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A floundering Pharma CEO finds a way out of his most recent failure that may allow him to live his dreams.
Greg looked at the unmarked pill bottle in his hand. After very limited testing it’d been identified as too dangerous of a drug and R&D was immediately suspended. As far as he knew the two bottles of fifty pills were all that remained of the hundreds of millions dollars of investment. The antidepressants only had two actually negative side effects, one was minor effects on memory and the other was much more dangerous. It had been noticed on the first set of three human test subjects that they became incredibly obedient to commands issued by anyone around them for a brief period after initially taking a dose. One of the researchers had convinced the one female subject to send him nude photos of herself. It was disturbingly easy and could have led to terrible news coverage. Luckily it was quickly found out and the study was halted. They never got to see the long term effects but supposedly the woman didn’t sue because she continued to send nudes daily and she couldn’t win a case while doing that.

Greg had gone all in on this project, and it was his last straw. In two weeks he’d need to explain to the board his most recent fuck up. Greg’s phone rang and he saw his daughter’s face light up the screen. He let it go to voicemail. There was a bitch that needed to relax and do what she was told. Eight months ago Greg was on the top of the world, his daughter had calmed down, his wife was quiet and content, work was going smoothly and even though a new bitch had joined the board he had it made. Now his daughter was engaged to a deadbeat, he was pretty sure his wife was cheating on him, and work had gone to hell.

Every morning he hated going into the office and every night he didn’t want to go home. He’d spent the last couple nights fighting with his daughter and she just wouldn’t see she was throwing her life away. Greg looked at the bottle again. He smiled and got up.

As Greg walked into his kitchen he felt his pocket to make sure the pill was still there. He exhaled as he saw his daughter making herself a smoothie. One of those things where she threw in a bunch of fruit, nuts, and sugars and didn’t understand why she was still chubby. Before she could say anything Greg interjected, “Peanut, I don’t want to fight tonight. I’m beat, and don’t have anything new to say.”

Patricia was shocked. Her dad always had some fight left in him. She nodded and walked to the fridge. With her back turned Greg slipped the pill into the blender. He left the room and waited to hear the blender run. Patricia headed to her room and Greg gave it another thirty minutes. He briefly wondered where his wife was but figured he really didn’t want to know.

The study had said the pills took effect in fifteen to twenty minutes so he felt safe going to Patricia’s door and giving it a knock. She opened the door a couple inches and stared at him. He cleared his throat, “Can you let me in so we can talk?”

Patricia opened the door fully and led him in. Greg smiled, she had never been that compliant, he wasn’t even sure when he’d been in here last. Greg wanted another test, “Peanut, have you ever stolen from me?”

Patricia listed off the most recent times but explained that she’d been taking money from him for so long she had no idea how much. Greg knew this but also knew she’d never have admitted to it. “Peanut, I want you to call that deadbeat fiancé of yours and tell him it’s off. I want you to list off everything that you didn’t like about him and make it clear that if he comes to the house again you’ll call the cops.”

Greg stood next to Patricia as she made the call. He had her do it on speaker phone and every time the deadbeat tried to convince her Greg had to mute the phone and push her back. It was slow going but Greg felt satisfied by the end. Towards the end her ex threatened to post her nudes online if she wouldn’t meet with him. Greg told Patricia to say she didn’t care but she’d pursue the crime to the full extent of the law. He ex hung up.

Greg was awash with a sense of relief. He wrapped his arms around Patricia, “give papa a big kiss, peanut!”

Patricia turned her face up and locked lips with her dad. Greg hardly registered as their tongues began sliding over each other. His cock twitched and Greg released his daughter and stepped back. Patricia looked confused. Greg cleared his throat, “Patricia, the thought of me and my cock are going to make you as horny as you’ve ever been. When you see me you’ll want to do whatever I say and it’ll turn you on.“ Greg could hardly believe those words had left his mouth.

Patricia stood there a couple seconds before she started rubbing her thick thighs together. Greg smiled, “when we’re alone you can express how horny you are and be explicit as to what you want your daddy to do to you.”

Patricia didn’t waste a second, “Daddy, I’ve been a bitch and want you to spank me and then fuck my horny pussy.”

Greg grabbed Patricia’s wrist and spun her around, he sat on her bed and pulled her down across his lap. Greg inspected his daughter’s fat ass in her pink and white pajama shorts. He reached for the band and pulled them down, exposing her pale cheeks. Greg’s first slap wasn’t too hard but it shook Patricia’s entire body. As he moved his hand away he could see a small red mark. He slapped again and again, getting progressively harder and harder. Greg could hear Patricia start to cry softly, “have you had enough my Peanut?”

Through tears Patricia mumbled, “My ass hurts so much, please just fuck me.”

Greg grabbed her hair and pulled her off his lap. Her shorts fell to the floor and he pulled her shirt off. He made quick work of her bra and spun her to face him. He took in the image of Patricia’s thick thighs, round tummy, bald chubby pussy, beautiful full tits, and the makeup running down her piggy face due to her crying. Greg pushed her onto the edge of the bed, “pull your legs back as far as they go Peanut.”

Patricia complied and soon her ankles were close to her ears and she was clearly straining. Greg dropped his pants and placed the head of his cock against her chubby lips. He mixed his precum with her juices before leaning in and penetrating her fat hole. He was in ecstasy, after not fucking his wife in weeks this was amazing. He reached out and grabbed his daughter’s tits, squeezing them as hard as he could. Greg didn’t last long and before he knew it he was squirting his cum deep into his daughter’s pussy.

Greg stumbled back, almost tripping on his pants. He stared at his daughter's pussy and felt like throwing up. Patricia was shacking as she held her ankles, his cum running out of her pussy and down her ass. He mumbled, “Go back to what you were doing.” He pulled up his pants and ran from the room. He practically dove into the shower and after a solid half hour was finally ready to come out.

Greg cautiously approached his daughter’s room. The door was still open and she was lying on her bed in her pajamas, there was a wet mark on the edge of the bed. She saw him and almost immediately started squeezing her thighs together. Greg had decided what he’d say to her but that went out the window as he looked her up and down. “Peanut, we need to keep this a secret, so only express yourself to me and only get horny when I call you, My Precious Peanut. Understand?”

Patricia relaxed and nodded. Greg left and went downstairs. He poured himself a drink and took the bottle of pills from his coat. He slipped another one out of the bottle. He sat in the kitchen mulling over what he was going to do about his board meeting. If there was only a way to sell this pill on the black market they’d make an ungodly amount of money.

He heard the garage door open. In moments his wife walked in dressed in her gym clothes and looking disheveled. They greeted each other coldly.

Betty grabbed a sparkling water from the fridge and looked at the pill on the kitchen counter.

“What’s that?”

“An experimental muscle relaxant that we’re trying to pivot to a sleep aid.”

“Got more?”


Betty took the pill, swallowed it and headed upstairs. Dumb bitch, he could have said it was anything that would have given Betty a high or a low and she’d have taken it. Greg counted down the seconds till twenty minutes had gone by. He almost bolted up the stairs to the bedroom. Betty was in a chemise lying on the bed on her phone. Greg admired her toned body. For how much he spent on gyms and personal trainers he expected nothing less. Greg cleared his throat, “tell me how many men you fucked today?”

Betty didn’t look away from her phone, “Three”

“How many men since we got married?

“Around fifty, mostly in the last ten years

Greg realized his nails were cutting into his palms. He was going to kill her. No, he thought, I’m going to divorce her and leave her with nothing. He’d loved this woman once. Part of him still did somehow. But he wanted her humiliated and ruined. “Betty, from now on you’re going to do two stretches every morning and evening. You’re going to squat down and put as many of your fingers as you can into your pussy, and then you’ll pull yourself open to your limit. You’ll hold there for thirty seconds and then do that to your asshole. You’ll do each hole five times. You can start while I continue.” Betty put her phone down and squatted on the bed. She reached under her lacy chemise. Greg couldn’t see anything. “You’ll do your stretches naked.” Betty stripped down and returned to her stretch. Greg moved so he had a better view. Betty had three fingers from each hand in her pussy and began to pull. Greg watched at her skin stretched almost to its breaking point. The thirty seconds flew by and she released. She then inserted her middle fingers into her asshole and pulled. This was a lot less climactic but she looked like she was pushing her limits. Greg was rock hard and knew what he’d be doing before bed. “You’ll do whatever I say from now on. You’ll stop drinking and taking pills, you can continue fucking around but I want you to keep a detailed written list of who, when, and a de***********ion of what you did. You will no longer have affairs in this house. You will be accepting but secretive of your, mine, and Patricia’s sex lives.” Betty was working on her asshole for the third time. The skin around the hole was red and inflamed, but it looked like she was opening up more and more.

Greg felt satisfied with his list of commands and left the room. He entered his daughter’s room leaving the door open. Patricia looked up from her phone, in a slight daze filled with attitude she opened her mouth, “what do you want?”

“My precious peanut, I want to fuck you up your ass and I want you to express loudly exactly what you’re feeling.”

Betty opened her phone again as she heard her daughter cry out in pain. “Please use lube! Oh god please!” Betty registered the distress her daughter was in and felt bad for her, but she knew deep down that it was okay.

A week later Greg had his plan in motion and was confident he’d make it through the board meeting, no longer as the CEO but as a very well off and happy man. There was one last crucial but daunting task. Greg rose from his desk and walked down the hall. He entered an office and closed the door. The brunette behind the desk hardly looked up, “what do you want?”

Greg sat down across from Adrienne. With her sitting it wasn’t obvious that she had a killer rack and a phat ass. Greg could feel his cock hardening slightly. He tried to clear his mind, “Adrienne, as you know a head has to roll, and it’ll be mine.”

Adrienne raised her head and looked at Greg. She tried to figure out what game he was playing. He continued, “We both know you’re the obvious successor. It can be a smooth transition or a brutal one.”

There was the rub; Adrienne was curious what sort of deal he was going to propose. “I’m realistic, I’m willing to be fully cooperative but just want to maintain a position in R&D, nothing more.”

Adrienne smiled, that was a low ask, he’d eek by until he found a new job. Adrienne paused, “So then what about your equity?”

“I get bought out at a reasonable rate and I’m guessing the shares would end up with you.”

Adrienne wondered why Greg wasn’t fighting more. Supposedly he was amoral and a cut throat. He showed up and gave Adrienne everything she’d wanted, “Why are you being so compliant with me?”

“This isn’t the fight for my job, that happens next Thursday. The board wants my head when I tell them our arrangement I’m pretty confident I can win them over.”

Adrienne smiled, “I’ll be the one delivering the news. They need to know I’m in charge.”

Greg relaxed as he returned to his office. That had gone perfectly. He settled into his desk and continued his preparation. He still had a lot to do before Thursday but the rest was just busy work.

Thursday night Greg poked his head into the boardroom pantry and checked on Mrs. Jaynes and her daughter Isabel. They were comfortable but both asked for a bottle of water. Greg had made sure there were no provisions in this side room and told them he’d be back in a minute with the water. He returned with two small glasses of water.

He walked out the back door and back into the front door to the boardroom. Seven stony faces stared up at him. Mrs. Simmons was the only one to show emotion and it was a dark victorious smile. Greg walked to the head of the table and began, “Ladies and Gentlemen” there was only one lady in the room, “as you know the most recent antidepressant we’ve been working on will not be commercially viable. A major and unexpected side effect of the drug was a near compulsion to follow whatever a subject was told. This state began thirty minutes after the first dose and lasted for about an hour.”

Mrs. Simmons interrupted, “You don’t need to explain your failure, give us your resignation and be done with it.”

Greg smiled, “Gentlemen, the commands that were given to the patients became almost hard wired into their brains. What I suggest is that we secretly market this product to people we know as a treatment for loved ones. We could end their addictions as well as other things.”

A couple of the board members were nodding along, “John, how much did your last divorce cost? How much would you have paid for your wife to stop sleeping around and accept that you could? Robert, what about your son’s blow problem, how much would you pay to make that go away?”

Mrs. Simmons looked horrified, she stood up “I will not stand for this, this meeting is adjourned and you are fired!”

Greg’s smile grew, “To give you an example of the effectiveness of the pill, Mrs. Simmons, please remove your clothing.”

Almost everyone gasped at the remark but that died down as Mrs. Simmons removed her blazer and hung it on the back of her chair. She unbuttoned her blouse to reveal an ample but sagging bosom. Her black bra was shed and her tits hung even lower. For a woman in her fifties she was hot in a mean teacher sort of way. She stood to lose a couple of pounds but nobody was complaining.

Mr. Jaynes bolted from his seat, “Jesus Christ! Abigail stop this! Greg, we’ll have your head for…”

“Mr. Jaynes, keep your thoughts to yourself.” The remaining five board members were shocked. Greg continued as Abigail Simmons removed her long pencil skirt, “Gentlemen, don’t worry. I met with these two earlier this week since I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince them. I only gave them three commands. That while in this room they’d do what I say, that they wouldn’t think of or recall anything sexual that happens in this room, and that from now on if you five reached a consensus on a vote they’d vote with you.”

John looked Mrs. Simmons up and down, taking in her beautiful saggy tits and her well-kept little landing strip. He looked up at Greg and smiled, “how can we be sure that these two are truly nullified and what is your endgame? Getting Mrs. Simmons to strip is impressive but this doesn’t quite make sense.”

Greg smiled, “My endgame is that I want to spend the rest of my working days managing a health spa and rehabilitation nonprofit. I’d maintain a minor position here in R&D so I could make more pills in secret, while you all bring in high paying clients who have spouses and kids and mistresses who need to be reined in. As for proof of how nullified these two are please give me a minute. Greg walked to the panty and opened the door. He led Mrs. Jaynes and her daughter into the room. They both stared at Mrs. Simmons in shock but walked to the front of the room. Mrs. Jaynes turned to her husband, “Dear, what is going on here?”

Greg interrupted, “Mrs. And Ms. Jaynes, while you are in this room, you will follow the commands from any of the board members still sitting. You will remember whatever happens in here like a bad dream and you will not let the memories affect your life outside of this room. You will never speak a word of what happens in here. From now, you can speak your minds quietly but you cannot physically resist anything that happens to you.”

John smiled and licked his lips, before he could say anything Greg continued, “Mr. Jaynes, violently strip your wife and daughter.”

Mr. Jaynes didn’t hesitate as he approached his wife she began weeping before he got to her. His daughter was quietly begging him not to touch them. Mr. Jaynes grabbed his wife’s blouse and in one strong tug had it down to her waist. The buttons shot across the room. She wept as her bra was torn off exposing her small perky breast. In seconds her skirt and panties were down and she trembled as she stood in front of the room.

Mr. Jaynes moved to his daughter. The room was silent except for Mrs. Jaynes’ weeping. Even Isabel was silent. Everyone in the room was wondering what was about to happen. If you were to describe Mr. Jaynes in a sentence it’d be that he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. She was everything to him. She was wearing a flowery sundress that ran below her knees. It was modest but tight to her body, so everyone could see her slim toned figure. She whimpered “Daddy please don’t” as his hand gripped where her collar dipped slightly. In a flash she was in only her panties. Greg marveled as how similar the mother and daughter looked. As her panties were pulled down he saw even there well-kept bushes matched. They honestly could have been sisters.

John opened his mouth again but Greg knew what he wanted to see. “Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Jaynes, please begin blowing the members of the board. Mr. Simmons, violently fuck you daughter up the ass.”

All the board members gaped. Isabel was slammed against the table as her legs were kicked apart. She cried “daddy, no, not there, please oh god no!” Her mind briefly went blank as pain shot through her body. She couldn’t express in words how terrible the sensation was. It felt like her body was getting pulled starting with her tight anus.

There was a pause in the pain and Isabel began weeping aloud again. She felt the object in her ass retract slightly before it was driven in even deeper. She wailed and begged for it to stop but nothing would relieve her from this hell. Greg reluctantly stepped out of the room.

The board members watched in awe as this perfect family man tore his daughter's ass apart. They hardly registered as the older women worked their way through their cocks. John looked down as Mrs. Simmons came over and unzipped his pants. His cock sprung out and in moments the mousy brunettes lips were wrapped around his cock and sucking.

Isabel had mostly gone silent and her dad pounded her tight little asshole. She knew her hole was ruined and didn’t want to imagine why her dad was able to move in and out of her so easily now. After what felt like eternity but was only fifteen minutes she felt the cock in her ass sputter and it was slowly removed from her body. She began weeping again as the pain set in.

Greg had reentered the board room and was happy he got to watch the finish. He didn’t want to waste a minute, “Isabel, suck your dad’s cock clean and then join your mother under the table giving head. Mrs. Simmons, get dressed and sit back in your chair like nothing has happened. Mr. Jaynes when your cock is clean put it away and we’ll move on with the meeting.”

Everyone did as they were told and except for the looks on two of the men’s faces nothing was awry. Greg looked at his watch, the pill should have taken affect, “Adrienne wanted to make her announcement that she wants to take over for me and that I have endorsed her. I gave her the pill just now so by the time her speech is done we can give her simple but clear commands and we’ll have a new CEO.” The board members nodded.

Greg left the room. The second the door was closed he quickly started talking, “Adrienne, no matter what else is told to you, you will always do as I say and will get pleasure from it.” Adrienne looked at him with a blank stare. He cleared his throat and continued at a normal volume, “Adrienne, please join us in the boardroom.”

As she stood he continued in a whisper, “you’ll let me use you sexually however I see fit.” Still no response, so Greg moved his hand to her ass and gave it a long slow squeeze as the got to the door.

He was satisfied. As they crossed the threshold, Greg gestured towards Adrienne, “We yield the floor to you.”

Roughly thirty minutes later Adrienne had laid out her plan and even without thinking they could control her everyone was on board. Greg waited for a pause then stepped up, “Adrienne, when you take over for me in a week you will report honesty to this board. You will follow any unanimous decision of this board to the T. Otherwise you will run the company as you choose.”

All the board members even Jaynes and Simmons nodded along. It was a good decision for the board and would secure their hold. John finally saw a gap he could jump in on, “Members of the board, all in favor off Adrienne showing us her tits, say aye.” Five ayes echoed followed by two more. Adrienne immediately unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her breast from her bra. There was silence as everyone admired her breast.

Greg wanted to make sure this didn’t have any impacts, “Adrienne, you will not repeat anything that happens at these meetings and anything you do or see of a sexual nature will not affect your work or personal life.”

After a pause Greg told her she could leave. The board voted unanimously in favor of her. Greg relaxed, “Gentlemen of the board and sluts, please have a pleasant evening. You can literally do whatever you want with these women the rest of the night. I also have five pills for each of you. The remainder I’ll need to get the clinic off the ground. Goodbye.”

Greg set the five pill bottles on the table and walked out. Adrienne was still in the hallway hurriedly stuffing her tits back where they belonged. She blushed as Greg approached. “Sorry slight wardrobe malfunction. How’d they vote?”

Greg smiled “this time next week you’ll be CEO.”

Adrienne’s face lit up, she knew she’d get it but hearing it was so much sweeter. Before she could say anything Greg butted in, “Adrienne, drive us to my house so I can introduce you to my family.”

Adrienne began walking towards the elevator as they continued their conversation. Greg was rock hard as he let her into his house. He told Adrienne to sit in the living room as he went upstairs to get his wife and daughter.

He told his darling Peanut to change into just a robe and to go downstairs to meet their guest. He then went to his wife and pulled her from bed. It took a couple minutes but in short order he had her ready. He returned to Adrienne and Patricia and called for his wife to bring champagne. Adrienne already thought it was odd that she could see Patricia’s tit from her slightly open robe, but nothing could have prepared her for Greg’s wife waddling over in high heels and a bow tie, with the neck of a champagne bottle sticking out of her ass. She put down the two glasses she was carrying and bent over. The neck was now facing the ceiling and she popped the cork. Champagne ran down her ass and cunt as she tilted and filled the glasses.

Adrienne was frozen, not through compulsion but through the sheer spectacle of this woman not only fitting a champagne bottle inside of her, but this had to have been practiced.

Adrienne’s mouth was still open as Greg handed her a glass, “Drink quickly, it warms up fast in her.”

Adrienne finally had her wherewithal, “what the fuck is going on?”

Greg smiled, “Adrienne, relax and try to see the erotic side of this situation. Let your mind explore any aspect that gets you horny. When you’re done with your glass remove your clothes and see how that feels.”

Adrienne tried to relax and after a couple sips looked at the woman doubled over with a bottle in her ass. As she wondered what it felt like to be in her position she realized that’s what she’d want to do to a couple people in her life. Not in a sexual way but more in a controlling way. Even the girl standing next to her in a robe deserved it. Young and pretty, a little thick but Adrienne wasn’t one to talk. Still Adrienne liked the idea of a girl like that getting ruined. The flexible milf in front of her would be useless to men at this point. The only reason to have her around would be to ogle her like the freak she was. This thought filled Adrienne with dark warmth.

Before she knew it she was laying an empty glass on the table and the woman tilted up slightly, pouring out the bottle. As this happened Adrienne removed her blouse. It felt nice to be a little freer. The rest of her clothes were shed and she wondered why the girl still had a robe on. Greg watched in awe as Adrienne revealed her thick beautiful body. He could hardly keep his penis in his pants when Adrienne turned to his daughter, “why don’t you strip down too and eat me out.”

Greg racked his brain, he hadn’t told Adrienne to say anything like that. This was too perfect, but he needed a release.

Patricia didn’t move, “Do whatever she tells you to peanut.”

Patricia slid her robe off her shoulders exposing a smaller but fuller rack than Adrienne. Greg didn’t know which he liked more and he was happy he didn’t need to choose. He put his glass down and his wife filled it up, emptying the bottle. She excused herself and left the room.

Greg stripped down as his daughter settled down in front of Adrienne. Adrienne spread her milky thighs and continued to sip her drink. She watched as Greg got behind his daughter and pulled her fat ass cheeks apart. She couldn’t see but she was sure he was entering her asshole.

Adrienne relaxed into the sensation of the chubby girl’s tongue lapping up her pussy. She looked up into Greg’s eyes and wondered how twisted he must be. His wife reentered the room and just stood to the side and watched.

How’d he broken that proud bitch? Adrienne knew she had a reputation as a whore but maybe that was Greg’s doing. She was a pretty hot woman and nobody would guess normally that she was so stretched. Greg twitched and let out a grunt. As his cock pulled from his daughter his wife sprung to her knees and cleaned it off. She then planted her mouth on her daughter’s asshole. Adrienne shook as she came on the young girl’s face. She could get used to this. She didn’t like Greg’s shit eating grin but somehow it didn’t faze her anymore.
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