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This is why my girlfriend is my Perfect Woman
My Perfect Woman

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

Our families.

Another completely different subject.

Every month or so, we go to Sunday lunch at one of our parents houses. With her low cut tops and short skirts, Harper has accidentally (genuinely) flashed her goodies to probably everyone in both our families. Only her mother has said anything, and that was for her to be careful when she sits down.

That isn’t the interesting thing that I am going to tell you about, that is Harper’s cousin Claire. Claire is 22 and lived with her family about 100 miles away. The thing is, when Claire got a job it wasn’t in her home town, it was in the city where we live, and when Harper’s mother told us that Claire was moving to our city, Harper graciously offered Claire the use of our spare room.

“That’s okay isn’t it Henry?” Harper asked as an afterthought.

I’d seen photographs of Claire and thought that she looked quite attractive so I immediately replied,

“Sure, no problem, she can rent our spare room.”

It was only after I’d stopped talking that I realised that Claire’s presence would probably curtail Harper’s openness, her being naked at home most of the time and our lovemaking all over the house. This disappointed me immensely and just as soon as Harper and I were alone I raised the subject.

“Relax Henry, I have no intention of changing my ways and if Claire doesn’t like it she can find somewhere else to live. It’s our house, our rules, right?”

“Well yes, but I didn’t know that we had any rules Harper.”

“We haven’t but we’ll make some for Claire if we need to.”

I was a lot happier and my imagination ran a little wild, imagining Claire wandering around the house totally naked like Harper does. Quickly coming back to reality, I pushed those images to the back of my mind, just hoping that Claire was still the slim, attractive girl that she was in the photos that I’d seen.

I wasn’t disappointed. Two weeks later, Claire’s parents dropped her off at our house and I was happy to see that Claire hadn’t put any weight on, nor gone all ugly. The only thing that was different from the photos was her clothes. Gone were the jeans and baggy sweatshirt as Claire arrived wearing mini summer dress that clung to her shapely body.

Now don’t get me wrong, I dearly love Harper and would never ‘play away’ unless she had given me her permission, like I had with Luke to help me get promoted.

Once Claire’s parents had left Claire plonked herself on the sofa. I immediately noticed that she was sat like Harper does, with her knees apart. I was at the wrong angle to see up her skirt but I was sure that I I had been in front of her I’d be able to see her knickers.

Claire spoke first saying,

“Thank you so much for letting me stay here, I’m extremely grateful and I don’t want to get in the way in any way. I know that you two are madly in love and that you aren’t afraid to show your love for each other and that you Harper appear to have stopped wearing underwear. That doesn’t bother me at all, in fact I have often gone out without underwear on. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t want either of you to change or do anything differently because I am here. I will fit in around you and stick to all your house rules.”

As Claire talked about underwear my eyes went straight to her chest. Her tits looked slightly bigger than Harper’s and her nipples were tenting the dress. Looking further down I again wondered if she was wearing any knickers.

“Well Claire,” Harper replied, “we don’t have any house rules here as such, but we do ask that you keep clean and tidy. As for clothes, yes, I often don’t bother putting any on and I hope that that doesn’t bother you.”

“No, not at all Harper,” Claire interrupted.

“Good, what I was about to add was, just because I might be naked doesn’t mean that you have to be naked as well, although I know that Henry here appreciates beautiful eye candy like you, we have no rules as to what we expect you to wear or not wear, it’s entirely up to you. If you want to wear jeans and sweatshirts all the time that’s okay with us. If you want to wander around totally naked all the time that’s also fine with us. What I can guarantee is that you are safe in this house, neither Henry nor any other guests that we may have here will molest or even rape you, you are 100% safe. Nothing will happen to you without your consent.”

“I’m pleased to hear that Harper. Let me just say that I guess that there is some similar family gene in both of us because we both appear to like men looking at us, it makes me feel good, but I’m not sure that I want to spend all my time here stark naked.”

“We don’t expect that,” I replied, “if I never see you naked that’s okay with us Claire, we want you to feel at home and comfortable whilst you are here Claire.”

“I’m sure that I will.” Claire replied.

“Good,” Harper continued, “you must be right about the family genes. Now that the house rules, or lack of them, are in the open, let me show you your room and the rest of the house. Henry, will you put the kettle on please?”

As Claire followed Harper up the stairs I went to the kitchen. On the way I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and watched Claire going up. I admired her slim, bare legs and discovered that she was either going commando or wearing a thong.

When they came back down to the kitchen I had the tea ready and we sat talking, the usual getting to know each other small talk.

That over, Claire went up to her room to ‘sort things out’ and Harper and I talked some more.

“So what do you think of Claire,” Harper asked. “would you fuck her Henry?”

“Bloody hell Harper, the girl has only been here 5 minutes and you’re talking about me fucking her.”

“Well would you?”

“I need to get to know her better Harper. Okay she’s got the body but there’s more to a girl than her body.”

“I think that it won’t be long before she’s wandering around stark naked and wanting to ride you Henry.”

“Harper, you know that I would never cheat on you.”

“Unless I want you to fuck her. I think that our Claire is going to turn out to be a mini-me.”

“Would that bother you Harper?”

“No, not at all, besides, it might tick a couple of things off my bucket list.”

“But she’s living here Harper.”

“So what, I know that she won’t try to steal you from me.”

“There’s absolutely no chance of that Harper.”

“I know.”

We got to our feet and I led Harper to our bedroom. As we made love on the bed I noticed that Harper hadn’t closed the door and I got a glimpse of Claire watching us but as soon as she saw that I had seen her she disappeared.

I was half expecting an apologetic Claire when she came down to join us in the lounge watching a movie, but I was wrong.

“So you 2 had a good make-out session then?” Claire asked as soon as she came into the room.

“We did thank you Claire.” Harper replied. “If you want to watch us next time, come into the room and sit on the bed or something.”

“Oh, err, thanks.” Claire replied.

I was a little shocked and said,

“Bloody hell Harper, are you trying to get rid of the poor girl. Claire, don’t be put off by by my exhibitionist, nymphomaniac girlfriend, we’ll remember to close the door next time.”

“Hey,” Claire replied, “I wasn’t shocked or anything stupid like that, I quite enjoyed watching you for those few seconds. I’ll enjoy watching you next time, maybe I’ll learn something.”

“You’ll learn that Henry and I are madly in love with each other.”

“That was obvious, now what are we watching?”


The next morning, which was a Sunday, after an intense love making session, I went to the bathroom and Harper went to put some coffee on, both of us as naked as the day we were born. I’m not sure about Harper, but I’d forgotten about Claire being in the house and I got a surprise when I walked out of the bathroom just as Claire was coming out of her bedroom.

We both stopped dead in our tracks and stared at each other for a couple of seconds, Claire taking in the sight of my naked body and me of her naked body.

Finally, Claire said,

“Is it okay if I don’t bother with clothes since you obviously don’t? Nice cock by the way.”

I was still absorbing the sight of Claire’s naked body. It was almost identical in shape to Harper’s, even down to what I could see of her bald pussy, except that Claire’s tits looked to be a little bit bigger.

“Err yes,” I finally replied, “we have no problem with you wearing as much or as little as you want, whatever makes you comfortable.”

“Oh good, my mother wouldn’t let me get comfortable at home. Is that coffee brewing that I can smell?”

“Yeah, Harper’s making it.”

By then my slight shock had completely gone and my cock was starting rise. Claire must have noticed because she said,

“I like seeing hard cocks Harry, they really get my motor running. I can see why Harper likes you.”

Once again I was slightly shocked, this time at how like Harper’s openness Claire is, and similar the 2 female bodies are. Claire went into the bathroom and I went downstairs to the Kitchen.

“Ready for some more are you Henry?” Harper asked when she saw my erect cock.

“Did you know that Claire’s body is identical you yours?”

“We are both girls dummy.”

“No, I mean, I bet that her measurements are the same as yours, except that her tits are slightly bigger than yours.”

“Are you saying that you fancy Claire Henry?”

“Yes, no. Harper, you know that I love you and I will never do anything to upset you.”

“I know that, but you’d fuck her if I asked you to?”

“Err, I guess so, but only if you asked me to.”

“Well we’ll have to find out how desperate she is. Not that I mean that in a bad way, I mean how regular she’s getting fucked.”

“Relax Harper, I know what you mean.”

We’d sat at the kitchen table to drink our coffee and my hard-on was starting to go down as we talked. I guess that I wasn’t really surprised when the still naked Claire walked into the room and said,

“Oh good, you’re both naked, I didn’t want to upset you by being the only one naked. Help myself can I?”

“Claire,” Harper said, “we’re happy for you to wear as much or as little as you like, you won’t upset either of us, but you might have to put up with lover boy here getting a boner if you are like you are right now.”

“Yes, he does have a nice cock doesn’t he, but relax Harper, I won’t try to steal him from you.”

“You wouldn’t be able to Claire.” I said, “I love Harper way too much.”

“Glad to hear that.” Claire replied, “I’ve got my toys to keep me happy.”

“So you haven’t got a boyfriend Claire?” Harper asked.

“No, I ditched the last one a few months ago when he accused me of dressing like a whore.”

“What is it with men? Some of them just can’t accept that us girls like dressing how we want to dress, we don’t tell them how they should dress.”

“I don’t Harper.” I replied.

“I know, and that’s one of the reasons why I love you Henry.”

My bare right foot went up between Harper’s bare legs that opened to let my toes rub her bare pussy. We continued our 3 way conversation with my big toe slowly raising Harper’s arousal level.

As we got to the end of our coffee Claire told us that she had to get herself organised ready for new job.

“So what is your new job Claire,” I asked.

“Please don’t tell my mum, I told her that I’d got a job in marketing, but I’m about to be a teaching assistant at a sixth form boys college.”

“Oh yes, what subject?”

“All of them.”

“I thought that teaching assistants just did one subject.” I replied.

“Apparently this private college is short of money and they can only afford one teaching assistant so I could be doing Geography one minute then Biology the next then PE the next.”

“So you could be teaching the young men to swim or play cricket.” I continued.

“I guess so, but I haven’t brought a swimming costume with me.”

“You’ll have to teach them whilst you’re naked then.” Harper said.

“That could prove interesting, but I doubt that they’d let me do that.”

“Or maybe they’ll use you as the subject in Human Biology.” I jokingly said.

“Now that would be fun,” Claire replied, “but I can’t see that happening.”

“Well at least you can tease the boys with your short skirts and no knickers.” Harper said.

“I am banking on that, that’s the main thing that I’m looking forward to, I’ll be leaving all my bras here as well. On second thoughts, can I dump them in your bin?”

I smiled and looked at Claire’s tits and saw that her nipples were hard, and I had visions of Claire flashing her tits and pussy to lots of 18 year old horny boys.

Claire told us a bit more about the college and I remembered it. I’d always thought that it was for snotty rich kids and never paid much attention to it. I didn’t realise that it was a boys only college and I had a vision of Claire walking down the college corridor totally naked with lots of 18 year old boys walking to their next classroom.

I also had a vision of Harper doing the same thing and I thought about her bucket list.

“Harper would really enjoy that.” I thought.

Anyway, the conversation ended and Claire went to her room and Harper and I went to the bathroom for our daily routine that includes me shaving her and she shaving me below my waist. I like to shave my own face.

A couple of hours later I went up to tell Claire that Harper and I were going to the supermarket and to ask her if she wanted anything. She opened the door and gave me some money, asking me to get her some batteries. She didn’t tell me what they were for but I could see a vibrator on her bed. I could also see that she was still totally naked.

“You could come with us if you like, get to know the area better.” I said.

“Okay, hang on a sec.”

Claire turned, leaving me stood in the open doorway, and I watched as she got a summer dress out and slipped it on, and then put some shoes on. No underwear, and the dress was nearly as short as the ones that Harper wears.

“Nice dress.” I said as we went down the stairs.

“Thanks, I haven’t worn it for a couple of years, my mum says that I’ve got too tall for it, that it shows too much of my legs.”

“Is that even possible?” I asked.

“I can see what Harper sees in you Henry.”

I gave Claire a little tour of the area on our way to the supermarket where I quickly noticed that Claire is just as unconcerned about exposing her lady parts as Harper is when it comes to getting items from the low or high shelves. I also saw that Claire’s pussy isn’t exactly the same as Harper’s, Claire has some small inner labia and her clit doesn’t protrude as much as Harper’s does. Nevertheless, the sight was very pleasing both to me and to the odd, other supermarket customer who saw what both girls were ‘accidentally’, possibly / probably, displaying.

As I pushed the trolley I wondered if my cock would survive having 2 gorgeous naked bodies around the house. I started to think what it would be like to fuck Claire. I also wondered if this was the opportunity for Harper to achieve one of the items on her bucket list, namely, a threesome, Harper, Claire and me.

During the drive home I showed Claire where the bus stop was and discovered that both Harper and Claire could get the same bus into town each day. Because of Claire’s later start she would have plenty of time to catch her second bus to the college.

When we got home we talked some more and Claire told us about her interview for the job. It had been a video interview and Claire had been a bit intrigued and puzzled when the Principal of the college had asked her to stand up, step back and do a slow 360 turn.

“He just wanted to see if you were good eye candy Claire.” I suggested.

“Well, he probably got to see more than he expected,” Claire continued, “being a video interview I was sat at my desk and not expecting to be stood up so I was only wearing a blouse and G-string, and I forgot what I wasn’t wearing when I stood up and did the 360. It was only when he said,

“Very nice Claire, I can see that you are not going to have any problems keeping order in the classrooms.”

“That I suddenly remembered what I wasn’t wearing and sat down again quickly. I’m sure that I was blushing a little and I was sure that I’d screwed-up the interview, but the Principal just continued with the interview. The funny thing was that he seemed to be a bit more enthusiastic and started talking as if I’d already got the job.”

“Well he must have liked what he saw,” Harper added, “maybe he’s expecting you to keep order in the classrooms by flashing your goodies to the boys.”

“Maybe he’s hoping to see more of you Claire.” I said, “After all he’s a man and you are a very attractive young lady. Maybe he’s hoping to fuck you.”

“He did have that lustful look in his eyes after I’d accidentally flashed him my G-string and his eyes were looking at my chest all the time after that accident. Who knows, I guess that I’ll find out in the morning.”

“Were you wearing a bra Claire?” I asked.

“No, oh. It was a tightish blouse and my nipples had probably gone hard after I realised what I’d accidentally done.”

“There you go,” I replied, “you’ll have to be careful with him, he sounds like a middle-aged pervert.”

“I think that I can handle him,” Claire said, “after all, he’s a man and we know how to control men don’t we Harper?”

“Yes we do, but relax Henry, we would never control you, you’re way too nice to us.”

“I’m happy to hear that but I know what you mean, most men will do anything for an attractive girl, especially if she hints that she might let him see more of her or even fuck her.”

What I didn’t mention was that after we’d put the shopping away, both Harper and Claire had gone upstairs and then come back down minus all their clothes.

I had a very enjoyable evening talking and watching a movie sat between 2 attractive, naked girls, one of whom was cuddled up to me.

Claire didn’t come to our bedroom to watch our frantic love making, even though Harper had left the door open for her, but we could hear some moans coming from her room and we guessed that she was playing with her toys.


We were all up in plenty of time the next morning but we are going to have to sort out a bit of a routine as the 3 of us kept bumping into each other. Not that I was complaining, it’s always nice to bump into a naked girl as we attempt to do our own thing.

Harper and Claire left the house together, Harper wearing one of her quite short miniskirts and a blouse, just as she always does, and Claire wearing a mid-thigh skirt and a blouse made of thick fabric. I know that Harper was underwearless and I guessed that Claire was as well.

The day went much the same as any Monday with me busy working on Luke’s big project. He did enquire after Harper and asked if we intended to have another weekend at the hotel.

“Nothing planned.” I replied.

Claire was back home when both Harper and I got there and I was pleased to see that she had stripped naked, and started cooking the evening meal. After saying “Hi”, Claire continued,

“You’ll never believe the day that I’ve had.”

“Went well did it?” I asked.

“It sure did. Wow, what a place, about 100 boys between 18 and 21 and all the teaching staff are men as well. I was the only female there, well apart from the catering staff who stayed in the kitchen.

As soon as I walked into the building I noticed the boys staring at me. I had to check that my skirt or blouse hadn’t mysteriously disappeared. I was led to the Principal’s office, his name’s Terry Butcher by the way, and he gave me his little welcoming speech whilst I was sat halfway across his office. I hadn’t bothered to cross my legs and I could see him trying to look up my skirt.

Then he handed me my lessons schedule and just as he started to go through it with me someone knocked on his door. When he invited them in I saw that it was one of the boys and he looked a but scared.

“Ah Johnson,” Mr. Butcher said, “been caught smoking pot again I see. You know what to do.”

Johnson looked at me then Mr. Butcher said,

“Claire, you may as well watch this so that you know what happens to any pupil or staff member who breaks the rules. Johnson, get on with it, we haven’t got all day.”

I sat there almost squirming in my seat as Johnson took his trousers and under-shorts off and moved towards the desk. I caught a glimpse of his semi erect cock as he moved and bent over Mr. Butcher’s desk.

By then Mr. Butcher had retrieved a leather strap from somewhere and had walked round his desk to the other side of Johnson from me.

I watched with shock, some excitement and a dampening pussy as Mr. Butcher landed 10 swats on Johnson’s bare backside.

He stopped at 10 then he turned to me and said,

“Okay Claire, you will have to do this quite a few times so you may as well get some practice on Johnson here. You give him the second 10.”

Shock was really getting a hold of me as I replied,

“Me! I’m going to have to punish the boys as well? Like this?”

“Yes, come on girl, it’s part of your job, don’t be shy, Johnson is expecting it for being a stupid little boy.”

I managed to get to my feet and took the strap from Mr. Butcher. As I lined myself up my brain was working overtime. I had never seen, nor been spanked before and I was a bit terrified. I was also getting a bit horny. Here was a boy, only 3 or 4 years younger than me, naked from the waist down, and he was expecting me to thrash his backside with that strap.

I finally let swing with the strap and Johnson didn’t even flinch.

“Harder.” Mr. Butcher said.

“So I did, and this time Johnson did flinch.”

“That’s better, keep going Claire.”

So I did, and as I did I felt the terror diminish and my arousal rise. I was almost enjoying it by the time I had delivered all 10.

“Right Johnson,” Mr. Butcher said, “up straight, get dressed properly then off you go to assembly,”

As Johnson stood up I saw his cock again, but this time it was rock hard. My arousal level increased.

Once Johnson had left I asked Mr. Butcher,

“Why is it that I have to spank the boys if they have been naughty?”

“Which would be more humiliating to the boys Claire, being spanked by a male teacher or being spanked by a beautiful girl only a handful of years older than themselves?”

“Good point Mr. Butcher.”

“Conversely Claire, if you are naughty, I will get one of the boys to spank you.”

When Mr. Butcher said that my brain got an image of me being spanked, naked, on the stage in front of the whole college.

“Sorry about the interruption Claire,” Mr, Butcher continued, “but punishments have to be delivered as swiftly as possible. That has put us behind schedule, we have to go to assembly now, we’ll go through your schedule after assembly. Come on.”

I followed Mr. Butcher to the main hall, but on the way we stopped at the staff room and he showed me the locker that was to be mine. I left my bag in the locker then followed Mr. Butcher and we were soon up on the small stage where I saw 7 or 8 men, presumably, teachers, all looking at me. I quickly rubbed my thighs together to try to judge just how aroused and wet I’d got.

I turned and looked out over all the pupils and saw that they were all looking at me. I was the only female in a room with around 100 men and boys. What’s more, I was stood near the front of the stage and I wondered if any of the boys could see up my skirt.

Mr. Butcher droned on in the same way the headteacher used to when I was at school, then he introduced me to everyone telling them,

“Claire’s role will be to assist all the teachers with setting up lessons and helping the teachers as they conduct the lessons. As she is the only female in the college she will assist in subjects where only a female can, and also, anywhere else where she is needed.”

When Mr. Butcher said that I had a vision of me in a Human Biology class, naked and spread on a table with lots of boys examining me, and judging by the expressions on the faces of some of the boys there, they were imagining the same thing.

Mr. Butcher continued,

“As you all know, punishments are needed all too often here, and I believe that the humiliation aspect of those punishments could be a lot greater so part of Claire’s role will be to administer those punishments..

Claire will also assist with PE lessons and I’m sure that she will be able to demonstrate many aspects of sports to help you all learn.

Well, I think that that’s about it for now, although I’’m sure that Claire’s role will expand as time goes on. Right, off to your first classes boys. Claire with me if you would.”

I followed Mr. Butcher back to his office where he asked me if I’d noticed that all the pupils and the staff were wearing uniforms, telling me that he expected me to wear a similar uniform as well, adding that it would obviously have to be slightly different since I was a girl. He then got a plastic bag out of a cupboard and gave it to me telling me that that was my uniform.

“Put it on now please Claire.”

“Err where can I change?”

“Right where you are Claire.”

I was a little surprised to say the least, but remembering that he had already seen me wearing just a G-string and a blouse, I thought. “sod it” and started getting undressed.

I took my blouse off first and I saw Mr. Butcher staring at my tits. Then I unfastened my skirt and let it drop to the floor.

“Good girl Claire, no underwear, keep forgetting those and you’ll soon have the boys doing exactly as you say.”

I didn’t tell him that I’d stopped wearing any form of underwear since I’d left home.

I walked over to where the plastic bag was containing my uniform and I saw that Mr. Butcher’s eyes were following me. I walked passed the bag then turned back so that I could open the bag whilst Mr. Butcher was still looking at my naked front.

Opening the bag I saw 2 items. Firstly what looked like a skirt, but there was very little fabric there. I unfolded it then held it up. It was so light that I thought that it could float away. It was also VERY short.

“This is my uniform skirt?” I asked.

“Yes Claire, the governors and I had a discussion about your uniform. Some wanted you to wear shorts that were a smaller version of the trousers that the boys wear, and the others wanted you to wear a skirt. Your top is one of the shirts that the college basketball team wear so I compromised with the skirt / shorts debate and got you some skirts that just about match the shorts that the basketball team wear.”

“The boys must wear running shorts for basketball,” I said, “this skirt can’t be more than 25 centimetres long.”

“Twenty two actually. Are you going to put it on or are you going to do your duties like that all day Claire?”

“Would that be a problem sir?” I asked.

“No not really, I’m sure that everyone here would appreciate you gesture, but put the uniform on please Claire.”

I did, the skirt first, and as I smoothed my hand down the front and the back I confirmed that it only just covered my butt and slit. The basketball shirt was of a men’s vest design and very revealing. It was way too big for me and I just knew that it would be slipping off my shoulders all the time, and the arm holes went nearly to the bottom of the garment. The hem of the top ended just above the hem of the skirt. I just knew that my tits would be on show most of the time.

I giggled a little to myself as I realised that I could probably forget the skirt and wear just the top.

“There you go Claire, it fits you perfectly. I’ll give you some spares just before you go home. Now lets go through your schedule.”

The document was on Mr. Butcher’s desk and I had to bend over a little to read it and I just knew that he was staring at my tits.

I found it a little difficult to concentrate because of everything that had happened in the last hour or so, but I managed to hear that I would be assisting the English teacher during the next lesson.

“Wow,” I thought, “this is not at all what I was expecting, but hey, I could see that I was going to be mighty horny a lot of the time that I was working.”

When Mr. Butcher finally stopped talking he gave me my schedule and a map of the college and wished me good luck in my new job.

Off I went using the map to find my way to Mr. Brown’s classroom. Just before I got there the bell rang and all of a sudden the corridor was flooded with dozens of young men. Most of them staring at me as I kept walking.

One of the boys accidentally bumped into me and I felt one of the shoulder straps of my top slide off my shoulder but there was too much going on for me to check if I was displaying a tit, or to pull the strap back to where it was supposed to be.

I found the classroom and walked in. The whole room went deadly quiet and Mr. Brown, presumably, eventually came to me.

“You must be Claire, am I glad to see you, err, all of you, you may want to cover yourself.”

I looked down and saw my right nipple. It was nice and hard.

As I straightened my top I replied,

“Oops, sorry, Mr. Butcher just gave me my uniform and as you can see, it’s too big for me.”

“Well the skirt certainly isn’t too big, I can just about see your pussy.”

“Sorry, again, Mr. Butcher gave it to me.”

“Well you can’t do anything about that right now but I think that Mr. Butcher made a good choice both with you and your uniform, don’t you agree boys? Hand those books our please Claire.”

As I did so I was still feeling a bit shocked but also feeling happy and pleased with myself for landing a wonderful job. I could see that I was really going to enjoy working there.

“Settle down boys.” Mr. Brown said, “I’m sure that there will be plenty of opportunities to see more of Claire later.”

The rest of the lesson went just like I expected it to, me doing things that the teaching assistants did when I was at school, except that I was very scantily dressed and the pupils got to see my goodies every time that I had an ‘accident’ when I had to lean over one of the pupils, or bend at the waist to pick up a pen that boys suddenly got clumsy with.

By the end of that first lesson I was just about over my shock and I was starting to relax. As I walked to my next lesson, it was PE, I didn’t even think about what I was going to wear until I entered that changing rooms and saw about a dozen boys all in various stated of undress.

Shock hit me again, partially because I’d never seen so many naked boys at one time. I just stood there, staring as the boys continued getting changed. My pussy had just about dried up during the rest of Mr. Brown’s English lesson but as soon as I saw those cocks it started flooding again.

“Hello Claire,” I heard an older male voice say. “I’m Oliver Jones, the PE teacher. I’m so pleased that Mr. Butcher scheduled some of your time with me. Get yourself changed and come into the gym.”

I looked around and saw nowhere where I could get changed in private then again I thought, “sod it,” and went to end of the bench that had boys changing by it. I pulled my top off then dropped my skirt then realised 2 things, firstly that most of the boys there had stopped changing and were now staring at the naked me, and secondly, I had no PE kit.

I looked around for Mr. Jones but couldn’t see him so I asked the nearest boy where he was.

“Probably in his office, over there.”

I looked ‘over there’ and saw the office with some movement inside so I walked over to it, still totally naked.

“Excuse me Mr. Jones, but Mr. Butcher hasn’t given me any PE kit.”

Mr. Jones just stared at my naked front then nearly a minute later he replied,

“Wow, I can see why old Butcher offered you the job Claire, beautiful. Err kit, well we haven’t got any girls PE kit but I suppose you could wear something from the lost clothes bin over there, help yourself.”

As I walked over to the bin I was a little disappointed that he hadn’t told me to help him like I was. The bin only had one item in it, and it was another basketball shirt, but even bigger than the one I had been wearing.

“This isn’t going to stay on.” I thought as I slipped it on then turned back to see that the boys had continued getting changed.

Mr, Jones came out of his office as loudly said,

“Come on you lot hurry up, I’m sure that you’ll get plenty of opportunities to see the steaming hot Claire’s body later.”

I wasn’t sure how to take that because Mr. Jones still hadn’t told me what he expected me to do.

Once we were all in the gym Mr. Jones announced that since it was raining outside we were all going to do circuit training. He then got the boys to quickly setup a whole series of obstacles round the edge of the gym. As they were doing this he told me that he wanted me to go round the circuit first to set a benchmark time.

When he said this I instantly realised that because I was only wearing that over-sized basketball shirt I would either spend ages trying to stay decent, or I would just let it do whatever it wanted to. I chose the latter because I wanted to set a good time for the boys to chase.

Mr. Jones set his stopwatch and set me going. By the time I had completed the first obstacle the right shirt strap had fallen off my shoulder and my right tit was exposed. The strap came of my left shoulder as I ran to the second obstacle and as I jumped onto the little trampoline to vault over the horse the top didn’t go up with my body as I took off.

When I landed I was totally naked and I realised that the boys were following me round and cheering me. I doubted that it was because I was setting a good time.

I continued attacking the obstacles and got a very pleasant surprise when I climbed the rope that was hanging from the ceiling. Or should I say when I was sliding down the rope I got the pleasant surprise. The knobbly bits were rubbing along my pussy and clit and I orgasmed.

Somehow I managed to hang onto the rope about 3 metres up and when I was able I looked down at my audience as saw and heard most of them were looking up at me, cheering me and egging me on, but a couple, including Mr. Jones were just smiling. I guessed that they had realised that I had just cum.

I continued the circuit and quickly realised that most of the rest of the obstacles were designed to have me spread my legs quite a bit. I wondered if that was a deliberate act by Mr. Jones, but I didn’t really care, I was actually enjoying exposing myself to all those boys.

When I got to the end of the course I was out of breath and I stood with my feet apart, bent over with my hands on my knees.

“That was a good time Claire,” Mr. Jones said, “that will take some beating. Right, we’ll get the boys started. When you’re ready put your kit on and come and join me.”

I looked around and saw that all the boys were staring at the naked me. I smiled and felt that familiar, nice tingling in my clit and nipples.

As the boys followed Mr. Jones to the start I looked for my top but I couldn’t find it anywhere and I guessed that one of the boys had hidden it. I went over to Mr. Jones and he started to tell me to record the times that each boy started the course, but when he looked up from his clipboard and saw that I was still totally naked, he said,

“There’s your clothes Claire?”

“I don’t know sir, one of the boys must have hidden it.”

“That doesn’t surprise me, you’ll just have to stay as you are for the rest of the lesson.”

That didn’t upset me at all, in fact, not only was I getting used to all those boys seeing my goodies, I was actually enjoying it, a lot. I was so happy with my job.

I stood at the start of the course taking the names and recording the times that each boy started. As they were waiting they were all getting a good look at my naked front, and about half way through the line of boys I realised that I was stood with my feet well apart. I was sure that the boys could see my protruding clit.

The lesson came to and end and Mr. Jones announced that none of the boys had achieved my time. I felt a little proud that I’d done better than the boys, even if it had cost me (ha) an orgasm and left me naked.

Back in the changing room Mr. Jones looked at me and announced to everyone that it was shower time. He was obviously expecting me to have a shower as well and I guessed that there wouldn’t be a girl’s shower so I watched all the boys strip naked then I followed them into the showers. By then about half of the boys had grown erections and I stared at them and I waited for a shower to become free. I was amazed that only a small number of boys appeared to be shy and were trying to cover their hard-ons

My pussy was rapidly getting very wet and it was nothing to do with the water coming out of the shower heads.

Soon I was showering in the midst of all those naked boys. As I looked around I saw that all the cocks were pointing to the ceiling and facing me. I felt good and so wanted to bring myself off, or better still, one or more of the boys to make me cum. I resisted the urge knowing that it was one thing to be naked in amongst a lot of naked boys, especially since the teacher had put me in that position, but I didn’t want to put my new, wonderful job at risk by deliberately doing something sexual.

I didn’t have any soap or shampoo so I settled for a warm, long, rinse then I went to the office and asked Mr. Jones if I could borrow a towel. He handed me one then told me that I’d need to bring one of my own in the future. As he watched me dry myself he also told me that I’d need to sort out some PE kit as well, then he added,

“Or you could not bother and do your job like you just have. The boys really appreciated it and I’m guessing that you enjoyed yourself as well Claire.”

I think that I blushed a little knowing that he had known that I had orgasmed on the rope and I quietly replied that I had enjoyed myself.

As I was getting dried and dressed I decided that I really had enjoyed helping with PE naked, and I’d enjoyed cumming in front of those boys. I also decided that I would see if I could get away with always helping Mr. Green whilst naked.

Next up it was lunchtime and I went and got my sandwiches and went to the dining room. I saw a table with Mr. Jones, Mr. Brown and 4 other adult males sat at it so I went and joined them. Mr. Brown introduced me to everyone as I sat next to a Mr. Green.

We made small talk whilst I ate then I got out my schedule as started to study it. Mr. Green saw what I was doing and he said,

“All a bit confusing is it Claire?”

“Just a bit.“

“It’s not surprising, but it will make sense when I tell you a few things.”

I put the document on the table between us and noticed that his eyes were looking at my tits through the armhole of my top. I felt my nipples go hard and my pussy tingle.

“Claire, for starters there are around 100 students here split in to 8 classes. For most of the time they stay as a group moving from classroom to classroom. Any student who wishes to specialize in any subject will have separate lessons in a corner of the classroom, that is where you come in Claire, unfortunately us teachers cannot teach 2 classes at the same time even if they are in the same room.

By the looks of your schedule you will be helping in all subjects and by the time we get to the end of the semester it looks like you will have assisted every class in every subject. Then we start all over again the next semester.”

“Wow, I am going to be busy.”

“You are, but I for one will find your help very valuable.”

“What subject do you teach Mr. Green?”

“Please, call me Noah, and I teach Biology, and having a female subject will be invaluable to the education of the boys.”

“You mean Human Biology?”

“Yes Claire, is that a problem for you?”

“No, not at all, it’s education.”

As I said that I remembered what you Henry had said, and I again got an image in my head of me being spread eagle on a table and a class full of boys exploring every part of my body. The tingling got stronger.

“I didn’t think so,” Mr, Green said, “I heard that you assisted a PE lesson whilst naked.”

“Yes, Mr. Brown didn’t provide me with and PE kit and Mr. Jones said that it was okay for a girl to be naked in front of boys.”

“It certainly is Claire, and a fine specimen of womanhood you are too, I look forward to seeing you in my classroom.”

I wondered if he meant seeing me helping him hand out books or seeing me naked spread out in front of the class.

The bell went and I looked at my schedule, then the map, then I headed to the History classroom via the teachers lounge to drop off my lunch things.

Both History and the Geography went off just about as I would expect a teaching assistant to do, and I sort of forgot that my skirt was so short, and that everyone could see my tits if I bent over even a little bit. I was feeling quite relaxed and happy when the final bell of the day rang. I said goodbye to Mr. Black, the Geography teacher then went to the Principal’s office to retrieve my ‘street’ clothes.

“Ah there you are Claire, come in, how did your first day go? I hear that you ended up totally naked in the PE class.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir but I didn’t have any PE kit and Mr. Jones could only lend me a very large basketball shirt. It fell off me shortly after the lesson started and one of the boys hid it.”

“That’s okay Claire, it’s perfectly normal and acceptable for girls to be naked in front of boys. It’s actually good for the boys as it teaches them to respect the female form. If you wish you can do all the PE lessons naked. Would you like that?”

“Wow,” I thought, “I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I guessed that within a couple of weeks every one of the pupils at the college will have seen me totally naked, and I will have seen every one of them naked in the showers. All those hard cocks”

I felt my pussy and nipples tingle some more then replied,

“Well it does solve the problem of what to wear for PE, but wouldn’t it be against college rules or even against the law?”

“There are no college rules regarding girls and as for the law, this is a private college and not within police jurisdiction. Also, it will save me having to get some PE clothes for you.”

“What about when the PE lessons are outside sir?”

“PE lessons are always within the college grounds so you have no worries there Claire. Good, that’s settled then. Now, your college uniform, I trust that you found it acceptable?”

“Oh yes sir, very smart and practical.”

“Good, I have 3 more sets for you, when you aren’t getting them washed you can keep them in your locker in the staff room and change in and out of them by your locker. I’m sure that the other staff members won’t mind.”

“I’m sure that they won’t.” I thought, “neither will I.”

“Excellent Claire, I’m sure that you will enjoy your time at the college and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Err sir, my clothes. I doubt that I would make it home dressed like this, I’d hate to have to explain to the police that what I’m wearing my work uniform.”

“Good point Claire, yes, you left you clothes here this morning didn’t you?”

“Yes sir.”

“You may get changed here again then drop your uniform off in your locker on your way out.”

“Thank you sir.” I replied as I started to take my uniform off leaving me naked in Mr. Butcher’s office with him staring at me, again.

Once naked I looked around for my ‘street’ clothes but couldn’t see them. I turned to face Mr. Butcher who seemed to be in some sort of trance. After a few seconds I said,

“Sir, my clothes.”

“Oh yes, here they are.”

He got them out of a drawer and handed them to me. He kept watching me as I slowly got dressed then as I left his office I said,

“Good night sir, see you in the morning. Oh sir, would you prefer it if I got changed in here each morning and evening? You could keep my uniforms in that drawer.”

“Good idea Claire. See you in the morning.”

As I walked out of the college and to the bus stop I thought,

“Why had I just volunteered to get totally naked twice per day, in front of a man who was old enough to be my father and obviously a bit of a pervert?”

“I smiled to myself as I knew the answer.



“Well Harper, Henry,” I said, “that’s how my first day in my new job went, so how were your days?

“Wow, that was amazing,” I said, “I never knew that private colleges were like that.”

“Bloody hell Claire,” Harper said, “My dream job, do you think that they want a second girl teaching assistant?”

By that time of the evening, all we did was the dish washing then we went to bed. As Harper and I were making love (with the door open), I asked Harper if she’d really like doing what Claire was doing.

“You mean bringing herself off with that vibrator, can’t you hear her, or doing Claire’s job?”

“Both Harper, I’m going to get you one of those magic wands for when I’m not around. As for the job, I doubt that it pays as much as you’re getting now.”

“Probably not, but look at the benefits, I wonder how long it will be before she’s getting fucked as part of her job.”

“True, but wouldn’t you just love all those boys seeing you naked, and you seeing all those cocks.”

“I certainly would, I guess that I’ll just have to settle for you Henry.”

My response to that was to ram my cock into her pussy as hard and as deep as I could.

“That was nice Henry, do it again please.”


The next 3 days Claire came home a very happy girl, telling us the bits that were new. She’d done PE again, but with a different group of boys, and she’d started the lesson totally naked.

Claire had given up trying to count the number of times that she’s flashed her tits, butt or pussy, and she’d got changed each morning and evening in Butcher’s office with him staring at her.

On the Friday evening Claire was bubbling over with joy and I couldn’t resist asking her why she was so happy.

“You’ll never believe what happened in Biology today. Just about everything that my imagination had come up with actually happened.”

“You mean you were used as a live subject for the boys to explore every part of your body?” I asked.

“Yes I was. It started with the teacher, Mr. Green, saying that the class was going to explore the differences between men and women’s bodies and that the class was lucky in that they had a perfect specimen of a women standing at the front of the class.”

Mr. Green hadn’t for warned me and I felt my clit and nipples start to tingle when he said that. My imagination was also running wild.

Mr. Green continued by saying,

“I know that you have all had the basic sex education lessons when you were at school, but today we will be going much deeper into the subject. I’m sure that all of you boys have looked at yourself in the mirror and realised that girl’s bodies look different and that you’ve tried to imaging what a naked girl looks like, well today is your lucky day. Claire, would you take all your clothes off please?”

My heart started to race a bit and that tingling got stronger as I started to take my clothes off, and when they were off I just stood there with my hands by my sides. What I hadn’t realised until later was that I’d stood with my feet about shoulder width apart.

“As you can see, Claire has breasts, I don’t think that Claire will be upset when I say that her breasts are on the small side. I’m guessing that Claire is grateful for that as I can’t imaging what it is like for a woman to have to carry around huge breasts.

Claire is also one of the lucky girls who has larger than average nipples. Girl’s nipples are much more sensitive than boys are and some girls are lucky enough to be able to achieve an orgasm just by nipple stimulation.

Moving down you will see that Claire has developed that typical female shape of a narrow waist and wider hips. This is nature’s way of developing the female for the possibility of child bearing.

As you can see, Claire’s whole genitals area is denude of hair. This is not natural but it is the chosen option of most young ladies these days. Hair removal is usually done by one of three ways, shaving, hair removal cream, or laser treatment, which method do you use Claire?”

“Oh, err, I shave. I can’t afford laser hair removal.”

“Well now that you are working Claire, maybe you can save up to have the hair permanently removed. Now boys, I’m sure that you are all looking at the front of Claire’s Vulva, or pussy as it is usually called. Like faces which are all basically the same but different, Vulvas are all basically the same, but all are different.

Claire has what is commonly called a coin-slot vulva, one with no Inner Labia sticking out. Don’t worry boys, you can all get a closer look in a few minutes and I’m sure that Claire will point out each part of her vulva.

Lots of men make the mistake of seeing skin hanging down from between her legs and believe that skin to be her clitoris but it isn’t, that’s her Inner Labia. All girls have Inner Labia, to one degree or another, that tends to hide her vaginal entrance, but as you can see Claire has virtually none.

One part that Claire does have which is bigger than usual clitoris. Most girl’s clitoris isn’t visible when she’s just stood there, but as you can see Claire’s is. She is stood with her legs slightly apart, but I know that you will still be able to see it when she closes her legs, Claire, if you would please?”

I closed my legs knowing what Mr. Green had said was true. After a few seconds he continued,

“Claire is lucky enough to have a clitoris hood that is not big enough to cover the clitoris itself. This makes the girl more prone to accidental stimulation which we will discover in a few minutes.

Okay Claire, now is the time for you to let the boys get a much closer look at your body and for you to answer any questions that they have. Please climb up onto the table with you feet nearest the boys, and spread your legs as wide as you comfortably can.

Boys, come and gather around the table.”

Almost instantly I was surrounded by all the boys in the class.

“Good, Claire, please get up on your elbows so that you can see as well as feel where the boys are touching you and boys, ask Claire any question that you want. Remember, the only stupid questions are the ones that you don’t ask.”

Again, almost instantly, multiple hands were on my tits and my pussy, and the questions started.

“Why is your pussy all wet Claire?”

“It is a natural bodily function. When a girl gets even slightly aroused her body start producing lubrication just in case that arousal leads to penetration.”

“So you are aroused right now Claire?”

“Yes, in a situation like this the vast majority of girls will get aroused.”

“Are these little ridges of flesh along the insides of you pussy your Inner Labia Claire?”

“Well spotted, as you can see mine have never developed like most girls do.”

“I can see that your clitoris hood isn’t covering your clitoris Claire, why is that?”

“Two possible reasons and one definite reason. Firstly, either my hood stopped growing too soon or my clitoris kept growing when perhaps it shouldn’t have. The definite reason is that every clitoris grows when its owner get aroused.

“Can I rub your clitoris please Claire?”

“I’m happy that you asked, every boy should ask the girl for her permission to touch her sexual organs. I know that most of you didn’t ask me before touching me but these circumstances are different. It is part of my role as a teaching assistant to submit to having my body touched for the purpose of furthering your education.


Whoa there young man. I know that girls have quite a bit of soft tissue under their nipples but that doesn’t mean that their nipples can be tugged, squeezed and pulled like that. Girl’s nipples need to be handled gently, the lighter the touch the more the girl will get aroused.”

The hand got more gentle.

“Your hole appears to be opening on its own Claire, why is that, is something going to come out of it?”

“My vagina is opening a little because I am getting very aroused. It’s expecting something to penetrate it. Vaginas express natural lubrication as part of the body’s preparation for sexual intercourse.”

“Does that mean that you are going to let us all fuck you Claire?”

“Definitely not young man. Intercourse is an act between 2 willing people and it would not be appropriate for a demonstration of that nature to take place as part of Mr. Green’s lesson. Trust me boys, when it comes to your time to experience sexual intercourse you will know what to do, it’s part of your DNA.”

“Can we feel inside your pussy, err vagina Claire?”

“You may. When you have a finger in there feel around the front of the vaginal wall for a rougher patch of membrane. That patch is the girl’s G-spot and rubbing that is guaranteed to raise the girl’s arousal level.”

The questions stopped as every one of the boys queued up to finger me and try to find my G-spot. Most of them did, and when the second boy did find it the attention that my pussy, and my tits, were getting proved to be enough to send me over the edge.

“Ooh shiiiiiiii, I’m cuuuuuummmmming.” I loudly said and my whole body started shaking and jerking.

I wasn’t in control of my usual senses but I did manage to hear Mr. Green say,

“Well done Smithers, you have just pushed Claire over the edge and she is experiencing an orgasm. These usually only last a few seconds but as you can see, Claire’s is continuing for much longer. That is probably due to the situation that she is in. Any girl who displays herself, naked, to so many boys who are fondling her body would find it very difficult to not experience a very intense orgasm.

Also, as you can see, Claire’s body is shaking and twitching. Girl’s orgasms come in various degrees of intensity. Sometimes they are so weak that the girl gives no outward indication that she is having one. Sometimes they are so intense that the girl loses control of some of her muscles and even her brain. Claire’s current orgasm is obviously of the more intense variety.

Now, as I’m sure that you know, when boys and men achieve their own orgasms their penis starts to go soft and it is a while before they can perform again. Girls are not like that, they can experience multiple orgasms in rapid succession, providing that the stimulation is there. Smithers, get you finger out of Claire and let another boy try to get Claire to have another orgasm.”

I had started to come down from my high by then but as Mr. Green told the boys that he wanted them to try to stimulate my G-spot so that I had another orgasm, the thought alone stopped my high from descending any lower.

Up I went again as I felt two fingers penetrate me. They both bent upwards and my G-spot started sending the right messages to my brain.

“Oh sugar.” I exclaimed and over the edge I went again.

The next penetration happened whist I was just starting to come down. Then it happened again as a different boy’s finger invaded me. Then again.

I think that I had 8 orgasms before the last boy removed his finger from me and it’s very fair to say that I was shattered and VERY happy.

Fortunately, the bell for the end of the lesson rang just as I was starting to breath normally and I heard Mr. Green say,

“Okay boys, we’ll continue this lesson next week, now off you go.”

Mr. Green turned to me and said,

“Well done Claire, I’m very impressed, you answered all the questions in a very professional way, even when that boy asked if they were going to fuck you. Actually, I would have no objections to some actual copulation if you believe that it would improve the boys education. What have you got next period?”

“Thankfully I’ve got free period, I need a rest.”

“I can see why. Get dressed and off you go, my next class will be arriving soon.”

As I walked out of the door Mr. Green added,

“I really am pleased with old Butcher’s choice of a teaching assistant.”

I really did need that free period and I sat quietly in the staff room sipping a cup of coffee.


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