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The cum flows as fast as the soft serve when Becca's there.
The girls walked me home, and crying, I ran to my room, stripped off my clothes, and jumped in the shower. All the way through my long emotional walk home, Ashley and Megan kept telling me it wasn't my fault that the boys had taken advantage of me and made me have sex with them. It didn't make me feel any better, they fucked me, and I kept having orgasms. I was sure I was becoming a slut, and my reputation would be ruined. I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep, waking several times during the night to a poor aching pussy. I was awakened by my dad cutting the grass under my window. I got out of bed and checked my sore pussy finding no lasting damage. I threw on a T-shirt and went down to eat breakfast.

"Hi, sweetie. Did you and the girls have a good time last night? My mom asked in her perky voice.

"Um, yeah, it was okay, I guess," I replied, yawning.

"Becca, didn't we talk about your wearing underwear with your t-shirt? Really, do you want your dad looking at what's between your legs?" She scolded me.

"Fine, but I don't see what the big deal is," I said, returning to my room and putting on a thin thong which still showed my plump pussy.

"Well, that's better, but not what I had in mind," She commented.

"MOM!" I exclaimed, exasperated.

What are you doing today?" she asked.

"Um, hanging at Ashley's," I replied.

I ate breakfast, texted Ashley and Megan, and made plans to meet them around eleven o'clock. Ashley said her parents were gone for the day, and besides her brother, we'd have the house to ourselves. It was a beautiful day, and we planned on lying by the pool and working on our tans. I walked to Ashley's and joined her and Megan at the pool, stripping out of my clothes and, with the girl's help, getting sunscreen everywhere it needed to go. We sat and talked, the girls occasionally asking me about last night; I just shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to re-live the events. We ate lunch and talked and laughed floating in the pool, and it was a perfect day.

"Girls, I'm going to hit the bathroom," I told my friends.

I walked into the house to the powder room but found the door locked, which I found strange. I bounced up the stairs and walked down the hall to Ashley's bathroom. As I was making my way back down the hall, I heard a voice,


I stopped. It was William, Ashley's older brother.

"UH, yeah, loser, what?" I answered.

"Come here. I want to show you something," William responded.

I crept to his door, looking around the door frame to hide my naked body, and peeked inside. William was lying on his bed in just a pair of gym shorts with his laptop open.

"Come in, Becca. I want you to see something," he said with a grin.

"No, that's okay, loser," I said, not wanting to be in his room naked.

"You really need to see this, Becca. It's about last night," William said, turning his laptop a bit toward me.

"Wait, what about last night," I said, becoming concerned.

"You know, at the Dairy Barn, with my friend Kyle and the boys," He replied, revealing more.

"I walked into the room and looked at William's computer, and there I was fucking and moaning.

"Where did you get that," I said angrily, slamming the top down on his computer.

"My boys sent it to me," he said calmly.

"You erase that right now, or I'll tell," I demanded.

"Well, then people would know what you did last night. You don't want that now, do you?" he said, laughing.

"William, you pig, erase that now," I demanded.

"If I did, what's in it for me?" he asked.

"Nothings in it for you, do it," I stamped my feet.

"Well, in that case, I'll send it out to my friends at school, maybe your parents," He explained.

"You wouldn't dare," I yelled.

"Watch me," he said, opening his laptop and typing.

I stood there with my arms folded indignantly.

"Look," He told me.

He had my video playing in his email, and he pointed to the address bar. In it were hundreds of email addresses, most prominently were my mother's and father's church addresses.

"William, no, stop, don't," I shrieked with fear.

"That's better," William laughed.

"Why would you do that?" I started to cry.

"Well, I want you to treat me nicely like you treated my boys," William said, getting serious.

"No, I can't, no, please don't make me," I shook as I cried.

"Come on, it's just me today, and then you can get back to the pool," he reasoned.

"Please," I begged, sobbing.

"Come on, crawl on the bed," He instructed.

I looked at the bed and walked to the window facing out back. Megan and Ashley appeared to be asleep as they floated in the pool. I returned to the bed and crawled on, balling my eyes out. William put his computer on the floor and pulled his shorts off, his hard cock springing forward.

"Shh, Shh, don't cry. We're just going to fuck," William told me as if that would make me feel better.

I lay on my back and spread my legs, covering my face and wanting to get it over with.

"Here, suck my cock a while till you calm down," he told me.

I rolled over and climbed in his lap and grabbed his cock; it was big; I stroked it a few times and then wrapped my lips around it and began to bob my head through my sniffles.

"Oh, yeah, this is great," William sighed as he lay down.

Eventually, I stopped crying as I sucked Willian's fat long cock for him.

He began to moan, and I tasted him in my mouth and in my sinuses. I figured he was finished in my mouth, and I was correct. Williams's cock jerked in my mouth, and his cream flooded my throat, gagging me a little. I swallowed volley after volley as his cock throbbed in my mouth. Finally, he stopped coming, and I pulled my mouth off as strings of cum clung to my braces. Okay, on your back, Becca, William ordered. I lay in the middle of the bed, spread open, and covered my face with my arms as I started to cry again softly. William adjusted my legs to his liking, and I felt the head of his fat cock slip into position, lodging in my wet fuck slot. He pushed inside.

"Ow, ow, ow, it hurts," I moaned as I cried a bit louder.

"It will feel better once I'm inside," William tried to reassure me.

He pushed again, and more of his cock sank into my swollen, sore snatch.

"Umm," I gave an uncomfortable moan.

He stopped and pulled out a way, gently fucking the territory he's already captured. After a minute, my pussy was soaked with my juice, and he slid in further and further until his shaft was buried in my honey hole.

"Oh fuck does that feel good, Becca? Your pussy is so soft and wet," He whispered.

The discomfort was fading away as his large hard cock barreled in and out of my sloppy pussy. My pussy made squishing sounds, and he pushed inside me. William picked up the pace as my body rocked; I wrapped my arms around him.

"N-ya, N-ya," I moaned.

"Wrap your legs around my back," William whispered.

I crossed my legs around him, pulling more of his cock in my buzzing pussy.

"N-ya, N-ya, N-ya," I moaned louder.

As his fat cock fucking my sore pussy was beginning to feel really good. William began to fuck me harder.

"Oh, N-ya, N-ya, N-ya," he was driving me toward the cliff, and I was about to fall off.

William was moaning now, and I was ready to cum.

Oh, Oh, I'm going to cum, "I shouted.

"Oh fuck, not again, Becca," I hear a female voice.

Startled, I looked up to see Megan and Ashley standing in the doorway, watching with their arms folded in disgust. I lay my head back down and finished my orgasm while William's cock jerked inside me and showered my pussy with thick sperm. The girls stood there and waited for me to get out of bed, and I followed them, crying back to the pool.

"Fuck, Becca, that was awesome. Thanks for that," William said

"Rebecca, you were a total slut; last night, and now fucking my brother; what's next, my dad" Ashley screamed at me.

"Becca, you are disgusting," Megan said, shaking her head.

"No, no, he made me do it honestly; I didn't want to," I pleaded my case, crying.

"Really, Becca, Oh, Oh, I'm coming? That doesn't sound like he forced you," Ashley stated.

"No, he has the video of last night; he was going to send it to my parents if I didn't do it with him," I tried to reason.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Ashley said, diving into the pool.

I just sat there crushed; I was labeled a slut by my best two friends. I jumped on a raft and floated with my eyes covered, trying to put the last twenty-four hours behind me.

Everything at the pool calmed down, and Megan and Ashley at least acknowledged my existence. Ashley was floating on her raft, but her phone was pinging off the hook.

"What the fuck," she said, annoyed, as she paddled to the edge of the pool and picked it up.

"Oh my God, it's the guys from last night. Kyle wants us to come up to the dairy Barn tonight," Ashley stated.

"Yeah, I don't know," Megan said.

"How about you, Becca? What do you think?" Ashley inquired.

"Um, I don't know," I said without thinking.

"Megan and Ashley looked at each other and then at me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing, Becca. I'll tell them we'll meet them there at seven thirty," Ashley said as she typed.

"Maybe we shouldn't," I offered.

"Too late, Becca; I already told them we'd be there.

"I'm going to wear something super sexy tonight, Ashley said.

"Yeah, me too, Megan offered.

We'll dress at my house, and Becca, I have some great ideas for your outfit. My mom won't let me wear it, but you'll look hot in it," Ashley announced.

"Yeah, Becca, I'll do your makeup for you tonight; you'll be sexy," Megan added.

"Um, that's okay, guys. I'm not sure I can go any way," I answered feebly.

"No, Becca, you don't understand; Kyle said you have to show up tonight," Ashley told me with a devilish smile.

"Oh," was all I could think of to say.

I left Ashley and Megan at around five o'clock to get home for dinner. During dinner, I was unusually quiet, and my mom asked.

"Are you alright, sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I said, pushing my food around my plate.

"Oh, Becca, one of your friends called today for you," my dad said.

"Really? Who?" I asked, surprised.

"A very nice, polite young man; he said his name was Kyle," I dropped my fork.

"Can I be excused, please?" I asked,

"Sure, you're not hungry?" my mom asked.

"No," I answered as I left the room.

I slammed the door of my room and stripped to shower, and I knew I was getting set up to fuck again. My friends never said they'd dress me or do my makeup. I paced back and forth before I thought, if this is what they want, this is what I'll give them. I showered and shaved my legs and pussy, put on shorts and a t-shirt, and headed to Ashley's at six-thirty. When I got there, Ashley and Megan were already dressed, but not in super sexy clothes. Instead, they had on skirts and tops that looked quite normal.

"Okay, Becca, let's get you ready for your special night," Megan said.

"Special night?" I mumbled.

"Oh, don't pay any attention to her. She's a tease," Ashley countered.

"Megan began putting makeup on me as Ashley pulled outfits out of her closet.

"Oh, here it is. I thought maybe my mom threw it out on me," she said, holding up a very revealing top made of chains and an extremely thin scarf-like skirt tied on one end, which would sit on my hip and wrap around my waist.

"OH Ash, that's so cute; Becca will look delicious in that," Megan offered as she continued my makeup.

"Don't you think it's a bit much," I offered weakly.

"No, you'll be fabulous in it," Ashley stated, holding it up.

I began to worry about what my friends thought; that dress was seriously obscene. I couldn't wear it out in public. Megan finished my makeup, and I looked in the mirror, shocked: black eyeliner, my eyelashes black and built extremely long, a reddish blush that swept to a point at the far corner of my eye, and bright red lipstick. I looked like a prostitute.

"Meg, I think this is too much," I said, alarmed.

Both the girls gathered around and looked at me in the mirror.

"Oh my God, Becca, you are stunning," Ashley said, hugging me giddily.

"Becca, you're gorgeous," Megan added, hugging me and smiling.

"Are you sure?" I asked nervously.

"Okay, let's get you dressed," Ashley said excitedly.

I stood up, and the girls stripped me of my clothes, Ashley standing behind me and placing the chain breastplate on me. My eyes bugged out of my head as I looked at myself.

"Um, guys, I can see my tits through this thing," I said, alarmed.

"No, just a little, Becca, but it's so sexy; you look amazing in it," Ashley beamed.

"No, Becca, it's daring, but you're so sexy in it," Megan encouraged.

"Um, okay, if you guys think so," I said unsure.

Next, Ashley put the scarf skirt on me, and my jaw dropped; my pussy almost wasn't covered; if I walked in it, I'd show it to everyone.

"Oh, no, guys, this is too much," I voiced my alarm.

Again, they gathered around me; Ashley adjusted the scarf a little and said.

"There, it's perfect; you look just like Kylie Kardashian at a rave," She exclaimed.

"Really, you think?" I turned side to side, looking at myself.

I was close to being nude below my waist, and my tits were on prominent display; I shook my head, not sure of this.

"Okay, let's go," Megan said.

I couldn't pull myself away from the mirror; I looked like a streetwalker.

"Baby, you look beautiful. Let's go; we'll be late meeting the boys," Ashley said, pulling me away from the mirror.

I slipped on my slippers that Ashley picked out for me, and they dragged me out the door. We walked about two blocks and passed a man walking his dog. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me until we walked by. I was so embarrassed that I started blushing as Ashley and Megan chuckled. We reached the corner of the Dairy Barn, and the place was packed.

Who are we meeting again," I asked nervously.

"Don't worry, Becca, we'll get you a boyfriend tonight," Megan said, laughing.

"Or twelve," Ashley said under her breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, Becca, don't worry about it," Ashley said.

We crossed the street in front of the Dairy Barn, and all eyes were on me.

"Oh my God," I heard a woman say.

"Holy shit, are you kidding me," I heard a girl exclaim.

I could tell I was not dressed for the Dairy Barn. I was turning heads as I walked. I tried to adjust my skirt, but no matter which way I turned it, it showed more of me.

"Come on, the guys will be in the back," Ashley said.

"I think I'll hang out front for a while, guys," I told the girls.

"Okay, if you want, Ashley said.

They walked into the back parking lot, leaving me to the prying eyes out front. Boys walked up to me and stared at me; I knew they could see my tits and probably my pussy; I looked behind me and gasped; my entire ass was naked. I was so embarrassed. I hadn't noticed it before. What were Megan and Ashley thinking about dressing me like this? I quickly walked around the building to tell them I was going home to change clothes. When I came around the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks. Sitting on the parked cars were Kyle, Rob, and a dozen other boys with Megan and Ashley.

"Here's our party girl," Ashley said, laughing.

"Hey, Becca, we're glad you came tonight. We missed you," Rob said as the boys laughed.

I froze, standing there shaking, as fear overcame me.

"Come and say hi to the boys, Becca," Kyle said.

Ashley and Megan walked up to me and took me by the elbow and led me to the boys.

"Here she is, boys, dressed to party," Ashley told them.

A few of the guys got out of the car and surrounded me, and I swallowed hard.

"My, aren't you a sight," Kyle whispered in my ear.

I stood there silent, shaking in fear, as Kyle pulled the breastplate up, exposing my breasts, and Rob spun my scarf skirt around, exposing my bald pussy to the boys.

"She has a great body for that outfit, doesn't she," Ashley asked the boys.

"It will be nicer when she takes it off," Rob said.

"Here, Becca come between the cars," Megan said.

I was frozen. I couldn't move, and I was so scared.

"Here, baby, let me help you," Ashley said.

Ashley and Megan led me between the cars to the back door. They opened it and then took off my breastplate and scarf skirt. As I cried, they helped me into the back seat. I started balling, and it could be heard through the parking lot with the car windows open.

"Okay, boys, we did our job, Megan said.

"Yeah, you'll be on Mario's free ice cream list," Kyle told her, laughing.

"Okay, boys, I think I drew the first fuck, so spread out in case the cops roll threw," Kyle told the boys.

Kyle opened the door and got in, taking off his T-shirt and shorts.

"Don't worry, Becca, just fuck like you did last night, and everything will be alright. Now come here and suck my cock," Kyle told me.

I sat up and got on my knees, bending over and taking his hard cock in my lips, and began to bob my head up and down slowly.

"Yeah, that's my girl, suck it," Kyle moaned.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sucked Kyles's cock, realizing my best friends Megan and Ashley had hand-delivered me to the boys. I felt so betrayed, but now I understood why they dressed me up like a whore. I was one.

"Yep, you guys are all good; she's sucking his cock already," I heard Ashley say from outside the window of the car.

I was tasting Kyle's juice as it began leaking out of the tip of his hard cock.

"Okay, Becca, on your back like last night, spread 'em and put your feet on the ceiling," Kyle ordered.

I moved into position. My pussy was good and wet as Kyle crawled between my legs.

"Grab my cock and guide it home, Becca," Kyle told me.

I reached between my legs and poked the head of Kyle's cock through my pussy lips, and it lodged in the opening of my cunt.

"Oh, oh, it hurts," I cried.

Kyle slowly drove his cock deeper.

Ow, ow, stop, take it out, please, Kyle," I begged.

But he didn't stop until his throbbing cock was balls-deep in my aching snatch.

"Give it a minute, Becca; it will feel better," Kyle reassured me.

"Um, no, no, take it out," I begged.

"Shh, shh," It's okay. Kyle countered.

I was sobbing loudly as Kyle's hips began to pump his cock in and out of my sore pussy.

"Um, no, no, no," I wailed from the back seat.

My body began to bounce back and forth on his cock as he started fucking me, and he began to pick up the pace. I noticed Ashley recording me with her phone before I covered my face with my arms. I couldn't believe I was in the back seat of a car about to be fucked by a dozen boys.

"Mm, mm," I moaned softly.

"That's it, Becca; it's beginning to feel good now, isn't it?" Kyle asked.

I wasn't going to tell him it was, but deep inside, the pain was gone, and I was beginning to feel a glow growing between my legs. Kyle picked up the pace as our bodies rocked. And then I betrayed myself by letting everyone in earshot know I was enjoying it.

"N-ya, N-ya, N-ya," I moaned loudly.

"Kyle knew he had me now; I'd fuck all night now; there was no stopping the train; it had left the station.

"N-ya, N-ya, N-ya," I moaned loudly every time his cock hit bottom in me.

It was warm out, and we were both sweating. Kyle was pounding my pussy.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Kyle screamed as his balls exploded inside my pussy.

As he unloaded his sperm into my quivering pussy, I had a massive orgasm wash over me.

"N-ya, N-ya, oh, oh, I'm coming," I screamed as I threw my arms and legs around him and pulled his body close.

Kyle continued to pump his seed into me as our bodies became a tangled mess. When he finished, we lay on the back seat, silent for a few minutes, before he broke my grip and sat up.

"Fuck, Becca, that was better than yesterday," Kyle said, pulling up his shorts.

I covered my eyes with my arms as Kyle exited the car, and I felt the seat move signaling another boy was ready for my pussy. I spread my legs and put my bare feet on the ceiling of the car, not looking at the boy. I felt some rustling on the seat.

"Okay, here we go," The boy said.

His tiny cock sank into my cum filled pussy without any problem, and his hips started to deliver his cock in short bursts.

"N-ya, N-ya, N-ya, I moaned as he fucked me.

"She sounds like a kitten," Someone offered.

"Well, the pussy cat between her legs is liking what's happening," Kyle responded as the group laughed.

I peeked thru my arms at the boy fucking me, and I didn't recognize him from last night. He was tall and thin, but he wasn't Someone I wanted to date, let alone fuck. I began to wonder who was in charge of me now. I knew I'd have to do what Ashley's brother William wanted because he had the video of me. Would Megan and Ashley be in charge, or would Rob and Kyle be? Maybe all of them, in the end, It didn't matter; I'd be fucking every weekend for some or all of them. I just knew that video needed to stay concealed. My body was rocking, and my tits jiggled as I was fucked, and my attention turned back to the boy fucking me.

"Um, N-ya, N-ya, N-ya, I began moaning again.

"Oh, oh, fuck," The boy abruptly cried as he came in me.

I wrapped my legs around him, and I'm not sure why. I was a long way from another orgasm. I watched as he finished and dressed; neither of us said a word, and he exited the car. Another boy quickly took his spot. I peeked through my arms and again saw a boy I didn’t know. He was chubby with red hair and freckles. He put his cock in me and started fucking me and came in thirty seconds.

“Oh, Oh,” he moaned as he came.

He was in the car and done in less than three minutes. Then, both car doors opened, and I looked to see that it was Rob.

“Ok, Becca, get on your hands and knees,” he said as he sat on the car seat in front of me.

Another boy climbed in the other door, dropped his shorts, and knelt on the seat while I got into position; with two boys in the car, Rob issued instructions.

“Ok, Becca, suck me off while Tim fucks you,”

I moved up to Rob's cock and wrapped my lips around it, and my head bobbed as I went to work. Tim slid behind me and roughly shoved his long thin cock in my messy snatch.

“Ooh, two at a time, Becca. Nice work,” Megan teased.

I looked up to see Megan and Ashley filming me sucking Rob's cock while getting fucked by Tim. I wondered what the bitches were going to do with that video. My body was rocking as Tim fucked me.

“Pop, pop, pop, pop,” the sounds of Tim’s belly slapping my butt resonated from the car.

“Um, um, um,” I began moaning.

That proved too much for Rob to take, and his cock exploded in my mouth, sending his thick sticky sperm into my throat.

“Oh shit,” Rob cried as I gagged on his cum.

I thought for a moment I’d puke, but I forced it back into my mouth; his sperm just kept filling my mouth until I closed my tearing eyes and swallowed, sending his load of salty sperm into my belly. I pulled off of Rob’s cock as a string of cum from the tip of his cock to my braces snapped and landed on my lips.

“Holy shit, guys, she swallowed Rob’s spouge,” Ashley said excitedly.

I heard the boys talking as Rob left the car. Another boy sat down, and I waited for him to drop his shorts.

“N-ya, N-ya, N-ya, “ I moaned as Tim’s cock hammered my G-spot.

I started to suck the next boy's cock when I came hard, pulling my mouth off his cock.

Oh, N-ya, N-ya, I’m coming,” I squealed loudly.

Tim slammed his cock in me and unleashed a torrent of cum into my slippery slot.

“Oh, man, oh,” he cried as cum dripped from my honey hole.

It was dark out, and I had fucked and sucked off all of the guys. I was sweaty, sore, and tired when I heard all the boys talking. Megan came to the car and leaned inside.

“Becca, you better suck and fuck this guy real good,” Megan warned.

I recoiled in fear as a grown man sat down on the seat next to me.

“Hello, young lady, your friends said you’d give me a good time. Is that right?” he asked.

I looked at him. He had to be at least fifty and overweight. He looked Italian or Greek. He kept looking at me, waiting for an answer. I lowered my head and nodded yes, and he began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. He pulled them down, grabbed his boxer shorts, and pulled them down. The fattest cock I’d ever seen flopped out semi-hard.

“Come, my baby, suck on daddy’s cock for him,” he said as he stretched out.

I looked at his cock as it grew and slowly inched toward him, curling in his lap.

I opened my mouth wide to fit his bulbous head in my mouth, and I slowly let it sink into my slimy cum soaked mouth. I began to bob my head on his cock, as he moaned softly.

“Fuck, she’s sucking Mario’s cock,” Ashley exclaimed to the crowd.

There was an audible roar from the group, I tuned them out and continued sucking. His cock was super fat and now hard, and a good eight inches; I wrapped my hand around the base the best I could and started pumping it up and down as I sucked.

“Oh, yeah, baby, suck it,” Mario moaned.

I could taste his stuff in my mouth and was prepared for when he let it rip. I wouldn’t have to wait too long; he was seriously leaking his gizz in my mouth when he stiffened.

Oh, fuck baby,” he cried, and his hand cupped the back of my head, holding me on his cock.

A tidal wave of salty sperm roared into my throat; my eyes watered as I fought to control my mouthful. I gulped and sent to rest with the other twelve loads of cum I’d swallowed already. I sucked him till his cum stopped filling my mouth and pulled off.

“Oh’, baby, that was just what old Mario needed. Now come here and straddle my cock, and give old Mario a nice fuck,”

I flipped my leg over him and sat on the fat head of his cock while he got it in position, and I lowered down on it, my eyes growing wider as it stretched my pussy out of shape.

“Oh, Oh, it’s big,” I cried.

“Oh, shit, she’s going to fuck him, we’re in!” Ashley celebrated.

I didn’t care about Ashley at that point, and I was more concerned with the log trying to get in my snatch. I slowly worked the head in, and his fat shaft was making headway, sinking little by little into my overstuffed pussy. It took a minute, but I got it in me.

“Good, my baby. Do not wrap your arms around my neck. Push off with your knees and pull up with your arms.” He explained the process to me.

It took a bit of explaining and practice, but I was soon fucking cowgirl style.

His fat cock was hitting all the right spots, and I was heating up again. I quickened my pace.

“Oh, god, N-ya, N-ya, N-ya, N-yah, I was ready to explode.

I slammed myself down on his cock, and it launched me into orbit.

“N-ya, N-ya, oh fuck, I’m cooooming,” I squealed.

Mario immediately joined me on the ride dousing the fire in my cunt with warm sperm.

“Oh, Christ, yes,” he moaned as we both left earth.

I sat in his lap cum leaking out of me as his cock deflated inside me, both of us breathing heavily. I crawled off his lap, and he began to dress.

“You know I own the Dairy Barn. Anything you want from now on is in the house, do you understand?” he said.

“Oh, ok,” I replied.

With that, Mario got out of the car as the group talked to him, and then all went around the front of the building. Ashley and Megan were standing in front of the car talking while I sat in the car naked and without clothes. They came around the door, and Ashley threw a pair of shorts and a tube top to me.

“Get dressed, Becca. It’s time to go home,” Ashley said.

“Did you like fucking Mario Becca? I hope so because you’re going to fuck him every week from now on,” Ashley said

I got dressed, and we walked back home in silence till we got to Ashley's house. Megan took off my makeup, and I showered the sex off of me.

“See you tomorrow, Becca. Come over around noon, they said as I walked out the door.
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