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I assist young University girls with their studies
Kelly lapped up my cream from Sarah’s pussy, bringing her to another orgasm or three.

“Now make love to Kelly, while I lie beside you and masturbate,” said Sarah. “I’ll fantasize that you’re cheating on me by fucking her.”

“Not yet,” said Kelly, with a little tremble. “Ooh, I do like your imagination. We can do that in a while. First I want you, V —” she pointed at me “—to faire la minette, as Pierre Louÿs would say. So I can sample the different flavors of pussy-licking.”

“Whoa, I didn’t know you spoke French,” said Sarah.

Kelly laughed. “Not very well. Only a few naughty phrases. Je veux que Monsieur V fasse le foutre dans ta visage lorsqu’il me fait la minette.”

“Huh?” said Sarah.

“She wants me to cum on your face while I lick her pussy,” I said.

“Well,” said Sarah. “Guess I should bone up on my foreign literature.”

“Speaking of bones,” I said.

“Already?” said Sarah. “I thought it took longer to get excited again, especially for a guy your age.”

“Thanks,” I replied.

I could tell Sarah approved of Kelly’s suggestion by the way she squirmed down on the bed until she was lying on her back with my cock dangling over her face, as I straddled her on hands and knees.

“The sword of Damocles,” she said, reaching up to draw a gentle line down its length with the tip of her finger. The sword grew more firm.

“Held up by merely a thread, wasn’t it?” I said. “I think the thread is ready to snap.”

“Hold on,” said Sarah, looking around. “Wasn’t there a nitrile glove around here? And lube? I want to try this.”

“Sure,” said Kelly, scooting those items over into Sarah’s reach.

I lowered carefully into Sarah’s mouth, feeling my girlfriend’s warm soft lips close around me as she tasted my sex, smeared with a thin but distinctly pungent layer of my cum and juice from her own pussy.

Meanwhile, Kelly lay down on her back in front of me and spread her legs so I could kiss her beautiful kitten. Its blonde hairs were an echo of those haloing her face, a face that contorted with angelic surprise and a little gasp as I found her clitoris with my tongue, inserting my finger to experience the rough softness of her G spot.

At the same moment, I felt a finger inserting into my own rear opening, plunging to immediately find its target. I moaned involuntarily, my voice vibrating Kelly’s cunt. My girlfriend must have studied her anatomy. Not to mention her linguistic technique.

I found my desire for Kelly growing. I wanted to do everything to her, lick every part of her body. Like a giant ice cream cone. I wanted to plunge myself deep inside of her and inject my seed into the heart of her soul, so that she would be mine forever. But not just yet. First I would bring her to the peak of pleasure, setting that imprinting in her mind, the indelible connection between me and her highest ecstasy, so that I would be her passion and desire, so she would long to be penetrated by my vulgar organ, she would be mad for me to take her.

Eagerly I set to work fanning the flames of Kelly’s desire, all but ignoring my girlfriend as she serviced my genitals, as I readied to empty my gross glop all over her face, while her finger plunged into the stinking cavity of my rear, the garbage exit, for the purpose of serving nothing but my pleasure. Her devotion to the task was exemplary. My humble servant, taking care of my needs while I pursued my passion.

My mind was on Kelly’s state of excitement as I carefully goaded and prodded, building up and drawing back according to her rhythm, raising the excitement then letting her breathe until she was just about to say something, then diving back in to increase the heartbeat and sexual pulse once more. Like a rapidly rising tide, the waves swept the shore then receded, ever higher and higher, until they met with the molton cauldron of orgasm.

Her first cry was so loud that it startled me, but it was by no means the loudest. Whoever was next door in the sex room must have been jealous. It almost made me slip in my duties, but fortunately I was able to maintain my focus and concentration. Again and again the gusher of sweet nectar flowed down my face.

The series of convulsions rose and fell too like waves, until she reached the crest of a particularly luxurious and slow climax, silently this time.

At that moment, Sarah twisted something inside me with her finger that sent me over the cliff. And so we came together, Kelly and I, as I spurted my goo first on Sarah’s tongue, then up her nose and across her eye into her beautiful curly hair.

Then Sarah cleaned up the drops clinging to my penis while Kelly collapsed, falling back exausted.

I rolled over onto my back beside the two of them to rest.

Shortly thereafter, Kelly slithered around so she could cover Sarah’s face with kisses as an excuse to lick up my cum.


I dozed off briefly, and when I awoke, I was sandwiched between the two girls, lying on my right side facing Kelly with Sarah behind me, her warmth and her nipples pressed against my back. I felt comfortably swathed in the aromas of young women, with all their glorious juices and sweat.

“You know what I love?” said Kelly.

“Pizza?” I said.

“No, silly,” she replied. “I mean, everyone loves pizza. But that’s not what I meant.”

“Not me,” said Sarah. “I’m vegan.”

“OK,” said Kelly, “Everyone but Sarah.”

“So what do you love?” I asked.

“I got to cum on both of your faces. In the same night. Both of you got to taste my juice. It felt so naughty, having both of your tongues in my secret spot, one after the other.”

“Which one of us is better?” asked Sarah, behind me.

“Now, now,” said Kelly. “Don’t make me judge. It’s like strawberry and vanilla ice cream scoops. Natalia would be chocolate.”

“I don’t eat ice cream,” Sarah reminded us.

“Whatever. But it’s not like I would ever give up any of those flavors. Would you?”

“I don’t eat any of them,” said Sarah.

“Girlfriend,” I said, “You’re making life difficult.”

Sarah squeezed me to her. “It’s just that you seem to be falling in love with Kelly. You better not fall in love with Kelly.” She grabbed my cock. “See? You’re getting a hard-on from me just saying it.”

“Maybe it’s because you just grabbed my cock?”

“Guys,” said Kelly. “So have you heard of chakras?”

“Chocolate?” I said.

“No,” said Kelly, “that would be Natalia, the girl who told me about them.”

“You mean that Indian girl in the elephant dress with little mirrors all over it?”

“Yes, her.”

“Sarah had an idea of something we want to do with her. . .”

“Hey!” said Sarah.

I turned my head to look at her. “Can’t I tell her?”

Sarah frowned. “Well, OK, I guess.”

“Oh, tell me! Tell me!” said Kelly.

“We were thinking,” I continued, “if we could convince her to wear that lipstick AOC used to wear. . .”

Kelly got it. “Whoa, man, that’s hot. Yeah, she kind of does look like AOC, now that I think of it.” She thought some more. “Be sure to invite Sage along when you do. They make a good team.”


“That girl with long curly red hair.”

I spent some time considering the many various possible benefits of teamwork.

“So Natalia was telling you about chocolate?”

“No, chakras. There are seven of them in every body, according to Vedic scriptures.”

“Even my body?” said Sarah.

“They’re pretty easy to understand, if you think about it. We all have different levels of relating to the world. It starts with the base chakra, which is your asshole. The second one is your sex, and the third one is your digestive system. So the lower ones are all about survival.”

“Also erogenous zones,” I mused.

“Then in the middle is the heart chakra. That’s where love comes in, meaning compassion for all living beings. The fifth is the throat, for your voice, and words and communication. The sixth is your third eye, or you can think of it as your mind and psychic abilities. And the seventh is the crown chakra that represents spiritual transcendence, and connection with the higher self.”

“So why should we eat chakras when we can have chocolate instead?” I asked.

She laughed. “I guess we do eat them sometimes. But the point is, we have all these different levels of relating to the world. And when we feel pleasure, it’s sometimes on only one or two of the chakras. For example having sex or taking a shit relates to only the lower chakras. Reading Plato relates to only the higher chakras.”

“So which one is better?” I said, with a provocative smile.

“That’s the point,” said Kelly. “They’re all part of who we are. It’s like the ice cream - none is better or worse. They’re all included. The ultimate pleasure is when we are activating all of them at once.”

“So you think we should read Plato while we’re fucking?”

We both laughed.

Sarah growled behind me, in her tiny soprano voice. “I think you’re falling in love with Kelly.”

“Well,” I replied, “if you tell me you love me while we’re fucking, and describe your love in beautiful metaphors, wouldn’t that be a higher function? And I know I experience a heartfelt compassion, too. I want to make you happy in every way.”

“How about me?” said Sarah. “Don’t you feel compassion for me?”

I turned around 180 degrees so I was facing Sarah. “Oh yeah,” I said. “I love both of you. It’s like a tug of war in my soul. Being pulled blissfully apart in both directions, beautiful and intense. Like being in the middle of an electric circuit, with the voltage flowing between all of us.” I kissed her on the lips, and then more deeply with my tongue, gently touching her breasts as Kelly snuggled up behind me.

“I’ve got an idea!” exclaimed Kelly, jumping up all at once. “I’ll put on some classical music. That should activate the higher chakras. Bach’s Brandenburgs, how does that sound?”

“Those are Baroque, not classical,” I said.

“Whatever,” said Kelly, punching buttons on her sound system. Soon we were surrounded by delicate contrapuntal music, strings, flutes, horns, and harpsichord.

I felt her snuggle up behind me again. “Are you all activated now?” she asked.

“You bet,” I said, when I was done once again kissing Sarah.

“I think you need to fuck Kelly,” said Sarah quietly. “Get it out of your system. I can masturbate while I’m watching. Let the two of you do your thing.” She squirmed away to the edge of the bed and started playing with herself. “Come on,” she said. “Face each other and fuck. I know you want to.”

I glanced back at Kelly, who raised her eyebrows. She laid on her back and spread her legs while I climbed on top of her, pressing down her wrists. My hardening cock pressed on top of her lower abdomen, the tip against her belly button.

“How do we access that crown chakra,” I said. “Or whatever that top one is, with the higher self?”

“I think you have to live in chastity and meditate for like 50 years,” said Kelly.

“Are you sure?” I said. “Don’t they provide a discount economy plan for lazy people like me?”

“You mean, you can’t afford to be chaste for the next 50 years?”

Sarah moaned, ignoring us.

“I mean, I don’t think I’ll be alive in 50 years. So maybe if I accrue good karma instead, by helping old ladies across the street?”

“I’m accruing good karma by giving orgasms to an old man.”

I gave her a look. “That’s no fair. You mean, you get that highest chakra orgasm, but I don’t?”

“I’ll share with you, promise,” she replied. “Special dispensation.”

Sarah gasped, whispering “Sage!” impulsively. I smiled. So that was what was going on in her head. See, the essential to making a relationship work is making sure your girlfriend has the same taste in women as you do.

“Would you like to borrow a dildo?” Kelly asked Sarah.

“Yes, please,” Sarah replied weakly.

“Over there in the top drawer. Take your pick.”

Sarah hopped up and yanked open the top dresser drawer. “Oh my,” she said.

“The pink one is the best. For me, anyway.”

“Oh yes,” said Sarah, hopping back over to the bed and resuming her position over in the corner, knees up, bare soles facing us, legs spread for the insertion.

“The knob on top is the vibrator level,” said Kelly.

Sarah snapped it on, and the buzzing floated across the room in counterpoint with the delicate melodies of the concerto as she began to work Kelly’s bright pink dildo into her sacred cavity.

At the same time, I lifted up so the tip of my raging stiff boner could feel its way across the prickly hairs of Kelly’s pussy, to the soft warm welcoming opening flowing with slippery mucous, As Sarah pushed Kelly’s sex toy deeper and deeper into her vagina, I shoved myself inside of Kelly, who let out a trembling sigh of fulfillment.

“I have it!” she said.

I looked down. “That’s good,” I said. “I wouldn’t want it to get misplaced.”

“No, not your cock, you ninny. I have an idea, of how to do it!”

“Do which?”

“All seven chakras at once! See, what you need is seven girls, one for each chakra.”

I considered this as I slowly thrusted and withdrew in rhythmic cadence. “I like your thinking,” I said, “But I’m not quite sure how that would work. Logistically, I mean.”

“We need to build up your harem. How many do you have so far?”

“You mean, from this sorority? There’s Sarah, and you, of course. Desiree. Just three.”

“Didn’t you mention Annalee? That’s four.”

“In the future, I suppose,” I said, moaning. “Oh, I love you Kelly!”

“V!” she replied. I could tell from her intense expression she was feeling something very profound. It was similar to a face of anguish, when in fact it was more complex, the longing joyful yet agonizing anticipation of orgasm. She came with hard slow convulsions, squeezing me between her powerful thighs on each one.

I was close, but didn’t come. It was too good to let it end. Even though it was at that moment the first movement of the concerto ended. As if Kelly had timed it exactly.

The adagio movement began with its dark plaintive mood.

“How about,” said Kelly once she had recovered, “Sage and Natalia. I bet they would go for it.

I thrust again. “Uh!” I said, but let the fever subside. Not ready to come just yet.

Kelly was counting on her fingers. “That’s six,” she said. “We need one more.”

I kissed her left nipple. Then her lips.

Then I passionately kissed her lips, long and deeply.

“Hey,” called out Sarah, “How come you never kiss me like that?”

Kelly replied: “Come over and lie on top of me, babe. While he fucks me. You can kiss him all you want, make him cum inside me.”

Sarah’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she must have decided she liked that idea, given how fast she made it happen. Soon I was ploughing a steady furrow inside of Kelly while I shared my steamy passionate kisses with Sarah, while Sarah lay face up on top of Kelly, her vaginal hairs pressed against my belly.

Somewhere in there, the adagio movement came to a close, and the second allegro movement began.

“Oh Sarah,” I said, “I love you so much.”

Sarah gave me a playfully accusing look. “I bet you’re really in love with Kelly.”

“No, no.” I said. “Kelly who? There’s nothing between us, I’m sure. . . uh!” Kelly twisted below us in a manner that made it very difficult for me not to cum right then.

Sarah suppressed a laugh. “Are you sure, boyfriend? I’m beginning to suspect something may be going on with you two.”

“We both love you,” I whispered in Sarah’s ear. “You’re being lovingly held between two people who care deeply for your happiness.”

Sarah’s playful expression melted into a sigh of contentment and intimacy. I kissed her on the lips as I felt Kelly cum around me again, this time squeezing both myself and Sarah with the contraction of her thighs.

I delicately kissed Sarah’s forehead and eyes. Her curly dark hair floated like an angelic halo.

“Hey,” said Kelly hoarsely from below. “I want to try something. You game?”

Neither Sarah nor I knew how to answer.

“Tell us,” said Sarah finally.

“OK, I want to pretend that Sarah is so jealous I stole her boyfriend that she pisses all over us while we’re fucking.”

Sarah looked stunned. “But. . .”

“There’s a waterproof pad. Don’t worry about it. Just let it go where you are right now.”

“I don’t know if I can,” said Sarah.

“Just relax and let go, said Kelly.

“Here, I’ll help you feel jealous,” I said, thrusting more enthusiastically, deeply and with feeling into Kelly’s sacred channel.

Sarah’s eyes half closed as she concentrated, and soon I felt warm liquid running across my belly, down my balls and legs.

“That’s what you get for stealing my boyfriend, you licentious tart,” exclaimed Sarah with playful hostility.

That sent us all over the edge.

“Oh my God!” was all Kelly could come up with as she shook with the strength of her orgasm. Meanwhile, I thrust into her with generous drops of sweetness that mingled with the yellow rain as they emerged from Kelly’s vagina, while Sarah pulsed against my stomach.

The eruption of pleasure took a while to subside, but when it did, Kelly had one comment: "Girl, you are good!"

And at that moment, the second concerto allegro came to a dignified close, and the Minuet began.
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