Settling into the ranch life and screwing both Carol and Maria
Part 5
We slept soundly lying there beside each other naked all night i dont think either of us moved an inch. 4 am came quickly and my alarm went off. Coming to my senses i took a moment to enjoy the view of this lady next to me and remembered how lucky i was. She hadnt stirred yet so i went to the shower, my face and hair covered in crusty cum. It seemed a shame to waste but then i remembered there was a steady supply in the next room. Showered and dressed my lady hadnt moved. I had to wake her as i knew she had to leave before anyone arrived. Gently shaking her i brought her conscious and we kissed for a couple minutes. Noticing i was cleaned up and dressed she asked the time and said “i will have to go. “
I responded “yea me too, the boss is pretty strict and if im not there on time i dont get desert” with a chuckle.
She stopped me as i went to pull away and said “thank you but we need to talk about things, i appreciate you respecting me last night and im sorry.“ . Looking in her eyes i replied “nothing to be sorry about we can work anything out and i hope we have a lifetime to do it.” With that i kissed her forehead stood and headed for the door.
Morning chores went fast as i wasnt sure the days plan but feed the stock we would be using if we were riding today. As the boys arrived i let them know what was done already and we sat for coffee. Maria brought it out this morning and Carol was no where to be seen. I hoped she hadnt fell back to sleep at the cottage otherwise our goose would be cooked since 2 of the guys came in from that direction. But they hadnt even given me the eye or any indication something was amiss.
A few minutes later Carol appeared through the double doors leading to the porch. All cleaned up dressed nice and with a smile from ear to ear said
“good morning everyone its beautiful day isnt it !” as she bounced about light on her feet. We all looked at her and wondered but only I knew what the cause was. Being quick i leaned towards the guys beside me and asked “is she like this often?” They just stood there shaking their heads.
Duties were dealt out and i was to begin by sorting calves and then cut hay on another farm once the dew dried. Carol suggested that when time permitted Ben the ranch foreman should give me a tour of all ranches. I knew it was going to be a learning curve just remembering the names of everything. Ben said he would get on that as time permitted.
We readied our equipment and returned to the porch for breakfast, once finished i headed for the tractor i would be driving to the other ranch. About to climb in the cab i heard Maria yelling at me as she ran towards me. She had a very strong latin accent and i finally figured out she was saying i had forget my lunch, water, and drinks. Maria was a very pretty lady in her own right and well put together, a little heavier than the stereo type girls but very nice. Likely in her late twenties or even early 30’s similar to Carol and Kim i thought with a build much like Carol just slightly heavier. Apart from the different hair colours they could be twins. As she came around to my tractor out of site of everyone and handed me my lunch bag and drinks. She had me backed up against the tractor looking into my eyes asked “ did you enjoy your supper ?” Her hand placed on my lower ribs she slid them up past my chest and onto my cheeks. With a smile she said “ i can bring desert too if you like”.
Quickly turning and walking away giving me a little flick of the ass as she went. The exceptional mood Carol was in must have rubbed off on her i thought with a chuckle i climbed in the cab and headed off.
All day i keep thinking about her hands on me as that was odd and what did she mean by desert, was she referring to Carols type of desert ? Did she know what Carol and i had done last night? Naa my mind was over thinking things again.
The day went fast and we returned to the main ranch, everyone began to leave for home and as i was headed to my truck Carol came over to me. Keeping her distance she said she was sorry again for last night and said we will talk but she had to go out of town on business for a couple days. When she got back we could talk then. I nodded and said ok.
She followed by saying Ben and Maria are in charge while im gone. Anything farm or outside you go to Ben anything else Maria will look after and again dont screw up these boys arent done testing you yet.
This was the first time she ever acted as a boss and gave directions. I wanted to kiss her goodbye but that wasnt possible her car was sitting in the lane already running. With people around i loudly said “thank you ma’am “ tipping my hat to her so others could see the innocence. Got in my truck and drove away but not without a glance at that fine lady in my mirror.
Showered and cleaned up i noticed another note, supper is in the fridge, desert later.
Wow this unbelievable but i thought Carol was leaving for a couple days?
Watching tv and eating the evening went fast. I had yet to have cooked a meal or washed a plate since coming here, jobs i hated. I would rather shovel horse shit all day. Morning comes early so i went to bed and crawled in between the clean silk sheets. Last thought was “desert” ??? Off to dream land i went hoping for a repeat dream of last night but knowing it was highly unlikely. Sometime later i was dreaming again and could feel my cock getting harder. Still solidly asleep i thought i felt the bed and covers move but made nothing of it. My cock felt like it was getting wet and suddenly i felt wet warmth on its head. Not a mere couple seconds later i felt it slide deep into a juicy, wet pussy, i was instantly awake and above me straddling my hips was this woman again. The room was even darker tonight and i couldnt see much while the pussy began short strokes and wiggles on my cock. I went to say something and felt a finger touch my lips to indicate be quiet.
Laying thinking wow she took all of my cock and was riding me like the world was gonna end pretty easy compared to last night. When i moved my arms to touch her she pinned them to the bed holding me down. I soon got the impression to lay still and be ridden like a good stallion. It seemed to take a long time for her to cum this time but as i felt her contractions grabbing and miking my shaft i new it was time for me to release my cum into her. Filling her to the point of it oozing out around my cock i could feel the drops run down my ass while she continued to grind on my cock. Never stopping this girl was on for a ride and although i thought we should change position she was having none of that.
I wasnt long till she came again and that urged me only a few minutes later to cum. No doubt she knew i was ready, sliding off my cock with a popping sound she dropped down and started sucking the head of my cock hard till i blasted my load into her mouth. Not missing a drop she cleaned up and slid out of the bed. Before i could move or say anything she was gone out the door. I heard a car start and leave, not even a kiss i thought .. as i drifted off to sleep with a smile my last thought was ….the car motor sounded different.
The next morning was a repeat of the last few days except without Carol, Maria seemed to have the happy bug today as we all stood there wondering what the hell got into these girls. I knew what bit Carol and only guessed Maria had found some pleasure last night too. Yup 2+2 didnt add up in my head. I didnt hardly know her or anything about her life so i made no assumptions.
As Maria handed me my drinks and lunch for the day she looked up at me and in that latin voice said “ you like desert senior ?”. I nodded and smiled and said yes very much but not really understanding what she meant. Of course i like desert, Maria was our cook and everything she made us was delicious, never did i think of Carol’s type desert when speaking with her.
We went on about the day, Ben showed me around a bit and what we would be doing in the coming week. The day ended and i returned to the cabin, supper was in the oven again and i thought to myself wow this place is perfect.
Sleep came early since it was a busy day.
The next morning came and other than nice smiles from Maria it was an average day. My supper was in my fridge in the evening with a big happy face on it.
The nights we uneventful and i got rested up. But i was missing being around Carol. I had never felt like that before, something was different about this woman.
Friday morning came and we set about our daily work.
Everything this week seemed to be about making and gathering hay.
Returning to main ranch in the evening i noticed Carols car was back, she was no where to be found and so keeping it cool i headed to the cabin. Supper and a dozen beer were in the fridge. What more could be better in life i thought as i sat on the back deck eating supper. I didnt know when i would see Carol next so i headed to bed. Soon after dark i could hear the purr of an atv motor come up to the back of the cabin. The door opened and soon a whisper came from the darkness at my bedroom doorway. “You asleep” i heard. In a very light voice i replied “nope”. Sounds of undressing and then she crawled into bed naked and snuggled up tight to me. The scent of her hair left no doubt my queen was back and tucked in under my arm was in her safe spot. After a long hug she finally lifted her head and rose to kiss me. Looking in her eyes i said “ welcome back i have missed you dearly”. After some more snuggles she finally said; “we need to talk about a few things” looking direct into my eyes. I knew just to shut up and listen. She said “i think we have reached the point we have to talk about us having intercourse, first im not sure if im ready for another man to enter my body and make love to me my late husband is the only man i have been with, it might take some time and trust before i settle into that.
Secondly and the most embarrassing thing is, i was cursed with a tiny vaginal opening. Before you can go sticking that monster cock in me we will need to go through some steps to stretch me so i dont hurt or you tear me every time we make love. Im sorry to lay this on you but it needed to be said.“.
I looked directly into her eyes and pondered my next words. A slight hesitation before i replied; “sweetie if all we ever did for the rest of our lives was for you to snuggle into my shoulder and cuddle i would be fine with that. But im confused, i hear what your saying but what about the other night ?, i slipped into you fairly easy and we made love.” She burst out laughing then stopped. “ oh darling i thought you would have figured that out, im glad you said that your fine with waiting but that wasnt me ….it was…. Maria”.
In shock and disbelief i sat up and said “no your wrong, it couldnt have been, omg what have i done “
Chuckling she said “settle down sweetie its fine, i set it up for her to come here. As i told you Maria is my left hand she knows more than anyone and everything about us. I told her the other morning about our night and that i wasnt ready to have you inside of me. She spoke up and said she would help. Did you not notice a different body, her hair or even scent? Did she kiss you ?”
The wheels were turning so fast in my brain, my biggest fear was Carol kicking me to the curb but she was fine with Maria screwing me and actually encouraged it.
I replied: “she wouldnt let me touch her and pinned my arms down, obeying commands i just laid there and got screwed. No she never kissed me and was out the door as soon as i was done. But your right the car sounded different. Omg what have i done”. Carol had to settled me down again and said we will all talk in the morning. My heart beating like a race horse i was so afraid. The thought of any type of sex was out for the night, i needed to gather my thoughts. Slowly drifting off to sleep with her in arm the night passed without movement again.
The alarm went off not as early Saturday morning and Carol already had a firm grasp on my morning wood. There was no one coming in till noon today to bail hay except me doing the chores around the main ranch. There was no sense of urgency today.
With my cock firmly in her hand she began pumping my cock, while kissing me good morning.
Her strokes quickened and she slid down and spit on her hand, pumping my now slippery cock even harder she laid her head on my stomach a mere couple inches from its head. I couldnt take much more and yelled out “ im cumming” as my shots of cum blasted on to her face and in her hair, she had caught some in her mouth for a taste but giant streams were running all over her face as she rose up to looked at me. “ oh my it seems we have made a mess. “she said as we climbed out of the bed and went to the shower.
Another day of firsts with her in the shower with me, i took the opportunity to clean her body from top to bottom and even shampooing her hair. Treated like a queen indeed i let my magic hands touch every inch of her again. The slippery soap allowed my hands to glide easily in between her legs and i soon had one hand slipping and sliding on a breast while the other used a thumb to ravage her clit, all while my middle finger was finding its way Into her love canal. She was right about her opening being small but being gentle i soon had my finger in her and began to finger fuck her for all i was worth. I thought of trying two fingers but there was not time, feeling her clamping down on me i knew the climax was close. She was about to burst as i leaned in and bit her neck. My finger felt like it was in a Chinese finger puzzle it was grabbing me and pulling me in while she came. As she shuttered and became weak i held onto her and let her recover in my arms slowly, the hot water was running out so we had to finish up.
Climbing out of the shower i dried every part of her body for her. My cock was ready for round 2 and i was dying to bend her over and ram her from behind like Mrs. Fox had gotten but i had to wait. We kissed a bit and dressed. I had chores to get to and excused myself after a long kiss.
“Breakfast is at 8” she yelled out the door behind me.
I went about morning chores and reported at 8 for breakfast. Sitting at the kitchen table both Carol and Maria met me. The smile coming from Maria this morning told me she had received the latest update. As we ate and drank our coffee Carol final said “we need to set some ground rules, subject to change at my discretion. Look you both know im not ready to have actual intercourse yet and so until things change, heres the rules. Maria will have sex with you when ever its agreeable to both.. and i suspect that will be often. A few conditions though, theres no kissing on the lips, no oral sex…. Thats my territory for now. You must tell me after you do it just for planning purposes. I don't care if its 5 times a day, i just need to know. Lastly for god sakes be discreet and don't let anyone catch you.“ she finished by looking at me and said “good luck your gonna need it”.
We all sat there taking turns looking at each other and nodding in agreement.