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Grace's sexual experimentation takes a turn into the world's oldest profession.
I’d blown it; she’d never talk to me again, and once she told her parents about what happened, I’d be on my way home very quickly. I figured I’d go to breakfast and face the music, so I dressed and walked up to the lodge. I sat at my regular table and waited. It was then that I noticed the other guests for the first time: a group of twelve men, all middle-aged. And two groups of four men looked like father and son duos.

Grace walked out of the kitchen but didn’t come to my table, instead greeting one of the tables of four. Annie came out and greeted me,

“Good morning, Ted; what can I get you today,” she asked, smiling.

“Morning, I think I’ll have pancakes today,” I responded.

Annie went back to the kitchen as I watched Grace flirt with the men, smiling, laughing, and flipping her hair. She spent five minutes at the first table and whispered something in one of the son’s ears before walking to the following table of four and starting a conversation. I watched as the young man huddled with the group, speaking for a moment, and they looked at Grace all at once. Annie delivered my pancakes, and I watched Grace go from table to table, talking and flirting with the men. Grace would whisper something at each table to the men, which got a big reaction. I wondered what she was up to. She left the dining room for the kitchen, not once acknowledging me.

I returned to my cabin and heard a lawn mower through my bedroom window. I looked out, and behind the tool shed, Grace was cutting the grass, making a patch the length of the tool shed and about fifteen feet out from the wall. Grace raked up the grass and then placed three logs on the grass close to the shed wall. I wondered what she was doing but would soon find out.

I had some time before starting work, so I thought I’d read a bit. I opened the shades of my bedroom window and sat in my bed, looking out the window into the forest and the tool shed. I was getting into my book when something caught my eye. It was Grace standing behind the tool shed. I watched as she paced back and forth behind the shed. Then suddenly, one of the young men appeared on the path and joined her behind the shed. Grace was standing with her hands on her hips. As they talked, the man took out his wallet and handed Grace what looked like money. To my shock, he put his wallet away, unbuckled his pants, and pulled them down. Grace dropped to her knees, pulled his underwear down, and stroked his cock.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the window, and watched as Grace took the man’s cock into her mouth and began sucking him off. Grace’s head bobbed back and forth as she worked on his hard cock, I saw the man’s knees buckle, and I figured he was coming into her mouth. Grace sucked him a bit longer, then pulled his limp cock from her mouth and leaned back on her legs, wiping her mouth on her arm. The man pulled up his shorts and pants, talked for a moment, and disappeared around the side of the tool shed. Grace rose to her feet but didn’t attempt to leave, and not two minutes later, the other young man from their party appeared from around the corner.

Grace greeted him with a smile, and the two spoke briefly. Like before, the man produced his wallet, handing Grace some money, and Grace dropped to her knees. The man wearing gym shorts pulled them down to his ankles, and Grace went to work, sucking his cock. Grace was a great cock sucker, and the man didn’t last long in her talented mouth. He placed his hand on her head, signaling that his balls were emptying into her mouth. Again, Grace sat back on her legs, wiped her mouth as the man dressed, and walked back up the path. Grace waited a moment, turning and looking right at my cabin. She could see me; the tool shed was about fifty feet from my place. She turned and walked back up the path to the main lodge, and I set out for the work site, wondering what she was thinking.

I figured I’d better get to work. I set out to the building site, not knowing if Grace would show up. I was working for about twenty minutes when I heard a noise behind me. It was Grace. She was standing on the cabin deck, putting on her tool belt. She saw me nailing a section of the wall together and jumped right in to help,

“Good morning, Grace,” I said happily.

“Morning, sir,” she replied emotionless.

“Did you enjoy your breakfast today?” I probed.

“Yes, it was delicious, she replied.

“That’s great. What did you have?” I asked.

“Nice fat juicy sausages,” she said tersely.

I didn’t respond to her, I just kept working, and by lunchtime, we had almost finished the roof.

“I didn’t bring lunch today. I have some things to attend to. You’ll have to go to the lodge to eat,” she informed me.

“Oh, ok, is everything all right?” I inquired.

“Yes, I need to tend to some guests,” she said coldly.

With that, Grace dropped her tool belt and walked up the path. I decided to stop at my cabin to wash up before lunch. As I reached the door of my place, I noticed Grace standing on the landing of the largest cabin in the camp, talking to a couple of men. She was pointing to the tool shed. I decided to forgo lunch to see what would happen. I went into my bedroom and opened the window, hoping to hear. It took about five minutes, but Grace appeared again behind the tool shed, pacing. Then, I noticed three men coming down the path, one carrying a stool. They all walked around the back of the tool shed. Grace greeted them. I could hear most of what they were saying,

“How much?” one man asked.

“Twenty dollars each,” Grace responded.

“And you’ll swallow?” another asked.

“Yes, I will,” Grace answered.

“We won’t get caught back here, will we?” Another asked.

“No, nobody comes back here, and it’s hidden from the rest of the camp,” Grace reassured them.

“OK, take off your top so we can play with your tits while you suck us off, and you’ve got a deal,” another said.

I could see Grace thinking about it, sizing up the three men,

“OK, but just my tits, nothing else,” Grace bargained.

“Fine,” was the man’s response.

The men produced their wallets, and each handed Grace twenty dollars; she tucked the bills in her shorts and pulled off her T-shirt, exposing her tits to the men. The men gathered around and began to fondle her breasts. The first man dropped his pants and sat on the stool,

“OK, missy, let’s get sucking; you’ve got work to do,” he ordered.

Grace dropped to her knees and scooted between the man’s legs, and began to kiss and lick his cock. Then sucked it into her mouth and began to bob her head rhythmically.

“Oh yeah, she can suck,” the man moaned.

The men gathered close as Grace sucked, and the man played with her tits,

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum” the man announced.

Grace never stopped. She sucked him dry, and another man quickly replaced him, and then another. Grace finished the third man, stood up, stretched her back and neck, and rubbed her red and sore nipples.

“Thanks, baby, that was a pleasant surprise,” one said.

Grace smiled at the group of men,

“Sure guys, any time, just let me know when you want it,” she said happily.

“So, you’ll blow the other guys tonight?” one man asked.

“Yes, they can come back here just before sunset, and I’ll take care of them,” she stated.

“Great, but why don’t you just come to our cabin and do it?” a man asked.

“No, I can’t get caught in your cabin, and it’s safer for me out here,” Grace responded.

“OK, you’re the boss, Grace,” another replied as the men returned up the trail.

Again, Grace looked at my bedroom window and returned to the building site, putting her T-shirt back on. When I got to the site, Grace was rolling out tar paper on the roof. I took off my shirt. Working on the top would be hot, as the temperature was well over ninety degrees, and then climbing onto the roof. I start nailing the tar paper in place. Grace let out a huge belch, probably from all the cum she ate.

“Wow, you must have had a big lunch?” I chuckled.

“Yeah, I ate a lot more than usual,” she replied, smiling broadly.

“Grace, when you were at college, did the dean or other men ever do anything else to you sexually?” I asked, point blank.

A sad look came across her face. She stood up and threw her hammer down, and turned to me,

“I’m not talking about any of that ever again. It’s in the past,” she hissed.

“OK, sorry,” I replied sheepishly.

It was becoming unbearably hot on the roof, and I was thinking about calling it a day when Grace peeled off her T-shirt, her small breast covered by large brown areolas and oversized puffy smooth nipples. As we worked, Grace would catch me looking at her breasts, becoming annoyed with me, and saying,

“Why don’t you just take a picture? It will last longer,” she said sarcastically.

It was quitting time, and we covered our tools and got set to hike up the path,

“Grace, would you like to sit by the lake and talk about things?” I asked softly.

Without looking at me, she put on her T-shirt and said,

“No, I’m mad at you right now. I can’t talk to you,” she responded coldly.

“I understand. I’m truly sorry. If I hurt you, I would never consciously hurt you, you know that,” I said sincerely.

Grace finally looked at me and gave me a half-smile,

“I’ll be down after dinner for my daily spanking, then I need to attend to guests,” she announced.

“Grace, you don’t have to…,” I started.

She cut me off mid-sentence, putting her hand up to stop me,

“My father says I have to, and that’s all that counts, be down by the rocks with the paddle,” she stated.

“Very well,” I agreed.

I returned to my cabin, and Grace walked to the cabin housing the four men, two of whom she already sucked off. The two older men came to the door, and one of them tried to pull Grace into the cabin. She pulled away and backed off, pointing to the tool shed. The two men went back inside, and Grace walked behind the shed. I went to my bedroom window to watch and didn’t have to wait long. The two older men appeared behind the tool shed with Grace,

“We want to fuck you,” one of the men said.

“I’m sorry, that’s not what I offered you,” Grace responded.

“I’ll give you eight hundred to fuck both of us,” the man offered.

“Eight hundred dollars,” Grace said, surprised.

“Yes, that’s right, four hundred apiece,” the man stated.

I couldn’t believe it. Grace was considering their offer,

“You’re on the pill, right? For that kind of money, we’re coming in you,” the other man said.

As Grace thought about an answer, one of the men grabbed her shorts and began pulling them down,

“Wait, what about the pill?” Grace said, startled and confused.

The man bent down and pulled her shorts down to her ankles. Grace looked down, put her hand on the man’s shoulder, and then lifted her feet one by one, and the man tossed her shorts aside.

“Wait, no, I can’t,” Grace frantically tried to slow things down.

But it may have been too late. One of the men lifted Grace’s arms over her head, then lifted her T-shirt off. She was naked, covering her charms with her arms and hands.

“Look at that pussy. I’m going to fuck you, silly girl,” one of them said.

“She can suck my cock, while you fuck her, and then we’ll switch,” the other man said.

One of the men grabbed Grace by the arm,

“On your hands and knees, baby,” one told her.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Grace slowly lowered her body to the ground, crawling to her hands and knees. One man pulled out his wallet, a wad of bills, and put them on the pile of Grace’s clothes.

“There, baby, you’re bought and paid for now,” the man said.

The men quickly peeled their clothes off, one man positioning himself behind Grace and the other man sitting on the stool that had remained there. The man behind Grace got on his knees and grabbed her hips. In a moment, Grace would be a virgin no more.

“WAIT! STOP! I can’t do this. I’m a virgin,” she cried.

“It’s OK baby, we’ll be gentle till you get broke in,” he chuckled as he lined his cock up.

“No, I’m not on birth control. I can get pregnant,” she screamed.

“I said blowjobs, not sex,” she pleaded.

“It will be OK, baby, just relax,” the man said.

“NO! Stop now, or I’ll tell my father,” Grace demanded.

She slid sideways and fell to her side, taking her pussy out of immediate danger, but the man grabbed her and put her back on her knees.

“Be reasonable, Grace; we already paid for it, and you agreed,” the man reasoned.

“No, I disagreed. I just thought about it and then said no, if you rape me, I’ll tell,” she cried.

Well, the rape word did the trick. The men backed off immediately,

“Fine, blowjobs then, what does that cost?” the disappointed man asked.

A relieved Grace sat down, still naked but counting her blessings I’m sure,

“I’ll give you the first one for free because I wouldn’t have sex, but after that, it’s twenty dollars each,” Grace told them.

“All right,” the man said disappointedly.

Grace wasted no time crawling to the man on the stool and started sucking his cock, still naked as a jaybird. She made short work of both men. They dressed and walked back to their cabin. Grace rolled onto her back, spread her legs, and felt between her legs, probably figuring she had dodged a major bullet this afternoon. With her pussy still intact, she slipped her shorts on just as one of the men came back,

“Hi, Grace,” the man said.

He pulled out his wallet and pulled out his wad of cash, handing it to Grace,

“We want you to have this, no hard feelings about earlier,” he said.

“No, you don’t have to. It’s ok. I couldn’t do it today,” Grace said, trying to appease him.

“No, please, Tom and I insist,” he said.

“Well, OK, if you insist,” she replied with a big smile.

“So, Grace, what can we do to convince you to fuck?” he asked bluntly.

“Gee, I don’t know, it’s not you guys. I don’t think I’m ready yet,” she said, blushing. I thought for a minute I was, but I couldn’t go through with it,” she explained.

“Tom has a few condoms in his toiletry bag we could use

. If that helps, you won’t get pregnant.” He tried to reassure her.

Grace looked out into space for a moment,

“You do?” She replied.

“Yeah, we’re happy to use them to keep you safe,” he said, kneeling beside her.

“What do you say? I know it’s your first time we’ll go slow and easy. If it hurts, we can stop,” he was getting close now.

“Umm, I don’t know about two guys the first time.

“It will be OK, we’ll only go one at a time, you’ll be ok,” he told her.

“Umm, I’m not sure. Maybe I could if you have condoms. I’m not sure,” she pondered.

“How about if we gave you more money? How about a thousand dollars for both of us,”

Grace’s eyes grew wide, and she looked up at him. I knew right then that she was going to do it.

“You’d give me a thousand dollars, wear condoms, and never tell a soul?” she asked.

“We will,” he reassured her.

“OK, let me sleep on it. I think I will, but I’ll talk to you guys at breakfast,” she agreed.

“That’s great, Grace. I’ll tell Tom to break out the condoms,” he said, laughing.

The man turned and walked back up the trail. Grace counted her money, put her T-shirt on, and returned to the lodge. I couldn’t believe she would fuck two guys her first time. I thought this was all my fault for deceiving her last night and letting her suck my cock. I had to try to talk her out of it. I showered and went to dinner. Grace again worked the floor, flirting with the guys she would shortly suck off and Tom and his friend, who would break into her virgin pussy, at some point tomorrow. Tom wrapped his arm around her waist and slipped his hand up her shorts when her mom wasn’t in the dining room.

Grace didn’t even flinch, I could see him rubbing her pussy, and she squirmed a bit, and he tried to finger her. Grace pulled away before he penetrated her virgin slot. All the men were getting more handsy with her, one man pulling her shorts away from her body and looking at her pussy. Grace slapped his hand away and walked back to Tom’s table. Annie returned to the dining room, and the men had to behave. Tom again wrapped his arm around Grace’s waist, pulling her close. He started talking into her ear and pointing to the two younger men across the table. Grace straightened up and shook her head. “No.” As the smile ran away from her face, Tom said something else, and Grace started to walk away. Tom roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her back, standing up and forcefully speaking in her face. Again, Grace shook her head, “No,” before running back into the kitchen, holding her face in her hands.

I imagine Tom told Grace she’d be fucking the younger men also, which was just too much for the young virgin to handle. She had taken eight hundred dollars from the men and was indebted to them. They had her over a barrel. I think now she realized the trouble she had gotten into. Grace returned to the dining room, threw the money the men gave her on their table, then went to the larger group and conversed with them before storming out of the dining room. Hmm, maybe Grace’s run as a slut was over, I thought. Tom’s group huddled together and talked as the men in the larger group looked dumbfounded at what had just occurred.

I got up and walked back to my cabin. I opened the door and heard the shower going. I slowly crept inside, noticed Grace’s night clothes on my bed, and silently backed out of the cabin. I managed to grab my beer cooler and headed down to the lake where Grace said she’d meet me. I popped a beer, wondering if Grace would speak about what occurred with the men today. I would find out soon enough. Grace came and plopped down on the rock next to me, grabbed a beer, and took a big swig,

“Why are men such assholes?” she steamed.

“Well, when guys don’t get their way, they get angry,” I responded.

“By the way, you look beautiful and smell even better,” I said, gently bumping her shoulder.

“Yeah, even when you agree to give them what they want, they demand more,” she fumed.

“I don’t want a man or to get married…. ever!” she continued.

“Oh! Does that mean I should cancel the preacher and reception hall,” I joked.

“Stop it, Ted, I’m serious,” She laughed, punching me.

It was the first time she ever called me by my name, and It seemed her anger at me had dissipated. I leaned in and kissed her on the lips,

“Tell me what’s wrong, baby. You can vent at me,” I offered.

“She turned towards me, shocked I would kiss her. As she looked at me, I leaned in and kissed her again, cupping her head and holding the kiss. Her hand grabbed my cheek as she began to kiss back. It was electric. We kissed for a few minutes. I broke it off and again asked,

“Tell me what’s wrong, baby,” I asked.

She looked away, then took a drink of her beer and sighed,

“I’m having trouble with some guests; they're going to blackmail me,” she said, ashamed.

“That’s terrible. How are the guests going to blackmail you?” I asked.

“If I tell you, you’ll never talk to me again; it’s so sinful,” she said, sobbing.

“There’s nothing you could tell me that would drive me away from you,” I told her.

“I never would have agreed to it, but I was mad at you,” she cried.

“Tell me, baby,” I said softly.

“I agreed to fuck two guests for a thousand dollars, and they gave me money for it, but now they say I have to fuck both their sons too or they’ll show my dad a video they made of me,” she balled.

“Oh! I see. What’s on the video? I’m sure that wouldn’t sit too well with your dad. When are they going to do this,” I said softly.

“My dad will send me away, and I’ll never see my family again. I can’t go home because the whole town will find out, and I’ll be an outcast,” she wailed.

“What’s on the video, babe? What do they have on you that you can’t refuse them,” I pressed.

“Oh, God! I met them to give them each a blowjob, but when I got there, they wanted to fuck. I said, “I didn’t think so.” Then they offered me eight hundred dollars to do both of them, and they handed me the money. I was like, wow, that’s a lot of money, and I said something like “yeah maybe we could do it.” I was looking at the money, and they both were talking to me; my head was spinning. One of the men Knelt behind me and pulled my shorts down. I told him, “No, stop,” but he didn’t, and then they were at my ankles. He stayed down there, so I put my hand with the money on his shoulder and picked up one of my feet, and he took my shorts off my foot. Then I did the other foot and was naked from the waist down.

He untied my shoes and took those off, then stood up and lifted my arms over my head. I said, “No, stop,” but he lifted my T-shirt and removed it. I was completely naked, holding a wad of twenties. They took the money out of my hands and put it next to me on my clothes. One of them took my hands and told me to kneel, so I did. He let go of my hands and told me to put my hands on the ground, so I did. They both removed their clothes, and one dropped behind me, holding his hard cock. The other one sat on the stool in front of my face. The man beside me said they would both cum in my unprotected pussy, and that’s when I stopped it.

After they stopped trying to fuck me, I gave them free blowjobs and ate their cum. One of them said I was a cum hungry little slut the way I swallowed every drop. Then they both dressed and left, but one man returned and said they had some condoms and would use them and offered me a thousand dollars if I would fuck both of them. That’s when I said OK. It’s all on the video and very damming. I’m so ashamed,” she cried.

“Wow, that video is a big problem for you, Grace. I’m not sure right now how you’ll get out of it. You could tell your dad the truth and see how it goes. At least they’re using condoms, so you won’t get pregnant.” I reasoned.

“If the other guests find out, and I’m sure these guys will tell, I’ll have to have sex with every man in camp,” she cried.

“Hmm, yeah, I could see how that may happen,” I commented.

“So, you didn’t answer before. When are you supposed to fuck,” I asked again.

“I’m supposed to go to their cabin tomorrow after dinner, and they’ll do me in there,” she lamented.

“I see. It seems like they had this all planned out. Very tricky guys,” I told her.

“You can’t prove they’re blackmailing you unless they threaten you, and you have it on tape or have the video of them threatening you. You don’t have that, do you, Grace?” I asked.

Grace just shook her head, “No,” and buried her face in her hands.

I put my arm around Grace and pulled her close. She cried on my shoulder,

“So, when did you start giving guests blowjobs?” I asked her softly.

“I offered them to the guests this morning at breakfast. I’ve already given a bunch,”

“Well, that’s a nice little side business for you. You can make some money doing that,” I encouraged.

After the guys threatened me, I called off all of my blowjobs. I was supposed to do a bunch tonight,” she admitted.

“Well, those guys didn’t do anything wrong. You should at least blow those guys. You did promise,” I stated.

“Yeah, that’s true, I guess,” she agreed.

“And although they’re jerks, you did agree to fuck two of those guys, and they paid you for it, but if the other guys want to fuck you, they’ll have to come up with a thousand dollars, too,” I reasoned with her.

“I have to do it,” she cried.

“I’m afraid so, sweetie, unless you have proof they’re blackmailing you,” I was sorry to say.

I just held her; she crawled into my lap, and I kissed her. We made out for a while, and then I heard a “Bing” sound,

“What’s that,” I asked.

“It’s my phone,” Grace said.

She pulled it out of her back pocket and looked at it,

“OMG, it’s them,” she sat up.

“Who, Grace,” I asked.

“Those creeps sent me a picture of themselves naked, and they’re all hard. It says, “This is what you’re in store for tomorrow. If you don’t show, your dad will get the video,” she dropped her head in defeat.

I thought about it and then said,

“Grace, I think they just made a big mistake. They made the threat,” I exclaimed.

“Really! She perked up.

“Do you trust me, Grace?” I asked.

“Yes, of course I do,” she replied.

“Give me your phone,” I ordered.

She handed me her phone, and I looked for her last message. I replied to the men’s pic and message,

“Hi, guys, nice picture. I’ve settled down and thought about it, and can’t wait to fuck tomorrow night. Just remember, I’m a virgin, so go slow and easy. I’m going to be horny. Can you send me our video of today’s action so I can be ready for you, hot studs? Love, Grace,”

I sent it and waited. I showed it to Grace, and her eyes grew wide,

“Are you crazy?” she said,

“Like a fox,” I laughed.

It didn’t take long, and “Bing” Grace’s phone went off again. There was a message and an attachment. We had them. I opened the letter,

“Great news, Grace, we knew you’d come around to our way of thinking. We told some of the other guests about the party, and they also wanted to come, so we invited them to join. All six have condoms, so it’s all safe and good. Get some rest. It would help if you had a lot of energy to handle a ten-man tag team. I will film it because many other guys want a shot at you, and we need to make sure you remain open to fucking all the guests in camp. Xoxo Tom,”

Along with the message was the video of Grace making bad choices after bad choices.

“Please don’t look at the video Ted. You’ll hate me if you do,” she pleaded.

“Grace, you can suck cock, and fuck all you want. I won’t think any less of you,” I told her.

“How can you say that? You want me to be a slut?” she asked, surprised by my statement.

“Grace, your pussy, and your body is yours. You do with them as you please. Nobody owns you,” I said calmly.

“So, if we’re dating or married and I fuck another guy, you’re fine with that?” she countered.

“If it’s something you want to do, I’d support you, yes,” I replied.

Grace shook her head in disbelief and smiled at me,

“What if I want to keep sucking the guest’s cocks for twenty dollars,” she asked.

“I’d encourage you to keep it up; the guests can use a release,” I answered.

“OK, then, I will,” she said curtly.

“Ok, Grace, I have everything ready to send the boys,”

I had a picture of the homepage of the Manitoba Police Dept., a copy of the laws they violated by trying to blackmail you, and the average prison sentence for each charge. I attached those and added this message.

“Hi guys, the Canadian police are critical of your plan to get me to fuck. They said that wire fraud, coercion, blackmail, and banking fraud will keep you in jail for decades. So, “NO,” I won’t be fucking you guys and other guests tomorrow or any other day. And if my dad gets a whiff of what happened today, you can be sure that law enforcement will be meeting your float plane when you leave here. XOXO Grace”

I showed it to Grace, and she threw her arms around me, knocking me over and tumbling on top of me, and started kissing me like crazy. It took about two minutes, and Grace’s phone went “Bing” again. Grace scrambled to her phone and opened the message. It simply said, “Understood, please don’t contact us again.”

Again, Grace pounced on me. She reached back, grabbed my beer cooler, and took two out,

“let’s celebrate,” she said.

“OK, what do you want to do?” I asked.

She broke out in a big smile,

“Got twenty bucks?” she asked
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