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Disclaimer: Everyone in this story is over 18. This is a work of fantasy, and any relationship to existing people, living or dead, is purely a coincidence. This story contains intense and graphic indications of rape, violence, bondage, gore, and murder. If that isn’t your cup of tea, please take your viewing pleasure elsewhere.
About a decade ago, scientists working for DARPA made a breakthrough discovery: They perfected 3D scanning and printing technology. By simply passing an object through the scanner, a complete duplicate could be made in real time. With such a breakthrough coming from the government, it immediately became highly regulated. The first uses of it were in high precision computer chip manufacturing, where graphic processors could be built in record time, and with increasing complexity. After the technology had been proven out, it was allowed to expand into the medical field: Donor organs were scanned and shipped out across the country until the global shortage of donated organs was completely remedied.

Once this was established as a reliable mechanism, research started going into how to change the output of the 3D scan. First would be things like scanning a liver, duplicating it, and removing a tumor in the new copy. The new liver would then be re-inserted into the human who it was taken from. Eventually however, in the effort to lessen the pain of a surgery, scientists began experimenting with scanning and duplicating whole human bodies. Thus, if someone was diagnosed with a tumor, a fresh copy would be made of their entire body, cell by cell, exactly replicating the old one, except without the tumor. This new body would then blink, wake up, sit up off the table, and scream at the sight of themselves lying unconscious across from them on the scanning side of the device.

Eventually doctors figured out that patients should be placed inside scanning boxes. These were devices that looked like two coffins next to one another: A sick person would lie down inside one of the coffins, a scan would be made, and the other coffin would open, and out would step an entirely healthy person.

The healthy individual would go on with their lives as if nothing had happened. The original bodies? Those got delivered to me.

I’m Steven. I work for the National Health Services Center, in the Human Waste, Storage, and Retrieval department, sometimes called the “Body Dump”. The original bodies get gassed inside of the coffin, put into a state of deep sleep, and loaded onto trucks, which then are delivered to my warehouse. Per some national board of ethics, we need to hang onto the bodies for 72 hours so that if anything is noticed to be wrong with the new body, the old body can be pulled out and woken back up. After that point though, the old bodies (still sleeping) get put through the processing plant, which we jokingly call “the blender”. Out the other side comes highly refined human mush, which is perfect recycling material to 3D print more bodies. Pretty efficient system.

In the intervening years since this technology took the world by storm, government regulation has gotten quite a bit more lax. There used to be a time when even a single hair amount missing from the recycled material would be enough to cause a squad of human rights watch journalists to descend on my warehouse, but now no one bats an eye if a body goes missing for a few days, as long as the tallies at the end of the month mostly check out.


Elizabeth was so upset. This was supposed to be the first football game of her senior year of highschool on the Spring Meadow Silverettes. She just turned 18 a few days before, and was dressed to the nines to make every horny underclassman have wet dreams about her for months. She was a pale, tall, well endowed girl with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing her dance team uniform, a short blue skirt with sparkly fringe, skin colored tights, little white leather cowgirl boots and belt, a blue leotard that stretched tight across her larger-than-average bust, and a white cowgirl hat to top it all off. Her face was heavily makeup-ed so that her gorgeous features could be seen from the crowd, where the entire student body was supposed to be waiting with bated breath to try to capture a glimpse of her silver sparkling hot shorts underneath her skirt every time the team did a high-kick.

But no: today was not going well at all. In practice earlier this morning, she had slipped on some dewy grass, and fallen hard on her knee. The team members had rushed over to her and helped her up, and given her some pain meds to help the swelling go down. That had helped for a while, but now her knee was in a ton of pain. More meds weren’t helping, and looking distraught, she went up to her drill team director.

“Ms. Kelly, can I have a word?”

“Sure Elizabeth, what’s up?”

“It’s my knee, it keeps acting up and is really painful!”

“Have you tried taking some pain meds?”

“Yes, and they don’t seem to be working!”

“Ah, it might be best if you sit this game out then! I know that will be hard for you, since you’re so excited, but best to do this to avoid hurting yourself more!”

“But Ms. Kelly, the ambulance over there, they have one of those new body scanners, right? They should be able to scan me and fix my knee right now, shouldn’t they?”

“Ah, Elizabeth, scanners like that should really only be used in emergency situations you know - I’m not sure a bruised knee would really count as -”

“But Ms. Kelly, this IS an emergency! I’m positive my leg is broken! I need help NOW!”

Elizabeth was lying and she knew it. And from the look on Ms. Kelly’s face, she knew it too. She glanced around at the crowd that had gathered for the game. It was just nearing the end of the first quarter. If Elizabeth went and got treated, she would be back in time to perform in the halftime show.

“Ok, go, but be quick! And take a buddy with you!”

And that was how Elizabeth found herself lying down, 3 minutes later, inside the scanning side of a body-scan box. The EMT had been equally skeptical, but under the glaring eye of Elizabeth and her best friend, he gave way and programmed the device to focus on repairing a knee injury.

Thirty seconds later, Elizabeth was leaping out of the printing side of the device, running off with her friend to re-join the festivities and dance her heart out on the field, while the old Elizabeth, bruised leg and all, was quietly hushed to sleep with some sleeping gas inside of the body scanner.


I don’t know why hospitals always deliver their bodies to me at midnight. These shipments could come at any time during the day, but for some reason they deliver the stack of boxes right around 12:15. Something something transit times and saving gas because no traffic, but at the end of the day, it means I end up working a night shift at my warehouse that goes from about 10pm to 6am. I had just finished unloading the received shipment, and the delivery truck was pulling out, when I turned my attention to my favorite part of the day: Unboxing the 3-day old bodies.

As I’m unloading bodies (normally unconscious cancer patients) from their scanning boxes onto the assembly line, I’m on the lookout for valables. Anyone who happened to get scanned with some jewelry, or with an expensive ring. Valuables like these were still pretty expensive, because even though medical scanning and computer chip manufacturing were approved, normal 3D duplication still wasn’t. I could pocket these and sell them off to a local jeweler for a pretty penny to augment the money the hospital paid me to take care of their soon-to-be-dead.

Sometimes I get lucky and find some pearls. Sometimes I get really lucky and a whole wallet falls out of a pocket. Sometimes, I hit the jackpot.

I knew when I unpacked box 34-829-JNK78 just past 3 am that I had hit a jackpot. No 200lb diabetic cancer-ridden 50-year-old staring back at me here, no, this was some grade A high class fuck meat. She must have just been scanned at a football game or something, she had a whole outfit on and her face had an expression of excitement, even as she lay there sleeping, her breath slowly causing her chest to rise up and down. I set down the lid to her box and wheeled her crate over to my office in the coroner of the warehouse.

I grabbed some old rope I had lying around on my desk, and then turned to my sleeping beauty. I started by tying her ankles together nice and tight around her little white cowgirl boots. Then moving up her legs, I bound her knees tightly together, the dark rope standing out against her bright white legs still wrapped in her dance tights. One of them was a little bruised, maybe that's why she was here. I turned her over in the box and bound her wrists and elbows together behind her back, and then I ran a rope under her crotch up her front, and around her neck. Now, if she tried to do anything with her hands, she would end up choking herself, and rubbing her clit, in the process. Her little mouth was slightly parted, and while I was tying the rope around her neck, I felt the slightest bit of her breath passing over her bright red lips. I would be lying if I didn’t say I was already as hard as a rock. I then went and retrieved the lid to the box, placed it on top of her, and screwed in a canister of the “wake back up” gas that we keep around in case the bodies are needed. I let her body sit there and begin to slowly wake up. The process would take a few hours, and I’d have something to look forward to while I processed the rest of the bodies in the batch.

By the time I was finished, hints of sunlight were just starting to poke into the black night. As I entered my office, I heard a slight bumping. Clearly the gas had worked, and our sexy little friend was trying to let us know she was there!

I opened the box very dramatically: She was lying there, just as stunning and beautiful as before, but now her face showed a look of terror and anger. Guess she had been sitting there awake long enough to figure out what was up. That cunt rope must have done the trick.

She immediately started screaming. Yah, they normally do that. Luckily, my facility is out in the boonies. No one around for miles. She screamed and screamed. Screamed as I picked her up out of the box. Screamed as I carried her fire-man carry over to a workbench. Screamed as I laid her out across the workbench, legs hanging down towards me. Screamed as I held her down with one hand, and with the other started to squeeze and massage her calves and thighs.

“Keep up that screaming miss and you’ll be all screamed out by the time I give you something to actually scream about”

She stopped screaming.

Panting, lying there face down, big breasts pushed flat up against the table, she whispered, asking me “Where am I?”

“Hell. The middle of nowhere. Purgatory. The National Health Services Center Processing Plant #297. Call it what you will, you aren’t leaving here as anything other than a puddle of goo.”

“But the game! The show! What happened?”

“I’m sure you did a wonderful job. Felt all fixed and ready to go, right away, and pranced off into the sunset three days ago.”

A look of dread came across her face as she realized the weight of the words he was saying.

“So I'm not all healed and better?”

“Your leg looked like it took a beating, I’d say no, you are definitely the defective copy”

“And what's going to happen to me?”

Instead of answering, I tied her down to the table.

This girl’s ass was absolutely sexy. Running my hands up and down her legs, I slowly pushed up her skirt to reveal her sparkly silver hot shorts. She gasped as I grabbed her ass firmly with both hands and started massaging it. I could tell from how wet she smelled that the rope running across her pussy must have done its work, she must already be soaking. I quickly cut the rope away so I could slide down her hot shorts, which got caught and lied around where my knots tied her knees together.

Now the blue underside of her leotard was exposed. Grabbing a large knife, I slid the edge of the blade underneath the edge of the material and made a simple cut across. Her leotard shifted up on her slightly as the tension came off the suit, and I cut away the remaining scraps around her butt.

Next, her cream white tights were exposed to the fresh air. What an unboxing experience! I worked my fingers up around the hem of her skirt and started pulling the tights down around her ass. The skin of her tight little ass came now into view, just as pale and delicate as the tights I was ripping off of her legs.

One more layer of underwear to cut away, and I was finally looking at my prize: A tight little high school cunt lying in front of me, terrified and shivering, but also already soaked from the pressure and stimulation it had received during the hours of bondage I had left her in.

Using my little finger, I started to slowly insert myself into her meat curtains. They were really soft and delicate, and parted easily at my intrusion. Her moisture accumulated on my finger as I probed a little deeper and met some resistance. It appeared our little highschool drill team star still had some honor to her name! Luckily, the “new” Elizabeth was safe out in the world and wouldn’t be losing that honor here, strapped to a workbench out off in some warehouse.

I started to push my finger in and around her vagina, beginning to play with her clit with my thumb. I started pleasuring her and building her up, even as her face looked at me with absolute hatred. She wasn’t getting more wet, and she clearly didn’t appreciate my efforts to lubricate her with her own liquid, so I stood up, spat on my hand, and began smearing my spit all over her cunt.

Pulling down my pants, my rock hard penis stood at attention, ready to begin injecting pain and semin onto this helpless girl. I lined up my head against her cunt. Lying down in front of me, she started shuddering. Her skirt was pushed up around her waist, and she was completely bare from her waist down to her knees, where her tights and cowgirl boots were held tight together with my rope. I pushed my penis slowly in, parting her lips around me. She shuddered again. Tense with anticipation, I thrust deep inside her in one smooth stroke.

She started screaming again. Ah well. My dick slick with her juices, I pulled back before resetting and pushing in again. On the next backstroke, I noticed the slight stain of blood across my cock. Must have popped something when I had forced myself in through her love-making doors for the first time, oops. I started pumping in and out. She was incredibly tight, her vagina walls gripping my cock as I pumped. Her tears started pooling on the table as she screamed her heart out and I started thrusting faster.

I pushed harder and buried myself deep inside her womb. Feeling her tight cunt lips wrapped around the base of my cock felt so so good. I held myself there, enjoying the best perk my job had delivered me in months. Feeling her shudder against me, her repulsion at being violated, as she felt what she was sure was about to come. I layed down on top of her on the workbench, so I could better see her face, as my cock buried itself deep inside of her.

Her makeup was all smeared now from crying, her mascara running from her bright blue eyes down her blush-covered cheeks. Grabbing a fistfull of her hair, her little cowgirl hat fell off as I pulled her head back. Her head and neck arched back as I pushed deep into her cunt, pulling her tight against me as I felt myself hit her cervix, bottoming out inside her little cunt, and then came.

I unloaded pump after pump into her small little body. My seed worked its way deep inside her womb as she started screaming once more. My dick pulsed and shot bead after bead of semen into her, and her vaginal walls held my penis tightly, milking it for more.

I slowly pulled out of her freshly violated hole, and wiped my cock off across her legs. Many body fluids dripped out of her vagina as I cleaned myself on her ass. After wiping myself, I pulled up my pants and then headed back to my office. I came back with a gag and some duct tape. Making sure her mouth was shut solid, I taped across her face silencing her for the day, before carrying her back to her box. When she realized she was about to be placed back into a coffin, she started trying to kick and wriggle out of it, but eventually with a lot of kicking and scratching and punching, I managed to get the unruly teenager back into her storage container.

I left her there for the next 18 hours as I went home in the morning sunlight, showered, went to bed (blackout curtains are awesome), and then came back to work the next evening.

Her box was sitting there exactly where I had left it. These boxes are great: They are designed to keep people inside, to be inescapable. We couldn’t have escaped clones of folks running around if something went wrong at the warehouse, now could we?

I took the lid off of her box and contemplated, deciding what to do with her. She was so pretty there, sleeping as I had left her, with her panties and tights down around her knees, skirt all a mess, cum dried running down her leg. Face still all stained with makeup ruined by tears, and her boobs still held in behind her leotard! That would have to be the place to start.

I picked her up and took her over to a different work bench. She started struggling and waking up as I laid her out with her arms above her head, flat on her back, big boobs thrust up towards the night sky outside the warehouse. After securing her to the table, I went and grabbed the same pair of scissors I had used to cut off her leotard undies and began work on her top. This had much less material. One long cut down the center of the glitter and fringe covered garment revealed that she didn’t have a single thing on underneath. Her perky little nipples, now exposed to the cool night air, stood at attention on top of her large mounds. I bent down and started feeling her skin with my tongue. Her boobs were really quite big. I started exploring them, sucking them into my mouth. I had one hand around her neck, my mouth on her breast, and my other hand fingering her sweet little vagina lips beneath her little blue skirt, when an impulse came over me.

I opened my mouth wide, took one of her whole breasts inside of my mouth, and chomped down, hard.

Damn, she started screaming again through the gag. Idiot girl. My fingers around her neck tightened until I was choking her. That stopped her screaming as my jaw on her breast stayed firm. After enjoying the bite, and thinking a minute more, I decided I didn’t want to bite off her boob and clean up the blood.

I released my jaw, deciding not to bite off her pale tit meat just yet. My dick, rock hard once again after the experience, was ready for another go. I got up on top of the table, flipped my fuck meat over onto its front, and flipped up the skirt. I knelt down around her legs, and, lining myself up with her ass, started spitting on her butt hole. My spit rolled down in between her ass cheeks as I lubricated myself. Then positioning myself against her brown hole, I started pushing.

Ass fucking an unwilling participant is hard. This piece of fuck meat was, unfortunately, no different. It took a full 5 minutes of pushing and grunting and shoving to get my dick fully inside of her. There was spit and blood and shit all across her bright white ass by the time I was fully inside of her, and all three materials were lubricating my current assault. Her butt was absolutely exquisite. As I rammed forwards, my balls slapped against her cunt, and her butt pressed up against my pelvic bone. As I pulled out, steading myself for another go, her anal cavity closed up as I extracted myself, trying to recover and prevent another thrust that would come meer seconds later. My dick, buried deep inside of her, was busy rearranging some organs with how much penetration I was getting. In and out, I pumped hard as her ass provided a death grip on my cock. Eventually I felt myself getting ready to spill some more seed into this little cum bucket, so I reached around and grabbed the girls boobs. Using them as handles to maneuver her firm little body around on my cock, I pressed her hard onto it, burying myself deep into her anus. I bit down hard on her ear as I thrusted, and then came in long deep pumps, straight into her ass.

After I came, she was still crying and screaming through her gag. Sick of this, I decided it was time to shut her up. Ripping off the duct tape I had placed over her mouth, I thrust an o-ring through her lips so she couldn’t bite down on me, and then lining myself up over her face, sat down hard, burying my cock into her throat. She gagged on my dick, visible in her throat through her neck, as her nose was shoved straight into my ass. I held myself there, willing myself to not go limp yet, as she struggled beneath me, trying to throw me off so she could breath. After a minute or two, her struggles stopped and I got up off of her. As soon as I removed my cock from her throat, she gasped a little, but stayed unconscious, and importantly, silent.

Now, covered in blood and shit and cum, this little dance team prude-turned-slut had no more value to me. I picked up her body and carried it over to the disposal conveyor belt. I laid her down on it, her bound, cum-covered body lying with rags of her former clothing, and I stared at her while I clipped her wrists and ankles into the conveyor belt. After pausing to think for a minute, I grabbed a large knife off of a nearby tool rack, and in one quick motion, sliced off one of her boobs. Her eyes immediately flew open and she began to scream again as I picked up my little prize. Tucking away the slice of meat for dinner later, I turned my back on her as I pressed the button to advance the disposal conveyor belt and her body was moved forward into the processing machinery.

The machine began to whirl as the blades spun to life. While a body is being dropped into the processing chamber in our machinery, they sometimes have residual air that escapes through the mouth and throat that sounds a little like screaming. We’ve been assured by experts that the bodies don’t feel any pain as this happens. Something about the way I was fucking her must have introduced a lot of extra air into her body.

Ah well, no time to think about that. I had a whole new load of bodies to unpack this evening, and if I remembered correctly, there had been something in the news a few days ago about a bus accident that had involved a whole cheer squad after some football game. Maybe he’d have a few more lucky surprises waiting for me in the warehouse.
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