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Falco and his small penis leave jail.
About the time M’Tun was emptying his sperm into the unconscious Llisanya, Falco woke up, still in jail.

He had a few bruises and some aches to remind him of his beating but compared to yesterday, he felt amazingly good. He guessed it was morning, but there was no way of knowing in the windowless cells.

He knew he was doing better because he felt horny. He suddenly remembered with a thrill that made his heart jump that Cadwarra was in the cells, too. At the thought of her big soft boobs, he instantly needed a blow job from her. Why not? He was up for it in both meanings of the expression. One might as well pass the time in prison blowing a load down her willing throat, he reasoned. Afterall, she was back to being his girlfriend.

He rolled over and looked towards Cadwarra’s cell to see if she was awake and ready to perform her duties on her boyfriend. His hard dick swung around inside his loose prison trousers as if searching for Cadwarra. His balls, strangely heavy, rolled around as he moved.

It would be cool if the jailers came in and caught Cadwarra servicing him. They could watch Cadwarra take his hard cock and suck it and kiss it. He would make her rub it all over her face then suck some more while they saw how much she loved his boner. He would make her swallow.

His dreams of sexual pleasure were shattered when he saw Cadwarrra’s cell was empty. He stared in disbelief. She was gone?

“You slept an entire day and night” Sprockfuddle said from his cot. “I ate your dinner. No need to waste taxes by throwing it out, you know. Breakfast should be here soon.” He then added sarcastically “I sure hope it’s porridge.”

“Where is Cadwarra?” Falco asked. He wanted breakfast, but he wanted Cadwarra more.

“Her?” Sprockfuddle glanced casually to the empty cell beside theirs. He answered uncaringly. “She left yesterday afternoon.”

“She’s gone? Did she say anything? Like good bye?”

“Nah, just waltzed out of here” he lied. “Said she was glad to go. Never cared a hang about you, Falco. Women in this town are so full of themselves.” He deceitfully added a further lie “I heard her in the next room screwing all the jailers and begging for more before she left.”

He looked at Falco, trying to appear like he felt sympathy for Falco being abandoned by his girlfriend. “These Qeynos whores are so self-involved. You need to meet Freeport women, Falco. I can assure you Freeport women care about their men and there’s a lot of them looking for boyfriends.”

Falco did not want to hear about Freeport women. He wanted Cadwarra. He was crushed. That bitch had used him and left. Again. She left. Just left. Just like that...

His thoughts grew dark. What a bitch she was. That angry little asshole was right. Qeynos women were scum. Fuck Qeynos women, he thought...AND FUCK CADWARRA!!!!

He lay there brooding. He was so angry at the way she had abandoned him in this predicament he was in. That selfish bitch. She no doubt had got off using him yesterday; teasing him when she knew damn well he could not fuck her through the bars of the jail cells with his little cock. She had done it to ridicule his cock size. Then she had fucked all the jailers while she likely told them how small he was. And she was probably back in the Forest Ruins humping that sentry right now. He was probably sucking on those beautiful jugs of hers. They would be screwing over and over again while laughing about his ‘shortcomings’.

Falco dejectedly sat up. He felt lightheaded but he did not know if it was the remaining effects of Bauer’s beating or the crushing realization Cadwarra had used him and tossed him aside for other, better endowed men once more.

Falco recalled the demoralizing sight of that sentry in the Forest Ruins gripping his big cock and jerking off onto her. How Cadwarra had looked at that huge thing adoringly. Falco wanted a lovely big cock like the sentry had. If he had one that size he would stand there with it sticking up while he let Cadwarra look at his huge thing adoringly, eyes wide in amazement at the size. She would have no more reason to reject him, discard him. She would be his once she saw his big thing.

“Shame she left.” Sprockfuddle intruded into his daydreams. “While you were sleeping she gave me some indescribable head.” He saw how hurt Falco was to hear that information. That was good. Hurt people were easily convinced Freeport would solve all their problems and they should go there. Hurt people earned him a nice commission for their betrayal to Freeport.

The Gnome wasn’t done twisting the figurative knife into Falco. He lay back on his cot reminiscing. “She gave me the best blow job, Falco, the best” he boasted casually as if he could not see how it shattered Falco to hear that. “When I get out of here" he promised Falco “first thing I’m going to do is to find that Wood Elf slut and get her to suck me some more. She sure loved taking a blast on the face and then eating it all.”

Apparently inspired by the memory of her debauchery the Gnome pulled out his huge little hard-on and uninhibitedly started whacking himself off as if Falco wasn’t even there. He lay there on his cot thrusting his hips as he gripped his pecker, fucking his hand madly. Several large drops of pre-cum helped lube the shaft as he pumped.

If Falco wasn’t so beaten down by the way Cadwarra had betrayed him again he would have gone over and throttled Sprockfuddle in a jealous rage for how he talked about Cadwarra and for how he was now jacking off to the memory of her blowjob. Instead, he felt so ashamed of being discarded by Cadwarra all over again that he sat there defeated while the “shlichk...shlichk” of Sprockfuddle's masturbation served to further humiliate him.

Literally feeling sick, Falco was dimly aware of Sprockfuddle cumming. Sperm shot out of his prick and dripped onto his fingers, still curled around his happy stick. Sprockfuddle had joined the long list of people in Qeynos that Cadwarra had cuckolded him with and she had done it while he had slept right there. The Gnome was one more person who would laugh at him behind his back as he walked through Qeynos streets.

If he ever walked through Qeynos streets again, Falco corrected himself. He had had enough of this heartless city filled with selfish cunts like Cadwarra. Why hadn’t he left the day he saw the sentry and Cadwarra making the two-backed beast together? How it had hurt to see Cadwarra smiling in delight as she beheld the sentry’s huge baloney blowing a load all over her tits. How he needed a cock the size of the sentry’s so she would enjoy him!

“I gotta get out of this crap town” he told Sprockfuddle, trying to feign indifference to Cadwarra’s infidelity. “First I need my stuff back. I just bought some great chainmail and a good bo staff from Arabella and those jailers must have taken it. I spent three gold on all that stuff.”

“What!?” Sprockfuddle looked up while wiping the cum from his hand with the bedsheet . “Arabella sold you my bo staff!?”

“I don’t know which bo staff it was. I just want to know if I get my stuff back when they let me out of here.”

“It depends, Falco, on their mood.” Sprockfuddle feigned non-concern regarding his bo staff but privately he was seething. That bo staff did not look all that impressive but it was near priceless. It was made from a rare wood and fashioned by a master woodworker who had imbued it with magic properties. He did not even own it; it was on consignment. If he could not get it back, he would owe the owner a lot of plat.

“Tell me more about Freeport” Falco asked Sprockfuddle, breaking into his thoughts, ignorant of Sprockfuddle’s fiscal crisis.

“We can talk when we get out of here. All you need to know is you can leave Qeynos behind and good riddance. When you hear I am out, head to 13 Tranquil Lane. That’s the safe house. Knock three times then twice more. I’ll find you there and get you on your way. And start thinking about some way to sabotage Qeynos to prove your worth to Freeport. You know, destroying City defenses or stealing something vital to the good of Qeynos...”

This exchange was interrupted by the opening of the door from the jailer’s area. To Sprockfuddle’s chagrin, there was no sign of breakfast yet. “Time to get out of here” Armstrong gruffly told Falco. “You are to be released this morning. Orders from Captain Robson.”

“Can I have breakfast first?”

“Since you are going free there is no legal requirement to feed you. You need to get out.”

“Fine, where’s my stuff so I can pack it up?”

“Your pack, armour and weaponry have been confiscated by the guard Thorsona in compensation for the trauma you put her through. Think about that next time you make lewd comments to Qeynos Guardswomen. The poor girl is a nervous wreck from your violent verbal assault.”

At this, Sprockfuddle did a mental facepalm. No one seemed to appreciate the value of that bo staff. Now it was in the hands of that bimbo, Thorsona. He needed to somehow get a stern message to Arabella to get that bo staff back. She had stupidly sold it to Falco as part of a lousy three gold package deal and in the process was about to bankrupt him. If Arabella wasn’t so much bigger than him he would be slapping her pretty hard when he finally got back down the well.

Armstrong pushed a pencil at Falco and waved a thick handful of papers at him. “Fill all this paperwork out prior to your release. Make sure you sign every page.”

Armstrong went through each sheet as he passed them one by one through the bars. “This is a confession of your crimes as a sex offender. This acknowledges that you were not mistreated in any way. This holds us harmless for any injuries suffered or illnesses contracted during you detention. This is an invoice for twenty copper for the porridge you ate. Here, you agree to donate three silver to support our annual ball. This one signifies you agree to perform six weekends of mandatory volunteer community service....” Armstrong droned on and on as he passed sheet after sheet through the bars at Falco. When he was finished he turned to go. “I’ll be back in half an hour for the signed documents.”

The door slammed.

“Falco, quick. Give me one of those pages and the pencil.”

“I can’t do that. I need to sign all these.”

“Trust me kid, I never sign half of them. They never check. Just gimme one out of the middle.” Sprockfuddle scribbled a long note on the back of the document and rolled it up into the sleeve of Falco’s prison shirt. “See that Arabella gets that. It includes instructions for her to make sure you get a meal to eat.”

An hour later, Falco sat on the dock in Qeynos Harbour, a confessed sex offender obliged to six weeks of mandatory voluntary community service. He was still dressed in his prison roughspun without a copper in his pocket. In fact, he did not even have any pockets.

He was hungry.

He thought of swallowing his pride and going back to the Forest Ruins to beg for a job gathering bounties for the sergeant and his sentry for a few coppers. Notwithstanding the knowledge that the sentry would sneer at him for the cuckold he had made him, he had no weapon to kill badgers or giant spiders. At least when he had been exiled from his village he had been allowed to take a weapon with him.

He next considered heading back to his apartment even though he knew he had no food in the ice box. Maybe What’ser Name was there. He rejected that idea, too. He did not want to tell her he had screwed up everything and was now penniless. He could not face the look of scorn she would probably give him.

He sat there with nowhere to go, feeling horny thanks to the residual effects of Cadwarra’s “special” heal spell. He thought of Cadwarra’s tits and how much he would like to be playing with them right there and then. How soft they were in his hands, how warm they felt. Those nipples had stuck out so thick and long; he longed to be sucking on them. He grew a stiffy.

He realized that no doubt some other jerk was pawing her big tits right now. She was most likely telling the guy about how small Falco’s cock was. The guy was surely sliding in and out of her faster and faster as they climaxed together and laughed about Falco.

Paradoxically, the image of her locked together with that hypothetical lover got him really horny. He suddenly wanted to watch Cadwarra doing another man. He thought about that sentry really sticking it in deep. How he had enjoyed watching that...until he realized it was Cadwarra that was the girl under the sentry; betraying him.

He compared Cadwarra to Arabella. Arabella had appreciated his cock. His thoughts lingered on the memory of her unusual tits. How warm her milk was. He unrolled his sleeve to take out the message to Arabella, written on the back of a receipt acknowledging that his prison garb was on loan to him and that it must be returned within thirty days. Sprockfuddle had been right, Armstrong had not even looked at the paperwork.

He unfolded the note, curious what the message said. He stared at the undecipherable letters. The stupid thing was written in Dark Elf.

Dejected, he crumpled the paper up, tired of delivering messages to those very odd girls in the well. He would have liked to have another reverse gangbang with them but he supposed they only fucked paying customers. As he raised his hand to toss the letter into the harbour he remembered just in time that Sprockfuddle had mentioned Arabella was supposed to give him a meal. He was very hungry. He uncrumpled the letter and stood up. He headed to the bridge with the tunnel to the well.

He passed a woman who saw the obvious boner in his thin jailpants. She giggled, covering her mouth and pretending to cough. He knew she was laughing at his size. When he got that charm from Ellister, she would not be so derisive of his proportions.

Since he was now familiar with the way, the journey underwater wasn’t near as tough as the first time. The cold water softened his erection. He surfaced in the cellar. The girls were there looking as pretty as last time.

“Ah! A repeat customer!” Beckah haled him.

“Came back for more loving?” Annie asked hopefully.

Arabella said nothing. She did not miss the fact that that equipment she sold him was gone.

“Hello, Ladies” Falco, sopping wet, made a small polite bow. All three checked his thin prison pants to see if he was hard. They saw that he was not; they might need to change that. Secret signals flashed enthusiastically between them.

Falco turned to Arabella and handed her Sprockfuddle’s note. “I have a missive for you” he said, trying to impress the trio with a big word like ‘missive’. It did not much work.

“I thought you only had messages for Sprockfuddle” Arabella chided him laconically. She slowly opened the soaked paper, careful not to tear it. It read:

“Arabella, you idiot. That bo staff you sold Falco was not yours to sell. The idiot lost it. I need to have it back. Give him whatever help he needs to retrieve it. And give him a meal so he does not starve before he recovers it. Whatever you do, GET THAT BO STAFF BACK!”

Well, Arabella thought, this is a nuisance.

Annie peered over Arabella’s shoulder trying to read the note. It seemed she also did not know how to read Teir’Dal writing because she demanded “what’s the writing say...what’s the writing say?” Arabella folded it up and put it in her pocket. “It says you’re a little sneaky liar and always shortchange your customers.”

“Like fudge it does Arabella, but fine, be like that.”

Arabella looked at Falco. “The note says I am to give you a meal. You hungry?”

“Yes, I sure am hungry.” At last something was going his way.

“Well, I have a nice lunch for you.” Arabella reached up into her bodice and gingerly pulled a swollen boob out, packed full of milk and thrusting toward him. The purple teat was hard and already dripping. She stepped to him. Having had no cock since Falco had fucked her a few days ago, she raised her boob to his mouth, wanting the handsome Wood Elf to enjoy her breasts. “I can give you two full paps, bursting to feed you. Have a good meal, you handsome starving Feir’Dal.”

Falco had hoped for a pork sandwich or roast deer with potatoes but thanks to Cadwarra’s heal spell that exposed nipple was too tempting. While Annie and Beckah applauded and made ribald comments, Arabella fed Falco the contents of her engorged mammary glands.

He held her small body close while he nursed, hunger and sexual desire driving him to swallow all the milk she squirted. She sighed quietly as he slid his now hard dick back and forth across her thigh while suckling. His hands ran all over her beautiful figure, feeling up every square inch of her while he fed. He stared at Beckah and Annie with Arabella’s blue boob mashed into his face. He rubbed Arabella’s snatch and watched them enjoy Arabella’s climax. They continued to make lewd comments.

His stomach was full by the time Arabella’s second breast was empty. After feasting on all that warm milk, Falco dozed for fifteen minutes in her arms, her right nipple still in his mouth while the women conjectured why he was in prison clothes.

When he woke up it was Beckah who demanded he make an accounting of himself, firing a series of questions at him without allowing him to answer. “Why are you wearing a prison outfit? Were you in jail? Did you see Sprockfuddle? What happened to that equipment Arabella sold you? I can sell you some more if someone stole it? Maybe the thief has already sold it back to us. If so, would you like to buy it back for a big discount?”

“Can’t you see he’s been beat up?” Arabella admonished Beckah. “Give him some space.” She realized that she had gone too far selling some of Sprockfuddle’s merchandise and needed to get Falco to get that bo staff back. She had no idea why Sprockfuddle thought it was so important but she needed to be friends with Falco until that bo staff was returned. She did not particularly fear Sprockfuddle she just did not want to live the rest of her life never showing him her back.

She cradled Falco in one arm, enjoying having a male so close to her bosom. Somehow his suckling had awakened a maternal instinct in her cold Teir’Dal heart. This nurturing urge was coupled with the realization that Falco belonged to Llisanya. Notwithstanding Llisanya’s departing assertion that he was not her boyfriend there was no better aphrodisiac to a Dark Elf woman than the knowledge that she was about to lay some other female’s boyfriend.

Having managed to get Beckah to shut up, Arabella kissed Falco on his milky lips. “Now tell us, Falco. What all has happened to you, and how may we help? How can we make it all better? Do you want to fuck us? Or we can all suck your cock. Would that help?” She kissed his forehead and stuck her nipple back in his mouth while pondering where that bo staff was and how could she get Falco to go get it back.

Annie was only interested in one thing. She could only think about how that immense Wood Elf prick had barely fit in her vadge and she wanted to see it again. She reached to undo Falco’s leggings. His dick stood up nice and tall as she leaned over to suck on it. Arabella reached over to put her hand on the back of Annie’s head and pushed down in rhythm to the up-and-down motion of Annie’s head, bobbing on Falco’s cock.

“Don’t let him finish in Annie’s mouth” Beckah said to Arabella. “I want to see him pop his load all over us again.”

Arabella nodded her head in compliance but her hand on the back of Annie’s head kept pushing her down onto Falco’s stiff prick. Annie happily slid her lips along the shaft under the force of Arabella’s hand.

The blow job did not take long to bring Falco to the point of ejaculation. “I’m going to blast!” Falco announced. Annie grunted urgently for Arabella to stop pushing on her head. She pulled his cock out of her mouth.

Falco’s dick gleamed with Annie’s saliva as she held it pointing straight up to the ceiling. There was a pregnant pause while the three girls waited for the announced eruption. “I don’t remember his balls being so big” Beckah told the others.

None of them could have known that the size of his balls was a temporary side affect of Cadwarra’s spell. It had caused Falco’s reproductive system to start producing a ridiculous amount of semen. The unusual volume now over-filled his balls, swelling them to a huge size as they lay there for the girls to look at. His body gratefully began to shoot all that cum out before permanent damage would occur to his testicles.

The three girls gasped admiringly as the ejaculation began. Several spurts of jism flew straight up from his cock as all three watched, amazed. The first couple of salvos spurted up a foot or so then fell onto his lap. Beckah grabbed Annie’s wrist and aimed Falco’s cock right at Annie’s face. A salvo hit Annie right in the eye, falling in a line across her right cheek and chin. The girls cheered as Beckah aimed it at herself, then to Annie again. Jism flew all over.

The next several pulses were decreased in force but shot a distance of four or five inches. At last the sprays decreased to a steady flow as cum bubbled up out of his cock all over his knob, oozing out of him at a steady rate and running down his penis onto his balls, thankfully returning to normal size.

It was certainly an immense load. The girls were pleased. Beckah and Annie leaned down to hungrily consume it all. Falco lay there watching them lapping up his prodigious production. He was proud of his load. That bitch Cadwarra did not know what she was missing.

Arabella sat there with her legs open, watching. He got off looking at her labia spread wide for his viewing. He was sure she was deliberately letting him have a good look. What a whore, but that was how he liked his whores.

Beckah and Annie got dressed. Arabella stayed naked and took him back into her arms, leading his fingers to her slit and pushing them in. Falco felt the warm, silky flesh of her insides, running his fingertips along the slippery walls of her vagina.

“Falco,” Arabella asked after a few minutes of pleasant finger fucking “it was nice of you to let us jerk you off and eat your delicious cum but we need to talk. Sprockfuddle’s message said you lost your equipment. We need to help you get it back. Do you know where it is?”

He was ashamed he had lost his stuff. He was ashamed he needed help. Reluctant to admit his failing he quietly replied. “This bitch stole it. Her name is Thorsona.”

Arabella showed no judgment. She caressed him gently, cradling his head to her breast. “Oh, we know her. She is a bitch. Shame on her.” He played with her blue breast. He was still fascinated by its jutting shape and by its purple nipple. Noticing the nipple was growing erect, he fastened his lips back onto it.

She kissed him, ignoring the occasional accidental bite from Falco’s enthusiastic sucking. Her mammary glands were already making more milk and involuntarily squirted a little bit into his mouth as if having its own ejaculation. He swallowed the milk with the same alacrity a whore would exhibit while swallowing a man’s cum. Like a virgin teen who was initially reluctant to eat the cum of her first boyfriend, he was starting to love the taste of Arabella's milk.

“I can help you get your stuff back” Arabella told him soothingly as he drank her milk. “I can lend you some equipment. I won’t charge a fee to help but I need that bo staff returned to me. The armour you can keep, Falco, but I need the bo staff back...”

Falco looked up from the lactating breast he did not want to let out of his mouth. He nodded to accept the agreement.

Arabella kissed Falco on the forehead. “We should go to your place and have sex. When it’s dark we’ll get your stuff back. We just need to find out where Thorsona lives...”
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