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A father must help retrieve a sex toy lost in the depths of his daughter's ass. All characters are 18+
---Chapter I---

It was Saturday morning and Dallin Reed was enjoying the peace and quiet of a coffee and newspaper when suddenly he heard a high-pitched yelp from his daughter Aimee’s room. It was just the two of them at home, his wife Sofia had stepped out to run some errands an hour or two before. There was genuine pain in the yelp, so Dallin put down his paper and walked over to the closed door of his daughter’s room.

“Is everything alright in there, princess?” Dallin asked as he rapped on the doorframe sharply with his knuckles.

From the other side he heard whispered swearing and the rustling of blankets. “Yeah Dad, everything is fine.” Aimee replied, “Would you mind getting Mom real quick?”

Dallin frowned, “Your mother isn’t home right now, are you sure everything is OK?”

More muffled swearing. “Uh, yeah Dad everything is great. Just perfect. No, uh, no problems here.” From her tone of voice, it didn’t sound like Aimee was persuaded by her own response.

“I’m coming in.” Dallin announced. She might legally be an adult, but Dallin was worried about his daughter and wouldn’t feel comfortable until he’d investigated. Slowly he opened the door and peered his head around it to look into his daughter’s room.

It was clearly a girl’s room, but not that of an exceptionally girly-girl. A slightly muted plum was the dominant color, and Aimee had long since taken down the posters of boy bands and unicorns. A woman’s room Dallin had to remind himself as he was struck by the gentle scent of lavender and sage.

Aimee was sitting in her bed fidgeting and looking uncomfortable. She was wearing her blue silk pajama top, and had her heather comforter pulled up over her legs. Every few seconds her face would twitch in some mixture of pain and embarrassment, accompanied by Aimee readjusting her position slightly. The hem of her comforter was held firmly in both hands and as she squirmed she kept a tight grip on it keeping it from sliding down even a little bit.

“What’s going on, Aimee?” Dallin asked, “It doesn’t sound like everything is OK.”

“No, yeah, everything is fine, Daddy.” Aimee forced a smile. Her lips and eyebrows twitched periodically in visible discomfort as she tried to maintain it, “Just, when is mom getting back? Do you know?”

Dallin took a few steps into his daughter’s room. “She went out a little while earlier to do some shopping. She mentioned she might catch up with Aunt Gina after and grab some lunch.”

Aimee’s head hung as she looked visibly crestfallen. Gina was Sofia’s younger sister, and both Aimee and Dallin knew that whenever the sisters met up it would be several hours before they were finished talking. Most of the time Aimee thought it was sweet how close the two were, but today she wished they were perhaps somewhat estranged.

Dallin walked across the room and sat on the end of his daughter’s bed. “You know if something’s wrong I can help you with it, yeah?”

“I know, Dad. It’s just a personal thing; a girl thing. I’d be a lot more comfortable talking to Mom about it.” Aimee said.

Dallin did his best not to chuckle. “OK princess, if you’d rather wait for Mom that’s fine. I understand if you’re uncomfortable, but for what it's worth your ol’ dad has known a few women in his life. I’ve even gone out and bought tampons for some of them. I promise whatever girl thing you have going on isn’t going to freak me out.”

Aimee swore again under he breath. She would genuinely rather wait for her mother to get home, but she was aware of exactly how pressing a situation she was in. Not looking up from her bed but turning a deep shade of scarlet she replied to her father. “Fine. Just promise not to be weird about it. I lost a dildo.”

Despite his assurances, this actually took Dallin slightly aback. Intellectually, he was aware that as a grown woman and sexual being his daughter masturbated. Hell, he’d even had a conversation with his wife a few year prior where they agreed she should go out with Aimee to get her some toys to keep her from doing anything stupid with the boys at school. But it was still something he avoided thinking about if possible, and now he was being confronted directly with the reality of it. Dallin swallowed over a lump in his throat.

“Well, sweetie, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Owning a dildo is perfectly normal, and losing one is not that big a deal. I’m sure your mother can help you pick out a new one when she gets back.”

“No, you don’t understand, Daddy. I didn’t lose it around the house. I lost it while I was using it. Just now. Inside me.” Aimee replied.

“Oh. I guess that is a little more serious.” Dallin looked his daughter up and down. She was petite, all of 5 feet tall with A-Cups that were barely visible under her shirt. Without thinking he voiced the thing that immediately came to his mind.

“But, I mean, you can’t be that deep. Even if your pelvic muscles aren’t strong enough to push it out, can’t you just reach in and grab it?” Dallin immediately knew he could have phrased it better, but he didn’t think the analysis was off base.

Aimee mumbled something at her blanket.

“What was that, princess?” In his most supportive tone, Dallin asked her to repeat herself.

Aimee looked up, her pale grey eyes boring into her father’s. Dallin hadn’t thought she could turn any more red, yet somehow she had. In a firm, slow voice Aimee repeated herself.

“I said the dildo isn’t in my pussy. It’s in my...other hole”

There was a moment of absolute stillness in which Dallin could hear not only his own but also Aimee’s heartbeat. With a sudden jerk Aimee yanked the blanket up and over her head so that she was entirely covered by it and folded herself up to be as small as possible. She wanted to disappear. Admitting, out loud, to her father that she owned a dildo and liked to masturbate was bad enough. For her to have to admit to him that she liked drilling her own asshole was so much worse. She could only imagine what he thought of her, how he’d never be able to see her as anything but a filthy ass-slut going forward. Her relationship with her father, she truly believed in that moment, was ruined forever.

Dallin, for his part, tried to console Aimee. Reaching out he put a hand on her knee and started making a soothing shushing noise. It was clear that Aimee was holding back tears.

“Princess, princess, it’s OK.” Dallin said. He stood and made his way toward the door, “Whatever you get up to in your free time is your business, I’m not going to judge. But yeah, that is a lot more serious. We definitely can’t wait for your mother to get home to deal with this. I’m going to go call the hospital; we need to get this out of you immediately.”

With a violent jerk Aimee threw the blanket off her head.

“No!” she yelled, “You can’t do that! It’s bad enough that you know what's happened. If anyone else found out I’d literally die. People at school might find out, my friends, I’d never live it down. Please please please don’t call anyone!”

Dallin did his best to maintain eye contact with his daughter. Though he couldn’t exactly see anything, Aimee had thrown the blanket off with little care and it was now clear to him that she wasn’t wearing any bottoms. The fact that this was an extremely recent situation struck him with full force. While I was eating breakfast one room away, she was in here nailing her own ass. The thought came to him unbidden.

“Well, we have to do something.” Dallin said, “I’m no doctor, but leaving something shoved up there that doesn’t belong is be really bad for you. It could do serious damage, or cause infections.”

Aimee mumbled something in the direction of her blanket again.

“Princess?” Dallin asked, cocking his head.

“I said I know I can’t leave it in there. I was trying to get it out but the angle is all wrong, I couldn’t get a hold of it. I don’t think I need a doctor, though, I just need...I just need a hand.”

Dallin blinked several times as his brain tried to catch up with what Aimee was saying.

“What?” He said stupidly.

Having put it all out there was actually making Aimee feel more comfortable. She’d taken the plunge, been forced to admit something she didn’t want to, and now that was done. Her new priority was preventing any possibility of this fact becoming known to anyone else. Even having a doctor and some nurses aware of it would make her want to die, and she knew if by some chance a friend or acquaintance (or, god forbid, one of the cute boys she was crushing on) were also in the E.R. she’d have to do a bunch of explaining she frankly didn’t want to. So, emboldened, she pressed on.

“I said I just need a hand. I can’t bend in the right way to grab it, but I can feel it in there. I think someone else could pull it out pretty easily. So we don’t need to go to the doctor. You just need to help me out, Dad.”

Dallin blinked again. “I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea, princess. I don’t think I should see or touch you like that.”

“Why not?” Aimee asked; she was convincing herself as much as she was convincing her father. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me before. There’s nothing inappropriate about helping your daughter with a medical issue. I know how they take babies’ temperatures. If I was sick and needed a suppository you’d help me with that. Why not this?”

Dallin could feel the blood pounding in his ears. It was a good point. He didn’t want to spend the day at the E.R. any more than his daughter did, and it was his job as a parent to help her with any problems she might have, including this. The only thing speaking against it was the slight bulge he could feel in his pants. But there was no way he could ever admit to Aimee that the thought of a cute 18 year old girl fucking her own asshole with a dildo turned him on, even if that girl was his daughter.

Dallin took a step back into the room.

“Fine.” He said, in what he hoped was a neutral-yet-supportive tone. “How, uh, how you want to do this?”

Her father having agreed to help her, it was now Aimee’s turn to be taken aback. She’d been so focused on getting him to agree she had never considered the logistics of the dildo removal. It was her turn to blink several times.

“Good question.” She said lamely, “I guess I’ll get on my hands and knees and you can just, uh, just reach in?”

Dallin nodded. “Do we need any towels or anything?”

“Oh, uh, no.” Aimee said, once again turning a little red. “I, uh, I prepared myself this morning so there shouldn’t be anything but the toy in there.”

“Oh, OK, great.” Dallin said, returning to stand by the side of the bed. “I guess, uh, whenever you’re ready.”

Aimee nodded, then sat there for a second playing with the edge of the blanket. Finally, she took a deep breath and threw it off, rolling over onto all fours and exposing herself to her father. She was acutely aware of how bare she was, how he could now see her most intimate parts.

For his part, Dallin stood there slack-jawed. With her knees spread apart everything was on full display for him. The fact that she had been masturbating was extremely obvious. Her pussy was still slick and shiny with juices, and her inner lips were parted slightly giving him a view not just of her vagina but into her vagina. It was impossible not to wonder what the ridges of her tight pussy would feel like. He could see Aimee’s vividly flushed clitoris poking slightly out of it’s hood, and noted that except for a well trimmed landing strip on her juicy mons his daughter kept her pubis fully waxed. Though small, her ass was shapely and firm, and Dallin could see her tight browneye winking out at him as his daughter shifted on the bed.

My daughter’s pussy is just as beautiful as the rest of her he thought to himself, before shaking his head to dislodge the idea. As he came into position behind her he realized there was just one small problem.

“Uh, princess.” Dallin said, clearing his throat.

“What is it, Daddy?” Aimee asked, turning back to look at him.

“I, uh, that is, um, you need to spread your cheeks more. I need to be able to really see and reach your anus.”

“Oh.” Aimee said.

Reaching behind herself, she grabbed one toned cheek in each hand and spread them apart so that her asshole was fully exposed. This had the additional effect of meaning she could no longer hold up her top half. Her face landed on her pillow as her breasts mushed into her bed and she arched her back. While she felt she had a certain degree of dignity before, all of that was stripped away now. She was totally exposed and helpless spreading herself wide so her own father could reach inside her for a missing sex toy. She was back to wishing she could die of embarrassment. So why is it making my clit throb like that?

Dallin cleared his throat. “Alright princess, I’m going for it.”

Aimee nodded and pressed her face into her satin pillowcase. Dallin reached out and hesitantly pressed his index finger against his daughter’s asshole. Aimee inhaled sharply as Dallin slowly began applying more pressure. With his daughter so completely exposed to him, he could now see the glistening remains of lubricant smeared all over her sphincter, but still he was having trouble getting in. Dallin tried to massage her rosebud gently, but as he did so he saw it flex and tighten. This wasn’t working.

“Do you have any lube, princess?” Dallin asked, hardly believing the words coming out of his mouth. Aimee continued rocking her hips so that her hole pressed against her father’s finger as he gently massaged her.

“There should be some right on my nightstand.” Aimee said. Getting her asshole rubbed felt amazing, even if it was her father doing it. Part of her wished she could squeeze her legs together to provide her clit with some stimulation, but she knew that would prevent her dad from getting into her bowels.

Dallin reached over to the bottle of lube he now saw sitting by his daughter’s lamp. Squeezing it, a small dollop of the viscous liquid dropped onto his fingers, before the bottle made the telltale sound of being empty. Tossing the bottle aside, Dallin slowly began smearing the lube around his daughter’s resistant ass. Aimee stifled a groan. Once all the lubricant was evenly distributed, Dallin pressed in to his daughter’s ass again.

This time Aimee couldn’t keep herself from making noise. Her father only got in to the first knuckle of his thick, manly index finger, but even so it felt so much better than her cold lifeless toy. Dallin did his best to ignore the noises his daughter was making. He did his best to ignore the sudden increase in fluid leaking from his daughter’s vagina as he started working his finger in. Most of all he did his best to ignore the growing erection in his own pants.

As Dallin got up to his second knuckle he started hitting resistance again. His daughter’s warm tight asshole was clamped down on his finger, almost cutting off circulation, and the small amount of lube that had been left was no longer sufficient to prevent friction. For an instant the tip of his finger brushed against something hard inside his daughter, but as he pressed deeper to get it she shook and bit back a yelp. Dallin could feel her sphincter and intestines massage his finger, and the dildo was carried up farther into his daughter’s body.

“Sorry princess. But there wasn’t very much lube left. We’re out and I need to go deeper if I’m going to get it.”

Aimee nodded into her pillow and bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. “Give me a second, Daddy.” she said.

Dallin nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt his daughter’s fingers brush against his curled up knuckles. Looking down he saw that Aimee had snaked a hand under her body and was now gently rubbing her clitoris. His eyes were wide as saucers as she dipped a fingertip gently inside herself and began smearing her natural juices over her clitoral hood. Just as he was about to demand to know what she was doing, he felt her ass relax slightly and was able to push another few centimeters inside her.

“It’s alright, Daddy.” Aimee said, her voice suddenly husky, as if she could read his mind. “I just... just need to relax a little bit and get you some more lube. Fuck, stay right there for a second, it feels so good.”

Aimee hadn’t meant to say that last part out loud, but it would have been obvious to both of them either way. As she increased the speed with which she rubbed her clitoris all the signs of female arousal were present. Soon she was overtly groaning, pressing her fingers deep inside herself and pushing her ass back against her father’s finger to take more of it. Dallin could feel their fingertips brush up against eachother through his daughter’s perineum.

Stopping for a moment, Aimee twisted herself so she could reach with her slippery hand over her back and smear her pussyjuice all over her sphincter, her father’s finger still inside it. Without missing a beat, she pulled Dallin’s hand out of her ass, sucked his index finger as deeply into her throat as she could, then smeared it too with her juices as she popped it out of her mouth. Without waiting for her father to respond to the situation she flopped back down and started rummaging around her pillow.

“There, try now.” She said.

Dallin was too shocked to object. Reaching out with his saliva-and-girlcum covered hand he gently began teasing his daughter’s asshole. This time, instead of resisting, her browneye slowly opened to allow him access.

“Ohh fuck.” Aimee exclaimed as she found what she was looking for. Dallin watched in shock as she pulled a Hitachi magic wand from under her pillow, flicked it on, then reached between her legs to apply it to her clit.

“Aimee what are you doing?” Dallin asked, still working his index finger into his daughter’s asshole.

“I need to stay relaxed, Daddy. It’s always easier for me to get stuff in my ass when I’m aroused. Fuck, it loosens my holes right up so they can take things. I need it so bad, Daddy.” This last statement was as much a plea as anything else. Aimee’s thighs were slick with fluid, and Dallin had to admit that as the vibration from the massager rippled through his daughter it was getting easier to probe her guts.

With his index finger fully inserted Dallin once again found himself brushing the base of the toy stuck inside his little girl. He tried to block out the moans she was making as he did.

“OK, princess.” He said, “I can feel it, but I’m going to need to put in a second finger to grab it. I, uh, I need more lube.”

Dallin could see Aimee nod her head, still pressed into her pillow, and then she spread her legs farther, “Take as much as you need, Daddy.” She moaned.

Dallin stood frozen until Aimee let the magic wand fall for a moment, grabbed his hand, and pressed it against her pussy. Dallin marveled at how wet it was, but took the hint. Aimee reapplied the vibrator to her clitoris. Running his fingers all over the sopping wet lips of his daughter’s cunt, he smeared some of the natural lube on her puckered hole and the rest on his middle finger. Slowly, he brought that digit against her opening and began applying pressure. Aimee moaned in an exquisite mixture of pleasure and pain. If he’d been paying attention, Dallin would have noticed he was panting just as hard as she was.

“It needs more lube, Daddy!” Aimee exclaimed as her father tried to further invade her with his digits. Dallin didn’t even think about his response. Rotating his hand he pulled his middle finger away from his daughter’s asshole and plunged it into her ready and willing pussy.

“Oh fuck!” Aimee screamed as a mini-orgasm ripped through her and a squirt of liquid escaped her pussy. She could feel her father’s fingers rub against each other inside her, separated only by the thin bridge of skin between her colon and birth canal. Shoving her face down she bit her pillow as she pressed the magic wand more desperately against her clitoris. This wasn’t the first time her holes had been used like a human bowling ball, but it had never felt this good before.

At the same time, Dallin could feel both of his fingers getting massaged by the various muscles in his daughter’s lower half. Forgetting himself for a moment, he marveled at how similar yet how different it felt as each of the holes milked his invading digits. Both were so warm and tight, yet they had noticeably different textures and their muscles worked him in entirely different ways. Suddenly, yet another noticeable squirt of liquid spurted out of his daughter’s pussy around his middle finger, and his ongoing mission came back to him.

Dallin rotated his hand again, bringing his middle finger out of his daughter’s cunt and pressing it against her asshole. The fingertip had become pruney from it’s baptism in Aimee’s innards. Aimee gasped in audible disappointment as her grasping pussy was left achingly empty, only to gasp again in audible satisfaction as a second finger was pressed into her asshole. This time it slid in with only slight resistance.

With both fingers inside his daughter’s tight bottom, Dallin began to fish around once again for the toy. He was somewhat distracted by Aimee, who continued vocalizing through her pillow. As his strong, slightly rough fingers felt around inside Aimee’s ass she began rocking her hips, grinding her clit against the Hitachi and pressing her father’s knuckles into her sopping slit. The way his probing digits thrummed against the walls of her rectum was driving her wild. Dallin felt his ring and pinky finger get sucked into her grasping, hungry cunt, but kept focusing on probing her colon for the lost toy.

Suddenly, he felt it. As Aimee massaged his fingers with her intestines, he found himself pressing against a solid, silicone object.

“Hold still, Princess.” He said, attempting to grasp the toy between his fingers, “I’ve almost got it.”

Aimee nodded into the pillow in acknowledgment, but continued masturbating herself with her father’s fingers. Dallin put one hand on her lower back for leverage as he pressed in as deep as he could. Juices flowed freely from Aimee’s cunt. Then, success! He caught the end of the dildo between his fingers and slowly began pulling it out.

It was slow going at first. The dildo was lodged quite deeply and Dallin’s slick fingers kept losing their grip. Then, all at once, everything came together. Dallin pulled the end of the toy out of his daughter’s sphincter. He had just enough time to register that, like so much else in the room, this particular monster cock was purple, before the rest of it practically shot out of his daughter’s asshole.

Aimee’s head shot up from the pillow and she let out a scream, discomfort mixed with pleasure. As she felt every inch of her favorite ass-fucking implement get forcefully ejected from her body, her pussy joined her ass in clamping down and spasming. An orgasm the likes of which she didn’t know was possible ripped through her petite body. It felt like it lasted forever as her clitoris throbbed relentlessly and every muscle in her pelvis pulsed in delight.

Dallin fell back on his haunches and watched this awestruck. Aimee’s asshole gaped throughout her orgasm, twitching with wild abandon. Her vagina was likewise still dilated, and he could see the muscles of her reproductive tract roiling with an intensity that made his cock lurch. Aimee’s ass, pussy, and clit all spasmed in unison as the mind-shattering orgasm washed over her.

Most enthralling to Dallin was the now indisputable fact that Aimee was a squirter. With each rippling contraction of her cunt, fluid pulsed out of her, soaking the bed in girlcum. The first blast exited her body with no less force than the dildo. It splattered Dallin’s chest leaving him soaked in musky juices. Each subsequent female ejaculation produced less and less fluid, though Dallin was still amazed by the quantity, until finally Aimee’s orgasm reached it’s toe-curling conclusion. With one last dribbling expulsion of cunt-juice, Aimee stopped screaming and simply slumped down into bed. All her muscles went slack. She panted deeply. As she regained control of her body, she pulled her knees up to her chest and assumed the fetal position, holding herself tightly as the aftershocks left her trembling.

---Chapter II---

Dallin sat dazed for a moment watching his daughter hold herself shaking. Looking down he could see that his shirt and pants had both been soaked in his daughter’s juices. In many ways this was a good thing, he thought, because it meant the wet spot his precum had soaked into his jeans was no longer noticeable. Even so, he knew he needed to get up and start the laundry before his wife got home.

Rolling onto his feet off the bed, Dallin took a moment to pull the soaked comforter over his gasping daughter.

“I’ll come by in a few minutes to throw this in the laundry, Aimee. For now just get some rest.” Looking around the room he found toy that had precipitated this whole series of events lying on the floor a few feet away. Picking it up Dallin was struck both by it’s length and girth. As it was being ejected from his daughter’s body he hadn’t fully realized just how big the dildo was. Gently he put the fake cock on his girl’s nightstand.

“Just going to leave this here for you, don’t want to lose it again.” He said. He forced himself to laugh hollowly, but he couldn’t pretend his attempt at humor had worked.

Not knowing what else to do, Dallin prepared to leave. Leaning down, he kissed his daughter gently on the top of the head.

“Get some rest, sweetie.” He said.

As he stood to walk away, Aimee reached out from under the covers and grabbed him weakly by the front of his shirt.

“No. Don’t go.” She begged. “I don’t want to be alone. That was crazy. Can you just, stay here and hold me?”

Dallin knew that would be a mistake. He knew that they could hide what had already happened behind rationalizations and platitudes. He knew that if he didn’t extricate himself immediately from this situation, things might be done that couldn’t be undone, couldn’t be hidden from.

The pleading look in his daughter’s drooping, bloodshot eyes melted all of his resolution away.

“Yeah. OK, princess.” He said gently, “Daddy’s here for you.”

Aimee breathed a long sight of relief. Scooting over, she lifted up the comforter so her father could slide in next to her. It didn’t even register to her that she still wasn’t wearing any pants. As soon as her father laid down beside her she turned onto her side and grabbed onto him tightly. She buried her face in is broad, strong chest and hooked her legs around his waist to maximize their skin-to-skin contact. Dallin put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and let her snuggle into him. He could still feel her trembling slightly and did his best to project calming support.

They lay like that for several minutes. Aimee’s breathing returned to normal. Dallin almost thought the situation was deescalating. Sure the things leading up to them cuddling like this were highly inappropriate, but it was more and more like the totally legitimate act of a father comforting his daughter who had just been through and extremely intense experience.

Then Aimee’s thigh started rubbing against his still chubby member.

At first Dallin didn’t even notice it. Then, he thought it was an accident. Only after it had escalated from occasional random grazing to a persistent rubbing of Aimee’s naked thigh against the erection once again growing in his pants that Dallin realized she was doing it on purpose.

“Aimee.” He said, hoping that she merely didn’t realize what was going on. It had the opposite effect. Aimee pulled him in even tighter. She pressed her soft, creamy thigh into his manhood, rubbing it up and down. Reaching her arms around his head, she rested her forehead against his temple. Dallin could hear her deepening breathing, dripping with ongoing arousal.

“Aimee, stop.” Dallin said. He brought his hands up to her forearms and made a token effort to remove them. At first Aimee complied, dropping her hands from his head and pulling her leg off of his crotch. Then Dallin felt her had snake down further under the covers and come to rest on top of his cock.

His daughter started stroking him.

Dallin rolled his head back and moaned involuntarily. Then, he reached below the covers and grabbed his daughter’s wrist. “Aimee, stop. We can’t.”

Aimee pressed her head against him and whispered directly into his ear. Her voice came out throaty and intense, and with each tickle of her breath against his ear, goosebumps shot across Dallin’s body.

“Why not, Daddy?”

Ignoring her father’s hand holding her wrist, Aimee reached down with her other hand and deftly pulled down the zipper of Dallin’s pants.

“Princess, no.” Dallin whispered. But even he could feel the grip on his daughter’s wrist slackening, and noted his total failure to move any other part of his body.

“Why not, Daddy?” Aimee asked again, her lips brushing against the side of his face as she did.

“I can feel that you want it. And I want it too. I came so hard from just your fingers. I need more. I need to feel you inside me.” Snaking her tongue out she licked around the exterior of his ear. “I need your cock, Daddy.”

Dallin groaned and released Aimee’s wrist as she reached inside his pants. Her soft fingers grasped his now fully hard member through his boxers, squeezing it gently and just taking a moment to explore it. Then, she reached inside the fly of his underwear and her small hand fully grasped her father’s naked, aching dick. The breath caught in both of their throats as she gently, sensuously, began rubbing it up and down.

“Oh god we can’t. You’re my daughter, this is so fucked up.” Dallin said as Aimee smeared his precum all over his head and shaft. Her delicate fingers played across his frenulum. She made a shushing noise then buried her face in his neck for a moment. The two lay there for a moment, daughter making out slowly with her father’s neck, father enjoying a leisurely, loving handjob from his beautiful girl.

Then Aimee pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked down at Dallin.

“It’s OK, Daddy. It’s my fault, really. You’re a man and I made you play with a beautiful teenage girl’s ass and pussy. It’s only normal that you’d get hard. I can’t judge you, you saw how fucking wet you made me doing it. I came so hard with your fingers jammed into both of my holes, Daddy, and I don’t want to pretend it didn’t happen. That was the most amazing orgasm of my life and I’m not going to let some old-fashioned hangups stop me from getting that again.”

Aimee hadn’t stopped ministering to her father’s cock. As she spoke, she pulled it fully out of his pants so she could stimulate it more effectively. Dallin was at a loss for words. Still laying on his back, he was staring at his pantsless daughter, her legs pulled up underneath her, gently stroking his raging erection while maintaining the most intense eye contact he’d ever had in his life.

“But what about your mother?” Dallin said. It was his last line of defense. He knew it wouldn’t work.

“I don’t care.” Aimee said bluntly, “I love Mom, but I love you too, Daddy. I love the way you just made me feel. I love the way you feel in my hand right now. She doesn’t have to know. Or if you want me to, I’ll talk to her. I’ll tell her the truth: that I needed you, that I made you do it, that you knew the only way you could get me to stop was by hurting me. And to be clear, Daddy, that last part is true. The only way this doesn’t end with me taking all nine inches of my father’s throbbing cock in my fucking ass is if you physically fight me off and leave me too injured to do it.”

Dallin leaned back and closed his eyes.

“I love you, princess.” So much was left unsaid with those simple words, but in that moment of perfect sharing between father and daughter Aimee understood everything he was trying to convey.

“I love you too, Daddy.” She smiled. All embarrassment about the situation was gone, replaced by an intense feeling of warmth, love, and sharing. Then without waiting any further, she shucked her pajama top to leave herself totally naked and threw her head down into her father’s lap. Still lazily stroking his cock, Aimee pressed her lips against his hefty nutsack and began making out with her father’s balls. Dallin could only groan and squirm. Aimee did her best to worship the testes she’d come out of. Starting with soft kissing she moved up to lapping at the swollen balls with her soft tongue before finally taking them one at a time in her mouth and doing her very best to deep throat her father’s nuts. They were large enough she could only get one in her mouth at a time. All the while her hand worked it’s way up and down her father’s shaft.

Having already cum, Aimee could have spent all day simply exploring her father’s testicles with her mouth. And indeed she was sure that one day soon she would do just that. But as his precum became more copious and his squirming more insistent. Aimee became acutely aware that her father didn’t have the same post-orgasm benefits she did, and likely would not last forever. And she didn’t want him to blow his load in her hands.

Releasing his member, Aimee began kissing her way up her father’s body. Fluttering her lips along his shockingly pronounced cumgutters and up his paunchy yet still muscular stomach, she took a moment to run her tongue across each of her father’s stiff nipples and suck them the way she like her own nipples to be sucked. Dallin held his daughter close to him as she did this. Unlike many of the men she’d been with, her father had the thick greying bodyhair of a truly adult man with minimal time for manscaping. Aimee expected the hair to make her linguo-labial journey up his body at least a little unpleasant, and was surprised to find that the feeling of his hairs tickling her face on the way up made her extremely wet. As she slithered up his body, Dallin groaned and closed his eyes. The warm weight of his little girl’s body pressed up against his own was exquisite.

Leaving her father’s nipples Aimee continued kissing up his chest, spending several minutes making out with his well defined neck and prominent Adam’s apple. Then, reaching his face, she planted her lips firmly on his. Neither wasted any time in opening their mouth. After a few tentative explorations with her tongue, Aimee was treated to her father’s much larger tongue forcing it’s way past her teeth. As Dallin tongue-fucked his daughter’s mouth, he reached out and began rubbing his hand all over her. Grabbing her taut little ass he massaged her muscular cheeks, and was treated to a satisfying squeak when he momentarily poked a finger into her asshole again. Then, bringing his hands up her slender sides and across her prominent ribs, Dallin reached around and began playing with his daughter’s breasts. They were small, A-cups, didn’t even fill his hands and had puffy inverted nipples, but Dallin relished them nonetheless. Father and daughter’s tongues dueled the entire time as they desperately pressed their mouths together, trying their best to inhale one another.

Finally, Aimee pulled way from her father’s mouth. Pressing her mouth into his ear once more she whispered to him: “I’m putting you inside me now, Daddy.”

Dallin nodded.

Placing her hand in the middle of his chest Aimee slid her pelvis up her father’s legs until her wet slit was resting against his pulsing member, frenulum lined up directly with her pearl. Grinding down against him, she rocked her hips back and forth so that his cock slid along her slit, spreading her lube everywhere and stimulating her clitoris every time the glans rubbed against it.

Dallin put his hands on his daughter’s narrow hips and began helping her. He marveled at how small she was. The tips of his fingers holding her could nearly encircle her entire waist it was so narrow. Gripping her firmly, he began sliding Aimee up and down his cock. She gasped as he did so. Her pussy gushed at the ease with which her father handled her, which drove home just how big and strong he was. In an instant, she had gone from the one in the driver’s seat to a pliable fucktoy in his muscular hands. The two made eye contact.

“C’mon, Daddy. If you’re going to fuck my ass, you need to lube yourself up.”

Dallin nodded at his daughter, then pulled her forward once again. This time he slid her clitoris up past the head of his dick so that he was nestled in her entrance, then as he slid his daughter back down the hungry opening of her cunt caught his throbbing meat and the two were finally joined. Father and daughter groaned in unison as they passed the point of no return and Dallin penetrated her fully.

For all that she was wet and willing, Aimee found her gaping cunt had some trouble taking her father initially. He was by far the largest man she’d been with, both in terms of length and girth, and her narrow pussy strained to accommodate him. For Dallin’s part, he was fully aware of how unbelievably tight and wet his daughter was. Pulling her onto him slowly, he could see the pleasure play out across her face as she strained to take his entirety. Finally, he felt her clitoris press down on his pelvis. He spent a moment luxuriating in the warm, wet, tightness. He could feel the ridged texture of his daughter’s cunt clamped down on his cock, and as he flexed his member he could feel his glans just barely brush against her cervix.

Aimee breathed heavily as she looked at her father. She wanted to sear the memory of this moment into her pussy forever, permanently imprint it with the shape of the cock that made her. Then, once she was confident she could take it, she reached down. Grabbing her father’s hands from her waist she placed them on her tiny titties and began riding him.

Dallin gave her what she so obviously wanted. As Aimee worked her pussy up and down his shaft, coating it in the lubricant it would need to get into her asshole, he rubbed her breasts and played with her adorable nipples. Dallin had never been with a woman with inverted nipples before, and although he was aware of his daughter’s condition he'd never really examined them in close detail before. Now he took his time exploring this fascinating, beautiful anatomical oddity. As Aimee’s breathing grew more intense and her pussy grew more wet, Dallin was pleased to see that by playing with his daughter’s tits he was able to coax the hardening nipples into protruding. Once they had come out to play, Dallin couldn’t help himself. He practically threw his torso up at his daughter, taking one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking as hard as he could.

Aimee shuddered and brought her arms around her father’s back.

“That’s it, Daddy. Suck my tits. It makes me feel so good when you lick my nipples like that, fucking breastfeed from your daughter’s stupid flat tits.”

As she said this she shuddered. Focused as she was on the idea that her dad’s dick would end up in her ass, she hadn’t fully paid attention to her own arousal. Now, with the additional stimulation of her breasts she was suddenly aware she was on the brink of orgasm once again. Holding her father to her chest as tightly as she could, she redoubled her riding of his engorged cock. Kissing the top of his head she shuddered as her pelvic muscles squeezed her father’s fuckstick. She came all over it. Dallin felt a surge of wetness in his lap as his daughter squirted on him. This was not the multi-minute brain-melting orgasm her previous one had been, but for all of that Aimee felt there was something more beautiful about it. That was an orgasm of animalistic lust, located entirely in her sex organs. This was an orgasm of love; gentler, but no less intense and in many ways more fulfilling. It filled her whole body with a loving warmth.. She rode it as long as she could.

Suddenly her father looked up at her. She was still cumming on his dick as they made eye contact. For a moment both had the sensation of total union. Neither knew where the one ended and the other began, they had become a single entity of pure love and pleasure. Then her father spoke.

“I love you so much, Aimee. I’m about to cum.”

“Not yet, Daddy.” Aimee said. With some regret she rolled off of him. Dallin groaned as his cock was wrenched from the warm, wet confines of his daughter’s womb into the cold outside air. As she came to a seated position next to him, Aimee reached out and grabbed her father’s cock by the base just above he testicles. Her touch was gentle but firm as she applied pressure to his urethra where it ran along the underside of his shaft. Dallin shuddered and his penis pulsed in what almost felt like an orgasm. However, Aimee grasping his urethra closed had the desired effect. His cum was held in his balls and after a moment she was able to let his dick go. Despite nearly cumming, Dallin maintained his erection.

“What the fuck did you just do?” Dallin panted.

“Sorry, Daddy.” Aimee said, “Next time you can paint my cervix with your cum, but I was serious about taking that monster in my ass.”

She got on all fours and wiggled her ass at her father, “We’ll have plenty of opportunities to make love again. But right now I need you to pound my ass like the dirty butt-slut I am.”

Dallin shook his head. He was seeing sides of his daughter he’d never allowed himself to even imagine before, and rather than being shocked he realized it was just making him love her even more. He lined his cockhead up with Aimee’s sphincter as she looked back at him encouragingly. If there had been any concern about lube that was put to rest with her most recent squirting orgasm on his cock. Pressing forward, Dallin began sodomizing his daughter. He kept a firm hold of his dick to prevent it from slipping, driving relentlessly into her.

Even more than her tight pussy, Aimee’s ass required time to adjust to her father’s penis entering it. His sensitive head slipped inside in fairly short order, but then Aimee had to make him stop so she could get used to it. Taking deep, short breaths she slowly relaxed her sphincter. Inch after inch she had her father slowly feed himself into her bowels. Despite the discomfort, there was something delicious every time he pushed himself deeper into her, and Aimee made sure to enjoy the sensation as she squeezed her dad’s dick with her shitpipe. Finally, after perhaps ten minutes of tentative, incestuous sodomy, she felt her father’s hips press against her and knew he was in her ass to the hilt.

She took a moment once again to luxuriate in the feel. As her father was taking the time to fully appreciate the feeling of her warm bowels against him and how different they were from her pussy, Aimee was likewise relishing the wholly different yet still pleasurable feeling of her father’s cock in her ass. Finally she was sure she had fully adjusted to it. She flexed her sphincter and massaged her father’s member with her large intestine. Her father groaned behind her and she felt his cock pulse dangerously. They didn’t have long.

Aimee looked back at her father, who’s face was screwed up in the concentration of a man trying desperately not to cum. His eyes flicked erratically as he did multiplication tables. She smiled gently. “OK, Dad, you can start fucking me.”

Dallin nodded, determination glinting in his eyes. Aimee laughed, “And you don’t need to worry about me. This is already amazing. When you need to cum, cum. I don’t care how fast it happens.” She bit her lower lip, “I want you to use me to do it.”

A wave of relief washed over Dallin’s features. Aimee laughed again but was cut off. Her father had decided to take her at her word. Grabbing her hips he wasted no time in starting to jackhammer her willing asshole.

Aimee inhaled sharply. Her father had been so gentle and accommodating in getting her ass used to his dick. He’d been just as loving when he was in her pussy immediately prior. But he desperately needed to cum, and with her permission he was no longer able to hold back. His swinging balls slapped against her vulva with significant force as he slammed Aimee’s shitter with an almost violent aggression. Her asshole gripped him so good and it was like she was doing kegels with her colon as her intestines massaged his throbbing member.

That is not to say Aimee wasn’t enjoying it. She’d been fucking her own ass for years, and wasn’t always super gentle about it. That autoanal violation was nothing compared to how her father was taking her. She could feel parts of her ass that she didn’t know existed as his mushroom head rubbed against them, and reveled in how violated her little hole felt as her father relentlessly thrust in and out of it. With every push in his balls slapped against her clitoris, sending a jolt of pleasure through her pussy. More than anything else, the palpable desperation of her father to cum, and the fact that he was going to use her body to do it, drove Aimee wild with arousal.

Dallin was no two-pump chump, but having been teased for so long and already denied one orgasm, he was on borrowed time. Sooner than he would have wanted he could feel the tightening in his balls that let him know he was about to cum.

“Fuck, princess, I’m so fucking close.” He yelled, his forceful thrusts taking on even more desperation.

Aimee reached between her legs and began strumming her clitoris. “Fuck yes, Daddy. Fill my ass up with your cum. Finish as deep inside me as you can!”

That was it for Dallin. With one final pump he pulled his daughter tight against him and unloaded. Rope after rope of thick, pent-up dad-cum went shooting into his daughter’s willing bowels.

As his balls slammed into her clit for the last time Aimee also found herself cumming. The throbbing of her father’s cock deep inside her, every pulse as he shot cum into her anus, was more than she could stand. Father and child, now lovers, experienced their first simultaneous orgasm as their bodies synchronized perfectly. Every pulse of Dallin’s dick exactly coincided with a contraction of Aimee’s cunt and sphincter, and every blast of cum deep into his daughter’s guts was accompanied by powerful squirt of female ejaculate against her father’s balls. The two were one, every muscle tensed as they completed their lovemaking. Finally, they slumped down together no longer able to maintain any kind of upright posture. Even as his cock deflated Dallin remained inside his daughter and she giggled at the feeling, continuing to massage Dallin with her sphincter until finally he slipped out.

The two lay in a heaving pile of sweating post-coital bliss. Just as Dallin had feared, this was something they could never change, turn their backs on, or pretend didn’t happen. He was filled with a feeling of love and pride in his daughter, the clarity and completeness of his emotions for her suddenly overwhelming. Aimee, with all the stamina of youth, recovered more quickly. Seeing an opportunity to continue something she started earlier, she slithered down her father’s body. With his now flaccid, fluid covered cock resting against her face, she began slurping her girlcum off of her father’s balls. She was as much in love with them as she was every other part of her dad. Dallin looked down at her and she smiled around his heavy testes.

“You know, Dad, we really dodged a bullet today. Sure everything turned out fine, but you’re right. That dildo getting lost in my ass could have caused real problems. I think there’s really only one answer.”

Dallin raised an eyebrow.

“From now on, I’ll have to use this every time I want to pleasure my little whore ass.” Aimee ran her hand up and down her father’s suddenly re-inflating member.


Sofia quietly closed the door to her daughter’s bedroom the rest of the way and padded off as quietly as she could. The sound of her daughter slurping her husband’s nuts followed her all of the way out of the house. If the two hadn’t been so focused on each other she was sure they would have noticed her, but as far as she could tell they were totally preoccupied with exploring each others’ bodies in the way of new lovers everywhere.

Practically shaking she made her way to her sedan parked in the driveway. Three short breaths calmed her down as she sat behind the wheel, then as quickly as she dared she drove around the block away from their house to a mostly empty parking lot. Once the car was stopped she closed her eyes and thought about her next move. After what she’d seen, she knew things could never be the same again. She just wasn’t sure how to handle it.

Finally she made a decision.

Whipping out her phone, she quick-dialed her sister and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for her to pick up. Gina did so after three rings.

“Hey beautiful, long time no see.” Gina joked, laughing. Sofia didn’t share in her mirth. Her silence alerted Gina that something was up.

“Sofi, darling, what’s wrong?” She asked.

Sofia took another deep breath. “I, uh, I just walked in on something. I need to talk to you about it, in person. How soon can you be over at my place?”

“I can be there in 10 minutes. What’s going on? Are you alright? You sound...shaken?” Gina said.

“Yeah, it was, uh pretty intense. Can’t talk on the phone. Just come over to my house as soon as you can. And Gina?”

“Yeah?” Gina responded.

“Bring your strap-on.” Sofia cracked a smile. “It’s time we come clean with Dallin and Aimee.”
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