up with any names.

Evidently they recognized him, “You’re Pixie’s Professor, right?” one of the women asked.

He chuckled a bit, “Yes, I’m Pixie’s Professor!”

“She told us you would be coming, go ahead!”

“Thank you!”

Practice hadn’t started yet, as the majority of the women were skating around, stretching and finishing putting on their gear. He was almost bowled over when Pixie sped up to him and hugged him. The skates put a full four or so inches added to her height. “You came!” she almost shouted.

He kept his voice a lot quieter. “Yes, I did, several times, thank you very much, and I’m here to watch you practice, too!” That elicited a laugh from her, “So did I! A good time was had by all!”

She directed him to the bleachers, the best place to hang out and watch a practice. There were a handful of other guys there and more than a few children. Some were doing homework or some other activity, a few playing with toys and a couple of older ones with their phones out.

He watched the practice carefully. There were two obvious coaches there, one was working with the Jammers and the other with the blockers. There were stretches at the start and end. Some agility drills skating through and around various obstacles. A number of various scrimmage runs as the session went on. And then some endurance runs spinning around the floor. Will wondered how open they might be to some suggestions.

He talked with Pixie about some of the things she did, including the way she took a check from the blockers. He showed her a few moves he thought might help, how to redirect some of the force and energy away from her.

She tried using some of his suggestions and was rather surprised that they worked. Even the coaches could see the improvement and at next week’s match they beat their opponents by a 2 to 1 margin. The following week, at the Monday practice, Pixie was talking with the other Jammers, she led them over to him and explained, “Look, you explain it a lot better than I can, can you show them what you showed me?”

Will looked at the handful of women standing there. “Give me a minute!”

He walked over to where the two coaches were talking. “Hey, guys. Look, I’ve been working with Pixie on a few things, and she’s been trying to share with the other Jammers. She wants me to explain these ideas to the other Jammers, but I don’t want to step on any toes.”

“So these ideas are what has almost doubled Pixie’s scoring at the last match?” It was Frank, the head coach.

“Well, the ideas are sound, and she has put them to good use.”

“So these ideas, where did they come from, have you ever rolled before?”

“Never skated. But the human body only works in certain ways. And energy and gravity are very specific in how they work and affect what’s around them.”

“And you learned this, how?”

Will made a sort of face, he’d have preferred to keep it under wraps, but realized he’d have to show he had some qualifications. “I teach Asian History. And one cannot really delve into the culture of the various countries in Asia without including the study of the many martial arts. My dissertation is on some of the history of these skills. I’ve had extensive training in several of these arts.”

“Such as . . .?”

“3rd Degree Black Belt in shorin ryu. Teaching certificate in Tai Chi Chuan, extensive instruction in a few others, Kung Fu, Hapkido, Iaido and kobudo.”

“You want to teach them to fight?”

“No, no, no, fact is, I’d rather you kept that part under wraps. Hell, I haven’t even told Pixie about that! Most of the ideas involve having a good understanding of the forces involved more than they do about fighting. I think that helping them have a better feel for some of these concepts would improve their overall performance. ”

Stephanie, the other coach, “Do these concepts only work with the Jammers?”

“They apply to everyone, and not just on the track, but everyday.”

“Well, it is obvious that your ideas have value, unless Wheel Pixie’s performance Saturday was a total fluke. What do you propose?”

“Ten to fifteen minutes each practice. It can be before, after, or even during a break. First few are pretty much some basic explanations of the concepts. Later there will be some exercises, but they are such that they can do some of them on their own or when working with one or two others. And,” waving in the general direction of a couple of the walking wounded, a cast on one arm, crutches on another and another arm in a sling, “It is likely to reduce the number of injuries.”

“I certainly vote for that!” stated Stephanie. “But I think there needs to be a caveat.”

“What’s that?” Frank was nodding, but had a puzzled look on his face.

“I think he needs to do it on skates! That will help with the credibility factor.”

Frank chuckled, “Agreed! You want to do the first one today? We’ll give you a pass on the skates for this session.”

So Will found himself in front of a crowd of almost 30 people, explaining some basic concepts of balance and gravity.

Pixie helped him find some second hand skates that didn’t set his budget back too much and spent some time helping him get comfortable on them. They’d hit the park or even just skate around the neighborhood a bit. His balance was pretty good, but it took a while to get comfortable with the lack of friction with the ground.

The team did well in their matches, very well. They were undefeated and broke into the top 25 teams in the country and got an invitation to one of the regional competitions. Even against some of the top teams in the country, they were dominating the scoring, easily beating the competition. And before they knew it, summer was over and the fall semester was coming up fast.

Pixie was chewing her lip again. He knew when she did that something was rolling around in her brain. He waited patiently and finally she sighed. “Okay, Will, I’m going to ask you a question, I don’t know what the results will be and don’t know how I’ll feel about your answer either way. I hope I’m okay either way. Ready?”

“I’m ready, Julie.” He knew when they were alone and she used his first name and not his nickname, that she was being very serious.

“Can I move in with you? Before you answer! I’m not happy in my current place, I just don’t seem to fit. Some of the things they cook just smell terrible. There’s a rather larger difference than I would expect between a couple undergrads and a grad student. As strange as it may seem, they party way more than I like. My lease is up at the end of the month and I really don’t want to sign a new one. I can contribute to the rent of this place. We already spend several nights a week together and we haven’t really found any big problems. I can put my stuff in the downstairs room here, there’s almost nothing in there. I can set up my own study area there. I’ve got a couple pieces of furniture we can add to the living room and fill it in a bit. I’m going to graduate next May, so the worst case would be I move out then.”

Will thought about it. They were already spending a lot of time together, even meeting for lunch on campus once or twice a week. “I see, so you are really moving in so you can use my jet tub.”

She took a swipe at him in response to his teasing.

“Okay, let’s do it. But let’s put together a formal rental agreement with all the specifics. That will protect both of us if something should happen between us, sort of like it never rains if you have your umbrella, we can put it away and never look at it. From a practical standpoint it will save us both some gas money and travel time. And I'm certainly going to be cheaper than your current lease.”

“I rather like the idea of having you around, you are always fun to watch and fun to do things with and I don’t just mean the sexy stuff which is pretty damn amazing. And, Julie,” it was his turn to put the serious note into things, “Whether you realize it or not, I have fallen completely and hopelessly in love with you!”

She squealed and launched herself at him. “I feel the same way, but was afraid it was too early to say it!”

They agreed very early on that he was not going to be on top of her at any time. His weight on her for even a couple minutes would smother her, or even crush her ribs. The closest thing to a missionary was to have her at the edge of the bed and he would stand to the side and plunge into her while standing. That was pretty good as his hands were free to roam over her body, caressing her face, tweaking her nipples. Her squeals of delight always made his heart sing.

There was no doubt that he was a tight fit. A bit of lubricant was always a big help. Sitting in a chair with her on his lap was one of his favorite positions. Once she slid down the length of his shaft, he could just hold her.

Pixie was not really happy. The first match of the season was on Friday night, it would be the first anniversary of their meeting and the Professor wasn’t going to be in town. He had to go and defend his dissertation in front of the committee. But he had promised that he would be back in time for the after party at the latest.

Will was pretty sure he was going to be back earlier, much earlier. The committee was meeting at nine in the morning. His advisor told him that the defense seldom went more than three hours. So even if they took a break for lunch and came back, it should all be done by mid-afternoon. With a four hour drive, which he knew he could do in three and a half if traffic was good, he’d be back before the match started.

He touched base with Molly and Angela and told them what he wanted. The plan was to do it at the end of the first match, the one she was skating in. And they helped him set it up.

He arrived before the start of the match, but made sure to keep a low profile and tried to stay out of sight of Pixie and, as far as he knew, he was successful. She did very well, scoring almost half the team’s points as they cruised to an easy victory. As the last jam was starting up, he slid onto the bleachers, pretty much the same place as he normally sat. Pixie was so focused on her position that she didn’t even look at the bleachers, which is what he expected. As the whistle blew signaling the end of the last jam, Molly and Angela proceeded to take Pixie by her arms and pretty much pulled her over to the bleachers and pushed her into them, right where he was. Expecting things this time, he easily caught her. Her eyes lit up when she recognized him and she squealed, “You made it, Professor!”

“That’s Doctor Professor!” And his voice was booming out of the loudspeaker system, someone was holding the announcer’s microphone near his face. With that statement the entire team gave some whoops and cheers. Will continued, “Wheel Pixie, a year ago at the first match of the season, you took a heavy check and flew across the track and into my lap. We have hardly been apart since then. And I am totally and hopelessly in love you. I can’t imagine life without you, so, would you marry me?” He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and presented it to her. The entire crowd went crazy at that point, and while the ‘Doctor Professor’ wasn’t a clear reference, the proposal was understood by everyone.

And he could barely hear her whispering in his ear, “Of course I’ll marry you!”
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