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This is why my girlfriend is my Perfect Woman
My Perfect Woman

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

“Wow Claire,” I said, “would you really have let those boys fuck you?”

“Yeah, I think that I would, it’s been too long since I had an actual cock inside me and it isn’t as if they could have got me pregnant, I’ve got one of those implant things in my arm.”

“Well girl,” Harper said, “we might just be able to help you with that real live cock, but first, lets finish eating and clean up. Do you fancy going to the pub later, Henry’s buying.”

“Hold on a minute,” I replied. “I’ll buy, IF, and only if, you both of you wear one of Claire’s college skirts.”

“But they’re super short,” Claire replied, “I flash the boys every time I bend over just a little bit.”

“Is that a dare Henry?” Harper asked.

“Yes, I guess that it is, so will you both do that?”

Harper looked at Claire and Claire looked at Harper. They both giggled and Harper replied,

“You’re on mate. Are we going to the pub that your mates will be at?”

“That’s a good idea, you can both flash your goodies at them.”

Both girls giggled again the Harper replied,

“Nothing that they haven’t seen before, multiple times.“

“They haven’t seen my pussy before.” Claire said.

“Would you mind if they did see it Claire? I asked.

“Why not, dozens of guys have seen it already this week. Are any of your mates cute?”

“Most of them already have girlfriends Claire, sorry.”

“Can we wear tops or does this dare mean that we have to go topless?” Harper asked.

“That’s probably advisable but wear one that’s slightly see-through, give the guys something to stare at all the time. Make them give their girlfriends a good time when they get home.”

And they did come to the pub with me dressed like I has asked. As we walked to the bus stop Harper said,

“I feel like I’m bottomless, the fabric is so thin and floaty that the breeze is going to reveal my goodies a lot.”

“Keep your spare hand over your pussy like I do Harper.” Claire said.

“Like hell I will, I never do, I just let the wind and gravity do their thing. Okay I’ve had a few comments but no one has ever really complained or called the police.”

“No one wants to get involved these days, which is good for my exhibitionist, nymphomaniac girlfriend.” I said.

“Hey, not so loud, we don’t want Claire to know that, she might try to copy me.”

“Guys, I’m here, I can hear you, and I’m not trying to copy Harper. I’m just doing what comes naturally to me. I can’t help it if we both have similar genes because our mother’s are sisters.”

“I’m just joking Claire,” Harper said,“I love having you as my partner in crime.”

At the bus stop we joined the short queue and one of the guys already there turned to watch the wind give him a pleasant start to his evening out. The 2 guys who arrived after us got the same pleasure.

Meanwhile, I was observing people’s reactions whilst Harper was telling Claire about the pubs in the area that we were going to, both pretending to be unaware of what was happening to their skirts.

When the bus arrived it was the usual double decker and when Harper saw it she whispered to me,

“We’re going upstairs and you’re going up first.”

I just smiled as I remembered some of the many times that we’d got on a double decker with me leading Harper up the stairs and her having a wardrobe malfunction to the delight of a man following her up the stairs.

Once sat at the back of the bus Harper and Claire had a short discussion about their agreement to take it in turns to go up the bus stairs second every morning. Claire saying that it was a little unfair because on a morning neither of their skirts were as short as the ones they were currently wearing.

We were soon off the bus and walking to the pub. The wind wasn’t as blustery and I didn’t see either of their butts or pussies.

Only Oscar and Theo were in the pub, both of them sat at a table at the side of the room talking and watching the eye candy as they came and went. I had gone in first and when our eyes met they smiled a little then both their jaws dropped when they saw who was following me, or should I say, the never ending bare legs of the 2 beauties who were following me.

“Hi Oscar, Theo,” Harper said when we got to my mates table.

I watched both guys eyes rise up to confirm that it was indeed Harper’s voice that they had heard.

“Bloody hell Harper, that’s one hell of a daring skirt that you are nearly wearing. Are you wearing anything under it?”

“Do I ever,” Harper replied as she flicked the front of the skirt up to prove her point. “Guys, this is my cousin Claire, she’s staying with us until she can find a place of her own, Claire, this is Oscar and Theo, Henry’s mates.”

Both guys stood up and shook Claire’s hand. Oscar saying,

“Pleased to meet you Claire. Cousin you say Harper, you 2 look more like twins, even down to the belts you are wearing.”

When Theo shook Claire’s hand he said,

“Staying with these 2 are you, be careful, they’ll teach you some really naughty habits.”

As Theo was vigorously shaking Claire’s hand I saw that his eyes weren’t looking at her face, they were looking at her chest and seeing just how much her tits jiggled as their hands shook, I liked the sight as well.

I went to get a round of drinks leaving Oscar getting 3 chairs so that we could join them at their table. When I got back I saw that a third chair had joined the 2 that they guys were sitting on, and Harper and Claire were sitting on the 2 outside chairs. Oscar and Theo were sitting on 2 chairs facing the 3 chairs.

As I put the tray of drinks on the table Oscar invited me to sit on the third chair between the 2 girls. After I’d handed out the drinks, sat down and relaxed I realised why the seating arrangement was as it was.

Not only could Theo easily see up Harper’s skirt, Oscar could see up Claire’s, and, anyone passing by could see up both girl’s skirts. I smiled, knowing that both girls would be happy with the arrangement, and the fact that neither of them had crossed their legs confirmed it. I knew that both slits and bald pubic bones were visible, and that if, or should I say when, either of them opened their legs, their clits and the rest of their pussies would be on display as well.

I smiled, knowing that they would both be happy and I was not bothered that I couldn’t see the displays. I would be very happy watching people’s reactions when they saw what was on display.

There was the usual small talk to start off with but when Oscar and Theo got Claire to tell them about her new job I could see their total amazement as Claire gave them a lot of the details that she had given to Harper and I.

There was 3 breaks in the conversation, two of them were for Theo and Oscar to get more drinks, and the third break was when Harper and Claire went to the ladies room. Whilst they were there the conversation got more ‘manly’, with both guys calling me a lucky bastard. Them asking me if I was screwing Claire as well as Harper, and their amazement at the goings on in the private college that they knew of, but not of what sort of thing went on inside it.

All 3 of us guys wondered what it was like before they got a female teaching assistant, both Theo and Oscar making suggestions that I’d rather not think about.

When the girls got back they told us that they’d been hit on twice, and Oscar telling them that it was hardly surprising because of what they were wearing.

“They didn’t touch either of you did they?” I asked.

“No, relax guys, we know how to handle ourselves and if it had got problematic there’s always the knee in the balls leveller.” Harper replied.

“Well if either of you get bothered by any guy, or guys, you can reply on us and the rest of our mates to make them regret that they ever even looked at you.” Oscar said.

“That’s very true,” Theo added, “no female friend of any of us should have to put with any of that crap.”

“Thanks Oscar,” Harper replied, “we appreciate it but hopefully it will never come to that. We can both handle bravado from guys.”

I moved both of my hands away from my thighs and put them on the nearest bare thigh then added.

“We’ll look after you.”

Strangely enough, both girls put one of their hands on top of mine and slid them up so that both my little fingers were touching a bare pussy.

“Jeez,” I thought, “I am a lucky bastard.”

By the time it got around to 11 p.m. I’d watched lots of guys, and a few girls, do a double take when they looked our way. I’d also watched my mates staring at both girl’s, tits and pussies. I also noticed that as the girls had more drinks, neither of them getting drunk, just a bit happy, both of them had slid their butts to the front of their chairs and their knees had spread a little wider.

I couldn’t wait to get Harper home.

When we left the pub it was dark outside and there were quite a few young people wandering the streets. Harper asked Claire if she wanted to go to a club and I was happy when she declined the offer and we headed to the bus stop.

Both girls got a few offers of breakfast by drunk young men and I wondered if Claire would take any of them up. Thankfully, she didn’t and we got on the bus to come home.

I wasn’t paying much attention to the girls getting on the bus in front of me and as I followed then up the stairs I put my hand up and gave the bare pussy in front and above me, a quick rub. I heard a moan and assumed that Harper was as eager to get home as I was.

It was only when I got onto the top deck and saw that it was Claire immediately in front of me that I realised that I must have given Claire’s pussy a quick rub, not Harper’s.

“Oh my gawd Claire, I’m so sorry, I was sure that it was Harper in front of me not you.”

“Well we do both have identical skirts on,” Claire replied, “so I can forgive you Henry. It was quite nice actually.”

I looked at Harper and apologised to her as well but I saw on her face that she was amused rather than upset by my mistake.

Back home we couldn’t be bothered with coffee and headed to bed. There was what has become the normal jostling for use of things in the bathroom with 2 naked girls and one guy wearing just boxers. Something that I quite enjoy.

Harper and I were making love when we saw Claire come into our bedroom. We paused and Harper asked Claire,

“Are you still desperate to have a real live cock inside you?”

Claire nodded her head and Harper climbed off me leaving me with by cock pointing to the ceiling above my head.

“Ride that.” Harper said.

“Are you sure, I don’t want to get between you two?”

“The only way that you’ll get between us is if you are physically between us with Henry fucking you and you eating my pussy,” Harper replied, “Now ride that cock girl, and face his head because I’m going to ride his mouth.”

Within seconds, all 3 of us were getting pleasured and I was loving it. Something that I had fantasised about many times but had always been very happy with just Harper.

Obviously I couldn’t see what was going on above me, but I got the impression, which was later confirmed, that Harper and Claire were kissing and fondling each other’s tits. I wished that I could have seen them and made a mental note, for if it happened again, to setup one of our phones so that we all had a video of it.

All 3 of us must have been VERY aroused because it didn’t take long for all 3 of us to cum, and when we had recovered I had the pleasure of both naked girls coaxing my cock back to life using their mouths. Then they both mounted me again but with Harper riding my cock and Claire riding my mouth. Up above I guessed that they were both continuing what they had been doing before.


I woke on the Saturday morning spooning a beautiful naked girl who was slowly grinding her hips on my morning woody. At first I assumed that it was Harper as she often does that to me, but when I opened my eyes I saw that her hair was a slightly different colour and slightly longer, and that her back wasn’t as tanned as I remembered it.

“Claire, what are you doing?” I asked.

Then I felt Harper cuddle up to my back and say,

“It’s okay Henry, I told her that she could do it.”

OMG. I was in heaven, 2 amazing girls, both wanting me to fuck them.

When we finally got off the bed, had breakfast and showered, (I just love watching girls shave their pussies, especially when they invite me to help them), Harper told me that we had to do a supermarket run. Claire asked us if she could come along and when they got dressed I saw that they’d both decided to wear Claire’s college work skirts again, but with cotton tank tops.

I was pleased to see 4 nipples trying drill their way through the cotton.

“This is going to be interesting,” I said, “maybe we should go to a supermarket further away. I know where there is a huge one that will probably be quite busy at this time of the day.”

We did, and as I suspected, both girls acted like they were wearing jeans, bending over dozens of times to get something from a bottom shelf and bending over again to put the item in the basket.

I must have seen well over a dozen people do a double take to confirm that they actually were seeing a bare butt and pussy and I even saw a couple of guys staring at their headlights then looking back hoping to see a bare butt.

As I said, both girls completely ignored their wardrobe malfunctions although when I got a look I confirmed that both girls were wet and obviously enjoying their exposure.

As I slowly pushed the trolley behind them I marvelled at how alike they are, not only their bodies but their characters, and especially their desire to expose themselves. I really did feel like I’d won the lottery.

They even nearly caused a car crash in the car park when they were transferring our purchases into the back of the car.

When we had got home and put the groceries away Harper decided that because it was warm, sunny day, she was going to spend a couple of hours topping up her all-over tan. I wasn’t surprised when Claire said that she’d join her.

When the 2 naked girls walked out of the back door I heard Claire say,

“There’s an old man in the garden nest door.”

“That’s okay, that’s old Tom, he’s a nice old man who lives on his own. Come on, I’ll introduce you.” Harper replied.

And she did. I watched them chatting for a few minutes before they spread the sunblock on each other then lay out on the loungers.

A short while later I heard Claire say,

“You were right Harper, Tom is a nice old man.”

“Yes, and I noticed that you told him that you worked at a college and would be getting months of holidays. If the weather permits, I’m guessing that he’ll have a lot more happy days.”

“Got to keep the oldies happy.” Claire replied.

“Just don’t go giving him a heart attack, he’s a great neighbour.”

“What about the neighbours on the other side?”

“Bob and Mary. They’re not much older than us, Mary likes to get an all over tan too and Bob’s seen me sunbathing loads of times. They’re nice too, but don’t go trying to hit on Bob, you won’t succeed, they love each other just as much as Henry and I do and I can’t imagine either of them getting a bit on the side.”

“It’s a good job that I’m not desperate any more then, hey Harper, we are good aren’t we? I mean the fucking with Henry, I’d hate to ruin anything.”

“Relax Claire, we’re good, very good. Last night and this morning were amazing, and you’ve helped me cross something off my bucket list. As far as I’m concerned you can fuck Henry whenever you want.”

“Thank you Harper, I have been missing having a cock inside me.”

“Problem solved then. Feel that sun, amazing isn’t it?”

The rest of the weekend was uneventful except that Claire spent more time in our bed than in her own.

Soon it was Monday morning and I watched both girls walking to the bus stop to go to work before I had to leave. Harper wore her Lush and she reminded me to make her happy sometime during the day.

I did, for an hour, and when I got home Harper told me that she’s been in a presentation and someone had asked her if she was okay.

When Claire got home she told us about her interesting day.

She’d had an Art lesson and she’d been expecting just help setup the equipment for the students to use then have a quiet time until the end of the lesson, but the Art teacher, Ben White, shocked her just after the students arrived. Yes, you guessed it, the teacher announced that they’d cancelled the bookings for the 2 models that they’d been using because they now had Claire to model for them.

“So with me stood at the front of the room next to Ben White, he told the students that I would be the new nude model for them to draw.” Claire told us.

“Ben then told me to take my clothes off and get on the table that was in the middle of the room.”

Ben then told me how he wanted me to pose and I got into that position. It wasn’t a very revealing pose, my tits and the front of my slit were in display, but that was all.

At the end of the lesson I had to collect all the drawings and some of those boys have quite an imagination. I may not have had my whole pussy on display but some of those boys had drawn me with my legs wide open and a very detailed pussy. I wondered what they would have drawn if Ben had got me to pose with my legs wide open.

After the students had left Ben told me that if I looked at my lesson schedule I’d see that I had Art twice per week. I asked him if I would have to pose naked every lesson and he told me that I would. He also told me that he expected me to pose for some evening classes that weren’t on my schedule, one evening a week on a Wednesday. He also asked me if I knew of any other girls who would model for the class, but he told me that they’d have to do it for free because his budget had been cut because the college had taken me on full-time.

“You want a girl to come and pose for free once per week,” I replied, “I’d be surprised if any girl would do it for nothing, they’d all want to earn some extra cash.”

“There may be one or two out there like you Claire who just enjoy being naked in front of young men. It’s just finding them. Ask around your friends, you never know,”

“I’m not from this city Ben, I hardly know anyone.”

“Well just ask the girls that you know please Claire.”

“Well Harper, since you are the only girl around here that I know, I have to ask you, so I have, I’ll tell Ben White that I’ve asked every girl that I know and that none were interested.”

“Woah there Claire,” Harper said, “how do you know that I’m not interested?”

“You’re not are you? You won’t get paid.”

“Not in money, but if I can cum in front of those students that will be reward enough.”

I instantly knew what Harper was thinking of and I interrupted the girls conversation by saying,

“Why don’t you go for it Harper. I can control your egg vibrator from the nearest pub, or here even.”

“You mean a remote controlled vibrator?” Claire asked, “that sounds fun, where can I get one, how much do they cost, can one phone control 2 vibrators, Harper’s and mine?”

“Okay Claire, tell that Ben White that he’s got a free model and ask him what time I have to be there. If necessary I can leave work early on a Wednesday.”

I just knew that Harper’s reluctant tone was just a front and that she’d be really looking forward to it. That was confirmed when I reached over and cupped her pussy and my hand came away quite wet.

That was it for the rest of that evening, other than to say that Claire spent the night in our bed and it was late before we eventually got to sleep.

I really am enjoying Claire staying with Harper and I.


A couple of evenings later Claire came home from work at the college and told us that she’d had to referee a football match out on the college grounds. She’d protested that she didn’t know the rules but Oliver Jones had told her that it didn’t matter because the boys would be more interested in watching her run around totally naked.

Apparently the game had been a bit of a disaster and no one knew the score. I smiled at the though of the naked Claire running around the field chasing the boys.


The Thursday evening brought another different story from Claire’s work. One of the boys had been caught smoking and Mr. Butcher had reminded Claire that it was part of her role to punish the boy.

“Can I just give him a detention sir?” Claire had asked.

“No Claire,” Mr. Butcher had replied, “in this college smoking is a crime that is punishable with a classroom spanking. You will give him 20 swats with the strap in front of the rest of his class. There is a good chance that he will get an erection and after the spanking you will make him stand in the corner of the classroom, facing the class, and you will use your imagination to find a way to keep his penis erect for the rest of the lesson.”

“Are you expecting me to masturbate him sir?”

“Heaven no, that would be crossing the line, but if you were to sit where he could see you and you were to masturbate, I’m sure that he would stay erect and be humiliated by being in that state in front of the class.”

“You are telling me to masturbate in a classroom full of boys sir?”

“No Claire, I would never do that. I was just suggesting a way that would keep the boy erect, the way that you do that, without any physical contact between you and him is up to you.”

“Yes sir.” I replied, as I tried to think of another way.

“The punishment will take place first thing in the morning and you need to be here when the students start arriving.”

“Yes sir, I’ll be there.”

“So how are you going to keep the idiot’s cock hard for the whole of the lesson? I asked.

“Well. I’ve considered standing in front of him with my back to him and bending over so that he sees my wet pussy.”

“Are you still doing that to all the students in each class Claire?” Harper asked.

“Yes I am, and that’s the reason why I discounted that option, probably every student in the college had had a good look at my pussy by now; so I’m going to go with Butcher’s suggestion and move a chair in front of him, spread my legs and frig for England.”

“Can you keep that up for the whole lesson Claire?” I asked.

“I think so, I’m sure that I’ll cum a couple of times and that will give my wrist a bit of a rest, but I think that I can. Any way, the objective is to keep him hard, not for me to see how many times I can cum. Besides, I don’t want to disturb the rest of the class more than I have to.”

“I’m pretty sure that the boys will be watching you a lot Claire.”

“Whatever, just so long as I achieve Butcher’s objective.”

“I do wish that I had your job Claire,” Harper said, “can we swap jobs?”

Obviously the answer was no, but by that time all 3 of us were quite aroused so it was an early night for us all.


When Claire got home on the Friday evening she told us that everything had gone better than to plan and that she’s got quite turned-on when she used the strap on the boy and then she’d made herself cum 3 times as she stared at the boy’s hard cock all through the lesson.

Claire had made the boy stand with his fingers inter-locked and behind his head. He’d got so aroused watching Claire masturbate that he’d cum without his cock, or the rest of his body being touched. He’d shot his load up into the air and some of it had landed on Claire’s foot.

His ejaculation hadn’t gone un-noticed by some of the boys in the class which only added to the boys humiliation.

When she’d gone to Butcher’s office to change into her street clothes to come home, Butcher had told her that she’d done a good job.

I asked Claire if she was still stripping totally naked each time that she got changed into and out of her uniform, and if she was letting Butcher see her naked front each time and she replied,

“Oh yes, of course I am. I like watching his face. I’m sure that he’s imagining what it would be like to fuck me.”


On the Saturday, the 3 of us had gone for a short walk on the hills. I picked a route that Harper and I had done before, and that Harper had done most of it naked. I was pleased when both girls stripped off as soon as we were away from the car park.

Hiking with 2 naked girls is better than with one naked girl.


The weather was good on the Sunday and Harper decided that she was gong to give Claire a massage. The 2 girls took towels and some massage oil that we’d bought months ago, out to the back garden where Harper got Claire to lay, face down, on one of the loungers.

“I’m going to try to replicate the massage that I got in the Spa at that hotel that I told you about Claire. And I’m going to give you a happy ending.” Harper said.

“What’s a happy ending Harper?”

“Wait and see, but it’s certainly nothing to worry about.”

For once, I remembered to setup my GoPro on a tripod to record it all.

It wasn’t long before Claire was moaning with pleasure even though Harper was taking her time, determined to bring Claire close to the edge long before she started working on Claire’s pussy.

Shortly after Harper got Claire to turn over I heard noises from our neighbours on both sides and I went over to them in turn and invited them to come and watch Harper at work.

Seeing both Harper and Claire totally naked in our back garden was nothing new to all 3 of our neighbours but Mary appeared to be quite interested in what Harper was doing, or should I say, how she was doing it, and Mary asked Harper a couple of questions about her technique.

Harper’s answers turned into a running commentary which I knew was pleasing Tom, Bob and me. One naked girl telling another naked girl how she is massaging her breasts is awesome.

It got even more awesome when Harper moved down Claire’s body and started massaging her pussy.

I don’t know about Tom and Bob, but I was starting to think that I might have to go and find somewhere private for a few minutes.

Claire had spread her legs really wide and Harper was really going to town on her pussy. What’s more, Claire was verbally letting half the street know that she was enjoying it, and when she went over the edge I’m sure that the whole street knew.

“I should have know what a happy ending was.” Claire said when she was finally able.

“Claire,” Harper said, “you’ve already met Tom but this is Bob and Mary, our neighbours from the other side.”

Claire looked a little startled then replied,

“Oh hi, how long have you been here?”

“Long enough Claire.” Bob replied, “I guess that Harper is good at giving massages.”

“She sure is, you should get her to give you one Bob. Oops, sorry, you two are a couple aren’t you, sorry.”

“That’s okay Claire,” Mary replied. “I trust him and I know that it is impossible for you to steal him from me.”

“I would never do that, it’s like Harper and Henry here. I may sleep in their bed with them but Henry is Harper’s and I will never come between them. Emotionally that is, Physically is a different story but Harper doesn’t mind that do you Harper.”

“Not at all Claire, now are you going to give me a massage?”

“Of course, now is that with or without a happy ending madam.”

“Pull up a chair guys, we may as well be comfortable for the show, I’ll go and get some beers. Oh, that camera is rolling, is that a problem with any of you?”

Everyone looked at the GoPro and we saw that it was still recording.

Meanwhile, Harper was was getting on her front on the lounger, leaving her legs as wide apart as the lounger would permit, then Claire got to work. I looked at Mary, Bob and Tom and saw that they were all sat on chairs near Harper’s feet.

I went and stood behind them and saw that all 3 of them had a great view of her wet pussy.

Claire dribbled the massage oil on Harper’s back then got to work and I felt really proud of her as I watched Claire do a good job on her. It was almost a repeat of what Harper had done to Claire except that Harper wasn’t quite as loud as Claire was when she was cumming, and that when Harper orgasmed Claire kept rubbing her clit and finger fucking her until she had a second orgasm.

As Harper was coming down from her high I stopped the camera from recording then looked at our neighbours. Poor Tom looked like he was about to die from a heart attack so I quickly went and got him a glass of water. Bob had leant over to Mary and was whispering something in her ear. After a few seconds Mary said,

“Oh sugar, sorry but we have to go, I left a pan on the hob.”

I knew that wasn’t true because if she had there would have been smoke coming out of the back door by then. I also guessed that Mary’s clothes would start coming off as soon as they got through their door.

Claire had sat, then lay on the other lounger and both girls looked contented and happy to just lay there soaking up the sun.

Once Tom looked a little healthier he got to his feet, thanked me multiple times, then he too left.

I went inside and loaded the new video files onto our special video and photograph hard disk and left it to archive to our cloud drive.


On the following Monday evening when Claire had got home she had another story to tell. She’d got to work and was in Mr. Butcher’s office and had got naked ready to put her uniform on when she discovered that there weren’t any uniforms in the drawer. It was then that she remembered that they were all at home waiting to get washed and she’d forgotten to do the washing.

“Err Mr. Butcher, would it be possible for me to wear my street clothes today? I’ve forgotten to bring a clean uniform from home.”

“No Claire that is not acceptable. You’ve only been here a couple of weeks and you can’t even remember to bring a clean uniform to work. Do you remember what I said about staff members if they broke the rules?”

“Yes sir, they’d get punished.”

“And you’ve broken the rules Claire.”

“Yes sir. So are you going to strap me?”

“No Claire. As you know, I prefer to add humiliation to punishments so some of the boys will punish you at the assembly in …… 13 minutes. Come on, get the strap and let’s go.”

“Like this sir? I’m totally naked, I haven’t even got any shoes on.”

“You don’t need shoes Claire.”

I followed Mr. Butcher to the assembly hall, on the way passing quite a few boys who were heading the same way. I walked proud, with my hands by my sides, my nipples and clit tingling and the former leading the way.

As I told you before, I’ve never been spanked before so I was a little nervous as well as aroused.

When we walked onto the stage everyone, boys and teachers went silent as they all looked at the only female in the college in all her naked glory. Mr. Butcher got me to stand next to him at the front of the stage and after a minute or so of his spiel, I realised that I was stood with my feet about shoulder width apart and I could feel a little trickle of my juices slowly crawling down my right inner thigh.

I realised that I was actually enjoying being displayed like that to the whole college.

“Claire, CLAIRE.” I finally heard Mr. Butcher say as he loudly ended my daydreaming.

“Turn around, bend over, spread your feet a lot wider than they are right now, and hold your ankles.”

As my feet spread very wide I could feel my labia opening and just knew that every one of the students was staring at my very wet and open pussy with my clit sticking out..

The tingling in my nipples and clit got stronger.

What I hadn’t realised at that time was that whilst I had been daydreaming Mr. Butcher had ***********ed the boys who were going to use the strap on me and I had to stand like that whilst the 2 boys came up onto the stage. I heard him say that he was giving the honour of spanking me to the highest achievers in the college as their reward for their hard work. He also reminded the other boys that it could have been them coming onto the stage if they had worked harder.

It seemed to take hours before I saw the legs of 2 boys coming onto the stage, and then another hour for Mr. Butcher to instruct them as to how to swing the strap. Then finally my body shook as the first swat landed.

Boy did that hurt, but somehow I managed to stay on my feet and not cry out. For some reason that I have no idea where it came from, I counted the swat out loud. I also, somehow managed to think that the next time I had to spank a boy I’d get him to count the swats out loud.

I managed to get through the first 10 swats without loosing my balance, or crying out loud, only quiet grunts, but I also realised that the arousal that I’d had before my punishment started, had increased tremendously. I could feel those stirrings that I get when an orgasm is on the horizon.

There was a short pause after the first 10 and I heard Mr. Butcher thank the boy then tell the second boy to get into position.

As I was waiting I looked back through my legs and saw 2 noticeable things, firstly, there was a couple of drops of my pussy juice on the floor, and secondly, the expressions of lust on the faces of the boys who were watching the spectacle.

Then the eleventh swat landed. I don’t know the reason, but this boy was better at using the strap and my body shook as I struggled to keep my balance.

My quiet grunt got a little louder but I also became aware of the fact the my arousal level was rising and I didn’t know if I’d survive the next 9 swats without cumming.

Somehow I managed to survive the next 8 swats without humiliating myself by having an orgasm in front of all those boys and I believed that I could survive the last swat but as it landed my body disagreed with my brain and I let out a long, loud moan and my body started shaking and jerking. What amazed me was that my legs didn’t give way and I stayed on my feet albeit them still being spread just about as far as I could get them.

I managed to decipher a few words that Mr. Butcher was saying and I gathered that he dismissed the boy and gave a warning to the whole college about suffering a similar fate if they couldn’t remember the basics.

When I started to get my wits about me again I looked through my legs and saw that the boys were filing out of the hall, although most of their heads were turned my way, obviously wanting to see my spread, pussy and red butt for as long as they could.

I stayed bent over and saw the legs of Mr. Butcher go round behind me, then he said,

“Well Claire, those 2 boys have done quite a number on your backside but don’t worry, there’s no broken skin. I hope that you will never again forget to bring your uniform to college for you to wear.”

“Liar.” I thought, “You enjoyed humiliating me like this, but there again, I quite enjoyed it as well. Are you going to leave me bent over like this all day? Maybe you should take a photograph so that you can stare at my spread pussy all day.”

“You may stand up now Claire.” Mr. Butcher said after a good minutes silence during which I assumed he was just absorbing the view. “Now off you go to your first class.”

“Like this sir?”

“Yes Claire, since you forgot your uniform and you are not allowed to wear your street clothes, there is no alternative.”

“Yes sir.” I replied and I climbed off the stage and went on my way, putting my hands on my bare butt to feel just how bad my butt was.

“Thankfully my butt didn’t feel too bad, just a bit warm and tender.”

“Let’s have a look.” I said, and I looked at Claire’s butt as she did a 360.

“Just a bit red, that will be gone by morning.” Harper said. Then added,

“So you were totally naked all day, in front of all those boys?”


“Wow, I’d be cumming all day, didn’t any of them grope you?”

“No, they all knew that if they did, and I reported them to Butcher, they’d suffer the same fate as me.”

“Would you have reported them to Butcher if they had groped you Claire?” I asked.

“Probably not, it depends on what they did to me.”

“So did you cum again during the day Claire?” Harper asked.

“Three times, fortunately they happened when I touched my clit when I went for a pee. Oh, did I tell you that there are lo Ladies toilets at the college and that I have to use the same ones as the boys?”

“No,” I replied, “I bet that that’s embarrassing.”

“More so for the boys. It doesn’t bother me but it’s a good job that the janitor keeps them clean, I’ve been into men’s toilets before and they’ve always been stinky and filthy.”

“Yes,” I replied, “I’m ashamed to be a man, I just don’t understand why most men have to be like that, totally unnecessary.”

“So, how about some pizza for a change,” Harper asked, “you and I can give the delivery driver a pleasant surprise Claire.”

“I always wanted to do the pizza dare.” Claire replied.

“So you were naked all day Claire,” I asked, “even in the classrooms during lessons?”

“Yes, but the teachers did get me to stand at the back of the rooms.”

“I guess that they didn’t want the boys to be distracted.”

“Probably,” Claire replied, “but the classrooms aren’t that big and the teachers spent a lot of time staring at me.”

“I’m not surprised.” I replied.


I watched the pizza being delivered and the poor guy looked gobsmacked. It was a different guy to the one who had delivered before and who Harper had given a pleasant surprise.


Claire started getting home late on a Wednesday and after the first time she told us that she’d stayed late to do a nude Art modelling session. Claire also told us 3 things, firstly that it was only the older boys who did the evening class, and secondly, that the poses had been more explicit, her legs had to be open. Thirdly, that the Art teacher had been over the moon when Claire told him that she’d found another girl who was willing to pose for them.

Harper jumped up and down with joy upon hearing that last part, and over the next week she kept complaining that time was going slowly.

The Wednesday finally arrived and Harper left work early. The college was nearly deserted when she arrived and met Claire just inside the entrance. Ben White thanked Harper for volunteering then asked her if she was sure that she wanted to do it.

“Yes, I’m sure, Claire told me that it isn’t as embarrassing as she had thought and I wanted to help my friend, so here I am.”

“Well it’s much appreciated Ben White replied. I’ve put a screen over there for you to change and there’s a couple of robes for you to put on.”

As Harper and Claire went over to the screen Claire gasped then whispered to Harper,

“That older guy is Oliver Jones, he’s the PE teacher.”

“I thought that you helped him with his lessons with you naked.”

“I do.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“No problem, just surprised.”

Soon, both Harper and Clare were wearing just the short, silky robes, and as they came out from behind the screen they saw 7 or 8 older students and 2 teacher. Claire later told me that the other older guy was Ben Black, the Geography teacher.

“I guess that he went along to perv on the pair of you.” I replied.

“Not got a problem with that,” Harper replied.

“So just how explicit were these poses?” I asked.

“Well we both had to spread our legs and I had to hold Harper’s right tit.” Claire replied.

“Did you play with her nipple to get it hard?” I asked.

“It didn’t need me to make it hard, I think that I could feel the blood pulsing through it.” Claire replied.”

“Wow,” Harper replied, “I’ll have to try that with your tits Claire.”

“Me too.” I added.

“So what happened when I switched your vibe on Harper?” I asked.

“Well, I gasped when it first came on and my face started burning, but it was oh so good. You made me cum and when I was shaking I could feel my pussy doing involuntary Kegel exercises. The students must have know what was happening to me. Fortunately, or not, you didn’t leave it on high vibrations for long and I quickly got control of my body back.”

“I’ll leave it on for longer next week.”

“I’ve got to get one of those things.” Claire said, then she continued,

“Anyway, the lesson soon ended then Ben White invited us both to go round and look at the drawings. Some were quite good. Harper and I stood each side of Ben Black looking at his drawing and we saw that he had just drawn the outline of our bodies and our pussies in great detail.

Oliver Jones’ drawing wasn’t as detailed in our pussies area, but overall it was quite good.

“When you’ve got dressed Claire,” the PE teacher said, “I’d like a quick word with you.”

“Okay,” I replied, then Harper and I went and put our clothes on.

Ben White was waiting for us when we came out from behind the screen and he smiled and said,

“So how was it Harper, was it as nerve racking as you expected?”

“No, not at all,” you replied, didn’t you Harper?

“I did, it was arousing laying there with my legs open and Claire’s hand on my tit.”

“It was fun watching Harry make you cum with no one else there knowing what had caused it. I really do have to get one of those vibes.” Claire replied.

“So what did the PE teacher want?” I asked.

“Well, apparently he runs keep fit classes on a Tuesday evening just for the college staff but something has cropped up and he’s no longer able to run them so he was wondering if I’d run them. He told me that he thought it would be better if a female ran the class.”

“So are you going to do it Claire?” I asked.

“Slow down Harry, I’m getting to that.”

“What are you smiling at Harper?” I asked.

“Shut up and listen Harry.” Harper said,.

“I don’t know Oliver,” I replied, “I don’t have any keep fit classes experience.”

But as I was saying that I looked over to Harper and had a naughty idea. I continued,

“But my housemate Harper over there ran a women’s keep fit class at university, maybe she’d run your class for you Oliver, shall I go and ask her?”

“Would you please Claire?”

“I went over to where Harper was waiting for me and said,”

“Harper, come with me and just go along with everything that I say, okay?”

“And you did, didn’t you Harper?”

“I did, and next Tuesday I’m running a keep fit class at the college for half a dozen or so men, and Claire says that I’ll be able to do it naked.”

“What, half a dozen naked men doing keep fit,” I replied, “that won’t be a pretty sight.”

“No you plonker,” Harper replied, “not them naked, me naked.”

“And I’m going to be helping Harper and I’ll be naked too.” Claire added.

“So how are you going to explain you two being naked?” I asked.

“Well,” Claire replied, “as you know I’m naked when I assist Oliver Jones so, if any of them say anything I’ll just say that I’m wearing what I usually wear for PE and Harper just wore what I did, that we were both doing nude modelling for Ben White’s evening Art classes so doing keep fit naked isn’t a big deal.”

“Those teachers would be absolutely crazy if they complained about you two being naked.” I said, “but I don’t remember you telling me that you ran women’s keep fit classes at uni Harper?”

“I didn’t, so between now and next Tuesday we have to come up with a routine that I can use, will you help us Harry?”

“Of course I will, I think that I’m going to enjoy this.”

“Perv, you just want to ogle our naked bodies, don’t you see enough of us naked?”

“Harper, darling, I’m sure that I’ve told you this before, but men can never get enough of seeing a beautiful girl naked, and when there’s 2 of you, well. Need I say more.”

I continued,

“And talking of seeing 2 beautiful girls naked, shall we order some food instead of one of us cooking? We could order some Chinese and you can show yourselves to another delivery guy.”

We did, they did, and the Chinese food was good.


Over the next few days Harper and Claire spent a lot of time on the internet developing a keep fit routine that Harper could get the teachers to do. They tell me that it’s a mixture of gymnastics, pilates and yoga, and when they ran through the routine for me I could see that some of the exercises that they put in the routine were mainly for the purpose of showing-off their bald pussies to the teachers.

I wished that I could have been a fly on the wall in that gymnasium when those lessons were on.

As a bit of a reward to Claire for her opening opportunities for Harper to fulfil a few of her fantasies, I went online and ordered one of the remote controlled egg vibrators for her. To me it was a very small price to pay for seeing Harper so happy.

Oh, by the way, all the events at the college, days and evenings, have been repeated every week since they first happened., even Claire finding a way for Butcher to spank her in font of the whole college. Terry Butcher told Oliver Jones that he’d enjoyed Harper running the keep fit classes that he’d demoted him for the evening classes and that Harper would running them in the future. Some thing that Harper is very happy with.

So, now that I’ve told you quite a bit about Harper, and some about her cousin, I hope that you can understand why she is my perfect girlfriend.
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