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A story about my dream girl who i would dearly love to be with
When i learned you were passing my way today i couldn't help the thoughts that went through my head. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, much less ever spent any time alone. I knew this was likely a bad idea i had. As minutes went by i lost all track of my senses and devised a plan, praying that i didn't get slapped in the face. I have admired you since we met. But i had to hide that from others. You have a great personality and we have many of the same interests. I had to hide these feelings but now my brain said no more. I think if circumstances were different we would enjoy time together.

It wasn't long till you were getting close by and i talked you into meeting me at a truck stop for coffee and a much needed rest for you. Since you were just coming home empty there was no reason to hurry back. Im not sure if you had any idea what might be coming at you but my mind kept telling me you did.

I arrived just before you did and waited where the rigs all park. To my surprise you parked away from all the other trucks. Maybe you did have an idea? Then i realized it's likely cause your trailer stinks and your that type of caring person. Things in my head go from high to low in an instant. But if nothing else it could just turn out to be a simple cup of coffee with a friend if the feeling wasn't right.

As you finish parking your rig and necessary paper work i pull up and park beside you. I cant wait to get out the door and be near you but i cant go crawling through the window either. As i get out i realize, yup you parked here cause of the smell, down moment again. Getting out of the truck you are carrying a small bag with you. I slightly wonder why cause no one carries that big of purse. We greet each other with a smile and a friendly gentle hug like friends do. Walking towards the main building having some idle chit chat, you hold up the bag and say "you don't mind if i take a few minutes for a shower do you?"

"No all means" i reply

I open the door to the lobby for you and you say, "just browse around i wont be long"

"Ok" and off i go, no issues there cause i like truck stop shinny things.

What only seemed like minutes and you were back, all freshened up. With a fresh change of cloths on, now a driver needs to be comfortable, but geeez yoga pants? Do you not know what those do to a guy? I could almost see right through them. Your new top was a bit more revealing than the last with just the edge of your boob mound sticking out. I wasn't really looking for a bra but then again i didn't see one. Not that you need one anyhow, as your breasts are very nice just the way they naturally are.

A bit slow in the brain or maybe i was distracted by shinny things but it all of a sudden hit me... Why would she shower? After all we are just having coffee and its an hours drive home?

Hmm pondering this one for a while i will be.

The waitress seats us in a booth and like a gentleman i wait till you are seated before i sit down across from you. Still fusing with your stuff and adding the finishing touches to your hair i just there and admire your beauty and let those thoughts come back at me again, high moment! You don't even notice me starring till you suddenly look up and see my gaze, "is there something on my face you ask?"

"No. Just beauty" i reply

Oh stupid me, this could go either way at any moment. To my surprise you just smile and say "thank you"

Whew crisis averted....

The waitress returns just at the precise moment...

"Is there anything i can get for you two lovers?" she says

What. ? How? Who? What the hell kinda opening line is that? High point, low point.... Jesus i think i will just run and hide now.

No sooner is the words out of her mouth and our eyes meet, wide open with astonishment.

In an instant you blurt out "well since there are no candles, how about a coffee?"

Omg she is a quick one i said to my self.

Some idle talk and the waitress returns with our coffees and a chuckle ensues all three of us.

"Would you like anything to eat" she asks

Well since neither one of had ate in a while, food sounded good.

We place our order and giggle over who's paying or are we going dutch.

I didnt have the heart to tell you but i had intended on paying. Its only right that a gentleman treat a fine lady to a meal when he can. Even if it is a truck stop.

Time seems to fly by as we wait and then eat our meals, all the time chatting about daily events and funny happens we seen lately. Im very cautious no to talk too much like i usually do. Im actually really interested in hearing about your travels.

With the meal over and the coffee's done it's time to go, just as we get up the sweet heart of a waitress comes over and directly hands me the bill.

"Your welcome" she says,

Oh boy is she getting a good tip.

As i check out at the till i seem to notice a difference in you. The movements look almost flirtatious, maybe its just me and my mind wandering off. The nerves start to take over knowing in a few minutes my life could be over.... Or maybe not.

We stop to browse at a few items in the store and the strange movements in you continue. "I'm not dreaming this" suddenly bursts out of me as you bend over to look at something.

Its not the typical lady like bending over, more like here have a good view of my ass. Well that i sure did. Those yoga pants hide nothing and show off off all the good parts. A very slight crease between your pussy lips and the nice small gentle mounds that surround your pussy. Surrounded by a very nice ass. I can feel the bulge in my pants getting harder and harder as my cock swelled up. There is no reaction from you to what i said so i figure you didn't hear me. Oh thank heavens you idiot just shut up goes through my mind or your plan could be blown.

I didn't realize it at the time but your hearing is quiet good.

"Well we should be on our way" you say.

Headed for the door you grab gently onto the back of my arm and sweetly say "thanks for a good meal".

"Ahh shucks it was nothing" as we chuckle going out the door.

Now i figured the holding of my arm was just part of the thank you, but you haven't let go yet? Instead i can feel your fingers moving around on my arm. Checking out how big my arms are or how strong my muscles feel? This goes through my head as we walk.

The truck, yea it hasn't changed it still stinks! Well no matter, cause this is where my plan needs to come into action. I ask a few questions about it as you unlock the door.

"You know i have never seen inside your truck" i say.

"What all those days you were at the house and it was there and you never looked inside?"

"Nope" i answered

"A truck is where you practically live and i think that would be rude and inconsiderate to enter someones private domain without permission, after all you might have your panties hanging up drying or something", i added just to relieve any tension.

A quick chuckle and the invitation is given. "Well hop on in, just don't take off in it."

I climb up into the drivers seat and begin to look around. Now I'm no stranger to trucks but haven't been in one this new. Almost getting distracted by shinny things again i remember the plan. Oh yea the plan stupid we are in the final stretch and you go looking at gauges.

As i scoot over a bit in the seat you are right there beside me showing me stuff. Concentrate man...

With you close enough to feel your breath on my neck, yup back in the game. "Mind if i look in the bunk? I ask. "I bet its roomy". Without any hesitation you answer "of course help your self, i don't have any panties drying on the line, i like mine wet!"

Well holly shit shit did she just say that as i fall and stumble off the seat.

Regaining my composure, i walk into the bunk, as i hear a tinny giggle from behind. This thing is like a mini apartment with all the goodies.

Now the one key thing part of my plan was getting you to follow me into the bunk. If you were still on the step all was lost.

Suddenly i hear a drawer slam shut and "ooops"

The lighting isn't that good so i hadn't seen what might have been in the drawer. But i did know one thing... You were right behind me in the bunk.

Nows the time! Fire in the hole! Go for broke! I spin around in an instant and wrap my big arms around you, holding tight but not a restraining tight. It happened so fast i hadn't wanted to give you time to decide to stop me. Our lips met and instinctively our mouths open and a dance of our tongues immediately begins. No one is taking the lead no is following. Just a raw passion sweeps over us. Your lips are so tender and soft i cant get enough of them. Seconds turn into minutes. Slowly we begin to separate but i don't wanna stop. Taking your upper lip in between my lips i slowly begin to kiss it and flick it gently with my tongue. I can feel your heart beating very fast an your body begin to move.

I slip my tongue around between your lips mimicking how one would gently lick your other lips. One final tight kiss and its time to let go.

Now is the moment of truth, am i about to have my ass kicked and thrown out the truck door?

As our lips part for an instant i feel the first resistance from you. Slowly with your hands up on my chest muscles you push me back and say...

"STOP...... "

Ahh fuck the lowest of low moments hits me in that instant, i should have known better. Omg i blew it and let my mind get to me.

But your sentence didn't stop there,

Stop...Wait.... I need to close the curtain and turn up the music, this could get quite noisy".

What just happened ??? I stood there like a zombie. Really did i hear that ?

As you turned and closed the curtain and reached up for the radio, i suddenly felt my pants beginning to get really tight. Omg this was really gonna happen!

It was all beginning to make sense, the shower, the little flirtatious moves, even the open invitation to enter your sleeping domain. Hold on who was setting this up? Have i been out smarted? Who the hell cares at this moment!

As the lights dim down so things become shadows, i can see you turn to me..... "I hope you ready for this? " you ask as our lips meet once again and felt a hand settle gently on my throbbing crotch area.

"Oh my" you whisper as you begin to size up my waiting cock.

What was happening was what i hoped but never really thought it would. Especially the way things are playing out. We shouldn't be here doing this, but neither of us cared.

Life has got to start somewhere and this might be the spot.

My god my heart was beating a mile a minute and i could feel yours doing the same. My palms began to sweat and my nerves took over, standing there in the dim light embraced in a wild but controlled kiss with such a pretty woman. All the time your hand running over my crotch. Gently but with enough pressure I'm sure you could check my pulse with it throbbing.

Theres that wild animal in us all and the desire to just shred our clothes off and have a session of wild sex was firmly there. But the shreds of common sense said NO. This needs to be something special neither of us will ever forget.

My hands moved across your back and down the side of your ribs, both in simultaneous form, as i reached the top of your yoga pants i could feel the desire to slip my hands under them and remove them. Holding back the animal in me i gently worked down the side of your hips and then over to your firm butt cheeks. Our lips parted slightly and i took the chance to kiss your neck, starting low and with little nimbly kisses working my way up your neck. I could feel you shutter and wiggle, this gave me a bit more reach and the hands slipped low over your butt cheeks just far enough to reach your inner thighs and just outta reach of your waiting sex. The heat coming from your pussy was unmistakeable. Rising further up your neck slowly kissing every spot i could, as my hands made a slight probing motion before rising over the mounds of your cheeks. Your hand hadn't moved in a while but was just glued to the exterior of my jeans.

I knew at that moment one touch in the right spot would send you into your first climax. With very erratic breathing i knew things were going to explode in you at any moment.

Right on with my thoughts, only a few seconds later both of your hands reach for the front of my jeans and undid them, quickly down with the zipper and then... Tug. The jeans land around my ankles as you slowly drop down on both knees to ensure they come all the way off. "We wont be needing these any more" you whisper as your head begins to rise. I can feel your breath on my legs getting higher and higher in slow motion. My briefs are still on, but theres a huge tent pole holding them straight out. Suddenly i feel your hair touch my legs and move up till your forehead presses firmly against my aching member. Then a cheek, and suddenly your lips begin to caress the most lower part of my shaft, still on the outside of my shorts. The feeling and anticipation was mind shattering. Slowly nibble after nibble inch after inch you reach the top. As your fingers reach inside the elastic and open them up exposing about half of my cock for you. Suddenly i hear a slight whimper from you as are about to touch your lips to it. The head is covered in precum and you look intensely at it before landing a kiss right the tip, covering your lips my my juice. Out comes your tongue and enjoys the slippery fluid on your lips. "Hmm just my flavour" i quietly hear.

With a glance up at me you can see im in heaven.

"What do you want ? My dear" comes from your lips while holding and gently squeezing my shaft with both hands.

"God you know what i want".. "please..." I say.

"treat me and the entire world is yours" i added. The anticipation of your soft lips on my aching sex is beginning to be too much. As i reach down to gently rest my hands on your head you say..."no i want you to say it, ask me for it nicely, tell me what you want and how you want it".

Oh that just seems to heat things up even more...

Would she actually do exactly as i say where and how? Runs through my head. Most girls couldn't get this right if their life depended on it. If they even did it at all.

"My dear i want to feel your lips, gently slide over me very slowly, firmly yet gentle. Just take bit at a time, don't over do it. Use your tongue to tease the underside of my cock just past the head. Once your teeth are past the head gently touch your teeth to me and work a little bit back and forth. Take in as much or as little as you want. Moving as fast or slow as you want. I will guide you if needed. But if i do you will get a mouthful of me very fast. I will rest my hands on your head but i will never force you into going further than you want. I just like the feel of hair in my hands. You can stop when ever you want". All time you never removed your eyes from mine, just listened and savoured every word.

"Ok your desires will be fulfilled" you say.

Oh my goodness i cant believe this is gonna happen, its something i haven't had in a very long time and now this beautiful woman wants to do what ever i wish with her lips to me. My head is bursting. My heart is ready to explode. Weakness comes over my legs for a moment.

Then i hear, "But first you need to do something for me..."

" OH" i say, "anything you want"

As you kiss your way up my chest from your knelling position your hands slide under my shirt, pulling it off over my head. I can feel your hands all over my body, gently checking out every inch of me. As the kisses begin again i keep wondering what on earth you might have in mind. I was hoping you didn't get the impression i was just here for a blow job, although i wouldn't complain if thats all i got. But in all due fairness, I'm the pleaser, its my job to satisfy you and i wasnt leaving here until that happened. I hoped not anyhow but wouldn't push you into anything you didn't want. As your lips reach mine and we exchange a few more passionate kisses before you release me and say, "i will give you what you desire but first you must exchange underwear with me, turn around and take yours off and i will do the same, we switch and put them on, but no peaking... Ok?"

Well you talk about a strange and outta the blue request!

I wondered in my head how in the hell would her panties fit on me and how many parts will be hanging out.

I didn't have to think about it.... "Sure lets try it" i say.

As we both turn or backs to each other like requested. Mine were pretty easy to get off, you were still wearing the yoga pants. A few seconds later and i hear,

"Give me you left hand". I reach back and swap undies in an instant. Just as i do this most pleasing wonderful aroma hits me. Oh god.. i whisper to myself. The unmistakeable scent of an aroused woman. Oh so fine, i quickly wondered as sorted out where each leg went how long it would be before i buried my face where this scent came from and licked every spot where your love juices could be hiding.

As i slid your panties on i suddenly realized they were soaked in your juice. A funny giggle come over me... Oh i get it she just wanted dry Told ya she was a quick thinker. There wasn't much material at the front and i sorta hung out everywhere.

"Ready" i hear

"Oh yes" as i turn around

Here we stand wearing each others clothing looking kinda silly. My balls were resting in what little material was there but yet they were still soaking wet.

A few glances at each other and the kisses begin again, we each take turns kissing each others necks and other sensitive spots. While our hands explore each others bodies. We are both new to each other and curious what we might find. I want so badly to touch your bare skin, letting you feel the tenderness of my strong hands. The feel of your firm breasts against me, my hands begin to wander to find whats hiding in MY underwear. Pulling back slightly you look deep into my eyes and say, "now is your moment, i will get mine later ok? "

"Oh you have no idea how many times you will get yours i reply"

With that you begin to lower your self down, hands wandering around my chest feeling every muscle, slowly followed by your lips. As you reach my stomach a shutter comes over me. With the panties still on you pull them slightly to the side and finally I'm fully free. With both your hands firmly grasping my member, your lips touch the tip again and begin. Just like my desires we spoke of earlier.

My god what a feeling, my legs become weak as I'm sure all the blood in me is flowing into my cock.

There was no need for further instruction, you had everything down to a science. I knew at this rate and with the expertise you had i wasn't gonna last long. I wanted to hold off and save it for later but there was no hope. All the time your hands were working your juices from the panties around my balls. With a few delicious sounding moans from you a glance up to me eyes, i could see you had no intension of stopping. Them that twinkle in your eye hit me. You eyes left mine and in an instant you hit just the right spot over and over.

"My god I'm gonna cum" i screamed out. I couldn't have finished the words and i began to spew my hot cum into your mouth. Backing off to the tip so every rope of cum could hit the back of your throat. Soon it became too much and you swallowed, the remainder of the last few shots you kept in your mouth and let me feel as the last few strokes of your lips went over me. Slowly releasing me and swallowing, you rose to have your lips meet mine again. The passion was incredible as we danced our tongues together. I was so weak i was almost falling over. Sensing that you push me back onto the bunk while climbing up on top of me. If the underwear wasn't there I'm sure i would have slipped right into you.

Maybe that was part of your plan? To keep me out till just the right time.

As i laid there finding all my marbles again i say "my god that was absolutely incredible".

"I'm glad you liked it, i learn quick don't i? Now rest for a minute silly..... Then you will do as i say and fuck me like i want. Till i say we are done!!"

It occurred to me at that point i hadn't explored or pleased your body hardly at all. There was a whole new world waiting for me. Sure i was going to give you what you want but i also desired to show you what i could do to your body too.

Nice truck eh ? As you are still sitting on top of me slowly gyrating your hips so that your pussy is right over my cock. Movement after movement i can feel you getting even hotter and excited. If those dam underwear wasn't there i would be deep inside you.

Soon you give me a motion to turn on the bed and lay the proper way. All i could think of was eating your sweet pussy for the first time. Just reverse the position and let me kneel in front of you i thought and let me take it from there, i soon remembered your words from earlier and knew it was in my best interest to wait to see what you had in mind. After all i had been pleasured how i asked, only fair i do the same.

As we get turned you lay down beside on your side beside me with your head on my shoulder. We both enjoy the gentle touches on each others bodies.

"The rest of these clothes need to go" you remark. Off goes my girlie panties at the surrender of your swift hands. My cock never even had a chance for recovery, it wasn't needed and was fully erect again.

"Now expose me and feel my body" you whisper in my ear.

No problems there for me... I have waited long enough for this moment. Its time to explore your body and let the pleasure begin again.

As my hands move around you chest and slide under you shirt, you gently lift up and allow it to come up over your back. Slowly i lift your shirt up to the bottoms of your breasts, a bit more, a wee bit more and the fabric slides over your erect and very sensitive nipples. Slowing my hands just enough to cup the sides of your breasts in my hands for a second while you wiggle and squirm under me. Knowing your reaching that stage where your mind is totally gone, i waste no time in getting the shirt over your head. "Its almost time to make her cum" i said to my self.

As i lower my self down on you and let my lips begin to move around the perimeter of each boob, slowly getting closer and closer to each nipple. All the time you are beginning to let out moans and many unauditable words. As i lay my lips onto your left nipple and begin to suck it into my mouth, my hand firmly grabs the other and ever so gently squeezes that nipple. As your head slams from side to side in pleasure.

Slowly working around each one, not favouring one over the other. Making sure to place my lips in just the right places at the right time. Your hips are thrusting up in to me and i can tell you need more now!

Time for the big reveal, off with MY now drenched under garments.

Decision time.... Just how should they come off? Many thoughts rushed through my head. Just peel them off like you did to the ones i had on? Slowly remove them while taking in the site of you for the first time? Or just kiss you while my hands did the job? Decisions decisions.

I had to be careful here... Find a method that would keep me from just thrusting my cock into you hard and deep in an instant like the animal in me wanted.

I decided a close up look was in order, which would place my mouth very close to your pussy. Lowering my self down with my face right above you, both hands grab the elastic and begin to lower them, as you lift up to allow them over your cheeks. I get my first look at your pussy. Very neatly trimmed with no stubble, a slight furry area but not too much.

As the now soaking wet briefs leave your legs, i drop down to kiss just below your belly. Slowly inch by inch getting closer and closer. Making sure to catch any crease and sensitive spots. With my hands i begin to spread your legs open to reveal your pussy lips. The entire area is soaked in your juices and i cant wait to taste you. As my lips land firmly on your clit and i suck it into my mouth. Resisting the urge just slam my face into your swollen wet pussy and lick you everywhere cleaning up the waiting juices.

Its became too much for you.... "Oh my god! Oh my god " keep repeating. In an instant it happens "im cumming" you scream out! Your body wiggling and jerking about as the muscles inside you climax. It doesnt matter if the lights are on or not the fireworks in your head are lighting up the sky.

I hold dead still with my lips still on your clit, not even a slight movement until i sense that you have come back down enough that i can move.

As my lips break away i hear a huge... "Awe". I knew then you had waited too long for that.

A quick slide up to your face for a quick kiss, just to let you know all is ok. I feel you tongue probing around my lips. Your eyes are closed and i know your still coming down from that orgasm. I cant stay here long though or i will loose control.

Gently laying on top of you. My cock had landed directly in front of your waiting pussy. You knew it as well and kept wiggling your hips trying to pull me in. One slight movement from me and i would be inside you for the very first time but hopefully not the last time.

Your wiggles are doing their job as i feel your outer pussy lips open and begin to surround the head of my cock.

No.... Stop! slams through my head.

Not yet!

"One more request?" I whisper in your ear as i nibble on your neck.

"Oh god.... Anything!! Just make me cum like that again" i softly hear.

"Count ...and count out loud! The next one in a couple minutes will be #2" i say.

As i begin to slide down over your body, pulling the tip of my cock away from you. I hear this slight whimper of disappointment from you. But you know whats coming and it can feel much better if done right than a cock thrusting into your body.

Working slowly down over your beautiful body i kiss and fondle each area, touching and kissing just the right spots at the right moments. Letting my hands wander all over you, sometimes firm and almost aggressive and then in an instant later, so tender it becomes almost mystical. She has no idea how good my hands can make her body feel i say to myself as i reach your lower tummy area with my lips. Parting your legs with one hand. I slowly work from side to side each time getting lower and lower. The aroma coming from you is driving me nuts. I cant wait any longer. My face gets planted solidly into your soaking pussy. I can feel the wetness all the way to the sides of my cheeks.

Instinctively my tongue reaches out as far as it can go and lands just at the edge of your anal port. Wiggle, squirm, whimper and a quick thrust and i knew i found a special spot and not a forbidden zone, I just might need to explore that a bit more....hmmm. Little did i know what was in your mind for me later.

Its at the instant i get the first taste of you, oh how delicious. I had been waiting for that moment as i know you had too. It matches the aroma and my dreams, sweet and salty all in one. Slowly rising up past the area between each hole i welcome every drop into my mouth. Then i hit it. The entrance to your pussy. As your tinny lips part and allow my tongue to just slightly enter you. Ah few quick probing actions and i move on up. Careful to touch each little spot that has sensitivity. I finally reach your clit again and begin to tease it.

Suddenly i hear..." Do that again ! Do it over and over just like that till i cum"

Well not being one to disappoint, i return and begin the exact same movements over and over again. With your hips thrusting wildly I'm finding it hard to stay on the mark. My arms go up around your hips and lock me in to you, not restricting your movements but joining you in unison.

Its not long and you begin to cum again.

"Fack... Omg ... Yes... Yes" your screaming over and over.

Wildly tossing me around like a rag doll between your legs.

" Fuckin 2!!! " i hear you scream as i feel your insides contracting and pulsating on my tongue. With a probing tongue i reach upwards in side you just at the moment and flick it over and over. More juice flows out in to my mouth. Its too much for me, i have lost control. Wildly i begin to ravage your pussy with my tongue and lips, over and over again probing into you and sucking your pussy lips. Stopping every so often for a tease of your clit. You never really stop convulsing, grabbing the back of my head and slamming my face into you over and over. The screams begin again! The music playing in the back ground is drowned out by your pleasure screams.

Within seconds... I hear "Three!! " and then "holly fucking shit!! FOUR! ".

I know by now your entire body is entrenched in a massive series of orgasms. The moans and flailing around continue as my relentless assault on your pussy continues.

One more i thought... Before she blacks out. Never really letting you come down from you last orgasm.

I quicken the pace and quickly by bring you back to exploding again.

The screaming and moaning never really stopped and is driving me wild.

Im sure I'm about to cum too, when i here. "five". A slight squirt of juice comes out of you as your hands relax on my head. I can tell at that instant you are done for now. Releasing my arms from your hips, spread your legs wide open and gaze at the site of your well eaten pussy. Such a beautiful site, i wish i had a camera at that moment so i could save this site forever for my eyes only. Then slowly as not not miss a spot i clean you up with my tongue. You haven't moved in a number of seconds, just laying there motionless. I rise up and kiss each breast and lay down beside you. Finally you begin to stir and roll to your side, laying your head on my shoulder.

"Sorry i must have passed out there for a minute" you whisper in my ear.

As we lay there letting our bodies recover and the sweat drying off us.

You lift your head up and lick my cheek, "hmmmm you saved me some" as you continue to clean my face off with gentle licks and kisses.

We relax again in each others arms and let our hands caress each other.

Yet the thought suddenly goes through my mind..... She hasnt said how she wants me to fuck her or asked much of anything.....yet.

As we both lay there recovering and drying off time seems to slip by. We both gently doze off for a few minutes, 20 or so maybe, but who knows. I awake first to find you in the same position except your hand is wrapped solidly around my cock. I guess you didnt want to let it go just yet. Afraid i would slip away... Not a chance. Gently my free hand begins to wander all over your body. Touching and gently feeling my way around. Your skin is very soft yet still a bit tacky from our sweaty session earlier. My hand doesn't guide over you like i wish it would so that you could get the total sensation.

As i work my way up around your neck and behind your ears, over your cheeks and around your face. Just ever so gently touching you.

You look so peaceful laying there beside me. I don't wanna wake you, so I'm not moving much and just making sure you are totally relaxed. I know its been a long few days on the road in this rig and I'm more than happy to lay here with you for as long as you need. As i lay there listening to the music, i can hear other trucks coming and going and other strange sounds of a truck stop. Many minutes went by and you still haven't moved or let go of me. As i almost doze off i start to hear an almost purring sound coming from you. Im soon to realize you are enjoying my tender touches.

Not long after you lift your head and look into my eyes. "Sorry i must have dozed off" you say.

"You have been sleeping for a while my dear" i reply.

"I have just been laying here rubbing and touching you, sorry my hand isnt gliding like it should, we are still sticky from sweat, i would need some oil to do it right." I whisper gently to you.

"Oh i felt that, i thought i was part of a perfect dream" you reply.

With that you reach over your left shoulder and open up "the" drawer.

A bit of rustling around and you find what you have been looking for.

"Here you should use this" as you hand me a small bottle.

It needs no introduction or instructions for me as i get the lid open and begin to coat my hands and spread a few drips on your body.

You shiver as the cool liquid drops hit you. A sweet yet tender vanilla scent hits the air. Thats kinda a good thing cause it smells like sex in this truck.

As my hands begin to slide on your skin, ever so softly i can feel you relax . Its time to search for tight muscles and knots as i begin at your toes. Pampering each foot and leg equally.

Past your knees and into your thighs. Gently touching at first then firmly relaxing each and every muscle. As i am kneeling over you, i have a complete view of your body. I slowly admire it as i rub. Your legs are spread open leaving nothing hidden. You seem so comfortable naked in front of me. Although my face had been there ravaging you not long ago i hadnt had the chance to admire the beauty in your private area.

As my hands get closer to your hips i can feel the tension in your muscles from sitting for so long. While working that out, every so often i slide my hand nearer and nearer to you most private areas. Not a motion is made by you just noise that makes me think there is a dove hiding in here somewhere. A bit more exploring and teasing and i work slowly upwards on your body, stopping for some personal pleasure touching you just above you pubic hair area of your lower tummy. Up past your tummy and onto your chest. As i throw one leg over you and kneel on top of you, i have placed my now recuperated and stiff cock directly over you pussy area. As i lean forward working on your ribs and shoulders, my shaft slides right over your clit area. Your breathing changes and you are becoming aroused again. Back and forth covering each area very well as i rock on top of you. Now for your breasts, they deserve some tenderness too, but a different kind of touch. Covering each one with oil everywhere except the nipple and areola the gentle movements begin. One by one back and forth not giving one more than the other. Cupping them in my hands caressing them. As i feel them harden up i know its bringing up your arousal level. Gently with my tongue i begin circling the areola. Cupping one breast than the other while suckling on each nipple. Sliding my hips back slightly i let my throbbing cock slide down and meet your waiting lips. With just a gentle movement it parts your lips. Just the tip is waiting at your entrance. Without even moving it slightly i settle my body down on top of you. Feeling the oil cover both of our body's now. As i slowly wiggle around on you i can feel you trying to move your hips and suck me into you, or maybe just enjoying the arousal on me knocking at the door. Not even a millimetre more do i enter you. The heat coming from your pussy on the tip of me is incredible. So very moist and soft feeling too, as i move to nibbles on the side of your neck. Both of us are ready to explode into the next step.

As my body tense's up for entry,

You let out a little soft whimper again.

"Are we done with the massage ? "

You ask gently in my ear. "There is a whole other side of me that i want you to explore first if you can hold off."

At that instant i stop beginning to apply pressure on my hips. Just the head has entered into your love canal. Opening up your tinny hole just a bit as i feel your velvet surround me.

Pffft... Can i hold off, ok girl if you want me to drive you insane with desire i will.

My advance ceases and a slow removal on my shaft begins.

As i rise up to a kneeling position again, you quickly turn over, revealing a whole new play ground for me.

Your body looks just as good from behind as it does from the front.

I begin in the same pattern as before, start low work up. Searching out every tight spot. Your legs are spread wide, i love the look from here. I could stare at this site all day, but we have things to do. As i reach you thighs and hips again, those tight muscles are even more pronounced. This will take some time. Slowly again taking out each tight muscle, my hands cover your entire back area all the way to your neck, over and over again giving what is needed where it is needed, but not to much as to bruise any tender area's. You are totally relaxed and at ease, i wonder n my head if you are even still on this planet.

Its time to explore a bit and revive your sexual side again. I switch positions and gently place my butt on your shoulders so i can have better movement. Not hardly an ounce of pressure on you, but as i rock back and forth my ready cock slides gently up and down your spine. You havent even made some much as a twitch. As my my hands gently in almost a mystical sense reach your lower back, my palms run over your cheeks while my thumbs gently enter your butt crack and begin to explore. Further and further i go, till i reach your tinny opening. Hmm the memory of my tongue touching there and your reaction makes me curious where this might go. Adding a generous amount of oil, i begin, with the first touch i get my first sign of life from you. A oh my i like that sort of wiggle.

Softly covering every spot all the way to the very edge of your pussy. My thumbs circling your anal opening, round and round, the wiggling under me increases and i know you are liking this. Replacing my thumb with an index finger i slide it down your entire butt crack until its right in the middle of your opening. Your hips move up and welcome me. As dribble more oil down the back of my hand and on my finger i slowly push in. One knuckle, two. Back out to allow some oils to coat my finger again.

Your breathing changes very fast.

Gently i insert my finger again, deeper and deeper. There is no indication of displeasure from you just the dove noises and movement of your hips. Slowly as you get used to me being there i begin to move in and out. While my left hand reaches down and cups over your pussy, leaving the tips of my fingers right on your clit. Both working in unison i begin to bring your climax peak up,

Suddenly i hear...."two... Two fingers please".

I quickly add more oil and comply with your desire. Working the second finger in slowly, letting you adjust. Then using all my hands and fingers work you over to bring you to ecstasy again. Its not long and the soft noises from you begin to become very load screams of pleasure as i work you over.

"It's... Its .. HERE " you scream out as i feel you tighten every muscle down on me. Thrashing wildly under me.

" omg fuck me ...Six !! "

" one more please"

Still at the peak of your last climax i begin again, it only takes a matter of seconds and your shaking violently ready to explode even more on this one.

"The screams ring out, over and over again until you hit the peak again and clamp down on me. I instantly stop and hold until you are ready.

"Seven" comes from this tinny squeaky voice under me. With a few slight teasing motions remove my left hand from you now dripping pussy, i retract slowly one finger at a time allowing you to adjust and let me go.

With a few gentle rubs of your cheeks i climb off you and settle down beside you. Figuring your done for a few minutes, i go to relax. But its not happening, the wild woman in you has awakened. Quickly in a split second you are on top of me with your hand grabbing my swollen member.

Guiding it to you swollen pussy lips.

Just inserting the tip and then letting go, you lower your head down to me and whisper "Now i get mine, enough teasing... Im gonna fuck you like i want till i say we are done."

Then your hips slowly begin to lower, as i glide into you. Oh what a feeling, so soft and just the right tightness. Im not gonna last long in here. As you stretch to allow me in going deeper inch by inch you settle on me. With only a slight pause you begin to raise and lower very slowly at first. The motions increase with speed and intensity, i can feel you squeezing me from inside. We had both waited too long for this. With each time you slam down on me i can feel the tip touching your "A" spot deep inside you. Taking full advantage of this you settle down on me and begin some hip motions i had only seen people do while dancing. I didn't know that was possible during sex.

Rubbing you just at that spot deep inside that drives women crazy, i begin to feel my cock ready to explode. Not knowing if maybe some precautions should have been taken, I'm obligated to let you know.

"I'm gonna cum" i say.

"Oh yes... Yes let it go, I'm there too" you scream out.

Within a couple seconds I'm spewing my load deep into you. As you feel the hot ropes of cum hit you. You scream out.

"Fuck me!! Eight"

Your movements never stop,




As i feel you clamp down on me shaft over and over again. It feels like you are on fire inside. Juices flow out from both of us all over my balls. And onto the bed.

The sweat is pouring off both of us combined with the oils we are one wet slippery mess.

Slowly coming back down you begin to just slowly raise and lower over me. You are exhausted.

A look in my eyes tells me you cant go on but want more. As you release me a whisper says " take me now however you want".

I cant resist or wait till I'm back into you so i lay you down gently and lift one leg up to my chin, while i lay beside you. This is my best angle at her "A" spot i say to my self. My cock had began to loose its firmness but soon woke to the occasion when it was back inside you. I pull you close and clamp down on your other leg with my thighs. There's no need for thrusting here. This is a finesse touch done by certain wiggles. As i begin my assault on your insides, your eyes open wide and that OMG look comes over you. It only takes a couple minutes and you are screaming and squeaking again.

"Eleven" as i feel you squirm under my now tight hold on you.

A brief pause, but not to long. And i begin again. This time not so fast or forcefully and even adding a few strokes all the way out and back in.

As you begin to convulse i know its time again.

"Ahhh... Twelve"

I can sense from the reaction thats enough for you.

Releasing you i gently pull out and whisper in your ear, "roll over and let me finish".

Quickly you do again as i request and i waste no time in getting back into you from behind. Thrust after thrust while laying on top of you. I finally run out of energy. Sliding up onto my knees i tuck a pillow under your tummy to raise you just slightly. The position is just right for both of us. With my hands on your back my cock slamming into you so hard and deep. The truck cab begins to shake wildly.

The assault goes on for what seems like forever until i feel this swelling in my balls again and begins to come up my shaft. I think you could feel my swelling and that put you into an orgasm again. Just at the perfect time as my cum was released again inside you.

With your head stuffed in a pillow i barely hear " 13 "

I collapse in a sweaty mess beside you as you half climb on top of me with one arm and leg over me.

Within seconds we are both soundly asleep.

Hours may have passed, who knows.

Finally we stir and passionately kiss before either one of us are even awake.

After a brief cuddle session its time for us to go.

I rise up and begin to gather my strewn clothing. While you just roll on your side and watch. As i pick up my underwear you snatch them from my hand.

"NO ...NO..., im keeping these till you come back." Reaching down you grab your panties i had been wearing and toss them at me...

" Your wearing these home and there will be no treats if your not wearing them next time i want you to fuck me, so you best keep them on or handy."

Well i cant even begin to think here so i slide them on and finish dressing.

What an odd feeling.

Im a mess but i have to go.... As i kneel down and kiss you good bye.

A whisper in my ear,

"Next time i want you to fuck my tight ass and fill me with your cum"

"Now get outta here and lock the door on your way out"......

Backing out slowly saving every last glance i can get of you laying there naked.....

Click the lock goes on the door and gently closes.

The end.......

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