This is a fairly long fictional story separated into a first act (more focus on sex) and a second act (more focus on story). Only the first act can be properly read without reading the second act. In regards to theming, both acts of the story mainly describe the gradual and sexual escalation of clueless or naive women. It quickly becomes quite extreme, non-consensual, cruel, and tortuous. It is definitely not for the faint of heart (however, no cannibalism, scatology, or snuff).
(The story has been posted with images in this forum post:
This particular chapter starts here:
The images themselves are also posted in the album "Sacred Institute images" in my forum gallery of, but be careful of spoilers)
level 6 of sister Mary
After a few days, the limit of masters that can piss in her mouth is increased to two and soon after to three. She keeps pushing herself to drink as much as possible and even encourages masters and brothers to relieve themselves in her. She also drinks more water in order to stretch her stomach. Her hard work pays off, as she eventually can guzzle down two full bladders without feeling nauseous. She can almost deepthroat the entire cock if the sisters, but she is still struggling with brothers.
She also trains her pelvic muscles and sphincter a lot more, which shows soon, when her masters praise the tightness of her holes. But her muscle strength slows down her stretching a bit. Therefore, it takes her a few more weeks (a total of 125 days since the rite of passage), until she finally meets the requirements for level 6. Her ass can now stretch to a circumference of 34 cm (13.4 inches), with a flexible depth of 60 cm (23.6 inches) and a rigid depth of 35 cm (13.8 inches). Her pussy can take a circumference of 35 cm (13.8 inches) and a depth of 30 cm (11.8 inches).
When she gets to have sex with father John for her promotion, she tries to take him all in her pussy, but gets her cervix annihilated instead. Her cunt gets some rest when he plows her ass for a bit and all the pain is completely forgotten when she finally gets to enjoy his full thrusts in her backside, now that her ass can fully take his entire length. It doesn’t take her long until she trembles in climax while he pushes it all in. With a deep groan, she pulls him out of her ass and takes him deep into her throat. As much as she would have liked to surprise him with a full deep throat, she is just missing another inch between her chin and his balls. Despite her shortcomings, father John does not deny her a load right down her throat. She manages to squeeze two more orgasms out of each of them before he stops in order to not fall behind his schedule.
Afterwards, he leads her by the leash to her new chamber, which is larger, has more music ***********ion, and even a bathtub. Furthermore, she gets to *********** her lunch for each Sunday from a menu.
He injects another 500cc in each breast, totaling now 2500cc and 3300cc when inflated. Father John instructs her to get on her knees, whereupon he shoves is cock down her throat again. Her initial attempts at fucking her own face with it is stopped when he holds her head to piss into her stomach again. Once he is done, he stays inside her, removes the orange ribbon and attaches a stretchable metallic bronze coloured collar. Sister Mary tries to look happy, but since she has not breathed in a while, she rather be able to take out his cock for a second. However, father John holds her head firmly.
“The requirements for level 7 is that your ass has to take a circumference of 38 cm (15 inches), a flexible depth of 70 cm (27.6 inches) and a rigid depth of 40 cm (15.7 inches). Your pussy has to take a circumference of 40 (15.7 inches) and a depth of 33 cm (13 inches). Do you understand?”
She nods very quickly and tries to push against his legs, but her head is firmly locked in place by his strong hands.
“Also, sisters and brothers can now choke you, until you lose consciousness. They can use their cock, their hands, or arms. Don’t worry, they are trained and know how to not cause permanent damage.”
Sister Mary starts to panic and tries to pull herself away. Once she realizes that she cannot win against his strength, she tries pleading with him. All she can do is look into the face of the man who is denying her air to breathe. He looks into her blood-shot eyes and shushes her.
“We used to allow masters to do it as well, but they lack control. As a result, we lost some good sisters... I think you are turning out to be a good sister as well. So, I have to protect you.”
While he says these words, her eyes roll up and her body goes limp. A few more twitches later, and her head slides off his cock. He checks for a pulse and leaves the room when sees that she is still alive.
A while later, she wakes up in her bed, feeling a slight pain in her lungs. As much as she would like to contemplate what just happened to her, it is already evening and she will have to do her physical training soon.
The few minutes of time she still has, she cuddles with her little pups, which eagerly start sucking on her tits again. They are over two months old, each already weighing 20 kg (44 pounds), which means the four pups together already weigh more than their mom. She can’t even imagine how much more mass of milk they had sucked out of her in order to reach that size. They demand so much love and pets, which she tries to provide whenever she can. As can already zoom around the room, they require leashes, just like the sire behind her who has already started fucking his bitch.
After the training and stretching, she runs a bath in her new tub and relaxes for half an hour in there. She enjoys the bath so much that she continues stretching with toys and masturbates herself to many more orgasms.
On the next morning, when the door opens, her owner comes in again. Just like last time, she performs tricks and has to rip out her now 60 cm (23.6 inches) tail plug a few times. Afterwards she is fed cum and piss from two brothers, followed by piss of her master that is sealed in her ass with the tail plug. She had trained her stomach a lot and no longer experiences nausea, even though moving is still difficult with so much liquid sloshing around inside of her.
She gets herself ready for round two when she deepthroats both brothers just to realize that the second one does not withdraw after shooting his load down her throat. It is happening again. He is choking her. She is trying to let it happen, to just power through the abuse. But her body still puts up a fight. However, just like last time, she is held down relentlessly while her body fails to stay conscious.
When she wakes up, she finds herself lying on the floor not able to move. Her arms are tied behind her back, her legs are folded and tied together, wherein a chain between her ankles and her collar pull her knees up to her chin. Once she shows some signs of life, a buzzing starts between her legs and she can feel a vibrator stuck between her legs and firmly pressing against her crotch.
“Wakey, wakey, my little puppy. Let’s play a game. This is a puzzle and you will have to find a way out.”
After several attempts of moving herself, she barely manages to rotate her body. When she looks around, she sees that there are wires attached to her nipple piercings that lead to a heavy box on the table. There is a key on the box! But how is she supposed to get it? With only her toes being able to move, she resorts to rotating her body until the wires are pulled taut. However, her toes are too weak to pivot herself any further. She looks over to her master for help, but he just shrugs.
“Oh, I can’t help you ... and ... I don’t know if there is anyone else that can help...”
She looks into the room hoping to find the brothers, but they have already left. The only thing wandering around in the room is her sire. Wait, he is unchained? Did master the master intentionally release him? But the wolf cannot reach for the box. She can’t even call him over, because the master says that puppies don’t speak.
After a while of wiggling around, the curious wolf comes closer anyway and sits in front of his bitch. Maybe if she looks at the wires, he will understand that he should pull on them. She wiggles her eyebrows and tries to gesture with her eyes, while the wolf is observing her. Her sire looks at her for a while and then stands up. Did he understand? Will he help her? Such a good boy! Wait. No, why is he walking away from the wires? What is he doing?
Suddenly she can feel him jerking on her tail. No, this is not the time to fuck her ass! She clenches her ass, keeping the plug in her while the wolf pulls more and more, eventually pulling her entire body by her ass along the floor, until the wire on her nipples are pulled taut again. Sister Mary lets out a scream of pain, being pulled apart by her sphincter and her nipples. Her sire is startled, let’s go and runs away.
She glances over to her master, who has a huge grin on his face. Oh no, she was making progress. So that is how she is supposed to get the key. But it hurts. And her sire just ran into the other side of the room. She wants to scream at him to come back, but does not dare break the master’s rules. Instead, she wiggles her ass trying to lure him back.
Only after she also moans, does she get his attention. He walks up and grabs the tail again. This time, she has to be silent. Don’t scare him away. Clench that ass and don’t let him pull out the toy. He keeps pulling harder and harder while sister Mary clenches her teeth and ass, trying not to scream as the wires yank on her nipples. Since constant pulling does not help, the wolf now resorts to individual and forceful jerks. Just as she is about to cry out, she can see that the box gradually shifts with each of his strokes. Not only are her nipples hurting, her ass is running out of stamina. Just as her sphincter was about to lose the battle, the box and the key fall to the floor, scaring away her sire again.
She can see the key lying there just across the room, but she can’t walk over. She barely managed to move the box from the table by having the sire pulling her across the floor ... oh no, she needs him again. Since he can’t push and only pull her away, she first rotates her body so that her ass points towards the key and then she starts wiggling and moaning until her wolf starts pulling on the toy again.
After being slowly dragged across the room, her exhausted sphincter can barely hold onto the toy and gives up the moment she finally has the key in her hands. However, since her body is folded up, the toy can only slowly and painfully travel out of her guts.
The wolf does not understand nor care, how much he is tormenting the little girl’s ass. Instead, seeing that her ass is now unplugged, the beast ignores any screaming that would have previously scared him away. Before she can even start to unlock her cuffs, he is already fucking her ass. His thrusting makes it impossible for her to operate the lock. So, she needs to wait for him to have his fun.
However, when she takes his cock in her mouth to swallow his load, she can see another key attached to his tail. She quickly tries to undo her handcuffs in order to reach for it, but she is too slow. By the time her hands are free, the sire is already lying in his bed.
Suddenly the door opens and five more wolves are let into the room. Sister Mary barely manages to roll onto her feet. But since her collar is still attached to her ankles, she is forced into a crouched position with her chin resting against her knees. As a result, she can’t do anything against all the wolves taking turns fucking her ass and coming into her mouth. It takes her a while to realize that each one of the wolves has a lock attached to their tails. When one of them tries to come into her mouth, she manages to reach it, but she can’t open it. After her fourth mouthful, she realizes that they have different colors: red, yellow, blue, and green. Wait, wasn’t the key on her sire blue? It probably unlocks the blue lock. But she doesn’t have the key. How can she get the key? She tries to waddle over to him, but her weird posture seems to unsettle him, causing him to run to the other side of the room.
She will have to suck him off again, doesn’t she? But she can’t call him either. So, she waddles back to the middle of the room and starts wiggling her ass, hoping to lure him back. Come on, sire, fuck your bitch in the ass. Who is a good boy? I’m right here. One of wolves takes her up on the invitation and starts fucking her. Is it him? Who will it be? He is coming around to jizz in her mouth. No, it’s the red lock. Ok next wolf. No, that one has the blue lock. Oh no, that would be the lock that fits the key. Darn it. Finally, her sire shoves his cock down her mouth. While she massages his shaft with her tongue, she reaches for the tail and finally obtains the blue key.
Now sister Mary has to resume playing colour roulette. She repeats her seduction dance five more times, until she can finally suck off the wolf with the blue lock. She opens it and gets a red key. Ok, so she will have to go through all of the other locks as well. But her stomach is getting full. It is still holding all the piss from the three men and now she keeps swallowing wolf jizz. It also does not help that her crouching position is compressing her stomach. The only thing that is helping her is the toy on her crotch that keeps making her cum while getting fucked.
After four more loads, she can finally open the red lock to get a green key. The yellow key is eventually in her hands after gulping down jizz five more times. Her stomach is fighting back and her ass is getting sore. After serving three more wolves she finally has the key to her collar.
The chain is released and she tries to stand up, just to immediately crouch down again. The vibrating toy is attached with a small chain to her clit piercing and swung down when she opened her legs. After she recovered from the pain, she switches the toy off. At the same time, the box makes a beeping sound. Her master claps his hands.
“Hey puppy, you did well so far. I’ll be kind and give you advice. You just switched on the electrification of the box and the wires. If you touch them, you will get shocked. But you can deactivate it, if you place the toy inside the box.”
Sister Mary is still crouching, looking at the box, the wires and the toy. But she is chained to the toy. And the box is closed. How can she open the box without touching it? Maybe, she can use the tail as isolation. She picks it up, just to be stopped by the master.
“Stop, puppy! Wow, you are smarter than I thought. But no, you are not allowed to touch the box with an isolator. Put your plug back in your ass.”
Sister Mary shoves it back in and slowly gets up, while holding the vibrator connected to her clit. When she stands, she looks at the wires hanging between her nipples and the box. She glances over to the master who is confirming her suspicion with a grin. She yanks her upper body back, pulling the box towards her. The wires are not attached to the lid, but to the bottom. She cannot just pull it open and instead has to throw the box around until the lid opens by chance. However, since her ankles are still shackled together, she can only shuffle or hop around, causing her to tumble a few times.
After jumping around for a while, all the while tearing on her nipples, she realizes that she needs to jump over the box. With a first jump, she manages to turn the box on its head. However, when she jumps back, she accidentally touches the wire, gets shocked and unintentionally let’s go of the vibrator. She drops down on her knees in pain, holding her crotch and wanting to hold her equally hurting nipples. However, her efforts were not in vain, as when she looks over, she can see that she finally managed to open the lid.
She steps closer and dangles the toy over the box. However, the lid and the ankle restraints make it difficult to approach the box. Not finding any good solution, she just drops on her knees and accepts the electric shock right through her clit. Miraculously she manages to shift her shocked body in just the right angle to place the toy inside the box and the shocks stop. A mechanism of the toy releases the chain and she can finally roll to the side.
When she gets up, her ankles are still shackled. But there are no more keys. What is she supposed to do now?
“Are you guessing where the last key is? You just have to look inside of you. The key was there all along.”
Sister Mary quickly realizes that she is still wearing the long dildo in her ass, rolls her eyes with a smile and reaches for it. She smirks at her master, who is nodding at her, while she pulls it out. However, when she examines the toy, she cannot find any key or compartment for a key. Her confidence fades, when considers the possibility that the key is still inside of her. Carefully, she moves her torso and notices that she can still feel something inside of her. Very deep inside of her. Her eyes widen, when she touches her stomach and feels a slight bump, while the master grins in delight, seeing her realization.
“Do you remember when we put the balls in your ass and you couldn’t get it out anymore? Let’s see if you can do better this time.”
There is still a ball in her? When did he put it inside of her? Right from the start? Why did she not notice it? After checking the tail plug for a while, she notices that it is a bit shorter than usual. He put the ball inside and then shoved it 50 cm (19.7 inches) into her ass? How is she supposed to get it out?
She squats down and tries to push with her guts, but after many minutes of grunting and straining it does not budge. As fear starts to set it and she reaches into her own ass, trying to reach for anything, but her arm is too short. Time passes as squatting and pushing does not help and her heavy breathing turns to desperate sobbing, while the master is enjoying her misery. Why is this happening again? She can’t get it out and the master shows no intention of helping. But he didn’t help her last time either ... the doctor! What did she do last time? Oh, he told her to suck in her stomach.
Like last time she lies on her back and breathes out, followed by sucking in her stomach. With her belly full of piss and cum it is a lot harder, but she manages to hold onto the ball protruding through her skin. After unsuccessfully trying to push it down, she notices that she can move it to the left and right. Which direction should she take? If she goes the wrong way, she will push it even deeper. How should she know what her intestines look like? Did she ever see them? Of course, the mistress! When she fisted her deeply, she saw her hand protruding on the right. And for her ... that is her left. She must go left! After a bit of pushing the ball around, it wanders upwards close to her ribs and then suddenly downwards. That’s it, it is going the right way! She gets back up on her feet and starts squatting. The ball is slowly moving through her colon and finally pops out her ass. Quickly, she opens the ball and finds a key that allows her to open her shackles.
After breathing a sigh of relief, she closes the ball, puts it in her mouth and crawls over to her master, whose jaw had dropped seeing her miraculous retrieval.
“Well, I’ll be damned. I did not think you could do that. I expected you to ... I paid a medical team to stand ready if ... well, never mind. What can I say, you are a hell of a good girl.”
A wide smile appears on sister Mary’s face and she performs proud tippy tabbies in front her of master, who’s smile slowly fades.
“I think there are no more tricks to learn from me. I had fun playing with you, but I’ll go see other puppies as well. Don’t worry, I’ll come by from time to time, checking on your progress. For now, blow me one more time.”
She sucks him off one more time and then he leaves her alone.
Sister Mary does not rest on her laurels keeps practicing with any toy or master that is available to her. Her training pays off, as in the next few days, rarely any master pushes her to her limits, allowing her to enjoy herself a lot more. Sister Mary is so happy that she can now take the trans sister’s cock full strength. One of her master’s treated her to a long orgy with five trans sisters, during which she lost count of how many times she climaxed.
Whenever she can show off her skills, she loves thrilling her audience and to spread pleasure, especially when she is serving several masters at the time. However, she sometimes gets to watch from the side lines as well.
On one day, she is sitting on her bed, eagerly waiting for her next master, when managing sister Lottie comes in instead, asking her to come out. Outside, she can see several other sisters of different levels, but all of them being least level 6. The group keeps collecting sisters until there are a total of twelve of them. Sister Lottie huddles them together and starts explaining.
“The masters have requested a competition between three trans sisters, in which they have to gather points in order to win. They get points by climaxing, by making brothers come and by making sisters come, which is the twelve of you. Initially you will be assigned in groups of four to one of the trans sisters, who will fuck you until you come. There will be a basket of balls behind each competitor. After you climax, you take a ball out of the basket and shove it up the ass of the sister that made you cum and then switch to a different one of the competitors. This allows you to eventually get fucked by all of them, making it a bit fairer.”
One of the girls asks: “Should we get fucked in the ass or the pussy?”
“Whichever hole gets you off more quickly. But don’t suck them off or swallow their cum. That will be collected for the loser. Once all three trans sisters can’t take any more balls, their asses are emptied and we will be joined by brothers that fuck the competitors. If the contestants can, they will continue fucking you girls as well. Any questions?”
“If there are questions later, you come to me. Ok, then let’s get going. The masters paid a lot for this, so don’t ruin it.”
They reach the chamber for the competition and wait outside the door, where they can faintly hear the masters announce the game to the still clueless trans sisters. Once the explanation is over, sister Lottie can hear them yell “get in the sisters!” and the door opens.
Sister Mary steps inside and sees a group of masters and three beds with a trans sister each. As previously instructed, she goes to the second bed, where she is the last in line. Judging by the golden collars of the trans sisters, they are probably level 8 and very experienced.
Once a starting signal is given, sisters from each line jump onto a bed and guide the cocks to their pussies to get promptly fucked. Initially, sister Mary is shocked about how fast everyone is. But seeing the trans sisters going to town already excites her. The room is filled with groaning and moaning while the masters are cheering. After about 4 minutes each of the sisters reach their climax, just to be immediately pushed off the bed to make space for the next sister. Sister Mary watches as the first one is shaking on the floor enjoying her orgasm, whereupon she gets up and reaches for a ball behind the basket. Sister Mary is surprised to see that the balls are not that small and have each a diameter of 5 cm (2 inches). The sister goes to the back of the sister that is already furiously fucking the next one and pops it in her ass. The competitor is just pausing for a second, groans when it slides inside, and continues.
After a few more minutes, the next sister is thrown to the ground while she is experiencing her orgasm. Sister Mary is gazing onto the bed in front of her, where a woman is ravaged by another woman, thrusting mercilessly into the fuckmeat for the sake of getting another point. And she can’t wait to be next, feeling her loins shivering and craving for the same treatment. Oh, the sister on the bed is starting to scream, she needs to get ready.
With bouncing tits and spread legs, sister Mary jumps onto the bed, grabs the shiny cock and guides it into her pussy. With not a moment of hesitation the thrusting begins, conjuring a cross-eyed smile onto her face. To the left and right she can see two other sisters getting drilled, but when she looks back up, the woman pleasuring her is clenching her teeth under exhaustion. However, once the powerful woman notices sister Mary’s concern, she smiles and winks at her. Smitten by her lover, sister Mary is pushed over the edge, building up an orgasm after less than three minutes. She starts screaming and is pushed off the edge. After catching her breath, she puts another ball into her lover's ass, and hops and skips to the next line.
After half an hour, all three participants show signs of exhaustion. Each of them already came four times, filling a jar with a total of 180 ml (6 ounces) of cum. With each satisfying about 8 women, they had at least 12 balls in their backside. Despite having just fed her pups, the arousal of sister Mary causes her breasts to spray milk, which was eagerly gobbled up by the participants, who were dehydrated from all the exercise.
After a total of one hour, the jar is filled to 320 ml (10.8 ounces) and the asses of the participants are filled with 20 balls. The competitors have to pause from time to time in order to push the bunched-up spheres further deep inside their guts. At 30 balls, they struggle to clench their asses shut. Sister Mary is mesmerized looking into a gaping abyss of flesh and balls, but eventually proceeds to jam another ball inside.
The first competitor surrenders at 35 balls. Her ass is permanently gaping, her sphincter pushed ajar by orbs interlocking in her colon. She even manages to push another ball through her asshole, but she can’t close the sphincter behind it, causing the ball to just fall out again. Under applause, her balls are removed and tallied up to her intermittent score of 35 points. Soon after, the other competitors call it quits at 36 and 37 balls each.
The masters now call in the 12 brothers for the second part of the competition. Moments later, sister Mary is laying on her back, getting fucked by the cock of a competitor. But the thrusting is mostly done by the man that has his cock balls deep in the competitor’s ass. Sister Mary is initially scared by the large bodies moving above her. But it does not take her too long to get into the groove and chimes in with the rest of the moaning in the room.
The men not only help the trans sisters with thrusting, but pretty quickly fill up the jar as well. The liquid soon exceeds the 1-liter-mark, then the liter-mark.
Three and a half hours into the competition, its content exceeds 3 liters (0.8 gallons). Eventually, everyone is spent and the event comes to an end. The loser has given up at 82 points and the other two fight it out a bit longer until the winner is announced with 91 points over 88 points.
By this point, sister Mary is already attending to one of the masters who claims the rest of the milk after seeing her feed the competitors. She is eagerly riding his cock in her ass while she gets to see the conclusion of the competition.
The loser is tasked with drinking the entire jar, while the second place gets a bucket with half the amount of piss collected by the masters. To sister Mary’s surprise, the competitors take it in good fun. The winner herself even voluntarily drinks a quarter of the cum jar while the crowd is cheering. Once both jars are empty, the competitors join the masters for some talking and fucking. With the masters now occupied otherwise, sister Mary and the other girls are escorted back to their rooms.
The pups are already eagerly waiting for the food and the sire for his bitch. While her tits get sucked and her ass gets fucked, she ponders about the competition she saw. It seems that the higher the level is, the less agonizing it becomes. Now that she is thinking about it, she realizes that compared to her earlier days, she receives less cruelty and more praise. She gets to enjoy herself a lot more and not just due to her increased arousal, but also due to the way the masters treat her.
Sister Mary feels even more motivated to reach a higher level, but is worried about getting stuck at level 7 or 8, like the mistress had said. There is only so much time in the day to train, but she does not plan to give up. Her hand is tenderly stroking the sire under the chin.
“That is a good boy. Keep fucking your little bitch. Her ass wants to pass level 7.”
In the following days, with her hard work she manages to continue improving. Soon, she manages to take every brother’s 36 cm (14 inch) cock in her ass, a success she gets to celebrate with an extensive six men orgy over two hours. There, she is also able to show off that she can deepthroat any of them, earning her applause and cum.
On a different day, she was tasked to serve beverages at a sports game. Another sister had to serve cold cans of beer, which she had to carry around in her pussy and ass. Luckily for her, she was only filled half the time as she had to run between the fridge and the masters lounging in chairs.
Sister Mary did not have to deal with cold beverages. Instead, she was providing wine. However, she was given a magnum bottle with a circumference of 36 cm (14.2 inch) and a height of 47 cm (18.5 inches). She only managed to get in two thirds of it, which was just enough for her sphincter to partially close around it, lodging it firmly inside of her. Walking was not just difficult, it kept pushing the bottle even further inside. However, even her well trained anus was getting exhausted supporting the 3.5 kg (7.7 pounds) for so long. Luckily, after an hour, the masters were too drunk to care about the game anymore and resorted to fucking their little slaves. When they extracted the bottle from sister Mary’s exhausted and stretched ass, they jumped at the opportunity to see how far they could fist her. Everyone took their turn, verifying that she can already take a male arm up to the elbow.
After having had the chance to get some rest from the bottle, she was able to enjoy getting fucked a bit more and showed off by climaxing twice with someone’s arm up her ass. At the end of the event, they gave her the bottle as reward, which she politely carried back to her chamber, once they inserted it back in her ass.