Carol Myers and the ranch became an interesting place
Part 4
The fourth segment of the Mrs. Fox and the girls story.
We left off sleeping soundly in Carol Myers cabin not sure what she had in mind for the coming day but after all i was in heaven just being with her.
Sleeping soundly suddenly an alarm went off and we both jumped awake. She looked in my eyes and gave me a kiss good morning. Coming to my senses i asked “what time is it”. She was getting up already but turned to say “ 5 am … i cant be here” . My heart stopped and panic set in. I was about to bolt again when she grabbed me and said “ no everything is fine, you trust me ?” I nodded yes as she gathered up the wine bottles and glasses and tucked them into a cupboard. Coming back past me with her things she stopped and sat beside me and said “ ok smart boy, pretend your sleeping but be ready to move, do as your told and keep your mouth shut, i will see you soon sweety”. With a kiss she was gone out the door and hearing her SUV speed away, I laid there wondering what the hell was going on or whats next but i had trust her. The only light in the room was from a small night light on thee stove but through my semi open eyes i spotted her bra on the chair. What ever was going to happen next having that there wasnt likely a good idea. Grabbing it i buried it under the mattress and laid back. Many thoughts, fears and questions rang through my head. Mostly where was she going and why couldn't she be there?
Only a few moments later i heard two trucks drive up, doing as i was told i pretended i was asleep as the door burst open. I figured for sure there was going to be a fight or me being killed for sure peering through my mostly closed eyes. In the door stood two of the roughest looking cowboys i ever seen. Im a booming voice came the words “Get up boy its time to go to work! Follow us. “ as they turned towards the door. Thankfully i was awake enough and grabbed my boots and was on their heals going out the door. Getting in our trucks we drove down the lane about a half mile, coming over a ridge entering a valley i got my first glance at the main ranch and buildings, this what i kinda expected to see at a ranch, but where was i at that cabin. Were were soon parked and headed to the porch of the main house. Greeted by my beautiful red headed lover, everyone said good morning ma’am and got a cup of coffee. There was 4 cowboys and Carol and I on the porch. The days plans were set out. Since it was Sunday we were only moving a couple groups of cattle and should be done by noon we had to get it done before it got too warm. They talked about different pastures and gates and things that were i didn't know anything about. Carol introduced me and explained i was there trying out for a job. A couple of the guys looked like they had came off the prairie ranches and would rather bite your head off.
Carol came over to me and whispered “bra ?” My answer was “safe no issue under mattress”. She smiled and walked away. The quick coffee done we headed for the barn.
I was instructed to feed and give grain to the horses we would be using today. A chestnut mare was the one i was assigned to and a saddle was pointed out. Everyone went about getting chores done and horses brushed and readied. Once all the stock was fed we reported to the kitchen for our breakfast. Of course all the shitty jobs they could think of were assigned to me once we got back. I just said “bring it on, im low man, whatever you need done”. As long as i was near Carol i didnt care but i avoided any looks towards her and just kept asking questions about work stuff and out thinking any of the boys.
Breakfast was done we put our plates away and headed to the main barn. When i came around the front i looked up i seen the ranch name … Gold Bar Ranch … The Myers.
Well holly shit now i knew where i was and who Carol Myers was. My first thought was i knew the reputation of their hired men. These were guys you didnt mess with, i started to recognize some for the local bar. They were some of the best cowboys around too.
I didnt know too much about the ranch other than it was only 10-12 years old they had bought up some smaller ranches and now run a lot of land and cattle for this area.
Going in the barn we all saddled our mounts and readied to ride, i made it perfectly clear to all i knew how to ride but wasnt a cowboy. Asking give me a chance i will learn fast and do whats asked. Carol joined us and gave me a smile and wink and off we went.
The morning went well and i learned quickly never being that guy that screwed up, i think even the old rough guys were slightly impressed. With the cows moved we returned and finished up chores and yes i got the less desirable chores.
We finished up and washed up and sat down on the deck for lunch prepared by Maria the ranches cook/ caretaker. I kept pretty quiet and lunch was over quickly. Putting our dishes away all the men said good bye and jumped in their trucks and were gone. I was left standing there with Carol smiling at me. “Well what do you think ? “.
I wasnt sure what to say at that moment.
As she grabbed a couple beers out of the fridge she motioned to have a seat and said “let me explain”.
She went on to explain her husband passed away in a mine accident a couple years ago. They had been high school lovers and married right out of high school. His life dream was to go north and mine gold, which he and his best friend did. They found some ground that was virgin but very tough to get to, they worked on staking and working a large amount of claims that turned out to be some of the richest modern day mines. He was gone 6 months a year as the business grew and they took on more and more ground. Eventually a large corporation came in and they sold out for many millions of dollars. Keeping only some remote small claims, returning back here they decided to live their dream and start ranching. Buying this ranch and naming it the Gold Bar Ranch. They owned close to 20,000 acres now and leased a lot more. Steve her husband returned north each summer to play miner, it was in his blood. Unfortunately there was a cave in at one of the underground mines and he was killed.
She looked at me and said “ you see i have had a lot of trauma in my life and i need to protect my self and this ranch. Those boys that just left would protect me with their lives. If someone tries to hurt me or go after my money they would soon disappear. Thats why all the mystery you have went through in the last 24 hrs. I had to make sure about you. I brought you in through the back gate and we stayed at the guest cabin that was built for visitors.”
With that most of those questions i had were answered. I sat there and nodded the whole time before reassuring her i had no ill intensions and had nothing but respect for her. I was just in awe of her beauty and was enjoyed her company.
“You can work here and live in the guest cabin if you wish or if you want to live your dream and start your own business and i will help you or you can walk away now. No hard feelings, but dont try to play me for my money”. Were the guidelines she stated.
It was a lot to think about in a hurry, i asked for some time and if i was going to work here i needed to let my boss know.
She said that would be fine.
I couldn't help but wonder where we stood as far as our sexual relationship went, i was pretty sure like i did she wanted more than just a ranch hand. She knew what i was thinking and said Kim would be over soon for a quick talk.
As we sipped on a couple beers Kim soon arrived, looking up and seeing us on the porch drinking beer she looked at me and laughed. “” you just go from porch to porch drinking beer?”
“Yes ma’am its a good gig if ya can get it. “ i chuckled.
We brought her up to speed on all the conversations and events. She was happy we were going to try to help heal her marriage. She finally looked at me and said: “I’m sorry but we cant keep doing this, your a fantastic lover but i cant risk it again, my family is my life. I would have no ill feelings if you and Carol got together. “ Carol nodded and agreed. “ Thats fine with me” i replied “but it looks like i maybe am going to be part of the staff here so im still around for Carol to tell stories about”. The ladies smiled and we each gave Kim a hug before she departed for home.
I looked at Carol and said “ i hope you can excuse me too, i have a lot to think about”. We parted ways and i drove away and past the cabin and down the road.
Spending the rest of the day thinking i finally showed up at my bosses house and asked if i was to quit would that put him in a bad place. I had another job offer. He was actually happy for me when i told him the details and confessed he didnt have work for me coming up anyhow and was wondering how to cut staff. We shook hands and parted ways as friends.
Returning to my apartment i let my landlord/uncle know i wouldnt be around much and was likely moving out soon once i was stable at my new cabin and job. I grabbed my things and headed for the cabin. Slipping in after dark i hit the couch and was quickly asleep.
Beep beep beep 4 am came early, a shower and shave and i was off. Rolling into the main ranch well ahead of anyone else. I went about doing morning chores and got the stock we would be riding today ready and feed. Carol had told me we would be trailering to another ranch to move cattle there so i hooked up the trailer and readied things as best i could for the day. As the ranch hands came rolling in i stepped out of the barn and decided to poke the bears: “ afternoon lads glad ya could join us, stock is feed, chores are done and trailer is hooked up, you might have time for a second cup today”. They all turned and i got a stare that could kill.
Carol was surprised to see me as i told everyone what duties i had done already. They actually did seem impressed that i caught on that quick and took the initiative on my own. A couple cups of coffee later everyone wandered off the porch. Carol came up to me and thanked me for coming back and deciding to be part of the crew. Looking into my eyes she said “and the good news is my period is done too, i cant wait till i have your face buried between my thighs, Kim tells me you have skills too and its your turn. Now go get ready to cowboy for the day. “ she turned and went in the house to help Maria with breakfast.
Reporting to the barn the boys seemed pleased that i had done most of the chores and could get saddles on and horses loaded at an easy pace and even some chit chat.
We reported for breakfast and ate quickly. Getting ready to roll Carol took me aside and said:” good luck today, these boys are gonna test ya to make sure you can be trusted and have their backs. Good advice…. Dont ever screw up.” Maria came and gave me the coolers full of drinks and lunch for everyone.
I jumped in the truck and we went cowboying for the day, all went well and i believe i passed every test so far, but i was dead tired and ready for sleep. Back at the ranch we finished chores and put the horses away. Everyone got in their trucks and left as did I. Carol was no where to be seen.
Going back to the cabin i just wanted a shower food and bed. Walking in i could smell something cooking, the oven was on keep warm and a note from Maria said “Enjoy”. I went directly to the shower and cleaned up. Walking back into the main room naked i finally looked around and seen there was actually a bedroom in the west end of the cottage. I put my things in there and ate the casserole that was in the oven. Moments later i was on the bed and out like a light.
Dreams came fast and it wasn't long and Carol was in my dreams again, which was who i was thinking about as i fell asleep. I was dreaming of her sucking my cock again, feeling her wet lips all over me while stroking my cock. It was a perfect dream and seemed to hold on forever. I was replaying our first night together in my dreams. When she swallowed my cock and throat fucked me i suddenly felt the urge to cum, but the urge wasnt in a dream it was real. Coming to my senses i looked down and between my legs was Carol with my cock buried deep in her throat. He eyes locked on mine waiting for me to wake. “Holly shit” i said as my cock swelled and i began blasting cum down her throat again. She took it all and cleaned me up before climbing up on top of me naked. It was very dark but i could see her silhouette, with a kiss she said “hello darling time for your bed time snack.” She lowered her hips down till her soaked pussy landed on my cock, she slid back and forth with her labia spread wide on my shaft, dropping down ever so often to grind her clit on my cock. Her pussy was soaked and i could feel her juices dripping all over me. She knew she was driving me wild and reached down to grab her ass to align my cock with her waiting hole. I was nearly in when she resisted and pulled back. Looking in my eyes and shaking her head she said “no…no not yet you need a snack first”.
Rising up with her knees past my wide shoulders her legs were spread wide as she planted her pussy on my face and began covering my entire face with her juices. The aroma hit me first and my tongue instinctively began licking as she ground over my face. Her smell and taste were better than i had ever had it had almost a sweet flavour. i was truly in heaven, this lady is a perfect goddess. She was shaved smooth everywhere with only a small triangle above her clit area. I finally got her to slow down and sucked on her clit while my tongue assaulted it causing her first orgasm. I could feel her muscles contracting and a slight gush of fluids ran into my mouth. The urge to tongue fuck her and keep this wave of orgasms going was too much so i positioned her just right, smothering me but i didnt care. I soon found the canal and stuck my tongue in. Something was different, the opening was much smaller than i had ever experienced, never the less i went to work driving her quickly to orgasm number 2. She ground her pussy into every square inch of my face while she cum. I was soaked from ear to ear. Returning back to letting my lips and tongue work on her i went into a rhythm and teased all the essential parts. The times she had cum were great but i knew there was more in her and i need to get that out. Eventually her knees were weakening and i picked her up still planted on my face and flopped her on the bed so i was on top. My experience kicked in and i brought her to orgasm once more. Quickly returning to licking every inch of her pussy not missing any juices, i got to her canal and began to investigate why it seemed so much tighter on my tongue. All i could think was wow this really will have to stretch for me to get my cock in there. But hey i was going to try if she was willing. Figuring she had more left in the desert tank i kept going and brought her up to the biggest yet her legs clamped around my head she began bucking like a horse. I couldnt breath but i didnt care there was no stopping as I drove my face deep into her pussy not missing any spot or drop of flavour. Gasping for air with my lungs about to explode i forced her legs apart and got air. As she came down and relaxed i cleaned up the work zone and readied my self to make love to the fine lady.
My cock was at its peak and ready for entry. Sliding up on her i kissed and sucked on each or her large breasts sending shivers through her body. Finally kissing her neck and planting my lips on hers we kissed and she gathered up what flavour was still around my face and there was lots. Now firmly on top of her legs spread wide it was time for entry into her, wiggling my body my cock found her labia and i lowered slightly and felt the opening around my cock.
As i figured it was going to be a tight squeeze as there was lots of resistance. She wiggled slightly and i could see wrinkles in her face that showed discomfort. The head of my cock hadnt even entered her yet and i knew something was wrong, stopping any forward pressure instantly i looked down and seen tears roll from her eyes. Pulling away i grasped her face and wiped the tears away. “ whats wrong sweetie i have i done something wrong” i asked. Just laying there shaking her head for a minute she finally said “ no it’s me i dont know if im ready yet and theres something i have to tell you” Looking in her eyes i knew this was going no further tonight and i didnt want a perfect eve to end on a bad note. I dismounted her and rolled her on her tummy. Changing the mood my hands went to work on this fine lady from head to toe. Doing my magic she was soon in peace and drifted off to sleep. I flopped down beside her and was done. Only a few hours till the alarm would go off.