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A bachelor on a lake discovers a float boat and the kinky crew.
James was relatively new to the lake. He hadn’t bought a boat yet, satisfied with the nice kayak that allowed him to get around the lake quickly, and get into some of the smaller little inlets that a pontoon boat wasn’t going to fit into. He’d get up in the morning a little after sunrise, make a thermos of coffee and grab a protein bar or two and spin around the lake. If he were to go into every little inlet and canal it would take him close to two hours, so he usually skipped most of them, only taking an hour or so to paddle the two miles around the edge. Some evenings he would repeat, going around the opposite direction. On weekends he might sleep in and make the circle late morning or early afternoon.

So it was a late Saturday morning that James was spinning around the edge of the lake and popped into one of the small inlets. There was a small stream that entered the lake here and the land around it was pretty marshy. Some large trees made it difficult to slide up about 20 yards or so to a place where there was a large pool of cool water, perfect for a nice swim. The water moved just fast enough to prevent any of the lake weeds growing on the bottom. He was a bit surprised to discover a pontoon boat tied to the edge of the pool. It would have taken some careful steering to get in through the trees and the overhanging branches must have scraped the top of the railings. No way it could have gotten in with the Bimini up.

There were two women on the boat, both of them were in bikinis and built pretty well. They stopped and turned to look at him, his stealthy approach catching them a bit off guard. The brunette had an inch or two on the blonde, but there was no doubt they were both very attractive. The front half of the pontoon still had the cover snapped into place, they had only unfastened the back half. As there were only two of them, and the covers were a real pain to put on, it wasn’t that unusual to leave it on.

“Well, hello sailor! Looking for some fun?” The brunette said it with a bit of a mocking tone to her voice, but James figured he could play along.

“Always on the lookout for some bathing beauties! You seem to fit the bill nicely!”

“Oh I like compliments, don’t you, Miranda?”

“Any way I can get them! Why don’t you join us?”

It was Saturday, he had no plans, so why not? He might get lucky and it was certainly a better view than he could expect around his place. The closer neighbors were nice and friendly, but most were twice his age and he had already become the ‘muscle’ for the older generation.

“Sure, let me tie up.” He slid the kayak alongside the pontoon and tied it off. He easily lifted himself out of the small boat and onto the deck of their boat, bringing the coffee and protein bar with him. “I don’t have a lot of coffee, but I’m willing to share.”

Miranda giggled and picked up her wine glass. “I think it’s too late in the day for coffee.”

“I’m just getting started.”

The brunette introduced herself as Camilla, “And you already know Miranda’s name. So, who are you and what do you do?”

“Hello, Camilla, my name is James. I do consulting.”

“Consulting is pretty vague. Do you travel much?”

“Not a lot, but some, a few days every couple of months, usually Nashville or LA, but mostly I work remotely. And we’re close enough to the city that a few people will visit me when they are in town for other things.”

“Nice. So, Miranda, should we embark on the adventure we were considering? Seems like a golden opportunity.” Receiving a rather eager nod to the affirmative along with a big smile from Miranda, she continued, “James, do you like to play games?”

“Games? Depends on what type, not big on most games of chance, but find puzzles interesting.”

“I think you’ll like this game. How would you like to fuck me?”

I choked on my coffee. I’m all for sexual freedom, but this caught me off guard. After getting my coughing under control, “So what’s the game?”

“You haven’t answered my question!” There was a note of demand in the voice at this point.

“I think any man that would say no to either of you is extremely faithful to their significant other, or crazy. I don’t have a significant other and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested. So the answer is, of course.”

“See Miranda, he is a gentleman, making sure to keep both of us in play without being insensitive, much better than some other so-called men we know. Okay, here’s the deal. We’ll tie you to the captain’s chair here, nothing tight, nothing dangerous. The only thing you will experience is pleasure, but it will be on our terms and on our timeline. And there will be surprises!”

James wasn’t sure about getting tied up, not sure how he would react to giving up control. Might be an experience he would like. He figured it was worth the risk, even if they weren’t being truthful about things, it would be one hell of a story to tell in the future.

“Okay, I’m willing to try it out!”


He quickly sat in the chair behind the console. It had a nice swivel base to it and his feet were quickly fastened to the base using a Velcro cuff on each leg. It was obvious that this wasn’t their first time as they had the straps ready to go. His arms were bound to the chair arms with more Velcro straps. Then they wrapped a stretchy fabric around his stomach, stretching it into place. It was snug, but they made sure he could breath okay before stepping back.

“So Camilla, should we gag him too?”

“Probably a good idea for this first session, we don’t want anyone coming to investigate any screaming, even if they are screams of pleasure.” A ball gag was pressed into his mouth and secured behind his head. Then the two of them proceed to de-pants the helpless man. There was enough flexibility in his movement that they were able to work them off over his waist and butt, leaving them wrapped around the ankles.

Needless to say, James was at full attention by this point. He didn’t consider himself huge, but he had been told by a few lovers that he was above average in length and some measurements had him at almost eight full inches base to tip.

“Wow, I think we picked a good one, Miranda! Certainly bigger than the ones we’re attached to.”

This statement was a bit confusing to him. He was pretty certain that those bikini bottoms were not hiding anything, the way they fit, there wasn’t even room for much in the way of pubic hair.

“Okay, Mr. James, here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to get a blow job. Now that sounds nice, doesn’t it?” Camilla was looking down at him and straight into his eyes from a standing position. He could only nod his head, but, hey, a blowjob was nothing to sneeze at.

“So should I get the Worm or the Weasel?” Miranda asked.

Camilla thought for a moment and a grin broke across her face, she really was beautiful, especially when she smiled. “Why not both? No use keeping anything hidden, and I’m sure they could both use some fresh air.”

He heard some thuds and grunts from the front of the boat. It was only a minute or so before two figures came around the console, crawling on hands and knees. Two bodies, their heads were enclosed in hoods, their noses and mouths free, but their eyes and ears were covered. Their hands were fastened together, close enough to use them as they crawled. The binding on their lower legs forced them to make tiny steps with their knees. Miranda used a riding crop and directed them to sit up on their knees. The cock cages in their crotch make their gender apparent. He looked up and saw that each of the ladies wore a necklace with a small key on it.

There wasn’t a single hair to be seen anywhere on the men’s bodies, at least the areas that were visible. One had a bit of a dad bod, but certainly not obese, the other was closer to James in build, toned and some good muscle showing, not to the point of having a six pack, but a pretty flat stomach.

“They can’t hear much of anything, and they can’t see anything at all. But we’ve got them pretty well trained. This one is Worm and he’s my husband. Weasel is Miranda’s boyfriend. They have submitted to this of their own free will, they were given choices and this is where their decisions have put them.”

“Now, here’s the rest of the program. They are going to give you a blow job. They have to perform until you reach orgasm. If you are homophobic, this might take a very long time. Once you have achieved orgasm, we will untie you and send you on your way. If you wish to return, we’ll give you the time and day that we will be back here and you can join us. You will be tied to the chair again and Worm or Weasel will give you a blow job. If you can last 15 minutes without ejaculation, you will get to fuck their respective partner. Whether you last 15 minutes or not, you can come back another time and try again, as often as we allow you to. Do you understand the program?”

James nodded his head to signal he understood. He was pretty sure they had done this before. It was obvious that the first session was to get him over any homophobic vibes he had and push him to accept the pleasure of the blow job, regardless of the source. Making it more difficult for him to last the fifteen minutes it would take to get his reward of burying his shaft into one of the women.

Miranda pushed the two restrained men into position until the shaft in their faces made it obvious what they were supposed to do. And it was something that they had done before. But when the two men realized that the other one was beside them and there was a third party involved, there was a hesitation. The riding crop dropped on their bare buttocks several times before they went to work.

“See, James, we usually just have the two of them to try the challenge with. If they aren’t successful in avoiding their blow job orgasm, we can actually be left high and dry, without a partner for several weeks. But I think we can train you to be able to hold off nicely and provide us with a more consistent source of pleasure.”

The attention to his cock and balls was certainly having its effects. He found himself trying to thrust, but the waistband prevented him from getting any movement. There seemed to be a bit of battle going on, but his view was obstructed by the two heads. Finally one of them seemed to have won, and swallowed his entire shaft. Or at least as far as he could, there was still an inch or two to go and he pulled off, gagging from the invasion of his throat. When he pulled off, the other went in, and had the same results. For a few minutes, this continued, while the attempt at deep throat was certainly nice, the gagging as a result was having a negative effect on him.

Then the two women got into the game, or at least decided to show up. They stripped off their swimsuits and stood in front of him. He feasted on their bodies with his eyes. Miranda was an inch or two shorter, but their tits seemed to be at the same level. Both were clean shaven with just a small patch above their mons. The dark black above Camilla’s crotch contrasted sharply with the pale white of her tan lines. Miranda’s was so pale the hair almost disappeared in the white skin. He groaned at the sight of their beautiful torsos glistening in the sunlight filtering through the trees. The thing that took him over the edge was when they leaned into each other and kissed, their hands floating over each other’s bodies, caressing a breast, or stroking a hip. His body shuddered as it released his built up passion, the fact that the tongues and mouths below were male forgotten in the excitement. But that, of course, was the whole purpose of this situation.

After Worm and Weasel spent several minutes cleaning him up with their tongues, they were directed back to their spots under the tarp. Camilla removed the gag from his mouth and held up his coffee to allow him a gulp of the now tepid liquid. “I told you that you would have fun. I was right, wasn’t I?”

“You were correct in all points. Not what I was expecting, but still a pretty good time.”

“Good! So, before I untie you, do you wish to come back and try to get to one of us?”

There was no hesitation, “You better believe it!”

“I’m glad! We had talked about doing this, and when you showed up, it was just too perfect an opportunity to miss. Now, it is a three day weekend and we will be back here on Monday. Will you?” She was pulling on a swim coverup, without her suit, the thin material not blocking much in the way of his view, but from a distance would be pretty opaque.

“Yes, I will! Same time?” She had started pulling off his restraints and he checked his fitness tracker. Still morning, not quite noon yet.

“Miranda, what do you think about ten on Monday?”

“Sounds right! Thank you, James!”

“Thanks? I don’t feel like there is anything to thank me for! I thank you two lovely ladies! And I guess Worm and Weasel get some of the credit so thanks for sharing them.”

“Still being diplomatic! Thank you for appreciating our looks enough to want to come back. And you have certainly created a major disturbance to W&W’s status quo. They never expected to have another male in the mix. Maybe they think there is another female as well. That will be another surprise for them!”

He had no last names to go by, but he did have the make and model of their boat and the color scheme. James spent some time that afternoon working in the yard and keeping my eyes out to where the cove was. If they went east he wouldn’t see the boat, but if they headed west, he would easily see them. The public launch was off to the west, so if they didn’t own property or rent a slip from someone, they would have to go that way to remove their float boat.

James never spotted them heading west, so that meant the boat must either not have moved, or they had dock space somewhere on the east end of the lake.

Sunday morning he made his normal round of the lake, keeping his eyes out for their pontoon. There were a couple of possibilities, but with some being on hoists, most of them covered, he wasn’t able to definitively locate it though. The rest of the day seemed to drag out, waiting for Monday to get there. Even a second trip around on Sunday evening didn’t reveal the party boat, and he went into the same little cove, just in case. He spent a bit of time noting the locations on the lake association’s map of members, but the names didn’t reveal anything. It was totally possible that the two women had given him pseudonyms.

He debated about masturbating, there were some pretty good images in his mind, but decided it was a two way sword. It should make it easier to last the 15 minutes without cumming, but might make it overly difficult to then provide a good ride for the woman he hoped would follow.

Monday was a cloudy day. The sun was trying to burn through the clouds, but wasn’t being successful. It was definitely on the cool side, but he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity for a good lay. He had a good breakfast, hoping to supply himself with a good energy base to work from. He also spent a bit more care than usual packing up the kayak, including a bottle of wine and a package of condoms in with the normal water and thermos. He figured a nice hostess gift was definitely protocol. With mixed feelings about the coming blow job, but definitely aroused, James headed out on his round pretty much as usual.

He hadn’t seen the float boat going into the cove at any point. While the lake followed the standard counter clockwise traffic pattern, people could easily cut off corners or cut straight across the lake rather than making the full circle. He made his circle in reverse, there wasn’t much traffic on the lake at this time of the morning, a few people fishing as their boats drifted in the center of the lake.

He did spot a couple of empty slips, and one of the hoists was empty, it was one of the locations he had noted as a possibility. He’d be able to check out a bit more when he got back to the house. James tried to be casual about his paddle, stopped and checked out a place that was under construction, watched a swan bully a few geese and chasing them away before pulling into the little cove and working his way through the narrow places. He could see where a larger vessel of some type had worked its way through, but couldn’t tell how fresh it was.

He rounded the corner and there was the pontoon. He had to give credit to the helmsman for being able to navigate this narrow passage. It was a bit deeper than most would have expected, but a tight fit for anything too wide. The women were relaxing on deck, they were wearing yoga pants and blouses today, fitting for the lack of sun. The outfits did nothing to hide their charms and he was really liking the way the fabric hugged their asses. And the way their faces lit up when he slid into the cove indicated that they were definitely glad to see him. Which was a pretty nice feeling for him, his arrival had a sense of being wanted, something he wasn’t used to.

He tied himself up to the pontoon and handed up the bag. He wasn’t even on deck when Camilla squealed. “Oh, mega points, James! You have just increased your standing by a long shot!” He looked over and expected her to be holding the bottle of wine, but it was the strip of condoms shining dully in the overcast skies that she was waving in the air.

“A very thoughtful and responsible thing to bring with you! It also indicates some positive thinking on your part, believing you will need them! Bravo on both counts! However, both of us are using birth control. I can also vouch that we are both disease free and monogamous at least among the four of us. You would be the first person outside the current crew on this boat and one other involved with us in over a year. And we’ve all been checked for health issues. How about you?”

“I have been in a bit of a dry spell, about five months since I had a partner, and I have had a full physical since then. Still happy to use those if you wish.”

The answer seemed to satisfy them. He looked around. The boat was pretty much the same as it was two days ago, but the cover on the front was peeled back a few more feet and he could see a couple pairs of bound legs. And there was a large tube on the back deck, the kind normally used to pull a few people behind the boat around the lake.

“Okay, our condom discussion seems to segue into an area we were going to bring up. We were discussing some things with Worm and Weasel. Yes, we do talk with them about what is going on. They were more than a bit surprised by your presence the other day, but also intrigued. They were a bit concerned with your size, being several inches longer than they are. Mostly a deep throat concern, but also what it might do to us if you should be successful in meeting the challenge.”

It should go without saying that this talk was having the desired effect on him, his cock was tenting out the front of his swimsuit.

“So it was an interesting conversation when we realized there was a double concern going on. One was they wouldn’t be able to satisfy you as they aren’t able to deep throat you. Which means you will have almost no barrier to getting to us. The second was that your size might be painful for us to adapt to after dealing with their small tools for so long. So we’ve been rethinking our plan.”

“Um, okay, so what are you thinking?” James was afraid that he might find himself out of the mix. While he was pretty sure his size wouldn’t pose any sort of risk for the women, after all, things stretch pretty naturally. But would the other aspects rule him out of the mix?

“Don’t look so concerned! We are going to make this a win-win for everyone! The first thing we realized is that regardless of your success or failure in a challenge, Worm or Weasel were going to be swallowing a load of your cum. Either you would be feeding it directly to them, or they were going to be cleaning it out of our pussy. And given how much they love eating our pussies, they might very well do their best not to get you off during the challenge portion.”

“I get it. The challenge becomes a waste of effort and time if my cock is in their mouth and they have no intention of satisfying me.”

“It definitely reduces the time your cock is available for other activities! And that is sort of the reason we want you around, particularly since we want to try you on for size, so to speak.” That at least made me feel like this wasn’t an elaborate way of freezing me out of the mix.

“So, have you figured out a suitable solution?”

“We think we have, and we think it will be one that will satisfy both us and you! I really think you will like it, at least the first part of it. The ongoing part, maybe not so much.”

“Okay, let’s hear it!”

“Miranda and I really do want to ‘try you on’ so to speak. So why beat around the bush? We are going to flip a coin and you will fuck the winner. The next time we meet, you will fuck the other one of us.”

“That sounds pretty good to me! So what is the rest of it?”

“We don’t let the wimps out of their cages very often. They don’t get many chances to achieve an orgasm. Very rarely, we might let them actually fuck us, perhaps once every two months, and of course they don’t last very long and it is very unsatisfying for us. But they sure do seem to enjoy it! More often we’ll let them bring each other to orgasm, part of the reason they’re pretty good at giving head. And they do know that they are under a time crunch, as they never know when we’ll cut them off and cage them up again.”

This train of thought had him a bit concerned. He had no desire to be stuck in a cock cage. Or to become a third wheel in their release efforts, he had already been sucked off by them, but couldn’t see himself returning the favor, regardless of what delights might be on the other side.

“But the primary source of their ejaculations is more mechanical. And doesn’t require us to be involved at all. We put them on this about once a week. Or delay it as part of a punishment.” Miranda set a device down on the small table in front of me. It was a bit of a mechanical mess, but I was able to figure it out fairly quickly. It was mostly covered in rubber or latex and had a few wires coming out of it. There was a shaft, a number of bumpy knobs and a sleeve. He realized it was essentially a milking machine for the cock, with prostate stimulation built in.

“So this is what we propose, after you finish the first round of fucking, Camilla and I both have had your shaft buried in us, on the following visit we will put you on this after you’ve had time to recover from doing the two of us. That will give us a baseline length of how long you will last while in it. Based on that, we will set a starting length. The length of time and/or the intensity of vibrations will increase as you develop more stamina. Sort of another win-win for us, as you get some release while you learn to last longer and longer. With the wimps, we don’t need the sleeve, they are still in their cages, their orgasm comes from the stimulation of their balls and their prostate. You will get all three simulation points. And with this method, there is no double thinking about what someone’s ulterior motive may be. You succeed in not ejaculating during the time you are in the machine, you get to fuck one of us. And if you decide it isn’t worth it after the first experience, we’re done, no questions, no problems.”

“Well, I certainly don’t have any issues with the first part. And I’m willing to at least give the second part a try. Will I have full range of motion with the machine, or will I be restrained?”

“Good question! I think we restrain you, like we did that first time. That will provide a more consistent result and avoid you figuring out ways of avoiding orgasm. Oh, and if either one of us just feels like a good fucking, we can skip the whole machine aspect. This is more for when we don’t really feel up to it, but will reward your efforts for trying to please us and entice you to be available.”

It really did sound like a win-win situation. He was going to get to bury his cock in a couple of gorgeous women at least once and perhaps more. There was going to be some sort of reward for him in the form of an ejaculation, either the machine or them, on a regular basis. If he got tired of the games, he could say he was finished at any time.

“I’m game! But what’s in it for those two? Anything?”

“Really, not much, other than they will get to clean things up afterwards. And they really do like to eat us out, it is one of the reasons we love them so much.”

“So, on a slightly related note. What should be my reaction if we should happen to meet out in the real world? Do I pretend not to know you at all? Would I create a disturbance if I called you Camille and Miranda in front of your other friends? What protocol should I follow?”

“I like this guy! While obviously understanding that we call the shots, he wants to protect us from any sort of embarrassment! More points for you! Yes, you have our real names. I suppose at this point we should provide a bit more in the way of communications. After all, summer doesn’t last forever and we may want to continue our liaisons in the fall and winter, at least I hope we do!” She pulled her cell phone out of her bag and got his number. She sent a text with an emoticon of a bikini clad woman to me.

“We’ll talk with each other about what we are going to share and send it to you. But enough of the chit chat! One of us is going to get fucked by that nice shaft that has been teasing us through those trunks for the last few minutes.”

With that, Camilla turned to Miranda and they counted three. James watched the two women throwing rock, paper, scissors. The first two being a draw with rock and then scissors. Then Camilla threw down paper, but lost to Miranda’s scissors.

“Oh goody! I get to try him first!” She whipped off her blouse to reveal those nice breasts with white triangles around the nipples and a caramel color tan on the rest. “Get those clothes off, sailor!”

He had his shirt off over his head, not bothering with the buttons. A quick couple of steps and his water shoes came off as he folded the shirt and set it on the seat. As they both proceed to remove their respective pants and swim suit, Camilla had pulled the table out of its stanchion and pulled the water tube onto the main deck. He realized what a nice place that was going to make to enjoy the voluptuous body in front of him. Miranda was compactly built, a nice hourglass figure without being too skinny. The contrast between her tan and the areas kept from public view enhanced her appearance. He was afraid that he wasn’t going to last very long with her.

Once she had placed the tube, Camilla had gone to the front and used the riding crop to direct Worm to the back. She sat in the captain’s chair and spread her legs, putting her feet up on the side of the tube. She directed Worm to her crotch and sighed with contentment as he started working his tongue into her crotch.

James was a bit hesitant, but leaned in for a kiss. Miranda grabbed his head and her tongue dove into his mouth. No doubt she was taking control as she pushed him back, they both bounced as his ass hit the tube. In a matter of moments she straddled him and after another long kiss with her body pressed against him, she threw out her leg and slid his hard shaft into her wet pussy. She was definitely ready for this and moaned as his penis stretched her tight sleeve the length of his cock. James tried everything he could to avoid thinking about what was going on and tried to figure out how to optimize her pleasure. He reached up and placed his hands on her breasts, gently massaging them as she rode him.

As he had expected, he didn’t last long, a couple of minutes, tops. But that didn’t slow Miranda down, the spurt of warm sperm seemed to send her into another gear, and her hips doubled the speed she was pumping up and down. The sensitivity on his cock was making him cringe at first, but it soon returned to a wonderful feeling as she pistoned hard. It was obvious she no longer cared about him, she was totally into her own pleasure. As incredible as his orgasm had felt, he had no problems with allowing her to use him. But after several minutes, it seemed like she wasn’t making any progress.

He decided to take a risk. Timing it as best he could, as they bounced up, he flipped them over, putting himself on top. There was a squeal, but he couldn’t tell if it was of happiness or totally upset, but proceeded to continue the bouncing, only now he was stroking into her, full length with every bounce. Miranda wrapped her legs around him and that spurred him on pretty well, giving him some indication that his move hadn’t been totally out of line. A couple of minutes and she finally busted through whatever had been holding her back, her pussy clamped down on his dick, her thighs clamped into his sides and her entire body went ridgid. He was frozen in place, unable to thrust or withdraw. The shudders of her body rocked the boat. There was a gasp and moan behind them, but he couldn’t move to see what Camilla was up to, but he had a pretty good idea.

James was suspended for a minute until Miranda finally started to unlock, her legs slid off his sides and he was able to step back. There was a definite ache in his groin, he hadn’t had a ride or been ridden like this in his life and a warm glow seemed to spread around his body. He was able to see that Camilla had reached her orgasm, and was gently stroking the Weasel’s head as he nuzzled into her crotch. He sat down gently on the tube, not wanting to bounce Miranda off of it and laid back, pretty tired.

After a few minutes, Miranda got to her feet and moved up to the front. When she came back, she was directing the Worm. She pushed his head into his crotch before he realized what was going on, but the tongue that started working its way around his balls and shaft was soothing and felt pretty good. While he was working on cleaning him up, Miranda passed him a bottle of water and grabbed one for herself. No one had said a word. She laid back down on the tube with James, the contact along their sides giving him a warm and happy feeling. After a couple more minutes, Miranda grabbed the mask on the Weasel and pulled it over to her crotch, and sighed as the tongue went to work on her mound. He worked his way to stand up, no mean feat on a boat with an inner tube under him. He poured more wine into both of their glasses and made sure they were within reach. It was another five minutes or so before the soft sounds of a lapping tongue and sighs of contentment were broken with words.

“So, James, what’s your workday schedule like?” Camilla had directed the Weasel back to his place under the tarp.

“Pretty flexible. I usually have a meeting or two a day, or work on my own on the latest project. Nothing rigid.”

“Oh, you have rigid! But good, unfortunately our schedules are a bit more lined up, we don’t often get to do anything during the week. Next Saturday work for you?”

James pulled out his phone and checked, the watertight case slowing down the responses to his queries. “All clear! Same time and same place?”

“We look forward, or at least I look forward to it!” James gathered up his things and loaded up the kayak after pulling his swimsuit back on. Both of the ladies did likewise and he slid out of the small cove and continued his turn around the lake. He tried to not make it obvious as the pontoon worked its way out of the narrow channel into the main part of the lake, but was able to track it pretty well as they returned to their slip. It was where he thought it was from the empty dock earlier this morning. He’d check the directory and line it up.
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