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New levels unlock for Nell. Mom referees.
You might think that I'd solved all of the problems confounding my journey to enslave my mother and sister, and you would be mostly right, but fantasies, by their nature, are larger than reality. I still went to school and helped with chores and ran errands and generally acted like a responsible member of the family. By comparison, slave sex was just a part-time hobby largely determined by the women's needs.

For example, I was feeling especially randy a couple days after the breakthrough. I still jerked off about as often as before hot incest erupted in my life. The fact that each day was fraught with the possibility of banging either or both women was a constant turn on. I approached mom in her bedroom and asked. "I've been thinking about why you weren't into kissing me, the other night, but I've got nothing."

"You're a great kisser, Craig. But kissing isn't something I'll willing give to a sex god, unless he forces me." Talk about building confidence in your children!

"Saving it for Dad?" It seemed reasonable. Getting Mom's lips around my aching cock was very much on my mind that afternoon. Who needed kissing?

"Yes, but not exactly. Kissing taps into love differently than sex. You have to experience it to understand. I hope you meet someone who makes your heart sing someday."

"I could ask Dad for a steamy kiss, but would I feel what you feel?"

"That's not funny. And you already know the answer."

"Wanna fuck instead of talk?"

"I do, but I have to create this month's shift schedule."

End of example.

Nell arrived not long thereafter. She took off her work clothes in the living room. Standing in her dark blue bra and matching thong, said very nicely, "I need my Big Brother."

"Hands and knees. Crawl to my room." I didn't wait for compliance. I dropped the game controller and hopped up, striding into the hall. I had been preparing for her next slave session.

She crawled to my door, which I had closed, and bumped her head repeatedly against it.

"Who is it?"

"Whatever you're calling me, this time."

"That would be, my cum slut sister, for now. Who is it?"

"Your cumslut sister, Big Brother."

"What can I do for you?"

"Use me however you like."

"My favorite password." It actually was my password for [ONLINE SERVICE REDACTED] at one time. I opened the door and placed a bare foot on her face, having just cleaned it with an alcohol wipe. "Pay the price before entering." Before my foot covered her expression, she looked a little nervous - likely because the last she wanted was for Mom to find her down to her skivvies and crawling like a dog at my door.

Nell frowned but played along, sticking out her tongue, licking my sole and between my toes, and then sucking on my toes. It tickled like crazy, but I managed to not spazz out.

I let her crawl into my room and closed the door. The threat of our mother discovering her degraded like that, ended. I made her lick and suck my other foot before retreating to my bed and picking up the tool I had laid upon it. It was a special, leather switch. I showed it to her. "The is going to hurt a lot but only cause surface bruises."

Her frown deepened. She recognized that I was giving her a choice. If I hadn't she might have broken the game to escape the frightful thing. I explained, "Get me off with your mouth, and I'll spank you with my hand. But if you want a fat cock in your slut cunt..." I swished the switch through air. It made an impressing buzzing sound.

"What I want doesn't matter, Big Brother." My dear sister fumed but continued to play her part. The price of dick to satisfy her fetish would never be cheap. She bowed her head. She needed a heavy fucking that much.

I would have honored my offer to hand spank her if she sucked me off. When she accepted the higher price for the greater reward, I unexpectedly felt responsible to ensure we both 'won' our game. Despite my craving to master the women in our home, it must never feel like combat. Tug of war was not only a better metaphor but hundreds of degrees hotter.

"Plop your tits on my bed, my canine slut. Pull down your panties." I stood and stepped out of her way.

She crawled to my bed, rested her large but feminine bra on my rumpled comforter and reached back. Nell's lips tightened as she drew her underwear down and over her hips, expecting to be lashed immediately. She knew my wicked heart that well, but this time flaunting my new power might have worked against me. The switch in my hand was supposed to be very painful. My sister might have called bullshit if the amount of pain broke her lust. I had to integrate it into her desires.

"Tell me again why I'm going to punish you."

"I teased you, Big Brother. I took my own pleasure and abandoned yours. I'm very sorry."

Swish - bzz - CRACK!

"AAAA!!!" Nell shrieked. Her naked butt lurched away from the lash that left a bright streak across it. "GODS, that hurt!!"

"Swear to me, you despicable cunt, not the gods." CRACK!

"AIEE!!" Her head swiveled to me. "I beg you, Big Brother, let me get you off with my mouth. I can't take this!"

"Good, you actually suffered for your crime! It's too late to escape this. I'm not changing gears now. You've got five swats more, by my reckoning, for today's installment. During this punishment, you will remove your bra. If it's not on the floor at my feet before your fifth swat, I'll keep striking your cunt ass until it is."

SMACK! I struck slightly lighter and across a fresh section of her tight cheeks.

"OWW!" Nell's arms raced up her back, fingers working frantically to unhook her bra strap before I- CRACK!



Nell screamed.

"Nell?" Mom was at the ready, at the door. She'd never heard such pitiful cries from her daughter.

My hand holding the switch abruptly flew behind my back! Of course Mom would be worried! How the hell was I going to work this into the game?

The room went silent, but Nell was trembling. I couldn't see her face. I would have seen her grin. Suddenly her hands freed her bra strap, and before I could react, she shucked the deep cups off of her arms and threw it to the floor! "Price to pay, Mom. Big Brother needs this." She sounded brave, but her voice cracked with each sentence.

I interjected, "You can take my place, Mom, if you think you can teach your bitch daughter better. But she'll get a turn to swat you, so you'll know what it's like."

"I'm keeping my ears perked, My Son." She signaled the game could continue, but she'd stop us if she felt it necessary."

Although I had been cheated out of my challenge for Nell, I felt humbled. I landed the remaining two swats without great effort, but each stung. My sister's shrill voice rang out.

I didn't say anything else, just took down my pants and mounted my cock into my trembling sister's very wet pussy.

"OW!" She yelped when I thrust into her cunt. It wasn't because of my cock's heft. My crotch slapped the red stripes stinging her ass.

I gripped her hips and fucked at a good but not especially fast pace. "Cunt."

"Thank you, Big Brother." She groaned then. I couldn't figure out how she was still in the mood. Mom's interruption had shifted my perspective from domination to empathy. If I hadn't been horny as the heavens, I would have apologized and given my sister a free pass for a non-dom fuck. Nell's body rocked and writhed against my earnest strokes. She mewled and moaned.

I reached my right hand around her hips and fondled her clit.

"Rougher, Big Brother!" She rasped. "Please."

My other hand released its grip on her left hip. I grabbed her hair instead, pulling it firmly. "Big Brother loves his sister cunt." I meant it without regard for a sharp retort from her. I pinched her clit as roughly as she had requested. I fucked her faster, harder.

"NNNGGGHH!!!" She groaned loudly between grunts from invigorated cock thrusts.

My pounding pelvis pounded Nell's pussy into the side of my bed's mattress. The bed rocked wildly, bumping the wall loudly. I strummed my right thumbnail against her clit. She whined and squeaked and roared, "Stretch my cunt! Hurt me with that fat fucker!"

I almost got angry, worried that I wasn't bad enough for her. I tugged her hair and dug two fingernails into the underside of my sister's turgid clit! Nell squealed like a stuck pig. "AAA!!"

Then she was cumming, her body thrashing upon the bed and against my humping loins. "Yaaawwwwww!!!!" She howled!

Suddenly, I was crushed by a truck from Intense Ecstasy Freight. My cock slammed into my sister's cervix and pressure sprayed it for a dozen heartbeats, gushes of cum overflowing her tight cunt. She kept shuddering on my fat intruder, like her fetish had hit overdrive!

In the reverie of that moment, I reached up and hugged myself against her shuddering back. "This is what I'm talking about!" I panted, feeling a true connection with my feisty sister.

But the feeling was false, and I was an idiot.

"Get off of me, Creep!" Nell shouted and jerked away, pulling her dripping pussy off of my sagging pecker. Her face was flush from her orgasm, but her eyes looked - horrified!

Before I was aware enough to dodge, she walloped me with a fist! "I hate you!" To emphasize her hate, she glared at me while picking up her clothes and retreating through the door, not even caring if Mom was crouched on the other side.

Fortunately, Mom was wiser than both of her children added together. She waited for the hullabaloo to die down, Nell shutting herself in her bedroom, me slowing putting on my clothes after a quick wipe with a sock from the day before. Nell had left my door open, and I heard Mom knock on Nell's. "Can I come in?"

My crazy sister's door opened and then closed. I peeked into the hall. Mom must be with her. In the bathroom, I checked the bruise on my cheek. My sister had taken it worse on her butt. Karma - sorta? At least for a few minutes I had enjoyed my ultimate fantasy. I figured this could be the last one. Maybe, at that moment, Nell was convincing Mom to never do anything with me again.

I left the bathroom and almost bumped into Mom. "Sorry."

"I'm not sure you are." She was standing in my doorway. She pointed to the well used leather crop laying on the floor. "Did you enjoy using that on your sister?"

"It doesn't injure, just bruises." I tried to deflect.

"Answer the damn question, Craig."

"Yes, I enjoyed it. It's part of the game."

"Come here." Mom grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room. She shut the door and pushed down her skirt. Then she bent to the wall, ass aimed at me. "Hit me with it, as hard as you hit her, harder if you were holding back." Mom was in no mood to play. She wanted evidence against me.

As delightful as it was to see my mother's naked behind, curls of her thick bush peeking between her thighs, I felt only dread, but I picked up the crop and brandished it. "Ready?"

"Go." She watched my arm rise and swing. CRACK!

Mom grunted quite loudly, her grim expression didn't change, but I saw surprise in her eyes. "You can swat harder than that. Again."


"Uggh!!!" She yelped. "Motherfucker." When she nodded at me, I knew what to do.


"AUGGH!" Mom shivered from the impact, but she stood up and examined the stripes across her large, soft ass. "These are fresh. They'll darken in a minute or two." She pulled up her skirt. "That'll do, Craig. Now I'm going to sit with your sister. You're making supper tonight, and it'd better not be spaghetti.

I took her spaghetti comment to mean, I'd better put some effort into the meal.

I consulted three cookbooks to bake bread, season a vegetable curry, and stuff a chicken. It took two hours, and I was not happy when the bread came out like something only civil war soldiers could have appreciated, a brick. The chicken proved to be undercooked, so I had to tell the women, "Give me another half hour." The curry turned out rather well.

When I called them to eat, Nell walked out first. She had the most neutral expression. It was eerie. "I'm sorry I punched you."

Mom walked out of Nell's room.

"Did she tell you to say that?" I was suspicious.

"I'm actually sorry, but you're still a creep."

"Thanks for apologizing. Can I ask why?" I touched the bruise on my face.

"You can ask." Nell sat down and started loading her plate with food. She held up a slice of bread. "Is this suppose to be a ceramic coaster? She laid it next to her plate and set her water glass on it.

"Craig used the old yeast. I should have thrown it out." Mom settled into her chair, also sporting a neutral face. I was familiar with hers. She put a slice on her plate and then spooned curry over it.

Mother broke the ensuing silence, asking about my plans for after graduation.

I kidded about going to Europe or Japan, maybe check out universities abroad.

"State U. is all we can afford." Mom wasn't amused. Nell would be a senior next year at State. She'd been a senior this year, too.

"Can I live in a dorm, next year?" Nell asked.

"If you pay for it."

"I'm paying to live here." My sister eyed me.

Mom set down her fork. "If that's how you see it, Nelda, then tell your brother what you told me."

"NO! That was private!"

"Yes, and I won't say it, but either tell him or move out." Mom apologized. "I mean I'll pay for a dorm room."

"You and Dad can't afford it." Nell studied me as if she'd met me for the first time. "I hate having to submit to you. I wish you were a bug I could crush with my sandals."

"You're saying you hate wanting what I have, enough to agree to my terms." I felt like a nebbish confronting her with a truth which I thought had been resolved. I was annoyed yet again by her inner conflict, and yet I felt her frustration. Despite our frequent head-butting, we cared for each other. She was hurting, but I sensed that my game might not be the true cause. "Why did you hit me, Nell?"

The force of my question was felt around the room.

Her eyes sought our mother. "Because I liked it."

"I thought you were sorry."

"Craig, how cruel can you be?" Mom was clearly on her daughter's side. Which suggested to me, that I was in the wrong. She might as well have told me, "Think again, my dear cunt-turd."

"Just - what did you like?" The question formed and spoke without my understanding or approval.

"That damned beating!" Great Gods in the Heavens and Hells, Nell sobbed the words. She sniffed back her shame and glared, lips sealing tight.

I suddenly felt like a worm not understanding anything going on around me.

"May I?" Mom asked Nell. My sister sniffed again and nodded. "This is serious, Craig. Nell discovered something that really frightened her."

I could only writhe and wait uncomfortably. Mom wasn't one to end on a vague note.

"Sex is never simple, not even if you're playing a game. It's a turmoil of emotions - if you're doing it right." Mom reached an arm around her daughter. "You sister had the very unexpected and frightening realization that she is sexually masochistic."

I swear my cock would have lifted the table, if either of the women confronting me had been in any mood for humor. Instead, my large penis retreated into its protective folds -- as best it could.

"I've had partners spank me before, playfully." Nell's eyes burned at me. "You beat my ass with a whip! I figured I'd tough it out and get payback later, at first. By the third stroke I felt like crying, not from the pain, but from a pleasure I've never experienced. It was like the pain drove the part of me that always fights with you, deep into my guts where it seemed to vanish. When I orgasmed, there was nothing to repress it!"

She had kept cumming and cumming, I remembered. Of course, I had assumed it was all due to my big dick - just like the insensitive prick she always claimed I was! "Nell." I felt fresh sympathy for my big sister. Considering her pride and strength of character, being forced into a state of, not submission, but acceptance of a frightful new truth, it's no wonder she walloped me!

"Oh, shut up." Nell didn't want to hear anything else from me, lest I gloat.

"The curry's good, Craig. The chicken's overcooked." Mom tore into a dark thigh with bright teeth.



Mom wished I would shut up while she knelt before me, sucking expertly on two thirds of my fully turgid cock. It was the middle of the night. Mom had probably fucked Dad to sleep but wanted more. Her punishment, at my whim, was to listen to me muse aloud about Nell's epiphany.

"Don't talk, suck." I slapped one of her engorged cheeks. "Listen. I need to get this off of my chest." I'd been blathering for a full minute.

"I mean, I guess I should learn about masochism, but maybe everyone is different about what triggers their pain trigger. I should talk with Nell, but she probably doesn't want to talk about it - at least, not before she hits me up for big cock sex.

"Whipping her felt incredible! I want to do it again, but what if I do it wrong? Maybe I got lucky this afternoon." Honestly I didn't want Mom's advice, although she'd probably steer me better than I could, to support Nell's new needs properly. I wanted Mom to suck, and I wanted the freedom that only a dom can create to talk and talk while their slave tries to focus on pleasuring them.

Mom was likely bursting to answer my questions and offer advice, but she wasn't my mother during our precocious times together. She was my mommy fuck slave. Mommy slaves do as they're told and keep their lips shut or sealed around the cock pumping into their face hole. "Keep that up, Cunt, and you won't need breakfast." I tugged her hair. She grunted but sucked like a proper slave, without complaint other than non-verbally expressing her suffering.

Mom was the finest cocksucker. Fucking my mother was also better than fucking her daughter. It was the history that Nell and I shared, that got me off. Seeing my often bitchy sister taking my cock in her reluctantly offered holes, was the stuff that made dynamite.

The bond between Mom and I was sorta the opposite. Emotionally, we were tight. Fucking her pushed society's boundaries, and breaking that taboo is, to this day, still as hot as the hells!

Worse for poor Mom, she had to suck her son's fat pipe while he talked about sex with her daughter! It was a top, dom experience, and I was going to blow my wad sooner than later, knowing Mom felt true shame that I wasn't just fucking and dominating her.

"This afternoon was amazing, Mom. I'm sorry I didn't get a clue earlier about Nell's deal, but fuck you, Bitch Mom, for not crawling to me and betraying your cunt daughter's privacy. You took three good swats, but that ain't shit. Maybe I'll lash your cunt before I fuck it, next time. Still, Nell's in a state. I gotta be careful, or she might figure a way out of my grip. Can't have her pussy slipping through my fingers." I tugged Mom's hair, stalling her bobbing head for a second. She groaned. I snarled, "You're my forever cunt. Even when you're dead, I'm gonna dig you up and fuck your corpse."

The notion of necrophilia sapped my dick's strength within Mom's sucking hole. Eww! But it's not like I was going to apologize. "You're slacking." I blamed her and slapped her left temple. Lording over my naked, sexy mother would never let my cock down.

I ranted not much longer about dealing with Nell's self-revelation, before my nut shot out of my pipe and drained down Mom's gulping throat. She was masturbating frantically. I heard her cum while the last of my spunk reached her stomach. "Good Mommy Cocksucker." I combed my fingers gently through her hair. I loved how she mewled and moaned in tandem with her lingering orgasm.

When my eight and three quarters inch cock began to deflate, I pulled out the two thirds of it in my mother's head and knelt down. "Thanks, Mom." I hugged her.

"Someday, I'm going to fit every millimeter down my whore throat." She wheezed, always low on breath after a proper suck job.

"I'm always eager to train you." I smiled and remembered not to kiss her lips.

Mom shook off her whore persona and looked me in the eyes. "Talk to Nelda, no later than tomorrow, er, today." The clock in my room said there were only four hours until sunrise.

I slept in, but Mom emerged in her robe, from their bedroom when I was coming out of the shower. "She tilted her head in the direct of Nell's door, but we could both hear her talking in the kitchen.

"Daddy, you've done some kinky things with Mom. I won't judge, but what thing did you dislike the most but did for her sake?"

"Sorry, Honey, I enjoy everything I do with your mother."

"That's a cop-out Dad."

"You asked an inconsiderate question."

"Go on and tell her, Terrance." Mom entered the kitchen while I ducked into my room and traded a towel for clothes. I missed whatever Dad told Nell.

I also missed seeing my sister that morning. She had ducked into her room after her breakfast. After eating mine, I considered knocking, but I felt she needed time to process before I muddied her thinking.

I went to school.

I came home from school.

Nell's car hadn't budged. I found her in the living room, reading a 'Russian novel.' "No school today?"

"Didn't feel like it."

"Feel like talking with me?"

"Talking?" She looked over the top of her book.

It's where you and I trade off speaking and listening.

"I'm listening." She lowered the book.

"Mom suggested this, but I'm all for it."


"Asking how yesterday's experience is affecting you-" I rushed to finish. "She said today would be better than tomorrow or later. I'm guessing while your fetish is hibernating."

"I wish." She pretended to spit.

"Hey, I didn't handle things well, afterwards. I was too cocky - no pun."

"You want to be all humble and supportive now?"

"I'm listening." I stood my ground.

"Craig, you're my dear brother. We're having sex as unequal partners. My personality is domineering, but I must cave to satisfy my lust for your amazing big cock. I don't hate you. I'm frustrated."

I wanted to interject my feelings about the matter, but she was still talking.

"You are not a dom, Craig. I'll give you a B for playing one. I know you're having a blast, strutting your cock in front of Mom and me, calling us names. I don't think you're on the dom-sub spectrum, and that's fine. You're just you." She put her book down like dropping a microphone. "You're living a fantasy, and so are Mom and I. Yesterday, I bounced off of something real, more powerful than your wildest fantasy. I doubt you can handle it. You have to stop the discipline part of your game."

"Help me to handle it."

"I don't know what it is yet. I'll get back to you after I get a second degree in psychology."

"You would want to stay in college for that long." I grinned.

"K to twelve is boot camp. University is the staging area for war. Mom and Dad are in the trenches. If only my fetish was ABDL, I'd be out of college and driving a tank." She was saying that she was afraid of launching her future life.

"I don't know what to say to that, but I know what Mom and Dad would say."

"They have. I can't stay here. Of course they would let me stay for years. Today, I almost signed up for ROTC."

"I'm glad you didn't, Nell. I need you to put a good word in for me with the sororities next year."

"I wish I could tell them that sex with you was fun." My big sister shrugged. "The orgasms were terrific, though."

"So you're saying I'm just a big cock to you."

"Only when I want to get fucked. You'll always be my special, little brother."

I felt little then, tiny. But I fought my instinct to lash out and I sought the refuge of being humble. "Let's try something." I walked towards the hall. "Meet me in your room." I went into Mom and Dad's room.

Returning down the hall, Nell was standing in her doorway, curious.

I held out a handful of Dad's old ties. "No games. No dominance. No cock. I'm going to tie you up and swat your bare rear end."

"Um, no."

"It's a test, Nell." I was feeling a new kind of confidence. "Take a beating for as long as you can. Nothing else. How are your bruises from yesterday?"

"They hurt. What's the point?"

"I don't know and neither do you. That's the point. Let's find out what happens. Pick a safeword."

She looked at the clock in her room. "Fuck it." She unbuckled her pants' built in belt.

"Bad safe word!" I laughed. "How about 'rotzee?'" ROTC pronounced. I had picked up the leather switch before reaching Nell's room. "Just pull them down over your ass. As much as I enjoy slavering at your hot pussy, I'll ditch my fantasies, for now."

She shrugged and tugged down the back of her pants and panties. Damn if I didn't feel pride at the red bruises striping her taut cheeks. I was surprised she had appeared to sit comfortably at the kitchen table this morning.

"I'm going to tie your arms behind your back again, but this time, you're gonna need my help to get free. I won't fail you if you say the safeword.

"Rotzee." She tested it, then my sister crossed her wrists behind her back.

I tied them together twice, making sure blood flowed well enough to her hands. "Do you want to stand or lie on your front?"


"You'll probably take steps when you're doing your best."

"Deal with it."

CRACK! I surprised her. "HEY!" She yelped and took a step away from me. "Give a girl fair warning."

"I figured you'd flinch if you weren't expecting it. I don't think that'll ruin the test. Step all you want." CRACK! I struck her soundly but not half as hard as I could. This wasn't about satisfying my urges to fully lay into a submitted ass.

CRACK! She stood her ground for the first ten swats. She knew I could hit harder, but I kept a steady beat, figuring numbers would make up for impact.

By the twentieth swat, she was sweating. She took little steps, trying to prove her resolve. It didn't matter. I could drive her in circles with the black leather crop. Neither of us mentioned the safeword. I kept swatting her now bright red ass. You could hardly see yesterday's blows.

Before the thirtieth swat, there was a moment when her body spasmed instead of stepping. I paused. "Talk to me."

"FUCKING OUCH!" She'd been holding it in.

SWAT!! "AAA!" She let go from then on, howling and yelping, long past grunts. I counted to forty, and she kept taking swats. I checked her face after ever blow. The forty third stroke sent tears out of her eyes. I didn't pause.

Subsequent cracks of leather brought forth gut wrenching sobs from my stalwart sister. I dared to encourage her. "You're a champ, Nell."

"Fuckyou." She blubbered. She could still form words.

CRACK! I couldn't tell if I was hitting harder or softer, after fifty blows. "DAAMNN!"

"OH GODS, Craig, it hurts, it HURTS!!" Her body was trembling so wildly I worried about catching her in case she fell. Her unbidden steps staggered away from the excruciating whip.


"UUUAAAHHHH!!" Nell abruptly froze up and toppled. I caught and guided her to her bed. She landed heavily, tears pouring out of her eyes. Her irises were pin pricks. I waved a hand in front of them. She shivered unresponsive. "Craig." She squeaked.

I think only a brother would have done the right thing. Instead of calling 911, I fell down beside her and grabbed her shuddering body into my arms. "Nell, I'm here. I won't let you go."

Somehow I convinced myself that she wasn't having an orgasm. I'd never seen anything like it. My big sister cried and cried. Fuck, I started crying. I felt useless, ignorant, and so fucking guilty.

The time that passed was unknowable in our states, but Mother hadn't returned from work. Nell's altered consciousness couldn't have lasted much more than an hour.

We might have snoozed during that time. I remember her biting my shoulder. "Craig."


"Untie me, damnit."

"Yeah." I lifted up and bent around her, tugging at knots as fast as I could.

Her arms pulled away from the ties and grabbed me. "Little Brother, pull down your fucking pants." She shook my hips then tore at her partial divestment of vestments.

I wasn't hard, but by the time she had spread her legs and urged me to mount her, I was hard enough!

Her pussy was incredibly wet! I sank half my cock into it before rapidly fucking in and out.

"It hurts! It hurts!" She wailed before lifting her legs and locking them behind my back. "FUCK ME!" It was her ass! Every thrust sank it into her bed. Lifting her legs minimized the pain.

Something was different. No longer was my sister giving herself to me - she wanted me! Not my cock but me! "Brother! Yes, fuck me." She humped against my plunging titan, but it could have been a micro-penis. We weren't fucking for stimulation. We were fucking to express stimulation!

I've never been so aroused.

Okay, that was a lie. The first time I felt Mom's ass pucker suck in my prick, was still my peak excitement compared to that incredible moment with Nell. Not that I was thinking of Mom. I was overjoyed that Nell would be okay, that we had shared something astounding. Fucking was our cool down after the most intense, emotional workout.

Our orgasms were some of the best ever, but compared to the electricity connecting us, they were mildly adequate.

Nell had trouble speaking, but I made out the words. "That's what I want to feel when I get pregnant -- when I'm ready to."

"I don't care if you're on the pill and have a diaphragm crammed up your twat, Big Sis. If that didn't breed your womb, I'm gonna need a bigger cock."

"Not you, Idiot." She whapped my shoulder with a weak fist. But I swear, the sensation of my cum oozing out of her cunt around my prick was unlike other times. She didn't rush to wash, and her legs remained raised above me, a gentler lock around my torso.

"WHOA-KAY!" Mother lurched back from the open doorway, construction dust leaving an outline of her there. "I did not need to see that." Her voices shifted out of surprise and into authority. "Craig, you were suppose to talk to her!"

"I'm not sure we're finished talking, Mom. She's not pregnant yet." I ran with the joke.

Nell pitched in. "Could you fetch something to plug me up? I don't want a single one of my little brother's sperm to go to waste. You must have something stashed in your closet. After all, you're cunt is bigg-"

"What did you do to my daughter, Craig, and will the same drugs work on your father?" She played along for one beat before getting serious again. "One more mention of pregnancy in our family, and I'm going to disown both of you. Legally, what you're doing wouldn't be incest anymore."
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